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Text File  |  1992-06-22  |  1MB  |  13,888 lines

  1. ;
  2. ;                 Producer Price Indexes Revision
  3. ;
  4. ;           Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
  5. ;        Frequency: Monthly
  6. ;
  7. ;   NOTE:  The series names have the form:
  8. ;                      S IIII . CCCCC TT R
  9. ;            where
  10. ;               S = seasonality: s=seasonally adjusted
  11. ;                                u=unadjusted
  12. ;            IIII = industry code
  13. ;          CCCCCC = product code: if the first four digits of th product code
  14. ;                                 are the same as the industry code, the first
  15. ;                                 four digits will be replaced by a dot ".".
  16. ;                                 The dot will then be followed by the last 
  17. ;                                 five digits of the code. If they are not the
  18. ;                                 same, the product code will be used without
  19. ;                                 the dot sign ".".
  20. ;              TT = type code
  21. ;               R = break in series code: Whenever a PPIR series goes out of
  22. ;                                 calculation and is later reintroduced into
  23. ;                                 calculation, the reintroduced series begins 
  24. ;                                 on a new index base, the month prior to
  25. ;                                 reintroduction equal to 100.0.  Since there 
  26. ;                                 is a break in series, series breaks will be 
  27. ;                                 designated by an alpha code in this field, 
  28. ;                                 with "a" referring to the oldest version of
  29. ;                                 series, "b" the second oldest, etc.
  30. @       
  31. uacrd          ;Crude processors                                                                          
  32. uacrda         ;Crude agricultural processors                                                             
  33. uacrdaf        ;Crude agricultural and feed processors                                                    
  34. uacrdb         ;Crude mining processors                                                                   
  35. uacrdbe        ;Crude energy processors                                                                   
  36. uacrdcxf       ;Crude manufacturing processors less feeds                                                 
  37. uacrdc1        ;Crude feed processors                                                                     
  38. uacrdc2        ;Crude nondurables processors                                                              
  39. uacrdc3        ;Crude durables processors                                                                 
  40. uacrdxaf       ;Crude processors less agriculture and feeds                                               
  41. uacr2xafe      ;Crude processors less agriculture, feed and energy                                        
  42. uacr2xe        ;Crude processors less energy                                                              
  43. uacr3xa        ;Crude processors less agriculture                                                         
  44. uafin          ;Finished processors                                                                       
  45. uafinb         ;Finished mining processors                                                                
  46. uafincxf       ;Finished manufacturing processors less foods                                              
  47. uafinc1        ;Finished foods processors                                                                 
  48. uafinc2        ;Finished nondurables processors                                                           
  49. uafinc3        ;Finished durables processors                                                              
  50. uafinxf        ;Finished processors less food                                                             
  51. uapri          ;Primary processors                                                                        
  52. uapria         ;Primary agricultural processors                                                           
  53. uapriaf        ;Primary agricultural and food processors                                                  
  54. uaprib         ;Primary mining processors                                                                 
  55. uapricxf       ;Primary manufacturing processors less foods                                               
  56. uapric1        ;Primary food processors                                                                   
  57. uapric2        ;Primary nondurables processors                                                            
  58. uapric3        ;Primary durables processors                                                               
  59. uapr2a         ;Primary agricultural processors                                                           
  60. uapr2e         ;Primary energy processors                                                                 
  61. uapr2xe        ;Primary processors less energy                                                            
  62. uapr2xeaf      ;Primary processors less agriculture, food and energy                                      
  63. uasem          ;Semifinished processors                                                                   
  64. uasema         ;Semifinished agricultural processors                                                      
  65. uasemaf        ;Semifinished agricultural and food processors                                             
  66. uasemcxf       ;Semifinished manufacturing processors less foods                                          
  67. uasemc1        ;Semifinished food processors                                                              
  68. uasemc2        ;Semifinished nondurables processors                                                       
  69. uasemc3        ;Semifinished durables processors                                                          
  70. ubbld          ;Non-residential buildings                                                                 
  71. ubcon          ;Inputs to construction industries                                                         
  72. ubfd1          ;Final demand                                                                              
  73. ubfd11xf       ;Final demand less foods and agricultural products                                         
  74. ubfd113        ;Final demand less food and energy                                                         
  75. ubfd2          ;Final demand                                                                              
  76. ubfd21xe       ;Final demand less energy                                                                  
  77. ubfd213        ;Final demand less food and energy                                                         
  78. ubfin          ;Finished processors                                                                       
  79. ubfina1        ;Foods and agricultural products                                                           
  80. ubfina11       ;Crude food and agricultural products                                                      
  81. @       
  82. ubfina12       ;Processed foods                                                                           
  83. ubfina2        ;Energy                                                                                    
  84. ubfina3        ;Goods less food and energy                                                                
  85. ubfina31       ;Mining products less energy                                                               
  86. ubfina32       ;Nondurables less food and energy                                                          
  87. ubfina33       ;Durables                                                                                  
  88. ubgfi          ;Capital investment                                                                        
  89. ubhvy          ;Other heavy construction                                                                  
  90. ubhwy          ;Highway and street construction                                                           
  91. ubmnr          ;Non-residential                                                                           
  92. ubmrp          ;Maintenance and repair construction                                                       
  93. ubmrs          ;Residential                                                                               
  94. ubnew          ;New construction                                                                          
  95. ubpce          ;Consumers                                                                                 
  96. ubpce1x        ;Consumer goods less energy                                                                
  97. ubpce11        ;Foods and agricultural products                                                           
  98. ubpce111       ;Crude food and agricultural products                                                      
  99. ubpce112       ;Processed foods                                                                           
  100. ubpce12        ;Energy                                                                                    
  101. ubpce13        ;Consumer goods less food and energy                                                       
  102. ubpce131       ;Mining products less energy                                                               
  103. ubpce132       ;Nondurables less food and energy                                                          
  104. ubpce133       ;Durables                                                                                  
  105. ubpc2          ;Consumers                                                                                 
  106. ubpc21xf       ;Consumer goods less food and agriculture                                                  
  107. ubpc211        ;Foods and agricultural products                                                           
  108. ubpc2111       ;Crude food and agricultural products                                                      
  109. ubpc2112       ;Processed foods                                                                           
  110. ubpc212        ;Energy                                                                                    
  111. ubpc2131       ;Mining products less energy                                                               
  112. ubpc2132       ;Nondurables less food and energy                                                          
  113. ubpc2132e      ;Consumer goods less food and energy                                                       
  114. ubpc2133       ;Durables                                                                                  
  115. ubpri          ;Primary processors                                                                        
  116. ubpria1        ;Foods and agricultural products                                                           
  117. ubpria11       ;Crude food and agricultural products                                                      
  118. ubpria12       ;Processed foods                                                                           
  119. ubpria2        ;Energy                                                                                    
  120. ubpria3        ;Goods less food and energy                                                                
  121. ubpria31       ;Mining products less energy                                                               
  122. ubpria32       ;Nondurables less food and energy                                                          
  123. ubpria33       ;Durables                                                                                  
  124. ubrsm          ;Multi-unit residential                                                                    
  125. ubrs1          ;Single-unit residential                                                                   
  126. ubsem          ;Semifinished processors                                                                   
  127. ubsema1        ;Foods and agricultural products                                                           
  128. ubsema11       ;Crude food and agricultural products                                                      
  129. ubsema12       ;Processed foods                                                                           
  130. ubsema2        ;Energy                                                                                    
  131. ubsema3        ;Goods less food and energy                                                                
  132. @       
  133. ubsema31       ;Mining products less energy                                                               
  134. ubsema32       ;Nondurables less food and energy                                                          
  135. ubsema33       ;Durables                                                                                  
  136. ubwat          ;Water and sewer supply construction                                                       
  137. uomfg          ;Total manufacturing industries                                                            
  138. uomin          ;Total mining industries                                                                   
  139. u10            ;Metal mining                                                                              
  140. u101           ;Iron ores                                                                                 
  141. u1011          ;Iron ores                                                                                 
  142. u1011.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  143. u1011.2        ;Ores, Great Lakes area                                                                    
  144. u1011.21       ;Pellets                                                                                   
  145. u1011.211      ;Intra-company transfers                                                                   
  146. u1011.212      ;Market sales                                                                              
  147. u1011.3        ;Ores, all areas, excluding Great Lakes                                                    
  148. u1011.32       ;Other ores                                                                                
  149. u1011.322      ;Market sales                                                                              
  150. u102           ;Copper ores                                                                               
  151. u1021          ;Copper ores                                                                               
  152. u1021.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  153. u1021.3        ;Copper concentrates, copper precipitates, and crude copper ores                           
  154. u1021.302      ;Copper concentrates                                                                       
  155. u104           ;Gold and silver ores                                                                      
  156. u1041          ;Gold ores                                                                                 
  157. u1041.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  158. u1041.4        ;Gold mill bullion, including dore                                                         
  159. u1041.401      ;Gold mill bullion, including dore                                                         
  160. u1044          ;Silver ores                                                                               
  161. u1044.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  162. u1044.5        ;Silver concentrates                                                                       
  163. u1044.501      ;Silver concentrates                                                                       
  164. u108           ;Metal mining services                                                                     
  165. u1081          ;Metal mining services                                                                     
  166. u1081.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  167. u1081.803      ;Prospect and test drilling                                                                
  168. u1081.809      ;Other metal mining services                                                               
  169. u109           ;Miscellaneous metal ores                                                                  
  170. u1094          ;Uranium - radium - vanadium ores                                                          
  171. u1094.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  172. u1094.2        ;Concentrates and precipitates                                                             
  173. u1094.212      ;Uranium concentrates & precipitates                                                       
  174. u1099          ;Metal ores, n.e.c.                                                                        
  175. u1099.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  176. u1099.1        ;Metal ores, n.e.c.                                                                        
  177. u1099.102      ;Mercury ores and metals                                                                   
  178. u1099.103      ;Other crude ores and concentrates, such as antimony, rare-earth metals, beryllium, and ti 
  179. u1099.104      ;Bauxite and other aluminum ores                                                           
  180. u11            ;Anthracite mining                                                                         
  181. u1111          ;Anthracite                                                                                
  182. u1111.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  183. @       
  184. u1111.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  185. u1111.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  186. u1111.1        ;Unprepared anthracite shipped                                                             
  187. u1111.2        ;Prepared anthracite shipped                                                               
  188. u12            ;Bituminous coal and lignite mining                                                        
  189. u1211          ;Bituminous coal and lignite                                                               
  190. u1211.a        ;Prepared                                                                                  
  191. u1211.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  192. u1211.1        ;Unprepared                                                                                
  193. u1211.101      ;For preparation at other establishments                                                   
  194. u1211.102      ;For use without preparation                                                               
  195. u1211.2        ;Steam electric utilities                                                                  
  196. u1211.211      ;North Appalachia                                                                          
  197. u1211.2118     ;Spot                                                                                      
  198. u1211.21181    ;Underground mine                                                                          
  199. u1211.21182    ;Surface mine                                                                              
  200. u1211.2119     ;Contract                                                                                  
  201. u1211.21191    ;Underground mine                                                                          
  202. u1211.21192    ;Surface mine                                                                              
  203. u1211.212      ;South Appalachia                                                                          
  204. u1211.2128     ;Spot                                                                                      
  205. u1211.21281    ;Underground mine                                                                          
  206. u1211.21282    ;Surface mine                                                                              
  207. u1211.2129     ;Contract                                                                                  
  208. u1211.21291    ;Underground mine                                                                          
  209. u1211.21292    ;Surface mine                                                                              
  210. u1211.213      ;Midwest                                                                                   
  211. u1211.2138     ;Spot                                                                                      
  212. u1211.21382    ;Surface mine                                                                              
  213. u1211.2139     ;Contract                                                                                  
  214. u1211.21391    ;Underground mine                                                                          
  215. u1211.21392    ;Surface mine                                                                              
  216. u1211.214      ;West                                                                                      
  217. u1211.2148     ;Spot                                                                                      
  218. u1211.2149     ;Contract                                                                                  
  219. u1211.21491    ;Underground mine                                                                          
  220. u1211.21492    ;Surface mine                                                                              
  221. u1211.3        ;Metallurgical/coke producer                                                               
  222. u1211.3168     ;Spot                                                                                      
  223. u1211.3169     ;Contract                                                                                  
  224. u1211.4        ;All other industrial                                                                      
  225. u1211.411      ;North Appalachia                                                                          
  226. u1211.4118     ;Spot                                                                                      
  227. u1211.4119     ;Contract                                                                                  
  228. u1211.412      ;South Appalachia                                                                          
  229. u1211.4128     ;Spot                                                                                      
  230. u1211.4129     ;Contract                                                                                  
  231. u1211.413      ;Midwest                                                                                   
  232. u1211.4138     ;Spot                                                                                      
  233. u1211.4139     ;Contract                                                                                  
  234. @       
  235. u1211.414      ;West                                                                                      
  236. u1211.4148     ;Spot                                                                                      
  237. u1211.4149     ;Contract                                                                                  
  238. u1211.5        ;Residential and commercial                                                                
  239. u1211.6        ;Export                                                                                    
  240. u1211.8        ;Intracompany shipments                                                                    
  241. u124           ;Coal mining services                                                                      
  242. u1241          ;Coal Mining Services                                                                      
  243. u1241.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  244. u1241.1        ;Exploration and development work                                                          
  245. u1241.12       ;Drilling                                                                                  
  246. u1241.13       ;Mine development                                                                          
  247. u1241.131      ;Sinking mine shafts and driving mine tunnels                                              
  248. u1241.2        ;Production work not for own account                                                       
  249. u1241.211      ;Strip mining coal                                                                         
  250. u1241.3        ;Other coal mining services                                                                
  251. u1241.301      ;Other coal mining services                                                                
  252. u13            ;Oil and gas extraction                                                                    
  253. u131           ;Crude petroleum and natural gas                                                           
  254. u1311          ;Crude petroleum and natural gas                                                           
  255. u1311.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  256. u1311.1        ;Crude petroleum                                                                           
  257. u1311.5        ;Natural gas                                                                               
  258. u1311.53201    ;Sales to interstate pipelines                                                             
  259. u1311.53202    ;Sales to intrastate pipelines                                                             
  260. u132           ;Natural gas liquids                                                                       
  261. u1321          ;Natural gas liquids                                                                       
  262. u1321.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  263. u1321.2        ;Natural gas liquids                                                                       
  264. u1321.211      ;Plant condensate                                                                          
  265. u1321.215      ;Ethane                                                                                    
  266. u1321.222      ;Natural gasoline                                                                          
  267. u1321.231      ;Propane                                                                                   
  268. u1321.232      ;Butane                                                                                    
  269. u1321.234      ;Gas mixtures                                                                              
  270. u1321.298      ;Other natural gas liquids                                                                 
  271. u1321.3        ;Natural gas                                                                               
  272. u1321.30101    ;Sales to interstate pipelines                                                             
  273. u1321.30102    ;Sales to intrastate pipelines                                                             
  274. u138           ;Oil and gas field services                                                                
  275. u1381          ;Drilling oil and gas wells                                                                
  276. u1381.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  277. u1381.7        ;Offshore drilling                                                                         
  278. u1381.701      ;Drilling oil, gas, dry and service wells                                                  
  279. u1381.9        ;Onshore drilling                                                                          
  280. u1381.901      ;Drilling oil, gas, dry and service wells                                                  
  281. u1382          ;Oil and gas exploration services                                                          
  282. u1382.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  283. u1382.801      ;Geophysical exploration                                                                   
  284. u1382.80101    ;Land                                                                                      
  285. @       
  286. u1389          ;Oil and gas field services, n.e.c.                                                        
  287. u1389.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  288. u1389.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  289. u1389.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  290. u1389.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  291. u1389.7        ;Offshore field services, n.e.c.                                                           
  292. u1389.704      ;Well surveying and well logging                                                           
  293. u1389.736      ;Other oil and gas field services                                                          
  294. u1389.9        ;Onshore field services, n.e.c.                                                            
  295. u1389.901      ;Cementing wells                                                                           
  296. u1389.902      ;Acidizing and other chemical treatment of wells, excluding hydraulic fracturing           
  297. u1389.903      ;Perforating well casing                                                                   
  298. u1389.904      ;Well surveying and well logging                                                           
  299. u1389.914      ;Running, cutting, and pulling casing, tubes and rods                                      
  300. u1389.915      ;Installing production equipment, such as wellhead fittings, pumps, and engines            
  301. u1389.925      ;Cleaning out, bailing out, or swabbing wells                                              
  302. u1389.935      ;Pumping wells but not operating leases                                                    
  303. u1389.936      ;Other oil and gas field services                                                          
  304. u13891381s     ;Drilling oil and gas wells                                                                
  305. u14            ;Mining and quarrying of non-metallic minerals, except fuels                               
  306. u141           ;Dimension stone                                                                           
  307. u1411          ;Dimension stone                                                                           
  308. u1411.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  309. u1411.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  310. u1411.101      ;Rough dimension limestone                                                                 
  311. u1411.501      ;Rough dimension granite                                                                   
  312. u1411.901      ;Other rough dimension stone                                                               
  313. u142           ;Crushed and broken stone, including riprap                                                
  314. u1422          ;Crushed and broken limestone                                                              
  315. u1422.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  316. u1422.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  317. u1422.1        ;North Central region                                                                      
  318. u1422.112      ;East North Central division                                                               
  319. u1422.113      ;West North Central division                                                               
  320. u1422.2        ;Other regions                                                                             
  321. u1422.21       ;South region                                                                              
  322. u1422.211      ;South Atlantic division                                                                   
  323. u1422.212      ;East South Central division                                                               
  324. u1422.213      ;West South Central division                                                               
  325. u1422.22       ;Northeast region                                                                          
  326. u1423          ;Crushed and broken granite, n.e.c.                                                        
  327. u1423.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  328. u1423.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  329. u1423.11101    ;South Atlantic region                                                                     
  330. u1423.11102    ;Other regions                                                                             
  331. u1429          ;Crushed and broken stone, n.e.c.                                                          
  332. u1429.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  333. u1429.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  334. u1429.11111    ;Traprock                                                                                  
  335. u1429.11112    ;Sandstone                                                                                 
  336. @       
  337. u1429.11114    ;Other, (slate, volcanic rock, etc.)                                                       
  338. u144           ;Sand and gravel                                                                           
  339. u1442          ;Construction sand and gravel                                                              
  340. u1442.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  341. u1442.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  342. u1442.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  343. u1442.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  344. u1442.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  345. u1442.3        ;Construction sand                                                                         
  346. u1442.3a       ;Northeastern Region                                                                       
  347. u1442.3b       ;North Central Region                                                                      
  348. u1442.3c       ;Southern Region                                                                           
  349. u1442.3d       ;Western Region                                                                            
  350. u1442.31       ;New England                                                                               
  351. u1442.32       ;Mid-Atlantic                                                                              
  352. u1442.33       ;East North Central                                                                        
  353. u1442.34       ;West North Central                                                                        
  354. u1442.35       ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  355. u1442.36       ;East South Central                                                                        
  356. u1442.37       ;West South Central                                                                        
  357. u1442.38       ;Mountain                                                                                  
  358. u1442.39       ;Pacific                                                                                   
  359. u1442.5        ;Construction gravel                                                                       
  360. u1442.5a       ;Northeastern Region                                                                       
  361. u1442.5b       ;North Central Region                                                                      
  362. u1442.5c       ;Southern Region                                                                           
  363. u1442.5d       ;Western Region                                                                            
  364. u1442.51       ;New England                                                                               
  365. u1442.52       ;Mid-Atlantic                                                                              
  366. u1442.53       ;East North Central                                                                        
  367. u1442.54       ;West North Central                                                                        
  368. u1442.55       ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  369. u1442.56       ;East South Central                                                                        
  370. u1442.57       ;West South Central                                                                        
  371. u1442.58       ;Mountain                                                                                  
  372. u1442.59       ;Pacific                                                                                   
  373. u1446          ;Industrial sand                                                                           
  374. u1446.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  375. u1446.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  376. u1446.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  377. u1446.1        ;Glass sand                                                                                
  378. u1446.5        ;Molding sand                                                                              
  379. u1446.9        ;Other industrial sand, n.e.c.                                                             
  380. u1446.90101    ;Abrasive sand, including blast sand                                                       
  381. u1446.90103    ;Hydraulic fracture sand                                                                   
  382. u1446.90109    ;Other industrial sand, n.e.c.                                                             
  383. u145           ;Clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals                                                    
  384. u1455          ;Kaolin and ball clay                                                                      
  385. u1455.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  386. u1455.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  387. @       
  388. u1455.201      ;Prepared kaolin and ball clay                                                             
  389. u1459          ;Clay and related minerals, n. e. c                                                        
  390. u1459.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  391. u1459.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  392. u1459.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  393. u1459.1        ;Bentonite                                                                                 
  394. u1459.113      ;Prepared bentonite                                                                        
  395. u1459.2        ;Fire clay                                                                                 
  396. u1459.212      ;Crude fire clay                                                                           
  397. u1459.213      ;Prepared fire clay                                                                        
  398. u1459.3        ;Fuller's earth                                                                            
  399. u1459.301      ;Fuller's earth                                                                            
  400. u1459.6        ;Feldspar                                                                                  
  401. u1459.7        ;Common clay and shale                                                                     
  402. u1459.711      ;Crude                                                                                     
  403. u1459.721      ;Prepared                                                                                  
  404. u1459.9        ;Other clay and related minerals                                                           
  405. u1459.921      ;Prepared                                                                                  
  406. u147           ;Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining                                                    
  407. u1474          ;Potash, soda, and borate minerals                                                         
  408. u1474.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  409. u1474.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  410. u1474.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  411. u1474.201      ;Processed or refined potassium salts                                                      
  412. u1474.301      ;Natural sodium carbonates                                                                 
  413. u1474.303      ;Natural sodium sulfate                                                                    
  414. u1474.402      ;Boron compounds                                                                           
  415. u1475          ;Phosphate rock                                                                            
  416. u1475.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  417. u1475.1        ;Crude phosphate ore or matrix                                                             
  418. u1475.101      ;Crude phosphate ore or matrix                                                             
  419. u1475.2        ;Processed phosphate rock                                                                  
  420. u1475.201      ;Washed or concentrated phosphate rock                                                     
  421. u1475.206      ;Dried phosphate rock                                                                      
  422. u1475.20602    ;66% and up to but not including 70% BPL                                                   
  423. u1475.20604    ;72% BPL and over                                                                          
  424. u1479          ;Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining, n.e.c.                                            
  425. u1479.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  426. u1479.1        ;Barite                                                                                    
  427. u1479.112      ;Crude barite                                                                              
  428. u1479.122      ;Prepared barite                                                                           
  429. u1479.3        ;Rock salt                                                                                 
  430. u1479.312      ;Southern region rock salt                                                                 
  431. u1479.333      ;Northern region rock salt                                                                 
  432. u1479.4        ;Sulfur                                                                                    
  433. u1479.412      ;Frasch process sulfur                                                                     
  434. u1479.9        ;Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining, n.e.c.                                            
  435. u148           ;Non-metallic minerals (except fuels) services                                             
  436. u1481          ;Non-metallic minerals (except fuels) services                                             
  437. u1481.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  438. @       
  439. u1481.803      ;Drilling                                                                                  
  440. u1481.80302    ;Other drilling including blasting                                                         
  441. u1481.804      ;Open-pit or quarry mining for others                                                      
  442. u149           ;Miscellaneous nonmetallic minerals, except fuels                                          
  443. u1499          ;Miscellaneous nonmetallic minerals                                                        
  444. u1499.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  445. u1499.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  446. u1499.2        ;Native asphalt and bitumens                                                               
  447. u1499.3        ;Pumice and pumicite                                                                       
  448. u1499.5        ;Peat                                                                                      
  449. u1499.712      ;Crude                                                                                     
  450. u1499.722      ;Processed                                                                                 
  451. u1499.8        ;Talc, soapstone, and pyrophyllite                                                         
  452. u1499.822      ;Processed                                                                                 
  453. u1499.9        ;Other nonmetallic minerals                                                                
  454. u1499.907      ;Shell, crushed or broken                                                                  
  455. u1499.998      ;Other nonmetallic minerals n.e.c.                                                         
  456. u20            ;Food and kindred products                                                                 
  457. u201           ;Meat products                                                                             
  458. u2011          ;Meat packing plants                                                                       
  459. u2011.c        ;Miscellaneous byproducts of meatpacking plants, except sausage casings                    
  460. u2011.c41      ;Edible tallow and stearin                                                                 
  461. u2011.c55      ;Killing floor offal, scrap, bones etc.                                                    
  462. u2011.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  463. u2011.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  464. u2011.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  465. u2011.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  466. u2011.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  467. u2011.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  468. u2011.1        ;Beef, not canned or made into sausage                                                     
  469. u2011.112      ;Whole carcass beef                                                                        
  470. u2011.11201    ;USDA prime beef carcasses                                                                 
  471. u2011.11202    ;USDA choice beef carcasses                                                                
  472. u2011.11203    ;USDA good beef carcasses                                                                  
  473. u2011.11205    ;Other USDA graded and ungraded beef carcasses                                             
  474. u2011.117      ;Primal and fabricated beef cuts                                                           
  475. u2011.131      ;Boneless beef, including hamburger                                                        
  476. u2011.151      ;Variety meats (edible organs)                                                             
  477. u2011.2        ;Veal, not canned or made into sausage                                                     
  478. u2011.212      ;Whole carcass veal                                                                        
  479. u2011.4        ;Pork, fresh and frozen                                                                    
  480. u2011.412      ;Whole carcass pork                                                                        
  481. u2011.417      ;Primal and fabricated cuts (incl trimmings)                                               
  482. u2011.451      ;Variety meats (fresh edible organs)                                                       
  483. u2011.5        ;Lard                                                                                      
  484. u2011.513      ;Lard, consumer sizes (3 lbs. or less)                                                     
  485. u2011.517      ;Lard, commercial sizes (over 3 lbs.)                                                      
  486. u2011.6        ;Pork, processed or cured (not canned or made into sausage)                                
  487. u2011.631      ;Hams and picnics, except canned                                                           
  488. u2011.635      ;Slab bacon                                                                                
  489. @       
  490. u2011.641      ;Sliced bacon                                                                              
  491. u2011.7        ;Sausage and similar products (not canned)                                                 
  492. u2011.711      ;Fresh sausage                                                                             
  493. u2011.717      ;Dry and semidry sausage                                                                   
  494. u2011.721      ;Frankfurters or wieners                                                                   
  495. u2011.735      ;Other sausage, smoked or cooked                                                           
  496. u2011.791      ;Jellied goods and similar preparations not canned (head cheese, meat loaves, scrapple)    
  497. u2011.9        ;Hides, skins, and pelts                                                                   
  498. u2011.912      ;Cattle hides, except kip                                                                  
  499. u2011.997      ;Other hides, skins, and pelts, except kip                                                 
  500. u2013          ;Sausages and other prepared meats                                                         
  501. u2013.b        ;Portion control and miscellaneous processed, frozen, or cooked meats                      
  502. u2013.b11      ;Frozen ground meat patties                                                                
  503. u2013.b13      ;Frozen portion control other than ground meat patties                                     
  504. u2013.b19      ;Miscellaneous processed, frozen, or cooked meats                                          
  505. u2013.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  506. u2013.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  507. u2013.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  508. u2013.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  509. u2013.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  510. u2013.6        ;Pork, processed or cured, including frozen (not canned or made into sausage)              
  511. u2013.631      ;Hams and picnics, except canned                                                           
  512. u2013.635      ;Slab bacon                                                                                
  513. u2013.641      ;Sliced bacon                                                                              
  514. u2013.652      ;Other smoked pork                                                                         
  515. u2013.661      ;Boiled ham, barbecued pork, and other cooked pork, except canned meats and sausage        
  516. u2013.7        ;Sausages and similar products (not canned)                                                
  517. u2013.711      ;Fresh sausage, pork sausage, breakfast links, etc.                                        
  518. u2013.717      ;Dry and semidry sausage (salami, cervelat, summer sausage, pepperoni, pork roll, etc.)    
  519. u2013.721      ;Frankfurters and wieners                                                                  
  520. u2013.735      ;Other sausage, smoked or cooked (bologna, liverwurst, Polish sausage, luncheon meats, etc 
  521. u2013.8        ;Canned meats (except dog and cat food) containing 20-percent or more meat                 
  522. u2013.898      ;Other canned meats                                                                        
  523. u2015          ;Poultry slaughtering and processing                                                       
  524. u2015.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  525. u2015.p        ;Primary poducts                                                                           
  526. u2015.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  527. u2015.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  528. u2015.1        ;Young chickens                                                                            
  529. u2015.13       ;Broilers/fryers                                                                           
  530. u2015.133      ;Wet ice pack broilers                                                                     
  531. u2015.13301    ;Grade A bulk whole broilers                                                               
  532. u2015.13398    ;Other wet ice pack broilers                                                               
  533. u2015.134      ;Dry ice (CO2) pack broilers                                                               
  534. u2015.136      ;Tray pack broilers (consumer packaged)                                                    
  535. u2015.139      ;Other broilers (incl. frozen, whole and parts)                                            
  536. u2015.3        ;Turkeys                                                                                   
  537. u2015.323      ;Young turkeys                                                                             
  538. u2015.32301    ;Hens, Grade A whole                                                                       
  539. u2015.32302    ;Toms, Grade A whole                                                                       
  540. @       
  541. u2015.32398    ;Other young turkeys (parts, ground turkey)                                                
  542. u2015.4        ;Other poultry and small game (incl hens/fowl)                                             
  543. u2015.411      ;Chickens: hens/fowl (breeders/egg producers)                                              
  544. u2015.5        ;Processed poultry and small game                                                          
  545. u2015.52       ;Poultry, cooked or smoked                                                                 
  546. u2015.521      ;Turkey, cooked or smoked                                                                  
  547. u2015.523      ;Chicken, cooked or smoked                                                                 
  548. u2015.533      ;Poultry frankfurters, weiners                                                             
  549. u2015.534      ;Poultry luncheon meats                                                                    
  550. u2015.9        ;Liquid, dried and frozen eggs                                                             
  551. u2015.915      ;Dried whole eggs                                                                          
  552. u2015.95       ;Liquid or frozen eggs                                                                     
  553. u2015.951      ;Liquid or frozen egg whites                                                               
  554. u2015.953      ;Liquid or frozen egg yolks                                                                
  555. u2015.955      ;Liquid or frozen whole eggs                                                               
  556. u202           ;Dairy products                                                                            
  557. u2021          ;Creamery butter                                                                           
  558. u2021.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  559. u2021.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  560. u2021.1        ;Creamery butter                                                                           
  561. u2021.113      ;Bulk butter (> 3 lbs.)                                                                    
  562. u2021.115      ;Butter, consumer packages (< 3 lbs.)                                                      
  563. u20212023s     ;Condensed and evaporated milk                                                             
  564. u2022          ;Natural and processed cheese                                                              
  565. u2022.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  566. u2022.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  567. u2022.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  568. u2022.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  569. u2022.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  570. u2022.1        ;Natural cheese, except cottage cheese                                                     
  571. u2022.102      ;American-type cheese                                                                      
  572. u2022.10201    ;Cheddar cheese                                                                            
  573. u2022.10211    ;Other American-type cheese                                                                
  574. u2022.103      ;Italian-type cheese                                                                       
  575. u2022.10301    ;Mozzarella cheese                                                                         
  576. u2022.10311    ;Other Italian-type cheese                                                                 
  577. u2022.105      ;Swiss cheese                                                                              
  578. u2022.107      ;Cream and neufchatel cheese                                                               
  579. u2022.111      ;Other natural cheese, except cottage                                                      
  580. u2022.2        ;Processed cheese and related products                                                     
  581. u2022.211      ;Processed cheese                                                                          
  582. u2022.213      ;Cheese food                                                                               
  583. u2022.215      ;Cheese spread                                                                             
  584. u2022.219      ;Other related processed cheese products                                                   
  585. u20222023s     ;Condensed and evaporated milk                                                             
  586. u20222026s     ;Fluid milk                                                                                
  587. u2023          ;Condensed and evaporated milk                                                             
  588. u2023.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  589. u2023.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  590. u2023.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  591. @       
  592. u2023.1        ;Dry milk products                                                                         
  593. u2023.129      ;Other dry milk products, consumer-type packages (3 lbs. or less)                          
  594. u2023.139      ;Dry whey, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.)                                               
  595. u2023.142      ;Dry whole milk, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.)                                         
  596. u2023.143      ;Nonfat dry milk, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.)                                        
  597. u2023.146      ;Other food-grade dry milk products, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.)                     
  598. u2023.151      ;Feed-grade dry milk products, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.)                           
  599. u2023.2        ;Canned milk products, consumer-type can                                                   
  600. u2023.212      ;Evaporated milk, consumer-type can                                                        
  601. u2023.3        ;Condensed and evaporated milk products, shipped in bulk (barrels, drums and tanks)        
  602. u2023.318      ;All other food-grade concentrated milk products, except ice cream mixes, shipped in bulk  
  603. u20232021s     ;Creamery butter                                                                           
  604. u20232026s     ;Fluid milk and related products                                                           
  605. u2024          ;Ice cream and frozen desserts                                                             
  606. u2024.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  607. u2024.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  608. u2024.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  609. u2024.1        ;Ice cream and ices                                                                        
  610. u2024.114      ;Bulk ice cream and custard (3 gallons or more)                                            
  611. u2024.11401    ;Bulk vanilla ice cream and custard (3 gallons or more)                                    
  612. u2024.11498    ;Other bulk ice cream and custard (3 gallons or more)                                      
  613. u2024.115      ;Consumer-size ice cream and custard (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons)                       
  614. u2024.11501    ;Vanilla ice cream and custard in consumer size (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons)            
  615. u2024.11598    ;Other consumer-size ice cream and custard (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons)                 
  616. u2024.116      ;Novelty forms of frozen desserts (any frozen dairy-type dessert less than 16 ounces)      
  617. u2024.151      ;Water ices (16 oz. size or larger)                                                        
  618. u2024.184      ;Consumer-size ice milk (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons)                                    
  619. u2024.196      ;Consumer-size sherbet (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons)                                     
  620. u2026          ;Fluid milk                                                                                
  621. u2026.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  622. u2026.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  623. u2026.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  624. u2026.ss       ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  625. u2026.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  626. u2026.1        ;Bulk fluid milk and cream                                                                 
  627. u2026.1______a ;Bulk fluid milk and cream                                                                 
  628. u2026.2        ;Packaged fluid milk and related products                                                  
  629. u2026.212      ;Fluid whole milk, packaged (including U.H.T.)                                             
  630. u2026.21201    ;Fluid whole milk, packaged, Northeast region                                              
  631. u2026.21202    ;Fluid whole milk, packaged, North Central region                                          
  632. u2026.21203    ;Fluid whole milk, packaged, Southern region                                               
  633. u2026.21204    ;Fluid whole milk, packaged, Western region                                                
  634. u2026.223      ;Lowfat milk, 0.5 - 2.0% butterfat, packaged (including U.H.T.)                            
  635. u2026.22301    ;Lowfat milk, packaged, Northeast region                                                   
  636. u2026.22302    ;Lowfat milk, packaged, North Central region                                               
  637. u2026.22303    ;Lowfat milk, packaged, Southern region                                                    
  638. u2026.22304    ;Lowfat milk, packaged, Western region                                                     
  639. u2026.225      ;Skim milk, packaged (including U.H.T.)                                                    
  640. u2026.232      ;Cream, heavy, with more than 36% butterfat (whipping cream)                               
  641. u2026.245      ;Sour cream, unflavored                                                                    
  642. @       
  643. u2026.252      ;Half and half                                                                             
  644. u2026.263      ;Whipped topping with a butterfat base                                                     
  645. u2026.3        ;Cottage cheese (including farmers' cheese, pot cheese and bakers' cheese)                 
  646. u2026.313      ;Cottage cheese, manufactured and creamed at the establishment                             
  647. u2026.5        ;Yogurt, except frozen                                                                     
  648. u2026.7        ;Products which substitute for fluid milk products                                         
  649. u2026.714      ;Coffee whiteners                                                                          
  650. u2026.8        ;Other packaged milk products, n.e.c.                                                      
  651. u2026.815      ;Flavored milks (chocolate milk, etc.)                                                     
  652. u2026.819      ;Other milk products (eggnog, buttermilk, acidophilus milk, reconstituted milk, etc.)      
  653. u20262021s     ;Creamery butter                                                                           
  654. u20262022s     ;Cheese                                                                                    
  655. u20262023s     ;Condensed and evaporated milk                                                             
  656. u20262024s     ;Ice cream and frozen desserts                                                             
  657. u203           ;Canned and preserved fruits and vegetables                                                
  658. u2032          ;Canned specialties                                                                        
  659. u2032.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  660. u2032.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  661. u2032.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  662. u2032.1        ;Canned baby foods, except cereal and biscuits                                             
  663. u2032.131      ;Vegetables                                                                                
  664. u2032.2        ;Canned soups, except frozen or seafood                                                    
  665. u2032.3        ;Canned dry beans including baked                                                          
  666. u2032.37       ;Beans with pork                                                                           
  667. u2032.373      ;Beans with pork (7.1 to 18.0 ounces)                                                      
  668. u2032.38       ;Beans with sauce, vegetarian style                                                        
  669. u2032.384      ;Beans with sauce, vegetarian style (other sizes)                                          
  670. u2032.39       ;Other canned dry beans, including chile con carne with less than 20% meat                 
  671. u2032.392      ;Other canned dry beans, 13.1 to 18 ounces                                                 
  672. u2032.393      ;Other canned beans, all other sizes                                                       
  673. u2032.4        ;Canned specialty foods                                                                    
  674. u2032.46       ;Spaghetti, macaroni and ravioli                                                           
  675. u2032.461      ;Spaghetti with meat                                                                       
  676. u2032.462      ;Spaghetti without meat                                                                    
  677. u2032.464      ;Ravioli                                                                                   
  678. u2032.481      ;Chinese foods                                                                             
  679. u2032.493      ;Spanish foods (Mexican rice, tortillas, enchiladas)                                       
  680. u2032.498      ;Other canned specialties, including gravy and puddings (other than meats)                 
  681. u20322033s     ;Canned fruits and vegetables                                                              
  682. u2033          ;Canned fruits and vegetables                                                              
  683. u2033.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  684. u2033.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  685. u2033.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  686. u2033.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  687. u2033.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  688. u2033.1        ;Canned fruits, except baby food                                                           
  689. u2033.112      ;Apples                                                                                    
  690. u2033.115      ;Apricots                                                                                  
  691. u2033.122      ;Cherries, red pitted                                                                      
  692. u2033.122____a ;Cherries, red pitted                                                                      
  693. @       
  694. u2033.124      ;Cherries, sweet                                                                           
  695. u2033.128      ;Cranberries and cranberry sauce                                                           
  696. u2033.134      ;Fruits for salads                                                                         
  697. u2033.157      ;Pineapple, all styles                                                                     
  698. u2033.162      ;Fruit pie mixes                                                                           
  699. u2033.16261    ;Apple pie mix                                                                             
  700. u2033.16263    ;Cherry pie mix                                                                            
  701. u2033.171      ;Applesauce                                                                                
  702. u2033.172      ;Fruit cocktail                                                                            
  703. u2033.173      ;Olives, ripe and green ripe                                                               
  704. u2033.174      ;Peaches, including spiced                                                                 
  705. u2033.175      ;Pears, including spiced                                                                   
  706. u2033.2        ;Canned vegetables, except hominy and mushrooms                                            
  707. u2033.203      ;Fresh lima beans                                                                          
  708. u2033.207      ;Beans, green and wax (including blue lake)                                                
  709. u2033.20792    ;Beans, green and wax (excluding blue lake)                                                871
  710. u2033.215      ;Carrots                                                                                   810
  711. u2033.235      ;Vegetable combinations                                                                    810
  712. u2033.255      ;Spinach                                                                                   810
  713. u2033.258      ;Other leafy greens                                                                        871
  714. u2033.274      ;Sweet potatoes                                                                            810
  715. u2033.275      ;White potatoes                                                                            810
  716. u2033.276      ;Sauerkraut                                                                                810
  717. u2033.291      ;Asparagus                                                                                 871
  718. u2033.291____a ;Asparagus                                                                                 810
  719. u2033.293      ;Beets                                                                                     810
  720. u2033.294      ;Sweet corn, whole kernel                                                                  810
  721. u2033.295      ;Sweet corn, cream style                                                                   810
  722. u2033.296      ;Green peas                                                                                810
  723. u2033.297      ;Tomatoes                                                                                  810
  724. u2033.299      ;Other canned vegetables                                                                   871
  725. u2033.3        ;Canned hominy and mushrooms                                                               810
  726. u2033.321      ;Mushrooms                                                                                 810
  727. u2033.4        ;Canned fruit juices, nectars, and concentrates                                            
  728. u2033.411      ;Apple juice                                                                               
  729. u2033.425      ;Grape juice                                                                               
  730. u2033.428      ;Pineapple juice                                                                           
  731. u2033.431      ;Grapefruit juice                                                                          
  732. u2033.464      ;Prune juice                                                                               
  733. u2033.472      ;Other whole fruit juices and mixtures of whole fruit juices                               
  734. u2033.491      ;Fresh fruit juice to be refrigerated                                                      
  735. u2033.492      ;Orange juice, single strength                                                             
  736. u2033.5        ;Canned vegetable juices                                                                   
  737. u2033.515      ;Tomato juice                                                                              
  738. u2033.6        ;Catsup and other tomato sauces, etc.                                                      
  739. u2033.614      ;Tomato sauces                                                                             
  740. u2033.61413    ;Tomato sauces, 7.1- 10 oz. size                                                           
  741. u2033.61419    ;Tomato sauces, other sizes                                                                
  742. u2033.621      ;Catsup                                                                                    
  743. u2033.62122    ;Catsup, 14- 32 oz. size                                                                   
  744. @       
  745. u2033.62123    ;Catsup, all other sizes                                                                   
  746. u2033.662      ;Tomato paste                                                                              
  747. u2033.66264    ;Tomato paste, all other sizes (incl bulk)                                                 
  748. u2033.682      ;Barbecue sauce                                                                            
  749. u2033.691      ;Tomato pulp and puree                                                                     
  750. u2033.8        ;Jams, jellies and preserves                                                               
  751. u2033.811      ;Strawberry jams and preserves                                                             
  752. u2033.815      ;Other jams and preserves                                                                  
  753. u2033.821      ;Grape jelly                                                                               
  754. u2033.825      ;Other jellies                                                                             
  755. u2033.861      ;Maraschino cherries                                                                       
  756. u20332032s     ;Canned specialties                                                                        
  757. u20332037s     ;Frozen fruits and vegetables                                                              
  758. u2034          ;Dried and dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and soups                                        
  759. u2034.a        ;Dried fruits and vegetables                                                               
  760. u2034.b        ;Dried soups                                                                               
  761. u2034.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  762. u2034.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  763. u2034.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  764. u2034.1        ;Dried fruits                                                                              
  765. u2034.113      ;Raisins                                                                                   
  766. u2034.115      ;Prunes                                                                                    
  767. u2034.118      ;Dates                                                                                     
  768. u2034.121      ;Apples                                                                                    
  769. u2034.123      ;Other fruits and fruit flours                                                             
  770. u2034.2        ;Dried vegetables                                                                          
  771. u2034.213      ;Potatoes (including flakes, granules, slices, dices, etc.)                                
  772. u2034.21311    ;Consumer sized: 1 lb. or less                                                             
  773. u2034.21312    ;Commercial size: over 1 lb                                                                
  774. u2034.237      ;Onions                                                                                    
  775. u2034.238      ;Vegetable powders, meals, and flours                                                      
  776. u2034.241      ;Other vegetables                                                                          
  777. u2034.3        ;Dried soups                                                                               
  778. u2035          ;Pickles, sauces and salad dressings                                                       
  779. u2035.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  780. u2035.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  781. u2035.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  782. u2035.2        ;Pickles and other pickled products                                                        
  783. u2035.212      ;Fermented pickles                                                                         
  784. u2035.21211    ;Dill pickles                                                                              
  785. u2035.21215    ;Sweet pickles                                                                             
  786. u2035.219      ;Refrigerated pickles (fresh, half-sour)                                                   
  787. u2035.233      ;Other finished pickled products                                                           
  788. u2035.298      ;Unfinished pickled products                                                               
  789. u2035.3        ;Meat sauces                                                                               
  790. u2035.311      ;Prepared mustard                                                                          
  791. u2035.351      ;Other sauces                                                                              
  792. u2035.4        ;Mayonnaise, salad dressings and sandwich spreads                                          
  793. u2035.411      ;Salad dressing                                                                            
  794. u2035.423      ;Mayonnaise                                                                                
  795. @       
  796. u2035.429      ;Sandwich spread, refrigerated dressing and other spoon-type dressings                     
  797. u2035.431      ;French dressing                                                                           
  798. u2035.439      ;Cheese dressings, low calorie and other pourable-type dressings                           
  799. u20352033s     ;Canned fruits and vegetables                                                              
  800. u2037          ;Frozen fruits and vegetables                                                              
  801. u2037.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  802. u2037.p        ;Primary production                                                                        
  803. u2037.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  804. u2037.sss      ;All other secondary products                                                              
  805. u2037.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  806. u2037.1        ;Frozen fruits, juices, ades, drinks, and cocktails                                        
  807. u2037.1a       ;Frozen fruits                                                                             
  808. u2037.1b       ;Frozen fruit and berry juices, concentrated                                               
  809. u2037.1c       ;Frozen fruit ades, drinks, and cocktails, concentrated                                    
  810. u2037.135      ;Frozen strawberries                                                                       
  811. u2037.167      ;Other frozen fruits                                                                       
  812. u2037.179      ;Frozen orange juice                                                                       
  813. u2037.1791     ;Consumer and institutional sizes                                                          
  814. u2037.17912    ;6.1 oz. to 12 oz                                                                          
  815. u2037.17913    ;12.1 oz. to 24 oz                                                                         
  816. u2037.1792     ;Bulk                                                                                      
  817. u2037.183      ;Frozen grapefruit juice                                                                   
  818. u2037.18301    ;Frozen grapefruit juice, 4.1 to 7 oz                                                      
  819. u2037.18302    ;Frozen grapefruit juice, all other sizes                                                  
  820. u2037.189      ;Frozen lemonade                                                                           
  821. u2037.18902    ;Frozen lemonade, 10.1 to 13 oz                                                            
  822. u2037.191      ;Frozen grape juice                                                                        
  823. u2037.19102    ;Frozen grape juice, 10.1 to 13 oz                                                         
  824. u2037.195      ;Other frozen fruit and berry juice, concentrated                                          
  825. u2037.197      ;Citrus pulp                                                                               
  826. u2037.2        ;Frozen vegetables                                                                         
  827. u2037.213      ;Frozen green beans, regular and french cut                                                
  828. u2037.221      ;Frozen lima beans; baby, emerald, and fordhook                                            
  829. u2037.225      ;Frozen broccoli                                                                           
  830. u2037.231      ;Frozen brussels sprouts                                                                   
  831. u2037.233      ;Frozen carrots                                                                            
  832. u2037.235      ;Frozen cauliflower                                                                        
  833. u2037.241      ;Frozen green peas                                                                         
  834. u2037.242      ;Frozen spinach                                                                            
  835. u2037.245      ;Frozen vegetable combinations (succotash, peas & carrots/onions, mixed vegetables, etc.)  
  836. u2037.248      ;Frozen french fried potatoes                                                              
  837. u2037.24801    ;Frozen french fried potatoes, two lbs and under                                           
  838. u2037.24802    ;Frozen french fried potatoes, over two lbs                                                
  839. u2037.249      ;Other frozen potato products (patties, puffs, etc.)                                       
  840. u2037.253      ;Frozen sweet cut corn, yellow                                                             
  841. u2037.255      ;Frozen sweet cob corn, yellow                                                             
  842. u2037.261      ;Frozen southern greens (collards, kale, mustard, and turnip)                              
  843. u2037.298      ;Other frozen vegetables                                                                   
  844. u20372033s     ;Canned fruits and vegetables                                                              
  845. u2038          ;Frozen specialties                                                                        
  846. @       
  847. u2038.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  848. u2038.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  849. u2038.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  850. u2038.2        ;Frozen dinners; beef, pork, and poultry pies; and nationality foods                       
  851. u2038.22       ;Frozen dinners, entrees and side dishes (including rice dishes)                           
  852. u2038.223      ;Frozen dinners                                                                            
  853. u2038.226      ;Frozen entrees and side dishes (excluding rice dishes and nationality foods)              
  854. u2038.231      ;Frozen beef and pork pies                                                                 
  855. u2038.235      ;Frozen poultry pies                                                                       
  856. u2038.25       ;Frozen nationality foods                                                                  
  857. u2038.252      ;Frozen pizza                                                                              
  858. u2038.253      ;Frozen Mexican food                                                                       
  859. u2038.255      ;Frozen Italian food, excluding pizza                                                      
  860. u2038.4        ;Other frozen specialties                                                                  
  861. u2038.46       ;Other frozen specialties, n.e.c.                                                          
  862. u2038.463      ;Frozen waffles, pancakes, and French toast                                                
  863. u2038.469      ;Other frozen specialties, except seafood, including soups, etc.                           
  864. u204           ;Grain mill products                                                                       
  865. u2041          ;Flour and other grain mill products                                                       
  866. u2041.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  867. u2041.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  868. u2041.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  869. u2041.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  870. u2041.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  871. u2041.1        ;Wheat flour                                                                               
  872. u2041.105      ;White flour (commercial dollar exports)                                                   
  873. u2041.111      ;Bakers' and institutional white bread-type flour shipped in bulk                          
  874. u2041.113      ;Bakers' and institutional white bread-type flour shipped in containers                    
  875. u2041.115      ;Bakers' and institutional soft wheat flour shipped in bulk                                
  876. u2041.117      ;Bakers' and institutional soft wheat flour shipped in containers                          
  877. u2041.121      ;Family white flour less than 25lbs (incl all-purpose for domestic donation)               
  878. u2041.123      ;Family white flour 25lbs or more (incl all-purpose for domestic donation)                 
  879. u2041.124      ;Self-rising flour (less than 25 lbs)                                                      
  880. u2041.126      ;Flour shipped for further processing (blending, use in mixes and doughs)                  
  881. u2041.127      ;Flour shipped for processing into other food products                                     
  882. u2041.2        ;Other wheat mill products                                                                 
  883. u2041.213      ;Wheat mill feed                                                                           
  884. u2041.3        ;Corn mill products                                                                        
  885. u2041.311      ;Whole cornmeal                                                                            
  886. u2041.315      ;Degermed cornmeal                                                                         
  887. u2041.321      ;Corn grits and hominy                                                                     
  888. u2041.323      ;Corn grits and flakes (for brewer's use)                                                  
  889. u2041.365      ;Hominy feed, cornmeal and other corn by-products                                          
  890. u2041.395      ;Other corn mill products (for human consumption)                                          
  891. u2041.397      ;Other corn mill products (not for human consumption)                                      
  892. u2041.5        ;Blended and prepared flour                                                                
  893. u2041.6        ;Other grain mill products                                                                 
  894. u2043          ;Cereal breakfast foods                                                                    
  895. u2043.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  896. u2043.1        ;Ready to serve cereal breakfast foods                                                     
  897. @       
  898. u2043.111      ;Corn flakes and other corn breakfast foods                                                
  899. u2043.112      ;Wheat flakes and other wheat breakfast foods                                              
  900. u2043.115      ;Oat breakfast foods                                                                       
  901. u2043.117      ;Rice breakfast foods                                                                      
  902. u2043.119      ;Preparations of other grains and mixed grains,incl. baby cereals                          
  903. u2043.2        ;To be cooked before serving cereal breakfast foods                                        
  904. u2043.252      ;Farina and other wheat foods                                                              
  905. u2043.253      ;Rolled oats and oatmeal                                                                   
  906. u2044          ;Rice milling                                                                              
  907. u2044.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  908. u2044.1        ;Head rice                                                                                 
  909. u2044.101      ;Long grain milled rice                                                                    
  910. u2044.10103    ;Packed in 100-pound bags or more                                                          
  911. u2044.10105    ;Packed in 3-pound containers or less                                                      
  912. u2044.10107    ;Packed in all other containers                                                            
  913. u2044.103      ;Medium grain milled rice                                                                  
  914. u2044.10303    ;Packed in 100-pound bags or more                                                          
  915. u2044.10307    ;Packed in all other containers                                                            
  916. u2044.2        ;Other milled rice and byproducts                                                          
  917. u2044.298      ;All other milled rice and byproducts                                                      
  918. u2045          ;Blended and prepared flour                                                                
  919. u2045.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  920. u2045.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  921. u2045.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  922. u2045.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  923. u2045.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  924. u2045.5        ;Blended and prepared flour made chiefly from purchased flour                              
  925. u2045.5a       ;Flour mixes                                                                               
  926. u2045.5b       ;Refrigerated doughs                                                                       
  927. u2045.553      ;Cake mixes, less than 5 lbs                                                               
  928. u2045.554      ;Cake mixes, 5 lbs or more                                                                 
  929. u2045.561      ;Cookie, doughnut, other sweet yeast mixtures, less than 5 lbs                             
  930. u2045.562      ;Cookie, doughnut, other sweet yeast mixtures, 5 lbs or more                               
  931. u2045.567      ;Bread and bread-type roll mixes, 5 lbs or more                                            
  932. u2045.568      ;Other prepared flour mixes, less than 5 lbs                                               
  933. u2045.569      ;Other prepared flour mixes, 5 lbs or more                                                 
  934. u2045.571      ;Refrigerated biscuit dough                                                                
  935. u2045.579      ;Other refrigerated doughs                                                                 
  936. u20452099s     ;Food preparations, n.e.c.                                                                 
  937. u2046          ;Wet corn milling                                                                          
  938. u2046.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  939. u2046.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  940. u2046.1        ;Corn sweeteners                                                                           
  941. u2046.101      ;Glucose syrup                                                                             
  942. u2046.10103    ;Type II (38 up to 58 dextrose equivalent)                                                 
  943. u2046.10105    ;Type III (58 up to 98 dextrose equivalent)                                                
  944. u2046.105      ;High fructose corn syrup                                                                  
  945. u2046.3        ;Manufactured starch                                                                       
  946. u2046.301      ;Corn starch                                                                               
  947. u2046.303      ;Other starch (including potato, wheat, rice, etc.)                                        
  948. @       
  949. u2046.305      ;Dextrin (corn, tapioca and other)                                                         
  950. u2046.5        ;Corn oil                                                                                  
  951. u2046.501      ;Crude corn oil                                                                            
  952. u2046.7        ;Wet process corn byproducts                                                               
  953. u2046.701      ;Corn gluten feed                                                                          
  954. u2046.703      ;Corn gluten meal                                                                          
  955. u2046.705      ;Other wet process byproducts, including steepwater concentrate (50% solids basis)         
  956. u2047          ;Dog and cat food                                                                          
  957. u2047.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  958. u2047.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  959. u2047.3        ;Dog food                                                                                  
  960. u2047.321      ;Canned ration-type dog food                                                               
  961. u2047.323      ;Other canned dog food                                                                     
  962. u2047.326      ;Dry and semimoist dog food shipped in packages less than 25 pounds                        
  963. u2047.338      ;Dry and semimoist dog food shipped in packages 25 pounds or more                          
  964. u2047.4        ;Cat food                                                                                  
  965. u2047.443      ;Meat-based canned cat food                                                                
  966. u2047.454      ;Dry cat food                                                                              
  967. u2048          ;Prepared animal feeds, n.e.c.                                                             
  968. u2048.a        ;Specialty feeds                                                                           
  969. u2048.a01      ;Fresh and frozen meat of horses and other animals for pet foods                           
  970. u2048.a09      ;Bird feed (wild, tame, pigeon, game)                                                      
  971. u2048.a13      ;Other specialty feeds                                                                     
  972. u2048.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  973. u2048.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  974. u2048.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  975. u2048.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  976. u2048.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  977. u2048.1        ;Chicken and turkey feed, supplements, concentrates, and premixes                          
  978. u2048.111      ;Starter-grower complete chicken feed                                                      
  979. u2048.115      ;Layer-breeder complete chicken feed                                                       
  980. u2048.116      ;Broiler complete chicken feed                                                             
  981. u2048.118      ;Complete turkey feed                                                                      
  982. u2048.122      ;Layer-breeder chicken supplements and concentrates                                        
  983. u2048.2        ;Complete dairy cattle feeds                                                               
  984. u2048.3        ;Dairy cattle feed supplements, concentrates, and premixes                                 
  985. u2048.301      ;Dairy feed supplements and concentrates                                                   
  986. u2048.302      ;Dairy cattle feed premixes (feed base)                                                    
  987. u2048.4        ;Complete swine feeds                                                                      
  988. u2048.5        ;Swine feed supplements, concentrates, and premixes                                        
  989. u2048.503      ;Swine feed supplements and concentrates                                                   
  990. u2048.504      ;Swine feed premixes (feed base)                                                           
  991. u2048.6        ;Complete beef cattle feeds                                                                
  992. u2048.7        ;Beef cattle feed supplements, concentrates, and premixes                                  
  993. u2048.705      ;Beef cattle feed supplements and concentrates                                             
  994. u2048.706      ;Beef cattle feed premixes (feed base)                                                     
  995. u2048.8        ;Other poultry and livestock feeds, including duck, goose, horse, mule, etc.               
  996. u2048.812      ;Other poultry feed supplements and concentrates (duck, goose, etc.)                       
  997. u2048.816      ;Complete horse and mule feeds                                                             
  998. u2048.821      ;Other complete livestock feeds (sheep,etc.)                                               
  999. @       
  1000. u2048.821____a ;Other complete livestock feeds (sheep,etc.)                                               
  1001. u2048.823      ;Horse and mule feed supplements and concentrates                                          
  1002. u2048.825      ;Other livestock feed supplements and concentrates (sheep, etc.)                           
  1003. u2048.825____a ;Other livestock feed supplements and concentrates (sheep, etc.)                           
  1004. u2048.9        ;Other prepared animal feeds incl. feeding materials and adjuncts                          
  1005. u2048.911      ;Grain -- ground, rolled, pulverized, chopped, or crimped, excluding cornmeal              
  1006. u2048.922      ;Mineral mixture, including oyster shells, prepared for feed use                           
  1007. u2048.922____a ;Mineral mixture, including oyster shells, prepared for feed use                           
  1008. u2048.935      ;Dehydrated alfalfa meal                                                                   
  1009. u205           ;Bakery products                                                                           
  1010. u2051          ;Bread, cake, and related products                                                         
  1011. u2051.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1012. u2051.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1013. u2051.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1014. u2051.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  1015. u2051.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  1016. u2051.z99      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1017. u2051.1        ;Bread                                                                                     
  1018. u2051.1a       ;White bread                                                                               
  1019. u2051.1b       ;Other bread                                                                               
  1020. u2051.111      ;White pan bread                                                                           
  1021. u2051.11101    ;White pan bread, Northeast                                                                
  1022. u2051.11102    ;White pan bread, North Central                                                            
  1023. u2051.11103    ;White pan bread, South                                                                    
  1024. u2051.11104    ;White pan bread, West                                                                     
  1025. u2051.113      ;White hearth bread                                                                        
  1026. u2051.115      ;Dark wheat bread                                                                          
  1027. u2051.117      ;Rye bread                                                                                 
  1028. u2051.128      ;Other variety bread                                                                       
  1029. u2051.2        ;Bread type rolls, stuffing, and crumbs                                                    
  1030. u2051.23       ;Bread type rolls                                                                          
  1031. u2051.233      ;Hamburger and weiner rolls                                                                
  1032. u2051.235      ;Brown and serve rolls                                                                     
  1033. u2051.236      ;English muffins                                                                           
  1034. u2051.239      ;Other bread type rolls                                                                    
  1035. u2051.241      ;Bread stuffing, croutons, and bread crumbs                                                
  1036. u2051.3        ;Sweet yeast goods                                                                         
  1037. u2051.313      ;Yeast raised doughnuts                                                                    
  1038. u2051.398      ;Other sweet yeast goods                                                                   
  1039. u2051.4        ;Soft cakes                                                                                
  1040. u2051.413      ;Snack cakes                                                                               
  1041. u2051.418      ;Other soft cakes                                                                          
  1042. u2051.5        ;Pies                                                                                      
  1043. u2051.513      ;Snack pies                                                                                
  1044. u2051.519      ;Other pies                                                                                
  1045. u2051.6        ;Pastries                                                                                  
  1046. u2051.611      ;Pastries                                                                                  
  1047. u2051.7        ;Cake type doughnuts                                                                       
  1048. u20512052s     ;Cookies and crackers                                                                      
  1049. u2052          ;Cookies and crackers                                                                      
  1050. @       
  1051. u2052.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1052. u2052.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1053. u2052.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1054. u2052.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  1055. u2052.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1056. u2052.1        ;Crackers, cracker sandwiches, and pretzels                                                
  1057. u2052.1a       ;Crackers                                                                                  
  1058. u2052.123      ;Graham crackers                                                                           
  1059. u2052.125      ;Saltines                                                                                  
  1060. u2052.135      ;Cracker sandwiches                                                                        
  1061. u2052.151      ;Pretzels                                                                                  
  1062. u2052.198      ;Other crackers                                                                            
  1063. u2052.2        ;Cookies and ice cream cones                                                               
  1064. u2052.2a       ;Cookies                                                                                   
  1065. u2052.213      ;Sandwich cookies                                                                          
  1066. u2052.215      ;Marshmallow cookies                                                                       
  1067. u2052.231      ;Ice cream cones                                                                           
  1068. u2052.235      ;Ice cream sandwich wafers                                                                 
  1069. u2052.237      ;All other cookies and wafers                                                              
  1070. u2053          ;Frozen bakery products, except bread                                                      
  1071. u2053.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1072. u2053.1        ;Frozen bakery products                                                                    
  1073. u2053.111      ;Frozen pies (fruit, custard and cream type)                                               
  1074. u2053.113      ;Sweet yeast goods including yeast raised doughnuts, sweet rolls, coffeecake, etc.         
  1075. u2053.114      ;Soft cakes including pound, layer, sheet, fruit, cheese, etc.                             
  1076. u2053.119      ;All other bakery products including cookies and pastries; excluding bread and rolls       
  1077. u206           ;Sugar and confectionery products                                                          
  1078. u2061          ;Raw cane sugar mills                                                                      
  1079. u2061.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1080. u2061.1        ;Raw cane sugar                                                                            
  1081. u2061.111      ;Raw cane sugar                                                                            
  1082. u2061.2        ;Byproducts and other products                                                             
  1083. u2061.265      ;Molasses and syrup                                                                        
  1084. u2062          ;Cane sugar refining                                                                       
  1085. u2062.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1086. u2062.1        ;Refined cane sugar                                                                        
  1087. u2062.1a       ;Granulated cane sugar, including cube and tablet sugar                                    
  1088. u2062.112      ;Consumer units (containers of 25 lbs or less)                                             
  1089. u2062.114      ;Commercial units (bags and other containers: over 25 lbs)                                 
  1090. u2062.115      ;Bulk shipments (rail cars, trucks, or bins)                                               
  1091. u2062.13       ;Confectioners' powdered sugar                                                             
  1092. u2062.135      ;Commercial units (containers of more than 10 lbs)                                         
  1093. u2062.14       ;Brown or soft sugar                                                                       
  1094. u2062.15       ;Liquid sugar or syrup                                                                     
  1095. u2062.153      ;Sucrose type                                                                              
  1096. u2062.156      ;Invert and/or partially invert type                                                       
  1097. u2063          ;Beet sugar processing                                                                     
  1098. u2063.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1099. u2063.1        ;Refined beet sugar                                                                        
  1100. u2063.1x       ;Granulated beet sugar, including cube and tablet sugar                                    
  1101. @       
  1102. u2063.107      ;Individual services (small paper packets) and consumer units (cartons and sacks: 25 lb or 
  1103. u2063.113      ;Commercial units (bags and other containers: over 25 lbs)                                 
  1104. u2063.115      ;Bulk shipments (rail cars, trucks, or bins)                                               
  1105. u2063.15       ;Liquid sugar or sugar syrup                                                               
  1106. u2063.151      ;Sucrose type                                                                              
  1107. u2063.155      ;Invert and/or partially invert type                                                       
  1108. u2063.2        ;Other beet sugar factory products and byproducts                                          
  1109. u2063.289      ;All other sugar beet refining products and byproducts, incl. dried beet pulp              
  1110. u2064          ;Candy and other confectionery products                                                    
  1111. u2064.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1112. u2064.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1113. u2064.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1114. u2064.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1115. u2064.2        ;Chocolate and chocolate type confectionery products made from purchased chocolate         
  1116. u2064.2a       ;Solid chocolate confectionery products                                                    
  1117. u2064.211      ;Solid chocolate confectionery products without inclusions                                 
  1118. u2064.231      ;Solid chocolate confectionery products with inclusions                                    
  1119. u2064.251      ;Enrobed or molded chocolate confectionery products                                        
  1120. u2064.25131    ;Enrobed or molded chocolate confectionery products with candy, fruit, or nut centers      
  1121. u2064.271      ;Panned chocolate confectionery products                                                   
  1122. u2064.291      ;Chocolate assortments and other chocolate and chocolate type confectionery products       
  1123. u2064.3        ;Nonchocolate type confectionery products                                                  
  1124. u2064.311      ;Hard candy                                                                                
  1125. u2064.321      ;Chewy nonchocolate candy, including granola bars                                          
  1126. u2064.331      ;Soft nonchocolate candy                                                                   
  1127. u2064.351      ;Iced/coated nonchocolate confectionery products                                           
  1128. u2064.371      ;Panned nonchocolate confectionery products                                                
  1129. u2064.381      ;Licorice and licorice type confectionery products                                         
  1130. u2064.9        ;Other confectionery type products                                                         
  1131. u2064.991      ;Other candy and confectionery products, n.e.c.                                            
  1132. u2066          ;Chocolate and cocoa products                                                              
  1133. u2066.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1134. u2066.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1135. u2066.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1136. u2066.1        ;Chocolate coatings                                                                        
  1137. u2066.112      ;Sweet chocolate coatings                                                                  
  1138. u2066.122      ;Milk chocolate coatings                                                                   
  1139. u2066.2        ;Chocolate confectionery products made from cocoa beans ground in the same establishment   
  1140. u2066.2a       ;Solid chocolate confectionery products                                                    
  1141. u2066.212      ;Solid chocolate confectionery products without inclusions                                 
  1142. u2066.9        ;Other chocolate and cocoa products                                                        
  1143. u2066.9b       ;Powdered cocoa                                                                            
  1144. u2066.921      ;Sweetened chocolate                                                                       
  1145. u2066.963      ;Powdered cocoa, unsweetened                                                               
  1146. u2066.96571    ;Powdered cocoa, sweetened: in cans or packages of 2.5 lbs. or less                        
  1147. u2066.995      ;Chocolate syrups, cocoa powder base                                                       
  1148. u2066.999      ;Other chocolate and cocoa products, n.e.c.                                                
  1149. u2067          ;Chewing gum and gum base                                                                  
  1150. u2067.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1151. u2067.1        ;Chewing gum, non-medicated                                                                
  1152. @       
  1153. u2067.112      ;Containing sugar                                                                          
  1154. u2067.2        ;Chewing gum base                                                                          
  1155. u2068          ;Processed nuts and seeds (salted, roasted, cooked, blanched, etc.)                        
  1156. u2068.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1157. u2068.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1158. u2068.11       ;Processed nuts sold in bulk                                                               
  1159. u2068.113      ;Peanuts                                                                                   
  1160. u2068.117      ;Other nuts, made up of from one to three varieties                                        
  1161. u2068.13       ;Processed nuts, packaged in cans                                                          
  1162. u2068.137      ;Other nuts, made up of from one to three varieties                                        
  1163. u2068.15       ;Processed nuts, in packaging other than cans or sold bulk                                 
  1164. u2068.153      ;Peanuts                                                                                   
  1165. u2068.157      ;Other nuts, made up of from one to three varieties                                        
  1166. u207           ;Fats and oils                                                                             
  1167. u2074          ;Cottonseed oil mill products                                                              
  1168. u2074.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1169. u2074.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1170. u2074.1        ;Cottonseed oil, crude                                                                     
  1171. u2074.111      ;Cottonseed oil, crude                                                                     
  1172. u2074.2        ;Cottonseed oil, once refined                                                              
  1173. u2074.211      ;Cottonseed oil, once refined (before deodorization or use in end products)                
  1174. u2074.3        ;Cotton linters                                                                            
  1175. u2074.311      ;Cotton linters                                                                            
  1176. u2074.4        ;Cottonseed cake, meal, and other byproducts                                               
  1177. u2074.414      ;Cottonseed cake and meal                                                                  
  1178. u2074.451      ;Cottonseed hulls                                                                          
  1179. u2074.498      ;Other cottonseed byproducts                                                               
  1180. u2075          ;Soybean oil mill products                                                                 
  1181. u2075.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1182. u2075.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1183. u2075.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  1184. u2075.1        ;Soybean oil                                                                               
  1185. u2075.11       ;Crude soybean oil                                                                         
  1186. u2075.113      ;Soybean oil, crude, degummed                                                              
  1187. u2075.115      ;Soybean oil, crude, not degummed                                                          
  1188. u2075.2        ;Soybean cake, meal, and other byproducts                                                  
  1189. u2075.211      ;Soybean byproducts, meal                                                                  
  1190. u2075.298      ;Soybean byproducts, other                                                                 
  1191. u2076          ;Vegetable oil mills, n.e.c.                                                               
  1192. u2076.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1193. u2076.1        ;Linseed oil                                                                               
  1194. u2076.2        ;Vegetable oils, other than corn, cottonseed, soybean, and linseed                         
  1195. u2076.223      ;Coconut oil, once-refined (before deodorization or use in end products)                   
  1196. u2076.252      ;Peanut oil, crude                                                                         
  1197. u2076.262      ;Sunflower oil, crude                                                                      
  1198. u2076.264      ;Other crude vegetable oils including safflower, canola, etc.                              
  1199. u2076.3        ;Other vegetable oil mill products, except cottonseed and soybean                          
  1200. u2076.351      ;Peanut cake and meal                                                                      
  1201. u2076.361      ;Sunflower seed cake and meal                                                              
  1202. u2077          ;Animal and marine fats and oils                                                           
  1203. @       
  1204. u2077.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1205. u2077.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1206. u2077.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1207. u2077.1        ;Grease and inedible tallow                                                                
  1208. u2077.111      ;Inedible tallow, including inedible animal stearin                                        
  1209. u2077.11111    ;Inedible beef tallow                                                                      
  1210. u2077.11113    ;Other inedible tallow and inedible animal stearin                                         
  1211. u2077.113      ;Grease, other than wool grease                                                            
  1212. u2077.2        ;Feed and fertilizer by-products                                                           
  1213. u2077.211      ;Meat/bone meal                                                                            
  1214. u2077.21111    ;Meat meal and meat and bone meal                                                          
  1215. u2077.212      ;Dry rendered tankage                                                                      
  1216. u2077.237      ;Feather meal                                                                              
  1217. u2077.298      ;Other feed and fertilizer, including poultry by-product meal and blood meal               
  1218. u2077.3        ;Animal and marine oil mill products, including foots                                      
  1219. u2077.361      ;Fish and marine animal oil                                                                
  1220. u2077.366      ;Fish scrap and meal                                                                       
  1221. u20772011s     ;Meat packing plants                                                                       
  1222. u2079          ;Shortening and cooking oils                                                               
  1223. u2079.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1224. u2079.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1225. u2079.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1226. u2079.1        ;Shortening and cooking oils                                                               
  1227. u2079.11       ;Baking or frying fats                                                                     
  1228. u2079.113      ;Baking or frying fats (shortening), 100% vegetable oil                                    
  1229. u2079.115      ;Baking or frying fats (shortening), 100% animal fats or blends of vegetable and animal fa 
  1230. u2079.142      ;Hydrogenated oils other than baking or frying fats                                        
  1231. u2079.15       ;Salad or cooking oils                                                                     
  1232. u2079.151      ;Salad or cooking oils, partially hydrogenated soybean oil                                 
  1233. u2079.152      ;Salad or cooking oils, other soybean oil                                                  
  1234. u2079.152____a ;Salad or cooking oils, other soybean oil                                                  
  1235. u2079.154      ;Salad or cooking oils, vegetable oil blends                                               
  1236. u2079.154____a ;Salad or cooking oils, vegetable oil blends                                               
  1237. u2079.159      ;All other salad or cooking oils                                                           
  1238. u2079.198      ;All other fully refined oils                                                              
  1239. u2079.2        ;Margarine                                                                                 
  1240. u208           ;Beverages                                                                                 
  1241. u2082          ;Malt beverages                                                                            
  1242. u2082.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1243. u2082.1        ;Canned beer                                                                               
  1244. u2082.111      ;Light beer in cans                                                                        
  1245. u2082.112      ;Regular beer in cans                                                                      
  1246. u2082.2        ;Bottled beer                                                                              
  1247. u2082.211      ;Returnable bottles                                                                        
  1248. u2082.21111    ;Light beer in returnable bottles                                                          
  1249. u2082.21112    ;Regular beer in returnable bottles                                                        
  1250. u2082.221      ;Nonreturnable bottles                                                                     
  1251. u2082.22111    ;Light beer in nonreturnable bottles                                                       
  1252. u2082.22112    ;Regular beer in nonreturnable bottles                                                     
  1253. u2082.3        ;Barrels and kegs                                                                          
  1254. @       
  1255. u2082.312      ;Regular beer in barrels and kegs                                                          
  1256. u2082.4        ;Other fermented malt beverages and byproducts                                             
  1257. u2082.411      ;Malt liquor                                                                               
  1258. u2082.471      ;Ale, porter and stout                                                                     
  1259. u2082.499      ;All other fermented malt beverages and by products (including non-alcoholic brews)        
  1260. u2083          ;Malt and malt byproducts                                                                  
  1261. u2083.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1262. u2083.1        ;Malt and malt byproducts                                                                  
  1263. u2083.121      ;Malt and malt byproducts                                                                  
  1264. u2084          ;Wines, brandy and brandy spirits                                                          
  1265. u2084.a        ;Wines                                                                                     
  1266. u2084.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1267. u2084.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1268. u2084.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1269. u2084.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1270. u2084.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1271. u2084.1        ;Grape table wines                                                                         
  1272. u2084.112      ;White wines                                                                               
  1273. u2084.11211    ;White varietal wines                                                                      
  1274. u2084.11221    ;White generic, semi-generic, and proprietary wines                                        
  1275. u2084.114      ;Red wines                                                                                 
  1276. u2084.11411    ;Red varietal wines                                                                        
  1277. u2084.11421    ;Red generic, semi-generic, and proprietary wines                                          
  1278. u2084.116      ;Rose wines                                                                                
  1279. u2084.11611    ;Rose varietal wines                                                                       
  1280. u2084.11621    ;Rose generic, semi-generic, and proprietary wines                                         
  1281. u2084.2        ;Bulk wines                                                                                
  1282. u2084.212      ;Bulk white wine                                                                           
  1283. u2084.214      ;Bulk red wine (includes rose)                                                             
  1284. u2084.3        ;Other fruit and berry wines                                                               
  1285. u2084.311      ;Other fruit and berry wines                                                               
  1286. u2084.4        ;Dessert wines                                                                             
  1287. u2084.411      ;Dessert wines                                                                             
  1288. u2084.5        ;Sparkling wines, natural and carbonated                                                   
  1289. u2084.511      ;Sparkling wines, natural and carbonated                                                   
  1290. u2084.6        ;Specialty (formula) wines                                                                 
  1291. u2084.6______a ;Specialty (formula) wines                                                                 
  1292. u2084.619      ;Other specialty (formula) wines                                                           
  1293. u2084.619____a ;Other specialty (formula) wines                                                           
  1294. u2084.7        ;Beverage brandy, neutral fruit spirits, and neutral brandy                                
  1295. u2084.711      ;Beverage brandy, neutral fruit spirits, and neutral brandy                                
  1296. u2085          ;Distilled spirits, except brandy                                                          
  1297. u2085.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1298. u2085.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1299. u2085.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1300. u2085.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1301. u2085.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1302. u2085.5        ;Distilled spirits, except brandy (bulk and bottled)                                       
  1303. u2085.52       ;Bottled distilled spirits, except brandy                                                  
  1304. u2085.521      ;Whiskey                                                                                   
  1305. @       
  1306. u2085.5211     ;American blended whiskey                                                                  
  1307. u2085.52111    ;American blended whiskey - blend of whiskies                                              
  1308. u2085.52112    ;American blended whiskey - blend of whiskey with neutral spirits                          
  1309. u2085.5212     ;Bourbon whiskey and rye whiskey                                                           
  1310. u2085.52121    ;Bourbon whiskey                                                                           
  1311. u2085.5213     ;Other whiskey, except imports (corn, bourbon & blend, light, etc.)                        
  1312. u2085.522      ;Distilled spirits, except whiskey and brandy                                              
  1313. u2085.52211    ;Vodka                                                                                     
  1314. u2085.52221    ;Gin                                                                                       
  1315. u2085.52231    ;Rum                                                                                       
  1316. u2085.52241    ;Cordials/liqueurs                                                                         
  1317. u2085.52251    ;Cocktails/mixed drinks                                                                    
  1318. u2085.52261    ;Other distilled spirits, except imports (spirit-based coolers, bitters, etc.)             
  1319. u2086          ;Bottled and canned soft drinks                                                            
  1320. u2086.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1321. u2086.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1322. u2086.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1323. u2086.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1324. u2086.1        ;Bottled and canned soft drinks                                                            
  1325. u2086.11       ;Canned carbonated soft drinks in 10 and 12 oz cans                                        
  1326. u2086.111      ;Nondietetics                                                                              
  1327. u2086.11151    ;Cola                                                                                      
  1328. u2086.11152    ;Orange                                                                                    
  1329. u2086.11153    ;Lemon, lime and lemon-lime                                                                
  1330. u2086.11155    ;Ginger ale                                                                                
  1331. u2086.11157    ;Other carbonated flavors including carbonated water and club soda                         
  1332. u2086.112      ;Low calorie                                                                               
  1333. u2086.11258    ;Cola                                                                                      
  1334. u2086.11259    ;Other carbonated flavors including carbonated water and club soda                         
  1335. u2086.13       ;10 to 12 oz bottled carbonated soft drinks                                                
  1336. u2086.131      ;Nondietetics                                                                              
  1337. u2086.13111    ;Cola                                                                                      
  1338. u2086.14       ;16 oz bottled carbonated soft drinks                                                      
  1339. u2086.141      ;Nondietetic                                                                               
  1340. u2086.14121    ;Cola                                                                                      
  1341. u2086.14123    ;Lemon, lime and lemon lime                                                                
  1342. u2086.14124    ;Root beer, sarsaparilla and ginger ale                                                    
  1343. u2086.14127    ;Other carbonated flavors including carbonated water and club soda                         
  1344. u2086.142      ;Low calorie                                                                               
  1345. u2086.14228    ;Cola                                                                                      
  1346. u2086.16       ;All other size bottled carbonated soft drinks                                             
  1347. u2086.161      ;Nondietetics                                                                              
  1348. u2086.16142    ;Cola                                                                                      
  1349. u2086.16144    ;Other carbonated flavors including carbonated water and club soda                         
  1350. u2086.162      ;Low Calorie                                                                               
  1351. u2086.16245    ;Cola                                                                                      
  1352. u2086.16247    ;Other carbonated flavors including carbonated water and club soda                         
  1353. u2086.171      ;Fruit drinks, cocktails and ades containing no real fruit juice                           
  1354. u2086.4        ;Soft drinks sold in bulk                                                                  
  1355. u2086.411      ;Cola                                                                                      
  1356. @       
  1357. u2086.421      ;Other flavors                                                                             
  1358. u2087          ;Flavoring extracts and sirups, n.e.c.                                                     
  1359. u2087.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1360. u2087.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1361. u2087.1        ;Flavoring extracts, emulsions and other liquid flavors                                    
  1362. u2087.115      ;Natural extracts in containers of more than 8 ounces                                      
  1363. u2087.153      ;Imitation extracts                                                                        
  1364. u2087.2        ;Liquid beverage bases, not for use by soft drink bottlers                                 
  1365. u2087.215      ;Cocktail mixes                                                                            
  1366. u2087.225      ;Other flavors                                                                             
  1367. u2087.3        ;Liquid beverage bases, for use by soft drink bottlers                                     
  1368. u2087.313      ;Other liquid beverage bases containing kola extract or flavoring                          
  1369. u2087.339      ;Other flavors                                                                             
  1370. u2087.4        ;Other flavoring agents, except chocolate sirups; flavoring powders and tablets            
  1371. u2087.435      ;Soft drinks (effervescent and noneffervescent)                                            
  1372. u2087.436      ;Other flavoring powders and tablets; dry mix cocktails; flavoring paste                   
  1373. u2087.459      ;Flavoring sirups for fountain, ice cream, home beverage use, all flavors                  
  1374. u2087.461      ;Fruit, crushed or whole, for fountain and ice cream use                                   
  1375. u2087.471      ;Food colorings                                                                            
  1376. u209           ;Miscellaneous food preparations and kindred products                                      
  1377. u2091          ;Canned and cured seafoods                                                                 
  1378. u2091.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1379. u2091.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1380. u2091.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1381. u2091.1        ;Canned and cured seafoods including soup (except frozen)                                  
  1382. u2091.112      ;Canned tuna                                                                               
  1383. u2091.113      ;Canned salmon                                                                             
  1384. u2091.114      ;Canned sardines                                                                           
  1385. u2091.115      ;Canned clams                                                                              
  1386. u2091.116      ;Canned shrimp                                                                             
  1387. u2091.119      ;Other canned fish and seafood (except soups, stews, and chowders)                         
  1388. u2091.131      ;Canned seafood soups, stews and chowders                                                  
  1389. u2091.151      ;Smoked salmon                                                                             
  1390. u2091.171      ;Other smoked fish                                                                         
  1391. u2091.182      ;Salted and pickled fish                                                                   
  1392. u2092          ;Fresh or frozen packaged fish                                                             
  1393. u2092.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1394. u2092.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1395. u2092.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1396. u2092.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  1397. u2092.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1398. u2092.2        ;Fresh packaged fish and other seafood                                                     
  1399. u2092.2a       ;Prepared fresh fish, excluding shellfish                                                  
  1400. u2092.2b       ;Prepared fresh shellfish                                                                  
  1401. u2092.213      ;Prepared fresh fish, excluding shellfish                                                  
  1402. u2092.221      ;Crabmeat:  blue and rock                                                                  
  1403. u2092.222      ;Other crabmeat                                                                            
  1404. u2092.224      ;Oysters                                                                                   
  1405. u2092.225      ;Clams                                                                                     
  1406. u2092.226      ;Other packaged shellfish                                                                  
  1407. @       
  1408. u2092.3        ;Frozen packaged fish, excluding shellfish                                                 
  1409. u2092.3a       ;Groundfish                                                                                
  1410. u2092.3b       ;Flounder                                                                                  
  1411. u2092.3c       ;Other frozen fish                                                                         
  1412. u2092.321      ;Groundfish, fillets and steaks                                                            
  1413. u2092.322      ;Groundfish, sticks and portions                                                           
  1414. u2092.323      ;Other groundfish                                                                          
  1415. u2092.326      ;Other fillets and steaks                                                                  
  1416. u2092.329      ;Other frozen packaged fish                                                                
  1417. u2092.4        ;Frozen packaged shellfish and other seafood, including soup                               
  1418. u2092.4a       ;Frozen shrimp                                                                             
  1419. u2092.4c       ;Frozen crabs                                                                              
  1420. u2092.4d       ;Other frozen packaged shellfish                                                           
  1421. u2092.4e       ;Other frozen seafoods                                                                     
  1422. u2092.421      ;Shrimp, headless, raw                                                                     
  1423. u2092.421____a ;Shrimp, headless, raw                                                                     
  1424. u2092.422      ;Shrimp, peeled, raw                                                                       
  1425. u2092.422____a ;Shrimp, peeled, raw                                                                       
  1426. u2092.423      ;Shrimp, peeled, cooked                                                                    
  1427. u2092.424      ;Shrimp, breaded                                                                           
  1428. u2092.425      ;Other 100 percent shrimp products                                                         
  1429. u2092.431      ;Crab meat, blue and rock                                                                  
  1430. u2092.432      ;Crab meat, Dungeness                                                                      
  1431. u2092.434      ;Crab, king, sections                                                                      
  1432. u2092.434____a ;Crab, king, sections                                                                      
  1433. u2092.435      ;Other crab                                                                                
  1434. u2092.435____a ;Other crab                                                                                
  1435. u2092.436      ;Other frozen packaged shellfish                                                           
  1436. u2095          ;Coffee                                                                                    
  1437. u2095.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1438. u2095.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1439. u2095.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1440. u2095.1        ;Whole bean and ground roasted coffee                                                      
  1441. u2095.111      ;Whole bean, roasted coffee                                                                
  1442. u2095.116      ;Ground, roasted coffee                                                                    
  1443. u2095.121      ;Ground coffee mixtures                                                                    
  1444. u2095.2        ;Concentrated (instant) coffee                                                             
  1445. u2095.215      ;Concentrated (instant) coffee                                                             
  1446. u2096          ;Potato and corn chips, and similar snacks                                                 
  1447. u2096.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1448. u2096.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1449. u2096.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1450. u2096.1        ;Potato chips and sticks                                                                   
  1451. u2096.111      ;Potato chips                                                                              
  1452. u2096.11112    ;Plain                                                                                     
  1453. u2096.11114    ;Flavored potato chips                                                                     
  1454. u2096.2        ;Corn chips, curls and related products                                                    
  1455. u2096.21       ;Corn and tortilla chips                                                                   
  1456. u2096.212      ;Corn chips                                                                                
  1457. u2096.299      ;Curls and related products                                                                
  1458. @       
  1459. u2096.3        ;Other chips, sticks, etc.                                                                 
  1460. u2096.311      ;Popped popcorn (except candied)                                                           
  1461. u2096.312      ;Pork rinds                                                                                
  1462. u2096.399      ;Other chips, sticks, etc.                                                                 
  1463. u2097          ;Manufactured ice                                                                          
  1464. u2097.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1465. u2097.1        ;Can or block ice                                                                          
  1466. u2097.2        ;Cubed,crushed or other processed ice                                                      
  1467. u2098          ;Macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles                                                          
  1468. u2098.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1469. u2098.1        ;Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, and other macaroni products of all types, except canned  
  1470. u2098.111      ;Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, and other macaroni products of all types, except canned  
  1471. u2098.2        ;Noodle products of all shapes, sizes, and types, except canned                            
  1472. u2098.211      ;Noodle products of all shapes, sizes, and types, except canned                            
  1473. u2099          ;Food preparations, n.e.c.                                                                 
  1474. u2099.a        ;Perishable prepared foods (sold in bulk or packages, not frozen)                          
  1475. u2099.a21      ;Salads                                                                                    
  1476. u2099.a31      ;Sandwiches, made from bread                                                               
  1477. u2099.a41      ;Tortillas, tamales, and other Mexican food specialties                                    
  1478. u2099.a98      ;Other perishable prepared foods                                                           
  1479. u2099.e        ;Spices                                                                                    
  1480. u2099.e11      ;Pepper, white and black                                                                   
  1481. u2099.e1131    ;Consumer sizes (less than 1 pound)                                                        
  1482. u2099.e1133    ;Commercial sizes (1 pound or greater)                                                     
  1483. u2099.e12      ;Other spices, except pepper                                                               
  1484. u2099.e1238    ;Consumer sizes (less than 1 pound)                                                        
  1485. u2099.e1239    ;Commercial sizes (1 pound or greater)                                                     
  1486. u2099.f44      ;Consumer sizes                                                                            
  1487. u2099.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1488. u2099.mm       ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1489. u2099.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1490. u2099.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1491. u2099.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1492. u2099.3        ;Sweetening syrups and molasses                                                            
  1493. u2099.325      ;Sweetening syrups and molasses, containing corn syrup                                     
  1494. u2099.327      ;Sweetening syrups and molasses, not containing corn syrup                                 
  1495. u2099.5        ;Tea in consumer packages                                                                  
  1496. u2099.582      ;Packaged tea in tea bags                                                                  
  1497. u2099.583      ;Powdered tea                                                                              
  1498. u2099.6        ;Cider and vinegar                                                                         
  1499. u2099.651      ;Vinegar, fermented and distilled                                                          
  1500. u2099.7        ;Dry mix preparations                                                                      
  1501. u2099.741      ;Seasoning mixes                                                                           
  1502. u2099.798      ;Other dry preparations, including bullion, but excluding imitation dairy mixes            
  1503. u2099.9        ;Other food preparations, n.e.c.                                                           
  1504. u2099.985      ;Unpopped popcorn in consumer packages                                                     
  1505. u2099.998      ;Other (incl. cracker sandwiches mfpm, coconut, pectin)                                    
  1506. u21            ;Tobacco manufactures                                                                      
  1507. u211           ;Cigarettes                                                                                
  1508. u2111          ;Cigarettes                                                                                
  1509. @       
  1510. u2111.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1511. u2111.1        ;Filter tip                                                                                
  1512. u2111.116      ;81 to 95 mm long                                                                          
  1513. u2111.118      ;Greater than 95 mm                                                                        
  1514. u2111.3        ;Nonfilter tip                                                                             
  1515. u2111.355      ;Nonfilter tip, all sizes                                                                  
  1516. u212           ;Cigars                                                                                    
  1517. u2121          ;Cigars                                                                                    
  1518. u2121.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1519. u2121.3        ;Cigars and cigarillos (weighing 3 or more pounds per 1,000 cigars)                        
  1520. u2121.312      ;Cigarillos (weighing 3 to 10 pounds per 1,000)                                            
  1521. u2121.314      ;Cigars (weighing more than 10 pounds per 1,000)                                           
  1522. u213           ;Chewing and smoking tobacco and snuff                                                     
  1523. u2131          ;Chewing and smoking tobacco and snuff                                                     
  1524. u2131.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1525. u2131.111      ;Smoking tobacco                                                                           
  1526. u2131.113      ;Loose leaf chewing tobacco                                                                
  1527. u2131.115      ;Chewing tobacco other than loose leaf, including fine cut, plug, and twist                
  1528. u2131.117      ;Snuff, dry and moist                                                                      
  1529. u214           ;Tobacco stemming and redrying                                                             
  1530. u2141          ;Tobacco stemming and redrying                                                             
  1531. u2141.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1532. u2141.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1533. u2141.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  1534. u2141.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1535. u2141.1        ;Unstemmed leaf tobacco redried before packing, including interplant transfers             
  1536. u2141.121      ;Unstemmed leaf tobacco redried before packing, including interplant transfers             
  1537. u2141.2        ;Tobacco stemmed                                                                           
  1538. u2141.21       ;Packed for sale as such                                                                   
  1539. u2141.215      ;Leaf, not aged                                                                            
  1540. u2141.3        ;Reconstituted tobacco (processed sheet and homogenized)                                   
  1541. u2141.311      ;Reconstituted tobacco (processed sheet and homogenized)                                   
  1542. u22            ;Textile mill products                                                                     
  1543. u221           ;Cotton broadwoven fabric                                                                  
  1544. u2211          ;Cotton broadwoven fabric                                                                  
  1545. u2211.a        ;Gray cotton broadwoven fabric, except interplant transfers                                
  1546. u2211.a1       ;Plain weaves, except duck                                                                 
  1547. u2211.a11      ;Tobacco, cheese, and bandage cloth                                                        
  1548. u2211.a12      ;Plain printcloth                                                                          
  1549. u2211.a14      ;Sheeting, other than bed sheeting                                                         
  1550. u2211.a15      ;Osnaburg                                                                                  
  1551. u2211.a21      ;Twill weaves, except denim                                                                
  1552. u2211.a3       ;Other weaves, except pile fabric                                                          
  1553. u2211.a31      ;Sateen                                                                                    
  1554. u2211.a32      ;Duck                                                                                      
  1555. u2211.a41      ;Corduroy                                                                                  
  1556. u2211.b        ;Finished cotton broadwoven fabric, except interplant transfers                            
  1557. u2211.b1       ;Plain weaves                                                                              
  1558. u2211.b15      ;Other plain weaves                                                                        
  1559. u2211.b2       ;Twill weaves                                                                              
  1560. @       
  1561. u2211.b21      ;Blue indigo denim                                                                         
  1562. u2211.b22      ;Other denim                                                                               
  1563. u2211.b4       ;Pile fabric                                                                               
  1564. u2211.b41      ;Corduroy                                                                                  
  1565. u2211.c        ;Cotton broadwoven fabric, finished products                                               
  1566. u2211.c11      ;Towels and washcloths                                                                     
  1567. u2211.c31      ;Bedspreads                                                                                
  1568. u2211.c61      ;Other                                                                                     
  1569. u2211.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1570. u2211.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1571. u2211.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1572. u22112221s     ;Man-made fiber and silk broadwoven fabric                                                 
  1573. u222           ;Synthetic fiber and silk broadwoven fabric                                                
  1574. u2221          ;Synthetic fiber and silk broadwoven fabric                                                
  1575. u2221.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1576. u2221.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1577. u2221.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  1578. u2221.1        ;Gray goods, except interplant transfers                                                   
  1579. u2221.12       ;Filament yarn fabric (85% + filament)                                                     
  1580. u2221.121      ;Chiefly rayon and/or acetate                                                              
  1581. u2221.122      ;Other filament yarn fabric                                                                
  1582. u2221.1223     ;Chiefly nylon                                                                             
  1583. u2221.1224     ;Chiefly polyester                                                                         
  1584. u2221.13       ;Spun yarn fabric (85% + spun), except manmade fiber/wool blends and silk fabric           
  1585. u2221.135      ;Plain weaves                                                                              
  1586. u2221.1351     ;Plain printcloth                                                                          
  1587. u2221.13511    ;Chiefly polyester/cotton blends                                                           
  1588. u2221.13512    ;Chiefly polyester/rayon blends                                                            
  1589. u2221.1356     ;Other plain weaves                                                                        
  1590. u2221.136      ;Twill weaves                                                                              
  1591. u2221.137      ;Other weaves, except pile fabric                                                          
  1592. u2221.1372     ;Other                                                                                     
  1593. u2221.143      ;Spun/filament yarn fabric (less than 85% spun or filament)                                
  1594. u2221.2        ;Finished fabric, except interplant transfers                                              
  1595. u2221.21       ;Filament yarn fabric (85% + filament)                                                     
  1596. u2221.212      ;Chiefly polyester                                                                         
  1597. u2221.213      ;Chiefly other filaments                                                                   
  1598. u2221.22       ;Spun yarn fabric (85% + spun), except manmade fiber/wool blends and silk fabric           
  1599. u2221.224      ;Plain weaves                                                                              
  1600. u2221.2241     ;Plain printcloth                                                                          
  1601. u2221.2242     ;Broadcloth, carded and combed                                                             
  1602. u2221.2245     ;Other plain weaves                                                                        
  1603. u2221.225      ;Twill weaves                                                                              
  1604. u2221.226      ;Other weaves, except pile fabric                                                          
  1605. u2221.22612    ;Other                                                                                     
  1606. u2221.231      ;Spun/filament yarn fabric (less than 85% spun or filament)                                
  1607. u2221.3        ;Fabricated textile products                                                               
  1608. u2221.319      ;Other fabricated textile products                                                         
  1609. u22212211a341  ;Other grey cotton fabric                                                                  
  1610. u22212211b131  ;Finished cotton broadcloth                                                                
  1611. @       
  1612. u22212211b211  ;Finished cotton twill weaves, except denim                                                
  1613. u22212211b331  ;Other finished cotton fabrics                                                             
  1614. u22212211s     ;Cotton broadwoven fabric                                                                  
  1615. u223           ;Wool weaving and finishing                                                                
  1616. u2231          ;Wool weaving and finishing                                                                
  1617. u2231.a        ;Finished wool fabrics                                                                     
  1618. u2231.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1619. u2231.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1620. u2231.211      ;Wool broad woven fabrics, gray goods                                                      
  1621. u2231.3        ;Finished wool apparel fabrics                                                             
  1622. u2231.314      ;Worsted                                                                                   
  1623. u2231.316      ;Woolen                                                                                    
  1624. u2231.4        ;Finished wool non-apparel fabrics and felts                                               
  1625. u2231.411      ;Finished wool non-apparel fabrics and felts                                               
  1626. u2231.5        ;Receipts for commission finishing or sponging of wool fabrics                             
  1627. u224           ;Narrow fabric mills                                                                       
  1628. u2241          ;Narrow fabric mills                                                                       
  1629. u2241.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1630. u2241.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1631. u2241.1        ;Woven narrow fabric                                                                       
  1632. u2241.11       ;Elastic                                                                                   
  1633. u2241.112      ;Corset and allied lines                                                                   
  1634. u2241.113      ;Underwear                                                                                 
  1635. u2241.114      ;Other apparel                                                                             
  1636. u2241.115      ;Other uses                                                                                
  1637. u2241.12       ;Nonelastic                                                                                
  1638. u2241.121      ;Woven edge ribbons                                                                        
  1639. u2241.123      ;Woven labels                                                                              
  1640. u2241.125      ;Tapes (wt. less than 15 oz./sq. yd.)                                                      
  1641. u2241.12556    ;All other tape                                                                            
  1642. u2241.127      ;Webbing (wt. 15 oz./sq. yd. or more)                                                      
  1643. u2241.12737    ;Safety belt webbing                                                                       
  1644. u2241.12739    ;All other webbing                                                                         
  1645. u2241.129      ;All other nonelastic                                                                      
  1646. u2241.4        ;Braided narrow fabric                                                                     
  1647. u2241.411      ;Elastic braids                                                                            
  1648. u2241.422      ;Nonelastic braids                                                                         
  1649. u2241.42221    ;Shoe and corset laces                                                                     
  1650. u2241.42223    ;Other nonelastic braids                                                                   
  1651. u2241.511      ;Covered elastic yarn                                                                      
  1652. u225           ;Knitting mills                                                                            
  1653. u2251          ;Women's hosiery knit on 300 needles or more                                               
  1654. u2251.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1655. u2251.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1656. u2251.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1657. u2251.3        ;Finished seamless hosiery                                                                 
  1658. u2251.321      ;Stockings and knee-highs, knit on 300 needles or more                                     
  1659. u2251.32177    ;Knee-high                                                                                 
  1660. u2251.32188    ;Full-length                                                                               
  1661. u2251.351      ;Pantyhose                                                                                 
  1662. @       
  1663. u2251.35122    ;Under 30 denier, sheer                                                                    
  1664. u2251.35144    ;30 denier and over, opaque                                                                
  1665. u2251.3516     ;Elastomer pantyhose                                                                       
  1666. u2251.35161    ;Control top                                                                               
  1667. u2251.35162    ;Leg support                                                                               
  1668. u2251.361      ;Other women's finished hosiery, knit on 300 needles or more                               
  1669. u2251.5        ;Unfinished seamless hosiery                                                               
  1670. u2251.517      ;Unfinished pantyhose                                                                      
  1671. u2251.518      ;Other unfinished hosiery                                                                  
  1672. u22512252s     ;Hosiery, n.e.c.                                                                           
  1673. u2252          ;Hosiery, n.e.c.                                                                           
  1674. u2252.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1675. u2252.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1676. u2252.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1677. u2252.22       ;Men's finished hosiery                                                                    
  1678. u2252.222      ;Anklet                                                                                    
  1679. u2252.2221     ;Cushion                                                                                   
  1680. u2252.2222     ;Non-cushion                                                                               
  1681. u2252.22221    ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1682. u2252.22227    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1683. u2252.223      ;Mid-calf/crew                                                                             
  1684. u2252.2231     ;Cushion                                                                                   
  1685. u2252.22311    ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1686. u2252.22317    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1687. u2252.2232     ;Non-cushion                                                                               
  1688. u2252.22321    ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1689. u2252.22327    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1690. u2252.224      ;Knee-high                                                                                 
  1691. u2252.2241     ;Cushion                                                                                   
  1692. u2252.22411    ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1693. u2252.22417    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1694. u2252.2242     ;Non-cushion                                                                               
  1695. u2252.22421    ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1696. u2252.22427    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1697. u2252.23       ;Other finished hosiery, knit on less than 300 needles, except women's stockings           
  1698. u2252.231      ;Women's, girls' and boys' footsock                                                        
  1699. u2252.232      ;Women's, girls' and boys' anklet                                                          
  1700. u2252.2321     ;Cushion                                                                                   
  1701. u2252.23211    ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1702. u2252.23211__a ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1703. u2252.23217    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1704. u2252.2322     ;Non-cushion                                                                               
  1705. u2252.23221    ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1706. u2252.23227    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1707. u2252.233      ;Women's, girls', and boy's knee-high socks                                                
  1708. u2252.2332     ;Girls' and boys' non-cushion                                                              
  1709. u2252.23327    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1710. u2252.2334     ;Women's knee-high socks--manmade fibers                                                   
  1711. u2252.234      ;Other women's, girls' and boys' finished hosiery, including leg warmers, waist-highs, etc 
  1712. u2252.235      ;Infants' and children's anklet                                                            
  1713. @       
  1714. u2252.23511    ;Natural fibers                                                                            
  1715. u2252.23577    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1716. u2252.237      ;Infants' and children's knee-high                                                         
  1717. u2252.23777    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  1718. u2252.238      ;Other infants' and children's finished hosiery                                            
  1719. u2252.24       ;Unfinished hosiery, knit on less than 300 needles, except women's stockings               
  1720. u2252.242      ;Men's unfinished hosiery                                                                  
  1721. u2252.246      ;Other unfinished hosiery, knit on less than 300 needles, except women's stockings         
  1722. u2253          ;Knit outerwear                                                                            
  1723. u2253.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1724. u2253.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1725. u2253.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  1726. u2253.sss____a ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  1727. u2253.1        ;Sweaters and sweater vests                                                                
  1728. u2253.12       ;Men's and boys'                                                                           
  1729. u2253.122      ;All wool and chiefly wool                                                                 
  1730. u2253.124      ;All manmade and chiefly manmade                                                           
  1731. u2253.126      ;Other fibers                                                                              
  1732. u2253.14       ;Women's, misses' and juniors'                                                             
  1733. u2253.144      ;All manmade and chiefly manmade                                                           
  1734. u2253.146      ;Cotton                                                                                    
  1735. u2253.18       ;Girls', children's and infants'                                                           
  1736. u2253.181      ;Girls', children's and infants'                                                           
  1737. u2253.2        ;Knit outerwear sport shirts, including sweat shirts                                       
  1738. u2253.22       ;Men's and boys'                                                                           
  1739. u2253.222      ;Sweatshirts and jerseys                                                                   
  1740. u2253.224      ;All manmade and chiefly manmade sport shirts                                              
  1741. u2253.225      ;Knit sport shirts, other fibers                                                           
  1742. u2253.24       ;Women's, misses' and juniors'                                                             
  1743. u2253.244      ;All manmade and chiefly manmade                                                           
  1744. u2253.3        ;Other knit outerwear                                                                      
  1745. u2253.31       ;Women's, misses' & juniors' knit outerwear, excl. sweaters, jackets, jerseys & sport shir 
  1746. u2253.319      ;Women's, misses', and juniors' knit outerwear                                             
  1747. u2253.33       ;Men's and boys' knit outerwear, excluding sweaters, jackets, jerseys and sport shirts     
  1748. u2253.333      ;Men's and boys' trousers                                                                  
  1749. u2253.335      ;Men's and boys' shirts, excluding sport shirts                                            
  1750. u2253.338      ;Men's and boys' other knit outerwear                                                      
  1751. u2253.36       ;Girls', children's and infants' other knit outerwear                                      
  1752. u2253.911      ;Contract work on knitting and dyeing knit outerwear                                       
  1753. u22532254s     ;Knit underwear and nightwear                                                              
  1754. u2254          ;Knit underwear and nightwear mills                                                        
  1755. u2254.a        ;Men's and boys' knit underwear                                                            
  1756. u2254.c        ;Women's and children's underwear and nightwear                                            
  1757. u2254.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1758. u2254.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1759. u2254.1        ;Men's and boys' undershirts, except thermal                                               
  1760. u2254.122      ;Undershirts, except athletic types                                                        
  1761. u2254.2        ;Women's and children's underwear                                                          
  1762. u2254.21       ;Women's underwear                                                                         
  1763. u2254.213      ;Panties                                                                                   
  1764. @       
  1765. u2254.214      ;Other underwear                                                                           
  1766. u2254.22       ;Girls', children's and infants' underwear                                                 
  1767. u2254.226      ;Other underwear                                                                           
  1768. u2254.3        ;Women's and children's nightwear                                                          
  1769. u2254.32       ;Girls', children's and infants' nightwear                                                 
  1770. u2254.326      ;Pajamas                                                                                   
  1771. u2254.4        ;Men's and boys' shorts and briefs                                                         
  1772. u2254.411      ;Shorts and briefs, except thermal underwear and union suits                               
  1773. u2254.5        ;Men's and boys' thermal underwear and union suits                                         
  1774. u2257          ;Circular knit fabrics                                                                     
  1775. u2257.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1776. u2257.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1777. u2257.1        ;Gray fabrics                                                                              
  1778. u2257.111      ;Gray fabrics                                                                              
  1779. u2257.2        ;Finished underwear and nightwear fabrics                                                  
  1780. u2257.211      ;Finished underwear and nightwear fabrics                                                  
  1781. u2257.4        ;Finished high pile fabrics                                                                
  1782. u2257.411      ;Finished high pile fabrics                                                                
  1783. u2257.5        ;Finished single knit outerwear fabrics                                                    
  1784. u2257.511      ;Manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                        
  1785. u2257.512      ;All other fibers                                                                          
  1786. u2257.6        ;Finished rib knit outerwear fabrics, excluding double knit and interlock                  
  1787. u2257.611      ;Manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                        
  1788. u2257.612      ;All other fibers                                                                          
  1789. u2257.7        ;Finished double knit outerwear fabrics, including interlock and eightlock fabrics         
  1790. u2257.711      ;Manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                        
  1791. u2257.712      ;All other fibers                                                                          
  1792. u2257.811      ;All other finished circular knit fabrics                                                  
  1793. u2257.9        ;Contract work on gray and finished circular knit fabric                                   
  1794. u2257.911      ;Contract knitting of gray fabric                                                          
  1795. u2257.915      ;Contract knitting/finishing                                                               
  1796. u2258          ;Warp knit fabrics                                                                         
  1797. u2258.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1798. u2258.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1799. u2258.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  1800. u2258.1        ;Gray goods                                                                                
  1801. u2258.101      ;Gray goods                                                                                
  1802. u2258.2        ;Finished underwear and nightwear fabrics                                                  
  1803. u2258.211      ;Manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                        
  1804. u2258.222      ;All other fibers                                                                          
  1805. u2258.3        ;Finished outerwear fabrics                                                                
  1806. u2258.311      ;Manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                        
  1807. u2258.319      ;All other fibers                                                                          
  1808. u2258.4        ;Other finished warp knit fabrics                                                          
  1809. u2258.439      ;Others                                                                                    
  1810. u2258.9        ;Contract work on gray and finished warp knit fabric                                       
  1811. u2258.915      ;Contract knitting/finishing                                                               
  1812. u2259          ;Knitting mills n.e.c.                                                                     
  1813. u2259.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1814. u2259.1        ;Knit gloves and mittens                                                                   
  1815. @       
  1816. u2259.171      ;Work, including fabric and leather or plastic combinations                                
  1817. u2259.2        ;Other knit end products                                                                   851
  1818. u2259.298      ;Other knit end products, n.e.c.                                                           851
  1819. u226           ;Dyeing and finishing textiles, except wool fabrics and knit goods                         841
  1820. u2261          ;Finished cotton broadwoven fabric                                                         840
  1821. u2261.p        ;Primary products                                                                          840
  1822. u2261.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        840
  1823. u2261.7        ;Non-commission finished fabric                                                            840
  1824. u2261.72       ;Plain weaves                                                                              870
  1825. u2261.725      ;Other plain weaves                                                                        870
  1826. u2261.9        ;Commission finishing                                                                      840
  1827. u2261.911      ;Commission finishing                                                                      860
  1828. u2262          ;Finished synthetic fiber and silk broadwoven fabric                                       840
  1829. u2262.p        ;Primary products                                                                          840
  1830. u2262.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        840
  1831. u2262.8        ;Non-commission finished fabric                                                            840
  1832. u2262.84       ;Spun yarn fabric (85% + spun), except manmade fiber/wool blends and silk fabric           870
  1833. u2262.9        ;Commission finishing                                                                      840
  1834. u2269          ;Finished yarn, raw stock, braided goods and narrow fabric, except knits and wool          830
  1835. u2269.a        ;Non-commission finishing                                                                  
  1836. u2269.b        ;Commission finishing                                                                      
  1837. u2269.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1838. u2269.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1839. u2269.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1840. u2269.2        ;Dyed yarn                                                                                 
  1841. u2269.221      ;Chiefly carded cotton yarn                                                                
  1842. u2269.223      ;Chiefly combed cotton yarn                                                                
  1843. u2269.232      ;Chiefly acrylic or modacrylic yarn                                                        
  1844. u2269.241      ;Polyester/cotton spun yarn                                                                
  1845. u2269.243      ;Other chiefly polyester spun yarn                                                         
  1846. u2269.254      ;Other dyed yarn                                                                           
  1847. u2269.351      ;Mercerized cotton yarn                                                                    
  1848. u2269.771      ;Finished braided or woven narrow fabric                                                   
  1849. u2269.921      ;Chiefly carded cotton yarn                                                                
  1850. u2269.922      ;Chiefly rayon or acetate yarn                                                             
  1851. u2269.923      ;Bleached or dyed raw stock                                                                
  1852. u2269.929      ;Other commission finishing                                                                
  1853. u227           ;Floor covering mills                                                                      
  1854. u2273          ;Carpet and rugs                                                                           
  1855. u2273.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1856. u2273.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1857. u2273.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  1858. u2273.1        ;Woven carpet and rugs                                                                     
  1859. u2273.111      ;Woven carpet and rugs, including mats and art squares                                     
  1860. u2273.2        ;Tufted carpet and rugs                                                                    
  1861. u2273.211      ;Bathmats and sets and scatter rugs 6 X 9 or less                                          
  1862. u2273.233      ;Tufted broadloom                                                                          
  1863. u2273.23301    ;Nylon tufted broadloom                                                                    
  1864. u2273.23303    ;Polyester tufted broadloom                                                                
  1865. u2273.23305    ;Acrylic/modacrylic tufted broadloom                                                       
  1866. @       
  1867. u2273.23309    ;Other tufted broadloom                                                                    
  1868. u2273.255      ;Automobile and aircraft carpeting                                                         
  1869. u2273.277      ;Other tufted carpet and rugs, including artificial grass                                  
  1870. u2273.288      ;Finishing only                                                                            
  1871. u2273.3        ;Other carpet and rugs                                                                     
  1872. u2273.321      ;Needle punched carpet and rugs                                                            
  1873. u2273.331      ;Braided, hooked, and other carpet and rugs, excluding woven and tufted                    
  1874. u228           ;Yarn and thread mills                                                                     
  1875. u2281          ;Spun yarn                                                                                 
  1876. u2281.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1877. u2281.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1878. u2281.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1879. u2281.1        ;Carded cotton yarns                                                                       
  1880. u2281.113      ;Gray carded cotton yarns for sale to others                                               
  1881. u2281.1131     ;1 - 20 count                                                                              
  1882. u2281.1133     ;21 count and over                                                                         
  1883. u2281.2        ;Combed cotton yarns                                                                       
  1884. u2281.213      ;Gray combed cotton yarns for sale to others                                               
  1885. u2281.2131     ;1 - 25 count                                                                              
  1886. u2281.2133     ;26 count and over                                                                         
  1887. u2281.3        ;Rayon and/or acetate spun yarns                                                           
  1888. u2281.313      ;Gray rayon and/or acetate spun yarns for sale to others                                   
  1889. u2281.4        ;Spun noncellulosic fiber, silk, and wool yarns                                            
  1890. u2281.41       ;Spun chiefly polyester yarns                                                              
  1891. u2281.413      ;Gray spun chiefly polyester yarns for sale to others                                      
  1892. u2281.4133     ;100% spun polyester                                                                       
  1893. u2281.4135     ;Blends, chiefly polyester                                                                 
  1894. u2281.41351    ;50-50 polyester/cotton blend                                                              
  1895. u2281.41353    ;Other blends                                                                              
  1896. u2281.42       ;Spun noncellulosic fiber, silk, and wool yarns, excluding polyester                       
  1897. u2281.423      ;Gray spun noncellulosic fiber, silk, and wool yarns for sale                              
  1898. u2281.4231     ;100% acrylic                                                                              
  1899. u2281.4233     ;100% nylon                                                                                
  1900. u2281.4234     ;Chiefly wool                                                                              
  1901. u2281.4235     ;Other spun  noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns, including blends                          
  1902. u2281.427      ;Finished spun noncellulosic fiber, silk, and wool yarns                                   
  1903. u2281.4271     ;Chiefly wool                                                                              
  1904. u2281.4273     ;Other spun noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns                                             
  1905. u2281.6        ;Interplant transfers of gray spun yarn                                                    
  1906. u2282          ;Texturing, throwing, and winding mill products: cotton, manmade fibers, silk, and wool    
  1907. u2282.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1908. u2282.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1909. u2282.2        ;Rewound, plied, and novelty yarns, including wool (not spun or thrown at same est.)       
  1910. u2282.211      ;Rewound, plied, and novelty yarns, including wool (not spun or thrown at same est.)       
  1911. u2282.3        ;Thrown filament yarns, except textured                                                    
  1912. u2282.332      ;Machine knitting yarns                                                                    
  1913. u2282.335      ;Other thrown yarns                                                                        
  1914. u2282.5        ;Textured, bulked, or crimped filament yarn (made from purchased yarn)                     
  1915. u2282.515      ;Nylon                                                                                     
  1916. u2282.51511    ;Nylon (34 & finer denier)                                                                 
  1917. @       
  1918. u2282.51512    ;Nylon (35 - 59 denier)                                                                    
  1919. u2282.51513    ;Nylon (60 - 89 denier)                                                                    
  1920. u2282.51514    ;Nylon (90 - 210 denier)                                                                   
  1921. u2282.51516    ;Nylon (1000 - 1499 denier)                                                                
  1922. u2282.51516__a ;Nylon (1000 - 1499 denier)                                                                
  1923. u2282.551      ;Polyester                                                                                 
  1924. u2282.55121    ;Polyester (56 - 89 denier)                                                                
  1925. u2282.55122    ;Polyester (90 - 144 denier)                                                               
  1926. u2282.55123    ;Polyester (145 - 179 denier)                                                              
  1927. u2282.55124    ;Polyester (all other deniers)                                                             
  1928. u2282.571      ;All other textured filament yarns                                                         
  1929. u2282.9        ;Commission texturing, throwing, plying, etc. of filament yarns                            
  1930. u2282.911      ;Commission texturing or throwing of filament yarns                                        
  1931. u2282.951      ;Commission plying, winding, warping, etc., of yarns (not thrown or spun at same est.)     
  1932. u2284          ;Thread mills                                                                              
  1933. u2284.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1934. u2284.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1935. u2284.1        ;Finished thread for use in the home                                                       
  1936. u2284.157      ;Manmade fiber thread and other thread                                                     
  1937. u2284.2        ;Finished thread for industrial or manufacturers' use                                      
  1938. u2284.213      ;Cotton thread, including industrial weight goods and braided                              
  1939. u2284.225      ;Manmade fiber thread and other thread                                                     
  1940. u2284.22501    ;Spun polyester                                                                            
  1941. u2284.22502    ;Corespun                                                                                  
  1942. u2284.22503    ;Textured polyester and nylon                                                              
  1943. u2284.22504    ;Filament polyester and nylon                                                              
  1944. u2284.22505    ;Other                                                                                     
  1945. u229           ;Miscellaneous textile goods                                                               
  1946. u2292          ;Lace goods                                                                                
  1947. u2292.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  1948. u2292.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1949. u2292.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  1950. u2292.115      ;Leavers lace, including all-overs, edgings, insertions, galloons, and flouncings          
  1951. u2295          ;Coated fabrics, not rubberized                                                            
  1952. u2295.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1953. u2295.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1954. u2295.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1955. u2295.2        ;Vinyl coated or laminated fabric                                                          
  1956. u2295.211      ;Lightweight fabric, 10 oz. & under/sq yd finished wt                                      
  1957. u2295.21113    ;Woven fabric base                                                                         
  1958. u2295.21117    ;Nonwoven fabric base                                                                      
  1959. u2295.222      ;Mediumweight fabric, over 10 oz. to 16 oz./sq. yd. finished wt                            
  1960. u2295.22222    ;Woven fabric base                                                                         
  1961. u2295.22224    ;Knitted fabric base                                                                       
  1962. u2295.233      ;Heavyweight fabric, over 16 oz./sq. yd finished wt                                        
  1963. u2295.23332    ;Woven fabric base                                                                         
  1964. u2295.23334    ;Knitted fabric base                                                                       
  1965. u2295.23336    ;Nonwoven fabric base                                                                      
  1966. u2295.3        ;Polyurethane & other coated & laminated fabric                                            
  1967. u2295.315      ;Polyurethane coated or laminated fabric                                                   
  1968. @       
  1969. u2295.322      ;Other coated or laminated fabric                                                          
  1970. u2295.3222     ;Lightweight fabric, 10 oz. & under/sq yd. finished wt                                     
  1971. u2295.32222    ;Woven fabric base                                                                         
  1972. u2295.32225    ;Knitted or nonwoven fabric base                                                           
  1973. u2295.3223     ;Mediumweight fabric, over 10 oz. to 16 oz./sq. yd. finished wt                            
  1974. u2295.3224     ;Heavyweight fabric, over 16 oz./sq. yd finished wt                                        
  1975. u2296          ;Tire cord and fabric                                                                      
  1976. u2296.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1977. u2296.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1978. u2296.1        ;Tire cord and fabric                                                                      
  1979. u2296.122      ;Nylon tire cord and fabric                                                                
  1980. u2296.133      ;Polyester tire cord and fabric                                                            
  1981. u2296.155      ;Steel tire cord and fabric                                                                
  1982. u2296.166      ;All other tire cord and fabric, including chafer fabric                                   
  1983. u2297          ;Nonwoven fabrics and related products                                                     
  1984. u2297.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  1985. u2297.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  1986. u2297.1        ;Nonwoven fabrics                                                                          
  1987. u2297.12       ;Laminated and wet laid                                                                    
  1988. u2297.121      ;Under 1 ounce per square yard                                                             
  1989. u2297.123      ;1 ounce to 2.5 ounces per square yard                                                     
  1990. u2297.125      ;Over 2.5 ounces per square yard                                                           
  1991. u2297.13       ;Spun bonded, dry laid, and others                                                         
  1992. u2297.131      ;Under 0.8 ounces per square yard                                                          
  1993. u2297.133      ;0.8 ounces to 1.5 ounces per square yard                                                  
  1994. u2297.135      ;Over 1.5 ounces per square yard                                                           
  1995. u2297.2        ;Fabricated nonwoven products                                                              
  1996. u2297.251      ;Wipers made from nonwoven fabrics (windshield, industrial, and lithographic)              
  1997. u2297.298      ;Other nonwoven products                                                                   
  1998. u2298          ;Cordage and twine                                                                         
  1999. u2298.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2000. u2298.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2001. u2298.1        ;Hard fiber cordage and twine                                                              
  2002. u2298.2        ;Soft fiber cordage and twine, except cotton                                               
  2003. u2298.2a       ;Manmade fiber cordage and twine                                                           
  2004. u2298.207      ;Fish line, fish net, and fish netting (made in this establishment)                        
  2005. u2298.208      ;Rope                                                                                      
  2006. u2298.20811    ;Polypropylene                                                                             
  2007. u2298.20812    ;Nylon                                                                                     
  2008. u2298.20814    ;Polyester                                                                                 
  2009. u2298.20815    ;All other rope, including rope made with combinations of material                         
  2010. u2298.211      ;Twine, agricultural                                                                       
  2011. u2298.212      ;All other manmade fiber cordage and twine, including industrial twine                     
  2012. u2298.3        ;Cotton cordage and twine                                                                  
  2013. u2299          ;Textile goods, n.e.c.                                                                     
  2014. u2299.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2015. u2299.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2016. u2299.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2017. u2299.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2018. u2299.1        ;Felt goods, except woven felt and hats                                                    
  2019. @       
  2020. u2299.11       ;Pressed wool felt                                                                         
  2021. u2299.111      ;Industrial felt                                                                           
  2022. u2299.12       ;Punched or needled felts                                                                  
  2023. u2299.124      ;Wool felts and man-made fiber felts                                                       
  2024. u2299.2        ;Jute and linen goods, except felts, cord, and twine                                       
  2025. u2299.261      ;Jute yarn, bagging, and all other jute woven goods, except felts                          
  2026. u2299.3        ;Scouring and combing mill products                                                        
  2027. u2299.341      ;Tops and noils, including top or sliver converted from tow without combing                
  2028. u2299.351      ;Scoured wool and other scouring and combing mill products, including nubs and slubs, etc. 
  2029. u2299.4        ;Processed textile waste                                                                   
  2030. u2299.41       ;Recovered fibers, processed mill waste, and related products                              
  2031. u2299.411      ;Fibers recovered from clips and rags (new and used)                                       
  2032. u2299.412      ;Fibers recovered from mill waste, excluding fibers recovered from clips and rags          
  2033. u2299.4127     ;Man-made fibers                                                                           
  2034. u2299.41273    ;Nylon                                                                                     
  2035. u2299.41274    ;All other man-made fibers, including combinations of fiber types                          
  2036. u2299.4128     ;All other fibers, including oakum and wool                                                
  2037. u2299.4128___a ;All other fibers, including oakum and wool                                                
  2038. u2299.6        ;Padding and upholstery filling                                                            
  2039. u2299.63       ;Padding and upholstery filling, batting, wadding, excluding foam rubber and plastics      
  2040. u2299.631      ;Padding and pads                                                                          
  2041. u2299.63119    ;All other padding                                                                         
  2042. u2299.633      ;Batting, wadding, and mattress felts                                                      
  2043. u2299.63321    ;Made from cotton linters, cotton waste, and raw cotton                                    
  2044. u2299.63341    ;Made from all other fibers                                                                
  2045. u2299.635      ;Upholstery filling                                                                        
  2046. u2299.8        ;Other textile goods, n.e.c.                                                               
  2047. u2299.859      ;Other textile goods, n.e.c.                                                               
  2048. u23            ;Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics and similar materials               
  2049. u231           ;Men's and boys' suits and coats                                                           
  2050. u2311          ;Men's and boys' suits and coats                                                           
  2051. u2311.a        ;Men's and boys' suits and coats, excluding contract work                                  
  2052. u2311.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2053. u2311.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2054. u2311.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2055. u2311.1        ;Men's suits                                                                               
  2056. u2311.11       ;Business suits                                                                            
  2057. u2311.113      ;Regular weight business suits                                                             
  2058. u2311.11344    ;Fabrics except all wool or wool blends                                                    
  2059. u2311.11347    ;All wool or wool blends                                                                   
  2060. u2311.117      ;Light weight business suits                                                               
  2061. u2311.11744    ;Fabrics except all wool or wool blends                                                    
  2062. u2311.11747    ;All wool or wool blends                                                                   
  2063. u2311.129      ;Men's suits except business                                                               
  2064. u2311.3        ;Men's tailored dress and sport coats and jackets                                          
  2065. u2311.321      ;Business type dress and sport coats and jackets                                           
  2066. u2311.32144    ;Fabrics except wool and cotton                                                            
  2067. u2311.32145    ;All wool or wool blends                                                                   
  2068. u2311.322      ;Dress, sport coats and jackets, except business, incl. sep. vests                         
  2069. u2311.4        ;Boys' suits, coats, and tailored jackets                                                  
  2070. @       
  2071. u2311.415      ;Boys' suits, coats, and tailored jackets, incl. sep. vests                                
  2072. u2311.9        ;Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' suits and coats                             
  2073. u23112327s     ;Men's and boys' separate trousers                                                         
  2074. u232           ;Men's, youths' & boys' furnishings, work clothing & allied garments                       
  2075. u2321          ;Men's and boys' shirts, except work shirts                                                
  2076. u2321.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2077. u2321.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2078. u2321.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2079. u2321.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2080. u2321.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2081. u2321.2        ;Men's and boys' knit outerwear sport shirts, including sweatshirts                        
  2082. u2321.211      ;Men's knit outerwear sportshirts, including sweatshirts                                   
  2083. u2321.21115    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton fibers                                                      
  2084. u2321.21117    ;All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                    
  2085. u2321.225      ;Boys' knit outerwear sport shirts, including sweatshirts                                  
  2086. u2321.22526    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton fibers                                                      
  2087. u2321.22527    ;All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                    
  2088. u2321.4        ;Men's and boys' dress and woven sport shirts, including uniform shirts                    
  2089. u2321.417      ;Men's dress and business shirts and collars, including uniform shirts                     
  2090. u2321.41718    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton fibers                                                      
  2091. u2321.41721    ;All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                    
  2092. u2321.427      ;Men's woven sport shirts                                                                  
  2093. u2321.42713    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton fibers                                                      
  2094. u2321.42714    ;All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                    
  2095. u2321.437      ;Boys' dress and uniform shirts and collars                                                
  2096. u2321.438      ;Boys' woven sport shirts                                                                  
  2097. u2321.9        ;Contract work on men's and boys shirts                                                    
  2098. u2321.913      ;Contract work on men's and boys' shirts and collars                                       
  2099. u2322          ;Men's and boys' underwear and nightwear                                                   
  2100. u2322.a        ;Men's and boys' knit underwear                                                            
  2101. u2322.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2102. u2322.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2103. u2322.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2104. u2322.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2105. u2322.1        ;Knit undershirts, except thermal                                                          
  2106. u2322.122      ;Undershirts, except athletic type                                                         
  2107. u2322.2        ;Men's and boys' woven underwear                                                           
  2108. u2322.4        ;Knit shorts and briefs, except thermal                                                    
  2109. u2323          ;Men's and boys' neckwear                                                                  
  2110. u2323.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2111. u2323.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2112. u2323.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2113. u2323.y93      ;Contract work                                                                             
  2114. u2323.y93____a ;Contract work                                                                             
  2115. u2323.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2116. u2323.1        ;Men's and boys' neckwear                                                                  
  2117. u2323.12       ;Men's and boys' neckties                                                                  
  2118. u2323.121      ;All silk                                                                                  
  2119. u2323.127      ;All polyester                                                                             
  2120. u2323.129      ;Other fabrics, including blends                                                           
  2121. @       
  2122. u2323.14       ;Men's and boys' neckwear, n.e.c., including mufflers and scarfs                           
  2123. u2323.149      ;Men's and boys' neckwear, n.e.c., including mufflers and scarfs                           
  2124. u2327          ;Men's and boys' separate trousers                                                         
  2125. u2327.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2126. u2327.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2127. u2327.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2128. u2327.1        ;Men's and boys' dress and sport trousers and dress shorts                                 
  2129. u2327.112      ;Men's dress and sports trousers, except uniform                                           
  2130. u2327.1122     ;All wool and chiefly wool, all fabric constructions                                       
  2131. u2327.1124     ;All cotton and chiefly cotton, all fabric constructions                                   
  2132. u2327.1125     ;All manmade and chiefly manmade, except manmade/wool blends                               
  2133. u2327.11251    ;Woven                                                                                     
  2134. u2327.11252    ;Knit                                                                                      
  2135. u2327.1127     ;Manmade/wool blends (chiefly manmade), all fabric constructions                           
  2136. u2327.146      ;Men's and boys' dress shorts                                                              
  2137. u2327.157      ;Boys' dress and sport trousers, including uniform                                         
  2138. u2327.157____a ;Boys' dress and sport trousers, including uniform                                         
  2139. u2327.15752    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton                                                             
  2140. u2327.174      ;Men's uniform dress trousers                                                              
  2141. u2327.9        ;Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' trousers                                    
  2142. u2327.911      ;Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' trousers                                    
  2143. u23272328s     ;Men's and boys' work clothing                                                             
  2144. u2328          ;Men's and boys' work clothing                                                             
  2145. u2328.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2146. u2328.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2147. u2328.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2148. u2328.1        ;Men's and boys' work shirts                                                               
  2149. u2328.111      ;Men's and boys' work shirts                                                               
  2150. u2328.3        ;Men's and boys' jeans, dungarees, and jean-cut casual slacks                              
  2151. u2328.351      ;Men's jeans, dungarees, and jean-cut casual slacks                                        
  2152. u2328.35126    ;Denim                                                                                     
  2153. u2328.35127    ;Corduroy                                                                                  
  2154. u2328.35129    ;Other fabrics                                                                             
  2155. u2328.352      ;Boys' jeans, dungarees, and jean-cut casual slacks                                        
  2156. u2328.35226    ;Denim                                                                                     
  2157. u2328.35229    ;Other fabrics                                                                             
  2158. u2328.4        ;Men's and boys' other work clothing                                                       
  2159. u2328.451      ;Men's other work clothing                                                                 
  2160. u2328.45111    ;Washable service apparel                                                                  
  2161. u2328.45114    ;Coveralls and other one piece work suits                                                  
  2162. u2328.45121    ;Overalls                                                                                  
  2163. u2328.45131    ;Work pants, excluding jeans and dungarees                                                 
  2164. u2328.45139    ;Other work clothing, including jackets                                                    
  2165. u2328.452      ;Boys' other work clothing                                                                 
  2166. u2328.9        ;Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' work clothing                               
  2167. u2328.911      ;Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' work clothing                               
  2168. u23282327s     ;Men's and boys' separate  trousers                                                        
  2169. u2329          ;Men's and boys' clothing, n.e.c.                                                          
  2170. u2329.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2171. u2329.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2172. @       
  2173. u2329.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2174. u2329.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2175. u2329.1        ;Men's and boys' nontailored heavy jackets and coats, including uniform, excluding ski jac 
  2176. u2329.121      ;Men's heavy nontailored jackets and coats, including uniform                              
  2177. u2329.12101    ;Chiefly cotton                                                                            
  2178. u2329.12102    ;Chiefly wool                                                                              
  2179. u2329.12103    ;Other fabrics                                                                             
  2180. u2329.125      ;Boys' nontailored heavy jackets and coats, including uniform                              
  2181. u2329.12503    ;Other fabrics                                                                             
  2182. u2329.2        ;Men's and boys' swimwear, sweaters, and outerwear n.e.c.                                  
  2183. u2329.22       ;Swimwear and athletic shorts                                                              
  2184. u2329.221      ;Men's and boys' swimsuits                                                                 
  2185. u2329.223      ;Men's and boys' athletic shorts                                                           
  2186. u2329.23       ;Men's and boys' athletic uniforms sold as such                                            
  2187. u2329.24       ;Men's and boys' sweaters, including sweater vests                                         
  2188. u2329.241      ;Men's sweaters                                                                            
  2189. u2329.25       ;Men's and boys' outerwear, n.e.c.                                                         
  2190. u2329.255      ;Men's light nontailored jackets, excluding uniform                                        
  2191. u2329.258      ;Boys' light nontailored jackets, excluding uniform                                        
  2192. u2329.259      ;Other men's and boys' outerwear, n.e.c.                                                   
  2193. u23292323y93   ;Contract work                                                                             
  2194. u233           ;Women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear                                                  
  2195. u2331          ;Women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists & shirts                                     
  2196. u2331.a        ;Women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists & shirts, excluding contract work            
  2197. u2331.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2198. u2331.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2199. u2331.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2200. u2331.2        ;Women's, misses', & juniors' knit outerwear sport & sweat shirts                          
  2201. u2331.243      ;Knit outerwear sport shirts                                                               
  2202. u2331.24311    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton                                                             
  2203. u2331.24315    ;All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                    
  2204. u2331.7        ;Women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists, & shirts, except knit sport & sweat shirts  
  2205. u2331.721      ;Knit blouses, waists, & shirts                                                            
  2206. u2331.72116    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton                                                             
  2207. u2331.72117    ;All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                    
  2208. u2331.723      ;Woven blouses, waists, & shirts                                                           
  2209. u2331.72316    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton                                                             
  2210. u2331.72317    ;All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers                                                    
  2211. u2331.9        ;Contract work on women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists, & shirts                   
  2212. u2331.911      ;Contract work on women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists, & shirts                   
  2213. u23312339s     ;Women's, misses', & juniors' outerwear, n.e.c.                                            
  2214. u2335          ;Women's, misses', and juniors' dresses                                                    
  2215. u2335.a        ;Dresses not made on a contract basis                                                      
  2216. u2335.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2217. u2335.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2218. u2335.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2219. u2335.1        ;Unit priced dresses                                                                       
  2220. u2335.121      ;Unit priced - chiefly cotton                                                              
  2221. u2335.125      ;Unit priced - chiefly synthetic                                                           
  2222. u2335.129      ;Unit priced - chiefly other material                                                      
  2223. @       
  2224. u2335.2        ;Dozen priced dresses                                                                      
  2225. u2335.9        ;Contract work on women's and misses' dresses                                              
  2226. u23352337s     ;Women's and misses' suits and coats                                                       
  2227. u2337          ;Women's, misses', and juniors' suits and coats                                            
  2228. u2337.a        ;Coats, suits, and skirts, excluding contract work                                         
  2229. u2337.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2230. u2337.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2231. u2337.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2232. u2337.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  2233. u2337.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2234. u2337.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2235. u2337.1        ;Coats, except fur, all leather, and rain                                                  
  2236. u2337.122      ;All wool and chiefly wool                                                                 
  2237. u2337.123      ;All manmade and chiefly manmade                                                           
  2238. u2337.2        ;Suits                                                                                     
  2239. u2337.251      ;Other suits, including uniforms                                                           
  2240. u2337.25101    ;Woven                                                                                     
  2241. u2337.4        ;Skirts and jackets                                                                        
  2242. u2337.41       ;Skirts, including uniform                                                                 
  2243. u2337.415      ;Woven                                                                                     
  2244. u2337.42       ;Jackets                                                                                   
  2245. u2337.422      ;Separate tailored suit-type jackets, including uniform                                    
  2246. u2337.42201    ;Woven                                                                                     
  2247. u2337.428      ;Nontailored outer jackets, excluding ski                                                  
  2248. u2337.9        ;Contract work on women's, misses' and juniors' suits and coats                            
  2249. u2337.911      ;Contract work on women's, misses' and juniors' suits and coats                            
  2250. u23372331s     ;Women's, misses' and juniors' blouses, waists and shirts                                  
  2251. u23372339s     ;Women's, misses' and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c.                                           
  2252. u2339          ;Women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c.                                          
  2253. u2339.a        ;Non-commission women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c.                           
  2254. u2339.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2255. u2339.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2256. u2339.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2257. u2339.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2258. u2339.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2259. u2339.2        ;Washable service apparel                                                                  
  2260. u2339.213      ;Nurses', maids', waitresses', and similar uniforms                                        
  2261. u2339.4        ;Bathing suits                                                                             
  2262. u2339.411      ;Bathing suits                                                                             
  2263. u2339.5        ;Slacks                                                                                    
  2264. u2339.541      ;Jean-cut casual slacks                                                                    
  2265. u2339.54101    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton                                                             
  2266. u2339.565      ;Other slacks                                                                              
  2267. u2339.5651     ;Knit fabric                                                                               
  2268. u2339.56511    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton                                                             
  2269. u2339.56512    ;Fabric other than all cotton and chiefly cotton                                           
  2270. u2339.5652     ;Woven fabric                                                                              
  2271. u2339.56521    ;All cotton and chiefly cotton                                                             
  2272. u2339.56522    ;Fabric other than all cotton and chiefly cotton                                           
  2273. u2339.7        ;Other outerwear, n.e.c.                                                                   
  2274. @       
  2275. u2339.71       ;Play garments and dungarees                                                               
  2276. u2339.715      ;Dungarees                                                                                 
  2277. u2339.716      ;Playshorts, pedal pushers, bermudas, and jamaicas                                         
  2278. u2339.719      ;Other play garments, including playsuits, beachtops, and halters                          
  2279. u2339.751      ;Sweaters, jackets, and jerseys                                                            
  2280. u2339.751____a ;Sweaters, jackets, and jerseys                                                            
  2281. u2339.781      ;All other outerwear                                                                       
  2282. u2339.9        ;Contract and commission work on women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c.          
  2283. u2339.911      ;Contract and commission work on women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c.          
  2284. u23392331s     ;Women's, misses', and juniors' blouses, waists, and shirts                                
  2285. u23392337s     ;Women's, misses', and juniors' suits, skirts, and coats                                   
  2286. u234           ;Women's, misses', children's, and infants' undergarments                                  
  2287. u2341          ;Women's and children's underwear and nightwear                                            
  2288. u2341.a        ;Women's and children's underwear and nightwear, excluding contract work                   
  2289. u2341.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2290. u2341.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2291. u2341.2        ;Underwear                                                                                 
  2292. u2341.21       ;Women's underwear                                                                         
  2293. u2341.211      ;Slips, half slips, and petticoats                                                         
  2294. u2341.2113     ;Chiefly synthetic fibers                                                                  
  2295. u2341.213      ;Panties                                                                                   
  2296. u2341.214      ;Other women's underwear                                                                   
  2297. u2341.22       ;Girls', children's and infants' underwear                                                 
  2298. u2341.223      ;Panties                                                                                   
  2299. u2341.225      ;Other girls', children's and infants' underwear                                           
  2300. u2341.3        ;Nightwear                                                                                 
  2301. u2341.31       ;Women's nightwear                                                                         
  2302. u2341.315      ;Nightgowns                                                                                
  2303. u2341.3153     ;Chiefly synthetic fibers                                                                  
  2304. u2341.316      ;Pajamas                                                                                   
  2305. u2341.3163     ;Chiefly synthetic fibers                                                                  
  2306. u2341.317      ;Other women's nightwear                                                                   
  2307. u2341.32       ;Girls', children's and infants' nightwear                                                 
  2308. u2341.325      ;Nightgowns                                                                                
  2309. u2341.326      ;Pajamas                                                                                   
  2310. u2341.9        ;Contract work on women's and children's underwear and nightwear                           
  2311. u2341.911      ;Contract work on women's and children's underwear and nightwear                           
  2312. u2342          ;Brassieres and allied garments                                                            
  2313. u2342.a        ;Brassieres and allied garments, excluding contract work                                   
  2314. u2342.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2315. u2342.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2316. u2342.1        ;Brassieres                                                                                
  2317. u2342.14       ;Bandeau                                                                                   
  2318. u2342.141      ;Regular strap                                                                             
  2319. u2342.14112    ;Soft cup                                                                                  
  2320. u2342.14113    ;Contour lined cup                                                                         
  2321. u2342.14114    ;Underwire                                                                                 
  2322. u2342.14119    ;Other, including padded                                                                   
  2323. u2342.142      ;Contour lined or padded strap                                                             
  2324. u2342.14212    ;Soft cup                                                                                  
  2325. @       
  2326. u2342.14213    ;Contour lined cup                                                                         
  2327. u2342.143      ;Strapless, convertible or other bandeau bras                                              
  2328. u2342.15       ;Other bras, including long line                                                           
  2329. u2342.2        ;Girdles, corsets, combinations and accessories                                            
  2330. u2342.211      ;Girdles, with or without openings                                                         
  2331. u2342.241      ;Corsets, combinations, and accessories                                                    
  2332. u2342.9        ;Contract work on brassieres and allied garments                                           
  2333. u2342.911      ;Contract work on brassieres and allied garments                                           
  2334. u235           ;Hats, caps, and millinery                                                                 
  2335. u2353          ;Hats, caps, and millinery                                                                 
  2336. u2353.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2337. u2353.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2338. u2353.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2339. u2353.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  2340. u2353.1        ;Millinery                                                                                 
  2341. u2353.112      ;Fur felt and wool felt                                                                    
  2342. u2353.141      ;Fabric                                                                                    
  2343. u2353.193      ;All other millinery inc. flowered millinery, straw, whimseys, miniatures, etc.            
  2344. u2353.2        ;Hats and hat bodies, except cloth and millinery                                           
  2345. u2353.215      ;Finished straw hats except harvest hats                                                   
  2346. u2353.241      ;Wool felt finished hats                                                                   
  2347. u2353.283      ;Fur felt finished hats                                                                    
  2348. u2353.3        ;Woven cloth hats and caps                                                                 
  2349. u2353.312      ;Woven cloth hats, except uniform                                                          
  2350. u2353.315      ;Woven cloth caps, except uniform                                                          
  2351. u2353.317      ;Woven uniform hats and caps                                                               
  2352. u2353.498      ;All other hats and caps, including those made from purchased knit fabric and harvest hats 
  2353. u236           ;Girls', children's, and infants' outerwear                                                
  2354. u2361          ;Girls', children's, and infants' dresses, blouses, and shirts                             
  2355. u2361.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2356. u2361.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2357. u2361.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2358. u2361.1        ;Dresses, blouses, & shirts, except knit sport shirts & sweatshirts                        
  2359. u2361.12       ;Dresses                                                                                   
  2360. u2361.121      ;Girls' dresses                                                                            
  2361. u2361.123      ;Children's dresses                                                                        
  2362. u2361.12335    ;All or chiefly manmade fiber fabric                                                       
  2363. u2361.125      ;Infants' dresses                                                                          
  2364. u2361.13       ;Blouses & shirts, except knit sport shirts & sweatshirts                                  
  2365. u2361.133      ;Girls' blouses & shirts                                                                   
  2366. u2361.2        ;Knit sport shirts & sweatshirts                                                           
  2367. u2361.21       ;Knit sport shirts                                                                         
  2368. u2361.213      ;Girls' knit sport shirts                                                                  
  2369. u2361.215      ;Children's knit sport shirts                                                              
  2370. u2361.21543    ;All or chiefly manmade fiber fabric                                                       
  2371. u2361.217      ;Infants' knit sport shirts                                                                
  2372. u2361.9        ;Contract work on dresses, blouses & shirts                                                
  2373. u2361.913      ;Contract work on dresses, blouses & shirts                                                
  2374. u2369          ;Girls', children's, & infants' outerwear, n.e.c.                                          
  2375. u2369.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2376. @       
  2377. u2369.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2378. u2369.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2379. u2369.2        ;Coats, snowsuits, coat-and-legging sets, suits, vests, & jackets                          
  2380. u2369.21       ;Coats                                                                                     
  2381. u2369.213      ;Children's and infants' coats                                                             
  2382. u2369.222      ;Coat-and-legging sets, coat-and-snowpant sets, snowsuits, etc.                            
  2383. u2369.224      ;Jackets                                                                                   
  2384. u2369.3        ;Outerwear, n.e.c., except contract work                                                   
  2385. u2369.34       ;Play garments                                                                             
  2386. u2369.342      ;Girls' play garments                                                                      
  2387. u2369.3425     ;Other girls' play garments: shorts, playsuits, halter tops, etc.                          
  2388. u2369.3425___a ;Other girls' play garments: shorts, playsuits, halter tops, etc.                          
  2389. u2369.345      ;Children's and infants' play garments, except infants' creepers and rompers               
  2390. u2369.3451     ;Slacks                                                                                    
  2391. u2369.3452     ;Jeans, dungarees, and shorts                                                              
  2392. u2369.34522    ;Other fabric                                                                              
  2393. u2369.3453     ;All other play garments, except infants' creepers and rompers                             
  2394. u2369.346      ;Infants' creepers and rompers                                                             
  2395. u2369.34611    ;All or chiefly man-made                                                                   
  2396. u2369.39       ;Other outerwear: skirts, swimsuits, headwear, neckwear, buntings, robes, etc.             
  2397. u2369.393      ;Skirts                                                                                    
  2398. u2369.396      ;Swimsuits                                                                                 
  2399. u2369.398      ;Headwear, neckwear, buntings, robes, etc.                                                 
  2400. u2369.9        ;Contract work on children's outerwear, n.e.c.                                             
  2401. u2369.911      ;Contract work on children's outerwear, n.e.c.                                             
  2402. u23692361s     ;Girls', children's, and infants' dresses, blouses, & shirts                               
  2403. u237           ;Fur goods                                                                                 
  2404. u2371          ;Fur goods                                                                                 
  2405. u2371.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2406. u2371.1        ;Fur products                                                                              
  2407. u2371.111      ;Mink                                                                                      
  2408. u2371.113      ;Fox                                                                                       
  2409. u2371.113____a ;Fox                                                                                       
  2410. u2371.115      ;Beaver, Rabbit, and Other Furs                                                            
  2411. u238           ;Miscellaneous apparel and accessories                                                     
  2412. u2381          ;Fabric dress and work gloves                                                              
  2413. u2381.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2414. u2381.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2415. u2381.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2416. u2381.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2417. u2381.2        ;Work gloves and mittens                                                                   
  2418. u2381.211      ;All fabric                                                                                
  2419. u2381.21122    ;Single canton flannel                                                                     
  2420. u2381.21124    ;Double canton flannel                                                                     
  2421. u2381.21132    ;Fleeced cotton jersey                                                                     
  2422. u2381.21134    ;Circular knit cotton                                                                      
  2423. u2381.21138    ;Coated and partially coated fabric                                                        
  2424. u2381.21147    ;Other fabric                                                                              
  2425. u2381.251      ;Leather or plastic and fabric combinations                                                
  2426. u2384          ;Robes and dressing gowns, except children's                                               
  2427. @       
  2428. u2384.m        ;Miscellaneous reciepts                                                                    
  2429. u2384.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2430. u2384.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2431. u2384.2        ;Women's, misses' and juniors' robes and dressing gowns                                    
  2432. u2384.201      ;Terry cloth fabrics                                                                       
  2433. u2384.203      ;All other fabrics                                                                         
  2434. u2385          ;Waterproof outer garments                                                                 
  2435. u2385.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2436. u2385.m______a ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2437. u2385.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2438. u2385.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2439. u2385.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2440. u2385.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2441. u2385.141      ;Raincoats and raincapes                                                                   
  2442. u2385.14111    ;Men's and boys'                                                                           
  2443. u2385.14122    ;Women's, misses', and juniors'                                                            
  2444. u2385.198      ;Other waterproof garments                                                                 
  2445. u2386          ;Leather and sheep lined clothing                                                          
  2446. u2386.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2447. u2386.1a       ;Leather coats and jackets                                                                 
  2448. u2386.1b       ;All other leather and sheep lined clothing                                                
  2449. u2386.101      ;Men's and boys'                                                                           
  2450. u2386.102      ;Women's, misses', and juniors'                                                            
  2451. u2387          ;Apparel belts                                                                             
  2452. u2387.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2453. u2387.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2454. u2387.1        ;Leather belts                                                                             
  2455. u2387.115      ;Women's and children's made for sale separately                                           
  2456. u2387.151      ;Men's and boys'                                                                           
  2457. u2387.2        ;Belts other than leather                                                                  
  2458. u2387.213      ;Women's and children's made for sale to apparel firms                                     
  2459. u2387.215      ;Women's and children's made for sale separately                                           
  2460. u2387.251      ;Men's and boys'                                                                           
  2461. u2389          ;Apparel and accessories, n.e.c.                                                           
  2462. u2389.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2463. u2389.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2464. u2389.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2465. u2389.181      ;Burial garments                                                                           
  2466. u2389.191      ;Academic caps and gowns and costumes, including theatrical                                
  2467. u239           ;Miscellaneous fabricated textile products                                                 
  2468. u2391          ;Curtains and draperies                                                                    
  2469. u2391.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2470. u2391.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2471. u2391.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2472. u2391.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2473. u2391.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2474. u2391.2        ;Curtains, except lace                                                                     
  2475. u2391.211      ;Wholly or chiefly cotton fabrics                                                          
  2476. u2391.222      ;Wholly or chiefly manmade fiber fabrics, plastics, and other materials                    
  2477. u2391.22273    ;Chiefly polyester fabrics                                                                 
  2478. @       
  2479. u2391.22274    ;Other materials, including plastics                                                       
  2480. u2391.4        ;Draperies                                                                                 
  2481. u2391.411      ;Wholly or chiefly cotton fabrics                                                          
  2482. u2391.444      ;Wholly or chiefly manmade fiber fabrics, plastics, and other materials                    
  2483. u2391.44471    ;Chiefly rayon and acetate fabrics                                                         
  2484. u2391.44472    ;Nylon and other manmade fiber fabrics, excluding rayon, acetate, and polyester            
  2485. u2391.44473    ;Chiefly polyester fabrics                                                                 
  2486. u2391.44474    ;Other materials, including plastics                                                       
  2487. u2392          ;House furnishings, n.e.c.                                                                 
  2488. u2392.a        ;Bedspreads and bedsets                                                                    
  2489. u2392.a11      ;Tailored, quilted                                                                         
  2490. u2392.a14      ;Nontailored, except tufted                                                                
  2491. u2392.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2492. u2392.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2493. u2392.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2494. u2392.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2495. u2392.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2496. u2392.2        ;Sheets and pillowcases                                                                    
  2497. u2392.3        ;Towels and washcloths                                                                     
  2498. u2392.4        ;Other house furnishings                                                                   
  2499. u2392.4c       ;All other housefurnishings, except blankets and comforters                                
  2500. u2392.419      ;Shower/bath curtains, including plastic                                                   
  2501. u2392.423      ;Comforters                                                                                
  2502. u2392.431      ;Mattress protectors                                                                       
  2503. u2392.438      ;Other quilted, including wadded quilts and baby pads                                      
  2504. u2392.444      ;Tablecloths, other than plastic                                                           
  2505. u2392.445      ;Napkins                                                                                   
  2506. u2392.447      ;Place mats & place mat sets, including plastic                                            
  2507. u2392.451      ;Bed pillows                                                                               
  2508. u2392.455      ;Fancy pillows and cushions                                                                
  2509. u2392.45557    ;Foam                                                                                      
  2510. u2392.45559    ;Other materials                                                                           
  2511. u2392.477      ;Mops and dusters                                                                          
  2512. u2392.47771    ;Dry mops and dusters                                                                      
  2513. u2392.47773    ;Wet mops                                                                                  
  2514. u2392.47775    ;Sponge mops                                                                               
  2515. u2392.482      ;Blankets                                                                                  
  2516. u2392.48286    ;Crib size                                                                                 
  2517. u2392.498      ;All other house furnishings                                                               
  2518. u2393          ;Textile bags                                                                              
  2519. u2393.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2520. u2393.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2521. u2393.1        ;Vegetable fiber bags                                                                      
  2522. u2393.121      ;Cotton, including cotton canvas and open mesh cotton                                      
  2523. u2393.131      ;Burlap                                                                                    
  2524. u2393.2        ;Other textile bags                                                                        
  2525. u2393.241      ;Wholly or chiefly manmade fiber fabrics                                                   
  2526. u2394          ;Canvas and related products                                                               
  2527. u2394.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2528. u2394.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2529. @       
  2530. u2394.211      ;Awnings                                                                                   
  2531. u2394.3        ;Tents                                                                                     
  2532. u2394.344      ;Camping tents                                                                             
  2533. u2394.366      ;Other tents                                                                               
  2534. u2394.36637    ;Commercial and other tents                                                                
  2535. u2394.5        ;Tarpaulins and other covers                                                               
  2536. u2394.533      ;Flat                                                                                      
  2537. u2394.555      ;Fitted                                                                                    
  2538. u2394.8        ;Other products                                                                            
  2539. u2394.877      ;Sails                                                                                     
  2540. u2394.898      ;Other products, including shades, air cushions, fuel containers, etc.                     
  2541. u2395          ;Pleating, stitching, and tucking                                                          
  2542. u2395.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2543. u2395.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2544. u2395.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2545. u2395.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2546. u2395.1        ;Embroideries (except Schiffli)                                                            
  2547. u2395.112      ;Embroideries, including embroidered art needlework                                        
  2548. u2395.9        ;Commission embroidering, tucking, pleating, etc. for the trade                            
  2549. u2395.911      ;Embroidering (exc. Schiffli) on materials owned by others                                 
  2550. u2395.931      ;Contract tucking, pleating, hemstitching, and buttonholing for the trade                  
  2551. u2396          ;Automotive trimmings, apparel findings, and related products                              
  2552. u2396.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2553. u2396.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2554. u2396.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2555. u2396.ss       ;Secondary Products                                                                        
  2556. u2396.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2557. u2396.1        ;Men's and boys' suit and coat findings, and hat and cap trimmings                         
  2558. u2396.111      ;Men's and boys' coat, suit, and trouser findings                                          
  2559. u2396.2        ;Automotive trimmings                                                                      
  2560. u2396.3        ;Other trimmings and findings                                                              
  2561. u2396.311      ;Women's and children's apparel trimmings and findings                                     
  2562. u2396.312      ;Other trimmings and findings, including furniture trimmings                               
  2563. u2396.333      ;Bias bindings, except fused or sealed edge                                                
  2564. u2396.4        ;Printing and stamping on apparel, apparel accessories, and art goods                      
  2565. u2396.431      ;Stamped art goods for embroidering neeldework, punching, etc.                             
  2566. u2396.441      ;Printing on purchased textile products, including silk screen                             
  2567. u2396.941      ;Contract printing for the trade                                                           
  2568. u2397          ;Schiffli machine embroideries                                                             
  2569. u2397.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2570. u2397.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2571. u2397.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2572. u2397.ss       ;Secondary Products                                                                        
  2573. u2397.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2574. u2397.1        ;Schiffli machine embroideries                                                             
  2575. u2399          ;Fabricated textile products, n.e.c.                                                       
  2576. u2399.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2577. u2399.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2578. u2399.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2579. u2399.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2580. @       
  2581. u2399.115      ;Automobile seat covers                                                                    
  2582. u2399.125      ;Seat or safety belts, including shoulder harnesses, except leather                        
  2583. u2399.131      ;Sleeping bags                                                                             
  2584. u2399.141      ;Flags, banners, and similar emblems                                                       
  2585. u2399.198      ;All other fabricated textile products, n.e.c.                                             
  2586. u24            ;Lumber and wood products, except furniture                                                
  2587. u241           ;Logging camps and logging contractors                                                     
  2588. u2411          ;Logging camps and logging contractors                                                     
  2589. u2411.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2590. u2411.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2591. u2411.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2592. u2411.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2593. u2411.1        ;Softwood logs, bolts, and timber                                                          
  2594. u2411.117      ;Douglas fir                                                                               
  2595. u2411.11744    ;Sawlogs and bolts                                                                         
  2596. u2411.11766    ;Veneer logs and bolts                                                                     
  2597. u2411.13       ;Softwood, except Douglas fir                                                              
  2598. u2411.131      ;Southern yellow pine                                                                      
  2599. u2411.132      ;Ponderosa pine                                                                            
  2600. u2411.133      ;Spruce                                                                                    
  2601. u2411.135      ;Hemlock                                                                                   
  2602. u2411.136      ;Western red cedar                                                                         
  2603. u2411.137      ;Other softwood log species, n.e.c.                                                        
  2604. u2411.2        ;Hardwood logs, bolts, and timber                                                          
  2605. u2411.217      ;Oak                                                                                       
  2606. u2411.221      ;Other hardwood log species, n.e.c.                                                        
  2607. u2411.3        ;Pulpwood                                                                                  
  2608. u2411.311      ;Pulpwood                                                                                  
  2609. u2411.31115    ;Softwood                                                                                  
  2610. u2411.32227    ;Hardwood                                                                                  
  2611. u2411.4        ;Other roundwood products                                                                  
  2612. u2411.413      ;Wood poles, piles, and posts, 15 ft. and over in length                                   
  2613. u2411.429      ;Other roundwood products, n.e.c.                                                          
  2614. u2411.9        ;Contract logging                                                                          
  2615. u2411.911      ;Contract logging                                                                          
  2616. u24112421s     ;Sawmills and planing mills                                                                
  2617. u242           ;Sawmills and planing mills                                                                
  2618. u2421          ;Sawmills and planing mills                                                                
  2619. u2421.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2620. u2421.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2621. u2421.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2622. u2421.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  2623. u2421.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2624. u2421.1        ;Hardwood lumber rough and dressed except siding                                           
  2625. u2421.12       ;Hardwood rough lumber                                                                     
  2626. u2421.121      ;Oak                                                                                       
  2627. u2421.12111    ;Red, no. 1 common                                                                         
  2628. u2421.12112    ;White                                                                                     
  2629. u2421.12119    ;Other Oak                                                                                 
  2630. u2421.122      ;Poplar                                                                                    
  2631. @       
  2632. u2421.12211    ;No. 1 common                                                                              
  2633. u2421.12212    ;No. 2b common                                                                             
  2634. u2421.12219    ;Other Poplar                                                                              
  2635. u2421.129      ;Hardwood other than Oak and Poplar                                                        
  2636. u2421.1291     ;Gum                                                                                       
  2637. u2421.12911    ;No. 1 common                                                                              
  2638. u2421.12912    ;No. 2 common                                                                              
  2639. u2421.1295     ;Maple, Beech and Ash                                                                      
  2640. u2421.1299     ;Other hardwoods                                                                           
  2641. u2421.13       ;Hardwood, dressed lumber, including ceiling, framing, and matched and shiplapped lumber   
  2642. u2421.131      ;Oak                                                                                       
  2643. u2421.139      ;Other hardwood species                                                                    
  2644. u2421.2        ;Softwood lumber, rough and dressed, except siding                                         
  2645. u2421.3        ;Softwood lumber, rough and dressed, Eastern species, except siding                        
  2646. u2421.31       ;Rough softwood lumber, Eastern species                                                    
  2647. u2421.311      ;Boards - lumber less than 2 inches in nominal thickness                                   
  2648. u2421.312      ;Light framing lumber 2 inch nominal thickness only                                        
  2649. u2421.313      ;Lumber and timbers over 2 inches in nominal thickness                                     
  2650. u2421.32       ;Dressed softwood lumber, Eastern species                                                  
  2651. u2421.321      ;Boards - lumber less than 2 inches in nominal thickness                                   
  2652. u2421.3211     ;Southern Pine                                                                             
  2653. u2421.32111    ;Finish, c and better                                                                      
  2654. u2421.32113    ;Boards, no. 2                                                                             
  2655. u2421.32119    ;Other Southern Pine Boards                                                                
  2656. u2421.3212     ;Eastern White Pine                                                                        
  2657. u2421.322      ;Light framing lumber 2 inch nominal thickness only                                        
  2658. u2421.3221     ;Southern Pine                                                                             
  2659. u2421.32211    ;Dimension, no. 1                                                                          
  2660. u2421.32212    ;Dimension no. 2                                                                           
  2661. u2421.32219    ;Other 2 inch Southern Pine lumber                                                         
  2662. u2421.323      ;Lumber and timbers over 2 inch nominal thickness, Eastern species                         
  2663. u2421.32311    ;Southern Pine                                                                             
  2664. u2421.4        ;Softwood lumber, rough and dressed, Western species                                       
  2665. u2421.41       ;Rough softwood lumber, Western species                                                    
  2666. u2421.411      ;Boards - lumber less than 2 inches in nominal thickness                                   
  2667. u2421.412      ;Light framing lumber 2 inch nominal thickness only                                        
  2668. u2421.413      ;Lumber and timbers over 2 inches in nominal thickness                                     
  2669. u2421.42       ;Dressed softwood lumber, Western species                                                  
  2670. u2421.421      ;Boards-lumber less than 2 inch nominal thickness                                          
  2671. u2421.4211     ;Douglas Fir                                                                               
  2672. u2421.42119    ;Other boards                                                                              
  2673. u2421.4212     ;Ponderosa Pine                                                                            
  2674. u2421.42121    ;No. 3 boards                                                                              
  2675. u2421.42122    ;No. 4 boards                                                                              
  2676. u2421.42129    ;Other boards                                                                              
  2677. u2421.4216     ;Redwood and Western Red Cedar                                                             
  2678. u2421.4219     ;Other boards, Western dressed softwood                                                    
  2679. u2421.422      ;Lumber of 2 inches nominal thickness only                                                 
  2680. u2421.4221     ;Douglas Fir                                                                               
  2681. u2421.42213    ;Utility 2x4 green                                                                         
  2682. @       
  2683. u2421.42214    ;Standard and better                                                                       
  2684. u2421.42219    ;Other 2 inch Douglas Fir lumber                                                           
  2685. u2421.4222     ;Ponderosa Pine                                                                            
  2686. u2421.4224     ;White Fir                                                                                 
  2687. u2421.42241    ;Standard and better                                                                       
  2688. u2421.42249    ;Other 2 inch White Fir lumber                                                             
  2689. u2421.4225     ;Western Hemlock                                                                           
  2690. u2421.42251    ;Dimension, std. and btr                                                                   
  2691. u2421.42259    ;Other 2 inch Western Hemlock lumber                                                       
  2692. u2421.4226     ;Redwood 2 inch lumber                                                                     
  2693. u2421.4228     ;Lodgepole, Sugar, and Western (Idaho) White Pine 2 inch lumber                            
  2694. u2421.4229     ;Other Western softwood 2 inch lumber                                                      
  2695. u2421.423      ;Lumber and timbers, over 2 inch nominal thickness                                         
  2696. u2421.4231     ;Douglas Fir                                                                               
  2697. u2421.4239     ;Other Western softwood timbers                                                            
  2698. u2421.5        ;Wood chips                                                                                
  2699. u2421.577      ;Short tons                                                                                
  2700. u2421.578      ;Standard units                                                                            
  2701. u2421.7        ;Softwood cut stock                                                                        
  2702. u2421.751      ;Other industrial cut stock                                                                
  2703. u2421.8        ;Softwood flooring, siding and other sawmill and planing mill products                     
  2704. u2421.811      ;Softwood flooring                                                                         
  2705. u2421.813      ;Woodsiding                                                                                
  2706. u2421.817      ;Railway crossties and mine ties                                                           
  2707. u2421.897      ;Other sawmill products                                                                    
  2708. u2421.898      ;Other planing mill products                                                               
  2709. u2421.9        ;Contract or custom work                                                                   
  2710. u2421.951      ;Contract drying, planing, resawing or other manufacturing of lumber owned by others       
  2711. u2426          ;Hardwood dimension and flooring                                                           
  2712. u2426.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2713. u2426.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2714. u2426.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2715. u2426.1        ;Hardwood flooring                                                                         
  2716. u2426.11       ;Oak                                                                                       
  2717. u2426.111      ;Strip oak flooring (3/4", 1/2", 3/8" T & G and EM)                                        
  2718. u2426.119      ;Oak specialty flooring, including block, parquetry and plank                              
  2719. u2426.141      ;Glued laminated truck trailer flooring and railroad car decking                           
  2720. u2426.198      ;Other hardwood flooring                                                                   
  2721. u2426.2        ;Hardwood dimension stock for furniture and industrial uses                                
  2722. u2426.22       ;Furniture dimension                                                                       
  2723. u2426.223      ;Rough                                                                                     
  2724. u2426.227      ;Semifabricated                                                                            
  2725. u2426.229      ;Completely fabricated ready for assembly, incl furniture parts, ex frames for household f 
  2726. u2426.284      ;Industrial dimension except compression-modified and densified wood                       
  2727. u2426.6        ;Wood frames for household furniture                                                       
  2728. u2429          ;Special product sawmills, n.e.c.                                                          
  2729. u2429.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2730. u2429.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2731. u2429.111      ;Red cedar shingles and shakes                                                             
  2732. u2429.11101    ;Shingles                                                                                  
  2733. @       
  2734. u2429.11103    ;Shakes (handsplit and resawn, taper and straight split)                                   
  2735. u2429.116      ;Other excelsior products including pads and wrappers                                      
  2736. u243           ;Millwork, veneer, plywood, and structural wood members                                    
  2737. u2431          ;Millwork                                                                                  
  2738. u2431.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2739. u2431.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2740. u2431.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2741. u2431.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2742. u2431.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2743. u2431.1        ;Wood window units                                                                         
  2744. u2431.133      ;Double hung                                                                               
  2745. u2431.134      ;Awning                                                                                    
  2746. u2431.137      ;Casement                                                                                  
  2747. u2431.141      ;Horizontal sliding                                                                        
  2748. u2431.145      ;All other, including single hung and skylights                                            
  2749. u2431.2        ;Wood sash, incl. comb. screen and storm sash, and window screens, excl. window units      
  2750. u2431.215      ;Wood sash; glazed                                                                         
  2751. u2431.3        ;Wood window and door frames and door frames shipped in door units                         
  2752. u2431.315      ;Door frames                                                                               
  2753. u2431.4        ;Wood doors, int. and ext., incl. those shipped with glazed sections and in door units     
  2754. u2431.41       ;Panel type doors, including French doors                                                  
  2755. u2431.411      ;Douglas fir                                                                               
  2756. u2431.413      ;Western pines                                                                             
  2757. u2431.419      ;Other species                                                                             
  2758. u2431.43       ;Flush type doors, hollow core                                                             
  2759. u2431.431      ;Softwood faces                                                                            
  2760. u2431.433      ;Hardwood faces, including lauan, birch, oak, etc.                                         
  2761. u2431.435      ;Hardboard faces                                                                           
  2762. u2431.437      ;Other faces                                                                               
  2763. u2431.44       ;Flush type doors, solid core                                                              
  2764. u2431.44a      ;Hardwood faces, including lauan, birch, oak, etc.                                         
  2765. u2431.441      ;Solid wood core                                                                           
  2766. u2431.445      ;Solid composition core                                                                    
  2767. u2431.448      ;Softwood and other faces                                                                  
  2768. u2431.5        ;Other wood doors, incl. garage, screen, storm, combination, and louvre                    
  2769. u2431.561      ;Garage doors, wood                                                                        
  2770. u2431.575      ;Screen doors and combination screen and storm doors, wood                                 
  2771. u2431.581      ;Louvre doors, wood                                                                        
  2772. u2431.584      ;Bi-fold doors, wood                                                                       
  2773. u2431.585      ;Sliding patio doors, wood                                                                 
  2774. u2431.598      ;Other wood doors, incl. storm, cabinet, toilet, grain, etc.                               
  2775. u2431.6        ;Wood moldings (standard) except prefinished moldings made from purchased moldings         
  2776. u2431.62       ;Softwood moldings                                                                         
  2777. u2431.621      ;Pine                                                                                      
  2778. u2431.622      ;Other softwood species                                                                    
  2779. u2431.651      ;Hardwood, including lauan                                                                 
  2780. u2431.8        ;Other millwork products including stairwork and exterior millwork                         
  2781. u2431.82       ;Stairwork, including treads, risers, balusters, brackets, crooks, newels, rails, etc.     
  2782. u2431.821      ;Softwood                                                                                  
  2783. u2431.825      ;Hardwood                                                                                  
  2784. @       
  2785. u2431.831      ;Exterior wood blinds and shutters, with or without hardware                               
  2786. u2431.835      ;Exterior millwork, including porch columns, porch rails, newels, trellises, and entrances 
  2787. u2431.875      ;Nonstandard wood moldings, carvings, and ornaments suitable for arch. or furn decorations 
  2788. u2431.898      ;Other millwork products, n.e.c., including interior millwork                              
  2789. u24313442s     ;Metal doors, sash, and trim                                                               
  2790. u2434          ;Wood kitchen cabinets                                                                     
  2791. u2434.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2792. u2434.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2793. u2434.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2794. u2434.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2795. u2434.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  2796. u2434.1        ;Wood kitchen cabinets and cabinetwork, stock line                                         
  2797. u2434.111      ;Wood                                                                                      
  2798. u2434.113      ;Plastic laminated                                                                         
  2799. u2434.2        ;Wood kitchen cabinets and cabinetwork, custom                                             
  2800. u2434.212      ;Wood                                                                                      
  2801. u2434.214      ;Plastic laminated                                                                         
  2802. u2434.3        ;Vanities and other cabinetwork                                                            
  2803. u2434.316      ;Stock line                                                                                
  2804. u2434.318      ;Custom                                                                                    
  2805. u24342431s     ;Millwork                                                                                  
  2806. u2435          ;Hardwood veneer and plywood                                                               
  2807. u2435.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2808. u2435.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2809. u2435.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2810. u2435.1        ;Hardwood plywood                                                                          
  2811. u2435.108      ;Veneer core hardwood plywood                                                              
  2812. u2435.2        ;Prefinished hardwood plywood made from purchased plywood                                  
  2813. u2435.3        ;Hardwood plywood type products                                                            
  2814. u2435.331      ;Hardwood veneered panels                                                                  
  2815. u2435.4        ;Hardwood veneer, not reinforced or backed                                                 
  2816. u2435.417      ;Maple                                                                                     
  2817. u2435.419      ;Oak                                                                                       
  2818. u2435.421      ;Walnut                                                                                    
  2819. u2435.429      ;Other hardwoods (domestic and imported)                                                   
  2820. u2436          ;Softwood plywood                                                                          
  2821. u2436.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2822. u2436.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2823. u2436.3        ;Specialty softwood plywood                                                                
  2824. u2436.4        ;Softwood veneer                                                                           
  2825. u2436.422      ;Softwood veneer                                                                           
  2826. u2436.5        ;Softwood plywood sheathing                                                                
  2827. u2436.511      ;Western, inland and other non-southern softwood plywood sheathing                         
  2828. u2436.5111     ;CDX                                                                                       
  2829. u2436.51126    ;Interior                                                                                  
  2830. u2436.51127    ;Exterior                                                                                  
  2831. u2436.5113     ;All other sheathing                                                                       
  2832. u2436.51132    ;Interior                                                                                  
  2833. u2436.51133    ;Exterior                                                                                  
  2834. u2436.522      ;Southern softwood plywood sheathing                                                       
  2835. @       
  2836. u2436.52231    ;CDX                                                                                       
  2837. u2436.52232    ;Sheathing, interior                                                                       
  2838. u2436.52233    ;Sheathing, exterior                                                                       
  2839. u2436.6        ;Sanded softwood plywood                                                                   
  2840. u2436.611      ;Western, inland and other non-southern sanded softwood plywood                            
  2841. u2436.61121    ;A-C, exterior                                                                             
  2842. u2436.61122    ;Interior                                                                                  
  2843. u2436.622      ;Southern sanded softwood plywood                                                          
  2844. u2436.62201    ;Interior                                                                                  
  2845. u2436.62202    ;Exterior                                                                                  
  2846. u2439          ;Structural wood members, n.e.c.                                                           
  2847. u2439.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2848. u2439.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2849. u2439.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  2850. u2439.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2851. u2439.1        ;Fabricated structural wood products                                                       
  2852. u2439.131      ;Glued laminated lumber                                                                    
  2853. u2439.151      ;Roof trusses                                                                              
  2854. u2439.198      ;Other fabricated structural wood products                                                 
  2855. u2439.19815    ;Floor trusses                                                                             
  2856. u2439.19825    ;Other fabricated structural wood products, except floor trusses                           
  2857. u244           ;Wood containers                                                                           
  2858. u2441          ;Nailed wood boxes and shook                                                               
  2859. u2441.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2860. u2441.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2861. u2441.1        ;Nailed or lock-corner wooden boxes                                                        
  2862. u2441.151      ;Made from lumber for industrial and other uses                                            
  2863. u2441.165      ;Made from veneer and plywood for fruits, vegetables, and industrial and other uses        
  2864. u2441.2        ;Wooden box and crate shook                                                                
  2865. u2441.215      ;Made from lumber for industrial and other uses                                            
  2866. u2448          ;Wood pallets and skids                                                                    
  2867. u2448.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2868. u2448.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2869. u2448.162      ;Pallets, wooden, flat                                                                     
  2870. u2448.164      ;Pallet containers, including wood cargo containers                                        
  2871. u2448.165      ;Skids, wooden                                                                             
  2872. u2449          ;Wood containers, n.e.c.                                                                   
  2873. u2449.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2874. u2449.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2875. u2449.1        ;Wirebound boxes made from lumber, veneer, and plywood                                     
  2876. u2449.111      ;Made from lumber                                                                          
  2877. u2449.112      ;Made from veneer and plywood                                                              
  2878. u2449.11211    ;For fruits and vegetables                                                                 
  2879. u2449.11213    ;For industrial and other use                                                              
  2880. u2449.3        ;Veneer and plywood containers, except boxes and crates                                    
  2881. u2449.312      ;Containers incl. pails, drums, tubs, fruit and vegetable baskets, and hampers, etc.       
  2882. u2449.5        ;Slack and tight cooperage                                                                 
  2883. u2449.513      ;Tight cooperage(hogsheads, barrels, & kegs for bourbon and other whiskey)                 
  2884. u2449.51311    ;New                                                                                       
  2885. u245           ;Wood buildings and mobile homes                                                           
  2886. @       
  2887. u2451          ;Mobile homes                                                                              
  2888. u2451.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2889. u2451.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2890. u2451.1        ;Mobile homes, residential                                                                 
  2891. u2451.13       ;Single section                                                                            
  2892. u2451.1322     ;Width: 12'                                                                                
  2893. u2451.13221    ;Length: 59' and under                                                                     
  2894. u2451.13222    ;Length: greater than 59' to 64'                                                           
  2895. u2451.1344     ;Width: 14' and over                                                                       
  2896. u2451.13441    ;Length: 59' and under                                                                     
  2897. u2451.13442    ;Length: greater than 59' to 64'                                                           
  2898. u2451.13443    ;Length: greater than 64' to 69'                                                           
  2899. u2451.13444    ;Length: greater than 69' to 74'                                                           
  2900. u2451.13445    ;Length: greater than 74'                                                                  
  2901. u2451.14       ;Multi-section                                                                             
  2902. u2451.141      ;Doublewide                                                                                
  2903. u2451.1411     ;24' single story doublewide                                                               
  2904. u2451.14111    ;Length: 49' and under                                                                     
  2905. u2451.14112    ;Length: greater than 49' to 59'                                                           
  2906. u2451.14113    ;Length: greater than 59' to 69'                                                           
  2907. u2451.1412     ;Other doublewide                                                                          
  2908. u2451.1412___a ;Other doublewide                                                                          
  2909. u2452          ;Prefabricated wood buildings and components                                               
  2910. u2452.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2911. u2452.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2912. u2452.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2913. u2452.1        ;Components not sold as complete units                                                     
  2914. u2452.1______a ;Components not sold as complete units                                                     
  2915. u2452.173      ;Residential (homes, townhouses, and apartments)                                           
  2916. u2452.2        ;Precut packages sold as complete units                                                    
  2917. u2452.221      ;Residential (homes, townhouses, and apartments)                                           
  2918. u2452.223      ;Nonresidential, including motels and hotels                                               
  2919. u2452.3        ;Panelized buildings sold as complete units                                                
  2920. u2452.334      ;Residential                                                                               
  2921. u2452.33433    ;Single family, including townhouses                                                       
  2922. u2452.33435    ;Multifamily                                                                               
  2923. u2452.337      ;Nonresidential, including motels and hotels                                               
  2924. u2452.4        ;Modular buildings shipped with floors and walls, and usually ceilings and roofs           
  2925. u2452.444      ;Residential                                                                               
  2926. u2452.447      ;Nonresidential, including motels and hotels                                               
  2927. u249           ;Miscellaneous wood products                                                               
  2928. u2491          ;Wood preserving                                                                           
  2929. u2491.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2930. u2491.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2931. u2491.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2932. u2491.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2933. u2491.2        ;Wood poles, piles, and posts owned and treated by same establishment                      
  2934. u2491.211      ;Not over 15 feet in length                                                                
  2935. u2491.213      ;Over 15 feet in length                                                                    
  2936. u2491.3        ;Other wood products owned and treated by same establishment                               
  2937. @       
  2938. u2491.311      ;Railway crossties and mine ties                                                           
  2939. u2491.313      ;Lumber and wood siding, rough and worked                                                  
  2940. u2491.319      ;Other wood treated products                                                               
  2941. u2491.911      ;Contract wood preserving                                                                  
  2942. u2493          ;Reconstituted wood products                                                               
  2943. u2493.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2944. u2493.1        ;Particleboard                                                                             
  2945. u2493.103      ;Floor underlayment                                                                        
  2946. u2493.10303    ;5/8 inch thick                                                                            
  2947. u2493.105      ;Mobile home decking                                                                       
  2948. u2493.107      ;Shelving                                                                                  
  2949. u2493.112      ;Other industrial board                                                                    
  2950. u2493.11211    ;3/4 inch thick                                                                            
  2951. u2493.11213    ;5/8 inch thick                                                                            
  2952. u2493.11217    ;All other                                                                                 
  2953. u2493.119      ;Other (stepping, siding, etc.)                                                            
  2954. u2493.2        ;Oriented strand board                                                                     
  2955. u2493.3        ;Medium density fiberboard                                                                 
  2956. u2493.311      ;Uncoated panel                                                                            
  2957. u2493.31114    ;Uncoated standard size panel                                                              
  2958. u2493.4        ;Fabricated hardboard products from hardboard made in this establishment                   
  2959. u2493.5        ;Fiberboard                                                                                
  2960. u2493.6        ;Fabricated hardboard products made from purchased hardboard                               
  2961. u2493.62217    ;Other, including door skins, garage door panels, furniture stock                          
  2962. u2493.7        ;Prefinished particleboard and medium density fiberboard made from purchased materials     
  2963. u2493.721      ;Particleboard                                                                             
  2964. u2499          ;Wood products, n.e.c.                                                                     
  2965. u2499.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2966. u2499.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2967. u2499.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2968. u2499.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  2969. u2499.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  2970. u2499.1        ;Mirror and picture frames                                                                 
  2971. u2499.111      ;Frames                                                                                    
  2972. u2499.11111    ;Wood frames                                                                               
  2973. u2499.11115    ;Metal frames                                                                              
  2974. u2499.121      ;Finished moldings for mirrors and pictures                                                
  2975. u2499.12131    ;Wood molding                                                                              
  2976. u2499.12141    ;Metal molding                                                                             
  2977. u2499.131      ;Framed pictures                                                                           
  2978. u2499.13161    ;Wood framed pictures                                                                      
  2979. u2499.13171    ;Other than wood framed pictures                                                           
  2980. u2499.9        ;Miscellaneous wood products, n.e.c.                                                       
  2981. u2499.911      ;Boxes, cases, and chests for jewelry, silver, tools, utensils, etc.                       
  2982. u2499.915      ;Wood tableware and kitchenware                                                            
  2983. u2499.917      ;Wood fences, palings, and rails; assembled into fences                                    
  2984. u2499.919      ;Toothpicks, skewers, candy sticks, and similar small wares                                
  2985. u2499.95       ;Wood handles and tools                                                                    
  2986. u2499.951      ;Handles, including handtool, mop, and broom                                               
  2987. u2499.959      ;Other handles and wooden tools                                                            
  2988. @       
  2989. u2499.962      ;Dowels and dowel pins                                                                     
  2990. u2499.979      ;Other scaffolding equipment (horses, scaffold jacks, extension planks, window jacks, etc. 
  2991. u2499.985      ;Wooden reels for wire and cable                                                           
  2992. u2499.998      ;Other miscellaneous wooden products, nec, including wood turnings not for furniture       
  2993. u25            ;Furniture and fixtures                                                                    
  2994. u251           ;Household furniture                                                                       
  2995. u2511          ;Wood household furniture, except upholstered                                              
  2996. u2511.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  2997. u2511.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  2998. u2511.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  2999. u2511.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  3000. u2511.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3001. u2511.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3002. u2511.2        ;Wood living room, library, family room and den furniture                                  
  3003. u2511.219      ;Cabinets, except sewing machine cabinets                                                  
  3004. u2511.231      ;Chairs, except dining room (including rockers)                                            
  3005. u2511.241      ;Tables, except card and telephone tables                                                  
  3006. u2511.251      ;Desks                                                                                     
  3007. u2511.271      ;Credenzas, bookcases, and bookshelves                                                     
  3008. u2511.298      ;Other nonupholstered living room furniture                                                
  3009. u2511.3        ;Wood dining room and kitchen furniture, except cabinets                                   
  3010. u2511.311      ;Tables, dining room, 30 x 40 inches and greater                                           
  3011. u2511.331      ;Chairs, dining room                                                                       
  3012. u2511.351      ;Buffets and servers, dining room                                                          
  3013. u2511.371      ;China and corner cabinets, dining room                                                    
  3014. u2511.398      ;Other dining room and kitchen furniture                                                   
  3015. u2511.5        ;Wood bedroom furniture                                                                    
  3016. u2511.5a       ;Beds, headboards and footboards                                                           
  3017. u2511.511      ;Beds, except bunk beds                                                                    
  3018. u2511.513      ;Headboards and headboard sets                                                             
  3019. u2511.515      ;Bunk beds                                                                                 
  3020. u2511.521      ;Dressers, vanities and dressing tables                                                    
  3021. u2511.533      ;Wardrobes and wardrobe-type cabinets                                                      
  3022. u2511.535      ;Chests of drawers                                                                         
  3023. u2511.561      ;Night tables and stands                                                                   
  3024. u2511.598      ;Other nonupholstered bedroom furniture                                                    
  3025. u2511.6        ;Infants' and children's wood furniture                                                    
  3026. u2511.611      ;Cribs, including springs sold as part of the crib                                         
  3027. u2511.698      ;Miscellaneous infants' and children's furniture                                           
  3028. u2511.7        ;Unpainted, unassembled, knock-down, and outdoor furniture                                 
  3029. u2511.741      ;Unpainted wood furniture                                                                  
  3030. u2511.751      ;Unassembled, knock-down, and outdoor furniture                                            
  3031. u25112512s     ;Upholstered wood household furniture                                                      
  3032. u2512          ;Upholstered wood household furniture                                                      
  3033. u2512.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3034. u2512.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3035. u2512.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3036. u2512.1        ;Upholstered wood household furniture                                                      
  3037. u2512.112      ;Sofas, davenports, settees, and loveseats                                                 
  3038. u2512.11232    ;Chiefly cotton                                                                            
  3039. @       
  3040. u2512.11233    ;Chiefly rayon                                                                             
  3041. u2512.11234    ;Chiefly olefin                                                                            
  3042. u2512.11235    ;Chiefly nylon                                                                             
  3043. u2512.11236    ;Chiefly polyester                                                                         
  3044. u2512.11237    ;Other fibers and blends, including coated fabric and vinyl                                
  3045. u2512.132      ;Chairs, except reclining and rockers                                                      
  3046. u2512.13242    ;Chiefly cotton                                                                            
  3047. u2512.13243    ;Chiefly rayon                                                                             
  3048. u2512.13244    ;Chiefly olefin                                                                            
  3049. u2512.13245    ;Other fibers and blends, including coated fabric and vinyl                                
  3050. u2512.141      ;Sectional sofa pieces                                                                     
  3051. u2512.145      ;Rockers, including swivel                                                                 
  3052. u2512.154      ;Reclining chairs                                                                          
  3053. u2512.198      ;Other upholstered wood household furniture ( ottomans, hassocks, etc )                    
  3054. u2514          ;Metal household furniture                                                                 
  3055. u2514.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3056. u2514.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3057. u2514.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3058. u2514.1        ;Metal household dining, dinette and breakfast furniture                                   
  3059. u2514.111      ;Tubular metal sets (tables and chairs)                                                    
  3060. u2514.115      ;Tubular metal tables (not sold with a set)                                                
  3061. u2514.117      ;Tubular metal chairs (not sold in a set)                                                  
  3062. u2514.198      ;Other metal dining, dinette, and breakfast furniture                                      
  3063. u2514.2        ;Metal kitchen furniture                                                                   
  3064. u2514.251      ;Stools, padded and plain                                                                  
  3065. u2514.3        ;Metal porch, lawn, outdoor and casual furniture                                           
  3066. u2514.31       ;Tubular aluminum                                                                          
  3067. u2514.312      ;Chairs, rockers, benches, chaise lounges and settees                                      
  3068. u2514.314      ;Other porch, lawn, outdoor and casual furniture                                           
  3069. u2514.32       ;Cast and wrought iron                                                                     
  3070. u2514.398      ;Other porch, lawn, outdoor, and casual furniture, inc. picnic tables                      
  3071. u2514.4        ;Other metal household furniture                                                           
  3072. u2514.433      ;Folding cots, rollable cots, army cots, and other metal beds                              
  3073. u2514.437      ;Metal bed frames                                                                          
  3074. u2514.455      ;Upholstered metal household furniture                                                     
  3075. u2514.475      ;Medicine cabinets                                                                         
  3076. u2514.489      ;Infants' and children's metal furniture                                                   
  3077. u2514.48922    ;Infants' high chairs                                                                      
  3078. u2514.48933    ;Infants' car seats                                                                        
  3079. u2514.48944    ;Other infants' and children's metal furniture (chairs, tables, playpens, etc.)            
  3080. u2514.498      ;Other metal household furniture                                                           
  3081. u2515          ;Mattresses and bedsprings                                                                 
  3082. u2515.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3083. u2515.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3084. u2515.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3085. u2515.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3086. u2515.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3087. u2515.1        ;Innerspring mattresses other than crib size                                               
  3088. u2515.112      ;Twin size innerspring mattresses                                                          
  3089. u2515.113      ;Queen size innerspring mattresses                                                         
  3090. @       
  3091. u2515.114      ;Other size innerspring mattresses, except crib size                                       
  3092. u2515.2        ;Other mattresses, including crib mattresses and mattress inserts                          
  3093. u2515.215      ;Foam core mattresses, other than crib size                                                
  3094. u2515.247      ;Other mattresses, excluding innerspring mattresses                                        
  3095. u2515.3        ;Foundations                                                                               
  3096. u2515.315      ;Spring foundations                                                                        
  3097. u2515.317      ;Foam foundations                                                                          
  3098. u2515.319      ;Other foundations, including platform                                                     
  3099. u2515.5        ;Dual purpose sleep furniture                                                              
  3100. u2515.512      ;Convertible sofas                                                                         
  3101. u2515.516      ;All other dual purpose sleep furniture, including jackknife sofa beds & chair beds        
  3102. u2515.8        ;Conventional water beds                                                                   
  3103. u2515.811      ;Soft sided water beds                                                                     
  3104. u25152511s     ;Wood household furniture                                                                  
  3105. u25152512s     ;Upholstered wood household furniture                                                      
  3106. u2517          ;Wood TV and radio cabinets                                                                
  3107. u2517.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3108. u2517.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3109. u2517.114      ;Other audio cabinets, incl. radio, phono and hi-fi                                        
  3110. u2517.115      ;TV cabinets & combinations, TV, hi-fi and radio                                           
  3111. u2517.121      ;Sewing machine cabinets                                                                   
  3112. u2519          ;Household furniture, n.e.c.                                                               
  3113. u2519.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3114. u2519.11       ;Plastics and fibrous glass household furniture                                            
  3115. u2519.115      ;All other plastics and fibrous glass household furniture                                  
  3116. u2519.13       ;Reed & rattan furniture, including willow, wicker & cane                                  
  3117. u2519.133      ;Reed and rattan seating                                                                   
  3118. u2519.135      ;All other reed and rattan household furniture                                             
  3119. u2519.198      ;Other household furn., exc. wood, metal, plastics or fibrous glass, incl corrugated furn  
  3120. u252           ;Office furniture                                                                          
  3121. u2521          ;Wood office furniture                                                                     
  3122. u2521.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3123. u2521.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3124. u2521.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3125. u2521.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3126. u2521.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3127. u2521.1        ;Seating                                                                                   
  3128. u2521.111      ;Secretarial chairs                                                                        
  3129. u2521.113      ;General office and desk chairs (including executive office chairs)                        
  3130. u2521.114      ;Side and arm chairs                                                                       
  3131. u2521.121      ;Lounge seating                                                                            
  3132. u2521.2        ;Desks and extensions                                                                      
  3133. u2521.221      ;Desks                                                                                     
  3134. u2521.236      ;Desk extensions                                                                           
  3135. u2521.4        ;Storage units, files and tables                                                           
  3136. u2521.411      ;Storage units                                                                             
  3137. u2521.41141    ;Credenzas                                                                                 
  3138. u2521.41143    ;Bookcases and other storage units                                                         
  3139. u2521.422      ;Files                                                                                     
  3140. u2521.42247    ;Horizontal/lateral, letter and legal                                                      
  3141. @       
  3142. u2521.433      ;Tables                                                                                    
  3143. u2521.43355    ;Work/conference                                                                           
  3144. u2521.43357    ;Equipment supporting                                                                      
  3145. u2521.43359    ;All other                                                                                 
  3146. u2521.5        ;Panel and modular systems furniture                                                       
  3147. u2521.51       ;Panel systems                                                                             
  3148. u2521.512      ;Panel supported systems                                                                   
  3149. u2521.5123     ;Panels, ceiling height and less than ceiling height                                       
  3150. u2521.5124     ;Work surfaces                                                                             
  3151. u2521.51247    ;Panel attached                                                                            
  3152. u2521.52       ;Modular systems                                                                           
  3153. u2521.528      ;Filing, storage and shelving components                                                   
  3154. u2521.611      ;Other wood office furniture                                                               
  3155. u2522          ;Nonwood office furniture                                                                  
  3156. u2522.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3157. u2522.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3158. u2522.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3159. u2522.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  3160. u2522.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3161. u2522.1        ;Office seating                                                                            
  3162. u2522.11       ;Chairs                                                                                    
  3163. u2522.112      ;Side and arm chairs                                                                       
  3164. u2522.114      ;General office and desk chairs, except secretarial                                        
  3165. u2522.115      ;Other chairs                                                                              
  3166. u2522.2        ;Desks and extensions                                                                      
  3167. u2522.224      ;Desks                                                                                     
  3168. u2522.3        ;Filing cabinets and cases                                                                 
  3169. u2522.311      ;Vertical files, letter and legal                                                          
  3170. u2522.321      ;Horizontal or lateral files, letter and legal                                             
  3171. u2522.328      ;Other files, including motorized, visible, and insulated                                  
  3172. u2522.4        ;Other nonwood office furniture                                                            
  3173. u2522.411      ;Tables and stands                                                                         
  3174. u2522.42       ;Systems furniture                                                                         
  3175. u2522.421      ;Modular systems furniture                                                                 
  3176. u2522.422      ;Panel systems furniture                                                                   
  3177. u2522.498      ;Miscellaneous nonwood office furniture, including bookcases                               
  3178. u253           ;Public building and related furniture                                                     
  3179. u2531          ;Public building and related furniture                                                     
  3180. u2531.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3181. u2531.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3182. u2531.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3183. u2531.1        ;School furniture, except stone, concrete, and library furniture                           
  3184. u2531.131      ;Single pupil units                                                                        
  3185. u2531.136      ;Chairs, all purpose (nonfolding)                                                          
  3186. u2531.137      ;Storage cabinets                                                                          
  3187. u2531.198      ;Other school furniture designed specifically for use in schools                           
  3188. u2531.2        ;Public building and related furniture, except school and restaurant                       
  3189. u2531.211      ;Seats for public conveyances                                                              
  3190. u2531.23       ;Church furniture                                                                          
  3191. u2531.231      ;Church pews                                                                               
  3192. @       
  3193. u2531.239      ;Other church furniture (pulpits, altars, etc.)                                            
  3194. u2531.25       ;Chairs and seats, excluding seats for public conveyances and stadiums                     
  3195. u2531.251      ;Fixed                                                                                     
  3196. u2531.261      ;Stadium and bleacher seating, including grandstands                                       
  3197. u2531.298      ;Other public building furniture                                                           
  3198. u254           ;Partitions, shelving, lockers, and office and store fixtures                              
  3199. u2541          ;Wood partitions and fixtures                                                              
  3200. u2541.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3201. u2541.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3202. u2541.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3203. u2541.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  3204. u2541.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3205. u2541.1        ;Wood partitions, shelving, and lockers                                                    
  3206. u2541.111      ;Partitions (prefabricated, assembled, or knocked down)                                    
  3207. u2541.141      ;Shelving and lockers                                                                      
  3208. u2541.2        ;Plastic laminated fixture tops                                                            
  3209. u2541.3        ;Wood fixtures for stores, banks, offices, etc.                                            
  3210. u2541.33a      ;Retail store fixtures, except food store: custom                                          
  3211. u2541.332      ;Walls and wall fixtures                                                                   
  3212. u2541.333      ;Center floor tables and gondolas                                                          
  3213. u2541.334      ;Other fixtures and displays                                                               
  3214. u2541.337      ;Retail store fixtures, except food store: manufacturers' standard                         
  3215. u2541.338      ;Retail food store fixtures                                                                
  3216. u2541.339      ;Other show and display cases and tables                                                   
  3217. u2541.341      ;Cabinets (floor or wall types)                                                            
  3218. u2541.36       ;Counters and bank fixtures                                                                
  3219. u2541.361      ;Counters, except bank counters                                                            
  3220. u2541.362      ;Bank fixtures, including bank counters                                                    
  3221. u2541.398      ;Other wood fixtures, including window backs, telephone booths, etc.                       
  3222. u2542          ;Metal partitions and fixtures                                                             
  3223. u2542.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3224. u2542.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3225. u2542.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3226. u2542.1        ;Metal partitions (prefabricated, assembled, or knocked down)                              
  3227. u2542.117      ;Movable, except free standing                                                             
  3228. u2542.119      ;Other partitions, including free standing                                                 
  3229. u2542.2        ;Metal shelving and lockers                                                                
  3230. u2542.23       ;Metal shelving                                                                            
  3231. u2542.233      ;Commercial shelving for factories, stores, etc.                                           
  3232. u2542.241      ;Other shelving, including office shelving for correspondence, computer tapes, etc.        
  3233. u2542.251      ;Lockers                                                                                   
  3234. u2542.3        ;Metal storage racks and accessories                                                       
  3235. u2542.341      ;Drive-in/drive-thru and gravity conveyor pallet storage racks                             
  3236. u2542.345      ;Portable stacking racks and frames                                                        
  3237. u2542.351      ;Stacker racks and other metal racks                                                       
  3238. u2542.4        ;Metal fixtures for stores, banks, offices, etc.                                           
  3239. u2542.46a      ;Retail store fixtures, except food store                                                  
  3240. u2542.463      ;Custom fixtures                                                                           
  3241. u2542.465      ;Manufacturers' standard fixtures                                                          
  3242. u2542.467      ;Retail food store fixtures                                                                
  3243. @       
  3244. u2542.469      ;Other show and display cases, including wall types and tables                             
  3245. u2542.471      ;Cabinets (floor or wall type)                                                             
  3246. u2542.481      ;Counters, except bank counters                                                            
  3247. u2542.498      ;Other metal fixtures, including bank fixtures, bank counters, clothing racks, etc.        
  3248. u259           ;Miscellaneous furniture and fixtures                                                      
  3249. u2591          ;Drapery hardware and blinds and shades                                                    
  3250. u2591.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3251. u2591.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3252. u2591.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3253. u2591.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3254. u2591.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3255. u2591.3        ;Window shades and accessories                                                             
  3256. u2591.31       ;Window shades                                                                             
  3257. u2591.311      ;Plastic window shades                                                                     
  3258. u2591.313      ;Other window shades including cloth and paper                                             
  3259. u2591.4        ;Venetian blinds                                                                           
  3260. u2591.45       ;Complete venetian blinds, vertical and horizontal                                         
  3261. u2591.452      ;Aluminum slat blinds                                                                      
  3262. u2591.459      ;All other venetian blinds including wood and plastic                                      
  3263. u2591.471      ;Unassembled venetian blinds, parts, and components fabricated at plant                    
  3264. u2591.5        ;Other shades and blinds n.e.c., curtain and drapery rods, poles and other hardware        
  3265. u2591.511      ;Other shades and blinds, except canvas and other textile fabrics                          
  3266. u2591.517      ;Curtain and drapery rods, poles, and fixtures fabricated at plant                         
  3267. u2599          ;Furniture and fixtures, n.e.c.                                                            
  3268. u2599.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3269. u2599.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3270. u2599.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3271. u2599.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3272. u2599.1        ;Hospital and similar health care beds                                                     
  3273. u2599.101      ;Hospital and similar health care beds                                                     
  3274. u2599.2        ;Restaurant, cafeteria and bar furniture                                                   
  3275. u2599.241      ;Wood chairs and stools                                                                    
  3276. u2599.24101    ;Upholstered                                                                               
  3277. u2599.245      ;Metal chairs and stools                                                                   
  3278. u2599.24501    ;Upholstered                                                                               
  3279. u2599.247      ;Booths, bars and back bars                                                                
  3280. u2599.248      ;Other restaurant, cafeteria and bar furniture                                             
  3281. u2599.3        ;Other furniture and fixtures, n.e.c.                                                      
  3282. u2599.353      ;Industrial furniture, including benches, stools, sorting tables and cabinets              
  3283. u2599.354      ;All other furniture and fixtures, n.e.c.                                                  
  3284. u26            ;Paper and allied products                                                                 
  3285. u261           ;Pulp mills                                                                                
  3286. u2611          ;Pulp mills                                                                                
  3287. u2611.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3288. u2611.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3289. u2611.1        ;Special alpha and dissolving woodpulp                                                     
  3290. u2611.111      ;Special alpha and dissolving woodpulp                                                     
  3291. u2611.2        ;Other pulp, including pulpmill byproducts, except tall oil                                
  3292. u2611.21       ;Woodpulp                                                                                  
  3293. u2611.2134     ;Sulfate, bleached and semibleached (including soda)                                       
  3294. @       
  3295. u2611.2134e    ;Exports                                                                                   
  3296. u2611.2134i    ;Intracompany shipments                                                                    
  3297. u2611.2134m    ;Domestic (market shipments only)                                                          
  3298. u2611.21341    ;Sulfate, softwood                                                                         
  3299. u2611.21342    ;Sulfate, hardwood                                                                         
  3300. u2611.217      ;Sulfite and other woodpulp                                                                
  3301. u2611.21716    ;Sulfite, bleached and unbleached                                                          
  3302. u2611.25       ;Pulp, other than wood, and miscellaneous pulp mill byproducts                             
  3303. u2611.2511     ;Cotton linter pulp                                                                        
  3304. u2611.2513     ;Other pulp, including pulp made from straw, rag, flax, etc.                               
  3305. u262           ;Paper mill products except building paper                                                 
  3306. u2621          ;Paper mill products except building paper                                                 
  3307. u2621.a        ;Tissue paper and sanitary paper stock                                                     
  3308. u2621.a4       ;Sanitary papers, including stock, made in papermills                                      
  3309. u2621.a41      ;Toilet tissue and stock                                                                   
  3310. u2621.a42      ;Facial tissue and stock                                                                   
  3311. u2621.a43      ;Napkins and napkin stock                                                                  
  3312. u2621.a44      ;Towels and towel stock                                                                    
  3313. u2621.a49      ;Other sanitary papers, including stock                                                    
  3314. u2621.a8       ;Tissue paper                                                                              
  3315. u2621.b        ;Newsprint                                                                                 
  3316. u2621.c        ;Printing and writing grades                                                               
  3317. u2621.d        ;Packaging and industrial grade papers                                                     
  3318. u2621.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3319. u2621.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3320. u2621.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3321. u2621.1        ;Newsprint                                                                                 
  3322. u2621.2        ;Groundwood paper, uncoated                                                                
  3323. u2621.211      ;Publication and printing                                                                  
  3324. u2621.231      ;Other than printing and publishing, including body stock for coating                      
  3325. u2621.3        ;Clay coated printing and converting paper                                                 
  3326. u2621.34       ;Coated 1-side                                                                             
  3327. u2621.36       ;Coated 2-sides                                                                            
  3328. u2621.363      ;No. 3 coated 2-sides                                                                      
  3329. u2621.365      ;No. 5 coated 2-sides                                                                      
  3330. u2621.366      ;Coated 2-sides except No. 3 and No. 5                                                     
  3331. u2621.36604    ;No. 4 coated 2-sides                                                                      
  3332. u2621.36606    ;All other clay coated 2-sides, including No.1 and No. 2                                   
  3333. u2621.4        ;Book paper, uncoated free sheet                                                           
  3334. u2621.421      ;Chemical woodpulp writing paper, except body stock                                        
  3335. u2621.4211     ;Unwatermarked bond                                                                        
  3336. u2621.42111    ;Unwatermarked bond, No. 4 grade                                                           
  3337. u2621.42112    ;Unwatermarked bond, except No. 4                                                          
  3338. u2621.4212     ;Watermarked bond                                                                          
  3339. u2621.4215     ;Form bond, in rolls                                                                       
  3340. u2621.42151    ;12 lb. form bond in rolls                                                                 
  3341. u2621.42155    ;15 lb. form bond in rolls                                                                 
  3342. u2621.42156    ;20 lb. form bond in rolls                                                                 
  3343. u2621.42159    ;Form bond in rolls, except 12, 15 and 20 lb. grades                                       
  3344. u2621.4217     ;Other writing papers, including manifold and carbonless base stock & body stock for commu 
  3345. @       
  3346. u2621.441      ;Publication and printing grade free sheet                                                 
  3347. u2621.44111    ;Plain (including M.F., E.F., supercalendered, eggshell and antique grades)                
  3348. u2621.44122    ;Offset                                                                                    
  3349. u2621.44133    ;Other publication and printing free sheet                                                 
  3350. u2621.465      ;Cover and text papers                                                                     
  3351. u2621.481      ;Other converting and miscellaneous free sheet, including body stock for coating           
  3352. u2621.4811     ;Envelope                                                                                  
  3353. u2621.48111    ;White wove envelopes                                                                      
  3354. u2621.48112    ;Kraft envelope paper (including unbleached, semi-bleached and bleached kraft)             
  3355. u2621.4812     ;All other uncoated free sheet, n.e.c., including body stock for coating                   
  3356. u2621.5a       ;Uncoated bristols                                                                         
  3357. u2621.6        ;Cotton fiber paper and thin paper                                                         
  3358. u2621.611      ;Cotton fiber writing papers                                                               
  3359. u2621.671      ;Thin paper                                                                                
  3360. u2621.7        ;Unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting paper                                
  3361. u2621.711      ;Wrapping                                                                                  
  3362. u2621.731      ;Shipping sack                                                                             
  3363. u2621.751      ;Bag and sack, other than shipping sack                                                    
  3364. u2621.761      ;Other unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting paper                          
  3365. u2621.8        ;Packaging and industrial converting paper, except unbleached kraft                        
  3366. u2621.811      ;Wrapping                                                                                  
  3367. u2621.831      ;Shipping sack, including combination kraft and rope, bleached and semibleached            
  3368. u2621.851      ;Bag and sack, other than shipping sack                                                    
  3369. u2621.861      ;Other packaging and industrial converting paper, except unbleached kraft                  
  3370. u2621.881      ;Glassine, greaseproof, and vegetable parchment                                            
  3371. u2621.9        ;Special industrial paper                                                                  
  3372. u26212611s     ;Pulp mill products                                                                        
  3373. u26212631s     ;Paperboard mill products                                                                  
  3374. u263           ;Paperboard mills                                                                          
  3375. u2631          ;Paperboard mills                                                                          
  3376. u2631.a        ;Paperboard, made from primarily virgin wood pulp                                          
  3377. u2631.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3378. u2631.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3379. u2631.1        ;Unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting paperboard (>80% virgin wood pulp)   
  3380. u2631.111      ;Unbleached linerboard                                                                     
  3381. u2631.11101    ;42 lb. kraft linerboard                                                                   
  3382. u2631.11102    ;Other unbleached linerboard                                                               
  3383. u2631.121      ;Other unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting paperboard                     
  3384. u2631.2        ;Bleached packaging and industrial converting paperboard (>80% virgin wood pulp)           
  3385. u2631.211      ;Linerboard                                                                                
  3386. u2631.241      ;Folding carton-type board                                                                 
  3387. u2631.26       ;Bleached paperboard for moist, liquid or oily foods, including milk carton board          
  3388. u2631.28       ;Other bleached paperboard for packaging and other solid bleached board                    
  3389. u2631.3        ;Semichemical paperboard (>75% virgin wood pulp)                                           
  3390. u2631.321      ;Corrugating medium                                                                        
  3391. u2631.4        ;Recycled paperboard                                                                       
  3392. u2631.411      ;Linerboard (<80% virgin fiber)                                                            
  3393. u2631.421      ;Corrugating medium (<75% virgin fiber)                                                    
  3394. u2631.431      ;Container chip and filler board                                                           
  3395. u2631.44       ;Folding carton board                                                                      
  3396. @       
  3397. u2631.443      ;Unlined chipboard                                                                         
  3398. u2631.444      ;Kraft-lined folding carton board                                                          
  3399. u2631.445      ;White-lined folding carton board                                                          
  3400. u2631.446      ;Clay-coated folding carton board                                                          
  3401. u2631.451      ;Setup                                                                                     
  3402. u2631.48       ;Other recycled paperboard                                                                 
  3403. u264           ;Miscellaneous converted paper and paperboard products, incl. 2673/9 in place of 2642/9    
  3404. u2641          ;Paper coating and glazing                                                                 
  3405. u2641.b        ;Other coated and processed paper, n.e.c.                                                  
  3406. u2641.b15      ;Special coated paper and casein and similarly coated papers                               
  3407. u2641.b51      ;Oiled and similarly treated paper                                                         
  3408. u2641.b98      ;Other coated and processed paper, n.e.c.                                                  
  3409. u2641.i        ;Packaging paper and plastics film, coated and laminated                                   
  3410. u2641.ii       ;Coated and laminated paper, n.e.c.                                                        
  3411. u2641.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3412. u2641.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3413. u2641.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3414. u2641.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3415. u2641.1        ;Printing paper coated at establishments other than where paper was produced               
  3416. u2641.113      ;Coated one side (for labels and similar uses)                                             
  3417. u2641.153      ;Coated two sides (for printing of magazines, directories, catalogs, and similar uses)     
  3418. u2641.3        ;Gummed products                                                                           
  3419. u2641.312      ;Gummed sealing tape, paper base and reinforced base, used for sealing and securing        
  3420. u2641.314      ;Corrugators' box gummed tape used on manufacturers' joints of corrugated boxes            
  3421. u2641.331      ;Gummed flat paper, including stock labels, unprinted                                      
  3422. u2641.4        ;Pressure sensitive products                                                               
  3423. u2641.4a       ;Single faced tape                                                                         
  3424. u2641.413      ;Paper backing                                                                             
  3425. u2641.433      ;Cloth backing, except electrical                                                          
  3426. u2641.453      ;Reinforced and laminated tape                                                             
  3427. u2641.459      ;Other backings, except rubber                                                             
  3428. u2641.46       ;Double faced tape                                                                         
  3429. u2641.47       ;Unprinted pressure sensitive labels                                                       
  3430. u2641.48       ;Pressure sensitive base stock                                                             
  3431. u2641.481      ;Base stock for labels                                                                     
  3432. u2641.485      ;Pressure sensitive base stock for other than labels                                       
  3433. u2641.5        ;Single web paper, coated rolls and sheets                                                 
  3434. u2641.6        ;Single web film, coated rolls and sheets                                                  
  3435. u2641.9        ;Multi-web paper/paper laminations                                                         
  3436. u265           ;Paperboard containers and boxes                                                           
  3437. u2652          ;Setup paperboard boxes                                                                    
  3438. u2652.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3439. u2652.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3440. u2652.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3441. u2652.1        ;Setup paperboard boxes (classified by end use)                                            
  3442. u2652.121      ;Textiles, wearing apparel, and hosiery                                                    
  3443. u2652.131      ;Department stores and other retail stores                                                 
  3444. u2652.141      ;Confections                                                                               
  3445. u2652.151      ;Cosmetics, including soap                                                                 
  3446. u2652.161      ;Stationery and office supplies                                                            
  3447. @       
  3448. u2652.198      ;All other end uses, n.e.c.                                                                
  3449. u2653          ;Corrugated and solid fiber boxes                                                          
  3450. u2653.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3451. u2653.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3452. u2653.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3453. u2653.s______a ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3454. u2653.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3455. u2653.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3456. u2653.1        ;Corrugated shipping containers                                                            
  3457. u2653.112      ;For foods and beverages                                                                   
  3458. u2653.11201    ;For canned and bottled foods and beverages                                                
  3459. u2653.11202    ;For fresh fruits and vegetables                                                           
  3460. u2653.11203    ;For dry goods                                                                             
  3461. u2653.11204    ;For all food and beverage uses not specified                                              
  3462. u2653.113      ;For paper and allied products                                                             
  3463. u2653.115      ;For glass, clay, and stone products                                                       
  3464. u2653.116      ;For metal products and machinery, equipment and supplies, except electrical               
  3465. u2653.118      ;For electrical machinery, equipment, supplies and appliances                              
  3466. u2653.119      ;For all other uses not specified above                                                    
  3467. u2653.11901    ;For chemicals and drugs, including paints, varnishes, cosmetics and soaps                 
  3468. u2653.11902    ;For lumber and wood products, including furniture                                         
  3469. u2653.11903    ;For all other uses                                                                        
  3470. u2653.2        ;Solid fiber boxes and containers                                                          
  3471. u2653.251      ;Solid fiber boxes and containers                                                          
  3472. u2653.3        ;Corrugated paperboard in sheets and rolls, lined and unlined                              
  3473. u2653.4        ;Corrugated and solid fiber pallets, pads, and partitions                                  
  3474. u2655          ;Fiber cans, drums and similar products                                                    
  3475. u2655.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3476. u2655.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3477. u2655.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3478. u2655.1        ;Paperboard fiber drums with metal, wood, plastic or paperboard ends                       
  3479. u2655.2        ;Fiber cans, tubes, and similar fiber products                                             
  3480. u2655.221      ;Cans, all fiber and composite                                                             
  3481. u2655.221a     ;Food products                                                                             
  3482. u2655.221b     ;Non-food products                                                                         
  3483. u2655.22111    ;Frozen concentrated juices and drinks                                                     
  3484. u2655.22113    ;All other food products, excluding pet food                                               
  3485. u2655.22115    ;Motor oil - 1 quart                                                                       
  3486. u2655.22117    ;All other non-food products, including pet food                                           
  3487. u2655.231      ;Cores and tubes                                                                           
  3488. u2655.271      ;Paperboard cones, reels, spools, bobbins, blocks  and other products                      
  3489. u2656          ;Sanitary food containers                                                                  
  3490. u2656.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3491. u2656.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3492. u2656.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3493. u2656.1        ;Milk and milk-type cartons, including juices and other beverages                          
  3494. u2656.2        ;Cups and liquid-tight containers                                                          
  3495. u2656.233      ;Liquid-tight and round nested food containers, including lids and tops                    
  3496. u2656.235      ;Drinking cups and portion serving cups                                                    
  3497. u2656.5        ;Other sanitary food containers, boards, and trays, except folding                         
  3498. @       
  3499. u2656.511      ;Pressed plates, dishes, spoons and similar products                                       
  3500. u2656.514      ;Other paperboard items                                                                    
  3501. u2657          ;Folding paperboard boxes                                                                  
  3502. u2657.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3503. u2657.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3504. u2657.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3505. u2657.1        ;Folding paperboard boxes, except sanitary food containers, classified by end use          
  3506. u2657.114      ;Dry food and produce, incl. pet and animal food                                           
  3507. u2657.121      ;Bottled and canned beverages                                                              
  3508. u2657.1211     ;Bottled beverages                                                                         
  3509. u2657.12111    ;Non-alcoholic beverages                                                                   
  3510. u2657.12112    ;Alcoholic beverages                                                                       
  3511. u2657.1212     ;Canned beverages                                                                          
  3512. u2657.12122    ;Alcoholic beverages                                                                       
  3513. u2657.131      ;Soaps and detergents                                                                      
  3514. u2657.141      ;Tobacco                                                                                   
  3515. u2657.151      ;Hardware and household supplies                                                           
  3516. u2657.161      ;Candy                                                                                     
  3517. u2657.171      ;Cosmetics and medicinal products                                                          
  3518. u2657.17101    ;Cosmetics                                                                                 
  3519. u2657.17102    ;Medicinal products                                                                        
  3520. u2657.181      ;Paper goods or products, including book mailers                                           
  3521. u2657.195      ;Folding carry-out boxes and trays for retail food                                         
  3522. u2657.198      ;All other end uses, n.e.c.                                                                
  3523. u2657.2        ;Folding sanitary containers for liquid, moist, oily or perishable foods                   
  3524. u2657.201      ;Bakery, fresh and frozen                                                                  
  3525. u2657.202      ;Butter and ice cream packages and food pails                                              
  3526. u2657.203      ;Processed meat, margarine, lard and shortening                                            
  3527. u2657.204      ;Other frozen foods                                                                        
  3528. u2673          ;Plastics, foil and coated paper bags                                                      
  3529. u2673.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3530. u2673.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3531. u2673.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3532. u2673.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3533. u2673.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3534. u2673.1        ;Specialty bags and liners, single web paper, coated                                       
  3535. u2673.2        ;Specialty bags and liners, single web film                                                
  3536. u2673.21       ;Polyethylene bags                                                                         
  3537. u2673.211      ;Grocery and variety                                                                       
  3538. u2673.212      ;Refuse                                                                                    
  3539. u2673.213      ;Produce                                                                                   
  3540. u2673.214      ;Textile and clothing                                                                      
  3541. u2673.216      ;Shipping sacks                                                                            
  3542. u2673.217      ;Household food storage                                                                    
  3543. u2673.218      ;Other polyethylene bags                                                                   
  3544. u2673.22       ;Single web film bags other than polyethylene                                              
  3545. u2673.221      ;Coextruded film                                                                           
  3546. u2673.223      ;Other film type                                                                           
  3547. u2673.3        ;Specialty bags and liners, multiweb laminations and foil                                  
  3548. u2673.311      ;Paper combinations except paper/foil                                                      
  3549. @       
  3550. u2673.312      ;Foil and foil combinations                                                                
  3551. u2673.314      ;Other multiweb laminations                                                                
  3552. u2674          ;Uncoated paper and multiwall bags                                                         
  3553. u2674.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3554. u2674.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3555. u2674.1        ;Uncoated paper bags                                                                       
  3556. u2674.111      ;Grocers' bags and sacks                                                                   
  3557. u2674.112      ;Variety bags                                                                              
  3558. u2674.113      ;Shopping bags                                                                             
  3559. u2674.115      ;Other uncoated bags                                                                       
  3560. u2674.2        ;Shipping sacks and multiwall bags                                                         
  3561. u2674.211      ;Single and double wall                                                                    
  3562. u2674.212      ;Multiwall (three or more plies)                                                           
  3563. u2675          ;Die-cut paper and board                                                                   
  3564. u2675.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3565. u2675.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3566. u2675.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3567. u2675.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3568. u2675.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3569. u2675.1        ;Die-cut paper and board office supplies                                                   
  3570. u2675.111      ;Index cards                                                                               
  3571. u2675.113      ;File folders                                                                              
  3572. u2675.11301    ;Expanding file folders                                                                    
  3573. u2675.11302    ;Hanging folders                                                                           
  3574. u2675.11303    ;Other file folders, including file pockets and jackets                                    
  3575. u2675.199      ;Other office supplies, including report covers, excluding looseleaf                       
  3576. u2675.2        ;Die-cut paper and board except office supplies                                            
  3577. u2675.299      ;Other, including fillers and flats for egg cases, bottle caps, closures                   
  3578. u2675.3        ;Pasted, lined, laminated, or surface coated paperboard                                    
  3579. u2676          ;Sanitary Paper Products                                                                   
  3580. u2676.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3581. u2676.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3582. u2676.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3583. u2676.1        ;Sanitary napkins and tampons                                                              
  3584. u2676.114      ;Sanitary napkins                                                                          
  3585. u2676.156      ;Tampons                                                                                   
  3586. u2676.3        ;Disposable diapers (except incontinence pads)                                             
  3587. u2676.4        ;Sanitary tissue health products (made from purchased stock)                               
  3588. u2676.41       ;Facial tissues and paper handkerchiefs                                                    
  3589. u2676.42       ;Table napkins including plain creped and facial tissue type                               
  3590. u2676.44       ;Toilet tissue (mfpm)                                                                      
  3591. u2676.47       ;Paper towels                                                                              
  3592. u2677          ;Envelopes                                                                                 
  3593. u2677.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3594. u2677.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3595. u2677.1        ;Envelopes, all types                                                                      
  3596. u2678          ;Stationery products                                                                       
  3597. u2678.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3598. u2678.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3599. u2678.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3600. @       
  3601. u2678.1        ;Stationery                                                                                
  3602. u2678.111      ;Boxed stationery and portfolios                                                           
  3603. u2678.119      ;Other stationery                                                                          
  3604. u2678.2        ;Tablets and related products                                                              
  3605. u2678.252      ;Legal pads                                                                                
  3606. u2678.254      ;Tablets and pads, except legal pads                                                       
  3607. u2678.257      ;Notebooks                                                                                 
  3608. u2678.261      ;Looseleaf fillers (school and commercial types)                                           
  3609. u2678.265      ;Wrapped ream papers                                                                       
  3610. u2678.26519    ;Other wrapped ream paper                                                                  
  3611. u2678.269      ;Other tablets and related products                                                        
  3612. u26782677s     ;Envelopes                                                                                 
  3613. u2679          ;Converted paper and paperboard products, n.e.c.                                           
  3614. u2679.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3615. u2679.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3616. u2679.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3617. u2679.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3618. u2679.xy9      ;Contract and other miscellaneous receipts                                                 
  3619. u2679.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3620. u2679.1        ;Wallcoverings                                                                             
  3621. u2679.12       ;Paper wallcoverings                                                                       
  3622. u2679.123      ;Dry strippable, nonwoven and nonwoven combinations                                        
  3623. u2679.125      ;Plastic coated or laminated to 1 mil of vinyl or more                                     
  3624. u2679.2        ;Gift wrap paper                                                                           
  3625. u2679.28       ;Retail counter items, all materials except foil                                           
  3626. u2679.282      ;Rolls                                                                                     
  3627. u2679.296      ;Gift wrapping paper for stores' own used and shipped to manufacturers                     
  3628. u2679.3        ;Paper business machine supplies and other miscellaneous office supplies                   
  3629. u2679.31       ;Paper business machine supplies                                                           
  3630. u2679.311      ;Rolls for adding and other business machines                                              
  3631. u2679.317      ;Other, including tapes, teletypes, etc.                                                   
  3632. u2679.322      ;Miscellaneous paper and board office supples, n.e.c.                                      
  3633. u2679.4        ;Pressed and molded pulp goods                                                             
  3634. u2679.5        ;Other converted paper and paperboard products                                             
  3635. u2679.51       ;Novelties, games, displays, and similar products                                          
  3636. u2679.512      ;Other novelties, games, displays, and similar products                                    
  3637. u2679.53       ;Industrial paper and paperboard products                                                  
  3638. u2679.531      ;Cellulose insulation                                                                      
  3639. u2679.541      ;Doilies, place mats and tray doilies                                                      
  3640. u2679.561      ;Paper wrapping products, n.e.c.                                                           
  3641. u2679.569      ;Miscellaneous paper and paperboard products, n.e.c.                                       
  3642. u27            ;Printing, publishing, and allied industries                                               
  3643. u271           ;Newspaper publishing                                                                      
  3644. u2711          ;Newspaper publishing                                                                      
  3645. u2711.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3646. u2711.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3647. u2711.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3648. u2711.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  3649. u2711.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3650. u2711.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  3651. @       
  3652. u2711.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3653. u2711.6        ;Circulation                                                                               
  3654. u2711.61       ;Subscriptions                                                                             
  3655. u2711.611      ;Through intermediary                                                                      
  3656. u2711.612      ;Direct to reader                                                                          
  3657. u2711.62       ;Single copy sales                                                                         
  3658. u2711.621      ;Through intermediary                                                                      
  3659. u2711.622      ;Direct to reader                                                                          
  3660. u2711.7        ;Advertising                                                                               
  3661. u2711.71       ;Classified advertising                                                                    
  3662. u2711.72       ;Retail, manufacturing & other comm'l advt'g, exc classifieds and insertion of preprinted  
  3663. u2711.721      ;National advertising                                                                      
  3664. u2711.722      ;Local, regional and other advertising                                                     
  3665. u2711.73       ;Insertion of preprinted ads                                                               
  3666. u2711.731      ;Insertion of preprinted ads                                                               
  3667. u27112752533s  ;Preprinted newspaper inserts                                                              
  3668. u272           ;Periodical publishing                                                                     
  3669. u2721          ;Periodical publishing                                                                     
  3670. u2721.a        ;Advertising                                                                               
  3671. u2721.c        ;Circulation                                                                               
  3672. u2721.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3673. u2721.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3674. u2721.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3675. u2721.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  3676. u2721.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3677. u2721.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  3678. u2721.1        ;Farm periodicals                                                                          
  3679. u2721.112      ;General farm periodicals                                                                  
  3680. u2721.2        ;Farm periodicals                                                                          
  3681. u2721.211      ;General farm periodicals                                                                  
  3682. u2721.215      ;Specialized farm periodicals                                                              
  3683. u2721.3        ;Business periodicals                                                                      
  3684. u2721.307      ;Industrial periodicals                                                                    
  3685. u2721.313      ;Merchandising periodicals                                                                 
  3686. u2721.317      ;Professional periodicals                                                                  
  3687. u2721.4        ;Business periodicals                                                                      
  3688. u2721.411      ;Industrial periodicals                                                                    
  3689. u2721.413      ;Merchandising periodicals                                                                 
  3690. u2721.415      ;Professional periodicals                                                                  
  3691. u2721.5        ;General periodicals                                                                       
  3692. u2721.54       ;Women's periodicals                                                                       
  3693. u2721.543      ;Subscriptions                                                                             
  3694. u2721.545      ;Single copy sales                                                                         
  3695. u2721.55       ;General and special interest periodicals                                                  
  3696. u2721.553      ;Subscriptions                                                                             
  3697. u2721.55311    ;Special interest (primarily hobby, entertainment, outdoor sports and auto)                
  3698. u2721.55312    ;General interest (inc. general articles, pictures, fiction, nonfiction, travel and humor) 
  3699. u2721.555      ;Single copy sales                                                                         
  3700. u2721.55511    ;Special interest (primarily hobby, entertainment, outdoor sports and auto)                
  3701. u2721.56       ;General news periodicals                                                                  
  3702. @       
  3703. u2721.563      ;Subscriptions                                                                             
  3704. u2721.6        ;General periodicals                                                                       
  3705. u2721.643      ;Women's periodicals                                                                       
  3706. u2721.653      ;General and special interest periodicals                                                  
  3707. u2721.65311    ;Special interest (primarily hobby, entertainment, outdoor sports and auto)                
  3708. u2721.65312    ;General interest (inc. general articles, pictures, fiction, nonfiction, travel and humor) 
  3709. u2721.663      ;General news periodicals                                                                  
  3710. u2721.7a       ;Other periodicals                                                                         
  3711. u2721.703      ;Religious periodicals                                                                     
  3712. u2721.717      ;Other periodicals, n.e.c.                                                                 
  3713. u2721.71701    ;Subscriptions                                                                             
  3714. u2721.71702    ;Single copy sales                                                                         
  3715. u2721.73       ;Other periodicals                                                                         
  3716. u2721.733      ;Religious periodicals                                                                     
  3717. u2721.737      ;Other periodicals, n.e.c.                                                                 
  3718. u27212731s     ;Book publishing                                                                           
  3719. u273           ;Books                                                                                     
  3720. u2731          ;Book Publishing                                                                           
  3721. u2731.a        ;Mass market books, rack size                                                              
  3722. u2731.b        ;Book club books                                                                           
  3723. u2731.b15      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3724. u2731.d        ;Adult trade and juvenile books                                                            
  3725. u2731.d4       ;Adult trade                                                                               
  3726. u2731.d41      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3727. u2731.d47      ;Paperbound, including mass market other than rack size                                    
  3728. u2731.d5       ;Juvenile books                                                                            
  3729. u2731.d51      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3730. u2731.d53      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3731. u2731.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3732. u2731.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3733. u2731.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3734. u2731.1        ;Textbooks                                                                                 
  3735. u2731.1a       ;Elementary textbooks                                                                      
  3736. u2731.1b       ;High school textbooks                                                                     
  3737. u2731.1c       ;College textbooks                                                                         
  3738. u2731.111      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3739. u2731.112      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3740. u2731.113      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3741. u2731.115      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3742. u2731.116      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3743. u2731.12       ;Workbooks                                                                                 
  3744. u2731.121      ;Elementary workbooks                                                                      
  3745. u2731.123      ;High school and college workbooks                                                         
  3746. u2731.3        ;Technical, scientific and professional books                                              
  3747. u2731.31       ;Law books                                                                                 
  3748. u2731.315      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3749. u2731.32       ;Medical books                                                                             
  3750. u2731.325      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3751. u2731.327      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3752. u2731.34       ;Business and other technical, scientific and professional books                           
  3753. @       
  3754. u2731.345      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3755. u2731.347      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3756. u2731.4        ;Religious books                                                                           
  3757. u2731.415      ;Bibles and testaments                                                                     
  3758. u2731.44       ;Other religious books, including hymnals and devotionals                                  
  3759. u2731.447      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3760. u2731.5        ;General, mass market, adult trade, juvenile, book club and mail order bo                  
  3761. u2731.56       ;Mass market, adult trade and juvenile books                                               
  3762. u2731.7        ;General reference books                                                                   
  3763. u2731.721      ;Encyclopedias                                                                             
  3764. u2731.741      ;Dictionaries and thesauruses                                                              
  3765. u2731.749      ;Other                                                                                     
  3766. u2731.8        ;Other books, excluding pamphlets                                                          
  3767. u2731.8b       ;Other books, n.e.c.                                                                       
  3768. u2731.815      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3769. u2731.9        ;Pamphlets (5-48 pages)                                                                    
  3770. u2731.959      ;Other pamphlets                                                                           
  3771. u2732          ;Book printing                                                                             
  3772. u2732.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3773. u2732.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3774. u2732.1        ;Books, printing only, lithographic                                                        
  3775. u2732.113      ;Technical, scientific, business and professional books, and college textbooks             
  3776. u2732.2        ;Books, printing and binding, lithographic                                                 
  3777. u2732.2a       ;Elementary and high school textbooks                                                      
  3778. u2732.2b       ;College textbooks                                                                         
  3779. u2732.2c       ;Technical, scientific, business, and professional books                                   
  3780. u2732.2d       ;General consumer and trade books                                                          
  3781. u2732.2f       ;All other books, n.e.c. including religious books, dictionaries, atlases, etc.            
  3782. u2732.223      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3783. u2732.225      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3784. u2732.228      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3785. u2732.229      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3786. u2732.232      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3787. u2732.234      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3788. u2732.242      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  3789. u2732.244      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3790. u2732.82       ;Printing and binding                                                                      
  3791. u2732.823      ;All other printing processes, including gravure and screen                                
  3792. u2732.82355    ;Paperbound                                                                                
  3793. u2732.91       ;Lithographic printing                                                                     
  3794. u2732.915      ;Workbooks and tests                                                                       
  3795. u2732.91502    ;Printing and binding                                                                      
  3796. u27322752s     ;Commercial printing, lithographic                                                         
  3797. u274           ;Miscellaneous publishing                                                                  
  3798. u2741          ;Miscellaneous publishing                                                                  
  3799. u2741.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3800. u2741.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3801. u2741.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3802. u2741.1        ;Catalogs and directories, publishing                                                      
  3803. u2741.11       ;Directories                                                                               
  3804. @       
  3805. u2741.113      ;Telephone                                                                                 
  3806. u2741.1131     ;Yellow pages advertising                                                                  
  3807. u2741.1132     ;Other telephone directory advertising                                                     
  3808. u2741.115      ;Other directories, including business reference service                                   
  3809. u2741.121      ;Catalogs                                                                                  
  3810. u2741.2        ;Business service publications                                                             
  3811. u2741.213      ;Business service newsletters, excluding publications cumulated in looseleaf index form    
  3812. u2741.215      ;Other business service publications, looseleaf and hardbound                              
  3813. u2741.4        ;Patterns, including clothing patterns                                                     
  3814. u2741.5        ;Other miscellaneous publishing                                                            
  3815. u2741.521      ;Shopper news                                                                              
  3816. u2741.597      ;Micropublishing in microform, including original and republished material                 
  3817. u2741.599      ;Other miscellaneous publishing nec, including almanacs and racing forms                   
  3818. u275           ;Commercial printing                                                                       
  3819. u2752          ;Commercial printing, lithographic                                                         
  3820. u2752.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3821. u2752.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3822. u2752.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3823. u2752.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3824. u2752.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  3825. u2752.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3826. u2752.1        ;Lithographic magazine and periodical printing                                             
  3827. u2752.11       ;Magazines and periodicals (excluding magazine and comic supplements for Sunday newspapers 
  3828. u2752.112      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3829. u2752.114      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3830. u2752.2        ;Lithographic label and wrapper printing                                                   
  3831. u2752.21       ;Printed custom and stock labels                                                           
  3832. u2752.212      ;Sheet-fed flat printed labels (ex pressure sensitive)                                     
  3833. u2752.217      ;Pressure sensitive labels (flat and rolls)                                                
  3834. u2752.3        ;Lithographic catalog and directory printing                                               
  3835. u2752.31       ;Catalogs, including direct mail                                                           
  3836. u2752.312      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3837. u2752.314      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3838. u2752.32       ;Directories                                                                               
  3839. u2752.32a      ;Telephone directories                                                                     
  3840. u2752.32b      ;Other directories                                                                         
  3841. u2752.322      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3842. u2752.324      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3843. u2752.326      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3844. u2752.4        ;Lithographic financial and legal printing                                                 
  3845. u2752.4a       ;SEC filing and prospectuses                                                               
  3846. u2752.4b       ;Annual reports and other corporate finanicial printing                                    
  3847. u2752.4c       ;Other financial and legal printing, (including insurance forms, security certificates,etc 
  3848. u2752.4d       ;Bank printing, (including deposit slips, counter checks, business checks, etc.)           
  3849. u2752.412      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3850. u2752.414      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3851. u2752.416      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3852. u2752.418      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3853. u2752.421      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3854. u2752.427      ;Bank form printing, excluding checkbooks                                                  
  3855. @       
  3856. u2752.5        ;Lithographic advertising printing                                                         
  3857. u2752.51       ;Direct mail                                                                               
  3858. u2752.512      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3859. u2752.514      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3860. u2752.52       ;Display advertising                                                                       
  3861. u2752.52a      ;Posters, (including outdoor advertising, car cards)                                       
  3862. u2752.52b      ;Counter and floor displays                                                                
  3863. u2752.522      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3864. u2752.526      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3865. u2752.53       ;Preprinted newspaper inserts                                                              
  3866. u2752.536      ;Web-fed sections                                                                          
  3867. u2752.541      ;Shopping news                                                                             
  3868. u2752.55       ;Other advertising printing, (including brochures, pamphlets, catalog sheet, etc.)         
  3869. u2752.551      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3870. u2752.553      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3871. u2752.6        ;Other lithographic general job printing                                                   
  3872. u2752.614      ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  3873. u2752.621      ;Map, atlas, and globe cover printing                                                      
  3874. u2752.63       ;Calendars and calendar pads                                                               
  3875. u2752.636      ;Sheet-fed                                                                                 
  3876. u2752.644      ;Ticket, coupon, and food and beverage check printing                                      
  3877. u2752.647      ;Playing cards, printed                                                                    
  3878. u2752.683      ;Credit and identification cards, printed                                                  
  3879. u2752.691      ;Business forms, except manifold                                                           
  3880. u2752.696      ;Quick printing                                                                            
  3881. u2752.698      ;All other general commercial printing, n.e.c., sheet-fed                                  
  3882. u2752.699      ;All other general commercial printing, n.e.c., web-fed                                    
  3883. u27522732s     ;Book printing                                                                             
  3884. u27522759s     ;Commercial printing, n.e.c.                                                               
  3885. u275227596s    ;Letterpress general job printing                                                          
  3886. u27522761s     ;Manifold business forms                                                                   
  3887. u27522791s     ;Typesetting                                                                               
  3888. u2754          ;Commercial printing, gravure                                                              
  3889. u2754.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3890. u2754.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3891. u2754.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3892. u2754.1        ;Magazine and periodical printing, (gravure)                                               
  3893. u2754.133      ;Magazines and periodicals, excluding supplements for Sunday newspapers                    
  3894. u2754.2        ;Labels and wrappers, printing (gravure)                                                   
  3895. u2754.22       ;Labels, custom and stock, excluding cloth                                                 
  3896. u2754.221      ;Flat, except pressure sensitive                                                           
  3897. u2754.224      ;Rolls, except pressure sensitive                                                          
  3898. u2754.23       ;Printed rolls and sheets for packaging purposes, excluding bags, envelopes, pouches, etc. 
  3899. u2754.232      ;Paper, single web                                                                         
  3900. u2754.237      ;Other, including multiweb structures                                                      
  3901. u2754.6        ;Other general job printing, (gravure)                                                     
  3902. u2754.695      ;All other general commercial printing n.e.c. (gravure)                                    
  3903. u27542752s     ;Commercial printing, lithographic                                                         
  3904. u2759          ;Commerical printing, n.e.c.                                                               
  3905. u2759.a        ;Letterpress and screen printing                                                           
  3906. @       
  3907. u2759.b        ;Engraving                                                                                 
  3908. u2759.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3909. u2759.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3910. u2759.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3911. u2759.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3912. u2759.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  3913. u2759.2        ;Letterpress label and wrapper printing                                                    
  3914. u2759.2a       ;Custom and stock labels, including bordered made of paper foil                            
  3915. u2759.2b       ;Printed rolls and sheets for packing purposes                                             
  3916. u2759.218      ;Rolls pressure sensitive, letterpress (self-adhesive)                                     
  3917. u2759.219      ;Flexographic pressure sensitive, flat and roll, letterpress (self-adhesive)               
  3918. u2759.241      ;Polyethylene, including flexographic (single web) letterpress                             
  3919. u2759.243      ;Other letterpress, multiweb structures (including flexograhpic)                           
  3920. u2759.4        ;Financial and legal printing, letterpress                                                 
  3921. u2759.5        ;Advertising printing, letterpress                                                         
  3922. u2759.511      ;Direct mail, including circulars, letters, cards, pamphlets, and printed envelopes        
  3923. u2759.598      ;Other advertising printing, including brochures, catalog sheets, circular folders, etc.   
  3924. u2759.6        ;Other general job printing                                                                
  3925. u2759.695      ;All other commercial printing n.e.c., including maps, atlases, etc.                       
  3926. u2759.7        ;Screen process printing, except textiles                                                  
  3927. u2759.71       ;Decalcomanias and labels                                                                  
  3928. u2759.711      ;Decalcomanias and pressure sensitives (self-adhesive), excluding labels                   
  3929. u2759.781      ;Printing on metal                                                                         
  3930. u2759.798      ;All other screen process, n.e.c.                                                          
  3931. u2759.8        ;Engraving                                                                                 
  3932. u2759.811      ;Security engraving                                                                        
  3933. u2759.812      ;Social engraving                                                                          
  3934. u2759.813      ;Commercial engraving                                                                      
  3935. u27592752s     ;Commercial printing, lithographic                                                         
  3936. u276           ;Manifold business forms                                                                   
  3937. u2761          ;Manifold business forms                                                                   
  3938. u2761.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3939. u2761.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3940. u2761.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3941. u2761.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  3942. u2761.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  3943. u2761.2        ;Unit set forms                                                                            
  3944. u2761.21       ;Stock, including imprinted                                                                
  3945. u2761.213      ;Carbon                                                                                    
  3946. u2761.215      ;Carbonless                                                                                
  3947. u2761.25       ;Custom printed                                                                            
  3948. u2761.253      ;Carbon                                                                                    
  3949. u2761.255      ;Carbonless                                                                                
  3950. u2761.3        ;Manifold books, including sales, and pegboard accounting systems                          
  3951. u2761.31       ;Pegboard accounting systems                                                               
  3952. u2761.32       ;Sales and other manifold books                                                            
  3953. u2761.323      ;Custom                                                                                    
  3954. u2761.5        ;Custom continuous forms, with or without carbon, marginally punched or not                
  3955. u2761.55       ;Self mailer                                                                               
  3956. u2761.58       ;All other custom printed                                                                  
  3957. @       
  3958. u2761.581      ;One part                                                                                  
  3959. u2761.582      ;Multiple parts                                                                            
  3960. u2761.5822     ;Carbon                                                                                    
  3961. u2761.5824     ;Carbonless                                                                                
  3962. u2761.7        ;Stock continuous forms                                                                    
  3963. u2761.76       ;Stock shelf forms                                                                         
  3964. u2761.761      ;One part                                                                                  
  3965. u2761.762      ;Multiple parts                                                                            
  3966. u2761.7621     ;Carbon                                                                                    
  3967. u2761.7622     ;Carbonless                                                                                
  3968. u2761.77       ;Stock format forms                                                                        
  3969. u2761.772      ;Multiple parts                                                                            
  3970. u2761.78       ;All other stock forms                                                                     
  3971. u27612752s     ;Lithographic commercial printing                                                          
  3972. u27612759s     ;Commercial printing, n.e.c.                                                               
  3973. u277           ;Greeting card and publishing                                                              
  3974. u2771          ;Greeting card publishing                                                                  
  3975. u2771.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3976. u2771.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3977. u2771.1        ;Publishers' sales                                                                         
  3978. u2771.1a       ;Seasonal greeting cards                                                                   
  3979. u2771.1b       ;Non-seasonal greeting cards                                                               
  3980. u2771.111      ;Counter cards                                                                             
  3981. u2771.112      ;Packaged cards (including boxed cards)                                                    
  3982. u2771.153      ;Counter cards                                                                             
  3983. u2771.155      ;Packaged cards (including boxed cards)                                                    
  3984. u278           ;Blankbooks, looseleaf binders, and bookbinding and related work                           
  3985. u2782          ;Blankbooks and looseleaf binders                                                          
  3986. u2782.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3987. u2782.mm       ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  3988. u2782.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  3989. u2782.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3990. u2782.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  3991. u2782.2        ;Looseleaf binders and devices                                                             
  3992. u2782.21       ;Binders                                                                                   
  3993. u2782.211      ;Looseleaf binders, all ring and prong type                                                
  3994. u2782.212      ;Post binders, heavy, thin, or flexible, including data binders                            
  3995. u2782.22       ;Miscellaneous binder devices and forms                                                    
  3996. u2782.221      ;Looseleaf forms and indexes                                                               
  3997. u2782.222      ;Sheet protectors                                                                          
  3998. u2782.223      ;All looseleaf devices, metal and nonmetal                                                 
  3999. u2782.3        ;Checkbooks, inserts and refills, excluding continuous forms and die cut                   
  4000. u2782.4        ;Blankbook making, except checkbooks                                                       
  4001. u2782.42       ;Albums and scrapbooks                                                                     
  4002. u2782.43       ;Diaries and appointment books                                                             
  4003. u2782.44       ;Columnar pads, memo books, and misc blankbooks (incl. financial notes and address books)  
  4004. u2782.45       ;All other blankbooks, including ledger and account books, bound drafts and financial note 
  4005. u2789          ;Bookbinding and related work                                                              
  4006. u2789.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4007. u2789.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4008. @       
  4009. u2789.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4010. u2789.1        ;Edition, library, trade and other hardcover binding                                       
  4011. u2789.11       ;Edition binding, hardbound                                                                
  4012. u2789.118      ;General consumer and trade books                                                          
  4013. u2789.119      ;All other books nec., including reference and religious                                   
  4014. u2789.12       ;Library binding; incl. prebinding, rebinding, and other hardcover binding of periodicals  
  4015. u2789.2        ;Other book and pamphlet binding and related work                                          
  4016. u2789.22       ;Soft cover binding of books (49 pages or more)                                            
  4017. u2789.221      ;Adhesive binding                                                                          
  4018. u2789.222      ;Mechanical binding                                                                        
  4019. u2789.23       ;Pamphlet and other soft cover binding                                                     
  4020. u2789.231      ;Adhesive binding                                                                          
  4021. u2789.232      ;Mechanical binding                                                                        
  4022. u2789.24       ;Sample books, swatches, and cards; color, carpet, upholstery, drapes, etc.                
  4023. u2789.25       ;Miscellaneous bookbinding work and related service operations or material printed elsewhe 
  4024. u279           ;Service industries for the printing trade                                                 
  4025. u2791          ;Typesetting                                                                               
  4026. u2791.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4027. u2791.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4028. u2791.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4029. u2791.1        ;Hot metal and related typesetting, including hand and machine composition                 
  4030. u2791.2        ;Photographic typesetting, including phototypesetting and photolettering                   
  4031. u2791.211      ;With capability to integrate text and graphics                                            
  4032. u2791.212      ;All other phototypesetting                                                                
  4033. u2796          ;Platemaking services                                                                      
  4034. u2796.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4035. u2796.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4036. u2796.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4037. u2796.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  4038. u2796.1        ;Lithographic plates                                                                       
  4039. u2796.113      ;Diazo type plates prepared for printing                                                   
  4040. u2796.115      ;Wipe-on plates                                                                            
  4041. u2796.123      ;Multimetal plates                                                                         
  4042. u2796.129      ;All other lithographic plates                                                             
  4043. u2796.2        ;Lithographic platemaking services                                                         
  4044. u2796.231      ;Color corrected process positives or negatives on film                                    
  4045. u2796.239      ;All other lithographic film                                                               
  4046. u2796.241      ;Assembled flats for platemaking                                                           
  4047. u2796.3        ;Platemaking services, except lithographic                                                 
  4048. u2796.31       ;Duplicate plates for letterpress                                                          
  4049. u2796.315      ;Rubber plates                                                                             
  4050. u2796.316      ;Photopolymer (plastic) plates                                                             
  4051. u2796.35       ;Gravure plates and cylinders made for others (including preparation of film)              
  4052. u2796.36       ;Photoengraving plates made for others                                                     
  4053. u2796.362      ;Magnesium                                                                                 
  4054. u2796.39       ;Other platemaking services, except lithographic                                           
  4055. u28            ;Chemicals and allied products                                                             
  4056. u281           ;Industrial inorganic chemicals                                                            
  4057. u2812          ;Alkalies and chlorine                                                                     
  4058. u2812.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4059. @       
  4060. u2812.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4061. u2812.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4062. u2812.1        ;Chlorine                                                                                  
  4063. u2812.111      ;Chlorine gas                                                                              
  4064. u2812.115      ;Liquid chlorine                                                                           
  4065. u2812.3        ;Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)                                                           
  4066. u2812.365      ;All other concentrations - liquid                                                         
  4067. u2812.36511    ;50 percent regular diaphragm grade                                                        
  4068. u2812.36512    ;50 percent from mercury cell                                                              
  4069. u2812.36521    ;Other liquid concentrations (incl. other 50% grades)                                      
  4070. u2812.367      ;All dry (anhydrous forms) caustic soda                                                    
  4071. u2812.4        ;Other alkalies                                                                            
  4072. u2812.421      ;Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash, KOH)                                                 
  4073. u2812.42114    ;Liquid KOH (all forms)                                                                    
  4074. u2813          ;Industrial gases                                                                          
  4075. u2813.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4076. u2813.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4077. u2813.2        ;Acetylene                                                                                 
  4078. u2813.3        ;Carbon dioxide                                                                            
  4079. u2813.311      ;Liquid & gas                                                                              
  4080. u2813.331      ;Solid                                                                                     
  4081. u2813.5        ;Nitrogen                                                                                  
  4082. u2813.511      ;Gas                                                                                       
  4083. u2813.522      ;Liquid                                                                                    
  4084. u2813.6        ;Oxygen                                                                                    
  4085. u2813.622      ;Liquid                                                                                    
  4086. u2813.7        ;Other industrial gases                                                                    
  4087. u2813.715      ;Argon, high purity                                                                        
  4088. u2816          ;Inorganic pigments                                                                        
  4089. u2816.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4090. u2816.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4091. u2816.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4092. u2816.1        ;Titanium pigments                                                                         
  4093. u2816.111      ;Titanium pigments; composite and pure (100 percent titanium dioxide)                      
  4094. u2816.3        ;Chrome colors and other inorganic pigments                                                
  4095. u2816.31       ;Chrome colors                                                                             
  4096. u2816.319      ;Other chrome colors, incl. chrome green (chrome yellow and iron blue)                     
  4097. u2816.331      ;Iron oxide pigments                                                                       
  4098. u2816.34       ;Colored lead pigments                                                                     
  4099. u2816.345      ;Litharge                                                                                  
  4100. u2816.389      ;Cadmium sulfide pigments                                                                  
  4101. u2816.391      ;Ceramic colors                                                                            
  4102. u2816.393      ;All other color pigments, incl. iron blues, pearl essence, and copper oxides              
  4103. u2816.397      ;Not containing lead                                                                       
  4104. u28162819s     ;Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c.                                                    
  4105. u2819          ;Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c.                                                    
  4106. u2819.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4107. u2819.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4108. u2819.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4109. u2819.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4110. @       
  4111. u2819.3        ;Sulfuric acid (new and fortified)                                                         
  4112. u2819.314      ;Oleum grades                                                                              
  4113. u2819.331      ;Other than oleum grades                                                                   
  4114. u2819.4        ;Other inorganic acids (ex. sulfuric, nitric and phosphoric)                               
  4115. u2819.44       ;Hydrochloric acid                                                                         
  4116. u2819.463      ;Hydrofluoric acid (withdrawn from system)                                                 
  4117. u2819.498      ;Other inorganic acids, n.e.c., inc boric, chromic, hydrocyanic, and mixed (sulf. and nitr 
  4118. u2819.5        ;Aluminum oxide (ex. natural alumina)                                                      
  4119. u2819.6        ;Other aluminum compounds, n.e.c.                                                          
  4120. u2819.625      ;Aluminum hydroxide (trihydrate)                                                           
  4121. u2819.627      ;Aluminum flouride (technical grade)                                                       
  4122. u2819.671      ;Other aluminum compounds (in. sodium aluminate, light alum. hydroxide, cryolite and alum, 
  4123. u2819.7        ;Potassium and sodium compounds (ex bleaches, alkalies and alums)                          
  4124. u2819.7a       ;Sodium compounds (inc. sodium metal)                                                      
  4125. u2819.7b       ;Potassium compounds, n.e.c.                                                               
  4126. u2819.728      ;Sodium hydrosulfite                                                                       
  4127. u2819.73       ;Sodium phosphates                                                                         
  4128. u2819.738      ;Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP)                                                            
  4129. u2819.739      ;Other selected sodium phosphates (mono, di, tri, and tetrabasic; meta- and acid pyro)     
  4130. u2819.74       ;Sodium silicates and silicofluoride                                                       
  4131. u2819.77101    ;High purity (anhydrous, >97% NaSO4)                                                       
  4132. u2819.788      ;Sodium metal and other sodium compounds (inc. sod. borate, flouride, hydrosulfide, etc.)  
  4133. u2819.811      ;Inorganic chemical catalytic preparations, n.e.c.                                         
  4134. u2819.9        ;Other industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c.                                              
  4135. u2819.9a       ;Selected alkali earth metal compounds, n.e.c.                                             
  4136. u2819.9d       ;Activated carbon (granular and pulverized) and silica gel                                 
  4137. u2819.9f       ;Selected metallic mineral compounds, n.e.c.                                               
  4138. u2819.9g       ;Other inorganic chemicals, n.e.c.                                                         
  4139. u2819.91       ;Calcium compounds                                                                         
  4140. u2819.919      ;Other calcium compounds, n.e.c. (inc cal. chloride, carbonate and hypochlorite)           
  4141. u2819.922      ;Barium and magnesium compounds (inc bulk epsom salts)                                     
  4142. u2819.93       ;Selected semi-metallic mineral compounds, iodine and hydrogen peroxide                    
  4143. u2819.939      ;Antimony, arsenic, bismuth and selenium compounds, n.e.c. (ex. antimony-124 and 125)      
  4144. u2819.982      ;Chromium, manganese, cobalt (ex cobalt-60), and nickel compounds, n.e.c.                  
  4145. u2819.983      ;Lead and zinc compounds, n.e.c.                                                           
  4146. u2819.984      ;Copper, iron and silver compounds, n.e.c.                                                 
  4147. u2819.989      ;Other metallic mineral compounds (ex radioactive isotopes)                                
  4148. u2819.991      ;Radioactive isotopes and compounds (ex radiopharmaceuticals)                              
  4149. u2819.998      ;Other, inc. reagent from tech. grades, industrial bleaches, gold & titanium compounds     
  4150. u282           ;Plastic materials and synthetic resins, rubbers, and non-glass fibers                     
  4151. u2821          ;Plastic materials and resins                                                              
  4152. u2821.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4153. u2821.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4154. u2821.3        ;Thermoplastic resins                                                                      
  4155. u2821.311      ;Nylon resins                                                                              
  4156. u2821.321      ;Polyester resins saturated                                                                
  4157. u2821.331      ;Low density polyethylene resins                                                           
  4158. u2821.33101    ;For film and sheeting                                                                     
  4159. u2821.33102    ;For extrusion coating                                                                     
  4160. u2821.33103    ;For all other uses                                                                        
  4161. @       
  4162. u2821.341      ;High density polyethylene resins                                                          
  4163. u2821.34101    ;For blow molding                                                                          
  4164. u2821.34102    ;For all other uses                                                                        
  4165. u2821.351      ;Polypropylene resins                                                                      
  4166. u2821.35101    ;For injection molding                                                                     
  4167. u2821.35102    ;For fiber and filaments                                                                   
  4168. u2821.361      ;Styrene plastics materials                                                                
  4169. u2821.36101    ;Straight polystyrene resins                                                               
  4170. u2821.36102    ;Rubber modified polystyrene resins                                                        
  4171. u2821.36103    ;Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) resin                                               
  4172. u2821.36104    ;All other styrene plastic materials including styrene acrylonitrile (SAN)                 
  4173. u2821.371      ;Vinyl and vinylidene resins                                                               
  4174. u2821.37101    ;Polyvinyl chloride                                                                        
  4175. u2821.37102    ;All other vinyl and vinylidene resins, excluding dispersion                               
  4176. u2821.37103    ;Dispersion resins                                                                         
  4177. u2821.381      ;Other engineering thermoplastic resins                                                    
  4178. u2821.399      ;Other non-engineering thermoplastic resins                                                
  4179. u2821.4        ;Thermosetting resins                                                                      
  4180. u2821.401      ;Alkyd resins                                                                              
  4181. u2821.411      ;Epoxy resins                                                                              
  4182. u2821.421      ;Phenolic and other tar acid resins                                                        
  4183. u2821.42101    ;Phenolic molding compounds                                                                
  4184. u2821.42102    ;All other phenolic and other tar acid resins                                              
  4185. u2821.431      ;Polyester resins, unsaturated                                                             
  4186. u2821.441      ;Urea formaldehyde resins                                                                  
  4187. u2821.499      ;All other thermosetting resins                                                            
  4188. u2822          ;Synthetic rubber                                                                          
  4189. u2822.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4190. u2822.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4191. u2822.1        ;Styrene butadiene (SBR)                                                                   
  4192. u2822.111      ;Styrene butadiene - solid                                                                 
  4193. u2822.112      ;Styrene butadiene - latex                                                                 
  4194. u2822.2        ;Polybutadiene                                                                             
  4195. u2822.211      ;Polybutadiene                                                                             
  4196. u2822.4        ;Ethylene propylene                                                                        
  4197. u2822.611      ;Nitrile - solid                                                                           
  4198. u2822.8        ;Other synthetic elastomers                                                                
  4199. u2822.811      ;Other synthetic elastomers                                                                
  4200. u2823          ;Cellulosic manmade fibers                                                                 
  4201. u2823.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4202. u2823.2        ;Rayon                                                                                     
  4203. u2823.241      ;Staple and tow                                                                            
  4204. u2824          ;Noncellulosic manmade fibers                                                              
  4205. u2824.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4206. u2824.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4207. u2824.1        ;Nylon fibers, exc producer textured yarn                                                  
  4208. u2824.112      ;Yarn, exc producer textured                                                               
  4209. u2824.1125     ;Textile                                                                                   
  4210. u2824.11251    ;35 - 59 drawn equivalent denier                                                           
  4211. u2824.11252    ;Textile deniers other than 35 - 59                                                        
  4212. @       
  4213. u2824.113      ;Staple, tow, and fiberfill                                                                
  4214. u2824.212      ;Staple, tow, and fiberfill                                                                
  4215. u2824.3        ;Polyester fibers, exc producer textured yarn                                              
  4216. u2824.311      ;Yarn, exc producer textured                                                               
  4217. u2824.31111    ;Industrial                                                                                
  4218. u2824.31112    ;Textile yarn of less than 180 drawn equivalent denier                                     
  4219. u2824.31113    ;Other, including high denier textile yarn                                                 
  4220. u2824.331      ;Staple, tow and fiberfill                                                                 
  4221. u2824.33111    ;Staple                                                                                    
  4222. u2824.33112    ;Tow and fiberfill                                                                         
  4223. u2824.4        ;Polyolefin fibers, exc producer textured yarn                                             
  4224. u2824.411      ;Yarn, exc producer textured                                                               
  4225. u2824.412      ;Staple, tow, and fiberfill                                                                
  4226. u2824.5        ;Other fibers, exc producer textured yarn                                                  
  4227. u2824.511      ;Yarn, exc producer textured                                                               
  4228. u2824.512      ;Staple, tow, and fiberfill                                                                
  4229. u2824.6        ;Producer textured yarn                                                                    
  4230. u2824.612      ;Nylon                                                                                     
  4231. u2824.61211    ;Carpet                                                                                    
  4232. u2824.61212    ;Other                                                                                     
  4233. u2824.613      ;Other fibers                                                                              
  4234. u283           ;Drugs                                                                                     
  4235. u2833          ;Medicinal chemicals and botanical products (in bulk)                                      
  4236. u2833.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4237. u2833.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4238. u2833.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4239. u2833.1        ;Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals                                                     
  4240. u2833.131      ;Central stimulants and depressants                                                        
  4241. u2833.151      ;Synthetic vitamins                                                                        
  4242. u2833.161      ;All other synthetic organic medicinal chemicals                                           
  4243. u2833.3        ;Other medicinals and botanicals                                                           
  4244. u2833.311      ;Botanical drugs                                                                           
  4245. u2833.321      ;Natural vitamins                                                                          
  4246. u2833.382      ;Inorganic medicinals                                                                      
  4247. u2833.39       ;Mixtures of two or more substances for therapeutic or prophylactic use                    
  4248. u2833.398      ;All other organic medicinals                                                              
  4249. u2834          ;Pharmaceutical preparations                                                               
  4250. u2834.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4251. u2834.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4252. u2834.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4253. u2834.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4254. u2834.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4255. u2834.1        ;Pharmaceutical preparations, prescription                                                 
  4256. u2834.102      ;Analgesics                                                                                
  4257. u2834.1021     ;Narcotic analgesics                                                                       
  4258. u2834.1022     ;Non-narcotic analgesics                                                                   
  4259. u2834.10229    ;Aspirin, APC and related                                                                  
  4260. u2834.105      ;Antiarthritics                                                                            
  4261. u2834.106      ;Anticoagulants                                                                            
  4262. u2834.107      ;Anticonvulsants                                                                           
  4263. @       
  4264. u2834.109      ;Systemic antihistamines                                                                   
  4265. u2834.111      ;Systemic anti-infectives                                                                  
  4266. u2834.1111     ;Broad and medium spectrum antibiotics                                                     
  4267. u2834.11111    ;Cephalosporins                                                                            
  4268. u2834.11112    ;Broad spectrum penicillins                                                                
  4269. u2834.11113    ;Erythromycins                                                                             
  4270. u2834.11114    ;Tetracyclines                                                                             
  4271. u2834.11119    ;Other broad and medium spectrum antibiotics                                               
  4272. u2834.11129    ;Systemic penicillins                                                                      
  4273. u2834.11139    ;Urinary antibacterials                                                                    
  4274. u2834.116      ;Antispasmodic/antisecretory                                                               
  4275. u2834.118      ;Bronchial therapy                                                                         
  4276. u2834.119      ;Cancer therapy products                                                                   
  4277. u2834.121      ;Cardiovascular therapy                                                                    
  4278. u2834.12119    ;Antihypertensive drugs                                                                    
  4279. u2834.12129    ;Vasodilators                                                                              
  4280. u2834.12191    ;Other cardiovasculars                                                                     
  4281. u2834.123      ;CNS stimulants/antiobesity preparations                                                   
  4282. u2834.124      ;Contraceptives (excluding devices, kits, implants, etc.)                                  
  4283. u2834.125      ;Cough and cold preparations                                                               
  4284. u2834.12512    ;Nasal decongestants                                                                       
  4285. u2834.126      ;Dermatological preparations                                                               
  4286. u2834.12611    ;Acne preparations                                                                         
  4287. u2834.12619    ;Fungicides                                                                                
  4288. u2834.12631    ;Topical anti-infectives                                                                   
  4289. u2834.12641    ;Antipruritics                                                                             
  4290. u2834.127      ;Diabetes therapy                                                                          
  4291. u2834.128      ;Diuretics                                                                                 
  4292. u2834.135      ;Hormones                                                                                  
  4293. u2834.136      ;Hospital solutions                                                                        
  4294. u2834.139      ;Muscle relaxants                                                                          
  4295. u2834.141      ;Nutrients and supplements                                                                 
  4296. u2834.142      ;Opthalmic and otic preparations                                                           
  4297. u2834.144      ;Psychotherapeutics                                                                        
  4298. u2834.1441     ;Tranquilizers                                                                             
  4299. u2834.14411    ;Major tranquilizers                                                                       
  4300. u2834.14412    ;Minor tranquilizers                                                                       
  4301. u2834.1442     ;Antidepressants                                                                           
  4302. u2834.145      ;Sedatives                                                                                 
  4303. u2834.148      ;Vitamins                                                                                  
  4304. u2834.14819    ;Adult multivitamins                                                                       
  4305. u2834.198      ;Miscellaneous prescription pharmaceutical preparations                                    
  4306. u2834.2        ;Pharmaceutical preparations, non-prescription                                             
  4307. u2834.201      ;Analgesics, internal (except antiarthritics)                                              
  4308. u2834.20101    ;Aspirin/aspirin-salicylate compounds                                                      
  4309. u2834.20102    ;Non-aspirin (including effervesent)                                                       
  4310. u2834.202      ;Antacids                                                                                  
  4311. u2834.206      ;Antiseptics and antibacterials                                                            
  4312. u2834.208      ;Cough and cold preparations                                                               
  4313. u2834.20819    ;Cough syrups, elixirs, expectorants, drops, lozenges, gums, troches                       
  4314. @       
  4315. u2834.20831    ;Cold tablets, capsules (including antihistamine cold preparations)                        
  4316. u2834.20849    ;Decongestants                                                                             
  4317. u2834.20851    ;Other cough and cold preparations, inc decongestant and antihistamine mixtures            
  4318. u2834.209      ;Dermatologicals                                                                           
  4319. u2834.20901    ;Acne preparations                                                                         
  4320. u2834.20905    ;Antipruritics                                                                             
  4321. u2834.20909    ;Other dermatologicals                                                                     
  4322. u2834.211      ;External analgesics and counterirritants                                                  
  4323. u2834.214      ;Hematinics                                                                                
  4324. u2834.215      ;Hemorroidal preparations                                                                  
  4325. u2834.216      ;Laxatives                                                                                 
  4326. u2834.217      ;Nutrients and supplements                                                                 
  4327. u2834.221      ;Vitamins                                                                                  
  4328. u2834.22101    ;Adult multivitamins                                                                       
  4329. u2834.22102    ;B-complex                                                                                 
  4330. u2834.22109    ;Other vitamins                                                                            
  4331. u2834.298      ;Miscellaneous non-prescription pharmaceutical preparations                                
  4332. u2834.3        ;Pharmaceutical preparations, veterinary                                                   
  4333. u2834.309      ;Other veterinary preparations                                                             
  4334. u28342831s     ;Biological products                                                                       
  4335. u28342844s     ;Cosmetics and toiletries                                                                  
  4336. u2835          ;In vivo and In vitro diagnostics                                                          
  4337. u2835.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4338. u2835.p        ;Primary Products                                                                          
  4339. u2835.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4340. u2835.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  4341. u2835.sss      ;Secondary products, except medicinal chemicals and lab. analytical instruments            
  4342. u2835.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4343. u2835.1        ;In vitro diagnostic substances                                                            
  4344. u2835.111      ;Reagents                                                                                  
  4345. u2835.115      ;Standards and controls                                                                    
  4346. u2835.121      ;Blood bank products                                                                       
  4347. u2835.125      ;Hematology products                                                                       
  4348. u2835.135      ;Microbiology, serology, histology, virology, and cytology products                        
  4349. u2835.141      ;Culture media                                                                             
  4350. u2835.199      ;Other in vitro diagnostics, including coagulation products                                
  4351. u28353826s     ;Laboratory analytical instruments                                                         
  4352. u2836          ;Biological products, except diagnostics                                                   
  4353. u2836.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4354. u2836.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4355. u2836.1        ;Blood and blood derivatives, for human use                                                
  4356. u2836.115      ;Human blood plasma                                                                        
  4357. u2836.121      ;Other blood and blood derivatives, except those used for passive immunization             
  4358. u2836.2        ;Vaccines, toxoids, and antigens for human use                                             
  4359. u2836.3        ;Other biologics for human use                                                             
  4360. u2836.321      ;Allergenic extracts for human use, excluding diagnostic allergens                         
  4361. u2836.4        ;Biologics for veterinary, industrial and other uses                                       
  4362. u2836.411      ;Veterinary vaccines                                                                       
  4363. u2836.431      ;Biologics for industrial and other uses                                                   
  4364. u2836.499      ;Other biologics: incl. antitoxins, immune serums, blood, and allergens, except diagnostic 
  4365. @       
  4366. u28362834s     ;Pharmaceutical preparations                                                               
  4367. u284           ;Soap, detergents, and cleaning preparations, perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet prepara 
  4368. u2841          ;Soap and other detergents                                                                 
  4369. u2841.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4370. u2841.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4371. u2841.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4372. u2841.sss      ;All other secondary products                                                              
  4373. u2841.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4374. u2841.1        ;Soap and detergents, nonhousehold                                                         
  4375. u2841.1a       ;Acid-type cleaners                                                                        
  4376. u2841.1b       ;Synthetic organic detergents, nonhousehold                                                
  4377. u2841.1ba      ;Dry (powders)                                                                             
  4378. u2841.1bb      ;Liquid                                                                                    
  4379. u2841.1c       ;Soaps, except specialty cleaners, nonhousehold                                            
  4380. u2841.1d       ;Alkaline detergents, nonhousehold                                                         
  4381. u2841.1da      ;Machine dishwashing compounds                                                             
  4382. u2841.112      ;Chips, flakes, granulated, powdered, and sprayed, incl. washing powders                   
  4383. u2841.114      ;Liquid                                                                                    
  4384. u2841.114____a ;Liquid                                                                                    
  4385. u2841.119      ;Other nonhousehold soap, including mechanics' hand soap                                   
  4386. u2841.121      ;Liquid                                                                                    
  4387. u2841.123      ;Dry                                                                                       
  4388. u2841.125      ;Other liquid alkaline detergents                                                          
  4389. u2841.126      ;Dry alkaline detergent hard surface cleaners                                              
  4390. u2841.128      ;Other dry alkaline detergents                                                             
  4391. u2841.141      ;Dry (powders), anionic base                                                               
  4392. u2841.145      ;Liquid, anionic base                                                                      
  4393. u2841.146      ;Liquid, cationic and amphoteric                                                           
  4394. u2841.149      ;Liquid, nonionic or other base                                                            
  4395. u2841.17       ;Metal cleaners                                                                            
  4396. u2841.177      ;Liquid metal cleaners                                                                     
  4397. u2841.179      ;Other acid-type cleaners                                                                  
  4398. u2841.2        ;Household detergents                                                                      
  4399. u2841.2a       ;Synthetic organic detergents, household                                                   
  4400. u2841.2aa      ;Dry                                                                                       
  4401. u2841.2ab      ;Liquid                                                                                    
  4402. u2841.21       ;Alkaline detergents, household                                                            
  4403. u2841.221      ;Light duty                                                                                
  4404. u2841.224      ;Heavy duty, phosphate based                                                               
  4405. u2841.226      ;Heavy duty, phosphate free                                                                
  4406. u2841.231      ;Light duty                                                                                
  4407. u2841.235      ;Heavy-duty                                                                                
  4408. u2841.3        ;Household soap, except specialty cleaners                                                 
  4409. u2841.311      ;Toilet soaps, excluding medicated soaps                                                   
  4410. u2841.313      ;Bars                                                                                      
  4411. u28412842s     ;Polishes and sanitation goods                                                             
  4412. u28412843s     ;Surfactants                                                                               
  4413. u28412844s     ;Toilet preparations                                                                       
  4414. u2842          ;Specialty cleaning, polishing and sanitation preparations                                 
  4415. u2842.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4416. @       
  4417. u2842.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4418. u2842.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4419. u2842.sss      ;All other secondary products                                                              
  4420. u2842.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4421. u2842.2        ;Household bleaches                                                                        
  4422. u2842.243      ;Liquid, less than 7% chlorine or equivalent oxidizing agent                               
  4423. u2842.253      ;Dry, less than 50% chlorine or equivalent oxidizing agent                                 
  4424. u2842.3        ;Specialty cleaning and sanitation products                                                
  4425. u2842.311      ;Glass window cleaning preparations                                                        
  4426. u2842.321      ;Oven cleaners                                                                             
  4427. u2842.331      ;Toilet bowl cleaners and drain pipe solvents                                              
  4428. u2842.33111    ;Toilet bowl cleaners                                                                      
  4429. u2842.33121    ;Drain pipe solvents                                                                       
  4430. u2842.332      ;Disinfectants for uses other than agricultural                                            
  4431. u2842.351      ;Rug and upholstery cleaners, consumer type preparations                                   
  4432. u2842.38       ;Deodorants, nonpersonal                                                                   
  4433. u2842.381      ;Aerosol type                                                                              
  4434. u2842.385      ;Other deodorants, nonpersonal                                                             
  4435. u2842.39       ;Household laundry aids                                                                    
  4436. u2842.394      ;Fabric softeners and rinses                                                               
  4437. u2842.39411    ;Liquid                                                                                    
  4438. u2842.399      ;Other spec. deterg. incl. sweeping cmpds., waterless hand clnrs., ironing aids, and wall  
  4439. u2842.4        ;Polishing preparations and related products                                               
  4440. u2842.411      ;Automobile body polishes and cleaners                                                     
  4441. u2842.415      ;Furniture polishes and cleaners                                                           
  4442. u2842.42       ;Floor polish                                                                              
  4443. u2842.421      ;Water emulsion                                                                            
  4444. u2842.423      ;Liquid (other than water emulsion)                                                        
  4445. u2842.463      ;Leather dressings and finishes, excluding shoe polish                                     
  4446. u2842.498      ;Related products, including metal polish and polishing cloths and papers                  
  4447. u28422841s     ;Soap and other detergents                                                                 
  4448. u28422879s     ;Agricultural chemicals, n.e.c.                                                            
  4449. u2843          ;Surface-active agents                                                                     
  4450. u2843.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4451. u2843.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4452. u2843.1        ;Textile and leather assistants and finishes                                               
  4453. u2843.13       ;Assistants                                                                                
  4454. u2843.131      ;Textile                                                                                   
  4455. u2843.135      ;Leather                                                                                   
  4456. u2843.16       ;Finishes                                                                                  
  4457. u2843.161      ;Textile                                                                                   
  4458. u2843.165      ;Leather                                                                                   
  4459. u2843.5        ;Bulk surface-active agents (surfactants)                                                  
  4460. u2843.53       ;Anionic                                                                                   
  4461. u2843.533      ;Phosphoric and polyphosphoric acid esters                                                 
  4462. u2843.535      ;Sulfonic acids                                                                            
  4463. u2843.537      ;Sulfuric acid esters                                                                      
  4464. u2843.539      ;Other anionic surfactants                                                                 
  4465. u2843.55       ;Cationic                                                                                  
  4466. u2843.553      ;Quaternary ammonium salts                                                                 
  4467. @       
  4468. u2843.555      ;Other cationic surfactants                                                                
  4469. u2843.57       ;Nonionic                                                                                  
  4470. u2843.571      ;Carboxylic acid amides                                                                    
  4471. u2843.573      ;Carboxylic acid esters                                                                    
  4472. u2843.575      ;Ethers                                                                                    
  4473. u2843.579      ;Other nonionic surfactants                                                                
  4474. u2844          ;Toilet preparations                                                                       
  4475. u2844.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4476. u2844.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4477. u2844.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4478. u2844.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  4479. u2844.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4480. u2844.1        ;Shaving preparations                                                                      
  4481. u2844.135      ;Shaving soaps and creams                                                                  
  4482. u2844.156      ;Aftershave preparations                                                                   
  4483. u2844.2        ;Perfume, toilet water, and cologne                                                        
  4484. u2844.2a       ;Perfume                                                                                   
  4485. u2844.211      ;Perfume oil mixtures and blends                                                           
  4486. u2844.223      ;Liquid and solid perfume                                                                  
  4487. u2844.232      ;Cologne and toilet water                                                                  
  4488. u2844.23201    ;Cologne                                                                                   
  4489. u2844.23202    ;Toilet water                                                                              
  4490. u2844.3        ;Hair preparations                                                                         
  4491. u2844.3a       ;Hair tonics and rinses                                                                    
  4492. u2844.3b       ;Hair dressings and sprays                                                                 
  4493. u2844.31       ;Shampoos                                                                                  
  4494. u2844.31a      ;Synthetic organic detergent                                                               
  4495. u2844.313      ;Soap shampoos                                                                             
  4496. u2844.316      ;Liquid synthetic organic detergent                                                        
  4497. u2844.321      ;Hair tonics (including conditioners)                                                      
  4498. u2844.337      ;Permanents - both home and commercial                                                     
  4499. u2844.341      ;Hair dressings                                                                            
  4500. u2844.351      ;Hair coloring preparations                                                                
  4501. u2844.36a      ;Hair sprays                                                                               
  4502. u2844.363      ;Aerosol hair sprays                                                                       
  4503. u2844.398      ;Other hair preparations                                                                   
  4504. u2844.398____a ;Other hair preparations                                                                   
  4505. u2844.4        ;Dentifrices                                                                               
  4506. u2844.421      ;Toothpaste                                                                                
  4507. u2844.474      ;Mouthwashes, rinses and breath fresheners, excluding antiseptic mouthwashes and gargles   
  4508. u2844.498      ;Other oral hygiene products                                                               
  4509. u2844.5        ;Other cosmetics and toilet preparations                                                   
  4510. u2844.51       ;Creams and lotions                                                                        
  4511. u2844.51a      ;Creams                                                                                    
  4512. u2844.51b      ;Lotions and oils                                                                          
  4513. u2844.511      ;Cleansing creams                                                                          
  4514. u2844.512      ;Foundation creams                                                                         
  4515. u2844.513      ;Lubricating creams, including hormone creams                                              
  4516. u2844.514      ;Other creams                                                                              
  4517. u2844.515      ;Suntan lotions and sunscreens, including oils                                             
  4518. @       
  4519. u2844.516      ;Cleansing lotions                                                                         
  4520. u2844.518      ;Hand lotions                                                                              
  4521. u2844.519      ;Other lotions & oils, including petroleum jellies but excluding hair, aftershave & bath o 
  4522. u2844.52a      ;Cosmetics                                                                                 
  4523. u2844.52b      ;Deodorants                                                                                
  4524. u2844.52c      ;Underarm deodorants                                                                       
  4525. u2844.521      ;Lip preparations (lipstick, lip gloss, etc.)                                              
  4526. u2844.522      ;Blushers (rouges), excluding lip rouge                                                    
  4527. u2844.523      ;Eye preparations (mascara, eye shadows, eye liners, eye creams, etc.)                     
  4528. u2844.527      ;Aerosol underarm deodorants                                                               
  4529. u2844.528      ;Liquid, cream and roll-on deodorants                                                      
  4530. u2844.53       ;Manicure preparations                                                                     
  4531. u2844.531      ;Nail lacquers and enamels                                                                 
  4532. u2844.533      ;Nail lacquer and enamel remover                                                           
  4533. u2844.54       ;Powders                                                                                   
  4534. u2844.541      ;Talcum and toilet powders                                                                 
  4535. u2844.543      ;Face powders                                                                              
  4536. u2844.549      ;Wet application powders, and other powders, including foot powders                        
  4537. u2844.561      ;Bath oils and salts                                                                       
  4538. u2844.59       ;Other cosmetics and toilet preparations                                                   
  4539. u285           ;Paints and allied products                                                                
  4540. u2851          ;Paints and Allied Products                                                                
  4541. u2851.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4542. u2851.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4543. u2851.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4544. u2851.sssss    ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4545. u2851.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4546. u2851.1        ;Architectural coatings, including architectural lacquers                                  
  4547. u2851.1a       ;Exterior                                                                                  
  4548. u2851.1aa      ;Solvent-type                                                                              
  4549. u2851.1ab      ;Water-type                                                                                
  4550. u2851.1b       ;Interior                                                                                  
  4551. u2851.1ba      ;Solvent-type                                                                              
  4552. u2851.112      ;Paints and tinting bases, including barn and roof paints                                  
  4553. u2851.137      ;Stains, including shingle and shake                                                       
  4554. u2851.139      ;Other exterior solvent coatings, including bituminous paints                              
  4555. u2851.141      ;Paints and tinting bases, including barn and roof paints                                  
  4556. u2851.169      ;Semigloss, eggshell and satin paints and tinting bases                                    
  4557. u2851.18       ;Water-type                                                                                
  4558. u2851.181      ;Flat paints and tinting bases                                                             
  4559. u2851.183      ;Semigloss, eggshell and satin paints and tinting bases                                    
  4560. u2851.188      ;Other interior water thinned coatings                                                     
  4561. u2851.2        ;Product finishes for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), excluding marine coatings    
  4562. u2851.2a       ;Transportation finishes, except powdered and high-solids coatings                         
  4563. u2851.2b       ;Wood finishes                                                                             
  4564. u2851.222      ;Automobile finishes                                                                       
  4565. u2851.225      ;Other transportation equipment finishes, including aircraft and railroad                  
  4566. u2851.235      ;Appliance, heating and air conditioner finishes                                           
  4567. u2851.237      ;Wood furniture, cabinet, and fixture finishes                                             
  4568. u2851.239      ;Wood and composition board flat stock finishes                                            
  4569. @       
  4570. u2851.241      ;Sheet, strip and coil coatings, including sidings, excluding containers                   
  4571. u2851.243      ;Container and closure finishes                                                            
  4572. u2851.247      ;Machinery and equipment finishes, including road building and farm implement              
  4573. u2851.249      ;Metal furniture and fixture finishes                                                      
  4574. u2851.254      ;High-solids finishes (over 62.5 percent solids)                                           
  4575. u2851.267      ;Other product finishes, except semi-manufactured (e.g. pigment dispersions, and ink vehic 
  4576. u2851.3        ;Special purpose coatings, including all marine coatings                                   
  4577. u2851.3a       ;Industrial maintainance paints (specially formulated)                                     
  4578. u2851.3ba      ;Automotive and machinery refinish coatings                                                
  4579. u2851.301      ;Interior                                                                                  
  4580. u2851.305      ;Exterior                                                                                  
  4581. u2851.311      ;Traffic marking paints, all types (shelf goods and highway department sales)              
  4582. u2851.314      ;Paints and enamels, except laquers                                                        
  4583. u2851.315      ;Marine paints and enamels (shelf goods and specially formulated, excluding spar varnish)  
  4584. u2851.316      ;Primers and undercoaters                                                                  
  4585. u2851.327      ;Lacquers                                                                                  
  4586. u2851.33       ;Aerosol paints                                                                            
  4587. u2851.398      ;Other special purpose coatings                                                            
  4588. u2851.5        ;Miscellaneous allied paint products                                                       
  4589. u2851.523      ;Paint and varnish removers                                                                
  4590. u2851.531      ;Thinners for dopes & lacquers & oleoresinous thinners, inc. mixtures & proprietary thinne 
  4591. u2851.598      ;Misc. related products, inc. brush cleaners, nonpressure wood preservatives, putty, etc.  
  4592. u28512891s     ;Adhesives and sealants                                                                    
  4593. u286           ;Industrial organic chemicals                                                              
  4594. u2861          ;Gum and wood chemicals                                                                    
  4595. u2861.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4596. u2861.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4597. u2861.1        ;Softwood distillation products                                                            
  4598. u2861.2        ;Other gum and wood chemicals                                                              
  4599. u2861.25       ;Hardwood distillation products                                                            
  4600. u2861.252      ;Charcoal, excluding briquets                                                              
  4601. u2861.255      ;Charcoal briquets, including blends with lignite or other materials                       
  4602. u2861.29       ;Tall oils                                                                                 
  4603. u2861.294      ;Refined (contains less than 90% free fatty acid, inc. tall oil resins other than rosin)   
  4604. u2861.296      ;Rosin                                                                                     
  4605. u2861.298      ;Other tall oil derivatives, including rosin acid salts, except tall oil fatty acids       
  4606. u2865          ;Cyclic (coal tar) crudes and intermediates, organic dyes and pigments                     
  4607. u2865.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4608. u2865.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4609. u2865.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4610. u2865.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4611. u2865.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4612. u2865.1        ;Cyclic intermediates                                                                      
  4613. u2865.113      ;Styrene, monomer                                                                          
  4614. u2865.114      ;Toluene 2,4 + 2,6 diisocyanate                                                            
  4615. u2865.199      ;Other cyclic intermediates                                                                
  4616. u2865.19915    ;Phenol                                                                                    
  4617. u2865.19999    ;Miscellaneous other cyclic intermediates                                                  
  4618. u2865.299      ;Synthetic organic dyes                                                                    
  4619. u2865.3        ;Synthetic organic pigments (lakes and toners)                                             
  4620. @       
  4621. u2865.311      ;Synthetic organic pigments (lakes and toners)                                             
  4622. u2865.31111    ;Phthalocyanine blue (Blue 15)                                                             
  4623. u2865.31199    ;Other synthetic organic pigments                                                          
  4624. u2865.5        ;Cyclic (coal tar) crudes                                                                  
  4625. u28652821s     ;Plastic materials and resins                                                              
  4626. u28652869s     ;Industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c.                                                      
  4627. u2869          ;Industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c.                                                      
  4628. u2869.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4629. u2869.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4630. u2869.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4631. u2869.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4632. u2869.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4633. u2869.3        ;Synthetic organic chemicals, n.e.c.                                                       
  4634. u2869.311      ;Flavor and perfume materials                                                              
  4635. u2869.31111    ;Chemical compounds, unmixed                                                               
  4636. u2869.31112    ;Chemical compounds, mixed                                                                 
  4637. u2869.331      ;Rubber processing chemicals                                                               
  4638. u2869.351      ;Plasticizers                                                                              
  4639. u2869.35111    ;Diisodecyl phthalate                                                                      
  4640. u2869.35199    ;Other plasticizers                                                                        
  4641. u2869.4        ;Pesticides and other synthetic organic agricultural chemicals                             
  4642. u2869.499      ;Other pesticides and other synthetic organic agricultural chemicals                       
  4643. u2869.5        ;Ethyl alcohol and other industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c.                              
  4644. u2869.512      ;Ethyl alcohol                                                                             
  4645. u2869.51212    ;Denatured (special or complete) ethyl alcohol                                             
  4646. u2869.599      ;Other industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c.                                                
  4647. u2869.59911    ;1,3 Butadiene                                                                             
  4648. u2869.59912    ;Ethylene                                                                                  
  4649. u2869.59913    ;Propylene, chemical                                                                       
  4650. u2869.59913__a ;Propylene, chemical                                                                       
  4651. u2869.59914    ;Propylene, polymer                                                                        
  4652. u2869.59999    ;Miscellaneous other industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c.                                  
  4653. u2869.6        ;Miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products, excluding urea                     
  4654. u2869.613      ;Gasoline additives                                                                        
  4655. u2869.614      ;Lubricating oil and grease additives                                                      
  4656. u2869.699      ;Other miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products, excluding urea               
  4657. u2869.7        ;Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products                          
  4658. u2869.721      ;Acetic acid                                                                               
  4659. u2869.721____a ;Acetic acid                                                                               
  4660. u2869.722      ;Acetone                                                                                   
  4661. u2869.725      ;N-Butyl acrylate                                                                          
  4662. u2869.732      ;Ethyl acrylate, monomer                                                                   
  4663. u2869.736      ;Ethylene oxide                                                                            
  4664. u2869.73711    ;Chlorodifluoromethane                                                                     
  4665. u2869.73712    ;Dichlorodifluoromethane                                                                   
  4666. u2869.738      ;Formaldehyde                                                                              
  4667. u2869.742      ;Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)                                                                 
  4668. u2869.744      ;Methyl methacrylate                                                                       
  4669. u2869.747      ;Propylene glycol                                                                          
  4670. u2869.754      ;Alcohols, synthetic, monohydric                                                           
  4671. @       
  4672. u2869.75411    ;Ethanol (ethyl alcohol), synthetic                                                        
  4673. u2869.75412    ;Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol), synthetic                                                
  4674. u2869.75413    ;Methanol (methyl alcohol), synthetic                                                      
  4675. u2869.799      ;Other miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products                    
  4676. u28692821s     ;Plastic materials and resins                                                              
  4677. u28692865s     ;Cyclic crudes and intermediates, organic dyes and pigments                                
  4678. u287           ;Agricultural chemicals                                                                    
  4679. u2873          ;Nitrogenous fertilizers                                                                   
  4680. u2873.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4681. u2873.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4682. u2873.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  4683. u2873.1        ;Synthetic ammonia, nitric acid and ammonium compounds                                     
  4684. u2873.1a       ;Nitrate (100% NH4NO3)                                                                     
  4685. u2873.1b       ;Nitrogen solutions and other ammonium compounds                                           
  4686. u2873.13       ;Anhydrous and aqua ammonia                                                                
  4687. u2873.131      ;Anhydrous ammonia                                                                         
  4688. u2873.15a      ;Nitrate for fertilizer use                                                                
  4689. u2873.152      ;Solid nitrate                                                                             
  4690. u2873.153      ;Explosive nitrate and other uses                                                          
  4691. u2873.155      ;Nitrogen solutions, including mixtures containing urea (100%N)                            
  4692. u2873.157      ;Ammonium sulfate (100% (NH4)2, SO4) (other than by-product coke oven)                     
  4693. u2873.2        ;Urea                                                                                      
  4694. u2873.3        ;Fertilizer material of organic origin                                                     
  4695. u28732874s     ;Phosphatic fertilizers                                                                    
  4696. u28732875s     ;Mixed fertilizers                                                                         
  4697. u2874          ;Phosphatic fertilizers                                                                    
  4698. u2874.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4699. u2874.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4700. u2874.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4701. u2874.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  4702. u2874.1        ;Phosphoric acid                                                                           
  4703. u2874.181      ;Phosphoric acid from phosphorous                                                          
  4704. u2874.2        ;Superphosphate and other phosphatic fertilizer materials                                  
  4705. u2874.2a       ;Superphosphate                                                                            
  4706. u2874.2b       ;Ammonium phosphates and other phosphatic fertilizer materials                             
  4707. u2874.215      ;Normal and enriched superphosphates (less than 42% P205)                                  
  4708. u2874.241      ;Triple superphosphates (42% P2O5 and above)                                               
  4709. u2874.251      ;Ammonium phosphates                                                                       
  4710. u2874.4        ;Mixed fertilizers (produced from one or more materials made in the same plant)            
  4711. u28742873s     ;Nitrogenous fertilizers                                                                   
  4712. u2875          ;Fertilizers, mixing only                                                                  
  4713. u2875.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4714. u2875.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4715. u2875.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4716. u2875.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  4717. u2875.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4718. u2875.4        ;Mixed fertilizers (made by plants which do not manufacture phosphatic fertilizer material 
  4719. u2875.411      ;Solid, bulk                                                                               
  4720. u2875.421      ;Solid, bagged                                                                             
  4721. u2875.431      ;Fluid                                                                                     
  4722. @       
  4723. u2879          ;Agricultural chemicals, n.e.c.                                                            
  4724. u2879.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4725. u2879.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4726. u2879.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4727. u2879.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4728. u2879.5        ;Insecticidal preparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service use        
  4729. u2879.525      ;Containing organic compounds                                                              
  4730. u2879.52521    ;Chlorinated hydrocarbon preparations                                                      
  4731. u2879.52531    ;Carbamate preparations                                                                    
  4732. u2879.52541    ;Organo-phosphate preparations                                                             
  4733. u2879.52561    ;Biological preparations                                                                   
  4734. u2879.52579    ;Other organic preparations                                                                
  4735. u2879.6        ;Herbicidal praparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service use          
  4736. u2879.625      ;Containing organic compounds                                                              
  4737. u2879.62541    ;Phenoxy compound preparations                                                             
  4738. u2879.62561    ;Urea preparations                                                                         
  4739. u2879.62565    ;Triazine preparations                                                                     
  4740. u2879.62579    ;Other organic preparations                                                                
  4741. u2879.7        ;Fungicidal preparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service use          
  4742. u2879.725      ;Containing organic compounds                                                              
  4743. u2879.72579    ;Other organic preparations                                                                
  4744. u2879.8        ;Other pesticidal preparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service use    
  4745. u2879.832      ;Rodenticides                                                                              
  4746. u2879.898      ;All other pesticidal preparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service us 
  4747. u2879.9        ;Household pesticidal preparations                                                         
  4748. u2879.91       ;Insecticides for crawling insects, except fumigants                                       
  4749. u2879.915      ;Nonaerosols                                                                               
  4750. u2879.998      ;Other household pesticidal preparations, including industrial exterminants                
  4751. u289           ;Miscellaneous chemical products                                                           
  4752. u2891          ;Adhesives and sealants                                                                    
  4753. u2891.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4754. u2891.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4755. u2891.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4756. u2891.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4757. u2891.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4758. u2891.3        ;Natural base glues and adhesives                                                          
  4759. u2891.35       ;Vegetable adhesives                                                                       
  4760. u2891.351      ;Dextrines                                                                                 
  4761. u2891.355      ;Starches                                                                                  
  4762. u2891.398      ;Other natural base glues and adhesives, from natural gums, shellac, silicate, lacquers, e 
  4763. u2891.4        ;Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including cellulose, nitrocellulose, etc.           
  4764. u2891.411      ;Epoxy adhesives                                                                           
  4765. u2891.44       ;Vinyl type adhesives                                                                      
  4766. u2891.441      ;Polyvinyl acetate, latex type                                                             
  4767. u2891.447      ;Other vinyl polymer type adhesives                                                        
  4768. u2891.453      ;Acrylic adhesives                                                                         
  4769. u2891.455      ;Polyester adhesives                                                                       
  4770. u2891.465      ;Hot melt adhesives, including nylon, polyolefin, and other hot melts                      
  4771. u2891.471      ;Adhesive films, all types, including pressure sensitive structural and nonstructural      
  4772. u2891.478      ;Rubber and synthetic resin combinations                                                   
  4773. @       
  4774. u2891.48       ;Rubber cement, for sale as such                                                           
  4775. u2891.481      ;Latex type                                                                                
  4776. u2891.483      ;Solvent type                                                                              
  4777. u2891.489      ;Other synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including cellulose, nitrocellose, etc.       
  4778. u2891.5        ;Caulking compounds and sealants                                                           
  4779. u2891.55       ;Natural base                                                                              
  4780. u2891.554      ;Caulks, modified and unmodified oil base                                                  
  4781. u2891.555      ;Bituminous base (coal tar or asphalt)                                                     
  4782. u2891.56       ;Synthetic base                                                                            
  4783. u2891.566      ;General performance sealants (PVAC, butyl, vinyl, acrylic, neoprene, etc.)                
  4784. u2891.567      ;Special performance sealants (epoxy, urethane, polysulfide, silicone, etc.)               
  4785. u28912851s     ;Paints, varnishes, lacquers, enamels, and allied products                                 
  4786. u28912899s     ;Chemicals and chemical preparations, n.e.c.                                               
  4787. u2892          ;Explosives                                                                                
  4788. u2892.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4789. u2892.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4790. u2892.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4791. u2892.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  4792. u2892.y66      ;Contract work performed by government owned company operated establishments (GOCOs)       
  4793. u2892.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4794. u2892.1        ;Explosives, propellants, and blasting accessories (not manufactured in GOCOs)             
  4795. u2892.11       ;Industrial explosives                                                                     
  4796. u2892.113      ;Permissibles, including permissible slurries                                              
  4797. u2892.117      ;ANFO, except slurry                                                                       
  4798. u2892.118      ;Water gel and slurries, except permissible slurries                                       
  4799. u2892.118____a ;Water gel and slurries, except permissible slurries                                       
  4800. u2892.121      ;Noncap sensitive                                                                          
  4801. u2892.127      ;Other industrial explosives                                                               
  4802. u2892.136      ;Propellants                                                                               
  4803. u2892.15       ;Blasting accessories                                                                      
  4804. u2892.155      ;Other blasting accessories (squibs, ignitors, fuse, nonelectric blasting caps, n.e.c.)    
  4805. u2893          ;Printing ink                                                                              
  4806. u2893.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4807. u2893.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4808. u2893.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4809. u2893.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4810. u2893.1        ;Letterpress ink (black and color)                                                         
  4811. u2893.115      ;Packaging ink                                                                             
  4812. u2893.2        ;Lithographic and offset ink (black and color)                                             
  4813. u2893.231      ;News ink                                                                                  
  4814. u2893.232      ;Publication ink                                                                           
  4815. u2893.23233    ;Web type                                                                                  
  4816. u2893.23234    ;Sheet types                                                                               
  4817. u2893.235      ;Packaging ink                                                                             
  4818. u2893.238      ;Web commercial type                                                                       
  4819. u2893.245      ;Other lithographic and offset ink                                                         
  4820. u2893.3        ;Gravure ink                                                                               
  4821. u2893.343      ;Packaging ink                                                                             
  4822. u2893.345      ;Publication ink                                                                           
  4823. u2893.4        ;Flexographic ink                                                                          
  4824. @       
  4825. u2893.481      ;Packaging ink                                                                             
  4826. u2893.48182    ;Solvent types                                                                             
  4827. u2893.48183    ;Water types                                                                               
  4828. u2893.484      ;Other flexographic ink                                                                    
  4829. u2893.48486    ;Water types                                                                               
  4830. u2893.5        ;Printing ink, n.e.c.                                                                      
  4831. u2893.585      ;Screen process ink                                                                        
  4832. u2893.598      ;Other printing ink, including stencil ink                                                 
  4833. u2895          ;Carbon black                                                                              
  4834. u2895.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4835. u2895.111      ;Carbon black                                                                              
  4836. u2899          ;Chemicals and chemical preparations, n.e.c.                                               
  4837. u2899.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4838. u2899.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4839. u2899.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4840. u2899.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  4841. u2899.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4842. u2899.1        ;Salt, evaporated and solar                                                                
  4843. u2899.121      ;Evaporated salt                                                                           
  4844. u2899.122      ;Solar salt                                                                                
  4845. u2899.2        ;Fatty acids (produced for sale as such)                                                   
  4846. u2899.26       ;Unsaturated fatty acids                                                                   
  4847. u2899.261      ;Oleic acid, including white oleic and red oil                                             
  4848. u2899.4        ;Gelatin, except ready to eat desserts                                                     
  4849. u2899.4______a ;Gelatin, except ready to eat desserts                                                     
  4850. u2899.5        ;Essential oils, fireworks and pyrotechnics, sizes, and chemical preparations, n.e.c.      
  4851. u2899.51       ;Essential oils, unblended (natural)                                                       
  4852. u2899.515      ;Peppermint oils derived from mentha piperita                                              
  4853. u2899.51612    ;Lemon                                                                                     
  4854. u2899.529      ;Fireworks & pyrotechnics, incl. flares, jet fuel igniters, railroad torpedoes, toy pistol 
  4855. u2899.53       ;Automotive chemicals                                                                      
  4856. u2899.532      ;Antifreeze preparations                                                                   
  4857. u2899.537      ;Other automotive chemicals, including battery acid, deicing fluid, carbon remover solvent 
  4858. u2899.541      ;Drilling mud materials, mud thinners, thickeners, and purifiers                           
  4859. u2899.545      ;Concrete curing and floor hardening materials                                             
  4860. u2899.549      ;Foundry supplies, chemical (including binders, core oils, core wash, etc.)                
  4861. u2899.556      ;Oil treating compounds (non oil base)                                                     
  4862. u2899.559      ;Metal treating compounds (non oil base) for nitriding, pickling, drawing, and cutting     
  4863. u2899.57       ;Water treating compounds                                                                  
  4864. u2899.576      ;Cooling tower compounds                                                                   
  4865. u2899.577      ;Boiler compounds                                                                          
  4866. u2899.578      ;Other water treating compounds                                                            
  4867. u2899.591      ;Plating compounds                                                                         
  4868. u2899.597      ;Other industrial chemical preps., incl fluxes, plastic wood preps., and embalming chemica 
  4869. u28992841s     ;Soaps and other detergents, except specialty cleaners                                     
  4870. u28992842s     ;Specialty cleaning, polishing, and sanitation preparations                                
  4871. u28992869s     ;Industrial organic chemicals                                                              
  4872. u29            ;Petroleum refining and related products                                                   
  4873. u291           ;Petroleum refining                                                                        
  4874. u2911          ;Petroleum Refining                                                                        
  4875. @       
  4876. u2911.a        ;Liquified refinery gases, including aliphatics (feedstock and other uses), made in refine 
  4877. u2911.a1       ;Propane/propylene                                                                         
  4878. u2911.a11      ;Propane                                                                                   
  4879. u2911.a12      ;Propylene                                                                                 
  4880. u2911.a1201    ;Chemical grade                                                                            
  4881. u2911.a1202    ;Polymer grade                                                                             
  4882. u2911.a24      ;Butane                                                                                    
  4883. u2911.a32      ;Ethylene                                                                                  
  4884. u2911.a41      ;1,3 Butadiene                                                                             
  4885. u2911.d        ;Miscellaneous petroleum refinery products, n.e.c.                                         
  4886. u2911.d21      ;Petroleum coke, made in refineries                                                        
  4887. u2911.d42      ;Special naphthas                                                                          
  4888. u2911.d5       ;Aromatics, made in refineries                                                             
  4889. u2911.d52      ;Benzene                                                                                   
  4890. u2911.d53      ;Toluene                                                                                   
  4891. u2911.d54      ;Xylenes                                                                                   
  4892. u2911.i        ;Fuels                                                                                     
  4893. u2911.ii       ;Non-fuel products of petroleum refining                                                   
  4894. u2911.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4895. u2911.1        ;Gasoline                                                                                  
  4896. u2911.13       ;Finished motor gasoline                                                                   
  4897. u2911.132      ;Leaded regular                                                                            
  4898. u2911.1321     ;Sales to jobbers, retailers and other resellers                                           
  4899. u2911.1322     ;Direct sales to end users                                                                 
  4900. u2911.133      ;Premium grades                                                                            
  4901. u2911.1331     ;Sales to jobbers, retailers and other resellers                                           
  4902. u2911.1332     ;Direct sales to end users                                                                 
  4903. u2911.134      ;Unleaded regular                                                                          
  4904. u2911.1341     ;Sales to jobbers, retailers and other resellers                                           
  4905. u2911.1342     ;Direct sales to end users                                                                 
  4906. u2911.135      ;Mid-premium unleaded                                                                      
  4907. u2911.1351     ;Sales to jobbers, retailers and other resellers                                           
  4908. u2911.1352     ;Sales to end users                                                                        
  4909. u2911.2        ;Jet fuel                                                                                  
  4910. u2911.211      ;Naphtha type jet fuel                                                                     
  4911. u2911.213      ;Kerosene type jet fuel                                                                    
  4912. u2911.3        ;Kerosene                                                                                  
  4913. u2911.4        ;Light fuel oil                                                                            
  4914. u2911.41       ;Distillates                                                                               
  4915. u2911.411      ;#2 fuel oil to jobbers, retailers and other resellers                                     
  4916. u2911.413      ;#2 diesel fuel                                                                            
  4917. u2911.4131     ;Sales to jobbers, retailers and other resellers                                           
  4918. u2911.4132     ;Direct sales to end users                                                                 
  4919. u2911.415      ;Other distillates, n.e.c., including #1, #2 fuel direct sales, and other distillates      
  4920. u2911.5        ;Heavy fuel oil (residual fuel)                                                            
  4921. u2911.51       ;> 1% sulfur                                                                               
  4922. u2911.511      ;Sales to resellers, including other refiners                                              
  4923. u2911.512      ;Direct sales to end users                                                                 
  4924. u2911.52       ;Not > 1% sulfur                                                                           
  4925. u2911.521      ;Sales to resellers, including other refiners                                              
  4926. @       
  4927. u2911.7        ;Lubricating oils and greases, made in refineries                                          
  4928. u2911.721      ;Lubricating and similar oils                                                              
  4929. u2911.85       ;Lubricating oil base stock for blending, compounding and grease manufacture               
  4930. u2911.852      ;Neutral stock                                                                             
  4931. u2911.921      ;Paving grade                                                                              
  4932. u295           ;Paving and roofing materials                                                              
  4933. u2951          ;Paving mixtures and block                                                                 
  4934. u2951.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  4935. u2951.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4936. u2951.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4937. u2951.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  4938. u2951.111      ;Emulsified asphalt, including liquid additives                                            
  4939. u2951.112      ;Other liquid asphalt & tar paving materials, including cut backs                          
  4940. u2951.113      ;Asphaltic (bituminous) concrete                                                           
  4941. u2951.114      ;Other paving mixtures and blocks, including liquid additives                              
  4942. u2952          ;Asphalt felts and coatings                                                                
  4943. u2952.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4944. u2952.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4945. u2952.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4946. u2952.1        ;Asphalt felts and coatings, nonbuilding use                                               
  4947. u2952.12       ;Asphalt and tar products (except felts, coatings and cements), nonbuilding                
  4948. u2952.2        ;Roofing asphalts and pitches, coatings and cements                                        
  4949. u2952.21       ;Roofing asphalts                                                                          
  4950. u2952.22       ;Asphalt roofing coatings and cements                                                      
  4951. u2952.221      ;Fibrated asphaltic coatings                                                               
  4952. u2952.222      ;Nonfibrated asphaltic coatings                                                            
  4953. u2952.223      ;Asphaltic roofing cements                                                                 
  4954. u2952.23       ;Other roofing asphalts and pitches, coatings and cements                                  
  4955. u2952.3        ;Prepared asphalt and tar roofing and siding products                                      
  4956. u2952.31       ;Smooth-surfaced roll roofing and cap sheets                                               
  4957. u2952.3111     ;Smooth surface, organic base                                                              
  4958. u2952.3121     ;Smooth surface, inorganic base (fiberglass)                                               
  4959. u2952.32       ;Mineral surfaced roll roofing and cap sheets                                              
  4960. u2952.3222     ;Mineral surfaced, inorganic base (fiberglass)                                             
  4961. u2952.33       ;Shingles                                                                                  
  4962. u2952.332      ;Shingles, inorganic base                                                                  
  4963. u2952.33209    ;Shingles, all other weights (excluding laminated), inorganic base                         
  4964. u2952.333      ;Organic and/or inorganic base laminated or multi layered shingles                         
  4965. u2952.334      ;Individual shingles, organic or inorganic, all styles                                     
  4966. u2952.35       ;Saturated asphalt and tar felts                                                           
  4967. u2952.352      ;Ply felts, fiberglass base                                                                
  4968. u2952.36       ;Other prepared asphalt and tar products for roofing and siding                            
  4969. u299           ;Miscellaneous products of petroleum and coal                                              
  4970. u2992          ;Lubricating oils and greases                                                              
  4971. u2992.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4972. u2992.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  4973. u2992.1        ;Lubricating and similar oils                                                              
  4974. u2992.111      ;Automotive                                                                                
  4975. u2992.1111     ;Commercial                                                                                
  4976. u2992.11111    ;Commercial motor oil                                                                      
  4977. @       
  4978. u2992.11112    ;Other commercial oil                                                                      
  4979. u2992.1112     ;Retail                                                                                    
  4980. u2992.11121    ;Retail motor oil                                                                          
  4981. u2992.11122    ;Other retail oil                                                                          
  4982. u2992.1113     ;Factory fill                                                                              
  4983. u2992.11132    ;Other factory fill oil                                                                    
  4984. u2992.121      ;Industrial                                                                                
  4985. u2992.12111    ;General industrial oil                                                                    
  4986. u2992.12112    ;Industrial process oil                                                                    
  4987. u2992.12113    ;Industrial metalworking oil                                                               
  4988. u2992.12114    ;Industrial engine oil                                                                     
  4989. u2992.2        ;Lubricating greases                                                                       
  4990. u2992.231      ;Automotive greases                                                                        
  4991. u2992.232      ;Industrial grease                                                                         
  4992. u2992.234      ;Other greases                                                                             
  4993. u2999          ;Petroleum and coal products, n.e.c.                                                       
  4994. u2999.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  4995. u2999.2        ;Calcined petroleum coke (not made in refineries)                                          
  4996. u2999.5        ;Other petroleum and coal products, n.e.c. (inc. petroleum coke made outside refineries)   
  4997. u30            ;Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products                                                 
  4998. u301           ;Tires and inner tubes                                                                     
  4999. u3011          ;Tires and inner tubes                                                                     
  5000. u3011.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5001. u3011.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5002. u3011.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5003. u3011.1        ;Passenger car pneumatic tires                                                             
  5004. u3011.112      ;Radials                                                                                   
  5005. u3011.1121     ;Highway standard service                                                                  
  5006. u3011.11211    ;13 inch Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement                                   
  5007. u3011.11212    ;14 inch Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement                                   
  5008. u3011.11213    ;15 inch Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement                                   
  5009. u3011.11222    ;All season. Original equipment or replacement                                             
  5010. u3011.15       ;Non-radials                                                                               
  5011. u3011.151      ;Bias-Ply                                                                                  
  5012. u3011.1511     ;Highway  standard service                                                                 
  5013. u3011.15112    ;14 inch Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement                                   
  5014. u3011.15113    ;15 inch Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement                                   
  5015. u3011.152      ;Bias-belted                                                                               
  5016. u3011.1521     ;Highway standard service                                                                  
  5017. u3011.2        ;Truck/bus tires, including off highway                                                    
  5018. u3011.212      ;Radials                                                                                   
  5019. u3011.21211    ;Light highway truck. Original equipment or replacement                                    
  5020. u3011.21221    ;Medium/heavy highway truck. Original equipment or replacement                             
  5021. u3011.215      ;Non-radials                                                                               
  5022. u3011.21511    ;Light highway truck. Original equipment or replacement                                    
  5023. u3011.21521    ;Medium/heavy highway truck. Original equipment or replacement                             
  5024. u3011.3        ;Other pneumatic and all solid tires                                                       
  5025. u3011.314      ;Tractor/implement tires                                                                   
  5026. u3011.31421    ;Rear tractor. Original equipment or replacement                                           
  5027. u3011.316      ;Industrial, utility and garden tractor tires. Original equipment or replacement           
  5028. @       
  5029. u3011.317      ;All other pneumatic, including bicycle Original equipment or replacement                  
  5030. u3011.333      ;Industrial and highway - solid                                                            
  5031. u3011.342      ;Other solid and semi-pneumatic, incl hand lawnmower, baby carriage, tricycle, etc.        
  5032. u3011.4        ;Inner tubes                                                                               
  5033. u3011.423      ;Truck/bus, incl. off highway                                                              
  5034. u3011.5        ;Tread rubber, tire sundries, and repair materials                                         
  5035. u3011.511      ;Tread rubber                                                                              
  5036. u3011.539      ;Other tire sundries and repair materials, n.e.c.                                          
  5037. u302           ;Rubber and plastic footwear                                                               
  5038. u3021          ;Rubber and plastic footwear                                                               
  5039. u3021.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5040. u3021.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5041. u3021.1        ;Rubber, plastic, and other protective footwear                                            
  5042. u3021.1a       ;Rubber uppers                                                                             
  5043. u3021.1b       ;Plastic uppers                                                                            
  5044. u3021.121      ;Boots                                                                                     
  5045. u3021.142      ;Lumberman, pacs, rubbers, and other footwear having rubber uppers                         
  5046. u3021.3        ;Non-protective footwear cemented, vulcanized, injection molded, etc. to fabric upper      
  5047. u3021.302      ;Vulcanized to fabric upper                                                                
  5048. u3021.30221    ;Men's                                                                                     
  5049. u3021.303      ;Injection molded or other processes performed                                             
  5050. u3021.30321    ;Men's                                                                                     
  5051. u3021.30341    ;Women's and misses'                                                                       
  5052. u304           ;Rubber and plastic hose and belting                                                       
  5053. u3041          ;Rubber and plastics hose and belting                                                      
  5054. u3041.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5055. u3041.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5056. u3041.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5057. u3041.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5058. u3041.1        ;Rubber and plastics belts and belting, flat                                               
  5059. u3041.103      ;Light weight conveyor and elevator                                                        
  5060. u3041.105      ;Heavy duty conveyor and elevator                                                          
  5061. u3041.113      ;Transmission                                                                              
  5062. u3041.116      ;Other flat rubber and plastics belts and belting                                          
  5063. u3041.2        ;Rubber and plastics transmission belts and belting, other than flat                       
  5064. u3041.225      ;Motor vehicle                                                                             
  5065. u3041.231      ;Industrial, except fractional                                                             
  5066. u3041.3        ;Rubber hose, mandrel made, and all hydraulic                                              
  5067. u3041.312      ;Textile, hydraulic                                                                        
  5068. u3041.314      ;Textile, nonhydraulic                                                                     
  5069. u3041.316      ;Wire, hydraulic                                                                           
  5070. u3041.318      ;Wire, nonhydraulic                                                                        
  5071. u3041.4        ;Rubber hose, long length nonhydraulic, except garden                                      
  5072. u3041.451      ;Textile                                                                                   
  5073. u3041.453      ;Wire                                                                                      
  5074. u3041.6        ;All other rubber and plastics hose                                                        
  5075. u3041.63       ;Wrapped reinforced                                                                        
  5076. u3041.639      ;Machine                                                                                   
  5077. u3041.64       ;Circular woven jacket                                                                     
  5078. u3041.663      ;Braided or loomed, helical reinforced                                                     
  5079. @       
  5080. u3041.674      ;All other rubber hose                                                                     
  5081. u3041.68       ;All other plastics hose                                                                   
  5082. u3041.684      ;Nonhydraulic                                                                              
  5083. u3053          ;Gaskets, packing and sealing devices                                                      
  5084. u3053.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5085. u3053.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5086. u3053.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5087. u3053.ss       ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  5088. u3053.4        ;Compression packings                                                                      
  5089. u3053.411      ;Plant fiber                                                                               
  5090. u3053.417      ;All other compression packing, n.e.c.                                                     
  5091. u3053.5        ;Nonmetallic gaskets and gasketing                                                         
  5092. u3053.511      ;Asbestos compressed                                                                       
  5093. u3053.515      ;Elastomeric, all material                                                                 
  5094. u3053.519      ;Cork and cork composition                                                                 
  5095. u3053.529      ;Other non-metallic, n.e.c.                                                                
  5096. u3053.6        ;Molded packing and sealing devices                                                        
  5097. u3053.622      ;Squeeze type, solid section ring seals                                                    
  5098. u3053.626      ;Single & mult. flexible seals (component type, symmetrical & non-symmetrical)             
  5099. u3053.631      ;Diaphragm seal-flat, rolling                                                              
  5100. u3053.635      ;All other molded packing and seals (including leather and plastic seals)                  
  5101. u3053.7        ;Metallic gaskets and machined seals                                                       
  5102. u3053.749      ;All piston rings, exclusion devices and metal gaskets and machined seals, n.e.c.          
  5103. u3053.8        ;Axial mechanical face seals                                                               
  5104. u3053.819      ;Clearance, labrynith and other face seals, n.e.c.                                         
  5105. u3053.9        ;Rotary oil seals                                                                          
  5106. u3053.971      ;Bonded sprung (spring loaded)                                                             
  5107. u3061          ;Molded, extruded and lathe cut mechanical rubber goods                                    
  5108. u3061.a        ;Molded rubber mechanical goods                                                            
  5109. u3061.a11      ;Automotive                                                                                
  5110. u3061.a12      ;Transportation, other than automotive                                                     
  5111. u3061.a13      ;Appliances, household and commercial                                                      
  5112. u3061.a14      ;Oil and gas field machinery and equipment                                                 
  5113. u3061.a16      ;Other molded goods                                                                        
  5114. u3061.b        ;Extruded rubber mechanical goods                                                          
  5115. u3061.b11      ;Automotive, except tubing                                                                 
  5116. u3061.b12      ;Appliances, household and commercial                                                      
  5117. u3061.b14      ;Other tubing                                                                              
  5118. u3061.b19      ;Other extrusions                                                                          
  5119. u3061.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5120. u3061.mm       ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5121. u3061.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5122. u3061.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5123. u3061.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5124. u3069          ;Fabricated rubber products, n.e.c.                                                        
  5125. u3069.c        ;Industrial products, n.e.c.                                                               
  5126. u3069.c12      ;Roll covering, including all industry rolls                                               
  5127. u3069.c1201    ;Paper mill                                                                                
  5128. u3069.c1203    ;All other roll coverings, including graphic arts                                          
  5129. u3069.c39      ;Other industrial rubber products                                                          
  5130. @       
  5131. u3069.d        ;Rubber coated fabrics and rubber clothing                                                 
  5132. u3069.da       ;Rubber coated fabrics                                                                     
  5133. u3069.db       ;Rubber clothing                                                                           
  5134. u3069.d19      ;Other coated fabrics                                                                      
  5135. u3069.d41      ;Industrial rubber gloves                                                                  
  5136. u3069.d56      ;Other rubber clothing including bath and shower caps                                      
  5137. u3069.e        ;Other rubber goods                                                                        
  5138. u3069.e19      ;Other hard rubber goods                                                                   
  5139. u3069.e22      ;Boats, pontoons, and life rafts                                                           
  5140. u3069.e28      ;Other rubber goods                                                                        
  5141. u3069.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5142. u3069.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5143. u3069.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5144. u3069.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  5145. u3069.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5146. u3069.3        ;Sponge and foam rubber                                                                    
  5147. u3069.3b       ;Chemically blown sponge                                                                   
  5148. u3069.377      ;Automotive, closed cell                                                                   
  5149. u3069.4        ;Rubber floor and wall coverings                                                           
  5150. u3069.4a       ;Individual mats                                                                           
  5151. u3069.423      ;Automotive                                                                                
  5152. u3069.425      ;All other mats                                                                            
  5153. u3069.6        ;Rubber shoe products                                                                      
  5154. u3069.61102    ;Men's repair                                                                              
  5155. u3069.631      ;Soles                                                                                     
  5156. u3069.63102    ;Men's composition                                                                         
  5157. u3069.63103    ;All other soles                                                                           
  5158. u3069.651      ;Soling slabs and top lift sheets                                                          
  5159. u3069.661      ;Rubber sole and heel combinations                                                         
  5160. u3069.7        ;Rubber druggist and medical sundries including household gloves                           
  5161. u3069.761      ;Surgical                                                                                  
  5162. u3069.778      ;Other rubber druggist and medical sundries                                                
  5163. u3069.8        ;Reclaimed rubber                                                                          
  5164. u3069.812      ;Devulcanized butyl                                                                        
  5165. u3069.813      ;Ground vulcanized rubber                                                                  
  5166. u3069.9        ;Compounds or mixtures for sale or interplant transfer                                     
  5167. u30693079s     ;Miscellaneous plastic products                                                            
  5168. u307           ;Miscellaneous plastic products                                                            
  5169. u3079          ;Miscellaneous plastic products                                                            
  5170. u3079.j        ;Molded plastic products, n. e. c                                                          
  5171. u3079.j61      ;Injection molded                                                                          
  5172. u3079.j62      ;Compression/transfer molded                                                               
  5173. u3079.j65      ;Cast                                                                                      
  5174. u3079.j66      ;Other                                                                                     
  5175. u3079.k        ;Miscellaneous nonmolded plastic products, n. e. c                                         
  5176. u3079.k81      ;Unsupported rods, tubes, and other shapes                                                 
  5177. u3079.k88      ;Plastic shoe products                                                                     
  5178. u3079.k91      ;Laminates                                                                                 
  5179. u3079.k9102    ;Other laminates                                                                           
  5180. u3079.k93      ;Electrical and electronic                                                                 
  5181. @       
  5182. u3079.k94      ;Building and construction                                                                 
  5183. u3079.k95      ;Furniture and furnishings                                                                 
  5184. u3079.k99      ;Other                                                                                     
  5185. u3079.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5186. u3079.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5187. u3079.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5188. u3079.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5189. u3079.2        ;Plastic film and sheet, unsupported                                                       
  5190. u3079.201      ;Packaging                                                                                 
  5191. u3079.202      ;Building and construction                                                                 
  5192. u3079.207      ;Other                                                                                     
  5193. u3079.4        ;Plastic piping                                                                            
  5194. u3079.424      ;Water                                                                                     
  5195. u3079.5        ;Plastic bottles                                                                           
  5196. u3079.7        ;Plastic foam products                                                                     
  5197. u3079.741      ;Transportation                                                                            
  5198. u3079.742      ;Packaging                                                                                 
  5199. u3079.744      ;Building and construction                                                                 
  5200. u3079.745      ;Furniture and furnishings                                                                 
  5201. u3079.746      ;Consumer and institutional                                                                
  5202. u31            ;Leather and leather products                                                              
  5203. u311           ;Leather tanning and finishing                                                             
  5204. u3111          ;Leather tanning and finishing                                                             
  5205. u3111.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5206. u3111.1        ;Finished cattle and kip leather                                                           
  5207. u3111.1a       ;Grains, except offal and welting leather                                                  
  5208. u3111.1c       ;Finished splits                                                                           
  5209. u3111.115      ;Sole leather                                                                              
  5210. u3111.134      ;Bag, case, and strap leather                                                              
  5211. u3111.135      ;Upholstery leather                                                                        
  5212. u3111.137      ;Upper leather, including patent                                                           
  5213. u3111.13711    ;Dress and casual shoe, including all patent                                               
  5214. u3111.13712    ;Other upper leather                                                                       
  5215. u3111.142      ;Garment leather                                                                           
  5216. u3111.147      ;Other grains                                                                              
  5217. u3111.3        ;Finished sheep and lamb leather                                                           
  5218. u3111.331      ;Garment leather                                                                           
  5219. u3111.4        ;Other finished leather, n.e.c.                                                            
  5220. u3111.5        ;Rough, crust, and wet blue not finished in the same establishment                         
  5221. u3111.512      ;Wet blue cattle leather                                                                   
  5222. u3111.513      ;Rough, crust, and other semifinished leather                                              
  5223. u3111.9        ;Receipts for contract tanning done for others on their materials                          
  5224. u313           ;Boot and shoe cut stock and findings                                                      
  5225. u3131          ;Boot and shoe cut stock and findings                                                      
  5226. u3131.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5227. u3131.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5228. u3131.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5229. u3131.116      ;Outer soles and innersoles of leather                                                     
  5230. u3131.131      ;Other leather cut stock                                                                   
  5231. u3131.191      ;Non-leather stock and findings incl. heels                                                
  5232. @       
  5233. u314           ;Footwear, except rubber                                                                   
  5234. u3142          ;House slippers                                                                            
  5235. u3142.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5236. u3142.1        ;House slippers, except slipper socks                                                      
  5237. u3142.111      ;Leather house slippers                                                                    
  5238. u3142.11133    ;Men's                                                                                     
  5239. u3142.11144    ;Women's                                                                                   
  5240. u3142.122      ;House slippers, except leather                                                            
  5241. u3142.1223     ;Fabric house slippers                                                                     
  5242. u3142.12234    ;Men's                                                                                     
  5243. u3142.12235    ;Women's                                                                                   
  5244. u3142.1224     ;Vinyl house slippers                                                                      
  5245. u3143          ;Men's footwear                                                                            
  5246. u3143.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5247. u3143.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5248. u3143.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5249. u3143.1        ;Men's leather upper footwear                                                              
  5250. u3143.111      ;Men's leather upper dress and casual shoes                                                
  5251. u3143.112      ;Men's leather upper boots                                                                 
  5252. u3143.113      ;Men's leather upper work shoes or boots                                                   
  5253. u3143.2        ;Men's plastic upper footwear                                                              
  5254. u3143.216      ;Men's plastic upper dress and casual shoes                                                
  5255. u3143.217      ;Men's plastic upper boots                                                                 
  5256. u3143.3        ;Men's other upper footwear                                                                
  5257. u3144          ;Women's footwear                                                                          
  5258. u3144.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5259. u3144.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5260. u3144.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5261. u3144.1        ;Women's leather upper footwear                                                            
  5262. u3144.111      ;Women's leather upper dress shoes                                                         
  5263. u3144.112      ;Women's leather upper casual shoes                                                        
  5264. u3144.113      ;Women's leather upper sandals                                                             
  5265. u3144.114      ;Women's leather upper boots                                                               
  5266. u3144.2        ;Women's plastic upper footwear                                                            
  5267. u3144.216      ;Women's plastic upper dress shoes                                                         
  5268. u3144.217      ;Women's plastic upper casual shoes                                                        
  5269. u3144.218      ;Women's plastic upper sandals                                                             
  5270. u3144.219      ;Women's plastic upper boots                                                               
  5271. u3144.3        ;Women's other upper footwear                                                              
  5272. u3144.322      ;Women's other upper dress shoes                                                           
  5273. u3144.323      ;Women's other upper casual shoes                                                          
  5274. u3144.324      ;Women's other upper sandals                                                               
  5275. u3149          ;Footwear, except rubber, n.e.c.                                                           
  5276. u3149.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5277. u3149.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5278. u3149.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  5279. u3149.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  5280. u3149.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5281. u3149.1        ;Youths' and boys' footwear                                                                
  5282. u3149.112      ;Youths' and boys' leather upper footwear                                                  
  5283. @       
  5284. u3149.2        ;Misses' footwear                                                                          
  5285. u3149.215      ;Misses' leather upper footwear                                                            
  5286. u3149.216      ;Misses' nonleather upper footwear                                                         
  5287. u3149.3        ;Children's footwear                                                                       
  5288. u3149.318      ;Children's leather upper footwear                                                         
  5289. u3149.319      ;Children's nonleather upper footwear                                                      
  5290. u3149.4        ;Infants' and babies' footwear                                                             
  5291. u3149.421      ;Infants' and babies' leather upper footwear                                               
  5292. u3149.422      ;Infants' and babies' nonleather upper footwear                                            
  5293. u3149.5        ;Athletic footwear, except rubber                                                          
  5294. u3149.524      ;Athletic footwear designed for sports                                                     
  5295. u3149.525      ;All other athletic footwear, except rubber                                                
  5296. u3149.6        ;All other footwear, except rubber, n.e.c.                                                 
  5297. u31493143s     ;Men's footwear                                                                            
  5298. u31493144s     ;Women's footwear                                                                          
  5299. u315           ;Leather gloves and mittens                                                                
  5300. u3151          ;Leather gloves and mittens                                                                
  5301. u3151.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5302. u3151.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5303. u3151.2        ;All leather dress and semidress gloves and mittens                                        
  5304. u3151.222      ;All leather dress and semidress gloves and mittens                                        
  5305. u3151.7        ;All leather work gloves and mittens                                                       
  5306. u3151.781      ;All grain, excluding welders                                                              
  5307. u3151.783      ;All split, excluding welders                                                              
  5308. u3151.789      ;Leather, except all grain and all split, including welders                                
  5309. u316           ;Luggage                                                                                   
  5310. u3161          ;Luggage                                                                                   
  5311. u3161.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5312. u3161.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5313. u3161.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5314. u3161.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5315. u3161.1        ;Hand luggage                                                                              
  5316. u3161.113      ;Hand luggage, all types except zippered                                                   
  5317. u3161.11335    ;Framed, lock construction                                                                 
  5318. u3161.11339    ;Molded, fully molded or semimolded                                                        
  5319. u3161.114      ;Zippered hand luggage                                                                     
  5320. u3161.115      ;Tote bags, open without closures                                                          
  5321. u3161.2        ;Luggage other than hand luggage                                                           
  5322. u3161.253      ;Occupational luggage cases, sample, binocular, and camera cases                           
  5323. u3161.263      ;Trunks, hand trunks and lockers                                                           
  5324. u3161.273      ;Briefcases and bags, school bags, envelopes, catalog cases, and zippered ring binders     
  5325. u3161.281      ;Musical instrument cases                                                                  
  5326. u3161.284      ;Attache cases                                                                             
  5327. u3161.298      ;Other luggage, including non-canvas knapsacks                                             
  5328. u317           ;Handbags and other personal leather goods                                                 
  5329. u3171          ;Women's and children's handbags and purses                                                
  5330. u3171.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5331. u3171.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5332. u3171.5        ;Women's and children's handbags and purses                                                
  5333. u3171.511      ;All or chiefly leather                                                                    
  5334. @       
  5335. u3171.551      ;All or chiefly plastic                                                                    
  5336. u3171.571      ;Other materials, except precious metals                                                   
  5337. u3172          ;Personal leather goods, except women's handbags and purses                                
  5338. u3172.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5339. u3172.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5340. u3172.5        ;Personal leather goods, except women's handbags and purses                                
  5341. u3172.5a       ;Billfolds, wallets, French purses and clutches                                            
  5342. u3172.511      ;Billfolds, wallets, French purses and clutches, leather                                   
  5343. u3172.51111    ;Billfolds and wallets                                                                     
  5344. u3172.51122    ;French purses                                                                             
  5345. u3172.51133    ;Clutches                                                                                  
  5346. u3172.515      ;Billfolds, wallets, French purses and clutches, except leather                            
  5347. u3172.531      ;Travel kits                                                                               
  5348. u3172.553      ;Jewelry boxes and cases                                                                   
  5349. u3172.596      ;Other personal goods, leather                                                             
  5350. u3172.596____a ;Other personal goods, leather                                                             
  5351. u3172.597      ;Other personal goods, except leather                                                      
  5352. u319           ;Leather goods, n.e.c.                                                                     
  5353. u3199          ;Leather goods, n.e.c.                                                                     
  5354. u3199.a        ;Leather goods, excluding industrial leather                                               
  5355. u3199.b        ;Industrial leather                                                                        
  5356. u3199.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5357. u3199.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5358. u3199.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5359. u3199.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5360. u3199.131      ;Saddlery and harness and accouterments                                                    
  5361. u3199.191      ;Industrial leather belting/industrial leather products                                    
  5362. u3199.196      ;Dog collars, leashes and other household pet accessories made of leather                  
  5363. u3199.197      ;Other leather goods                                                                       
  5364. u32            ;Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products                                                 
  5365. u321           ;Flat glass                                                                                
  5366. u3211          ;Flat glass                                                                                
  5367. u3211.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5368. u3211.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5369. u3211.4        ;Other flat glass, made from glass produced in the same establishment                      
  5370. u3211.42       ;Tempered glass                                                                            
  5371. u3211.439      ;Other flat glass (rolled, wire, stained, lead, colored, etc.)                             
  5372. u3211.5        ;Sheet(window), plate and float glass                                                      
  5373. u3211.512      ;.085 inch through .107 inch                                                               
  5374. u3211.513      ;.108 inch through .134 inch                                                               
  5375. u3211.514      ;.135 inch through .199 inch                                                               
  5376. u3211.515      ;.200 inch through .244 inch                                                               
  5377. u3211.516      ;Over .244 inch                                                                            
  5378. u322           ;Glass and glassware, pressed or blown                                                     
  5379. u3221          ;Glass containers                                                                          
  5380. u3221.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5381. u3221.1        ;Glass containers for domestic consumption                                                 
  5382. u3221.11       ;Narrow neck containers                                                                    
  5383. u3221.111      ;Food                                                                                      
  5384. u3221.112      ;Medicinal and health                                                                      
  5385. @       
  5386. u3221.114      ;Toiletries and cosmetics                                                                  
  5387. u3221.115      ;Non-alcoholic beverage                                                                    
  5388. u3221.1151     ;Refillable                                                                                
  5389. u3221.1155     ;Non-refillable                                                                            
  5390. u3221.116      ;Beer                                                                                      
  5391. u3221.1166     ;Non-refillable                                                                            
  5392. u3221.117      ;Liquor                                                                                    
  5393. u3221.119      ;Wine                                                                                      
  5394. u3221.131      ;Food                                                                                      
  5395. u3229          ;Pressed and blown glass, n.e.c.                                                           
  5396. u3229.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5397. u3229.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5398. u3229.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5399. u3229.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5400. u3229.1        ;Table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware                                                
  5401. u3229.12       ;Machine made table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware                                   
  5402. u3229.121      ;Tumblers (one piece excluding packers' tumblers)                                          
  5403. u3229.123      ;Tableware                                                                                 
  5404. u3229.128      ;Ornamental, decorative, and novelty glassware and smokers' accessories                    
  5405. u3229.13       ;Handmade table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware                                       
  5406. u3229.2        ;Lighting and electronic glassware                                                         
  5407. u3229.2a       ;Machine-made lighting/electronic glassware                                                
  5408. u3229.2c       ;Transfers and shipments of partially fabricated lighting/electronic glassware             
  5409. u3229.224      ;Bowls and enclosing globes (interior and exterior)                                        
  5410. u3229.235      ;T.V. tube blanks and parts; tubing, cane, and glass parts for electronic tubes and device 
  5411. u3229.299      ;Transfers and shipments of partially fabricated lighting/electronic glassware             
  5412. u3229.3        ;Glass fiber-textile type                                                                  
  5413. u3229.323      ;Roving, chopped strand, and milled fiber                                                  
  5414. u3229.328      ;Other textile-type glass fiber products, including mat and yarn                           
  5415. u3229.4        ;Other pressed and blown glassware                                                         
  5416. u3229.4a       ;Machine-made glassware, n.e.c.                                                            
  5417. u3229.4c       ;Transfers and shipments of partially fabricated pressed and blown glassware, n.e.c.       
  5418. u3229.428      ;Other glassware                                                                           
  5419. u323           ;Products of purchased glass                                                               
  5420. u3231          ;Products of purchased glass                                                               
  5421. u3231.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5422. u3231.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5423. u3231.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5424. u3231.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5425. u3231.3        ;Laminated glass, including plate, float, and sheet                                        
  5426. u3231.321      ;For construction and architectural uses                                                   
  5427. u3231.341      ;For automotive uses                                                                       
  5428. u3231.34101    ;OEM                                                                                       
  5429. u3231.34102    ;Replacement                                                                               
  5430. u3231.5        ;Mirrors, plate and float (decorated or undecorated)                                       
  5431. u3231.521      ;Framed mirrors                                                                            
  5432. u3231.541      ;Unframed mirrors                                                                          
  5433. u3231.571      ;Automotive mirrors                                                                        
  5434. u3231.7        ;Pressed and blown glassware, made from glass purchased or transferred from other establis 
  5435. u3231.711      ;Consumer glassware                                                                        
  5436. @       
  5437. u3231.71103    ;Machine made                                                                              
  5438. u3231.751      ;Other glassware, including scientific, laboratory, industrial, etc.                       
  5439. u3231.8        ;Other glass products, made from glass purchased or transferred from other establishments  
  5440. u3231.821      ;Stained, leaded, and faceted glass and colored glass slabs                                
  5441. u3231.871      ;Multiple-glazed, sealed insulating glass units                                            
  5442. u3231.88       ;Tempered glass                                                                            
  5443. u3231.881      ;For automotive use                                                                        
  5444. u3231.88104    ;OEM                                                                                       
  5445. u3231.88105    ;Replacement                                                                               
  5446. u3231.883      ;For construction and architectural use                                                    
  5447. u3231.889      ;For other uses                                                                            
  5448. u3231.898      ;Other flat glass products                                                                 
  5449. u324           ;Hydraulic cement                                                                          
  5450. u3241          ;Hydraulic cement                                                                          
  5451. u3241.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5452. u3241.3        ;Cement, including portland cements and other cements (masonry, lime, etc.)                
  5453. u3241.322      ;Northeast region                                                                          
  5454. u3241.323      ;North Central region                                                                      
  5455. u3241.3231     ;East North Central division, including portland cements and other cements (masonry, lime, 
  5456. u3241.3232     ;West North Central division, including portland cements and other cements (masonry, lime, 
  5457. u3241.324      ;South region                                                                              
  5458. u3241.3241     ;South Atlantic division, including portland cements and other cements (masonry, lime, etc 
  5459. u3241.3242     ;East South Central division, including portland cments and other cements (masonry, etc.)  
  5460. u3241.3243     ;West South Central division, including portland cements and other cements (masonry, lime, 
  5461. u3241.325      ;West region                                                                               
  5462. u325           ;Structural clay products                                                                  
  5463. u3251          ;Brick and structural clay tile                                                            
  5464. u3251.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5465. u3251.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5466. u3251.1        ;Brick, except ceramic glazed and refractory                                               
  5467. u3251.111      ;Building or common, and face brick                                                        
  5468. u3251.11101    ;Building or common brick                                                                  
  5469. u3251.11102    ;Face brick                                                                                
  5470. u3251.119      ;Other brick (paving, floor, and sewer)                                                    
  5471. u3253          ;Ceramic wall and floor tile                                                               
  5472. u3253.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5473. u3253.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5474. u3253.1        ;Clay floor and wall tile including quarry tile                                            
  5475. u3253.11       ;Ceramic mosaic (glazed and unglazed)                                                      
  5476. u3253.12       ;Quarry tile                                                                               
  5477. u3253.13       ;Glazed wall tile                                                                          
  5478. u3253.14       ;Other tile incl. paver, special purpose, decorative thin wall, etc.                       
  5479. u3255          ;Clay refractories                                                                         
  5480. u3255.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5481. u3255.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5482. u3255.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5483. u3255.1        ;Bricks and shapes                                                                         
  5484. u3255.111      ;Fireclay (including semisilica) brick and clay except superduty                           
  5485. u3255.113      ;High alumina inc. high alumina ladle brick, 50% alumina and over                          
  5486. u3255.116      ;Insulating firebrick and shapes                                                           
  5487. @       
  5488. u3255.117      ;Clay kiln furniture, radiant heater elements, potters' supplies & oth. misc shaped items  
  5489. u3255.118      ;Bloating and superduty fireclay brick and shapes                                          
  5490. u3255.2        ;Unshaped clay refractories                                                                
  5491. u3255.211      ;Refractory bonding mortars, wet and dry, less than 50% alumina                            
  5492. u3255.213      ;Plastic refractories and ramming mixes, less than 50% alumina                             
  5493. u3255.214      ;High alumina plastic refractories and rammimg mixes, 50% alumina and over                 
  5494. u3255.3        ;Castable refractories (hydraulic setting)                                                 
  5495. u3255.311      ;Castable refractories, less than 50% alumina                                              
  5496. u3255.312      ;High alumina castable refractories                                                        
  5497. u3255.313      ;Insulating castables (density up to 105 lbs./cu.ft.) and insulating gunning mixes         
  5498. u3259          ;Structural clay products, n.e.c.                                                          
  5499. u3259.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5500. u3259.1        ;Vitrified clay sewer pipe and fittings                                                    
  5501. u3259.2        ;Other structural clay products, n.e.c.                                                    
  5502. u3259.225      ;Clay roofing tile                                                                         
  5503. u3259.298      ;Other structural clay products incl terra cotta, drain and flue tile, conduit and adobe   
  5504. u326           ;Pottery and related products                                                              
  5505. u3261          ;Vitreous plumbing fixtures                                                                
  5506. u3261.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5507. u3261.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5508. u3261.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5509. u3261.1        ;Plumbing fixtures                                                                         
  5510. u3261.111      ;Lavatories, china and earthenware                                                         
  5511. u3261.121      ;Water closet bowls                                                                        
  5512. u3261.131      ;Flush tanks                                                                               
  5513. u3261.151      ;Other china plumbing fixtures incl drinking fountains, sinks, bidets, etc.                
  5514. u3261.2        ;China and earthenware plumbing fixture accessories and fittings                           
  5515. u3261.211      ;China and earthenware plumbing fixture accessories and fittings                           
  5516. u3262          ;Vitreous china food utensils                                                              
  5517. u3262.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5518. u3262.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5519. u3262.12       ;Table and kitchenware                                                                     
  5520. u3262.122      ;Household                                                                                 
  5521. u3262.123      ;Hotel or commercial                                                                       
  5522. u3264          ;Porcelain electrical supplies                                                             
  5523. u3264.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5524. u3264.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5525. u3264.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5526. u3264.2        ;Porcelain electrical products (except steatite, alumina, ferrite, etc)                    
  5527. u3264.21       ;Wet process porcelain products                                                            
  5528. u3264.211      ;Wet process voltage porcelain products shipped as complete insulators                     
  5529. u3264.2113     ;Switch and bus insulators                                                                 
  5530. u3264.2114     ;Other wet voltage porcelain products shipped as complete units                            
  5531. u3264.212      ;Wet process voltage porcelain products shipped in pieces                                  
  5532. u3264.22       ;All dry process electrical porcelain                                                      
  5533. u3264.3        ;Advanced ceramic materials                                                                
  5534. u3264.31       ;Steatite electrical products                                                              
  5535. u3264.32       ;Ferrites (including electronic applications)                                              
  5536. u3264.321      ;Ceramic permanent magnets                                                                 
  5537. u3264.322      ;Other ferrites, including electronic applications                                         
  5538. @       
  5539. u3264.33       ;Alumina materials for electronic applications                                             
  5540. u3264.34       ;Beryllia, titanate, and other ceramic components, n.e.c.                                  
  5541. u3268          ;Pottery products, n.e.c., including earthenware (semivitreous) table and kitchen          
  5542. u3268.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5543. u3268.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5544. u3268.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5545. u3268.s______a ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5546. u3268.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5547. u3268.1        ;Art, decorative and novelty pottery                                                       
  5548. u3268.111      ;China and porcelain                                                                       
  5549. u3268.131      ;Earthenware and stoneware                                                                 
  5550. u3268.2        ;Stoneware and earthenware (semivitreous) table and kitchen articles                       
  5551. u3268.3        ;Other pottery products, n.e.c.                                                            
  5552. u3268.311      ;Chemical, technical, and industrial potteryware                                           
  5553. u3268.313      ;Red unglazed earthenware (flower pots, etc.)                                              
  5554. u3268.315      ;All other pottery products, including pyrometric cones, veritas rings etc.                
  5555. u327           ;Concrete, gypsum, and plaster products                                                    
  5556. u3271          ;Concrete block and brick                                                                  
  5557. u3271.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5558. u3271.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5559. u3271.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5560. u3271.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  5561. u3271.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5562. u3271.1        ;Concrete block and concrete brick                                                         
  5563. u3271.11       ;Concrete block: light, medium, and normal (excluding decorative and paving)               
  5564. u3271.111      ;concrete block and brick, except decorative and paving                                    
  5565. u3271.11101    ;North Atlantic lightweight block                                                          
  5566. u3271.11102    ;North Central lightweight block                                                           
  5567. u3271.11103    ;South Atlantic lightweight block                                                          
  5568. u3271.11104    ;South Central lightweight block                                                           
  5569. u3271.11105    ;Western lightweight block                                                                 
  5570. u3271.115      ;Medium weight concrete block, from 105 lbs. but < 125 lbs./cf dry weight                  
  5571. u3271.11501    ;North Atlantic medium weight block                                                        
  5572. u3271.11502    ;North Central medium weight block                                                         
  5573. u3271.11503    ;South Atlantic medium weight block                                                        
  5574. u3271.11505    ;Western medium weight block                                                               
  5575. u3271.117      ;Normal weight concrete block, 125 lbs or more/cf dry weight                               
  5576. u3271.11701    ;North Atlantic normal weight block                                                        
  5577. u3271.11702    ;North Central normal weight block                                                         
  5578. u3271.11703    ;South Atlantic normal weight block                                                        
  5579. u3271.11704    ;South Central normal weight block                                                         
  5580. u3271.11705    ;Western normal weight block                                                               
  5581. u3271.121      ;Decorative block (such as screen block, split block, slump block, shadowal block, etc.)   
  5582. u3271.151      ;Concrete brick                                                                            
  5583. u3271.161      ;Paving blocks                                                                             
  5584. u3272          ;Concrete products                                                                         
  5585. u3272.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5586. u3272.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5587. u3272.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5588. u3272.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  5589. @       
  5590. u3272.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  5591. u3272.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5592. u3272.1        ;Concrete pipe                                                                             
  5593. u3272.131      ;Reinforced                                                                                
  5594. u3272.16       ;Culvert and storm sewer pipe                                                              
  5595. u3272.161      ;Reinforced                                                                                
  5596. u3272.162      ;Nonreinforced                                                                             
  5597. u3272.17       ;Sanitary sewer pipe                                                                       
  5598. u3272.171      ;Reinforced                                                                                
  5599. u3272.2        ;Precast concrete products                                                                 
  5600. u3272.213      ;Slabs and tile                                                                            
  5601. u3272.223      ;Wall panels                                                                               
  5602. u3272.234      ;Burial vaults and boxes                                                                   
  5603. u3272.241      ;Concrete silo staves                                                                      
  5604. u3272.261      ;Concrete septic tanks                                                                     
  5605. u3272.281      ;Other precast concrete products                                                           
  5606. u3272.3        ;Prestressed concrete products, excluding pipe                                             
  5607. u3272.311      ;Tees and channels                                                                         
  5608. u3272.325      ;Concrete bridge beams                                                                     
  5609. u3272.331      ;Solid and hollow cored panels                                                             
  5610. u3272.5        ;Dry mixed concrete materials                                                              
  5611. u3273          ;Ready-mixed concrete                                                                      
  5612. u3273.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5613. u3273.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5614. u3273.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5615. u3273.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  5616. u3273.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5617. u3273.111      ;Ready-mixed concrete                                                                      
  5618. u3273.111a     ;Northeast region ready-mixed concrete                                                     
  5619. u3273.111b     ;North Central region ready-mixed concrete                                                 
  5620. u3273.111c     ;Southern region ready-mixed concrete                                                      
  5621. u3273.111d     ;Western region ready-mixed concrete                                                       
  5622. u3273.11101    ;New England ready-mixed concrete                                                          
  5623. u3273.11102    ;Mid Atlantic ready-mixed concrete                                                         
  5624. u3273.11103    ;East North Central ready-mixed concrete                                                   
  5625. u3273.11104    ;West North Central ready-mixed concrete                                                   
  5626. u3273.11105    ;South Atlantic ready-mixed concrete                                                       
  5627. u3273.11106    ;West South Central ready-mixed concrete                                                   
  5628. u3273.11107    ;East South Central ready-mixed concrete                                                   
  5629. u3273.11108    ;Mountain ready-mixed concrete                                                             
  5630. u3273.11109    ;Pacific ready-mixed concrete                                                              
  5631. u3274          ;Lime                                                                                      
  5632. u3274.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5633. u3274.111      ;Quicklime                                                                                 
  5634. u3274.151      ;Hydrated lime                                                                             
  5635. u3275          ;Gypsum products                                                                           
  5636. u3275.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5637. u3275.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5638. u3275.1        ;Plasters and bases                                                                        
  5639. u3275.225      ;1/2 inch regular gypsum board                                                             
  5640. @       
  5641. u3275.315      ;Type X gypsumboard                                                                        
  5642. u328           ;Cut stone and stone products                                                              
  5643. u3281          ;Cut stone and stone products                                                              
  5644. u3281.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5645. u3281.1        ;Dressed dimension granite, including gneiss, syenite, diorite, and cut granite            
  5646. u3281.113      ;Building stone                                                                            
  5647. u3281.135      ;Monumental stone                                                                          
  5648. u3281.198      ;Other granite products such as paving blocks and curbing                                  
  5649. u3281.2        ;Dressed dimension limestone, including dolomite, travertine, calcareous tufa, and cut lim 
  5650. u3281.213      ;Building stone                                                                            
  5651. u3281.3        ;Dressed dimension marble and other stone                                                  
  5652. u3281.337      ;Building stone, monumental stone, and other marble products                               
  5653. u3281.33713    ;Building stone                                                                            
  5654. u3281.33715    ;Monumental stone                                                                          
  5655. u3281.398      ;Other stone, such as slate, sandstone, gabbro, basalt, and other dressed stone products   
  5656. u329           ;Abrasives, asbestos, and miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral products                       
  5657. u3291          ;Abrasive products                                                                         
  5658. u3291.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5659. u3291.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5660. u3291.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5661. u3291.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5662. u3291.5        ;Nonmetallic sized grains, powders, and flour abrasives                                    
  5663. u3291.5a       ;Synthetic nonmetallic sized grains, powders, and flour abrasives                          
  5664. u3291.517      ;Silicon carbide                                                                           
  5665. u3291.519      ;Aluminum oxide                                                                            
  5666. u3291.529      ;Other artificial sized grains, powders and flour                                          
  5667. u3291.6        ;Nonmetallic abrasive products (including diamond abrasives)                               
  5668. u3291.6a       ;Resinoid and shellac bond                                                                 
  5669. u3291.631      ;Vitrified bond                                                                            
  5670. u3291.637      ;Reinforced                                                                                
  5671. u3291.642      ;Nonoreinforced                                                                            
  5672. u3291.644      ;Rubber bond                                                                               
  5673. u3291.665      ;Other bonded abrasives                                                                    
  5674. u3291.671      ;Diamond wheels                                                                            
  5675. u3291.67101    ;Metal bond                                                                                
  5676. u3291.67102    ;Other bond                                                                                
  5677. u3291.698      ;Other artificial and natural nonmetallic abrasive products (except coated abrasives)      
  5678. u3291.7        ;Nonmetallic coated abrasive products, buffing wheels, polishing wheels, and laps          
  5679. u3291.71       ;Cloth (all bonds)                                                                         
  5680. u3291.711      ;Glue bond                                                                                 
  5681. u3291.71101    ;Belts                                                                                     
  5682. u3291.71102    ;Other shapes                                                                              
  5683. u3291.715      ;Resin and waterproof bond                                                                 
  5684. u3291.71501    ;Belts                                                                                     
  5685. u3291.71502    ;Other shapes                                                                              
  5686. u3291.72       ;Paper (all bonds)                                                                         
  5687. u3291.721      ;Glue bond                                                                                 
  5688. u3291.72102    ;Other shapes                                                                              
  5689. u3291.739      ;Other (including paper-cloth, vulcanized cloth-fiber combinations)                        
  5690. u3291.771      ;Buffing and polishing wheels and laps (cloth, leather, felt, and other materials)         
  5691. @       
  5692. u3291.8        ;Metal abrasives (including scouring pads)                                                 
  5693. u3291.811      ;Steel and iron grit, shot, and sand                                                       
  5694. u3291.831      ;Steel wool                                                                                
  5695. u3291.891      ;Other metal abrasives and scouring pads (including metal pads with soap)                  
  5696. u3292          ;Asbestos products                                                                         
  5697. u3292.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5698. u3292.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5699. u3292.2        ;Asbestos friction materials                                                               
  5700. u3292.215      ;Molded brake linings containing asbestos, including all nonwoven types                    
  5701. u3292.221      ;Asbestos disc brake pads                                                                  
  5702. u3292.9        ;Asbestos textiles, asbestos insulation, and other asbestos and asbestos-cement products   
  5703. u3292.977      ;Asbestos-cement shingles and clapboard, including accessories                             
  5704. u3295          ;Minerals and earths ground or treated                                                     
  5705. u3295.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5706. u3295.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5707. u3295.1        ;Minerals and earths ground or treated                                                     
  5708. u3295.111      ;Lightweight aggregate, expanded clay, slag, perlite, haydite, pumice and diatomaceous ear 
  5709. u3295.131      ;Slag, including crushed and ground                                                        
  5710. u3295.181      ;Natural graphite, ground, refined or blended                                              
  5711. u3295.184      ;Clay, including ground crude fire clay, high alumina clay, and silica fire clay           
  5712. u3295.198      ;Other minerals and earths, ground or treated, incl. feldspar, roof granules and barite    
  5713. u3296          ;Mineral wool                                                                              
  5714. u3296.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5715. u3296.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5716. u3296.1        ;Mineral wool for structural insulation                                                    
  5717. u3296.111      ;Loose fiber and granulated fiber                                                          
  5718. u3296.135      ;Building batts, blankets, and rolls                                                       
  5719. u3296.13535    ;R-11.0 to R-18.9                                                                          
  5720. u3296.161      ;Acoustical                                                                                
  5721. u3296.198      ;Other mineral wool for structural insulation, including insulating board                  
  5722. u3296.2        ;Mineral wool for industrial, equipment, and appliance insulation                          
  5723. u3296.235      ;Blankets (flexible) including fabricated pieces, rolls, and batts                         
  5724. u3296.23536    ;Faced and metal meshed                                                                    
  5725. u3296.245      ;Molded insulation (such as special automotive, appliance, and aerospace items)            
  5726. u3296.251      ;Blocks and boards                                                                         
  5727. u3296.261      ;Pipe insulation                                                                           
  5728. u3296.283      ;Acoustical, including pads, boards, patches, etc.                                         
  5729. u3296.298      ;Other mineral wool for industrial, equipment, and appliance insulation                    
  5730. u3297          ;Nonclay refractories                                                                      
  5731. u3297.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5732. u3297.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5733. u3297.1        ;Bricks and shapes                                                                         
  5734. u3297.112      ;Magnesite and magnesite-chrome bricks and shapes                                          
  5735. u3297.11213    ;Other, including basic pouring pit refractories                                           
  5736. u3297.114      ;Graphite crucibles, retorts, stopper heads and other shapes containing natural graphite   
  5737. u3297.115      ;Mullite bricks and shapes, made predominantly of fused or synthetic mullite               
  5738. u3297.116      ;Extra-high alumina bricks & shapes, made predominantly of fused and synthetic aluminas    
  5739. u3297.121      ;All other bricks and shapes, including dolomite, dolomite-magnesite and carbon refractori 
  5740. u3297.2        ;Mortars                                                                                   
  5741. u3297.4        ;Plastic refractories & ramming mixes, wet & dry, and castables of nonhydraulic setting ty 
  5742. @       
  5743. u3297.411      ;Basic castables, plastics and ramming mixes (wet and dry types)                           
  5744. u3297.5        ;Gunning mixes, basic and other                                                            
  5745. u3297.511      ;Gunning mixes, basic and other                                                            
  5746. u3297.6        ;Other nonclay refractory materials in lump or ground form                                 
  5747. u3297.612      ;All other domestic shipments as refractory raw materials                                  
  5748. u3299          ;Nonmetallic mineral products, n.e.c.                                                      
  5749. u3299.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5750. u3299.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5751. u3299.1        ;Mica products                                                                             
  5752. u3299.2        ;Statuary and art goods (factory made)                                                     
  5753. u3299.3        ;Other nonmetallic mineral products                                                        
  5754. u33            ;Primary metal industries                                                                  
  5755. u331           ;Blast furnaces, steel works, and rolling and finishing mills                              
  5756. u3312          ;Blast furnaces and steel mills                                                            
  5757. u3312.b        ;Open die or smith forgings (hammer or press), ferrous                                     
  5758. u3312.b62      ;Open die or smith forgings (hammer or press), ferrous                                     
  5759. u3312.c        ;Rails, wheels, and track accessories                                                      
  5760. u3312.c11      ;Rails, standard tee                                                                       
  5761. u3312.c17      ;Tie plates                                                                                
  5762. u3312.c19      ;Wheels, rolled and forged                                                                 
  5763. u3312.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5764. u3312.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5765. u3312.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5766. u3312.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  5767. u3312.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  5768. u3312.1        ;Coke oven and blast furnace products                                                      
  5769. u3312.1a       ;Coke oven products                                                                        
  5770. u3312.1b       ;Blast furnace products                                                                    
  5771. u3312.111      ;Coke, except screenings and breeze                                                        
  5772. u3312.11111    ;Furnace coke                                                                              
  5773. u3312.11114    ;Other coke                                                                                
  5774. u3312.191      ;Pig iron                                                                                  
  5775. u3312.2        ;Steel ingots and semifinished shapes and forms                                            
  5776. u3312.213      ;Semifinished products (excluding wire rods), carbon                                       
  5777. u3312.21311    ;Billets, carbon                                                                           
  5778. u3312.219      ;Wire rods, carbon                                                                         
  5779. u3312.236      ;Semifinished products (excluding wire rods), alloy                                        
  5780. u3312.23611    ;Billets, alloy                                                                            
  5781. u3312.256      ;Semifinished products (excluding wire rods), stainless                                    
  5782. u3312.25611    ;Billets, stainless                                                                        
  5783. u3312.259      ;Wire rods, stainless                                                                      
  5784. u3312.3        ;Tin mill products, h.r. sheets and strip (incl. metallic coated and electrical)           
  5785. u3312.311      ;Sheets, h.r., carbon                                                                      
  5786. u3312.313      ;Sheets and strip, hot dipped galvanized, carbon                                           
  5787. u3312.315      ;Sheets and strip, electrolytic galvanized, carbon                                         
  5788. u3312.317      ;Other metallic coated sheets and strip, carbon                                            
  5789. u3312.319      ;Strip, h.r., carbon                                                                       
  5790. u3312.324      ;Blackplate                                                                                
  5791. u3312.326      ;Tinplate                                                                                  
  5792. u3312.328      ;Tin free steel                                                                            
  5793. @       
  5794. u3312.331      ;Sheets, h.r., alloy                                                                       
  5795. u3312.335      ;Sheets and strip, electrical, alloy                                                       
  5796. u3312.359      ;Strip, h.r., stainless                                                                    
  5797. u3312.4        ;Hot rolled bars, plates and structural shapes                                             
  5798. u3312.412      ;Plates, carbon                                                                            
  5799. u3312.415      ;Heavy structural shapes, piling and piles, carbon                                         
  5800. u3312.41511    ;Heavy structural shapes, carbon                                                           
  5801. u3312.422      ;Bars, h.r., carbon                                                                        
  5802. u3312.42211    ;Bars, h.r., carbon, merchant quality                                                      
  5803. u3312.42212    ;Bars, h.r., carbon, special quality                                                       
  5804. u3312.424      ;Bars, light structurals, carbon                                                           
  5805. u3312.425      ;Concrete reinforcing bars, carbon                                                         
  5806. u3312.431      ;Plates, alloy                                                                             
  5807. u3312.435      ;Heavy structural shapes, alloy                                                            
  5808. u3312.441      ;Bars, h.r. (including light structurals), alloy                                           
  5809. u3312.448      ;Tool steel, high speed, alloy                                                             
  5810. u3312.449      ;Tool steel, other than high speed, alloy                                                  
  5811. u3312.45       ;Plates and structural shapes, stainless                                                   
  5812. u3312.453      ;Plates, stainless                                                                         
  5813. u3312.45314    ;Grade 304                                                                                 
  5814. u3312.45315    ;Other 300 series                                                                          
  5815. u3312.461      ;Bars, h.r., stainless                                                                     
  5816. u3312.46114    ;Grade 304                                                                                 
  5817. u3312.5        ;Steel wire                                                                                
  5818. u3312.5a       ;Carbon wire                                                                               
  5819. u3312.511      ;Plain wire, carbon                                                                        
  5820. u3312.515      ;Galvanized wire, carbon                                                                   
  5821. u3312.551      ;Stainless wire                                                                            
  5822. u3312.6        ;Steel pipe and tubes                                                                      
  5823. u3312.6a       ;Pipe and oil country tubular goods, carbon                                                
  5824. u3312.6b       ;Pressure tubing, carbon                                                                   
  5825. u3312.6c       ;Mechanical tubing, carbon                                                                 
  5826. u3312.6e       ;Pipe and tubing, alloy                                                                    
  5827. u3312.611      ;Standard pipe, carbon                                                                     
  5828. u3312.612      ;Line pipe, carbon                                                                         
  5829. u3312.619      ;Oil country tubular goods, carbon                                                         
  5830. u3312.61911    ;Casing (OCTG), carbon                                                                     
  5831. u3312.623      ;Mechanical tubing, seamless, carbon                                                       
  5832. u3312.624      ;Mechanical tubing, welded, carbon                                                         
  5833. u3312.627      ;Structural pipe and tubing, carbon                                                        
  5834. u3312.633      ;Oil country tubular goods, alloy                                                          
  5835. u3312.63311    ;Casing (OCTG), alloy                                                                      
  5836. u3312.663      ;Mechanical tubing, seamless, stainless                                                    
  5837. u3312.664      ;Mechanical tubing, welded, stainless                                                      
  5838. u3312.7        ;Cold rolled sheets and strip (excl metallic coated and electrical)                        
  5839. u3312.71       ;Sheets and strip, c.r., carbon                                                            
  5840. u3312.711      ;Sheets, c.r., carbon                                                                      
  5841. u3312.715      ;Strip, c.r., carbon                                                                       
  5842. u3312.75       ;Sheets and strip, c.r., stainless                                                         
  5843. u3312.751      ;Sheets, c.r., stainless                                                                   
  5844. @       
  5845. u3312.751____a ;Sheets, c.r., stainless                                                                   
  5846. u3312.75114    ;Grade 304                                                                                 
  5847. u3312.755      ;Strip, c.r., stainless                                                                    
  5848. u3312.75514    ;Grade 304                                                                                 
  5849. u3312.8        ;Cold finished bars                                                                        
  5850. u3312.811      ;Bars, c.f., carbon                                                                        
  5851. u3312.831      ;Bars, c.f., alloy                                                                         
  5852. u3312.851      ;Bars, c.f., stainless                                                                     
  5853. u3312.85114    ;Grade 304                                                                                 
  5854. u3312.85115    ;Other 300 series                                                                          
  5855. u33123315s     ;Steel wire products                                                                       
  5856. u33123315211   ;Bright nails                                                                              
  5857. u33123315213   ;Galvanized nails                                                                          
  5858. u33123315613   ;Chain link fencing                                                                        
  5859. u33123315621   ;Wire fence, woven and welded                                                              
  5860. u33123315961   ;Welded steel wire fabric (concrete reinforcing mesh)                                      
  5861. u3313          ;Electrometallurgical products                                                             
  5862. u3313.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5863. u3313.1        ;Ferromanganese                                                                            
  5864. u3313.3        ;Ferrosilicon                                                                              
  5865. u3313.311      ;Ferrosilicon                                                                              
  5866. u3313.4        ;Other ferroalloys and products made in electric and other furnaces, except blast furnaces 
  5867. u3313.451      ;Ferromolybdenum                                                                           
  5868. u3313.469      ;Other ferroalloys                                                                         
  5869. u3313.498      ;Other products made in electric and other furnaces, except blast furnaces                 
  5870. u3315          ;Steel wire and related products - mfpm                                                    
  5871. u3315.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5872. u3315.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5873. u3315.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5874. u3315.1        ;Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable and strand                                          
  5875. u3315.111      ;Wire rope and cable                                                                       
  5876. u3315.151      ;Wire strand and forms                                                                     
  5877. u3315.2        ;Steel nails and spikes                                                                    
  5878. u3315.2a       ;Steel wire nails                                                                          
  5879. u3315.2b       ;Wire staples and tacks, cut nails and spikes                                              
  5880. u3315.211      ;Bright nails                                                                              
  5881. u3315.213      ;Galvanized nails                                                                          
  5882. u3315.218      ;Other nails                                                                               
  5883. u3315.223      ;Steel wire staples                                                                        
  5884. u3315.5        ;Steel wire                                                                                
  5885. u3315.5a       ;Carbon wire                                                                               
  5886. u3315.511      ;Plain wire, carbon                                                                        
  5887. u3315.515      ;Galvanized wire, carbon                                                                   
  5888. u3315.519      ;Other coated wire, carbon                                                                 
  5889. u3315.551      ;Stainless wire                                                                            
  5890. u3315.6        ;Steel fencing and fence gates                                                             
  5891. u3315.613      ;Chain link fencing                                                                        
  5892. u3315.7        ;Ferrous wire cloth and other woven wire products                                          
  5893. u3315.9        ;Other fabricated ferrous wire products                                                    
  5894. u3315.96       ;Welded steel wire fabric                                                                  
  5895. @       
  5896. u3315.961      ;Welded steel wire fabric (concrete reinforcing mesh)                                      
  5897. u3315.98       ;Other wire products                                                                       
  5898. u3315.989      ;Other wire products                                                                       
  5899. u3316          ;Cold finishing of steel shapes - mfpm                                                     
  5900. u3316.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5901. u3316.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5902. u3316.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5903. u3316.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5904. u3316.3        ;Sheets and strip, metallic coated and electrical, c.r                                     
  5905. u3316.7        ;Cold rolled sheets and strip                                                              
  5906. u3316.71       ;Sheets and strip, c.r., carbon                                                            
  5907. u3316.711      ;Sheets, c.r., carbon                                                                      
  5908. u3316.715      ;Strip, c.r., carbon                                                                       
  5909. u3316.73       ;Sheets and strip, c.r., alloy                                                             
  5910. u3316.735      ;Strip, c.r., alloy                                                                        
  5911. u3316.75       ;Sheets and strip, c.r., stainless                                                         
  5912. u3316.751      ;Sheets, c.r., stainless                                                                   
  5913. u3316.75114    ;Grade 304                                                                                 
  5914. u3316.755      ;Strip, c.r., stainless                                                                    
  5915. u3316.75514    ;Grade 304                                                                                 
  5916. u3316.8        ;Cold finished bars                                                                        
  5917. u3316.811      ;Bars, c.f., carbon                                                                        
  5918. u3316.831      ;Bars, c.f., alloy                                                                         
  5919. u3317          ;Steel pipe and tubes - mfpm                                                               
  5920. u3317.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5921. u3317.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5922. u3317.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5923. u3317.6        ;Steel pipe and tubes                                                                      
  5924. u3317.6a       ;Pipe and oil country tubular goods, carbon                                                
  5925. u3317.6b       ;Pressure tubing, carbon                                                                   
  5926. u3317.6c       ;Mechanical tubing, carbon                                                                 
  5927. u3317.6e       ;Pipe and tubing, alloy                                                                    
  5928. u3317.6f       ;Pressure tubing, stainless                                                                
  5929. u3317.6g       ;Mechanical tubing, stainless                                                              
  5930. u3317.611      ;Standard pipe, carbon                                                                     
  5931. u3317.612      ;Line pipe, carbon                                                                         
  5932. u3317.619      ;Oil country tubular goods, carbon                                                         
  5933. u3317.61911    ;Casing (OCTG), carbon                                                                     
  5934. u3317.61912    ;Tubing (OCTG), carbon                                                                     
  5935. u3317.621      ;Pressure tubing, seamless, carbon                                                         
  5936. u3317.622      ;Pressure tubing, welded, carbon                                                           
  5937. u3317.623      ;Mechanical tubing, seamless, carbon                                                       
  5938. u3317.624      ;Mechanical tubing, welded, carbon                                                         
  5939. u3317.627      ;Structural pipe and tubing, carbon                                                        
  5940. u3317.633      ;Oil country tubular goods, alloy                                                          
  5941. u3317.63311    ;Casing (OCTG), alloy                                                                      
  5942. u3317.63312    ;Tubing (OCTG), alloy                                                                      
  5943. u3317.645      ;Mechanical tubing, alloy                                                                  
  5944. u3317.661      ;Pressure tubing, seamless, stainless                                                      
  5945. u3317.662      ;Pressure tubing, welded, stainless                                                        
  5946. @       
  5947. u3317.663      ;Mechanical tubing, seamless, stainless                                                    
  5948. u3317.664      ;Mechanical tubing, welded, stainless                                                      
  5949. u3317.669      ;Other pipe and tubing (including standard pipe), stainless                                
  5950. u332           ;Iron and steel foundries                                                                  
  5951. u3321          ;Gray iron foundries                                                                       
  5952. u3321.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  5953. u3321.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5954. u3321.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5955. u3321.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  5956. u3321.1        ;Cast iron pressure and soil pipe and fittings                                             
  5957. u3321.111      ;Pressure pipe and fittings, ductile iron                                                  
  5958. u3321.11101    ;Pressure pipe, ductile iron                                                               
  5959. u3321.11102    ;Pressure pipe fittings, ductile iron                                                      
  5960. u3321.121      ;Pressure pipe and fittings, gray iron                                                     
  5961. u3321.12102    ;Pressure pipe fittings, gray iron                                                         
  5962. u3321.131      ;Soil pipe and fittings, gray iron                                                         
  5963. u3321.13101    ;Soil pipe, gray iron                                                                      
  5964. u3321.13102    ;Soil pipe fittings, gray iron                                                             
  5965. u3321.2        ;Other ductile iron castings                                                               
  5966. u3321.222      ;Automotive uses                                                                           
  5967. u3321.22201    ;Passenger cars                                                                            
  5968. u3321.22202    ;All other automotive uses                                                                 
  5969. u3321.233      ;Machinery uses                                                                            
  5970. u3321.239      ;All other uses                                                                            
  5971. u3321.4        ;Other gray iron castings                                                                  
  5972. u3321.429      ;Molds and stools for heavy steel ingots                                                   
  5973. u3321.439      ;Automotive uses                                                                           
  5974. u3321.43901    ;Passenger cars                                                                            
  5975. u3321.43902    ;All other automotive uses                                                                 
  5976. u3321.449      ;Construction and utility uses                                                             
  5977. u3321.498      ;All other uses                                                                            
  5978. u3322          ;Malleable iron foundries                                                                  
  5979. u3322.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5980. u3322.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5981. u3322.131      ;Standard malleable iron castings                                                          
  5982. u3322.221      ;Pearlitic malleable iron castings                                                         
  5983. u3324          ;Steel investment foundries                                                                
  5984. u3324.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5985. u3324.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5986. u3324.163      ;Carbon and low alloy steel investment castings                                            
  5987. u3324.165      ;High alloy steel investment castings, including stainless steel                           
  5988. u3325          ;Steel foundries, n.e.c.                                                                   
  5989. u3325.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  5990. u3325.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  5991. u3325.2        ;Carbon steel castings, except investment                                                  
  5992. u3325.214      ;Railroad wheels and specialties                                                           
  5993. u3325.219      ;All other carbon steel castings, including rolls for rolling mills                        
  5994. u3325.4        ;High alloy steel castings                                                                 
  5995. u3325.431      ;High alloy steel castings, including high manganese and stainless steel                   
  5996. u3325.5        ;Low alloy steel castings                                                                  
  5997. @       
  5998. u3325.551      ;Railway specialties and rolls for rolling mills                                           
  5999. u3325.559      ;All other low alloy steel castings                                                        
  6000. u333           ;Primary smelting and refining of nonferrous metals                                        
  6001. u3331          ;Primary copper                                                                            
  6002. u3331.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6003. u3331.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6004. u3331.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  6005. u3331.2        ;Refined copper                                                                            
  6006. u3331.217      ;Copper cathode                                                                            
  6007. u3331.226      ;Other refined copper                                                                      
  6008. u3334          ;Primary aluminum                                                                          
  6009. u3334.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6010. u3334.7        ;Primary aluminum, except extrusion billet                                                 
  6011. u3334.711      ;Primary aluminum, except extrusion billet                                                 
  6012. u3334.71111    ;Aluminum ingot, unalloyed                                                                 
  6013. u3334.71112    ;Aluminum ingot, alloyed                                                                   
  6014. u3334.71113    ;Other primary aluminum, except extrusion billet                                           
  6015. u3334.8        ;Aluminum extrusion billet                                                                 
  6016. u3339          ;Primary nonferrous metals, n.e.c.                                                         
  6017. u3339.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6018. u3339.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6019. u3339.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  6020. u3339.2        ;Primary lead                                                                              
  6021. u3339.231      ;Refined lead                                                                              
  6022. u3339.3        ;Primary zinc                                                                              
  6023. u3339.341      ;Refined zinc                                                                              
  6024. u3339.34111    ;Zinc slab, special high grade                                                             
  6025. u3339.34112    ;Zinc slab, prime western                                                                  
  6026. u3339.34113    ;Zinc slab, high grade                                                                     
  6027. u3339.7        ;Other nonferrous metals                                                                   
  6028. u3339.723      ;Refined cadmium, unalloyed                                                                
  6029. u3339.733      ;Refined magnesium, unalloyed                                                              
  6030. u3339.743      ;Refined nickel, unalloyed                                                                 
  6031. u3339.773      ;Refined titanium sponge                                                                   
  6032. u3339.791      ;Other nonferrous metals, unalloyed                                                        
  6033. u334           ;Secondary nonferrous metals                                                               
  6034. u3341          ;Secondary nonferrous metals                                                               
  6035. u3341.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6036. u3341.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6037. u3341.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6038. u3341.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  6039. u3341.x16      ;Sales of nonferrous scrap                                                                 
  6040. u3341.y85      ;Contract toll work                                                                        
  6041. u3341.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  6042. u3341.2        ;Copper                                                                                    
  6043. u3341.211      ;Copper, unalloyed                                                                         
  6044. u3341.231      ;Copper, alloyed                                                                           
  6045. u3341.23111    ;Brass ingot, alloyed                                                                      
  6046. u3341.23112    ;Bronze ingot, alloyed                                                                     
  6047. u3341.23113    ;Other copper, alloyed                                                                     
  6048. @       
  6049. u3341.3        ;Lead                                                                                      
  6050. u3341.311      ;Lead, unalloyed                                                                           
  6051. u3341.321      ;Antimonial lead                                                                           
  6052. u3341.333      ;Babbitt metal                                                                             
  6053. u3341.351      ;Solder                                                                                    
  6054. u3341.4        ;Zinc                                                                                      
  6055. u3341.405      ;Zinc dust                                                                                 
  6056. u3341.411      ;Zinc base alloys                                                                          
  6057. u3341.5        ;Precious metals                                                                           
  6058. u3341.515      ;Gold                                                                                      
  6059. u3341.525      ;Silver                                                                                    
  6060. u3341.6        ;Other nonferrous metals                                                                   
  6061. u3341.645      ;Other nonferrous metals                                                                   
  6062. u3341.7        ;Aluminum                                                                                  
  6063. u3341.715      ;Ingot for die casting                                                                     
  6064. u3341.745      ;Other aluminum                                                                            
  6065. u335           ;Rolling, drawing and extruding of nonferrous metals                                       
  6066. u3351          ;Rolling, drawing and extruding of copper                                                  
  6067. u3351.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6068. u3351.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6069. u3351.1        ;Copper and copper-base alloy wire                                                         
  6070. u3351.111      ;Unalloyed                                                                                 
  6071. u3351.11112    ;Bare                                                                                      
  6072. u3351.131      ;Alloyed                                                                                   
  6073. u3351.13114    ;Bare                                                                                      
  6074. u3351.3        ;Copper and copper-base alloy rod, bar and shapes                                          
  6075. u3351.311      ;Unalloyed copper bars, shapes and non-electrical rod                                      
  6076. u3351.31115    ;Rod                                                                                       
  6077. u3351.31118    ;Bars and shapes                                                                           
  6078. u3351.332      ;Copper-base alloy rod, bar and shapes                                                     
  6079. u3351.33218    ;Rod                                                                                       
  6080. u3351.4        ;Copper and copper-base alloy sheet, strip and plate                                       
  6081. u3351.413      ;Unalloyed copper flat products                                                            
  6082. u3351.41322    ;Strip                                                                                     
  6083. u3351.435      ;Copper-base alloy flat products                                                           
  6084. u3351.43526    ;Strip                                                                                     
  6085. u3351.5        ;Copper and copper-base alloy pipe and tube                                                
  6086. u3351.516      ;Unalloyed pipe and tube, plumbing                                                         
  6087. u3351.518      ;Unalloyed pipe and tube, non-plumbing                                                     
  6088. u3351.538      ;Copper-base alloy pipe and tube, non-plumbing                                             
  6089. u3353          ;Aluminum sheet, plate, foil and welded tube products                                      
  6090. u3353.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6091. u3353.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6092. u3353.1        ;Aluminum plate                                                                            
  6093. u3353.113      ;Heat-treatable                                                                            
  6094. u3353.2        ;Aluminum sheet                                                                            
  6095. u3353.223      ;Flat, heat-treatable                                                                      
  6096. u3353.224      ;Flat, nonheat-treatable, bare                                                             
  6097. u3353.231      ;Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare                                                           
  6098. u3353.23111    ;Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, siding                                                   
  6099. @       
  6100. u3353.23112    ;Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, finstock                                                 
  6101. u3353.23113    ;Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, reroll                                                   
  6102. u3353.23114    ;Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, beverage can stock                                       
  6103. u3353.23115    ;Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, all others                                               
  6104. u3353.233      ;Coiled, nonheat-treatable, precoated                                                      
  6105. u3353.3        ;Aluminum foil                                                                             
  6106. u3353.351      ;Plain aluminum foil (under .006 in.)                                                      
  6107. u3353.4        ;Aluminum welded tube                                                                      
  6108. u3354          ;Aluminum extruded products                                                                
  6109. u3354.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6110. u3354.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6111. u3354.1        ;Extruded aluminum rod, bar, and other extruded shapes except tube                         
  6112. u3354.115      ;Extruded rod and bar with alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series                          
  6113. u3354.11511    ;Rod                                                                                       
  6114. u3354.11512    ;Bar                                                                                       
  6115. u3354.118      ;Extruded rod and bar with alloys within 2000 and 7000 series                              
  6116. u3354.125      ;Other extruded shapes except tube, with alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series            
  6117. u3354.12501    ;Other extruded shapes, circle size 1 to, not including 2                                  
  6118. u3354.12502    ;Other extruded shapes, circle size 2 to, not including3                                   
  6119. u3354.12503    ;Other extruded shapes, circle size 3 to, not including 4                                  
  6120. u3354.12504    ;Other extruded shapes, circle size 4 to, not including 5                                  
  6121. u3354.12505    ;Other extruded shapes, circle size 5 to, not including 6                                  
  6122. u3354.12506    ;Other extruded shapes, circle size 6 to, not including 10                                 
  6123. u3354.12512    ;Other extruded shapes, circle size 10 and over                                            
  6124. u3354.128      ;Other extruded shapes except tube, with alloys within 2000 and 7000 series                
  6125. u3354.12801    ;Other extruded shapes, circle sizes 1 to, not including 5                                 
  6126. u3354.12803    ;Other extruded shapes, circle sizes 5 and over                                            
  6127. u3354.139      ;Aluminum extruded pipe                                                                    
  6128. u3354.13911    ;Extruded pipe with alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series                                 
  6129. u3354.2        ;Aluminum extruded and drawn tube                                                          
  6130. u3354.251      ;Extruded tube, 6000 series                                                                
  6131. u3354.253      ;Drawn tube, 6000 series                                                                   
  6132. u3355          ;Aluminum rolling and drawing, n.e.c.                                                      
  6133. u3355.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6134. u3355.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6135. u3355.1        ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy wire and cable                                           
  6136. u3355.2        ;Rolled aluminum rod, bar (incl. continuous cast), and structural shapes                   
  6137. u3355.225      ;Continuous cast rod, bar and structural shapes                                            
  6138. u3356          ;Rolling, drawing and extruding of nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum           
  6139. u3356.p        ;Primary Products                                                                          
  6140. u3356.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6141. u3356.1        ;Nickel and nickel-base alloy mill shapes                                                  
  6142. u3356.169      ;Rod, bar, and other nickel mill shapes, except wire                                       
  6143. u3356.2        ;Titanium mill shapes                                                                      
  6144. u3356.274      ;Forging and extrusion billet                                                              
  6145. u3356.275      ;Plate, sheet and strip                                                                    
  6146. u3356.278      ;Other titanium mill shapes, except wire                                                   
  6147. u3356.3        ;Precious metal mill shapes                                                                
  6148. u3356.382      ;Gold mill shapes                                                                          
  6149. u3356.38201    ;Sheet and plate                                                                           
  6150. @       
  6151. u3356.38213    ;Other gold mill shapes, except wire                                                       
  6152. u3356.384      ;Silver mill shapes                                                                        
  6153. u3356.38413    ;Other silver mill shapes, except wire                                                     
  6154. u3356.9        ;Other nonferrous metal mill shapes                                                        
  6155. u3356.954      ;Lead mill shapes                                                                          
  6156. u3356.95412    ;Other lead mill shapes, except powder and wire                                            
  6157. u3356.961      ;Zirconium mill shapes, except wire                                                        
  6158. u3356.992      ;Other nonferrous metal wire                                                               
  6159. u3356.997      ;Other nonferrous metal mill shapes                                                        
  6160. u3357          ;Nonferrous wire drawing and insulating                                                    
  6161. u3357.a11      ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy bare wire and cable                                      
  6162. u3357.b51      ;Bare wire for electrical transmission                                                     
  6163. u3357.b71      ;Bare strand and cable for electrical transmission                                         
  6164. u3357.e11      ;Fiber optic cable                                                                         
  6165. u3357.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6166. u3357.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6167. u3357.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6168. u3357.1        ;Electronic wire and cable                                                                 
  6169. u3357.115      ;Coaxial cable, armored or unarmored                                                       
  6170. u3357.11501    ;Rigid and semirigid                                                                       
  6171. u3357.11502    ;Flexible                                                                                  
  6172. u3357.123      ;Hook-up wire, shielded and nonshielded                                                    
  6173. u3357.12301    ;135 C temperature rating or more                                                          
  6174. u3357.12302    ;Less than 135 C temperature rating                                                        
  6175. u3357.125      ;Multiconductor electronic wire and cable, shielded and nonshielded                        
  6176. u3357.12501    ;Flat and ribbon cable                                                                     
  6177. u3357.12502    ;Multiconductor cable, excluding flat and ribbon                                           
  6178. u3357.198      ;Other electronic wire and cable                                                           
  6179. u3357.2        ;Telephone and telegraph wire and cable                                                    
  6180. u3357.244      ;Switchboard wire and cable                                                                
  6181. u3357.245      ;Telephone cord sets and cordage                                                           
  6182. u3357.246      ;Inside wiring cable                                                                       
  6183. u3357.248      ;Rural and urban distribution wire and cable                                               
  6184. u3357.282      ;Exchange area and toll telephone cable                                                    
  6185. u3357.28202    ;Thermoplastic insulated, polyethylene covered                                             
  6186. u3357.298      ;Other telephone and telegraph wire and cable                                              
  6187. u3357.3        ;Control and signal wire and cable                                                         
  6188. u3357.311      ;Signal wire and cable                                                                     
  6189. u3357.312      ;Control wire and cable, excluding elevator cable                                          
  6190. u3357.4        ;Building wire and cable with underwriters' labels                                         
  6191. u3357.439      ;Thermoset insulated (R, RH, RHH, RHW, etc.)                                               881
  6192. u3357.441      ;Thermoplastic insulated                                                                   881
  6193. u3357.44101    ;Flame retardant nylon (THHN, THWN)                                                        821
  6194. u3357.44103    ;Moisture and heat resistant (THW)                                                         821
  6195. u3357.448      ;Nonmetallic branch circuit underground feeder                                             821
  6196. u3357.458      ;Other building wire and cable                                                             821
  6197. u3357.6        ;Apparatus wire and cordage                                                                821
  6198. u3357.612      ;Flexible cordage                                                                          881
  6199. u3357.61201    ;Thermoset insulated                                                                       821
  6200. u3357.61202    ;Thermoplastic insulated                                                                   821
  6201. @          
  6202. u3357.61204    ;Power supply cord                                                                         881
  6203. u3357.616      ;Appliance fixture wire                                                                    821
  6204. u3357.617      ;Appliance wiring material, 14 gauge and larger                                            821
  6205. u3357.618      ;Other apparatus wire and cordage, incl machine tool wire                                  821
  6206. u3357.7        ;Magnet wire                                                                               821
  6207. u3357.702      ;Film coated, 44 to 7 AWG and larger, class 105                                            821
  6208. u3357.703      ;Film coated, 44 to 7 AWG and larger, class 130                                            821
  6209. u3357.704      ;Film coated, 44 to 7 AWG and larger, class 155                                            881
  6210. u3357.705      ;Film coated, 44 to 7 AWG amd larger, class 180                                            
  6211. u3357.706      ;Film coated, 44 to 7 AWG and larger, class 200                                            
  6212. u3357.709      ;Other magnet wire                                                                         
  6213. u3357.8        ;Power wire and cable                                                                      
  6214. u3357.808      ;Plastic and rubber insulated, under 601 volts                                             
  6215. u3357.80801    ;Portable cord and cable                                                                   
  6216. u3357.80802    ;Underground distribution cable                                                            
  6217. u3357.80803    ;Thermoplastic and thermoset insulated cable                                               
  6218. u3357.831      ;Plastic and rubber insulated, 601 volts and higher                                        
  6219. u3357.83103    ;Thermoplastic and thermoset insulated cable                                               
  6220. u3357.898      ;Other power wire and cable                                                                
  6221. u3357.9        ;Other insulated wire and cable                                                            
  6222. u3357.901      ;Automotive insulated wire and cable                                                       
  6223. u3357.903      ;Airframe, shipboard, and ground support cable, except coaxial and ignition                
  6224. u3357.998      ;Other insulated or covered wire and cable                                                 
  6225. u336           ;Nonferrous foundries (castings)                                                           
  6226. u3363          ;Aluminum Die Castings                                                                     
  6227. u3363.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6228. u3363.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6229. u3363.1        ;Motor vehicle die castings                                                                
  6230. u3363.111      ;Die castings for passenger cars                                                           
  6231. u3363.112      ;Die castings for other motor vehicles                                                     
  6232. u3363.2        ;Aircraft die castings                                                                     
  6233. u3363.3        ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy die castings, other                                      
  6234. u3363.311      ;Die castings for building and construction uses                                           
  6235. u3363.315      ;Die castings for industrial machinery uses                                                
  6236. u3363.316      ;Die castings for electrical uses                                                          
  6237. u3363.317      ;Other die castings, n.e.c.                                                                
  6238. u3364          ;Nonferrous die-castings, except aluminum                                                  
  6239. u3364.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6240. u3364.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6241. u3364.1        ;Zinc and zinc-base alloy die-castings                                                     
  6242. u3364.111      ;Motor vehicle die-castings                                                                
  6243. u3364.112      ;Other zinc die-castings                                                                   
  6244. u3364.2        ;Magnesium die-castings                                                                    
  6245. u3365          ;Aluminum Foundries                                                                        
  6246. u3365.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6247. u3365.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6248. u3365.1        ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy sand castings                                            
  6249. u3365.111      ;Motor vehicle sand castings                                                               
  6250. u3365.113      ;Aircraft sand castings                                                                    
  6251. u3365.115      ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy sand castings, other                                     
  6252. @       
  6253. u3365.11512    ;Sand castings for industrial machinery uses                                               
  6254. u3365.11514    ;Other sand castings n.e.c.                                                                
  6255. u3365.2        ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy permanent mold castings                                  
  6256. u3365.211      ;Motor vehicle permanent mold castings                                                     
  6257. u3365.215      ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy permanent mold castings, other                           
  6258. u3365.21511    ;Permanent mold castings for building and construction uses                                
  6259. u3365.21512    ;Permanent mold castings for industrial machinery uses                                     
  6260. u3365.21512__a ;Permanent mold castings for industrial machinery uses                                     
  6261. u3365.21514    ;Other permanent mold castings n.e.c.                                                      
  6262. u3365.3        ;Other aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings and cast products                         
  6263. u3365.311      ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy investment castings                                      
  6264. u3365.313      ;Other aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings n.e.c.                                    
  6265. u3366          ;Copper foundries (castings, except die)                                                   
  6266. u3366.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6267. u3366.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6268. u3366.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6269. u3366.1        ;Copper and copper-base alloy sand castings                                                
  6270. u3366.111      ;Alloy c84400                                                                              
  6271. u3366.113      ;Other leaded red and semi-red brasses                                                     
  6272. u3366.115      ;Tin bronzes, including leaded and high leaded                                             
  6273. u3366.117      ;Other alloys, inc. yellow brasses, nickel and lead bronzes, nickel silvers, and special a 
  6274. u3366.118      ;Copper and high copper alloys                                                             
  6275. u3366.119      ;Engineered alloys, inc. manganese, aluminum, and silicon bronzes, and copper nickels      
  6276. u3366.2        ;Other copper and copper-base alloy castings                                               
  6277. u3366.213      ;Copper and copper-base alloy investment castings                                          
  6278. u3366.217      ;Copper and copper-base alloy centrifugal castings                                         
  6279. u3366.219      ;Other copper and copper-base alloy castings, n.e.c.                                       
  6280. u3366.3        ;Copper-base alloy bearings and bushings, nonmachined                                      
  6281. u3366.311      ;Copper-base alloy bearings and bushings, nonmachined                                      
  6282. u3369          ;Nonferrous castings, except aluminum and copper, and excluding die-castings               
  6283. u3369.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6284. u3369.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6285. u3369.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6286. u3369.1        ;Zinc and zinc-base alloy castings, except die                                             
  6287. u3369.2        ;Magnesium and magnesium-base alloy castings, except die                                   
  6288. u3369.211      ;Sand castings                                                                             
  6289. u3369.3        ;Titanium castings, except die                                                             
  6290. u3369.5        ;Superalloy/high temperature alloy investment castings                                     
  6291. u339           ;Miscellaneous primary metal products                                                      
  6292. u3398          ;Metal heat treating                                                                       
  6293. u3398.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6294. u3398.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6295. u3398.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6296. u3398.1        ;Metal heat treating services-New England (MA-RI-CT)                                       
  6297. u3398.111      ;Harden and temper                                                                         
  6298. u3398.113      ;Other metal heat treating services                                                        
  6299. u3398.2        ;Metal heat treating services-Middle Atlantic (NY-NJ-E.PA-MD)                              
  6300. u3398.221      ;Harden and temper                                                                         
  6301. u3398.222      ;Case hardening                                                                            
  6302. u3398.3        ;Metal heat treating services-South Central (W.PA-OH-IN-KY)                                
  6303. @       
  6304. u3398.331      ;Harden and temper                                                                         
  6305. u3398.332      ;Case hardening                                                                            
  6306. u3398.333      ;Other metal heat treating services                                                        
  6307. u3398.4        ;Metal heat treating services-Michigan                                                     
  6308. u3398.441      ;Harden and temper                                                                         
  6309. u3398.442      ;Case hardening                                                                            
  6310. u3398.443      ;Other metal heat treating services                                                        
  6311. u3398.5        ;Metal heat treating services-Southeast (VA-NC-SC-GA-AL-TN-FL)                             
  6312. u3398.551      ;Harden and temper                                                                         
  6313. u3398.552      ;Case hardening                                                                            
  6314. u3398.553      ;Other metal heat treating services                                                        
  6315. u3398.6        ;Metal heat treating services-North Central (IL-WI-MN-MO-IA)                               
  6316. u3398.661      ;Harden and temper                                                                         
  6317. u3398.662      ;Case hardening                                                                            
  6318. u3398.663      ;Other metal heat treating services                                                        
  6319. u3398.7        ;Metal heat treating services-Pacific Coast (CA-AZ-OR-WA)                                  
  6320. u3398.771      ;Harden and temper                                                                         
  6321. u3398.773      ;Other metal heat treating services                                                        
  6322. u3398.8        ;Metal heat treating services-Southwest (TX-OK-AR-CO-LA-UT)                                
  6323. u3398.881      ;Harden and temper                                                                         
  6324. u3398.882      ;Case hardening                                                                            
  6325. u3398.883      ;Other metal heat treating services                                                        
  6326. u3399          ;Primary metal products, n.e.c.                                                            
  6327. u3399.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6328. u3399.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6329. u3399.1        ;Metal powders, paste, and flakes                                                          
  6330. u3399.111      ;Aluminum and aluminum base alloy                                                          
  6331. u3399.133      ;Copper and copper-base alloy                                                              
  6332. u3399.155      ;Iron and steel                                                                            
  6333. u3399.166      ;Other nonferrous powders                                                                  
  6334. u3399.198      ;Other nonferrous paste and flakes, n.e.c.                                                 
  6335. u3399.2        ;Other primary metal products                                                              
  6336. u3399.298      ;Other primary metal products, n.e.c.                                                      
  6337. u34            ;Fabricated metal products, except machinery and transportation equipment                  
  6338. u341           ;Metal cans and shipping containers                                                        
  6339. u3411          ;Metal cans                                                                                
  6340. u3411.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6341. u3411.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6342. u3411.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6343. u3411.1        ;Steel cans                                                                                
  6344. u3411.1b       ;Steel cans, food                                                                          
  6345. u3411.1c       ;Steel cans, general packaging (including pet food)                                        
  6346. u3411.111      ;Soft drink can                                                                            
  6347. u3411.113      ;Beer can                                                                                  
  6348. u3411.117      ;Fruit and fruit juice can                                                                 
  6349. u3411.119      ;Vegetable and vegetable juice can                                                         
  6350. u3411.127      ;Lard and shortening can                                                                   
  6351. u3411.131      ;Can, other foods (including soups)                                                        
  6352. u3411.135      ;Motor oil, only 1, 4, 5 qt., can                                                          
  6353. u3411.137      ;Paint and varnish can                                                                     
  6354. @       
  6355. u3411.139      ;Aerosol can                                                                               
  6356. u3411.139____a ;Aerosol can                                                                               
  6357. u3411.141      ;Can, other non-food                                                                       
  6358. u3411.2        ;Aluminum cans                                                                             
  6359. u3411.2a       ;Aluminum cans, beverage                                                                   
  6360. u3411.2b       ;Other aluminum cans                                                                       
  6361. u3411.211      ;Soft drink can                                                                            
  6362. u3411.213      ;Beer can                                                                                  
  6363. u3411.217      ;Can, other foods (including soup)                                                         
  6364. u3411.3        ;Metal can components (steel and aluminum)                                                 
  6365. u3411.311      ;Metal can components (steel and aluminum)                                                 
  6366. u3412          ;Metal barrels, drums, and pails                                                           
  6367. u3412.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6368. u3412.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6369. u3412.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6370. u3412.1        ;Steel pails                                                                               
  6371. u3412.121      ;11 1/4 in. dia.: full removable head                                                      
  6372. u3412.123      ;11 1/4 inch diameter: tight head                                                          
  6373. u3412.12311    ;Standard                                                                                  
  6374. u3412.129      ;All other diameters                                                                       
  6375. u3412.2        ;Steel shipping barrels and drums                                                          
  6376. u3412.221      ;14-inch diameter, all gauges                                                              
  6377. u3412.22115    ;Open head, full or partial                                                                
  6378. u3412.225      ;All exc. 14-in. dia.: 18 gauge & heavier: 50 gal. & over: tight head                      
  6379. u3412.227      ;All exc. 14-in. dia.: 18 gauge & heavier: 50 gal: & over: open head                       
  6380. u3412.229      ;All exc. 14-in. dia.: 19 & 20 gauge (incl. 20/18): 50 gal. & over: tight head             
  6381. u3412.231      ;All exc. 14-in. dia.: 19 & 20 gauge (incl. 20/18): 50 gal. & over: open head              
  6382. u3412.233      ;All except 14-in. dia.: 20 gauge & heavier: 30-49 gal                                     
  6383. u3412.235      ;All except 14-in. dia.: 20 gauge & heavier: under 30 gal                                  
  6384. u3412.237      ;All except 14-in. dia.: lighter than 20 gauge                                             
  6385. u3412.23711    ;30 gallons and  over                                                                      
  6386. u3412.3        ;All other metal barrels                                                                   
  6387. u3412.319      ;All other metal barrels, incl. parts for metal barrels & pails                            
  6388. u342           ;Cutlery, hand tools, and general hardware                                                 
  6389. u3421          ;Cutlery                                                                                   
  6390. u3421.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6391. u3421.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6392. u3421.1        ;Cutlery, scissors, shears, trimmers, and snips                                            
  6393. u3421.111      ;Table cutlery (with non-metal handles only)                                               
  6394. u3421.121      ;Kitchen cutlery, incl. knives, forks, and cleavers                                        
  6395. u3421.141      ;Pocket knives & other folding blade knives                                                
  6396. u3421.153      ;Scissors & shears, incl. hshld types, excl. barber, pinking & tail. shears, etc.          
  6397. u3421.157      ;Metal-cutting shears, incl. aviation & tinners' snips, bx, & wire fil. cutters            
  6398. u3421.159      ;All other scissors & shears, incl. hedge & grass shears & pruners                         
  6399. u3421.198      ;Other cutlery, incl. butchers' and meatpacking cutlery                                    
  6400. u3421.2        ;Razor blades and razors, except electric                                                  
  6401. u3421.211      ;Razor blades and razors, except electric                                                  
  6402. u3423          ;Hand and edge tools, n.e.c.                                                               
  6403. u3423.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6404. u3423.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6405. @       
  6406. u3423.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6407. u3423.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6408. u3423.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  6409. u3423.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  6410. u3423.1        ;Mechanics' hand service tools                                                             
  6411. u3423.111      ;Pliers                                                                                    
  6412. u3423.11112    ;Slip joint pliers                                                                         
  6413. u3423.11113    ;Solid joint pliers                                                                        
  6414. u3423.113      ;Wrenches                                                                                  
  6415. u3423.11321    ;Sockets for hand-operated wrenches                                                        
  6416. u3423.11322    ;Open-end wrenches                                                                         
  6417. u3423.11323    ;Box wrenches                                                                              
  6418. u3423.11324    ;Combination open-end and box wrenches                                                     
  6419. u3423.11325    ;Torque wrenches                                                                           
  6420. u3423.11326    ;Adjustable wrenches, including pipe wrenches                                              
  6421. u3423.11327    ;All other wrenches                                                                        
  6422. u3423.114      ;Screwdrivers                                                                              
  6423. u3423.115      ;Automotive jacks, mechanical, excluding hydraulic and pneumatic                           
  6424. u3423.116      ;Tools for automotive use, excluding jacks                                                 
  6425. u3423.117      ;All other mechanics' hand service tools                                                   
  6426. u3423.2        ;Edge tools, hand operated                                                                 
  6427. u3423.231      ;Axes, adzes, and hatchets                                                                 
  6428. u3423.255      ;Machine knives, except metal cutting                                                      
  6429. u3423.283      ;Chisels                                                                                   
  6430. u3423.285      ;Professional and craftsmen's edge hand tools                                              
  6431. u3423.298      ;All other edge tools                                                                      
  6432. u3423.3        ;Files, rasps, and file accessories and other hand tools                                   
  6433. u3423.311      ;Shovels,spades, scoops, telegraph spoons, and scrapers                                    
  6434. u3423.321      ;Light forged hammers, under 4 pounds, excluding ball peen hammers                         
  6435. u3423.331      ;Heavy forged hammers, sledges (4 pounds and over), picks, pick mattocks, and mauls        
  6436. u3423.341      ;Steel goods, including forks, hoes, rakes, weeders, etc.                                  
  6437. u3423.398      ;Other hand tools, except edge tools                                                       
  6438. u3425          ;Hand saws and saw blades                                                                  
  6439. u3425.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6440. u3425.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6441. u3425.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6442. u3425.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6443. u3425.1        ;Handsaws and handsaw blades                                                               
  6444. u3425.143      ;Hacksaws and hacksaw blades                                                               
  6445. u3425.149      ;Other hand saws                                                                           
  6446. u3425.2        ;Woodworking power saw blades                                                              
  6447. u3425.212      ;Circular saw blades                                                                       
  6448. u3425.21211    ;Solid tooth                                                                               
  6449. u3425.21213    ;Inserted tooth                                                                            
  6450. u3425.216      ;Bandsaw blades                                                                            
  6451. u3425.219      ;All other woodworking power saw blades                                                    
  6452. u3425.3        ;Metalworking power saw blades                                                             
  6453. u3425.331      ;Circular saw blades, including separate inserted teeth                                    
  6454. u3425.336      ;Bandsaw blades                                                                            
  6455. u3425.339      ;Other metalworking power saw blades                                                       
  6456. @       
  6457. u3425.4        ;All other power saw blades, including concrete, masonry, and abrasive saw blades          
  6458. u3425.411      ;All other power saw blades, including concrete, masonry, and abrasive saw blades          
  6459. u3429          ;Hardware, n.e.c.                                                                          
  6460. u3429.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6461. u3429.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6462. u3429.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6463. u3429.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6464. u3429.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  6465. u3429.2        ;Furniture hardware, excluding cabinet hardware                                            
  6466. u3429.214      ;Drawer pulls, handles and slides                                                          
  6467. u3429.253      ;Furniture casters                                                                         
  6468. u3429.298      ;Other furniture hardware                                                                  
  6469. u3429.3        ;Vacuum and insulated bottles, jugs, and chests                                            
  6470. u3429.4        ;Builders' hardware                                                                        
  6471. u3429.415      ;Padlocks including pin/non-pin tumbler and combination types                              
  6472. u3429.421      ;Doorlocks, locksets, and locktrim, except architectural trim sold separately              
  6473. u3429.42111    ;Cylindrical, except deadlocks and latches                                                 
  6474. u3429.42112    ;Tubular, except deadlocks and latches                                                     
  6475. u3429.42114    ;Tubular and mortise deadlocks and latches                                                 
  6476. u3429.42116    ;All other types including electronically and electrically operated                        
  6477. u3429.423      ;Protection plates, push plates, pulls, push pull bars, and lock trim, n.e.c.              
  6478. u3429.424      ;Key blanks                                                                                
  6479. u3429.433      ;Screen and storm door hardware, including hydraulic and pneumatic closers                 
  6480. u3429.436      ;Window hardware, including window locks                                                   
  6481. u3429.442      ;Door controls, closers, and checking devices                                              
  6482. u3429.44211    ;Surface applied                                                                           
  6483. u3429.44214    ;Other, including concealed and electro-mechanical-pneumatic                               
  6484. u3429.452      ;Hinges, excluding cabinet hinges, including spring hinges                                 
  6485. u3429.45211    ;Butt hinges: 3 1/2 inch x 3 1/2 inch, and under                                           
  6486. u3429.45212    ;Butt hinges: over 3 1/2 inch x 3 1/2 inch, either dimension                               
  6487. u3429.45213    ;Other hinges                                                                              
  6488. u3429.461      ;Cabinet hardware                                                                          
  6489. u3429.46111    ;Cabinet hinges                                                                            
  6490. u3429.46113    ;Cabinet knobs, pulls, catches and locks                                                   
  6491. u3429.46114    ;Other cabinet hardware, including drawer slides                                           
  6492. u3429.471      ;Hangers, tracks, sliding and folding door hardware                                        
  6493. u3429.491      ;Rim locks and other locking devices, n.e.c.                                               
  6494. u3429.498      ;Other builders' hardware                                                                  
  6495. u3429.6        ;Motor vehicle hardware                                                                    
  6496. u3429.658      ;Door hardware including locks, door handles and hinges                                    
  6497. u3429.698      ;Other motor vehicle hardware                                                              
  6498. u3429.7        ;Other transportation equipment hardware, except motor vehicle hardware                    
  6499. u3429.711      ;Marine hardware                                                                           
  6500. u3429.731      ;Aircraft hardware                                                                         
  6501. u3429.8        ;Other hardware, n.e.c.                                                                    
  6502. u3429.822      ;Casters and wheels, for dollies and industrial handtrucks                                 
  6503. u3429.832      ;Trunk and luggage hardware, including locks                                               
  6504. u3429.898      ;Other hardware, including hose fittings and couplers                                      
  6505. u343           ;Heating equipment, except electric and warm air; and plumbing fixtures                    
  6506. u3431          ;Metal sanitary ware                                                                       
  6507. @       
  6508. u3431.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6509. u3431.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6510. u3431.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  6511. u3431.1        ;Lavatories                                                                                
  6512. u3431.121      ;Steel lavatories                                                                          
  6513. u3431.2        ;Drinking fountains                                                                        
  6514. u3431.231      ;Metal drinking fountains, other than steel                                                
  6515. u3431.4        ;Sinks and sink/laundry tray combinations                                                  
  6516. u3431.426      ;Kitchen sinks (cast iron, steel, and stainless steel)                                     
  6517. u3431.7        ;Bathtubs                                                                                  
  6518. u3431.711      ;Cast iron bathtubs                                                                        
  6519. u3431.721      ;Steel bathtubs                                                                            
  6520. u3431.9        ;Miscellaneous metal sanitary ware                                                         
  6521. u3431.946      ;Urinals, including cast iron                                                              
  6522. u3432          ;Plumbing fixture fittings and brass goods                                                 
  6523. u3432.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6524. u3432.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6525. u3432.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6526. u3432.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  6527. u3432.1        ;Plumbing fixture fittings and brass goods                                                 
  6528. u3432.101      ;Bath and shower fittings                                                                  
  6529. u3432.10111    ;Single control bath and shower fittings, except thermostatic and pressure balanced        
  6530. u3432.10113    ;Bathtub and shower combination, other than single control                                 
  6531. u3432.10117    ;Other bath and shower fittings                                                            
  6532. u3432.102      ;Lavatory fittings                                                                         
  6533. u3432.10221    ;Single control, 4 inch centerset                                                          
  6534. u3432.10224    ;Residential, 4 inch centerset, other than single control                                  
  6535. u3432.10226    ;Other combination fittings                                                                
  6536. u3432.103      ;Sink fittings                                                                             
  6537. u3432.10334    ;Single control deck-type faucet with spray                                                
  6538. u3432.10335    ;Single control deck-type faucet without spray                                             
  6539. u3432.10336    ;Residential deck-type faucets, other than single control                                  
  6540. u3432.10339    ;Other sink fittings                                                                       
  6541. u3432.104      ;Miscellaneous brass goods                                                                 
  6542. u3432.10443    ;Drains and overflows                                                                      
  6543. u3432.10444    ;Single, or single basin faucets                                                           
  6544. u3432.10445    ;Traps                                                                                     
  6545. u3432.10447    ;Compression stops, including those with drains                                            
  6546. u3432.10451    ;Lawn hose nozzles and lawn sprinklers                                                     
  6547. u3432.10453    ;Water closet tank flushing controls                                                       
  6548. u3432.10498    ;Other miscellaneous items                                                                 
  6549. u3433          ;Nonelectric heating equipment                                                             
  6550. u3433.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6551. u3433.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6552. u3433.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6553. u3433.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  6554. u3433.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  6555. u3433.3        ;Cast iron heating boilers                                                                 
  6556. u3433.311      ;Oil-fired cast iron heating boilers                                                       
  6557. u3433.313      ;Gas-fired cast iron heating boilers                                                       
  6558. @       
  6559. u3433.4        ;Domestic heating stoves                                                                   
  6560. u3433.416      ;Wood and coal domestic heating stoves, except sheet metal, airtight                       
  6561. u3433.418      ;Wood and coal domestic heating stoves, sheet metal, airtight                              
  6562. u3433.422      ;Other domestic heating stoves                                                             
  6563. u3433.5        ;Steel heating boilers                                                                     
  6564. u3433.511      ;Steel heating boilers, 400 MBH and less                                                   
  6565. u3433.513      ;Steel heating boilers, over 400 MBH                                                       
  6566. u3433.6        ;Other heating systems                                                                     
  6567. u3433.611      ;Radiators and convectors                                                                  
  6568. u3433.61103    ;Steel radiators and convectors                                                            
  6569. u3433.61107    ;Other radiators and convectors                                                            
  6570. u3433.621      ;Unit heaters                                                                              
  6571. u3433.631      ;Floor and wall furnaces                                                                   
  6572. u3433.63111    ;Gas-fired floor furnaces                                                                  
  6573. u3433.63113    ;Gas-fired wall furnaces                                                                   
  6574. u3433.661      ;Other systems, n.e.c.                                                                     
  6575. u3433.66141    ;Gas-fired infrared heaters                                                                
  6576. u3433.66151    ;Non-electric fireplaces                                                                   
  6577. u3433.66193    ;Other heating systems, n.e.c.                                                             
  6578. u3433.8        ;Parts for heating systems                                                                 
  6579. u3433.811      ;Gas burners and parts/attachments                                                         
  6580. u3433.81101    ;Gas burners under and equal to 400 MBH                                                    
  6581. u3433.81103    ;Gas burners over 400 MBH                                                                  
  6582. u3433.821      ;Oil burners and parts/attachments                                                         
  6583. u3433.82103    ;Commercial/industrial oil burners                                                         
  6584. u3433.831      ;Dual fuel burners and parts/attachments                                                   
  6585. u3433.83103    ;Commercial/industrial dual fuel burners                                                   
  6586. u3433.871      ;Other parts, n.e.c.                                                                       
  6587. u3433.9        ;Solar heating equipment                                                                   
  6588. u34333585s     ;Refrigeration and electric heating equipment                                              
  6589. u344           ;Fabricated structural metal products                                                      
  6590. u3441          ;Fabricated structural metal                                                               
  6591. u3441.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6592. u3441.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6593. u3441.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6594. u3441.1        ;Fabricated structural metal for buildings                                                 
  6595. u3441.121      ;Iron and steel for industrial buildings                                                   
  6596. u3441.12101    ;Industrial buildings and plants                                                           
  6597. u3441.12102    ;Warehouses                                                                                
  6598. u3441.122      ;Iron and steel for commercial buildings                                                   
  6599. u3441.12201    ;Office buildings (high-rise)                                                              
  6600. u3441.12202    ;Office buildings (low-rise)                                                               
  6601. u3441.12206    ;Other commercial buildings (high-rise)                                                    
  6602. u3441.12207    ;Other commercial buildings (low-rise)                                                     
  6603. u3441.123      ;Iron and steel for residential buildings                                                  
  6604. u3441.12304    ;Residential buildings (high-rise)                                                         
  6605. u3441.12305    ;Residential buildings (low-rise)                                                          
  6606. u3441.127      ;Iron and steel for public utilities                                                       
  6607. u3441.128      ;Iron and steel for other buildings (including rel., med., instit., and educational)       
  6608. u3441.12802    ;Low-rise buildings                                                                        
  6609. @       
  6610. u3441.2        ;Fabricated structural metal for bridges, trestles, and viaducts                           
  6611. u3441.212      ;Iron, steel, and aluminum for highways                                                    
  6612. u3441.3        ;Other fabricated structural metal                                                         
  6613. u3441.342      ;Iron and steel for towers and supporting structures                                       
  6614. u3441.353      ;Iron and steel for offshore oil and gas platforms                                         
  6615. u3441.359      ;Iron and steel for other uses                                                             
  6616. u3442          ;Metal doors, sash and trim                                                                
  6617. u3442.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6618. u3442.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6619. u3442.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6620. u3442.1        ;Metal doors and frames, except storm doors                                                
  6621. u3442.11       ;Aluminum doors, all types                                                                 
  6622. u3442.112      ;Aluminum residential doors                                                                
  6623. u3442.11216    ;Sliding glass patio doors                                                                 
  6624. u3442.11218    ;All other residential doors, including garage                                             
  6625. u3442.113      ;Aluminum commercial and institutional doors                                               
  6626. u3442.11323    ;All other commercial and institutional doors                                              
  6627. u3442.12       ;Iron and steel doors, all types                                                           
  6628. u3442.121      ;Iron and steel industrial doors                                                           
  6629. u3442.12126    ;All other industrial doors, including sliding                                             
  6630. u3442.122      ;Iron and steel residential doors                                                          
  6631. u3442.12227    ;Garage doors                                                                              
  6632. u3442.12229    ;Insulated steel entrance doors                                                            
  6633. u3442.12231    ;All other residential doors                                                               
  6634. u3442.123      ;Iron and steel commercial and institutional doors                                         
  6635. u3442.12332    ;Overhead and sliding doors                                                                
  6636. u3442.12334    ;Swing doors                                                                               
  6637. u3442.12336    ;All other commercial and institutional doors                                              
  6638. u3442.142      ;Aluminum doorframes                                                                       
  6639. u3442.143      ;Steel doorframes, 16 gauge and heavier                                                    
  6640. u3442.144      ;Steel doorframes, lighter than 16 gauge                                                   
  6641. u3442.145      ;Shower doors and tub enclosures                                                           
  6642. u3442.2        ;Metal window sash and frames, except storm sash                                           
  6643. u3442.21       ;Aluminum window sash and frames                                                           
  6644. u3442.211      ;Residential aluminum window sash and frames                                               
  6645. u3442.21121    ;Single and double-hung                                                                    
  6646. u3442.21122    ;Awning                                                                                    
  6647. u3442.21124    ;Horizontal sliding                                                                        
  6648. u3442.21129    ;All other residential window sash and frames                                              
  6649. u3442.212      ;Nonresidential aluminum window sash and frames                                            
  6650. u3442.21241    ;Single and double-hung                                                                    
  6651. u3442.21245    ;Projected and awning                                                                      
  6652. u3442.21249    ;All other nonresidential window sash and frames                                           
  6653. u3442.22       ;Steel window sash and frames, all types                                                   
  6654. u3442.221      ;Steel window sash and frames, all types                                                   
  6655. u3442.3        ;Metal molding and trim and storefronts                                                    
  6656. u3442.325      ;Aluminum molding and trim                                                                 
  6657. u3442.351      ;Metal storefronts, sold complete at factory                                               
  6658. u3442.4        ;Metal combination screen and storm sash and doors                                         
  6659. u3442.411      ;Metal storm sash                                                                          
  6660. @       
  6661. u3442.412      ;Aluminum and steel combination screen and storm sash                                      
  6662. u3442.413      ;Aluminum and steel combination screen and storm doors                                     
  6663. u3442.5        ;Metal window and door screens and weatherstrip                                            
  6664. u3442.511      ;Metal screen doors                                                                        
  6665. u3442.512      ;Metal window screens with metal frames                                                    
  6666. u3443          ;Fabricated plate work                                                                     
  6667. u3443.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6668. u3443.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6669. u3443.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  6670. u3443.1        ;Heat exchangers and steam condensers                                                      
  6671. u3443.111      ;Bare tube heat exchangers                                                                 
  6672. u3443.115      ;Fin tube heat exchangers                                                                  
  6673. u3443.151      ;Steam condensers                                                                          
  6674. u3443.2        ;Fabricated steel plate                                                                    
  6675. u3443.211      ;Fabricated steel plate for large diameter pipe                                            
  6676. u3443.245      ;Steel plate for trash containers and all other containers                                 
  6677. u3443.251      ;Weldments                                                                                 
  6678. u3443.299      ;Other fabricated steel plate                                                              
  6679. u3443.3        ;Steel power boilers (over 15 psi) and parts/attachments                                   
  6680. u3443.31       ;Water tube boilers up to 100,000 lbs./hr                                                  
  6681. u3443.34       ;Fire tube boilers of all types                                                            
  6682. u3443.341      ;Fire tube boilers of all types                                                            
  6683. u3443.36       ;Parts/attachments for steel power boilers                                                 
  6684. u3443.362      ;Parts/attachments for steel power boilers                                                 
  6685. u3443.4        ;Gas cylinders                                                                             
  6686. u3443.412      ;Carbon steel gas cylinders                                                                
  6687. u3443.418      ;All other types of gas cylinders                                                          
  6688. u3443.5        ;Metal tanks made at plant, standard, pressure                                             
  6689. u3443.538      ;All other standard, pressure, non-LPG tanks                                               
  6690. u3443.6        ;Nuclear reactor steam supply systems                                                      
  6691. u3443.7        ;Metal tanks made at plant, standard, non-pressure                                         
  6692. u3443.71       ;Bulk storage tanks, standard, non-pressure                                                
  6693. u3443.711      ;Carbon steel storage tanks, 6000 gal and less                                             
  6694. u3443.713      ;Carbon steel storage tanks over 6000 gal                                                  
  6695. u3443.74       ;Truck tanks for delivery of fluids                                                        
  6696. u3443.8        ;Custom tanks and vessels made at the plant                                                
  6697. u3443.802      ;Carbon steel customized tanks and vessels, non-LPG                                        
  6698. u3443.80201    ;Carbon steel tanks & vessels, 3/4 inch & less wall thickness                              
  6699. u3443.80203    ;Carbon steel tanks & vessels, over 3/4 inch wallthickness                                 
  6700. u3443.804      ;All other types of customized tanks and vessels, non-LPG                                  
  6701. u3443.80401    ;All other types of tanks & vessels, 3/4 inch & less wall thickness                        
  6702. u3443.9        ;Custom tanks and vessels made at plant and field assembled                                
  6703. u3443.922      ;Elevated water tanks, customized and field assembled                                      
  6704. u3443.926      ;Petroleum storage tanks, field assembled                                                  
  6705. u3444          ;Sheet metal work                                                                          
  6706. u3444.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6707. u3444.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6708. u3444.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6709. u3444.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  6710. u3444.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  6711. @       
  6712. u3444.2        ;Culverts, flumes, and irrigation pipes                                                    
  6713. u3444.213      ;Steel                                                                                     
  6714. u3444.21301    ;Culverts                                                                                  
  6715. u3444.215      ;Aluminum                                                                                  
  6716. u3444.4        ;Metal roofing and roof drainage equipment                                                 
  6717. u3444.411      ;Metal roofing, steel, all types                                                           
  6718. u3444.413      ;Metal roofing, aluminum, all types                                                        
  6719. u3444.423      ;Roof drainage equipment including eave troughs, steel                                     
  6720. u3444.429      ;Roof drainage equipment including eave troughs, aluminum                                  
  6721. u3444.5        ;Metal flooring and siding                                                                 
  6722. u3444.505      ;Fabricated metal flooring                                                                 
  6723. u3444.516      ;Metal siding, steel                                                                       
  6724. u3444.517      ;Metal siding, aluminum, for residential use, including mobile homes                       
  6725. u3444.51702    ;Noninsulated                                                                              
  6726. u3444.518      ;Metal siding, aluminum, for other uses, including commercial, industrial, and farm        
  6727. u3444.6        ;Other sheet metal work                                                                    
  6728. u3444.611      ;Cornices, skylights, ceiling domes, copings, and gravel stops                             
  6729. u3444.621      ;Bins and vats, grain                                                                      
  6730. u3444.62101    ;Farm                                                                                      
  6731. u3444.634      ;Stovepipe, furnace smokepipe, elbows, and ducts, steel                                    
  6732. u3444.637      ;Air-conditioning ducts, including dust collecting ducts, steel                            
  6733. u3444.644      ;Restaurant, hotel, and kitchen sheet metal equipment, steel                               
  6734. u3444.646      ;Metal awnings, canopies, carports, and patios, prefabricated types, aluminum              
  6735. u3444.651      ;Soffits, fascia, and shutters, aluminum                                                   
  6736. u3444.662      ;Other sheet metal work, steel                                                             
  6737. u3444.66201    ;Mail collection or storage boxes                                                          
  6738. u3444.66203    ;Precision sheet metal parts, not stamped                                                  
  6739. u3444.66207    ;Range hoods                                                                               
  6740. u3444.66208    ;Casings                                                                                   
  6741. u3444.66209    ;Other steel sheet metal work                                                              
  6742. u3444.664      ;Other sheet metal work, aluminum                                                          
  6743. u3444.698      ;Other sheet metal work of metals other than steel or aluminum                             
  6744. u3446          ;Architectural and ornamental metalwork                                                    
  6745. u3446.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6746. u3446.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6747. u3446.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6748. u3446.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  6749. u3446.1        ;Architectural and ornamental metalwork                                                    
  6750. u3446.11       ;Warm air or air conditioning grilles, registers and air diffusers                         
  6751. u3446.111      ;Iron and steel                                                                            
  6752. u3446.113      ;Aluminum                                                                                  
  6753. u3446.13       ;Stairs                                                                                    
  6754. u3446.131      ;Industrial class                                                                          
  6755. u3446.133      ;Service class                                                                             
  6756. u3446.135      ;Commercial class                                                                          
  6757. u3446.137      ;Architectural class                                                                       
  6758. u3446.14       ;Railings                                                                                  
  6759. u3446.143      ;Steel, excluding stainless steel                                                          
  6760. u3446.144      ;Iron and stainless steel                                                                  
  6761. u3446.149      ;Other metals, including combinations of metals and other materials                        
  6762. @       
  6763. u3446.15       ;Grating and grating treads                                                                
  6764. u3446.151      ;Steel grating and grating treads                                                          
  6765. u3446.152      ;Aluminum grating and grating treads                                                       
  6766. u3446.16       ;Framing material for walls and ceilings ( load and non-load bearing studs)                
  6767. u3446.18       ;Scaffolding and shoring                                                                   
  6768. u3446.181      ;Scaffolding                                                                               
  6769. u3446.19       ;Other architectural and ornamental metalwork                                              
  6770. u3446.192      ;Fences, gates and posts                                                                   
  6771. u3446.193      ;Window guards                                                                             
  6772. u3446.199      ;Other architectural and ornamental metalwork                                              
  6773. u3446.19912    ;Iron and stainless steel                                                                  
  6774. u3446.19913    ;Steel, excluding stainless steel                                                          
  6775. u3446.19914    ;Other metals                                                                              
  6776. u34463441s     ;Fabricated structural metal                                                               
  6777. u34463442s     ;Metal doors, sash and trim                                                                
  6778. u34463444s     ;Sheet metalwork                                                                           
  6779. u3448          ;Prefabricated metal buildings                                                             
  6780. u3448.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6781. u3448.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6782. u3448.1        ;Prefab. metal bldg. sys., excl. farm service bldgs., resid. bldgs., & parts for prefab. b 
  6783. u3448.115      ;Industrial and commercial                                                                 
  6784. u3448.11512    ;Industrial                                                                                
  6785. u3448.11514    ;Commercial                                                                                
  6786. u3448.118      ;Institutional, medical, religious, public & educational                                   
  6787. u3448.118____a ;Institutional, medical, religious, public & educational                                   
  6788. u3448.2        ;Other prefabricated and portable metal buildings and parts                                
  6789. u3448.214      ;Grain storage buildings, including farm and commercial types, steel and aluminum          
  6790. u3448.215      ;Other farm service bldgs., steel and aluminum, excl. wood frame bldgs                     
  6791. u3448.221      ;Small utility bldgs., incl. tool sheds, cabanas, storage houses, etc., steel and aluminum 
  6792. u3448.22117    ;Steel                                                                                     
  6793. u3448.235      ;Dwellings and other non-farm bldgs. incl vacation homes, etc.; steel and aluminum         
  6794. u3448.23516    ;Aluminum                                                                                  
  6795. u3448.23518    ;Steel                                                                                     
  6796. u3448.254      ;Panels, parts, or sections for prefab bldgs., not sold as a complete unit, steel & alumin 
  6797. u3449          ;Miscellaneous metal work                                                                  
  6798. u3449.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6799. u3449.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6800. u3449.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6801. u3449.4        ;Bar joists and fabricated concrete reinforcing bars                                       
  6802. u3449.443      ;Short span open-web joists                                                                
  6803. u3449.447      ;All long span joists                                                                      
  6804. u3449.452      ;Fabricated concrete reinforcing bars                                                      
  6805. u3449.5        ;Other miscellaneous metal building materials and curtain wall                             
  6806. u3449.511      ;Expanded metal lath                                                                       
  6807. u3449.532      ;Metal plaster base accessories, including corner beads, screeds, grounds, etc.            
  6808. u3449.6        ;Custom roll form products                                                                 
  6809. u3449.614      ;Other steel                                                                               
  6810. u345           ;Screw machine products, and bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers                      
  6811. u3451          ;Screw machine products                                                                    
  6812. u3451.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6813. @       
  6814. u3451.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6815. u3451.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6816. u3451.1        ;Automotive screw machine products                                                         
  6817. u3451.2        ;Other screw machine products                                                              
  6818. u3451.222      ;Aircraft                                                                                  
  6819. u3451.223      ;Ordnance                                                                                  
  6820. u3451.242      ;Household appliances, including radio and television                                      
  6821. u3451.252      ;Electric and electronic equipment                                                         
  6822. u3451.262      ;Machinery                                                                                 
  6823. u3451.298      ;All other end uses, except automotive                                                     
  6824. u3452          ;Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers                                                  
  6825. u3452.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6826. u3452.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6827. u3452.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6828. u3452.4        ;Externally threaded fasteners, except aircraft                                            
  6829. u3452.411      ;Mine roof bolts                                                                           
  6830. u3452.412      ;Hex bolts, including heavy, tap, and joint                                                
  6831. u3452.413      ;Square and round bolts and plow numbers 3, 4, 6, 7, and track                             
  6832. u3452.416      ;High-strength structural and bent bolts                                                   
  6833. u3452.421      ;Studs                                                                                     
  6834. u3452.433      ;Flanged, self-locking, set, lag, and wood screws                                          
  6835. u3452.436      ;Cap screws                                                                                
  6836. u3452.437      ;Machine screws                                                                            
  6837. u3452.441      ;Thread-forming tapping screws                                                             
  6838. u3452.442      ;Thread-cutting, self-drilling, and thread-rolling screws                                  
  6839. u3452.469      ;Other externally threaded fasteners, except aircraft                                      
  6840. u3452.5        ;Internally threaded fasteners, except aircraft                                            
  6841. u3452.501      ;Flanged, square, sheet metal, weld, wing, and cage nuts                                   
  6842. u3452.502      ;Hex nuts                                                                                  
  6843. u3452.511      ;Locknuts: prevailing torque and free spinning                                             
  6844. u3452.539      ;Other internally threaded fasteners, including all nonmetallic                            
  6845. u3452.6        ;Nonthreaded fasteners, except aircraft                                                    
  6846. u3452.601      ;Solid rivets, all sizes                                                                   
  6847. u3452.603      ;Tubular, split, and blind rivets                                                          
  6848. u3452.621      ;Pins, machine type                                                                        
  6849. u3452.631      ;Washers, all types                                                                        
  6850. u3452.649      ;Other nonthreaded fasteners, including all nonmetallic                                    
  6851. u3452.7        ;Aircraft/aerospace fasteners                                                              
  6852. u3452.701      ;Bolts, all KSI tensile                                                                    
  6853. u3452.712      ;Screws, all types, and studs, all types                                                   
  6854. u3452.731      ;Nuts, all types                                                                           
  6855. u3452.761      ;Washers, all types                                                                        
  6856. u3452.762      ;Rivets, all types                                                                         
  6857. u3452.763      ;Pins, all types                                                                           
  6858. u3452.8        ;Other formed fasteners                                                                    
  6859. u3452.811      ;Automotive                                                                                
  6860. u3452.831      ;Other aircraft                                                                            
  6861. u3452.898      ;All other, including ordnance                                                             
  6862. u346           ;Metal forgings and stampings                                                              
  6863. u3462          ;Iron and steel forgings                                                                   
  6864. @       
  6865. u3462.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6866. u3462.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6867. u3462.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6868. u3462.5        ;Hot impression die impact, press and upset ferrous forgings                               
  6869. u3462.511      ;Carbon steel                                                                              
  6870. u3462.513      ;Alloy steel, except stainless and high-temperature                                        
  6871. u3462.515      ;Stainless steel                                                                           
  6872. u3462.517      ;High-temperature iron, nickel and cobalt-base alloys                                      
  6873. u3462.6        ;Cold impression die impact, press and upset ferrous forgings                              
  6874. u3462.611      ;Carbon steel                                                                              
  6875. u3462.7        ;Seamless rolled-ring ferrous forgings                                                     
  6876. u3462.711      ;Carbon steel                                                                              
  6877. u3462.717      ;High-temperature iron, nickel and cobalt-base alloys                                      
  6878. u3462.8        ;Open die or smith (hammer or press) ferrous forgings                                      
  6879. u3462.811      ;Carbon steel                                                                              
  6880. u3462.813      ;Alloy steel, except stainless and high-temperature                                        
  6881. u3462.815      ;Stainless steel                                                                           
  6882. u3462.9        ;Other ferrous forgings                                                                    
  6883. u3462.911      ;Other ferrous forgings                                                                    
  6884. u3463          ;Nonferrous forgings                                                                       
  6885. u3463.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6886. u3463.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6887. u3463.5        ;Hot impression die impact, press and upset nonferrous forgings                            
  6888. u3463.521      ;Aluminum and aluminum alloy                                                               
  6889. u3463.523      ;Titanium and titanium alloy                                                               
  6890. u3463.525      ;Copper and copper alloy                                                                   
  6891. u3463.529      ;Other nonferrous hot impression die forgings                                              
  6892. u3463.6        ;Cold impression die impact, press and upset nonferrous forgings                           
  6893. u3463.621      ;Aluminum and aluminum alloy                                                               
  6894. u3463.8        ;Open die or smith (hammer or press) nonferrous forgings                                   
  6895. u3463.821      ;Aluminum and aluminum alloy                                                               
  6896. u3463.9        ;Other nonferrous forgings                                                                 
  6897. u3463.921      ;Other nonferrous forgings                                                                 
  6898. u3465          ;Automotive stampings                                                                      
  6899. u3465.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6900. u3465.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6901. u3465.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6902. u3465.1        ;Original equipment automotive stampings                                                   
  6903. u3465.111      ;Passenger car stampings                                                                   
  6904. u3465.11111    ;Body panels                                                                               
  6905. u3465.11112    ;Chassis parts                                                                             
  6906. u3465.113      ;Truck and bus stampings                                                                   
  6907. u3465.11313    ;Body panels                                                                               
  6908. u3465.11314    ;Chassis parts                                                                             
  6909. u3465.3        ;Service part automotive stampings                                                         
  6910. u3465.311      ;Passenger car stampings                                                                   
  6911. u3466          ;Metal crowns and closures                                                                 
  6912. u3466.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6913. u3466.1        ;Metal commercial closures(caps)                                                           
  6914. u3466.103      ;Screw thread and lug type(nonvacuum)                                                      
  6915. @       
  6916. u3466.10331    ;Tin mill products                                                                         
  6917. u3466.142      ;Metal caps (vacuum)                                                                       
  6918. u3466.14244    ;Continuous thread                                                                         
  6919. u3466.3        ;Other metal closures, except crowns                                                       
  6920. u3466.364      ;All other metal closures,(roll-ons,snips,tabs,etc.)                                       
  6921. u3466.36411    ;Soft drink                                                                                
  6922. u3466.4        ;Metal crowns                                                                              
  6923. u3466.415      ;Soft drink containers                                                                     
  6924. u3466.41517    ;Conventional type                                                                         
  6925. u3466.418      ;Beer containers                                                                           
  6926. u3466.41822    ;Conventional type                                                                         
  6927. u3469          ;Metal stampings, n.e.c.                                                                   
  6928. u3469.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6929. u3469.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6930. u3469.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6931. u3469.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6932. u3469.2        ;Job stampings, except automotive                                                          
  6933. u3469.201      ;Recreational vehicle stampings ( motor homes, travel trailers, etc. )                     
  6934. u3469.205      ;Motor and generator stampings                                                             
  6935. u3469.211      ;Aviation stampings                                                                        
  6936. u3469.215      ;Agricultural equipment stampings                                                          
  6937. u3469.225      ;Electrical equipment stampings, except refrigerator and laundry                           
  6938. u3469.231      ;Furniture stampings                                                                       
  6939. u3469.241      ;Office machine stampings                                                                  
  6940. u3469.251      ;Radio, television and phonograph stampings                                                
  6941. u3469.271      ;Stove, heater and air conditioner stampings                                               
  6942. u3469.289      ;Other industrial equipment stampings                                                      
  6943. u3469.298      ;Other job stampings                                                                       
  6944. u3469.4        ;Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, aluminum                                  
  6945. u3469.411      ;Top of range household utensils                                                           
  6946. u3469.414      ;Bakeware, pantryware and miscellaneous household utensils                                 
  6947. u3469.5        ;Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, except aluminum                           
  6948. u3469.511      ;Top of range household utensils, stainless steel                                          
  6949. u3469.514      ;Bakeware, pantryware and miscellaneous household utensils, stainless steel                
  6950. u3469.515      ;Other utensils, including commercial, hospital and outdoor, stainless steel               
  6951. u3469.598      ;Other stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, including vitreous enamel           
  6952. u3469.9        ;Other stamped and pressed metal end products                                              
  6953. u3469.998      ;Other stamped and pressed metal end products                                              
  6954. u347           ;Coating, engraving, and allied services                                                   
  6955. u3471          ;Metal plating and polishing                                                               
  6956. u3471.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6957. u3471.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6958. u3471.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6959. u3471.1        ;Metal plating and polishing                                                               
  6960. u3471.101      ;Electroplating-rack                                                                       
  6961. u3471.102      ;Electroplating-barrel                                                                     
  6962. u3471.103      ;Engineering plating - hard chrome, hard nickel                                            
  6963. u3471.104      ;Anodizing                                                                                 
  6964. u3471.10431    ;Hard coat anodizing                                                                       
  6965. u3471.10432    ;Other anodizing                                                                           
  6966. @       
  6967. u3471.105      ;Mechanical surface preparation                                                            
  6968. u3471.10541    ;Polishing and buffing                                                                     
  6969. u3471.10543    ;Other surface finishing                                                                   
  6970. u3471.107      ;Other plating including reel to reel continuous plating                                   
  6971. u3471.10751    ;Reel to reel continuous plating                                                           
  6972. u3471.10752    ;Other plating                                                                             
  6973. u3479          ;Metal coating and allied services                                                         
  6974. u3479.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  6975. u3479.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6976. u3479.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6977. u3479.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  6978. u3479.1        ;Metal coating and allied services                                                         
  6979. u3479.101      ;Etching and engraving metal nameplates                                                    
  6980. u3479.102      ;Other etching and engraving                                                               
  6981. u3479.103      ;Galvanizing and other hot dip coating                                                     
  6982. u3479.10311    ;Sheet and strip galvanizing                                                               
  6983. u3479.10312    ;After fabrication galvanizing, excluding all steel company operations                     
  6984. u3479.10314    ;Hot dip coating other than zinc                                                           
  6985. u3479.104      ;Organic coatings                                                                          
  6986. u3479.10421    ;Coil coating                                                                              
  6987. u3479.10422    ;Spray coating, including electrostatic coating                                            
  6988. u3479.10423    ;All other organic coating                                                                 
  6989. u3479.105      ;All other metal coating or allied services                                                
  6990. u348           ;Ordnance and accessories, except vehicles and guided missiles                             
  6991. u3482          ;Small arms ammunition,30mm and under                                                      
  6992. u3482.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  6993. u3482.1        ;Cartridges for small firearms (rifles and sidearms)                                       
  6994. u3482.114      ;Centerfire pistols, including cartridges interchangeable between rifles and pistols       
  6995. u3482.11441    ;Shipped to government (Federal, State, and local)                                         
  6996. u3482.11449    ;Other shipments                                                                           
  6997. u3482.3        ;Ammunition components                                                                     
  6998. u3482.369      ;Wads, shot cases (primed or unprimed), bullets, bullet jackets, and cases                 
  6999. u3483          ;Ammunition, except small arms, n.e.c.                                                     
  7000. u3483.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7001. u3483.1        ;Artillery ammunition and component parts, over 30mm (or 1.18 inches)                      
  7002. u3483.111      ;Complete rounds, loaded                                                                   
  7003. u3483.151      ;Projectile metal parts                                                                    
  7004. u3483.171      ;Artillery component parts                                                                 
  7005. u3483.17111    ;Primers                                                                                   
  7006. u3483.17114    ;Fuses                                                                                     
  7007. u3483.3        ;Ammunition, except for small arms, n.e.c.                                                 
  7008. u3483.331      ;Rockets (other than guided missiles) and parts                                            
  7009. u3483.341      ;Other ammunition and ammunition parts, n.e.c., except small arms                          
  7010. u3484          ;Small arms, 30 mm and under                                                               
  7011. u3484.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7012. u3484.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7013. u3484.2        ;Pistols and revolvers                                                                     
  7014. u3484.201      ;Centerfire pistols and revolvers                                                          
  7015. u3484.202      ;Rimfire pistols and revolvers                                                             
  7016. u3484.3        ;Rifles                                                                                    
  7017. @       
  7018. u3484.301      ;Centerfire rifles                                                                         
  7019. u3484.30121    ;Semiautomatic centerfire rifles                                                           
  7020. u3484.30122    ;Bolt repeater centerfire rifles                                                           
  7021. u3484.4        ;Shotguns                                                                                  
  7022. u3484.401      ;Repeating shotguns                                                                        
  7023. u3484.5        ;Other small arms                                                                          
  7024. u3484.501      ;Other small arms                                                                          
  7025. u3484.6        ;Parts and attachments for small arms                                                      
  7026. u3484.601      ;Parts and attachments for small arms                                                      
  7027. u3484.7        ;Small arms shipped to U.S. military                                                       
  7028. u3489          ;Ordnance and accessories, n.e.c.                                                          
  7029. u3489.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7030. u3489.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7031. u3489.1        ;Guns, howitzers, mortars and related equipment over 30mm                                  
  7032. u3489.103      ;Parts and other related equipment                                                         
  7033. u3489.2        ;Ordnance and accessories, n.e.c., incl rocket projectors, torpedo tubes, and their parts  
  7034. u3489.201      ;Ordnance and accessories, n.e.c., and their parts                                         
  7035. u3489.20121    ;Ordnance and accessories, n.e.c., and their parts - domestic sales                        
  7036. u349           ;Miscellaneous fabricated metal products                                                   
  7037. u3491          ;Industrial Valves                                                                         
  7038. u3491.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7039. u3491.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7040. u3491.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7041. u3491.1        ;Gate, globe, and check valves                                                             
  7042. u3491.111      ;Iron body, including ductile or modular, all pressures (excl. IBBM, AWWA, UL)             
  7043. u3491.113      ;Carbon steel                                                                              
  7044. u3491.11304    ;Cast carbon steel                                                                         
  7045. u3491.11305    ;Forged carbon steel                                                                       
  7046. u3491.115      ;Alloy steel and other metals                                                              
  7047. u3491.117      ;Brass and bronze (125 lb w.s.p. or more)                                                  
  7048. u3491.2        ;Valves for water works                                                                    
  7049. u3491.211      ;IBBM gate line and tapping valves                                                         
  7050. u3491.212      ;UL valves (all pressures)                                                                 
  7051. u3491.214      ;Fire hydrants                                                                             
  7052. u3491.215      ;AWWA valves (all pressures)                                                               
  7053. u3491.21502    ;Butterfly valves                                                                          
  7054. u3491.3        ;Ball valves, all pressures, types & metals (excl. auto. control, solenoid, & regulator va 
  7055. u3491.313      ;Brass and bronze                                                                          
  7056. u3491.315      ;Carbon steel (cast and fabricated)                                                        
  7057. u3491.317      ;Alloy steel and other metals                                                              
  7058. u3491.4        ;Butterfly valves, all metals pressures, and types, incl. manual & power on/off valves     
  7059. u3491.411      ;Industrial types, incl. elastomer and fluroplastic lined                                  
  7060. u3491.41101    ;Iron (including ductile)                                                                  
  7061. u3491.41105    ;Carbon steel (cast and fabricated)                                                        
  7062. u3491.5        ;Plug valves, all metals , pressures & types (excl. automatic control, solenoid, and regul 
  7063. u3491.511      ;Iron (including ductile)                                                                  
  7064. u3491.513      ;Carbon steel                                                                              
  7065. u3491.515      ;Alloy steel and other metals                                                              
  7066. u3491.6        ;Industrial valves, n.e.c.                                                                 
  7067. u3491.611      ;Cocks and stops, all metals, pressures and types                                          
  7068. @       
  7069. u3491.615      ;Pop safety valves and relief valves (more than 15 lb w.s.p.)                              
  7070. u3491.61501    ;Iron and steel                                                                            
  7071. u3491.61502    ;Brass and bronze                                                                          
  7072. u3491.617      ;Compressed gas cylinder valves                                                            
  7073. u3491.619      ;Steam traps (more than 15 lb w.s.p.)                                                      
  7074. u3491.623      ;Power actuators (sold separately)                                                         
  7075. u3491.62301    ;Pneumatic actuation                                                                       
  7076. u3491.625      ;Other metal valves (excl. control valves, regulators, and solenoid valves)                
  7077. u3491.8        ;Automatic regulating and control valves (except nuclear)                                  
  7078. u3491.8a       ;Automated control valves (designed for modulating (throttling) service)                   
  7079. u3491.8b       ;Regulator Valves                                                                          
  7080. u3491.831      ;Pneumatic actuated                                                                        
  7081. u3491.8311     ;Sliding stem valves                                                                       
  7082. u3491.83111    ;Globe body                                                                                
  7083. u3491.83112    ;All other body types                                                                      
  7084. u3491.8313     ;Rotary valves                                                                             
  7085. u3491.83133    ;Ball valves                                                                               
  7086. u3491.83134    ;Butterfly valves                                                                          
  7087. u3491.841      ;All other actuation, including electric-actuated and electri-hydraulic actuated           
  7088. u3491.8411     ;Sliding stem valves                                                                       
  7089. u3491.84111    ;Globe body                                                                                
  7090. u3491.8414     ;All other power-operated (except pneumatic) control valves                                
  7091. u3491.872      ;Self-contained direct actuated pressure regulators (exc. instrument type & safety relief) 
  7092. u3491.873      ;Pilot (internal and external) actuated pressure regulators                                
  7093. u3491.875      ;Flow regulators for gas, vapors, or liquids                                               
  7094. u3491.9        ;Solenoid Valves, except power transfer valves                                             
  7095. u3491.95       ;Commercial/Industrial types                                                               
  7096. u3491.956      ;Two-way                                                                                   
  7097. u3492          ;Fluid power valves and hose fittings                                                      
  7098. u3492.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7099. u3492.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7100. u3492.1        ;Hydraulic valves, all pressures, non-aerospace type                                       
  7101. u3492.111      ;Directional control (two, three, and four-way)                                            
  7102. u3492.113      ;Pressure control                                                                          
  7103. u3492.122      ;Other, including logic                                                                    
  7104. u3492.2        ;Pneumatic valves, non-aerospace type                                                      
  7105. u3492.211      ;Directional control                                                                       
  7106. u3492.21113    ;Solenoid-operated                                                                         
  7107. u3492.231      ;Pressure control                                                                          
  7108. u3492.23115    ;Other-pressure control valves                                                             
  7109. u3492.271      ;Other, including logic and combination                                                    
  7110. u3492.3        ;Hydraulic and pneumatic valves, aerospace type                                            
  7111. u3492.31       ;Hydraulic valves, aerospace type                                                          
  7112. u3492.4        ;Fittings for metal and plastic tubing used in fluid power transfer systems, non-aerospace 
  7113. u3492.5        ;Hydraulic and pneumatic hose or tube end fittings and assemblies, non-aerospace           
  7114. u3492.51       ;Fittings and couplings for hose                                                           
  7115. u3492.511      ;Hydraulic and pneumatic, except quick connect                                             
  7116. u3492.51101    ;Permanent                                                                                 
  7117. u3492.51103    ;Reusable                                                                                  
  7118. u3492.517      ;Other, including steel adaptor connectors, swivel, rotating, and extension fittings       
  7119. @       
  7120. u3492.6        ;Hydraulic and pneumatic hose or tubing end fittings and assemblies, aerospace type        
  7121. u3492.698      ;Fittings for hose and tubing, n.e.c.                                                      
  7122. u3492.7        ;Parts for fluid power valves                                                              
  7123. u3492.796      ;Non-aerospace                                                                             
  7124. u3492.798      ;Aerospace                                                                                 
  7125. u3493          ;Steel springs, except wire                                                                
  7126. u3493.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7127. u3493.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7128. u3493.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7129. u3493.1        ;Hot formed springs                                                                        
  7130. u3493.121      ;Hot formed coil springs                                                                   
  7131. u3493.12116    ;Locomotive, railroad car, and other helical springs                                       
  7132. u3493.131      ;Hot formed leaf springs                                                                   
  7133. u3493.13151    ;Replacement leaf springs (including exports) for cars, buses, and trucks                  
  7134. u3493.13158    ;Original equipment leaf springs other than for passenger cars                             
  7135. u3493.2        ;Cold formed springs                                                                       
  7136. u3493.271      ;Cold formed flat springs made of sheet and strip                                          
  7137. u3494          ;Valves and pipe fittings, not elsewhere classified                                        
  7138. u3494.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7139. u3494.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7140. u3494.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7141. u3494.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7142. u3494.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7143. u3494.4        ;Plumbing and heating valves and specialties, except plumbers' brass goods                 
  7144. u3494.413      ;Check valves                                                                              
  7145. u3494.415      ;All other gates, globes, angles, 3- and 4-way drain, brass and bronze, under 125 w.s.p    
  7146. u3494.416      ;Safety and relief valves                                                                  
  7147. u3494.7        ;Metal fittings, flanges, and unions for piping systems                                    
  7148. u3494.717      ;Malleable iron fittings, flanges, and unions, including grooved and ungrooved             
  7149. u3494.721      ;Copper, brass, bronze, fittings, flanges, and unions, including solder and threaded types 
  7150. u3494.72111    ;Cast bronze or bronze fittings, flanges, and unions                                       
  7151. u3494.72112    ;Wrought copper or wrought copper alloy fittings, flanges, and unions                      
  7152. u3494.72112__a ;Wrought copper or wrought copper alloy fittings, flanges, and unions                      
  7153. u3494.73       ;Fittings, flanges, and unions, butt-welded and socket welded or threaded types            
  7154. u3494.732      ;Flanges (butt-welded type)                                                                
  7155. u3494.73201    ;Forged carbon steel flanges (butt-welded type)                                            
  7156. u3494.733      ;Forged carbon, stainless, and alloy steel fittings (butt-welded type)                     
  7157. u3494.73303    ;Forged carbon steel fittings (butt-welded type)                                           
  7158. u3494.735      ;Fittings, flanges, and unions, socket welded and threaded types                           
  7159. u3494.73507    ;Forged carbon steel fittings, flanges, and unions, (socket welded type)                   
  7160. u3494.73508    ;Forged carbon steel fittings, flanges, and unions ( threaded type )                       
  7161. u3494.73509    ;Stainless and alloy steel fittings, flanges, and unions ( socket and threaded types )     
  7162. u3494.751      ;Pipe hangers and supports ( not including metal framing )                                 
  7163. u3494.785      ;Pipe couplings                                                                            
  7164. u3494.798      ;All other metal fittings, flanges, and unions for piping systems                          
  7165. u3495          ;Wire springs                                                                              
  7166. u3495.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7167. u3495.s        ;Secondary Products                                                                        
  7168. u3495.2        ;Precision mechanical springs                                                              
  7169. u3495.212      ;Compression type, shipments to O.E.M.                                                     
  7170. @       
  7171. u3495.21211    ;Automotive                                                                                
  7172. u3495.21213    ;Electronics                                                                               
  7173. u3495.21215    ;Other machinery                                                                           
  7174. u3495.21217    ;Consumer goods                                                                            
  7175. u3495.21219    ;Other                                                                                     
  7176. u3495.214      ;Compression type, other shipments                                                         
  7177. u3495.215      ;Extension type                                                                            
  7178. u3495.217      ;Torsion type                                                                              
  7179. u3495.3        ;Other wire springs                                                                        
  7180. u3495.317      ;Spring units for box springs, innerspring mattresses, and dual purpose sleep furniture    
  7181. u3495.319      ;Other upholstery and furniture springs                                                    
  7182. u3495.321      ;Valve springs                                                                             
  7183. u3495.398      ;Other wire springs                                                                        
  7184. u3496          ;Miscellaneous fabricated wire products                                                    
  7185. u3496.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7186. u3496.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7187. u3496.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7188. u3496.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7189. u3496.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  7190. u3496.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7191. u3496.1        ;Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable and strand                                          
  7192. u3496.111      ;Steel wire rope and cable                                                                 
  7193. u3496.121      ;Composite strand, rope and cable                                                          
  7194. u3496.135      ;Other steel wire strand                                                                   
  7195. u3496.141      ;Wire forms                                                                                
  7196. u3496.4        ;Ferrous wire cloth and other ferrous woven wire products                                  
  7197. u3496.411      ;Insect wire screening                                                                     
  7198. u3496.461      ;Industrial wire cloth                                                                     
  7199. u3496.498      ;Other ferrous woven cloth and woven wire products                                         
  7200. u3496.6        ;Steel fencing and fence gates                                                             
  7201. u3496.613      ;Chain link fencing                                                                        
  7202. u3496.621      ;Wire fence, woven and welded                                                              
  7203. u3496.621____a ;Wire fence, woven and welded                                                              
  7204. u3496.7        ;Steel nails, spikes, brads, staples and tacks                                             
  7205. u3496.711      ;Bright nails                                                                              
  7206. u3496.713      ;Galvanized nails                                                                          
  7207. u3496.8        ;Other ferrous fabricated wire products                                                    
  7208. u3496.841      ;Wire chain, tire                                                                          
  7209. u3496.849      ;Wire chain, other                                                                         
  7210. u3496.861      ;Welded steel wire fabric (concrete reinforcing mesh)                                      
  7211. u3496.865      ;Other welded steel wire fabric                                                            
  7212. u3496.871      ;Wire garment hangers                                                                      
  7213. u3496.873      ;Wire carts                                                                                
  7214. u3496.875      ;Wire cages                                                                                
  7215. u3496.898      ;Other ferrous wire products                                                               
  7216. u3497          ;Metal foil and leaf                                                                       
  7217. u3497.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7218. u3497.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7219. u3497.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7220. u3497.1        ;Converted unmounted aluminum foil packaging products (not laminated to other materials)   
  7221. @       
  7222. u3497.1______a ;Converted unmounted aluminum foil packaging products (not laminated to other materials)   
  7223. u3497.133      ;Semirigid foil containers                                                                 
  7224. u3497.2        ;Laminated aluminum foil rolls and sheets for flexible packaging uses                      
  7225. u3497.211      ;Film/foil without paper                                                                   
  7226. u3497.222      ;Extrusion laminated foil/paper combinations                                               
  7227. u3497.225      ;Adhesive or wax laminated foil/paper combinations                                         
  7228. u3497.228      ;Foil/film/paper combinations                                                              
  7229. u3497.241      ;Gift wrap (laminated)                                                                     
  7230. u3497.3        ;Converted foil or leaf for nonpackaging applications                                      
  7231. u3497.352      ;Unmounted or coated, plain or printed                                                     
  7232. u3497.359      ;Other foil, incl. composition (combination of two or more metals) and leaf(incl. aluminum 
  7233. u3498          ;Fabricated pipe and fabricated pipe fittings                                              
  7234. u3498.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7235. u3498.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7236. u3498.1        ;Iron and steel pipe, tube, and fittings                                                   
  7237. u3498.101      ;Iron and steel pipe and pipe fittings (including custom work for contractors)             
  7238. u3498.10111    ;Petrochemical, papermill, and water sewage treatment                                      
  7239. u3498.10113    ;Nonpressure pipe (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration)              
  7240. u3498.10114    ;Other iron and steel pipe and fittings                                                    
  7241. u3498.102      ;Iron and steel tubing and fittings                                                        
  7242. u3498.10202    ;Seamless tubing                                                                           
  7243. u3498.10203    ;Welded tubing                                                                             
  7244. u3498.10204    ;Other iron and steel tubing and fittings                                                  
  7245. u3498.5        ;Nonferrous pipe, tube, and fittings                                                       
  7246. u3498.501      ;Aluminum and aluminum base alloy pipe, tube, and fittings                                 
  7247. u3498.502      ;Copper and copper base alloy pipe, tube, and fittings                                     
  7248. u3498.503      ;Other nonferrous pipe, tube, and fittings                                                 
  7249. u3499          ;Fabricated metal products, n.e.c.                                                         
  7250. u3499.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7251. u3499.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7252. u3499.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7253. u3499.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7254. u3499.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7255. u3499.1        ;Safes and vaults                                                                          
  7256. u3499.101      ;Safes and chests                                                                          
  7257. u3499.10115    ;Fire-resistive safes and chests                                                           
  7258. u3499.10121    ;Burglary-resistive safes and chests                                                       
  7259. u3499.141      ;Safe deposit boxes                                                                        
  7260. u3499.198      ;All other bank and security vaults and equipment                                          
  7261. u3499.2        ;Collapsible tubes                                                                         
  7262. u3499.211      ;Aluminum collapsible tubes                                                                
  7263. u3499.3        ;Metal strapping                                                                           
  7264. u3499.357      ;Metal strapping                                                                           
  7265. u3499.5        ;Metal ladders                                                                             
  7266. u3499.511      ;Step and platform ladders                                                                 
  7267. u3499.521      ;All other metal ladders, including ladder accessories                                     
  7268. u3499.6        ;Powder metallurgy parts, excluding bearings, gears, machine cutting tools, & all carbide  
  7269. u3499.633      ;Copper and copper-base alloy                                                              
  7270. u3499.655      ;Iron and steel                                                                            
  7271. u3499.688      ;Other metals                                                                              
  7272. @       
  7273. u3499.8        ;All other fabricated metal products                                                       
  7274. u3499.811      ;Permanent magnets, except ceramic                                                         
  7275. u3499.839      ;Metal spools and reels                                                                    
  7276. u3499.899      ;Other fabricated metal products                                                           
  7277. u35            ;Machinery, except electrical                                                              
  7278. u351           ;Engines and Turbines                                                                      
  7279. u3511          ;Turbines and turbine generator sets                                                       
  7280. u3511.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7281. u3511.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7282. u3511.1        ;Steam, gas, and hydraulic turbine generator set units and parts                           
  7283. u3511.151      ;Parts for generator sets, including complete generators designed for turbine drive        
  7284. u3511.2        ;Mechanical drive steam, gas, and hydraulic turbines, nonlocomotive steam engines and part 
  7285. u3511.21       ;Steam turbines, steam engines and parts                                                   
  7286. u3511.211      ;Steam turbines                                                                            
  7287. u3511.212      ;Parts and accessories for steam engines and steam turbines, incl. complete steam engines  
  7288. u3511.23       ;Gas turbines, except aircraft, and parts and accessories                                  
  7289. u3511.235      ;Parts and accessories for gas turbines, except aircraft                                   
  7290. u3519          ;Internal combustion engines, n.e.c.                                                       
  7291. u3519.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7292. u3519.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7293. u3519.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7294. u3519.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  7295. u3519.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7296. u3519.1        ;Gasoline engines, under 11 h.p. (except auto)                                             
  7297. u3519.2        ;Gasoline engines, 11 h.p. and over (except auto)                                          
  7298. u3519.2a       ;Gasoline engines, 11 - 60.9 h.p. (except auto)                                            
  7299. u3519.2b       ;Gasoline engines, 61 h.p. and over (except auto)                                          830
  7300. u3519.212      ;Gasoline engines, 11 - 20.9 h.p                                                           881
  7301. u3519.222      ;Gasoline engines, 61 - 150.9 h.p                                                          881
  7302. u3519.227      ;Gasoline engines, 201 h.p. and over                                                       830
  7303. u3519.3        ;Diesel, semidiesel, and dual fuel engines (except automotive)                             821
  7304. u3519.3a       ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, under 151 h.p                                           821
  7305. u3519.3b       ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 151 h.p. and over                                       821
  7306. u3519.301      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 50.9 h.p. and under                                     821
  7307. u3519.303      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 51 - 70.9 h.p                                           821
  7308. u3519.305      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 71 - 100.9 h.p                                          821
  7309. u3519.319      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 151 - 200.9 h.p                                         821
  7310. u3519.321      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 201 - 250.9 h.p                                         821
  7311. u3519.323      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 251 - 300.9 h.p                                         881
  7312. u3519.325      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 301 - 350.9 h.p                                         821
  7313. u3519.331      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 701 - 1500.9 h.p                                        821
  7314. u3519.333      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 1501 h.p. and over                                      821
  7315. u3519.4        ;Diesel, semidiesel, and dual fuel engines (automotive)                                    821
  7316. u3519.5        ;Outboard engines                                                                          830
  7317. u3519.9        ;Parts and accessories                                                                     
  7318. u3519.904      ;Cylinder liners (sleeves)                                                                 
  7319. u3519.905      ;Cylinder heads                                                                            
  7320. u3519.908      ;Crankshafts, engine                                                                       
  7321. u3519.909      ;Camshafts, engine                                                                         
  7322. u3519.916      ;Fuel injection systems, engine                                                            
  7323. @       
  7324. u3519.998      ;Other parts and accessories                                                               
  7325. u352           ;Farm and garden machinery and equipment                                                   
  7326. u3523          ;Farm machinery and equipment                                                              
  7327. u3523.a        ;Commercial turf and grounds mowing equipment, including parts and attachments             
  7328. u3523.a15      ;Gang rotary cutting units, reel and rotary                                                
  7329. u3523.a31      ;Parts and attachments for commercial turf and grounds mowing equipment                    
  7330. u3523.b        ;Commercial turf and grounds care equipment, except mowing, including parts and attachment 
  7331. u3523.b29      ;Other commercial turf and grounds care equipment, including seeders, aerators, etc.       
  7332. u3523.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7333. u3523.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7334. u3523.p12      ;Hog and pig feeding equipment                                                             
  7335. u3523.p22      ;Hog handling equipment, including farrowing crates and stalls and pens                    
  7336. u3523.p24      ;Hog waterers                                                                              
  7337. u3523.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7338. u3523.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  7339. u3523.w62      ;Boxes and racks for mounting on wagons, trucks, and trailer gears, manual and gravity unl 
  7340. u3523.w72      ;Boxes with integral running gear, grain and forage types                                  
  7341. u3523.w78      ;Other farm transportation equipment                                                       
  7342. u3523.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7343. u3523.1        ;Wheel tractors and attachments, except: contractors' type, lawn and garden, and motor til 
  7344. u3523.1a       ;Two-wheel drive farm type tractors, including front-wheel assist types                    
  7345. u3523.1b       ;Four-wheel drive farm type tractors, including tractors with equal size tires, front and  
  7346. u3523.101      ;Under 60 pto horsepower                                                                   
  7347. u3523.107      ;100 to 119 pto horsepower                                                                 
  7348. u3523.109      ;120 to 139 pto horsepower                                                                 
  7349. u3523.111      ;140 to 159 pto horsepower                                                                 
  7350. u3523.115      ;180 pto horsepower and over                                                               
  7351. u3523.131      ;Under 200 pto horsepower                                                                  
  7352. u3523.135      ;250 pto horsepower and over                                                               
  7353. u3523.187      ;Attachments for wheel tractors, farm type and nonfarm (industrial) type                   
  7354. u3523.2        ;Farm dairy machines, sprayers and dusters, farm elevators and farm blowers                
  7355. u3523.2a       ;Farm dairy machines and attachments                                                       
  7356. u3523.2b       ;Sprayers and dusters                                                                      
  7357. u3523.2c       ;Farm elevators and blowers                                                                
  7358. u3523.22       ;Power sprayers, field and row crop types                                                  
  7359. u3523.221      ;Tractor mounted                                                                           
  7360. u3523.224      ;Other than tractor mounted                                                                
  7361. u3523.256      ;Other sprayers                                                                            
  7362. u3523.267      ;Farm elevators, portable, auger type                                                      
  7363. u3523.273      ;Other farm elevators, including stationary elevators                                      
  7364. u3523.3        ;Planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery                                              
  7365. u3523.3a       ;Planting and seeding machinery                                                            
  7366. u3523.3b       ;Fertilizing machinery                                                                     
  7367. u3523.316      ;Corn planters, corn and cotton planters, and lister planters                              
  7368. u3523.348      ;Fertilizer distributors, dry (inclu lime spreaders), gravity distribution (5 ft. and over 
  7369. u3523.354      ;Fertilizer distributors, anhydrous ammonia                                                
  7370. u3523.355      ;Fertilizer distributors, centrifugal distribution, pull type, dry                         
  7371. u3523.357      ;Manure spreaders, conveyor type                                                           
  7372. u3523.365      ;Manure spreaders, tank type, open and closed                                              
  7373. u3523.369      ;Manure pumps, liquid                                                                      
  7374. @       
  7375. u3523.371      ;Front and rear mounted loaders (farm type), manure and general utility                    
  7376. u3523.4        ;Harrows, rollers, pulverizers, stalk cutters, and similar equipment                       
  7377. u3523.4a       ;Stalk shredders and cutters and rotary mowers                                             
  7378. u3523.4b       ;Harrows and combination tillage equipment                                                 
  7379. u3523.4c       ;Blade terracers and scrapers and land levelers                                            
  7380. u3523.411      ;Pull type tandem disc harrows                                                             
  7381. u3523.418      ;Horizontal blade                                                                          
  7382. u3523.5        ;Harvesting machinery                                                                      
  7383. u3523.5a       ;Field forage harvesters                                                                   
  7384. u3523.511      ;Combines (harvester-threshers), except peanut combines                                    
  7385. u3523.531      ;Corn heads, all sizes                                                                     
  7386. u3523.532      ;Windrowers or swathers (pull type for grain)                                              
  7387. u3523.563      ;Field forage harvesters, shear-bar, self-propelled types and pull types                   
  7388. u3523.582      ;Other harvesting machinery, including picker-shellers and cotton strippers                
  7389. u3523.6        ;Haying machinery                                                                          
  7390. u3523.619      ;Pull type mower conditioners and windrowers with conditioner, all types                   
  7391. u3523.631      ;Rakes, side delivery, cylinder type and finger wheel type                                 
  7392. u3523.655      ;Hay balers, all types                                                                     
  7393. u3523.7        ;Plows and listers, excluding turf and grounds machinery                                   
  7394. u3523.733      ;Moldboard plows                                                                           
  7395. u3523.766      ;Chisel plows, deep tillage                                                                
  7396. u3523.788      ;Other plows, except snow plows                                                            
  7397. u3523.8        ;Farm machinery and equipment, n.e.c., excluding parts                                     
  7398. u3523.8a       ;Cultivators                                                                               
  7399. u3523.8b       ;Machines for preparing crops for market or use                                            
  7400. u3523.8c       ;Farm poultry equipment                                                                    
  7401. u3523.8d       ;Barn and barnyard equipment                                                               
  7402. u3523.8e       ;Self-propelled irrigation systems                                                         
  7403. u3523.8p       ;Hog equipment                                                                             
  7404. u3523.8w       ;Farm wagons and other farm transportation equipment                                       
  7405. u3523.806      ;Corn and cotton type cultivators (shank and sweep type)                                   
  7406. u3523.816      ;Field cultivators                                                                         
  7407. u3523.826      ;Feed grinders, feed mixers, and burr mills                                                
  7408. u3523.834      ;Heated air crop driers and heated air units for crop driers                               
  7409. u3523.839      ;Other machines for preparing crops for market or for use                                  
  7410. u3523.855      ;Poultry feeders, excl. turkey feeders                                                     
  7411. u3523.87       ;Cattle and dairy barn feeding equipment                                                   
  7412. u3523.871      ;Silo unloaders                                                                            
  7413. u3523.875      ;Electric-powered bunk feeders                                                             
  7414. u3523.876      ;Calf feeders, hopper type                                                                 
  7415. u3523.877      ;Cattle feeders, hopper type                                                               
  7416. u3523.881      ;Cattle and dairy barn watering equipment, including windmill heads and towers             
  7417. u3523.891      ;Other barn and barnyard equipment                                                         
  7418. u3523.893      ;Self-propelled irrigation systems, center-pivot                                           
  7419. u3523.895      ;All other self-propelled irrigation systems                                               
  7420. u3523.9        ;Parts for farm machinery and equipment, excl. comm. turf and grounds equip                
  7421. u3523.9a       ;Farm machinery and equipment parts sold to original equipment mfrs                        
  7422. u3523.9b       ;Farm machinery and equipment parts sold for replacement and repair                        
  7423. u3523.9c       ;Operator cabs for farm equipment                                                          
  7424. u3523.905      ;Parts for harvesting machinery                                                            
  7425. @       
  7426. u3523.918      ;Parts for other farm machinery, including parts for farm dairy machinery                  
  7427. u3523.925      ;Parts for wheel tractors                                                                  
  7428. u3523.932      ;Parts for cultivators and weeders                                                         
  7429. u3523.951      ;Parts for sprayers and dusters                                                            
  7430. u3523.982      ;Parts for machines for preparing crops for market or use                                  
  7431. u3523.991      ;Parts for planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery                                    
  7432. u3523.993      ;Parts for plows, except plowshares                                                        
  7433. u3523.994      ;Parts for harvesting machinery                                                            
  7434. u35233524s     ;Lawn and garden equipment                                                                 
  7435. u35233531s     ;Construction machinery and equipment                                                      
  7436. u3524          ;Lawn and garden equipment                                                                 
  7437. u3524.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7438. u3524.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7439. u3524.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7440. u3524.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7441. u3524.1        ;Consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment                                       
  7442. u3524.11       ;Lawn mowers                                                                               
  7443. u3524.111      ;Rotary, push type, gasoline engine powered                                                
  7444. u3524.112      ;Rotary, self-propelled, gasoline engine powered                                           
  7445. u3524.113      ;Reel, all types                                                                           
  7446. u3524.121      ;Rotary garden (motor) tillers                                                             
  7447. u3524.14       ;Snow throwers (snow blowers), except attachment types                                     
  7448. u3524.141      ;Single stage                                                                              
  7449. u3524.142      ;Dual stage                                                                                
  7450. u3524.15       ;Powered lawn edgers/trimmers                                                              
  7451. u3524.154      ;Fixed blade, gasoline engine or electric powered                                          
  7452. u3524.19       ;Other consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment                                 
  7453. u3524.193      ;Yard vacuums and blowers                                                                  
  7454. u3524.194      ;All other equipment, incl. powered hedge trimmers, 2 wheel walking tractors, and lawn swe 
  7455. u3524.3        ;Parts and attachments for consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment             
  7456. u3524.311      ;Attachments                                                                               
  7457. u3524.312      ;Parts                                                                                     
  7458. u3524.4        ;Consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment                                          
  7459. u3524.41       ;Garden tractors                                                                           
  7460. u3524.416      ;Under 16.0 hp                                                                             
  7461. u3524.417      ;16.0 hp and over                                                                          
  7462. u3524.42       ;Lawn tractors and riding mowers                                                           
  7463. u3524.421      ;Front engine lawn tractors and riding mowers                                              
  7464. u3524.42113    ;10.0 hp and over                                                                          
  7465. u3524.42213    ;6.0 hp and over                                                                           
  7466. u3524.5        ;Parts and attachments for consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment                
  7467. u3524.517      ;Attachments                                                                               
  7468. u3524.521      ;Parts                                                                                     
  7469. u353           ;Construction, mining, and materials handling machinery and equipment                      
  7470. u3531          ;Construction machinery                                                                    
  7471. u3531.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7472. u3531.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7473. u3531.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7474. u3531.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  7475. u3531.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  7476. @       
  7477. u3531.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7478. u3531.101      ;Off hwy wheel tractors, including wheeled log skidders and rubber-tired dozers            
  7479. u3531.2        ;Tracklaying tractors                                                                      
  7480. u3531.3        ;Parts/ attach. for tracklaying tractors, off-hwy wheel tractors, tractor shovel loaders   
  7481. u3531.305      ;Parts/ attach. for tracklaying tractors, off-hwy wheel tractors, tractor shovel loaders   
  7482. u3531.4        ;Power cranes, excavators, and draglines, incl. parts/ attach                              
  7483. u3531.4a       ;Cranes                                                                                    
  7484. u3531.411      ;Excavators                                                                                
  7485. u3531.41102    ;Hydraulic operated excavators                                                             
  7486. u3531.41103    ;Cable operated cranes                                                                     
  7487. u3531.41104    ;Hydraulic cranes                                                                          
  7488. u3531.41105    ;Miscellaneous cranes, incl. walking draglines                                             
  7489. u3531.481      ;Front end attachments for power cranes, draglines, and excavators                         
  7490. u3531.485      ;Parts for power cranes, draglines, and excavators                                         
  7491. u3531.6        ;Mixers, pavers, and related equip. excl parts                                             
  7492. u3531.611      ;Concrete equipment                                                                        
  7493. u3531.61101    ;Mixers                                                                                    
  7494. u3531.61103    ;Concrete batching plants                                                                  
  7495. u3531.61104    ;Other concrete equipment, incl. concrete vibrators  and pumps                             
  7496. u3531.622      ;Bituminous equipment                                                                      
  7497. u3531.62202    ;Pavers, self-propelled                                                                    
  7498. u3531.62203    ;Asphalt plants                                                                            
  7499. u3531.62204    ;Other bituminous equip. incl reclaimers/planers and stab. mixers                          
  7500. u3531.7        ;Tractor shovel loaders excluding parts/ attachments                                       
  7501. u3531.711      ;Wheel type                                                                                
  7502. u3531.71101    ;Wheel shovel loader, 4 wheel dr., up to 3 1/2 cu. yd. capacity                            
  7503. u3531.71102    ;Wheel shovel loader, 4 wheel dr., 3 1/2 cu. yd. capacity and over                         
  7504. u3531.71104    ;Skid steer, 4 wheel drive                                                                 
  7505. u3531.8        ;Scrapers, graders, rollers, off-hwy trucks/haulers, and attach. for mounting              
  7506. u3531.811      ;Scrapers, all types                                                                       
  7507. u3531.821      ;Motor graders, light maintainers                                                          
  7508. u3531.831      ;Rollers, all types incl. self-propelled vibratory compactors                              
  7509. u3531.841      ;Construction machinery for mounting on tractors, shovel loaders, etc.                     
  7510. u3531.84133    ;Front-end loaders                                                                         
  7511. u3531.84144    ;Backhoe attachments                                                                       
  7512. u3531.84166    ;All other machinery for mounting incl forklifts, logging arches, sidebooms, pipehandlers, 
  7513. u3531.851      ;Off-hwy equipment                                                                         
  7514. u3531.9        ;Miscellaneous constr. mach./equip., incl other constr. machinery parts                    
  7515. u3531.9a       ;Parts/ attachments for constr. mach./ equip. excl. cranes, draglines, shovels, tractors   
  7516. u3531.911      ;Miscellaneous construction machinery and equipment                                        
  7517. u3531.91102    ;Continuous ditchers/ trenchers, self-propelled                                            
  7518. u3531.91104    ;Winches, incl. marine, excl. those for mounting                                           
  7519. u3531.91105    ;Portable crushing, screening, or washing plants and combinations                          
  7520. u3531.91106    ;Snow clearing attachments for mounting                                                    
  7521. u3531.91107    ;Other excavating and road construction machinery                                          
  7522. u3531.91108    ;All other miscellaneous construction machinery                                            
  7523. u3531.98411    ;Sold to o.e.m.                                                                            
  7524. u3531.98611    ;Sold for replacement/repair                                                               
  7525. u3532          ;Mining machinery and equipment                                                            
  7526. u3532.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7527. @       
  7528. u3532.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7529. u3532.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7530. u3532.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  7531. u3532.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7532. u3532.5        ;Underground mining machinery                                                              
  7533. u3532.512      ;Cutting machines, shortwall and universal                                                 
  7534. u3532.562      ;Loading machines, underground mine                                                        
  7535. u3532.56235    ;Other loading machines, including scoops, shovels, buckets, slusher hoists                
  7536. u3532.564      ;Continuous mining machines (borer, ripper, auger, and drum), including road-heading machi 
  7537. u3532.56441    ;Coal type                                                                                 
  7538. u3532.568      ;Support vehicles, rubber tired or track mounted, incl. self-propelled and towed           
  7539. u3532.579      ;Other underground mining machinery, except parts                                          
  7540. u3532.6        ;Mineral classifying, flotation, separating, concentrating, cleaning, clarifying equipment 
  7541. u3532.656      ;Classifiers (sizing, washing, and dewatering), excluding cyclones                         
  7542. u3532.671      ;Other mineral beneficiation machinery, including jigs, cyclones, centrifuges, dryers      
  7543. u3532.7        ;Crushing, pulverizing, and screening machinery                                            
  7544. u3532.727      ;Crushers, stationary types, including skid-mounted (gyratory, impact, jaw, and roll)      
  7545. u3532.755      ;Screens (vibrating, stationary), including trommel types                                  
  7546. u3532.8        ;Drills and other mining machinery, except parts                                           
  7547. u3532.823      ;Rock face drills, air and hydraulic powered                                               
  7548. u3532.898      ;All other mining machinery and equipment, including impact breakers                       
  7549. u3532.9        ;Parts and attachments for mining machinery and equipment                                  
  7550. u3532.975      ;Parts and attachments for mining machinery sold separately, excluding drill bits          
  7551. u3532.989      ;Percussion rock drill bits                                                                
  7552. u3532.98931    ;Containing tungsten carbide                                                               
  7553. u3532.991      ;All other mining drill bits                                                               
  7554. u35323531s     ;Construction machinery                                                                    
  7555. u3533          ;Oilfield and gasfield machinery and equipment                                             
  7556. u3533.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7557. u3533.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7558. u3533.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7559. u3533.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  7560. u3533.x98      ;Other miscellaneous receipts                                                              
  7561. u3533.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7562. u3533.1        ;Rotary oilfield and gasfield drilling machinery and equipment                             
  7563. u3533.11       ;Rotary drilling surface equipment                                                         
  7564. u3533.112      ;Drawworks and accessories                                                                 
  7565. u3533.115      ;Elevators, spiders, slips, hooks, links, connectors                                       
  7566. u3533.117      ;Well control equipment (blow-out preventers)                                              
  7567. u3533.121      ;Other rotary drilling surface machinery and equipment including kelly joints              
  7568. u3533.14       ;Rotary drilling subsurface equipment                                                      
  7569. u3533.141      ;Bits                                                                                      
  7570. u3533.14101    ;Tungsten-carbide insert bits                                                              
  7571. u3533.14102    ;Steel-toothed bits                                                                        
  7572. u3533.14103    ;Other bits, including diamond bits                                                        
  7573. u3533.144      ;Tool joints, subs and connectors                                                          
  7574. u3533.149      ;Other subsurface drilling equipment                                                       
  7575. u3533.14903    ;Other subsurface drilling equipment including subsea drilling risers                      
  7576. u3533.2        ;Other oilfield and gasfield drilling machinery and equipment and parts                    
  7577. u3533.253      ;Cementing, floating, guiding, and shoe equipment                                          
  7578. @       
  7579. u3533.3        ;Oilfield and gasfield production machinery and equipment                                  
  7580. u3533.31       ;On-land and offshore bottom support wellhead equipment                                    
  7581. u3533.313      ;Casing and tubing heads and supports                                                      
  7582. u3533.317      ;Chokes, manifolds, and accessories                                                        
  7583. u3533.35       ;Rodlifting machinery and equipment - surface and subsurface                               
  7584. u3533.353      ;Pumping units and accessories                                                             
  7585. u3533.357      ;Sucker rods                                                                               
  7586. u3533.362      ;Permanent packers and accessories                                                         
  7587. u3533.363      ;Retrievable packers and accessories                                                       
  7588. u3533.371      ;Separating, metering, and treating equipment for oil and gas (located on well site)       
  7589. u3533.382      ;Parts for oil and gas field production machinery and tools, sold separately               
  7590. u3533.398      ;Other oil and gas field production machinery and tools                                    
  7591. u3533.5        ;Drilling rigs                                                                             
  7592. u3533.522      ;Rotary wheel-mounted drilling and well-servicing rigs                                     
  7593. u3533.9        ;Oilfield and gasfield derricks and well surveying machinery                               
  7594. u3533.931      ;Well surveying machinery and equipment                                                    
  7595. u35333494s     ;Valves and fittings                                                                       
  7596. u35333561s     ;Pumps and pumping equipment                                                               
  7597. u3534          ;Elevators and moving stairways                                                            
  7598. u3534.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7599. u3534.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7600. u3534.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  7601. u3534.1        ;Elevators and moving stairways, parts and attachments                                     
  7602. u3534.105      ;Geared electric passenger elevators, except residence lifts                               
  7603. u3534.107      ;Gearless electric passenger elevators, except residence lifts                             
  7604. u3534.112      ;Hydraulic passenger elevators                                                             
  7605. u3534.114      ;Freight elevators                                                                         
  7606. u3534.11413    ;Electric freight elevators                                                                
  7607. u3534.11415    ;Hydraulic freight elevators                                                               
  7608. u3534.151      ;Moving stairways, escalators and moving walkways                                          
  7609. u3534.196      ;Other non-farm elevators, incl. sidewalk elev., dumb waiters, man lifts, residence lifts, 
  7610. u3534.197      ;Parts and attachments for elevators and moving stairways (sold separately)                
  7611. u3534.2        ;Automobile lifts, parts and attachments                                                   
  7612. u3534.231      ;Automobile lifts                                                                          
  7613. u3535          ;Conveyors and conveying equipment                                                         
  7614. u3535.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7615. u3535.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7616. u3535.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7617. u3535.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7618. u3535.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  7619. u3535.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7620. u3535.3        ;Unit handling conveyors and conveying systems, except hoists and farm elevators           
  7621. u3535.311      ;Gravity conveyors (skate wheel and roller)                                                
  7622. u3535.312      ;Trolley conveyors (overhead systems)                                                      
  7623. u3535.31211    ;Light to medium duty                                                                      
  7624. u3535.313      ;Tow conveyors (under floor systems)                                                       
  7625. u3535.314      ;Powered conveyors (belt and roller)                                                       
  7626. u3535.31411    ;Light to medium duty                                                                      
  7627. u3535.31412    ;Heavy duty                                                                                
  7628. u3535.317      ;All other conveyors, such as pallet                                                       
  7629. @       
  7630. u3535.4        ;Parts and accessories for unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (sold separately) 
  7631. u3535.411      ;Parts and accessories for unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (sold separately) 
  7632. u3535.5        ;Bulk material handling conveyors and conveying systems, except hoists and farm elevators  
  7633. u3535.511      ;Conveyors and elevators                                                                   
  7634. u3535.51111    ;Belt conveyors and systems                                                                
  7635. u3535.51112    ;Screw conveyors                                                                           
  7636. u3535.51113    ;Bucket elevators                                                                          
  7637. u3535.51114    ;Pneumatic conveyors                                                                       
  7638. u3535.51115    ;Portable conveyors, except farm                                                           
  7639. u3535.51116    ;En masse conveyors                                                                        
  7640. u3535.51117    ;Vibrating conveyors                                                                       
  7641. u3535.51118    ;All other conveyors and elevators, such as apron, flight, and drag                        
  7642. u3535.512      ;Unloading and reclaiming systems                                                          
  7643. u3535.51212    ;Vibrating feeders                                                                         
  7644. u3535.513      ;Loading and storing systems                                                               
  7645. u3535.51312    ;All other loading and storing systems, such as trippers and centrifugal throwers          
  7646. u3535.6        ;Parts and access. for bulk material handling conveyors and conveying systems, sold separa 
  7647. u3535.611      ;Belt conveyor idlers                                                                      
  7648. u3535.613      ;All other parts, attachments, and accessories, sold separately                            
  7649. u3536          ;Hoists, cranes and monorails                                                              
  7650. u3536.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7651. u3536.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7652. u3536.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7653. u3536.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7654. u3536.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7655. u3536.1        ;Hoists                                                                                    
  7656. u3536.111      ;Hand chain hoists, ratchet lever, and wire rope pullers                                   
  7657. u3536.113      ;Electric chain hoists (roller and link)                                                   
  7658. u3536.116      ;Electric wire rope hoists                                                                 
  7659. u3536.133      ;Air chain hoists                                                                          
  7660. u3536.138      ;Other hoists                                                                              
  7661. u3536.145      ;Parts and attachments for hoists (sold separately)                                        
  7662. u3536.2        ;Overhead traveling cranes and monorail systems                                            
  7663. u3536.21       ;Cranes, except construction power cranes                                                  
  7664. u3536.212      ;Electric overhead traveling cranes                                                        
  7665. u3536.21207    ;Single top running bridge type                                                            
  7666. u3536.21208    ;Double top running bridge type                                                            
  7667. u3536.21209    ;Under running bridge type                                                                 
  7668. u3536.216      ;Other overhead traveling cranes                                                           
  7669. u3536.25       ;Monorail systems                                                                          
  7670. u3536.26       ;Parts and attachments for cranes and monorail systems (sold separately)                   
  7671. u3537          ;Industrial trucks and tractors                                                            
  7672. u3537.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7673. u3537.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7674. u3537.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7675. u3537.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  7676. u3537.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7677. u3537.1        ;Industrial trucks and tractors, motorized and hand powered                                
  7678. u3537.1a       ;Internal combustion trucks and tractors                                                   
  7679. u3537.111      ;Motorized handtrucks                                                                      
  7680. @       
  7681. u3537.123      ;Operator-riding electric trucks                                                           
  7682. u3537.13       ;Internal combustion trucks                                                                
  7683. u3537.136      ;Internal combustion trucks under 6000 lb. capacity                                        
  7684. u3537.137      ;Internal combustion trucks, 6000 - 14,999 lb. capacity                                    
  7685. u3537.138      ;Internal combustion trucks, over 14,999 lb. capacity                                      
  7686. u3537.149      ;Other powered trucks and tractors                                                         
  7687. u3537.16       ;Handlift trucks, handtrucks, trailers, and dollies                                        
  7688. u3537.161      ;Handlift trucks                                                                           
  7689. u3537.165      ;Other handtrucks, trailers, and dollies                                                   
  7690. u3537.197      ;All other industrial trucks and tractors                                                  
  7691. u3537.3        ;Parts, attachments, and accessories for industrial trucks and tractors                    
  7692. u354           ;Metal working machinery and equipment                                                     
  7693. u3541          ;Machine tools, metal cutting types                                                        
  7694. u3541.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7695. u3541.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7696. u3541.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7697. u3541.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  7698. u3541.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7699. u3541.1        ;Boring machines                                                                           
  7700. u3541.2        ;Drilling machines                                                                         
  7701. u3541.2b       ;All drilling machines valued at $2500 each or more                                        
  7702. u3541.222      ;Vertical upright drilling machines, including plain-upright and heavy duty                
  7703. u3541.261      ;Multiple spindle drilling machines                                                        
  7704. u3541.26152    ;Adjustable joint and fixed center types                                                   
  7705. u3541.298      ;All other drilling machines, n.e.c.                                                       
  7706. u3541.3        ;Gear cutting machines                                                                     
  7707. u3541.4        ;Grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines                                
  7708. u3541.4a       ;All grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines valued under $2500         
  7709. u3541.4b       ;All grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines valued at $2500 each or mo 
  7710. u3541.401      ;All grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines valued under $2500 each    
  7711. u3541.409      ;External cylindrical grinding machines                                                    
  7712. u3541.40911    ;Plain, including angular wheel types                                                      
  7713. u3541.423      ;Internal cylindrical grinding machines, including centerless plain and chucking type      
  7714. u3541.431      ;Surface grinding machines, all types                                                      
  7715. u3541.452      ;Tool and cutter grinding machines                                                         
  7716. u3541.492      ;All other grinding machines, n.e.c., including thread grinding machines                   
  7717. u3541.5        ;Turning machines (lathes), all types                                                      
  7718. u3541.519      ;Horizontal numerically controlled turning machines, valued at $2500 each or more          
  7719. u3541.51911    ;Horizontal spindle numerically controlled turning machines, small                         
  7720. u3541.51912    ;Horizontal spindle numerically controlled turning machines, medium                        
  7721. u3541.51913    ;Horizontal spindle numerically controlled turning machines, large                         
  7722. u3541.528      ;Vertical numerically controlled turning machines, valued at $2500 each or more            
  7723. u3541.52824    ;Vertical spindle turning machines                                                         
  7724. u3541.59       ;Non-numerically controlled turning machines                                               
  7725. u3541.59b      ;All lathes (turning machines) valued at $2500 each or more                                
  7726. u3541.592      ;Engine or toolroom lathes, horizontal type                                                
  7727. u3541.594      ;Automatic lathes, horizontal type                                                         
  7728. u3541.5941     ;Automatic lathes, single spindle                                                          
  7729. u3541.5942     ;Automatic lathes, multiple spindle                                                        
  7730. u3541.595      ;All other horizontal turning machines                                                     
  7731. @       
  7732. u3541.6        ;Milling machines                                                                          
  7733. u3541.6b       ;All milling machines valued at $2500 each or more                                         
  7734. u3541.621      ;General purpose, knee or bed                                                              
  7735. u3541.7        ;Other metal cutting type machine tools                                                    
  7736. u3541.71       ;Machining centers                                                                         
  7737. u3541.712      ;Drill, mill, bore, manual tool change                                                     
  7738. u3541.714      ;Drill, mill, bore, vertical (automatic tool change)                                       
  7739. u3541.71405    ;Y - axis travel less than 20 inches                                                       
  7740. u3541.71407    ;Y - axis travel 20 inches through 26 inches                                               
  7741. u3541.71409    ;Y - axis travel over 26 inches                                                            
  7742. u3541.716      ;Drill, mill, bore, horizontal (automatic tool change)                                     
  7743. u3541.71611    ;Y - axis travel less than 27 inches                                                       
  7744. u3541.71613    ;Y - axis travel 27 inches through 40 inches                                               
  7745. u3541.71615    ;Y - axis travel over 40 inches                                                            
  7746. u3541.732      ;Station type machines                                                                     
  7747. u3541.73231    ;Dial or rotary, trunnion and center column                                                
  7748. u3541.73235    ;Transfer                                                                                  
  7749. u3541.79       ;Other metal cutting machine tools                                                         
  7750. u3541.79b      ;All other metal cutting machine tools, n.e.c. valued at $2500 each or more                
  7751. u3541.793      ;Broaching machines                                                                        
  7752. u3541.794      ;Sawing and cutoff machines                                                                
  7753. u3541.79453    ;Power hack saws                                                                           
  7754. u3541.79459    ;Band saws                                                                                 
  7755. u3541.79461    ;All other sawing and cutoff machines                                                      
  7756. u3541.795      ;Tapping machines                                                                          
  7757. u3541.796      ;Spark erosion, ultrasonic, and electrolytic machines                                      
  7758. u3541.797      ;Miscellaneous metal cutting machine tools                                                 
  7759. u3541.9        ;Parts for metal cutting type machine tools, sold separately, and rebuilt machine tools    
  7760. u3541.911      ;Parts for metal cutting type machine tools, sold separately                               
  7761. u3541.941      ;Rebuilt metal cutting type machine tools                                                  
  7762. u3542          ;Metal forming machine tools                                                               
  7763. u3542.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7764. u3542.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7765. u3542.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  7766. u3542.1        ;Punching, shearing, bending, and forming machines                                         
  7767. u3542.111      ;Punching machinery                                                                        
  7768. u3542.11111    ;Punching machines, fixed position and two axes positioning table                          
  7769. u3542.11113    ;Punches, including combination punching and shearing machines                             
  7770. u3542.121      ;Shearing machinery                                                                        
  7771. u3542.12111    ;Plate shearing machinery                                                                  
  7772. u3542.12113    ;Other shearing machinery, including bar, angle, and rotary                                
  7773. u3542.131      ;Bending and forming machinery                                                             
  7774. u3542.13112    ;Rolls: angles, bars and shapes bending                                                    
  7775. u3542.13113    ;Press brakes                                                                              
  7776. u3542.13118    ;Other bending and forming machines including folders                                      
  7777. u3542.2        ;Presses, except forging                                                                   
  7778. u3542.211      ;Mechanical presses                                                                        
  7779. u3542.21111    ;Open back inclinable-gap type                                                             
  7780. u3542.21112    ;Vertical, straight-sided and arch frame                                                   
  7781. u3542.21113    ;Other mechanical presses                                                                  
  7782. @       
  7783. u3542.212      ;Hydraulic presses                                                                         
  7784. u3542.21212    ;Vertical single-action hydraulic presses                                                  
  7785. u3542.3        ;Other metal forming machine tools and forging machines                                    
  7786. u3542.311      ;Forging machines                                                                          
  7787. u3542.312      ;Other metal forming machine tools                                                         
  7788. u3542.31212    ;Thread rolling machines                                                                   
  7789. u3542.31218    ;All other metal forming machine tools                                                     
  7790. u3542.4        ;Rebuilt metal forming machine tools and parts for metal forming machine tools             
  7791. u3542.413      ;Parts for metal forming machine tools                                                     
  7792. u35423544s     ;Tools, dies, jigs and fixtures                                                            
  7793. u3543          ;Industrial patterns                                                                       
  7794. u3543.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7795. u3543.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7796. u3543.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7797. u3543.1        ;Industrial patterns, except shoe patterns                                                 
  7798. u3543.115      ;Foundry patterns                                                                          
  7799. u3543.198      ;All other industrial patterns, except shoe patterns                                       
  7800. u3544          ;Special tools, dies, jigs, fixtures and industrial molds                                  
  7801. u3544.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7802. u3544.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7803. u3544.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7804. u3544.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  7805. u3544.1        ;Special tools, dies, jigs and fixtures                                                    
  7806. u3544.1e       ;Forming and drawing dies                                                                  
  7807. u3544.1f       ;Stamping dies, including lamination and blanking dies                                     
  7808. u3544.1k       ;Components and parts for dies                                                             
  7809. u3544.11       ;Jigs and fixtures, all types                                                              
  7810. u3544.113      ;Gauging and checking types, under 1,000 pounds weight                                     
  7811. u3544.117      ;All other jigs and fixtures (holding, positioning, layout, assembly), under 1,000 pounds  
  7812. u3544.118      ;All other jigs and fixtures (holding, positioning, layout, assembly), 1,000 pounds and ov 
  7813. u3544.119      ;Components and parts for jigs and fixtures, including drill bushings                      
  7814. u3544.12       ;Dies, metal cutting only                                                                  
  7815. u3544.122      ;Forming and drawing dies, 500 pounds weight and under                                     
  7816. u3544.124      ;Forming and drawing dies, 501 through 3,000 pounds weight                                 
  7817. u3544.127      ;Stamping dies, progressive type, high-speed steel                                         
  7818. u3544.128      ;Stamping dies, progressive type, other steel including carbide                            
  7819. u3544.129      ;All other stamping type dies (punch, trim, notch, perforate, etc.)                        
  7820. u3544.179      ;Other components and parts for dies, including standard punches, springs, etc.            
  7821. u3544.19       ;Other specially designed tooling, prototypes, and models                                  
  7822. u3544.2        ;Industrial molds                                                                          
  7823. u3544.21       ;Metal industrial molds for casting metal                                                  
  7824. u3544.211      ;Metal diecasting molds                                                                    
  7825. u3544.213      ;Metal foundry molds, except ingot molds                                                   
  7826. u3544.25       ;Metal industrial molds for molding plastic                                                
  7827. u3544.251      ;Metal injection molds for plastic                                                         
  7828. u3544.259      ;All other metal molds for plastic, including transfer, plunger, and rotational molds      
  7829. u3544.26       ;All other industrial molds                                                                
  7830. u3544.261      ;All other molds made of metal (including molds for glass and other products) and mold bas 
  7831. u3544.27       ;Components and parts for industrial molds                                                 
  7832. u3545          ;Machine tool accessories                                                                  
  7833. @       
  7834. u3545.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7835. u3545.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7836. u3545.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7837. u3545.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7838. u3545.1        ;Small cutting tools for machine tools and metalworking machinery                          
  7839. u3545.12       ;Twist drills, gun drills, combined drills, countersinks and counterbores                  
  7840. u3545.121      ;Twist drills                                                                              
  7841. u3545.1211     ;Carbon steel and high speed steel                                                         
  7842. u3545.12117    ;1/2 inch and under diameter, straight shank                                               
  7843. u3545.12118    ;Over 1/2 inch diameter, taper shank                                                       
  7844. u3545.12119    ;Over 1/2 inch diameter, straight shank                                                    
  7845. u3545.12121    ;Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding blanks and tips sold separately and masonry drills   
  7846. u3545.122      ;Gun drills, combined drills, countersinks and counterbores                                
  7847. u3545.12229    ;Counterbores, including spot facers, etc., but excluding pilots for interchangeable pilot 
  7848. u3545.13       ;Reamers, all types, excluding gun reamers                                                 
  7849. u3545.133      ;High speed steel, including blades sold separately                                        
  7850. u3545.136      ;Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding tips and blanks sold separately                      
  7851. u3545.15       ;End mills and milling cutters                                                             
  7852. u3545.151      ;End mills, solid and tipped, die sinking, contour, router, tracer, hollow mills, etc.     
  7853. u3545.1511     ;High speed steel                                                                          
  7854. u3545.1512     ;Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding blades sold separately                               
  7855. u3545.153      ;Inserted blade type cutters, all types, complete                                          
  7856. u3545.1533     ;Indexible or throwaway insert                                                             
  7857. u3545.159      ;Other milling cutters                                                                     
  7858. u3545.15911    ;High speed steel                                                                          
  7859. u3545.16       ;Single and double point tools and circular form tools                                     
  7860. u3545.161      ;Circular form tools, including semifinished blanks                                        
  7861. u3545.162      ;Single and double point tools                                                             
  7862. u3545.16265    ;High speed steel                                                                          
  7863. u3545.16266    ;Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding rough blanks and tips and blanks sold separately     
  7864. u3545.16268    ;Other materials                                                                           
  7865. u3545.17       ;Threading tools                                                                           
  7866. u3545.171      ;Taps, excluding taps in threading sets and screw plates and inserted chaser types         
  7867. u3545.1712     ;High speed steel                                                                          
  7868. u3545.17122    ;Ground thread                                                                             
  7869. u3545.173      ;Dies, with two or more thread-forming edges integral with the body                        
  7870. u3545.175      ;Chasers, single edge thread cutting, circular blade and tangent types, for mounting       
  7871. u3545.18       ;Blanks, tips, and inserts                                                                 
  7872. u3545.181      ;Molded blanks and tips, including carbide, cast alloy, and ceramic                        
  7873. u3545.182      ;Inserts, indexible, and throwaway types                                                   
  7874. u3545.1821     ;Carbide                                                                                   
  7875. u3545.18211    ;Utility ground                                                                            
  7876. u3545.18213    ;Precision ground                                                                          
  7877. u3545.18214    ;Pressed to size, including inserts with center holes and with molded chip breakers        
  7878. u3545.19       ;Other types of cutting tools for machine tools, including rotary burrs, files and spade d 
  7879. u3545.192      ;Carbon steel                                                                              
  7880. u3545.194      ;High speed steel                                                                          
  7881. u3545.198      ;Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding tips and blanks sold separately                      
  7882. u3545.2        ;Precision measuring tools (inspection, quality control, tool room, and machinists' tools) 
  7883. u3545.215      ;Fixed size limit gauges, thread type                                                      
  7884. @       
  7885. u3545.261      ;Dial indicators                                                                           
  7886. u3545.265      ;Micrometers and calipers                                                                  
  7887. u3545.271      ;Pneumatic and electronic gauges (manual and automatic)                                    
  7888. u3545.299      ;Other machinists' precision tools, incl dividers and surface texture measuring machines   
  7889. u3545.3        ;Other attachments and accessories for machine tools and metalworking machinery            
  7890. u3545.31       ;Tool holders                                                                              
  7891. u3545.312      ;Turning tool holders (mechanically clamping for inserts and bits), except box tools       
  7892. u3545.314      ;Boring bars and heads                                                                     
  7893. u3545.316      ;Special tooling and attachments for screw and automatic machines                          
  7894. u3545.317      ;Drilling, reaming, and tapping chucks                                                     
  7895. u3545.318      ;Other tool holders, including other chucks, drill heads, tool posts, turrets, sleeves, et 
  7896. u3545.34       ;Work holding devices                                                                      
  7897. u3545.349      ;Other work holding and positioning devices, including vises, mandrels, clamps, stops, etc 
  7898. u3545.399      ;Other attachments and accessories and tool room specialties                               
  7899. u3546          ;Power driven hand tools                                                                   
  7900. u3546.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7901. u3546.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7902. u3546.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7903. u3546.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7904. u3546.1        ;Power driven hand tools, electric and battery powered                                     
  7905. u3546.112      ;Circular saws:  armature mounted primarily on sleeve bearings                             
  7906. u3546.122      ;Screwdrivers and nutrunners                                                               
  7907. u3546.124      ;Hammers, percussion and rotary                                                            
  7908. u3546.125      ;Impact wrenches                                                                           
  7909. u3546.135      ;Other electric powered hand tools; incl shears and nibblers, electric chain saws, hammer  
  7910. u3546.136      ;Parts, attachments and accessories for electric-powered hand tools (sold separately)      
  7911. u3546.181      ;Drills:  armature mounted primarily on sleeve bearings                                    
  7912. u3546.18101    ;1/4 inch chuck size and under                                                             
  7913. u3546.18103    ;Over 1/4 inch chuck size to under 1/2 inch                                                
  7914. u3546.182      ;Drills: armature mounted primarily on other than sleeve bearings                          
  7915. u3546.18207    ;Over 1/4 inch chuck size to under 1/2 inch                                                
  7916. u3546.18209    ;1/2 inch chuck and over                                                                   
  7917. u3546.183      ;Grinders, polishers, and circular sanders except bench grinders                           
  7918. u3546.18326    ;Right angle grinders, polishers, and circular sanders                                     
  7919. u3546.184      ;Sanders, except circular                                                                  
  7920. u3546.18433    ;Belt                                                                                      
  7921. u3546.18434    ;Oscillating, reciprocating and vibrating                                                  
  7922. u3546.185      ;Circular saws: armature mounted primarily on other than sleeve bearings                   
  7923. u3546.18516    ;Between 7 inch and 8 inch blade                                                           
  7924. u3546.186      ;Saws - jig, saber, reciprocating                                                          
  7925. u3546.18618    ;Armature mounted primarily on ball bearings                                               
  7926. u3546.2        ;Power driven hand tools, pneumatic, hydraulic and powder actuated                         
  7927. u3546.237      ;Percussion tools - pneumatic                                                              
  7928. u3546.238      ;Drills, screwdrivers, nutrunners - pneumatic                                              
  7929. u3546.241      ;Impact wrenches - pneumatic                                                               
  7930. u3546.243      ;Grinders, polishers, sanders - pneumatic                                                  
  7931. u3546.249      ;Other pneumatic powered hand tools and hydraulic powered hand tools                       
  7932. u3546.253      ;Powder actuated hand tools                                                                
  7933. u3546.255      ;Parts, attachments, and accessories for pneumatic, hydraulic and powder actuated tools    
  7934. u3546.301      ;Chain saws                                                                                
  7935. @       
  7936. u3547          ;Rolling mill machinery                                                                    
  7937. u3547.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7938. u3547.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7939. u3547.118      ;Other hot rolling mill machinery and equipment, including parts                           
  7940. u3548          ;Gas and electric welding and soldering equipment                                          
  7941. u3548.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7942. u3548.mm       ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7943. u3548.p        ;Gas and electric welding and soldering equipment                                          
  7944. u3548.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7945. u3548.1        ;Arc welding machines, components, and acc except electrodes (excl. stud welding equip.)   
  7946. u3548.11       ;Arc welding machines                                                                      
  7947. u3548.111      ;Alternating current transformer arc welders                                               
  7948. u3548.11101    ;300 amps or less                                                                          
  7949. u3548.112      ;Direct current arc welders                                                                
  7950. u3548.11201    ;Generators and rectifier types, including ac/dc                                           
  7951. u3548.12       ;Components and accessories for arc welding machines (except electrodes)                   
  7952. u3548.121      ;Automatic and semiautomatic wire drive apparatus and related accessories                  
  7953. u3548.123      ;Automatic and semiautomatic welding torches, guns and cables, and related accessories     
  7954. u3548.124      ;Circuit weld. acc. (incl. electrode holders, ground clamps, cable conn., cables sold sep. 
  7955. u3548.126      ;All other components and acc. for arc weld. mach., exc. welding rods and electrodes       
  7956. u3548.2        ;Arc welding electrodes, metal                                                             
  7957. u3548.21       ;Stick electrodes (incl. solid, cored, covered, and bare electrodes)                       
  7958. u3548.212      ;Other than hard facing                                                                    
  7959. u3548.21211    ;Mild steel (covered and bare)                                                             
  7960. u3548.21212    ;Low alloy steel                                                                           
  7961. u3548.22       ;Coil and spool cont. wire electrodes for auto. arc weld. and inert gas shield arc weld    
  7962. u3548.222      ;Other than hard facing                                                                    
  7963. u3548.2221     ;Solid wire                                                                                
  7964. u3548.22212    ;Mild steel                                                                                
  7965. u3548.22213    ;All other, incl. low alloy and stainless steel, and nonferrous                            
  7966. u3548.2222     ;Cored wire                                                                                
  7967. u3548.3        ;Resistance welders, components, accessories, and electrodes                               
  7968. u3548.311      ;Resistance welders                                                                        
  7969. u3548.31105    ;Spot and projection welders, single electrode                                             
  7970. u3548.31106    ;Spot and projection welders, multielectrode                                               
  7971. u3548.31108    ;Other resistance welders, including flash, upset, and butt welders                        
  7972. u3548.331      ;Resistance welder electrodes                                                              
  7973. u3548.341      ;Resistance welder components and accessories, incl. electrode holders, etc.               
  7974. u3548.4        ;Gas welding and cutting equipment, exc plasma (incl. parts, att., and accessories)        
  7975. u3548.401      ;Torches, welding or cutting                                                               
  7976. u3548.403      ;Other gas welding and cutting equipment, excluding pressure containers                    
  7977. u3548.411      ;Spare parts, acc., attach., adaptors, etc., n.e.c., sold separately:                      
  7978. u3548.41104    ;Tips                                                                                      
  7979. u3548.41105    ;Regulators, gas pressure                                                                  
  7980. u3548.41109    ;All other                                                                                 
  7981. u3548.5        ;Other welding and soldering equipment and acc. (exc. arc, resistance and gas)             
  7982. u3548.504      ;Plasma welding and cutting equipment                                                      
  7983. u3548.509      ;Comp. and acc. for all other weld equip., exc. arc weld., resis. weld., and cutting equip 
  7984. u3549          ;Metalworking machinery, not elsewhere classified                                          
  7985. u3549.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  7986. @       
  7987. u3549.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  7988. u3549.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7989. u3549.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  7990. u3549.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  7991. u3549.2        ;Assembly machines                                                                         
  7992. u3549.215      ;In-line transfer, synchronous                                                             
  7993. u3549.217      ;In-line transfer, non-synchronous                                                         
  7994. u3549.219      ;Special purpose and all other types                                                       
  7995. u3549.5        ;Other metalworking machinery                                                              
  7996. u3549.511      ;Machines for weaving and wire fabricating and wire drawing machines and draw benches      
  7997. u3549.541      ;Coil handling equipment (conversion or straightening)                                     
  7998. u3549.54143    ;Cut-to-length lines                                                                       
  7999. u3549.54145    ;Slitting lines                                                                            
  8000. u3549.598      ;All other metalworking machinery n.e.c.                                                   
  8001. u355           ;Special industry machinery, except metalworking machinery                                 
  8002. u3552          ;Textile machinery                                                                         
  8003. u3552.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8004. u3552.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8005. u3552.1        ;Textile machinery                                                                         
  8006. u3552.1b       ;Fiber-to-fabric textile machinery                                                         
  8007. u3552.1c       ;Other textile machinery                                                                   
  8008. u3552.116      ;Cleaning, opening, and card room equipment                                                
  8009. u3552.151      ;Winding machinery                                                                         
  8010. u3552.154      ;Other fiber to fabric machinery, except parts and attachments                             
  8011. u3552.184      ;Other fabric machinery including looms                                                    
  8012. u3552.185      ;Bleaching, dyeing, and finishing equipment                                                
  8013. u3552.187      ;Machines for drying stocks, yarn, and cloth                                               
  8014. u3552.199      ;Other textile machinery                                                                   
  8015. u3552.2        ;Parts and attachments for textile machinery                                               
  8016. u3552.211      ;Textile machinery turnings and shapes                                                     
  8017. u3552.232      ;Parts and attachments for other fiber to fabric machinery                                 
  8018. u3552.241      ;Parts and attachments for power looms                                                     
  8019. u3552.271      ;Parts and attachments for bleaching, dyeing and finishing machinery                       
  8020. u3552.299      ;Parts and attachments for other textile machinery, including printing                     
  8021. u3553          ;Woodworking machinery                                                                     
  8022. u3553.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8023. u3553.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8024. u3553.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8025. u3553.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8026. u3553.1        ;Woodworking machinery, excluding home workshop types, incl. parts                         
  8027. u3553.112      ;Sawmill equipment                                                                         
  8028. u3553.162      ;Sawing machines, except sawmill equipment                                                 
  8029. u3553.173      ;Straight-line machinery, including jointers, moulders, planers, sanders, surfacers, etc.  
  8030. u3553.175      ;Boring machinery, carving machinery, dovetailers, mortisers, routers, shapers, and tenone 
  8031. u3553.185      ;Parts, attachments and accessories: cutting tools other than saw blades                   
  8032. u3553.187      ;All other parts, attachments, and accessories, excluding saw blades                       
  8033. u3553.198      ;Other woodworking machinery, including lathes, clamping machinery, presses, roll coaters, 
  8034. u3553.2        ;Woodworking machinery designed primarily for home workshops, incl. parts                  
  8035. u3553.221      ;Saws, including circular                                                                  
  8036. u3553.298      ;Other woodworking machinery for home workshops, incl. lathes, drilling machines, etc.     
  8037. @       
  8038. u3554          ;Paper industries machinery                                                                
  8039. u3554.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8040. u3554.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8041. u3554.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8042. u3554.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  8043. u3554.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8044. u3554.1        ;Wood preparation equipment                                                                
  8045. u3554.111      ;Wood preparation equip., incl. barkers, chippers, knotters, splitters, chipscreens, etc.  
  8046. u3554.181      ;Parts and attachments for wood preparation equipment (sold separately)                    
  8047. u3554.2        ;Pulp mill machinery                                                                       
  8048. u3554.281      ;Parts and attachments for pulp mill machinery (sold separately)                           
  8049. u3554.3        ;Papermill machinery                                                                       
  8050. u3554.342      ;Paper machines                                                                            
  8051. u3554.34247    ;Papermaking machines, headbox to reel                                                     
  8052. u3554.34249    ;Finishing machinery, including supercalenders                                             
  8053. u3554.381      ;Parts and attachments for papermill machinery (sold separately)                           
  8054. u3554.4        ;Paper and paperboard converting equipment                                                 
  8055. u3554.451      ;Bagmaking machines, including shipping sack machines and envelope making machines         
  8056. u3554.453      ;Corrugated boxmaking machines, including corrugators                                      
  8057. u3554.459      ;Other paper/paperboard equip., incl drum, can and tubemaking, coating and laminating mach 
  8058. u3554.481      ;Parts and attachments for paper and paperboard converting mach. (sold separately)         
  8059. u3554.6        ;Rebuilt pulp and paper industries machinery                                               
  8060. u3555          ;Printing trades machinery                                                                 
  8061. u3555.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8062. u3555.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8063. u3555.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8064. u3555.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8065. u3555.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  8066. u3555.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8067. u3555.1        ;Lithographic printing presses                                                             
  8068. u3555.13       ;Web-fed                                                                                   
  8069. u3555.132      ;Newspaper presses, web-fed                                                                
  8070. u3555.133      ;Business forms presses, web-fed                                                           
  8071. u3555.135      ;Commercial presses, web-fed                                                               
  8072. u3555.2        ;Printing presses, other than lithographic                                                 
  8073. u3555.238      ;Flexographic presses, sheet-fed and web-fed                                               
  8074. u3555.3        ;Typesetting machinery and equipment, excluding justifying typewriters                     
  8075. u3555.3______a ;Typesetting machinery and equipment, excluding justifying typewriters                     
  8076. u3555.343      ;Photographic typesetting machinery, including integral computer                           
  8077. u3555.343____a ;Photographic typesetting machinery, including integral computer                           
  8078. u3555.6        ;Binding machinery and equipment                                                           
  8079. u3555.661      ;Saddle, perfect and hardcase binding equipment                                            
  8080. u3555.665      ;Other binding machinery and equipment, incl. folding equipment                            
  8081. u3555.667      ;Collating and gathering machines                                                          
  8082. u3555.7        ;Printing trades machinery, n.e.c.                                                         
  8083. u3555.783      ;Parts, attachments and accessories for printing presses, incl. dryers, folders and reels  
  8084. u3555.787      ;Parts, attachments and accessories for bindery machinery                                  
  8085. u3555.789      ;Parts, attachments and accessories for other printing trades machinery                    
  8086. u3555.799      ;Other printing machinery and equipment, including platens                                 
  8087. u3556          ;Food products machinery                                                                   
  8088. @       
  8089. u3556.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8090. u3556.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8091. u3556.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8092. u3556.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8093. u3556.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8094. u3556.1        ;Dairy and milk products plant machinery                                                   
  8095. u3556.144      ;Pasteurizers and homogenizers                                                             
  8096. u3556.173      ;Ice cream freezers                                                                        
  8097. u3556.198      ;Other dairy and milk machinery, including separators and sterilizing equipment            
  8098. u3556.2        ;Commercial food products machinery                                                        
  8099. u3556.2a       ;Commercial food products machinery, except bakery equipment                               
  8100. u3556.2b       ;Bakery machinery and equipment                                                            
  8101. u3556.212      ;Slicers                                                                                   
  8102. u3556.221      ;Choppers, grinders, cutters, dicers, and similar machines                                 
  8103. u3556.249      ;Other commercial food preparation machinery, including tenderizers (power driven)         
  8104. u3556.251      ;Parts and attachments for commercial food preparation machinery                           
  8105. u3556.261      ;Dough mixers                                                                              
  8106. u3556.273      ;Bake ovens                                                                                
  8107. u3556.292      ;Other bakery machinery and equipment                                                      
  8108. u3556.3        ;Industrial food products machinery                                                        
  8109. u3556.313      ;Meat and poultry processing machinery                                                     
  8110. u3556.323      ;Preparation machinery (fruit and vegetable canning)                                       
  8111. u3556.329      ;All other fruit and vegetable canning machinery                                           
  8112. u3556.358      ;Other industrial food products machinery, including fish and shellfish processing machine 
  8113. u3556.383      ;Parts and attachments for industrial food products machinery                              
  8114. u3559          ;Special industry machinery, n.e.c.                                                        
  8115. u3559.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8116. u3559.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8117. u3559.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8118. u3559.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8119. u3559.1        ;Chemical manufacturing industries machinery, equipment, and parts                         
  8120. u3559.112      ;Chemical mixers                                                                           
  8121. u3559.115      ;Other chemical machinery                                                                  
  8122. u3559.2        ;Foundry machinery and equipment, including parts, excluding patterns and molds            
  8123. u3559.222      ;Molding machines                                                                          
  8124. u3559.296      ;Other foundry machinery and equipment, including core-making machines and flasks          
  8125. u3559.297      ;Parts for foundry machinery and equipment                                                 
  8126. u3559.3        ;Plasticsworking machinery and equipment, and parts, excluding patterns and molds          
  8127. u3559.333      ;Extrusion machines                                                                        
  8128. u3559.351      ;Injection molding machines                                                                
  8129. u3559.361      ;Blow molding machines                                                                     
  8130. u3559.37       ;Other plasticsworking machinery and equipment                                             
  8131. u3559.371      ;Granulators and pelletizers                                                               
  8132. u3559.379      ;Other plasticsworking machinery                                                           
  8133. u3559.381      ;Parts for plasticsworking machinery                                                       
  8134. u3559.4        ;Rubberworking machinery and equipment, and parts, excluding molds                         
  8135. u3559.471      ;Tire recapping and repairing machinery and equipment, including recapping vulcanizers     
  8136. u3559.5        ;Other special industry machinery and equipment, and parts, n.e.c.                         
  8137. u3559.532      ;Tobacco manufacturing machinery and equipment, and parts                                  
  8138. u3559.546      ;Concrete products machinery and equipment, and parts                                      
  8139. @       
  8140. u3559.552      ;Glassmaking machinery and equipment, and parts                                            
  8141. u3559.562      ;Shoemaking and repairing machinery and parts, including sole stitching machines           
  8142. u3559.573      ;Cotton-ginning machinery and equipment, and parts                                         
  8143. u3559.581      ;Metal cleaning, degreasing, finishing, and drying machinery, equipment, and parts         
  8144. u3559.592      ;Fuel fired kilns (cement, wood, and chemical processing) and parts                        
  8145. u3559.595      ;Semiconductor manufacturing machinery (except ovens) and parts                            
  8146. u3559.597      ;Industrial sewing machines and parts                                                      
  8147. u3559.598      ;Other special industry machinery, and parts                                               
  8148. u3559.59813    ;Stoneworking machinery and parts                                                          
  8149. u3559.59817    ;Pharmaceutical machinery and parts                                                        
  8150. u3559.59819    ;Other special industry machinery and parts                                                
  8151. u3559.7        ;Automotive maintenance equipment, except hand tools                                       
  8152. u3559.711      ;Automotive maintenance equipment, except hand tools                                       
  8153. u356           ;General industrial machinery and equipment                                                
  8154. u3561          ;Pumps and pumping equipment                                                               
  8155. u3561.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8156. u3561.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8157. u3561.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8158. u3561.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8159. u3561.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8160. u3561.1        ;Industrial pumps, except hydraulic fluid power pumps                                      
  8161. u3561.11       ;Reciprocating pumps                                                                       
  8162. u3561.113      ;Power-operated, other than steam                                                          
  8163. u3561.12       ;Turbine pumps, vertical, including deep well                                              
  8164. u3561.125      ;Submersible, over 5 hp                                                                    
  8165. u3561.129      ;Other than submersible                                                                    
  8166. u3561.12909    ;16 inch diameter bowl size and under                                                      
  8167. u3561.13       ;Centrifugal pumps                                                                         
  8168. u3561.131      ;Single stage, single suction, close coupled                                               
  8169. u3561.13112    ;3/4 inch and 1 inch discharge outlet                                                      
  8170. u3561.13114    ;1 1/4 inch and 1 1/2 inch discharge outlet                                                
  8171. u3561.13115    ;2 inch and 2 1/2 inch discharge outlet                                                    
  8172. u3561.13116    ;3 inch and 4 inch discharge outlet                                                        
  8173. u3561.13119    ;Over 4 inch discharge outlet                                                              
  8174. u3561.132      ;Single stage, single suction, frame mounted                                               
  8175. u3561.13222    ;3/4 inch and 1 inch discharge outlet                                                      
  8176. u3561.13223    ;1 1/4 inch and 1 1/2 inch discharge outlet                                                
  8177. u3561.13224    ;2 inch and 2 1/2 inch discharge outlet                                                    
  8178. u3561.13225    ;3 inch discharge outlet                                                                   
  8179. u3561.13226    ;4 inch to 6 inch discharge outlet                                                         
  8180. u3561.13229    ;Over 6 inch discharge outlet                                                              
  8181. u3561.133      ;Single stage, double suction                                                              
  8182. u3561.13342    ;Under 4 inch discharge outlet                                                             
  8183. u3561.13344    ;4 inch and 5 inch discharge outlet                                                        
  8184. u3561.13346    ;6 inch and 7 inch discharge outlet                                                        
  8185. u3561.13348    ;8 inch to 12 inch discharge outlet                                                        
  8186. u3561.134      ;Multistage (single or double suction)                                                     
  8187. u3561.13454    ;2 inch and 3 inch discharge outlet                                                        
  8188. u3561.13456    ;4 inch and 5 inch discharge outlet                                                        
  8189. u3561.135      ;Propeller and mixed flow                                                                  
  8190. @       
  8191. u3561.136      ;Submersible centrifugal pumps (except submersible sump pumps)                             
  8192. u3561.1361     ;Submersible effluent pumps (less than 1" solids handling capacity)                        
  8193. u3561.1362     ;Submersible solids handling pumps (solids 1" - 2" inclusive)                              
  8194. u3561.1363     ;Submersible non-clog pumps (greater than 2" solids handling capacity)                     
  8195. u3561.13632    ;4" to 6" discharge outlet                                                                 
  8196. u3561.137      ;All other centrifugal pumps (including can, etc.)                                         
  8197. u3561.13766    ;2" to 6" discharge outlet                                                                 
  8198. u3561.14       ;Rotary pumps                                                                              
  8199. u3561.141      ;100 p.s.i. and under, designed pressure                                                   
  8200. u3561.14171    ;10 g.p.m. and under, designed capacity                                                    
  8201. u3561.14172    ;11-99 g.p.m. designed capacity                                                            
  8202. u3561.142      ;101-250 p.s.i., designed pressure                                                         
  8203. u3561.14275    ;11-99 g.p.m., designed capacity                                                           
  8204. u3561.14276    ;100 g.p.m. and over, designed capacity                                                    
  8205. u3561.144      ;Over 500 p.s.i., designed pressure                                                        
  8206. u3561.181      ;Diaphragm pumps, all sizes                                                                
  8207. u3561.198      ;Other industrial pumps                                                                    
  8208. u3561.3        ;Domestic water systems and sump pumps                                                     
  8209. u3561.312      ;Domestic water systems                                                                    
  8210. u3561.31213    ;Jet pump and convertible jet pump systems                                                 
  8211. u3561.31225    ;Submersible pump systems, 5 hp and under                                                  
  8212. u3561.31271    ;Domestic hand and windmill pumps, pump jacks, and cylinders (sold separately)             
  8213. u3561.372      ;Domestic sump pumps, 1 hp and under                                                       
  8214. u3561.3727     ;Submersible                                                                               
  8215. u3561.37277    ;1/3 hp and under                                                                          
  8216. u3561.37278    ;Over 1/3 hp                                                                               
  8217. u3561.5        ;Oil-well and oil-field pumps and other pumps                                              
  8218. u3561.51       ;Oil-well and oil field pumps, except boiler feed                                          
  8219. u3561.511      ;Subsurface pumps for oil-well pumping                                                     
  8220. u3561.513      ;Mud pumps (slush)                                                                         
  8221. u3561.597      ;Other pumps (except automotive) such as oil burner, appliance, fire engine, etc.          
  8222. u3561.6        ;Parts and attachments for pumps and pumping equipment, excluding compressors              
  8223. u3561.613      ;Parts and attachments for pumps and pumping equipment, excluding compressors              
  8224. u35613494s     ;Valves and pipe fittings                                                                  
  8225. u3562          ;Ball and roller bearings                                                                  
  8226. u3562.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8227. u3562.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8228. u3562.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8229. u3562.1        ;Ball bearings, unmounted                                                                  
  8230. u3562.114      ;Single row max. capacity ball bearings: annular, including self-aligning: ground or preci 
  8231. u3562.118      ;Angular contact ball bearings:  annular, including self-aligning; ground or precision     
  8232. u3562.122      ;Other regular single row conrad ball bearings:  annular, including self-aligning          
  8233. u3562.12203    ;9 mm. O.D. thru 30 mm. O.D.; ground or precision                                          
  8234. u3562.12204    ;Over 30 mm. O.D. thru 52 mm. O.D.; ground or precision                                    
  8235. u3562.12205    ;Over 52 mm. O.D. thru 100 mm. O.D.; ground or precision                                   
  8236. u3562.12207    ;Over 100 mm. O.D.; ground or precision                                                    
  8237. u3562.123      ;Other precision (ABEC 5 & up) single row conrad ball bearings: annular, including self-al 
  8238. u3562.12309    ;9 mm. O.D. thru 30 mm. O.D.; ground or precision                                          
  8239. u3562.125      ;Unground, annular, including self-aligning (less than ABEC 1)                             
  8240. u3562.131      ;Thrust ball bearings                                                                      
  8241. @       
  8242. u3562.13133    ;Ground thrust ball bearings                                                               
  8243. u3562.151      ;Other ball bearings                                                                       
  8244. u3562.2        ;Tapered roller bearings, unmounted                                                        
  8245. u3562.232      ;Cup and cone assemblies shipped as a set                                                  
  8246. u3562.233      ;Cups shipped separately                                                                   
  8247. u3562.234      ;Cone assemblies shipped separately                                                        
  8248. u3562.3        ;Roller bearings, except tapered, unmounted                                                
  8249. u3562.301      ;Cylindrical roller bearings                                                               
  8250. u3562.30111    ;Regular cylindrical roller bearings (ABEC 1 and 3)                                        
  8251. u3562.30112    ;Precision cylindrical roller bearings (ABEC 5 and up)                                     
  8252. u3562.321      ;Spherical roller bearings including hourglass and barrel                                  
  8253. u3562.32124    ;Single row spherical roller bearings                                                      
  8254. u3562.32125    ;Double row spherical roller bearings                                                      
  8255. u3562.341      ;Needle roller bearings                                                                    
  8256. u3562.398      ;Other roller bearings                                                                     
  8257. u3562.4        ;Mounted bearings, except plain                                                            
  8258. u3562.417      ;Mounted ball bearings, unit and/or split mounted                                          
  8259. u3562.454      ;Mounted roller bearings                                                                   
  8260. u3562.45453    ;Unit mounted roller bearings                                                              
  8261. u3562.9        ;Ball and roller bearing parts and components, including balls and rollers sold separately 
  8262. u3562.911      ;Balls                                                                                     
  8263. u3562.921      ;Other antifriction ball bearing components and parts                                      
  8264. u3562.941      ;Other antifriction roller bearing components and parts                                    
  8265. u3563          ;Air and gas compressors                                                                   
  8266. u3563.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8267. u3563.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8268. u3563.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8269. u3563.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8270. u3563.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8271. u3563.1        ;Air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps                                                  
  8272. u3563.11       ;Air compressors                                                                           
  8273. u3563.111      ;Stationary air compressors, reciprocating, single acting                                  
  8274. u3563.11101    ;1.5 h.p. and under                                                                        
  8275. u3563.11102    ;Over 1.5 h.p. to 5 h.p                                                                    
  8276. u3563.11103    ;6 h.p. to 25 h.p                                                                          
  8277. u3563.112      ;Stationary air compressors, reciprocating, double acting                                  
  8278. u3563.11201    ;150 h.p. and under                                                                        
  8279. u3563.113      ;Stationary air compressors, rotary positive                                               
  8280. u3563.11301    ;Discharge pressure 50 psig and under, all h.p                                             
  8281. u3563.11302    ;Discharge pressure 51 psig and over, 150 h.p. and under                                   
  8282. u3563.114      ;Stationary air compressors, centrifugal and axial                                         
  8283. u3563.11402    ;51 psig and over                                                                          
  8284. u3563.116      ;Portable air compressors                                                                  
  8285. u3563.11601    ;Under 11 c.f.m.                                                                           
  8286. u3563.11602    ;11 to 74 c.f.m.                                                                           
  8287. u3563.11604    ;125 to 249 c.f.m.                                                                         
  8288. u3563.11606    ;600 to 899 c.f.m.                                                                         
  8289. u3563.12       ;Gas compressors                                                                           
  8290. u3563.126      ;Gas compressors, stationary, centrifugal and axial                                        
  8291. u3563.12601    ;Natural gas                                                                               
  8292. @       
  8293. u3563.12602    ;All other gases                                                                           
  8294. u3563.128      ;Gas compressors, stationary reciprocating, other than integral engines                    
  8295. u3563.12801    ;1000 h.p. and under                                                                       
  8296. u3563.13       ;Other pumps and compressors                                                               
  8297. u3563.132      ;Vacuum pumps                                                                              
  8298. u3563.13201    ;Low vacuum, 29.5 inches mercury vacuum and lower                                          
  8299. u3563.13202    ;High vacuum, 29.6 inches mercury vacuum and over                                          
  8300. u3563.133      ;Other compressors, including compressor packages                                          
  8301. u3563.2        ;Air and gas compressor and vacuum pump parts and attachments, except refrigeration        
  8302. u3563.201      ;Air and gas compressor and vacuum pump parts and attachments, except refrigeration        
  8303. u3563.5        ;Industrial spraying equipment                                                             
  8304. u3563.511      ;Power paint spraying outfits and liquid power sprayer, except agricultural and flame      
  8305. u3563.512      ;Hand sprayers, except agricultural and flame                                              
  8306. u3564          ;Industrial and commercial fans and blowers and air purification equipment                 
  8307. u3564.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8308. u3564.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8309. u3564.3        ;Centrifugal blowers and fans                                                              
  8310. u3564.319      ;Classes I and II fans (over 1.5 inches to 6.75 inches max. total pressure)                
  8311. u3564.323      ;Furnace and lightweight air conditioning blowers                                          
  8312. u3564.324      ;Industrial fans, excluding blowers                                                        
  8313. u3564.327      ;Positive displacement blowers                                                             
  8314. u3564.329      ;Multistage blowers                                                                        
  8315. u3564.331      ;Small housed blowers (utility sets)                                                       
  8316. u3564.4        ;Propeller fans and accessories, axial fans, and power roof ventilators                    
  8317. u3564.413      ;Axial fans                                                                                
  8318. u3564.41311    ;Axial fans, directly connected to driver                                                  
  8319. u3564.41312    ;Axial fans, belt driven                                                                   
  8320. u3564.433      ;Propeller fans and accessories, industrial                                                
  8321. u3564.43311    ;Propeller fans, industrial, directly connected to driver                                  
  8322. u3564.439      ;Parts for blowers and fans                                                                
  8323. u3564.441      ;Power roof ventilators and parts                                                          
  8324. u3564.44111    ;Power roof ventilators: axial and propeller                                               
  8325. u3564.44112    ;Power roof ventilators: centrifugal                                                       
  8326. u3564.5        ;Dust collection and other air purification equip. for heat, ventil., and air cond systems 
  8327. u3564.543      ;Air filters for air conditioners and furnaces, of 2400 cfm and under                      
  8328. u3564.549      ;Other dust collection and other air purification equipment                                
  8329. u3564.6        ;Dust collection and other air purification equip. for industrial gas cleaning systems     
  8330. u3564.651      ;Particulate emission collectors                                                           
  8331. u3564.65113    ;Fabric filters                                                                            
  8332. u3564.65115    ;Mechanical collectors                                                                     
  8333. u3564.663      ;Other equipment                                                                           
  8334. u3565          ;Packing, packaging and bottling machinery                                                 
  8335. u3565.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8336. u3565.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8337. u3565.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8338. u3565.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8339. u3565.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8340. u3565.3        ;Packing, packaging and bottling machinery, excl. parts                                    
  8341. u3565.3a       ;Forming, filling, and sealing machinery, bag or pouch (must perform all three functions)  
  8342. u3565.3b       ;Filling machinery                                                                         
  8343. @       
  8344. u3565.301      ;Cartoning and multipacking machinery                                                      
  8345. u3565.303      ;Bag opening, filling, and closing machinery                                               
  8346. u3565.305      ;Vertical type                                                                             
  8347. u3565.306      ;Wrapping, banding, bundling, fastening, and sleeve wrapping machinery                     
  8348. u3565.307      ;Shrink film packaging machinery, including shrink tunnels                                 
  8349. u3565.311      ;Dry products                                                                              
  8350. u3565.312      ;Liquids                                                                                   
  8351. u3565.315      ;Labeling, code marking, imprinting and leaflet/coupon inserting machinery                 
  8352. u3565.316      ;Case forming, opening, loading, unloading, and sealing machinery                          
  8353. u3565.317      ;Capping, sealing, lidding, incl. can sealing machinery, excl. filling machinery           
  8354. u3565.318      ;Accumulating, collating, feeding, and unscrambling machinery                              
  8355. u3565.321      ;Other machinery, incl. combinations of mach. classified in more than one of the above     
  8356. u3565.4        ;Parts for bottling and packaging machinery                                                
  8357. u3565.491      ;Parts for bottling and packaging machinery                                                
  8358. u3566          ;Speed changers, industrial high-speed drives, and gears                                   
  8359. u3566.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8360. u3566.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8361. u3566.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8362. u3566.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8363. u3566.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8364. u3566.1        ;Nonhydraulic variable speed changers and industrial high-speed drives                     
  8365. u3566.111      ;Mechanical nonhydraulic variable speed changers, excluding value of drivers               
  8366. u3566.121      ;Industrial high speed drives, fixed ratio                                                 
  8367. u3566.2        ;Speed reducers, fixed ratio, enclosed, except gear motors                                 
  8368. u3566.21       ;Worm gear reducers                                                                        
  8369. u3566.217      ;6-inch centers or more                                                                    
  8370. u3566.218      ;3-inch to 5.99-inch centers                                                               
  8371. u3566.219      ;Less than 3-inch centers                                                                  
  8372. u3566.22       ;Helical, herringbone, spur and spiral bevel reducers                                      
  8373. u3566.227      ;More than 15-inch low speed centers                                                       
  8374. u3566.228      ;15-inch low speed centers or less                                                         
  8375. u3566.23       ;Shaft mounted reducers and screw conveyor drives                                          
  8376. u3566.3        ;Gear motors, sold with motors, including 'C' flange and scoop mount units                 
  8377. u3566.33       ;Worm gear motors                                                                          
  8378. u3566.34       ;Helical, herringbone, spur, or spiral bevel gear motors                                   
  8379. u3566.343      ;Less than 1/6 horsepower                                                                  
  8380. u3566.344      ;1/6 horsepower up to but excluding 1 horsepower                                           
  8381. u3566.347      ;1 horsepower to 5 horsepower                                                              
  8382. u3566.348      ;More than 5 horsepower                                                                    
  8383. u3566.4        ;Loose gears, pinions, and racks excluding spare parts for reducers                        
  8384. u3566.411      ;Coarse pitch (less than 19.9 diametral pitch)                                             
  8385. u3566.4114     ;Helical, herringbone, and spur gears                                                      
  8386. u3566.41142    ;24 inches or less                                                                         
  8387. u3566.41143    ;More than 24 inches diameter through 72 inches diameter                                   
  8388. u3566.4115     ;Worms and worm gearing                                                                    
  8389. u3566.4116     ;Others, including bevel gears and racks                                                   
  8390. u3566.421      ;Fine pitch (19.9 diametral pitch and finer)                                               
  8391. u3566.5        ;Parts and components for speed changers, drives, gears, and reducers                      
  8392. u3566.551      ;Parts and components for speed changers, drives, gears, and reducers                      
  8393. u35663568s     ;Power transmission equipment, n.e.c.                                                      
  8394. @       
  8395. u3567          ;Industrial process furnaces and ovens                                                     
  8396. u3567.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8397. u3567.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8398. u3567.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8399. u3567.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8400. u3567.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8401. u3567.1        ;Electric industrial furnaces, ovens, and kilns, excluding induction                       
  8402. u3567.11       ;Electric furnaces                                                                         
  8403. u3567.111      ;Metal melting                                                                             
  8404. u3567.118      ;Metal processing and heat treating (such as annealing, hardening, carburizing, etc.)      
  8405. u3567.119      ;Other electric furnaces                                                                   
  8406. u3567.19       ;Electric industrial ovens and kilns, including infrared                                   
  8407. u3567.2        ;Fuel-fired industrial furnaces, ovens, and kilns                                          810
  8408. u3567.21       ;Fuel-fired furnaces                                                                       861
  8409. u3567.219      ;Other, including hot rolling, forging, forming, and extruding                             861
  8410. u3567.29       ;Fuel-fired ovens and kilns                                                                861
  8411. u3567.4        ;High frequency induction and dielectric heating equipment                                 810
  8412. u3567.41       ;Induction furnaces and heating equipment                                                  861
  8413. u3567.417      ;Metal melting induction furnaces                                                          810
  8414. u3567.5        ;Electrical heat. equip. for industrial use, n.e.c. (exc. soldering irons) and parts and a 810
  8415. u3567.551      ;Tubular heaters                                                                           810
  8416. u3567.559      ;All other industrial heating units and devices, incl. immersion heaters, compound pots, e 810
  8417. u3567.59       ;Parts and attach. for ind. furn. and ovens, including electric heating units              810
  8418. u3567.591      ;Parts and attach. for ind. furn. and ovens, including electric heating units              810
  8419. u3568          ;Power transmission equipment, n.e.c.                                                      841
  8420. u3568.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    850
  8421. u3568.p        ;Primary products                                                                          841
  8422. u3568.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        841
  8423. u3568.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        841
  8424. u3568.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   850
  8425. u3568.1        ;Plain bearings and bushings, except automotive and aircraft                               
  8426. u3568.115      ;Plain bearings and bushings, unmounted, machined, excluding carbon and graphite           
  8427. u3568.151      ;Mounted bearings, plain                                                                   
  8428. u3568.3        ;Power transmission equipment, except speed changers, drives, and gears, n.e.c.            
  8429. u3568.3a       ;Clutches                                                                                  
  8430. u3568.3b       ;Flexible couplings                                                                        
  8431. u3568.3c       ;Chains for sprocket drives                                                                
  8432. u3568.3d       ;Sprockets                                                                                 
  8433. u3568.3e       ;Pulleys                                                                                   
  8434. u3568.3f       ;Sheaves                                                                                   
  8435. u3568.3g       ;Other power transmission equipment, except aircraft, automobile, truck, and bus           
  8436. u3568.311      ;Friction type                                                                             
  8437. u3568.319      ;All other clutches                                                                        
  8438. u3568.321      ;1-inch nominal bore and over, gear type                                                   
  8439. u3568.322      ;1-inch nominal bore and over, other than gear type                                        
  8440. u3568.324      ;Less than 1-inch nominal bore                                                             
  8441. u3568.332      ;ASA standard roller chain, 3-inch and under in pitch                                      
  8442. u3568.335      ;Other chains for sprocket drives                                                          
  8443. u3568.343      ;For ASA standard roller chains                                                            
  8444. u3568.351      ;Pulleys                                                                                   
  8445. @       
  8446. u3568.361      ;Single drive                                                                              
  8447. u3568.389      ;Universal joints                                                                          
  8448. u3568.393      ;Ball joints, drive and flexible shafts, and drive shaft parts                             
  8449. u3568.394      ;Mechanical valve operators and transmissions, excl. marine transmissions                  
  8450. u3568.399      ;All other mechanical power transmission equip., except aircraft, automobile, truck, and b 
  8451. u3569          ;General industrial machinery, n.e.c.                                                      
  8452. u3569.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8453. u3569.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8454. u3569.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8455. u3569.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8456. u3569.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8457. u3569.3        ;Filters and strainers, except fluid power                                                 
  8458. u3569.3a       ;Containment (housing) devices                                                             
  8459. u3569.3b       ;Media                                                                                     
  8460. u3569.301      ;Pressurized, including filters which also dehydrate and/or deaerate                       
  8461. u3569.302      ;Vacuum, including filters which also dehydrate and/or deaerate                            
  8462. u3569.303      ;Gravity                                                                                   
  8463. u3569.304      ;Parts and accessories, sold separately                                                    
  8464. u3569.311      ;Reusable (cleanable)                                                                      
  8465. u3569.312      ;Nonreusable, including disposable (throw away) filter cartridges                          
  8466. u3569.7        ;Filters for hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power systems                                   
  8467. u3569.9        ;General industrial machinery, n.e.c.                                                      
  8468. u3569.941      ;Lubrication systems (industrial, centralized, and automatic)                              
  8469. u3569.945      ;Presses, metal baling                                                                     
  8470. u3569.951      ;Centrifugals and separators, exc. cream, grain, and berry                                 
  8471. u3569.961      ;Automatic fire sprinkler equipment                                                        
  8472. u3569.973      ;Hydraulic jacks                                                                           
  8473. u3569.974      ;Screw jacks, complete, and jack screws, sold separately (except automotive)               
  8474. u3569.998      ;Other general industrial machinery and equipment, incl. low pressure air and gas dehydrat 
  8475. u3571          ;Electronic computers                                                                      
  8476. u3571.a        ;16-bit word size computers                                                                
  8477. u3571.b        ;32-bit word size computers                                                                
  8478. u3571.b21      ;80000 series microprocessor-based                                                         
  8479. u3571.b22      ;68000 series microprocessor-based                                                         
  8480. u3571.b23      ;Other 32-bit word size computers                                                          
  8481. u3571.c        ;Greater than 32-bit word size computers                                                   
  8482. u3571.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8483. u3578          ;Calculating and accounting machines                                                       
  8484. u3578.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8485. u3578.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8486. u3578.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8487. u3578.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8488. u3578.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8489. u3578.1        ;Accounting machines and cash registers                                                    
  8490. u3578.113      ;Coin/currency machines, incl. sorting, counting, dispensing, wrapping, and denominating t 
  8491. u3578.155      ;Point-of-sale terminals (POS) (retail devices)                                            
  8492. u3578.2        ;Calculators and adding machines                                                           
  8493. u3578.3        ;Parts and attachments for adding, calculating, and accounting machines, and cash register 
  8494. u3578.311      ;Produced by complete machine manufacturers                                                
  8495. u3578.313      ;Produced by other than complete machine manufacturers                                     
  8496. @       
  8497. u3579          ;Office machines, not elsewhere classified                                                 
  8498. u3579.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8499. u3579.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8500. u3579.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8501. u3579.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8502. u3579.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  8503. u3579.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8504. u3579.3        ;Duplicating machines and parts                                                            
  8505. u3579.5        ;Mailing, letter handling, collating, and addressing machines                              
  8506. u3579.534      ;Forms handling equipment, bursters, decollators, and imprinters                           
  8507. u3579.541      ;Mailing machines, incl. sorting, tying, canceling machinery, postage meters, etc.         
  8508. u3579.543      ;Letter and envelope handling machines, incl. opening, sealing, folding, and inserting mac 
  8509. u3579.547      ;Addressing machines, incl. labeling machines, plates, plate embossers & addresser-printer 
  8510. u3579.6        ;All other office machines, not elsewhere classified, and parts                            
  8511. u3579.631      ;Check handling machines, incl. canceling, cutting, dating, endorsing, and numbering machi 
  8512. u3579.633      ;Time recording and time stamp machines                                                    
  8513. u3579.698      ;All other office machines, incl. pencil sharpeners, paper cutters, and rebuilds           
  8514. u3579.699      ;Parts and attachments, not elsewhere classified, sold separately                          
  8515. u3579.7        ;Standard typewriters and automatic typing and word processing machines and parts          
  8516. u3579.706      ;Typewriters, standard, electric, nonelectric, electronic, portable, and nonportable       
  8517. u3579.712      ;Automatic typing and word processing machines                                             
  8518. u358           ;Refrigeration and service industry machinery                                              
  8519. u3581          ;Automatic merchandising machines                                                          
  8520. u3581.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8521. u3581.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8522. u3581.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8523. u3581.1        ;Automatic merchandising machines, coin-operated, excluding parts                          
  8524. u3581.11       ;Vending machines for beverages                                                            
  8525. u3581.115      ;Soft drink                                                                                
  8526. u3581.11501    ;Canned beverage (refrigerated)                                                            
  8527. u3581.12       ;Vending machines for confections and foods                                                
  8528. u3581.126      ;Confections and foods, other than bagged snacks and chips                                 
  8529. u3581.128      ;Bagged snacks and chips                                                                   
  8530. u3581.13       ;Other vending machines, incl. cigarettes, water, ice and stamps                           
  8531. u3581.131      ;Cigarettes                                                                                
  8532. u3581.2        ;Coin-operated mechanisms and other parts for automatic merchandising machines             
  8533. u3581.251      ;Coin-operated mechanisms (for sale separately), incl. changers and locks                  
  8534. u3581.269      ;Parts for automatic merchandising machines, except coin-operated mechanisms               
  8535. u3582          ;Commercial laundry equipment                                                              
  8536. u3582.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8537. u3582.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8538. u3582.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8539. u3582.1        ;Laundry equipment                                                                         
  8540. u3582.113      ;Washer-extractor combinations                                                             
  8541. u3582.11312    ;Other than coin-operated                                                                  
  8542. u3582.114      ;Drying tumblers                                                                           
  8543. u3582.11411    ;Coin-operated, over 16-pounds load                                                        
  8544. u3582.11412    ;Other than coin-operated                                                                  
  8545. u3582.115      ;Flatwork ironers                                                                          
  8546. u3582.116      ;Laundry presses                                                                           
  8547. @       
  8548. u3582.117      ;Other commercial laundry equipment                                                        
  8549. u3582.118      ;Commercial laundry equipment parts, attachments and accessories                           
  8550. u3582.11811    ;For washer-extractor combinations and drying tumblers                                     
  8551. u3582.11812    ;For other commercial laundry and pressing machinery and equipment                         
  8552. u3582.2        ;Dry cleaning equipment                                                                    
  8553. u3585          ;Refrigeration and heating equipment                                                       
  8554. u3585.c        ;Warm air furnaces, humidifiers, and electric comfort heating equipment                    
  8555. u3585.c11      ;Forced-air type furnaces                                                                  
  8556. u3585.c1104    ;Oil                                                                                       
  8557. u3585.c1107    ;Gas                                                                                       
  8558. u3585.c4       ;Electrical comfort heating equipment, excluding parts                                     
  8559. u3585.c41      ;Central systems                                                                           
  8560. u3585.d        ;Parts and accessories for a/c, heat transfer, and elect. comfort heat equipment           
  8561. u3585.d11      ;Parts for heat transfer equip., including parts for a/c condensing units                  
  8562. u3585.d71      ;Parts for refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, n.e.c.                            
  8563. u3585.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8564. u3585.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8565. u3585.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8566. u3585.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8567. u3585.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8568. u3585.1        ;Heat transfer equipment, mech refrigerated, self-contained, exc electric dehumid          
  8569. u3585.101      ;Packaged terminal air conditioners                                                        
  8570. u3585.106      ;Room fan-coil air conditioning units                                                      
  8571. u3585.112      ;Central station air conditioning units, motor driven fan type                             
  8572. u3585.132      ;Air-cooled refrigerant condensers, remote type                                            
  8573. u3585.136      ;Shell-and: tube, coil, u-tube; and tube-in-tube liquid coolers                            
  8574. u3585.14101    ;Ceiling and wall-mounted types                                                            
  8575. u3585.142      ;Central system finned coils, air-conditioning and refrigeration type                      
  8576. u3585.143      ;Coil sales by oem for resale or assembly into equip. by other manuf. (all types)          
  8577. u3585.154      ;Centrifugal liquid chilling packages                                                      
  8578. u3585.156      ;Mobile vehicle refrigeration systems                                                      
  8579. u3585.161      ;Mobile vehicle mechanical air conditioning systems                                        
  8580. u3585.16114    ;For passenger automobiles                                                                 
  8581. u3585.16115    ;For truck, bus, construction and agricultural machinery and other uses                    
  8582. u3585.175      ;Icemaking machines                                                                        
  8583. u3585.1751     ;Self-contained                                                                            
  8584. u3585.17511    ;Ice-cube makers                                                                           
  8585. u3585.17512    ;Flake and chip machines                                                                   
  8586. u3585.1752     ;Not self-contained                                                                        
  8587. u3585.185      ;Reciprocating liquid chillers                                                             
  8588. u3585.196      ;Factory-fabricated water-cooling towers                                                   
  8589. u3585.2        ;Unitary air conditioners                                                                  
  8590. u3585.22       ;Air conditioners, except window and wall types                                            
  8591. u3585.221      ;Single package (with or without evaporator fan)                                           
  8592. u3585.2211     ;Horizontal                                                                                
  8593. u3585.22114    ;Under 54,000 btu/hr                                                                       
  8594. u3585.22115    ;54,000 btu/hr and over                                                                    
  8595. u3585.2213     ;Other than horizontal                                                                     
  8596. u3585.25       ;Year-round air conditioners, single packages and remote condenser types, except heat pump 
  8597. u3585.252      ;Under 44,000 btu/hr                                                                       
  8598. @       
  8599. u3585.257      ;44,000 to 134,999 btu/hr                                                                  
  8600. u3585.258      ;135,000 btu/hr and over                                                                   
  8601. u3585.27       ;Water source heat pumps, except room air conditioners                                     
  8602. u3585.28       ;Air source heat pumps, except room air conditioners                                       
  8603. u3585.285      ;Single package                                                                            
  8604. u3585.286      ;Split system                                                                              
  8605. u3585.29       ;Split system air conditioning units                                                       
  8606. u3585.295      ;Air conditioning condensing units                                                         
  8607. u3585.29572    ;22,000 to 26,999 btu/hr                                                                   
  8608. u3585.29573    ;27,000 to 32,999 btu/hr                                                                   
  8609. u3585.29574    ;33,000 to 38,999 btu/hr                                                                   
  8610. u3585.29577    ;54,000 to 64,999 btu/hr                                                                   
  8611. u3585.296      ;Air conditioning coils                                                                    
  8612. u3585.3        ;Commercial refrigerators and related equipment                                            
  8613. u3585.31       ;Refrigerated enclosures, incl self-contained units, remote units w/wo cond. units         
  8614. u3585.311      ;Reach-in refrig. and reach-in vert display cabinets, with solid or glazed doors           
  8615. u3585.31115    ;For normal temp. application, i.e., not intended for frozen foods, ice cream, etc.        
  8616. u3585.31118    ;For low temperature application                                                           
  8617. u3585.312      ;Sectional coolers or cooling rooms of the prefabricated (factory produced) type           
  8618. u3585.313      ;Display cases for meats, dairy products, produce, other perishables, normal temp          
  8619. u3585.3131     ;Closed                                                                                    
  8620. u3585.3132     ;Open, self-service                                                                        
  8621. u3585.31323    ;One level                                                                                 
  8622. u3585.31328    ;Multilevel                                                                                
  8623. u3585.314      ;Display cases and cabinets for frozen foods, ice cream, etc., except coin operated        
  8624. u3585.3141     ;Frozen food display cases, open, self-service                                             
  8625. u3585.31413    ;One level                                                                                 
  8626. u3585.31414    ;Multilevel                                                                                
  8627. u3585.343      ;Mechanical drinking water coolers                                                         
  8628. u3585.361      ;Mechanical beverage cooling and dispensing equipment, except coin-operated                
  8629. u3585.36157    ;Bulk beverage dispensers, including malt dispensers and precooler cabinets                
  8630. u3585.397      ;Other comm. refrigerators, retarders, egg refrigerators, environmental control equip., et 
  8631. u3585.4        ;Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants                                        
  8632. u3585.41       ;Refrigerants, except ammonia                                                              
  8633. u3585.412      ;Hermetic type motor compressors, 10 hp and under                                          
  8634. u3585.41211    ;Less than 3 hp                                                                            
  8635. u3585.41236    ;3 hp to 10 hp                                                                             
  8636. u3585.414      ;Open and hermetic types, over 10 hp                                                       
  8637. u3585.418      ;Automotive air conditioning compressors, open type, with or without motor                 
  8638. u3585.5        ;Condensing units, all refrigerants except ammonia                                         
  8639. u3585.51       ;Air-cooled                                                                                
  8640. u3585.512      ;Hermetic type under 15 hp                                                                 
  8641. u3585.51202    ;1/2 hp to 1 hp                                                                            
  8642. u3585.51205    ;1 1/2 hp to 3 hp                                                                          
  8643. u3585.51209    ;Over 3 hp but under 15 hp                                                                 
  8644. u3585.569      ;Water and air-cooled, open and hermetic type, 15 hp and over                              
  8645. u3585.6        ;Room air conditioners and dehumidifiers                                                   
  8646. u3585.612      ;Room air conditioners                                                                     
  8647. u3585.612a     ;Under 8,000 btu/hr                                                                        
  8648. u3585.612b     ;8,000 to 12,999 btu/hr                                                                    
  8649. @       
  8650. u3585.612c     ;13,000 to 19,999 btu/hr                                                                   
  8651. u3585.61231    ;Under 6,000 btu/hr                                                                        
  8652. u3585.61234    ;6,000 to 6,999 btu/hr                                                                     
  8653. u3585.61263    ;15,000 to 16,999 btu/hr                                                                   
  8654. u3585.9        ;Refrigeration and a/c equip. n.e.c., including soda fountain and beer dispensing equip    
  8655. u3585.901      ;Soda fountain equipment                                                                   
  8656. u3585.902      ;Beer-dispensing equipment                                                                 
  8657. u3585.903      ;Evaporative air coolers                                                                   
  8658. u3585.907      ;Other refrigeration machinery and air conditioning equipment                              
  8659. u3586          ;Measuring and dispensing pumps                                                            
  8660. u3586.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8661. u3586.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8662. u3586.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8663. u3586.1        ;Gasoline dispensing pumps, computing type (filling station type)                          
  8664. u3586.111      ;Single dispensing units                                                                   
  8665. u3586.11112    ;With suction pumping units                                                                
  8666. u3586.11113    ;Without suction pumping units                                                             
  8667. u3586.115      ;Multiple dispensing units                                                                 
  8668. u3586.2        ;Lubricating oil and grease dispensing equipment                                           
  8669. u3586.212      ;Lubricating oil pumps, including barrel pumps                                             
  8670. u3586.213      ;Grease dispensing equipment, including pumps and guns                                     
  8671. u3586.3        ;Other measuring and dispensing pumps and parts and attachments                            
  8672. u3586.314      ;Other measuring and dispensing pumps, incl. noncomputing gasoline dispensing pumps        
  8673. u3586.315      ;Parts and attachments for measuring and dispensing pumps                                  
  8674. u3589          ;Service industry machinery, n.e.c.                                                        
  8675. u3589.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8676. u3589.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8677. u3589.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8678. u3589.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8679. u3589.1        ;Commercial cooking and food warming equipment                                             
  8680. u3589.11       ;Nonelectric commercial cooking and food warming equipment                                 
  8681. u3589.111      ;Commercial cooking stoves, ranges, ovens, and broilers                                    
  8682. u3589.114      ;Deep fat fryers                                                                           
  8683. u3589.115      ;Other commercial cooking equipment, including griddles, toasters, coffee urns, etc.       
  8684. u3589.16       ;Electric and electronic commercial cooking and food warming equipment                     
  8685. u3589.161      ;Commercial electric ranges, ovens, and broilers                                           
  8686. u3589.165      ;Commercial food warming equipment, including hot food server units and steam tables       
  8687. u3589.167      ;Other commercial cooking equipment                                                        
  8688. u3589.16723    ;Deep fat fryers                                                                           
  8689. u3589.16728    ;Other commercial cooking equipment, incl. griddles, toasters, coffee urns, etc.           
  8690. u3589.185      ;Parts and accessories for commercial cooking and food warming equipment                   
  8691. u3589.2        ;Service industry machines and parts                                                       
  8692. u3589.21       ;Water softeners and water heaters                                                         
  8693. u3589.211      ;Water heaters, except boilers                                                             
  8694. u3589.215      ;Farm, household, and commercial water softeners                                           
  8695. u3589.24       ;Floor maintenance machinery, commercial and industrial, excl. vacuum cleaners             
  8696. u3589.242      ;Floor scrubbing and sanding machines, commercial type                                     
  8697. u3589.245      ;Floor waxing and polishing machines, commercial and industrial type                       
  8698. u3589.27       ;Commercial dishwashing machines                                                           
  8699. u3589.273      ;Conveyor type                                                                             
  8700. @       
  8701. u3589.275      ;All other types                                                                           
  8702. u3589.281      ;Sewage treatment equipment                                                                
  8703. u3589.28113    ;Clarifier                                                                                 
  8704. u3589.28115    ;Sludge processing equipment                                                               
  8705. u3589.28116    ;Pump station                                                                              
  8706. u3589.28117    ;Other sewage treatment equipment                                                          
  8707. u3589.282      ;Commercial car washing machinery                                                          
  8708. u3589.283      ;Garbage and trash compactors, commercial and industrial                                   
  8709. u3589.285      ;High pressure (over 1000 psi) cleaning and blasting machinery, excl. foundry mach         
  8710. u3589.293      ;Parts and accessories for service industry machines                                       
  8711. u3589.294      ;Other industrial and commercial service machines, incl. carpet shampooers                 
  8712. u3589.3        ;Commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners                                                 
  8713. u3589.311      ;Portable, including parts and attachments                                                 
  8714. u359           ;Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical                                                
  8715. u3592          ;Carburetors, pistons, piston rings, and valves                                            
  8716. u3592.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8717. u3592.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8718. u3592.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8719. u3592.1        ;Carburetors, new and rebuilt                                                              
  8720. u3592.1a       ;Carburetors (new), all types                                                              
  8721. u3592.111      ;Carburetors for motor vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, and buses)                        
  8722. u3592.171      ;Carburetors, rebuilt, all types                                                           
  8723. u3592.2        ;Pistons, piston rings, and piston pins (engine)                                           
  8724. u3592.2a       ;Pistons, all types (machined), excluding rough castings                                   
  8725. u3592.2b       ;Piston rings, all types                                                                   
  8726. u3592.2b1      ;Piston rings, oil type                                                                    
  8727. u3592.2b2      ;Piston rings, compression type                                                            
  8728. u3592.221      ;Pistons for motor vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, and buses)                            
  8729. u3592.223      ;All other pistons                                                                         
  8730. u3592.251      ;Piston rings, oil type, for motor vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, and buses)            
  8731. u3592.255      ;Piston rings, compression type, for motor vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, and buses)    
  8732. u3592.257      ;All other compression type piston rings                                                   
  8733. u3592.3        ;Valves (engine intake and exhaust)                                                        
  8734. u3592.361      ;Valves (engine intake and exhaust) for motor vehicle engines (pass. cars, trucks, and bus 
  8735. u3592.363      ;Valves (engine intake and exhaust) for other engines                                      
  8736. u35923714s     ;Motor vehicle parts and accessories                                                       
  8737. u3593          ;Fluid power cylinders and actuators                                                       
  8738. u3593.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8739. u3593.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8740. u3593.2        ;Non-aerospace hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, actuators, accumulators, cushions, etc.  
  8741. u3593.21       ;Hydraulic cylinders                                                                       
  8742. u3593.211      ;Tie-rod types                                                                             
  8743. u3593.2113     ;Tie-rod types, standard NFPA                                                              
  8744. u3593.212      ;Telescoping types                                                                         
  8745. u3593.215      ;Weld fused, mill types, and other types including combinations                            
  8746. u3593.27       ;Pneumatic cylinders                                                                       
  8747. u3593.273      ;Tie-rod types                                                                             
  8748. u3593.275      ;Other pneumatic cylinders                                                                 
  8749. u3593.29       ;Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, accumulators, cushions, and non-vehicular shock absorb 
  8750. u3593.299      ;Parts for non-aerospace fluid power cylinders, actuators, and other                       
  8751. @       
  8752. u3594          ;Fluid power pumps and motors                                                              
  8753. u3594.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8754. u3594.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8755. u3594.1        ;Fluid power pumps and motors                                                              
  8756. u3594.1a       ;Fluid power pumps and motors, non-aerospace                                               
  8757. u3594.11       ;Fluid power pumps, variable displacement, closed loop, hydrostatic transmission type      
  8758. u3594.12       ;Fluid power pumps, variable displacement, open loop                                       
  8759. u3594.127      ;Axial piston type                                                                         
  8760. u3594.13       ;Fluid power pumps, fixed displacement, open and closed loop                               
  8761. u3594.131      ;Internal gear type (including gerotor)                                                    
  8762. u3594.134      ;External gear type                                                                        
  8763. u3594.15       ;Hydraulic and pneumatic motors (continuous rotation)                                      
  8764. u3594.152      ;Hydraulic motors                                                                          
  8765. u3594.1521     ;Gear tpe, internal and external (including gerotor)                                       
  8766. u3594.1526     ;Other motors, n.e.c.                                                                      
  8767. u3594.2        ;Parts for pumps and motors                                                                
  8768. u3594.2c       ;Hydraulic                                                                                 
  8769. u3594.291      ;Non-aerospace                                                                             
  8770. u3596          ;Scales and balances, except laboratory                                                    
  8771. u3596.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8772. u3596.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8773. u3596.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8774. u3596.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  8775. u3596.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8776. u3596.1        ;Vehicle and industrial scales                                                             
  8777. u3596.101      ;Motor truck scales                                                                        
  8778. u3596.105      ;Bench and portable scales                                                                 
  8779. u3596.107      ;Floor scales                                                                              
  8780. u3596.115      ;Miscellaneous industrial scales, incl crane, tank, hopper, and conveyor                   
  8781. u3596.2        ;Retail, commercial, household, and mailing scales                                         
  8782. u3596.209      ;Bathroom scales                                                                           
  8783. u3596.211      ;Person weighing scales and miscellaneous household scales                                 
  8784. u3596.3        ;Parts, attachments, and accessories for scales and balances                               
  8785. u3599          ;Machinery, except electrical, not elsewhere classified                                    
  8786. u3599.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8787. u3599.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8788. u3599.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8789. u3599.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8790. u3599.4        ;Miscellaneous machinery products                                                          
  8791. u3599.418      ;Flexible metal hose and tubing                                                            
  8792. u3599.425      ;Metal bellows                                                                             
  8793. u3599.498      ;Other miscellaneous machinery products                                                    
  8794. u3599.5        ;Receipts for machine shop jobwork                                                         
  8795. u3599.512      ;Automotive                                                                                
  8796. u3599.513      ;Aerospace                                                                                 
  8797. u3599.515      ;Electronics                                                                               
  8798. u3599.517      ;Fabricated metal products                                                                 
  8799. u3599.519      ;Machinery, parts and accessories                                                          
  8800. u3599.521      ;Mining, construction, and oilfield equipment                                              
  8801. u3599.523      ;Appliances                                                                                
  8802. @       
  8803. u3599.527      ;Chemical and petroleum                                                                    
  8804. u3599.529      ;Food processing and packaging                                                             
  8805. u3599.531      ;Electrical machinery                                                                      
  8806. u3599.533      ;Agricultural equipment                                                                    
  8807. u3599.539      ;All other customers                                                                       
  8808. u3599.541      ;Maintenance and repair                                                                    
  8809. u36            ;Electrical and electronic machinery, equipment, and supplies                              
  8810. u361           ;Electric transmission and distribution equipment                                          
  8811. u3612          ;Transformers                                                                              
  8812. u3612.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8813. u3612.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8814. u3612.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8815. u3612.1        ;Distribution transformers                                                                 
  8816. u3612.101      ;Liquid immersed                                                                           
  8817. u3612.10111    ;Pole type, 500 KVA or less, single phase                                                  
  8818. u3612.10112    ;Pad mount, 500 KVA or less, single phase                                                  
  8819. u3612.10114    ;500 KVA or less, three phase                                                              
  8820. u3612.102      ;Dry-type                                                                                  
  8821. u3612.10221    ;500 KVA or less, single phase                                                             
  8822. u3612.2        ;Power transformers                                                                        
  8823. u3612.201      ;Small power transformers, one and three phase                                             
  8824. u3612.20121    ;501-2500 KVA, liquid immersed                                                             
  8825. u3612.20131    ;All secondary unit substation, liquid or dry type                                         
  8826. u3612.202      ;Large power transformers, one and three phase, liquid immersed                            
  8827. u3612.20242    ;10001-30000 KVA, without LTC.                                                             
  8828. u3612.20245    ;100000 KVA and above, with LTC.                                                           
  8829. u3612.3        ;Fluorescent lamp ballasts                                                                 
  8830. u3612.301      ;Uncorrected power factor type                                                             
  8831. u3612.302      ;Corrected power factor type                                                               
  8832. u3612.4        ;Specialty and all other transformers                                                      
  8833. u3612.401      ;Open core and coil, and all units end-bell enclosed, 250 KVA and less                     
  8834. u3612.402      ;High intensity discharge lamp transformers                                                
  8835. u3612.403      ;Instrument transformers, indoor and outdoor                                               
  8836. u3612.404      ;General purpose, one and three phase                                                      
  8837. u3612.405      ;Power regulators and boosters, and reactors and other special purpose transformers        
  8838. u3612.40501    ;Transmission and distribution voltage regulators, including induction and step types      
  8839. u3612.40502    ;Reactors and other special purpose transformers                                           
  8840. u3612.408      ;All other transformers including luminous tube, ignition, and saturable core reactors     
  8841. u3613          ;Switchgear and switchboard apparatus                                                      
  8842. u3613.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8843. u3613.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8844. u3613.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8845. u3613.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8846. u3613.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8847. u3613.1        ;Switchgear, except ducts and control circuit relays                                       
  8848. u3613.109      ;Metal-clad switchgear using power circuit breakers, all voltages, excl. load interrupter  
  8849. u3613.111      ;Metal-enclosed load interrupter switchgear assemblies, all voltages incl. parts           
  8850. u3613.112      ;Automatic and manual control panels (generators, transformers, etc.)                      
  8851. u3613.113      ;Metal-enclosed power circuit breaker switchgear assemblies, 1,000 volts, including parts  
  8852. u3613.141      ;Outdoor power switching equipment, 2,300 v. or more, except fuses                         
  8853. @       
  8854. u3613.151      ;Power fuses and fuse links for 2,300 volts and over, excl. distribution cutouts           
  8855. u3613.183      ;Distribution cutouts                                                                      
  8856. u3613.2        ;Power circuit breakers, all voltages                                                      
  8857. u3613.231      ;Other power cir. breakers sold sep., network protectors and auto cir reclosers, incl. par 
  8858. u3613.3        ;Panelboards, distribution boards and other switching and interrupting devices             
  8859. u3613.31       ;Panelboards, including enclosing cabinets, 1,000 volts and below                          
  8860. u3613.311      ;Fusible, including combination switch fuse                                                
  8861. u3613.312      ;Circuit breaker type                                                                      
  8862. u3613.32       ;Distribution switchboards, 1,000 volts and below                                          
  8863. u3613.3215     ;Fusible                                                                                   
  8864. u3613.3217     ;Circuit breaker                                                                           
  8865. u3613.3219     ;Other switchboards, including theater switchboards                                        
  8866. u3613.33       ;Switches (except snap, toggle and rotary types), 1,000 volts and below                    
  8867. u3613.3321     ;Knife switches, enclosed heavy duty                                                       
  8868. u3613.3322     ;Knife switches, enclosed general duty                                                     
  8869. u3613.3326     ;Load center:  circuit breaker type                                                        
  8870. u3613.3333     ;Other switches, including open knife and motor contact switches                           
  8871. u3613.398      ;Other switchgear apparatus                                                                
  8872. u3613.4        ;Fuses and fuse equipment, under 2,300 volts, excluding power distribution cutouts         
  8873. u3613.451      ;Nonrenewable cartridge fuses                                                              
  8874. u3613.471      ;Renewable plug fuses, cartridge fuses, and fuse links                                     
  8875. u3613.493      ;Other fuses and open fuse material, incl cutouts, clips, bases, etc.                      
  8876. u3613.5        ;Molded case circuit breakers                                                              
  8877. u3613.511      ;Industrial type, 1,000 v. and below, incl. attachments or accessories                     
  8878. u3613.512      ;Residential or light duty type, 1,000 v and below                                         
  8879. u3613.6        ;Ducts, incl. plug-in units and accessories (encl. sectionalized prefabricated bus bars)   
  8880. u3613.611      ;Busways                                                                                   
  8881. u36133643s     ;Current-carrying wiring devices                                                           
  8882. u362           ;Electrical industrial apparatus                                                           
  8883. u3621          ;Electric  motors and generators                                                           
  8884. u3621.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8885. u3621.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8886. u3621.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8887. u3621.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8888. u3621.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8889. u3621.1        ;Fractional horsepower motors and generators                                               
  8890. u3621.111      ;Automobile accessory motors                                                               
  8891. u3621.112      ;Aircraft and space motors (excluding generators)                                          
  8892. u3621.115      ;Universal motors (cased)                                                                  
  8893. u3621.17       ;Direct current motors and generators                                                      
  8894. u3621.171      ;Case diameter:  up to 3 inches                                                            
  8895. u3621.172      ;Case diameter:  3 inches to 9 inches                                                      
  8896. u3621.18       ;Alternating current motors                                                                
  8897. u3621.181      ;Skeleton type shaded pole motors                                                          
  8898. u3621.182      ;Conventional type shaded pole motors                                                      
  8899. u3621.18201    ;Case diameter:  up to 3 3/4 inches                                                        
  8900. u3621.18202    ;Case diameter:  3 3/4 inches to 9 inches                                                  
  8901. u3621.183      ;Other A.C. motors, excluding clock type                                                   
  8902. u3621.18301    ;Case diameter: up to 5 3/8 inches, less than 1 hp                                         
  8903. u3621.18302    ;Case diameter: 5 3/8 inches to 9 inches, less than 1 hp                                   
  8904. @       
  8905. u3621.2        ;Integral horsepower motors and generators, except for land transportation equipment       
  8906. u3621.2c       ;D.C. motors and generators                                                                
  8907. u3621.2d       ;A.C. generators, except turbine driven, arc welding, and aerospace                        
  8908. u3621.21       ;A.C.motors                                                                                
  8909. u3621.222      ;Single phase, all h.p. ratings                                                            
  8910. u3621.223      ;Polyphase-induction                                                                       
  8911. u3621.22301    ;1 to 500 h.p                                                                              
  8912. u3621.231      ;1 to 200 h.p. (3/4 to 150 kw)                                                             
  8913. u3621.241      ;3/4 to 400 kw                                                                             
  8914. u3621.242      ;Over 400 kw                                                                               
  8915. u3621.4        ;Prime mover generator sets, exc. steam or hydraulic turbine                               
  8916. u3621.411      ;Gas and/or gasoline driven (A.C. and D.C. output)                                         
  8917. u3621.421      ;Diesel engine driven (A.C. and D.C. output)                                               
  8918. u3621.71       ;Other rotating equipment                                                                  
  8919. u3621.753      ;Synchros, servos, rate generators, resolvers, and combinations                            
  8920. u3621.8        ;Integral horsepower motor-generator sets                                                  
  8921. u3621.811      ;Synchronous converters and double current generators                                      
  8922. u3621.831      ;All other integral rotating equipment                                                     
  8923. u3621.9        ;Parts and supplies for motors and generators                                              
  8924. u3621.911      ;Parts and supplies for motors, generators and sets                                        
  8925. u3624          ;Carbon and graphite products                                                              
  8926. u3624.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8927. u3624.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8928. u3624.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  8929. u3624.1        ;Carbon and graphite electrodes                                                            
  8930. u3624.156      ;Graphite electrodes                                                                       
  8931. u3624.9        ;Carbon and graphite products, excluding electrodes                                        
  8932. u3624.91       ;Brushes, contacts, and brushplates                                                        
  8933. u3624.911      ;Automotive brushes, including replacement and coded, excluding auto accessory brushes     
  8934. u3624.913      ;All other fractional horsepower brushes & contacts, including replacement & miniature bru 
  8935. u3624.915      ;All other industrial brushes and contacts                                                 
  8936. u3624.98       ;Carbon & graphite products except electrodes, brushes, contacts & brushplates             
  8937. u3624.981      ;Products with electrical application incl. welding but excl. silver or metal products     
  8938. u3624.983      ;Products with mechanical application excluding metallic oilless bearings                  
  8939. u3624.986      ;Products w/aerospace application, including unmachined stock and machined items, n.e.c.   
  8940. u3624.988      ;Prod. w/other applications including chemical, nuclear, metallurgical, & refractory usage 
  8941. u3625          ;Relays and industrial controls                                                            
  8942. u3625.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  8943. u3625.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8944. u3625.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8945. u3625.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8946. u3625.xy9      ;Contract work and miscellaneous receipts                                                  
  8947. u3625.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  8948. u3625.1        ;Relays                                                                                    
  8949. u3625.11       ;General purpose electromechanical relays                                                  
  8950. u3625.111      ;Over 100 MW actuating power and sealed                                                    
  8951. u3625.11101    ;0.0 to 10 amps contact rating                                                             
  8952. u3625.11102    ;Over 10 amps contact rating                                                               
  8953. u3625.112      ;Over 100 MW actuating power and not sealed                                                
  8954. u3625.113      ;0.0 through 100 MW actuating power, sealed and not sealed                                 
  8955. @       
  8956. u3625.151      ;Crystal can types (sealed)                                                                
  8957. u3625.16201    ;Dry reed                                                                                  
  8958. u3625.172      ;Timing relays (timers)                                                                    
  8959. u3625.17201    ;Solid-state/EMR combination                                                               
  8960. u3625.17202    ;Solid-state pure                                                                          
  8961. u3625.17203    ;All other timing relays, incl pneumatic, electronic, etc.                                 
  8962. u3625.181      ;Relays for industrial controls, all voltages, n.e.c.                                      
  8963. u3625.191      ;All other general purpose relays, n.e.c.                                                  
  8964. u3625.2        ;Specific purpose industrial controls                                                      
  8965. u3625.213      ;Crane and hoist controls, constant and adjustable voltage, incl. operators desks and stat 
  8966. u3625.214      ;Definite purpose contactors and starters, 600 volts and less                              
  8967. u3625.215      ;Machine tool controls                                                                     
  8968. u3625.21502    ;Continuous path type, numerical control                                                   
  8969. u3625.21503    ;Digital readout, numerical control, incl. dial and plugboard types                        
  8970. u3625.216      ;Programable controllers, sold separately                                                  
  8971. u3625.217      ;Other specific, special or definite purpose controls and devices                          
  8972. u3625.3        ;General purpose industrial controls                                                       
  8973. u3625.311      ;A.c. full voltage starters, 1000 volts or less, excl. adj. speed & sync. motor starters   
  8974. u3625.312      ;A.c. contactors, 1000 volts or less, excl. adj. speed & sync. motor controls              
  8975. u3625.313      ;A.c. reduced voltage controls, 1000 volts or less, excl. sync. motor starters             
  8976. u3625.315      ;Motor control centers, 1000 volts or less                                                 
  8977. u3625.316      ;Medium voltage starter or contactor, 1001 to 7200 volts                                   
  8978. u3625.317      ;Brakes and clutches, excluding dynamic braking controls                                   
  8979. u3625.318      ;Limit switches (positioning sensors)                                                      
  8980. u3625.31801    ;Electromechanical positioning sensors                                                     
  8981. u3625.319      ;Solid-state positioning sensors                                                           
  8982. u3625.31902    ;Optical proximity sensors                                                                 
  8983. u3625.321      ;All other piolet circuit devices, d.c. power and other control devices                    
  8984. u3625.322      ;Push buttons and stations, except operators desks and stations                            
  8985. u3625.323      ;Rheostats and resistors, except for electronic appl., sold separately, n.e.c.             
  8986. u3625.324      ;Controls for packaged adjustable speed drives                                             
  8987. u3625.329      ;All other general industry devices and systems, n.e.c.                                    
  8988. u3625.4        ;Motor control accessories and parts for industrial controls                               
  8989. u3625.411      ;Motor control and starter accessories, excl. overlaod relays                              
  8990. u3625.412      ;Parts for industrial controls, excl relays                                                
  8991. u3629          ;Electrical industrial apparatus, n.e.c.                                                   
  8992. u3629.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  8993. u3629.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  8994. u3629.1        ;Capacitors for industrial use, except electronic                                          
  8995. u3629.112      ;A.C. capacitors and other electrical capacitors                                           
  8996. u3629.2        ;Rectifying apparatus, except electronic                                                   
  8997. u3629.211      ;Semiconductor power conversion apparatus                                                  
  8998. u3629.21111    ;Semiconductor battery chargers                                                            
  8999. u3629.212      ;Other rectifying (power conversion) apparatus                                             
  9000. u3629.3        ;Other electrical equipment for industrial use                                             
  9001. u3629.319      ;Other miscellaneous electrical industrial apparatus, n.e.c., including thermic generators 
  9002. u363           ;Household appliances                                                                      
  9003. u3631          ;Household cooking equipment and parts                                                     
  9004. u3631.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9005. u3631.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9006. @       
  9007. u3631.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9008. u3631.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9009. u3631.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9010. u3631.1        ;Electric, electronic, and microwave household cooking units and parts                     
  9011. u3631.1a       ;Free-standing electric ranges and ovens                                                   
  9012. u3631.1b       ;Other than free-standing electric ranges                                                  
  9013. u3631.1c       ;Microwave cooking equipment                                                               
  9014. u3631.111      ;Free-standing ranges under 23 inches in width                                             
  9015. u3631.112      ;Free-standing ranges 23 to 32 inches in width                                             
  9016. u3631.11201    ;Low oven                                                                                  
  9017. u3631.121      ;Built-in ranges                                                                           
  9018. u3631.1211     ;Built-in ovens                                                                            
  9019. u3631.1212     ;Drop-in ranges                                                                            
  9020. u3631.174      ;Portable microwave ovens                                                                  
  9021. u3631.185      ;Parts and accessories for household electric ranges and ovens                             
  9022. u3631.21113    ;Surface cooktops                                                                          
  9023. u3631.3        ;Gas household units and parts                                                             
  9024. u3631.3a       ;Standard type gas ranges                                                                  
  9025. u3631.312      ;Free-standing ranges                                                                      
  9026. u3631.31211    ;Free-standing gas ranges over 32 inches                                                   
  9027. u3631.31213    ;Free-standing gas ranges over 24 to 32 inches in width                                    
  9028. u3631.31215    ;Free-standing gas ranges 24 inches and under in width                                     
  9029. u3631.317      ;Built-in or stack-on units                                                                
  9030. u3631.319      ;Surface cooktops                                                                          
  9031. u3631.323      ;Slide-in or drop-in                                                                       
  9032. u3631.4        ;Outdoor cooking equipment and all other household cooking equipment except gas and electr 
  9033. u3631.4a       ;Outdoor cooking equipment                                                                 
  9034. u3631.412      ;Portable outdoor cooking units                                                            
  9035. u3631.41211    ;Solid fuel consuming                                                                      
  9036. u3631.41213    ;Other fuel consuming                                                                      
  9037. u3631.413      ;Parts and accessories for outdoor cooking equipment                                       
  9038. u3631.421      ;Other household cooking equipment except gas and electric                                 
  9039. u3632          ;Household refrigerators and freezers                                                      
  9040. u3632.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9041. u3632.s        ;Secondary  products                                                                       
  9042. u3632.1        ;Household refrigerators, including combination refrigerator-freezers, complete units      
  9043. u3632.102      ;14.4 cubic feet and under                                                                 
  9044. u3632.143      ;17.5 to 19.4 cubic feet                                                                   
  9045. u3632.148      ;19.5 cubic feet and over                                                                  
  9046. u3632.161      ;Range-refrigerator and/or sink combinations                                               
  9047. u3632.2        ;Home and farm freezers, complete units for freezing and/or storing food                   
  9048. u3633          ;Household laundry equipment                                                               
  9049. u3633.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9050. u3633.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9051. u3633.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  9052. u3633.1        ;Household mechanical washing machines, dryers, and washer-dryer combinations              
  9053. u3633.1a       ;Washing machines, mechanical, electric                                                    
  9054. u3633.131      ;Fully automatic and semi-automatic, standard size                                         
  9055. u3633.15       ;Dryers, mechanical                                                                        
  9056. u3633.151      ;Gas                                                                                       
  9057. @       
  9058. u3633.155      ;Electric                                                                                  
  9059. u3633.3        ;Other equipment and parts                                                                 
  9060. u3633.396      ;Parts, attachments, & accessories for household laundry equipment                         
  9061. u3634          ;Electric housewares and fans                                                              
  9062. u3634.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9063. u3634.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9064. u3634.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9065. u3634.1        ;Electric fans, except industrial, excluding parts                                         
  9066. u3634.18       ;Kitchen ventilating and exhaust fans, including range and oven hoods                      
  9067. u3634.184      ;Electric range hoods, ducted and nonducted                                                
  9068. u3634.187      ;All other kitchen ventilating and exhaust fans                                            
  9069. u3634.198      ;All other household fans, excluding roof ventilators, furnace and air conditioning fans   
  9070. u3634.5        ;Small household appliances, excluding parts                                               
  9071. u3634.51       ;Electric razors and dry shavers                                                           
  9072. u3634.513      ;Men's                                                                                     
  9073. u3634.524      ;Ovens and roasters (with or without broiler attachments)                                  
  9074. u3634.525      ;Vacuum, percolator, and drip coffeemakers                                                 
  9075. u3634.529      ;Hotplates and disc stoves (1650 watts and less) excluding built-in units                  
  9076. u3634.53       ;Automatic coffeemakers                                                                    
  9077. u3634.536      ;Automatic toasters                                                                        
  9078. u3634.54       ;Air space heaters                                                                         
  9079. u3634.541      ;Portable room heaters                                                                     
  9080. u3634.54101    ;Fan-forced type                                                                           
  9081. u3634.54102    ;All other portable room heaters                                                           
  9082. u3634.542      ;Electric fry pans (skillet)                                                               
  9083. u3634.545      ;Space heater for fixed installation, all types                                            
  9084. u3634.54501    ;Baseboard, excluding glass panel type                                                     
  9085. u3634.54502    ;All others, excluding warm air furnaces                                                   
  9086. u3634.548      ;Corn poppers                                                                              
  9087. u3634.549      ;All other household cooking and heating appliances                                        
  9088. u3634.54909    ;All other household cooking and heating appliances                                        
  9089. u3634.55       ;Standard household electric irons                                                         
  9090. u3634.57       ;Household food preparation appliances                                                     
  9091. u3634.571      ;Food mixers, including standard attachments                                               
  9092. u3634.57102    ;Stand mixers                                                                              
  9093. u3634.57103    ;Blenders (liquifiers)                                                                     
  9094. u3634.578      ;All other household food preparation appliances                                           
  9095. u3634.583      ;Blankets and all other electric bed coverings                                             
  9096. u3634.587      ;Heating pads, including foot warmers                                                      
  9097. u3634.592      ;Portable air purifiers                                                                    
  9098. u3634.596      ;Portable humidifiers                                                                      
  9099. u3634.598      ;All other electric appliances                                                             
  9100. u3634.59805    ;All other electric appliances                                                             
  9101. u3634.9        ;Parts and attachments for small electric appliances                                       
  9102. u3634.912      ;All other parts and attachments                                                           
  9103. u3634.91201    ;Electrothermal                                                                            
  9104. u3634.91203    ;All other types                                                                           
  9105. u3635          ;Household vacuum cleaners                                                                 
  9106. u3635.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9107. u3635.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9108. @       
  9109. u3635.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9110. u3635.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9111. u3635.1        ;Household vacuum cleaners, including parts and attachments                                
  9112. u3635.111      ;Hand held vacuum cleaners                                                                 
  9113. u3635.133      ;Upright vacuum cleaners                                                                   
  9114. u3635.137      ;Canister, tank, and all other general purpose vacuum cleaners                             
  9115. u3635.141      ;Complete power units, central system type                                                 
  9116. u36353639s     ;Household appliances, n.e.c.                                                              
  9117. u3639          ;Household appliances, not elsewhere classified                                            
  9118. u3639.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9119. u3639.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9120. u3639.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9121. u3639.1        ;Electric water heaters                                                                    
  9122. u3639.101      ;Electric water heaters, storage type                                                      
  9123. u3639.10111    ;Electric water heaters, storage type, 34 gallons and under                                
  9124. u3639.10112    ;Electric water heaters, storage type, 35 to 44 gallons                                    
  9125. u3639.10114    ;Electric water heaters, storage type, 45 to 54 gallons                                    
  9126. u3639.10115    ;Electric water heaters, storage type, 55 gallons and over                                 
  9127. u3639.2        ;Non-electric water heaters                                                                
  9128. u3639.212      ;Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type                                              
  9129. u3639.21202    ;Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type, 34 gallons and under                        
  9130. u3639.21204    ;Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type, 35 to 44 gallons                            
  9131. u3639.21206    ;Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type, 45 to 54 gallons                            
  9132. u3639.21208    ;Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type, 55 gallons and over                         
  9133. u3639.224      ;Oil water heaters, direct fired                                                           
  9134. u3639.258      ;Solar water heater systems                                                                
  9135. u3639.5        ;Other major household appliances, n.e.c.                                                  
  9136. u3639.571      ;Food waste disposers                                                                      
  9137. u36393589s     ;Service industry machinery, n.e.c.                                                        
  9138. u364           ;Electric lighting and wiring equipment                                                    
  9139. u3641          ;Electric lamp bulbs and tubes                                                             
  9140. u3641.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9141. u3641.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9142. u3641.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9143. u3641.1        ;Photographic incandescent lamps                                                           
  9144. u3641.11       ;Photoflash, including blue                                                                
  9145. u3641.2        ;Large incandescent lamps, except photographic and Christmas tree                          
  9146. u3641.21       ;General lighting                                                                          
  9147. u3641.211      ;White lamps, 15-150 watts, 100-130 volts                                                  
  9148. u3641.221      ;Three-way lamps, 100-130 volts                                                            
  9149. u3641.23       ;Reflector, 100-130 volts                                                                  
  9150. u3641.232      ;R-type (blown glass)                                                                      
  9151. u3641.26       ;Tungsten halogen (quartz iodine), excluding 650 watt sungun lamps                         
  9152. u3641.3        ;Miniature incandescent lamps, except Christmas tree                                       
  9153. u3641.32       ;Automobile miniature other than glass and metal sealed beams                              
  9154. u3641.331      ;All other miniature including flashlight and radio panel                                  
  9155. u3641.4        ;Electric discharge lamps, except Christmas tree                                           
  9156. u3641.42       ;Fluorescent, hot cathode                                                                  
  9157. u3641.421      ;Slimline, single pin base, including rapid start                                          
  9158. u3641.425      ;Other fluorescent hot cathode lamps, 40 watts and over, including preheat-rapid start     
  9159. @       
  9160. u3641.43       ;Miscellaneous electrical discharge                                                        
  9161. u3641.431      ;Glow                                                                                      
  9162. u3641.433      ;Sodium, photo-chemical and other miscellaneous electrical discharge                       
  9163. u3641.6        ;Electric lamp components                                                                  
  9164. u3641.611      ;Electric lamp components                                                                  
  9165. u3643          ;Current-carrying wiring devices                                                           
  9166. u3643.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9167. u3643.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9168. u3643.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9169. u3643.1        ;Current-carrying wiring devices                                                           
  9170. u3643.1a       ;Lampholders                                                                               
  9171. u3643.1c       ;General use flush mounted switches for switch or outlet boxes, except dimmers             
  9172. u3643.1d       ;Special purpose switches                                                                  
  9173. u3643.1e       ;Wire connectors                                                                           
  9174. u3643.1f       ;Attachment plug caps and flanged inlets, excluding pin and sleeve                         
  9175. u3643.1g       ;Convenience and power outlets, excluding pin and sleeve                                   
  9176. u3643.103      ;Incandescent lampholders                                                                  
  9177. u3643.117      ;All other lampholders, including fluorescent                                              
  9178. u3643.127      ;Convenience and power outlets, attachment plug caps, and connector bodies:  pin and sleev 
  9179. u3643.131      ;Convenience and power outlets:  2-pole, 3-wire and up (flush), nonlocking, 15 amps and un 
  9180. u3643.136      ;Precision snap-acting switches (1/8 inch gap or less), excluding limit switches & dimmers 
  9181. u3643.168      ;AC single pole, excluding mercury switches                                                
  9182. u3643.169      ;All other general use switches                                                            
  9183. u3643.171      ;Appliance and fixture switches except dimmers                                             
  9184. u3643.174      ;Automotive and aircraft type switches                                                     
  9185. u3643.175      ;Metal contacts, precious and all other                                                    
  9186. u3643.177      ;Dimmers and all other special purpose switches                                            
  9187. u3643.186      ;Banded or strip terminals and splicers, machine installed                                 
  9188. u3643.188      ;Blade or pin type, separable terminations and splicers                                    
  9189. u3643.197      ;Terminal blocks                                                                           
  9190. u3643.198      ;All other current-carrying wiring devices                                                 
  9191. u3644          ;Noncurrent-carrying wiring devices                                                        
  9192. u3644.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9193. u3644.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9194. u3644.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9195. u3644.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9196. u3644.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9197. u3644.1        ;Electrical transmission line and utility pole hardware                                    
  9198. u3644.111      ;Pole and transmission line hardware, commercially available                               
  9199. u3644.11102    ;Pole and crossarm accessories                                                             
  9200. u3644.11113    ;All other commercially available pole and transmission line hardware                      
  9201. u3644.2        ;Electrical conduit and conduit fittings                                                   
  9202. u3644.21       ;Electrical conduit, raceways, and wireways                                                
  9203. u3644.212      ;Rigid steel conduit                                                                       
  9204. u3644.215      ;Electrical metallic tubing                                                                
  9205. u3644.217      ;Flexible nonmetallic conduit, including plastics and liquid-tight                         
  9206. u3644.218      ;Metal raceways and wireways, including fittings: surface and underfloor                   
  9207. u3644.28       ;Electrical conduit fittings                                                               
  9208. u3644.281      ;Rigid metal conduit fittings: cast conduit bodies, covers, and gaskets                    
  9209. u3644.282      ;All other rigid metal conduit fittings, including couplings, nipples, bends, and elbows   
  9210. @       
  9211. u3644.284      ;EMT fittings (couplings and connectors), all types                                        
  9212. u3644.286      ;Cable, cord, and flexible conduit fittings                                                
  9213. u3644.287      ;All other electrical metal conduit fittings                                               
  9214. u3644.3        ;All other noncurrent-carrying wiring devices                                              
  9215. u3644.33       ;Stamped metal boxes, covers, and accessories, including stamped conduit boxes             
  9216. u3644.331      ;Stamped metal switch and receptacle boxes                                                 
  9217. u3644.332      ;Stamped metal outlet boxes                                                                
  9218. u3644.333      ;Stamped metal covers                                                                      
  9219. u3644.34       ;Cast metal boxes, covers, gaskets, and accessories                                        
  9220. u3644.343      ;Junction type                                                                             
  9221. u3644.344      ;All other types, incl. outlet, FS and FD switch and receptacle boxes                      
  9222. u3644.357      ;Plastic boxes and covers                                                                  
  9223. u3644.375      ;All other noncurrent-carrying wiring devices, including floor boxes and covers            
  9224. u36443643s     ;Current-carrying wiring devices                                                           
  9225. u3645          ;Residential lighting fixtures                                                             
  9226. u3645.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9227. u3645.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9228. u3645.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9229. u3645.1        ;Electric residential fixtures, except portable including parts                            
  9230. u3645.11       ;Incandescent interior including bath or kitchen                                           
  9231. u3645.111      ;Ceiling or pendant                                                                        
  9232. u3645.112      ;Wall or bracket                                                                           
  9233. u3645.12       ;Incandescent outdoor                                                                      
  9234. u3645.121      ;Fixture attached to house                                                                 
  9235. u3645.122      ;Fixture not attached to house                                                             
  9236. u3645.131      ;Flourescent                                                                               
  9237. u3645.131____a ;Flourescent                                                                               
  9238. u3645.7        ;Portable electric residential fixtures                                                    
  9239. u3645.71       ;Incandescent portable lamps complete with shade                                           
  9240. u3645.7121     ;Floor lamps                                                                               
  9241. u3645.7122     ;Wall lamps, including adjustable types                                                    
  9242. u3645.7123     ;Table lamps                                                                               
  9243. u3645.7129     ;Other portable lamps                                                                      
  9244. u3645.721      ;Lamps sold without shades, including floor and table lamps                                
  9245. u3646          ;Commercial lighting fixtures                                                              
  9246. u3646.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9247. u3646.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9248. u3646.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9249. u3646.sss____a ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9250. u3646.2        ;Electric lighting fixtures, commercial and institutional types                            
  9251. u3646.201      ;Incandescent fixtures, except portable                                                    
  9252. u3646.20111    ;Utilitarian and ornamental types, surface or pendant                                      
  9253. u3646.20115    ;Utilitarian and ornamental types, recessed                                                
  9254. u3646.20119    ;Other incandescent fixtures, including portable                                           
  9255. u3646.202      ;Mercury and other high-intensity discharge fixtures                                       
  9256. u3646.203      ;Fluorescent fixtures, except portable                                                     
  9257. u3646.20351    ;Recessed air handling                                                                     
  9258. u3646.20353    ;Recessed non-air handling                                                                 
  9259. u3646.20354    ;Striplights                                                                               
  9260. u3646.20355    ;Ceiling systems                                                                           
  9261. @       
  9262. u3646.20356    ;Plastic wraparound                                                                        
  9263. u3646.20357    ;Wall mounted                                                                              
  9264. u3646.20358    ;Surface or pendant                                                                        
  9265. u3646.20363    ;All other fluorescent fixtures                                                            
  9266. u3646.204      ;Component or renewal parts for commercial or institutional fixtures, sold separately      
  9267. u3646.3        ;Electric lighting fixtures, industrial types                                              
  9268. u3646.305      ;General fixtures, except portable                                                         
  9269. u3646.30511    ;Incandescent fixtures                                                                     
  9270. u3646.30513    ;Fluorescent fixtures                                                                      
  9271. u3646.30521    ;Mercury and other high-intensity discharge fixtures                                       
  9272. u3646.306      ;Other industrial fixtures                                                                 
  9273. u36463645s     ;Residential lighting fixtures                                                             
  9274. u36463648s     ;Lighting equipment, n.e.c.                                                                
  9275. u3647          ;Vehicular lighting equipment                                                              
  9276. u3647.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9277. u3647.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9278. u3647.1        ;Vehicular lighting equip., motor vehicle & other than motor vehicle use, excl. bulbs      
  9279. u3647.11       ;Motor vehicle incandescent lighting equipment                                             
  9280. u3647.111      ;Spot, fog, and auxiliary motor vehicle lighting equipment                                 
  9281. u3647.1111     ;Spot, fog, and auxiliary lighting equipment:  domestic replacement                        
  9282. u3647.1112     ;Spot, fog, & auxiliary lighting equip shipped to U.S. motor vehicle mfg. as original equi 
  9283. u3647.11123    ;Auxiliary light equipment                                                                 
  9284. u3647.112      ;All other motor vehicle lighting equipment                                                
  9285. u3647.1121     ;All other motor vehicle lighting equipment:  domestic replacement                         
  9286. u3647.11213    ;Tail light fixture                                                                        
  9287. u3647.11214    ;All other lighting equipment                                                              
  9288. u3647.1122     ;All other motor vehicle lighting equipment shipped to U.S. motor vehicle mfg. as original 
  9289. u3647.11223    ;Tail light fixture                                                                        
  9290. u3647.11224    ;All other lighting equipment                                                              
  9291. u3647.12       ;Other than motor vehicle lighting equipment including fluorescent fixtures                
  9292. u3647.123      ;Watercraft lighting equipment                                                             
  9293. u3647.124      ;All other lighting equipment                                                              
  9294. u3648          ;Lighting equipment, n.e.c.                                                                
  9295. u3648.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9296. u3648.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9297. u3648.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9298. u3648.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  9299. u3648.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9300. u3648.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9301. u3648.5        ;Outdoor lighting equipment, including parts                                               
  9302. u3648.51       ;Street and highway lighting luminaires, including bridge and tunnel lighting              
  9303. u3648.513      ;Mercury and other high-intensity discharge types, open                                    
  9304. u3648.514      ;Mercury and other high-intensity discharge types, enclosed                                
  9305. u3648.52       ;Floodlighting, area, sports, and site lighting luminaires                                 
  9306. u3648.524      ;Mercury/other high-intensity discharge types, general purpose floodlighting               
  9307. u3648.528      ;Special purpose lighting, including sign, service station island, underwater fountain and 
  9308. u3648.529      ;Site lighting, under 20 foot mounting                                                     
  9309. u3648.53       ;Aviation ground lighting equipment for fixed based airports                               
  9310. u3648.531      ;Large area lighting 20-60 foot mounting                                                   
  9311. u3648.532      ;Bldg. mounted (such as high-intensity discharge, incandescent and quartz)                 
  9312. @       
  9313. u3648.536      ;Runway (excl. runway approach), taxiway, and ramp (incl. fixtures, regulators, insul. tra 
  9314. u3648.54       ;Poles, standards, newels, brackets, and accessories                                       
  9315. u3648.542      ;For street and highway lighting: aluminum poles with brackets                             
  9316. u3648.547      ;For area lighting, sports and other off-street use; steel poles w/brackets (under 60 ft)  
  9317. u3648.55       ;Other floodlighting and area lighting equipment                                           
  9318. u3648.552      ;All other outdoor lighting equipment                                                      
  9319. u3648.9        ;Other electric and nonelectric lighting equipment, including parts and accessories        
  9320. u3648.91       ;Incandescent hand portable lighting equipment, except parts                               
  9321. u3648.911      ;Flashlights and flashlight lanterns (one to five cells)                                   
  9322. u3648.919      ;Other, incl. miners' lights, emergency warning lights, and generator flashlights          
  9323. u3648.92       ;Other electric and nonelectric lighting equipment, except hand portable                   
  9324. u3648.922      ;Other incandescent, incl. marine markers or beacons, railway route lighting equipment     
  9325. u3648.925      ;Parts and accessories for other electric lighting fixtures, n.e.c.                        
  9326. u3648.93       ;Nonelectric lighting equipment, including parts                                           
  9327. u3648.931      ;Lamps and lanterns, including kerosene, gasoline, propane, butane                         
  9328. u3648.932      ;Other nonelectric lighting fixtures and equip., complete units, incl. carbide lamps       
  9329. u3648.933      ;Parts and accessor. for nonelectric, incl. reflectors /fittings, incandescent mantles,etc 
  9330. u36483646s     ;Commercial lighting fixtures                                                              
  9331. u365           ;Radio and television receiving equipment, except communication types                      
  9332. u3651          ;Radio and t.v.'s, phonographs, and related equipment                                      
  9333. u3651.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9334. u3651.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9335. u3651.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  9336. u3651.1        ;Radios: home, car, and combination models                                                 
  9337. u3651.1a       ;Table, clock, portable or console radio broadcast receiver                                
  9338. u3651.1b       ;Combination models                                                                        
  9339. u3651.1c       ;Automobile radios and tape players                                                        
  9340. u3651.109      ;Table, clock, portable or console radio broadcast receiver, except combination            
  9341. u3651.113      ;Combination table or portable radio with tape or phonograph, except component systems     
  9342. u3651.117      ;Combination radio console with tape or phonograph, except compact stereo system           
  9343. u3651.2        ;Television receivers, including combination models                                        
  9344. u3651.2c       ;Console and combination TV receivers                                                      
  9345. u3651.204      ;Console and consolette TV receiver, color                                                 
  9346. u3651.20401    ;Console TV receiver, color, remote control                                                
  9347. u3651.20402    ;Console TV receiver, color, nonremote                                                     
  9348. u3651.21       ;Table and portable                                                                        
  9349. u3651.215      ;Color TV over 10 inch through 17 inch                                                     
  9350. u3651.216      ;Color TV over 17 inch                                                                     
  9351. u3651.21601    ;Color TV over 17 inch, remote control                                                     
  9352. u3651.21602    ;Color TV over 17 inch, nonremote control                                                  
  9353. u3651.219      ;Table and portable TV receiver, monochrome                                                
  9354. u3651.4        ;High fidelity equipment and components                                                    
  9355. u3651.4a       ;Phonographs, except mechanical                                                            
  9356. u3651.4b       ;Consumer high fidelity components                                                         
  9357. u3651.411      ;Electric phonograph, not coin operated, monophonic                                        
  9358. u3651.421      ;Amplifiers, receivers, preamplifiers, and tuners                                          
  9359. u3651.42201    ;Audio tape recorders and players, cassette                                                
  9360. u3651.425      ;Other home audio & video eqpt (turntables, arms, TV chassis sold sep.)                    
  9361. u3651.5        ;Other equipment and accessories, including speakers                                       
  9362. u3651.5a       ;Loudspeaker systems                                                                       
  9363. @       
  9364. u3651.554      ;Loudspeakers sold separately                                                              
  9365. u3651.555      ;Microphones                                                                               
  9366. u3651.556      ;Bookshelf type                                                                            
  9367. u3651.557      ;Floor standing                                                                            
  9368. u3651.568      ;Other loudspeaker systems                                                                 
  9369. u3651.594      ;Public address systems                                                                    
  9370. u3652          ;Phonograph records and prerecorded tapes                                                  
  9371. u3652.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9372. u3652.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  9373. u3652.1        ;Disc records                                                                              
  9374. u3652.122      ;45 r.p.m. for own label                                                                   
  9375. u3652.124      ;45 r.p.m. on contract basis for others                                                    
  9376. u3652.131      ;33 1/3 r.p.m. for own label, stereo and quadraphonic                                      
  9377. u3652.135      ;33 1/3 r.p.m. on contract basis for others, stereo and quadraphonic                       
  9378. u3652.162      ;Other records, including 33 1/3 r.p.m. monaural,78 r.p.m., electric transcriptions, ex. v 
  9379. u3652.2        ;Audio tapes                                                                               
  9380. u3652.284      ;Cassette for own label                                                                    
  9381. u3652.288      ;Cassette on contract for others                                                           
  9382. u366           ;Communication equipment                                                                   
  9383. u3661          ;Telephone & telegraph apparatus                                                           
  9384. u3661.a11      ;Analog subscriber loop line transmission equipment                                        
  9385. u3661.a12      ;Digital subscriber loop line transmission equipment (except optical)                      
  9386. u3661.a22      ;Digital voice/data trunk equipment                                                        
  9387. u3661.a53      ;Voice frequency equipment                                                                 
  9388. u3661.b        ;Switching equipment                                                                       
  9389. u3661.b1       ;Central office switches (common carrier)                                                  
  9390. u3661.b15      ;Digital central office switches                                                           
  9391. u3661.b2       ;Private branch exchange (PBX)                                                             
  9392. u3661.b21      ;Analog PBX                                                                                
  9393. u3661.b2101    ;Analog PBX, 400 lines or less                                                             
  9394. u3661.b25      ;Digital PBX                                                                               
  9395. u3661.b2501    ;Digital PBX, 400 lines or less                                                            
  9396. u3661.b2502    ;Digital PBX, over 400 lines                                                               
  9397. u3661.b5       ;Other telephone switching equipment                                                       
  9398. u3661.b51      ;Other telephone switching equipment                                                       
  9399. u3661.b59      ;Parts, components and subassemblies for telephone switching and switchboard equipment, n. 
  9400. u3661.c        ;User terminals and interface equipment                                                    
  9401. u3661.c1       ;Telephone sets                                                                            
  9402. u3661.c13      ;Basic set                                                                                 
  9403. u3661.c1302    ;Multi-frequency dial type telephone set                                                   
  9404. u3661.c15      ;Other telephone sets/stations                                                             
  9405. u3661.c1501    ;Key type telephone set                                                                    
  9406. u3661.c1509    ;Other telephone sets/stations                                                             
  9407. u3661.c3       ;Modems, sold separately                                                                   
  9408. u3661.d        ;Other telephone & telegraph apparatus                                                     
  9409. u3661.d1234    ;Other telephone & telegraph apparatus                                                     
  9410. u3661.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9411. u3661.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9412. u3661.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9413. u3663.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9414. @       
  9415. u3663.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9416. u3663.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9417. u3663.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9418. u3663.xy9      ;Other contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                      
  9419. u3663.1        ;Communication equipment (except wire telephone and broadcast, cable or studio equipment)  
  9420. u3663.133      ;Point-to-point transmitters, receivers, and power amplifiers (except satellite and amateu 
  9421. u3663.143      ;Space satellite communication and related equipment                                       
  9422. u3663.145      ;Mobile radio, airborne, marine, and ground (except amateur, CB and portable)              
  9423. u3663.148      ;Portable, amateur, and citizens' band (CB) radio equipment                                
  9424. u3663.152      ;Other communication equipment                                                             
  9425. u3663.15201    ;Telemetering equipment sold separately                                                    
  9426. u3663.15203    ;Microwave and communication antenna                                                       
  9427. u3663.15209    ;Communication systems, equipment and devices, n.e.c.                                      
  9428. u3663.2        ;Broadcast, cable, studio and related communication equipment                              
  9429. u3663.211      ;Studio equipment, audio and video including amplifiers, consoles, cameras, power supplies 
  9430. u3663.221      ;Broadcast transmitters, amplifiers and related transmission equipment                     
  9431. u3663.231      ;Cable & CCTV equipment and theater & commercial sound equipment                           
  9432. u3663.241      ;Other broadcast and related equipment                                                     
  9433. u36633812s     ;Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and navigational systems instrument 
  9434. u3669          ;Communications equipment, n.e.c.                                                          
  9435. u3669.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9436. u3669.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9437. u3669.1        ;Alarm systems                                                                             
  9438. u3669.111      ;Intrusion detection                                                                       
  9439. u3669.11111    ;Local intrusion detection alarms and alarm systems                                        
  9440. u3669.11113    ;Central station and remote notifying intrusion alarms and holdup alarm systems            
  9441. u3669.13       ;Fire detection and prevention                                                             
  9442. u3669.131      ;Smoke and heat detection, local                                                           
  9443. u3669.135      ;Fire prevention alarm systems, central and remote types                                   
  9444. u3669.2        ;Vehicular and pedestrian traffic control equipment                                        
  9445. u3669.213      ;Electronic and electromechanical controllers, detectors and sensors, parts, and accessori 
  9446. u3669.217      ;Railway signals, signal systems, attachments and other safety control equipment           
  9447. u3669.311      ;Wired                                                                                     
  9448. u367           ;Electronic components and accessories                                                     
  9449. u3671          ;Electron tubes, all types                                                                 
  9450. u3671.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9451. u3671.1        ;Receiving tubes except cathode ray                                                        
  9452. u3671.151      ;Receiving type electron tubes                                                             
  9453. u3671.2        ;Cathode ray television picture tubes                                                      
  9454. u3671.221      ;Color television picture tubes, new                                                       
  9455. u3671.22123    ;18 inch and 19 inch                                                                       
  9456. u3671.22125    ;20 inch and over                                                                          
  9457. u3671.3        ;Transmitting, power and special purpose tubes                                             
  9458. u3671.301      ;Power and special purpose tubes                                                           
  9459. u3671.30121    ;Thyratrons and other gas and vapor tubes                                                  
  9460. u3671.30131    ;Klystrons                                                                                 
  9461. u3671.30145    ;Magnetrons                                                                                
  9462. u3671.30151    ;Forward and backward wave tubes                                                           
  9463. u3671.303      ;Light emitting devices                                                                    
  9464. u3671.30379    ;Storage tubes                                                                             
  9465. @       
  9466. u3671.30385    ;Industrial and military cathode ray tubes                                                 
  9467. u3671.305      ;Miscellaneous special purpose tubes and parts except glass blanks                         
  9468. u3671.30502    ;Tube parts except glass blanks                                                            
  9469. u3672          ;Printed circuit boards                                                                    
  9470. u3672.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9471. u3672.1        ;Printed circuit or wiring boards and related circuitry on passive substrates              
  9472. u3672.11       ;Printed circuit boards on rigid substrates                                                
  9473. u3672.111      ;Single sided PC board, glass substrate                                                    
  9474. u3672.112      ;Double sided PC board, glass substrate                                                    
  9475. u3672.113      ;Multilayer PC board, glass substrate                                                      
  9476. u3672.118      ;Flexible form, cable, and other nonrigid printed circuit boards                           
  9477. u3674          ;Semiconductors and related devices                                                        
  9478. u3674.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9479. u3674.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9480. u3674.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9481. u3674.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  9482. u3674.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9483. u3674.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9484. u3674.1        ;Integrated circuits                                                                       
  9485. u3674.1a       ;Digital monolithic integrated circuits                                                    
  9486. u3674.11       ;Hybrid integrated circuits                                                                
  9487. u3674.111      ;Film interconnected devices                                                               
  9488. u3674.11109    ;Thick film, silk screen process                                                           
  9489. u3674.11111    ;Thin film, vacuum deposition                                                              
  9490. u3674.11216    ;Multi-chip type                                                                           
  9491. u3674.12       ;Bipolar                                                                                   
  9492. u3674.121      ;Memory                                                                                    
  9493. u3674.12103    ;Random access (RAM)                                                                       
  9494. u3674.12106    ;Other                                                                                     
  9495. u3674.122      ;Logic                                                                                     
  9496. u3674.12201    ;TTL (transistor transistor logic)                                                         
  9497. u3674.12205    ;Other bipolar logic                                                                       
  9498. u3674.13       ;MOS (metal oxide on silicon)                                                              
  9499. u3674.131      ;Microprocessor                                                                            
  9500. u3674.13101    ;Less than 16 bit                                                                          
  9501. u3674.13102    ;16 bit to less than 32 bit                                                                
  9502. u3674.13222    ;Microcontroller                                                                           
  9503. u3674.134      ;MOS memory                                                                                
  9504. u3674.1341     ;DRAM (dynamic random access memory)                                                       
  9505. u3674.1342     ;SRAM (static random access memory)                                                        
  9506. u3674.13421    ;Less than 64 Kbits                                                                        
  9507. u3674.1344     ;EPROM (erasable programmable ROM)                                                         
  9508. u3674.13471    ;Other MOS digital devices                                                                 
  9509. u3674.13491    ;Other digital monolithic integrated circuits                                              
  9510. u3674.14       ;Analog integrated circuit devices                                                         
  9511. u3674.141      ;Amplifier                                                                                 
  9512. u3674.142      ;Interface                                                                                 
  9513. u3674.143      ;Regulator, reference, conversion, special consumer, and other misc. types                 
  9514. u3674.2        ;Transistors                                                                               
  9515. u3674.211      ;Signal                                                                                    
  9516. @       
  9517. u3674.222      ;Power                                                                                     
  9518. u3674.3        ;Diodes and rectifiers                                                                     
  9519. u3674.31122    ;Signal diodes and assemblies                                                              
  9520. u3674.31194    ;Zener diodes                                                                              
  9521. u3674.32242    ;Semiconductor rectifier/power diodes and assemblies rated over 0.5 amp                    
  9522. u3674.9        ;Other semiconductor devices and parts                                                     
  9523. u3674.91       ;Optoelectronic devices                                                                    
  9524. u3674.91282    ;Light emitting diodes (LED)                                                               
  9525. u3674.91296    ;Other optoelectronic devices                                                              
  9526. u3674.921      ;Thyristors                                                                                
  9527. u3674.922      ;Other finished semiconductor devices                                                      
  9528. u3674.925      ;Semiconductor parts and semi-finished devices                                             
  9529. u3674.9251     ;Semi-finished dice and wafers                                                             
  9530. u3674.92511    ;For integrated circuits                                                                   
  9531. u3674.92597    ;Semiconductor parts                                                                       
  9532. u36743679s     ;Electronic components, n.e.c.                                                             
  9533. u3675          ;Electronic capacitors                                                                     
  9534. u3675.a21      ;Paper dielectric capacitors                                                               
  9535. u3675.a22      ;Film dielectric capacitors, metal and nonmetal case                                       
  9536. u3675.b        ;Tantalum electrolytic capacitors                                                          
  9537. u3675.b11      ;Slug and wire solid dry electrolytic capacitors                                           
  9538. u3675.b1101    ;Metal case, hermetic                                                                      
  9539. u3675.b1103    ;Nonmetal case                                                                             
  9540. u3675.c        ;Aluminum electrolytic capacitors                                                          
  9541. u3675.c11      ;Metal case tubular capacitors                                                             
  9542. u3675.c1101    ;Standard 5/8-inch diameter and up                                                         
  9543. u3675.c1102    ;Subminiature, under 5/8 inch diameter                                                     
  9544. u3675.c12      ;All other aluminum electrolytic capacitors                                                
  9545. u3675.e        ;Ceramic dielectric capacitors                                                             
  9546. u3675.e11      ;Fixed tubular, fixed disc                                                                 
  9547. u3675.e12      ;Stand-off tubular and disc and all two-terminal ceramic devices                           
  9548. u3675.e2       ;Monolithic ceramic capacitors                                                             
  9549. u3675.e21      ;Monolithic chips                                                                          
  9550. u3675.e22      ;Monolithic leaded radial                                                                  
  9551. u3675.e23      ;Monolithic leaded axial                                                                   
  9552. u3675.e24      ;All other ceramic capacitors                                                              
  9553. u3675.g99      ;Variable air dielectric, mica, ceramic, and glass dielectric                              
  9554. u3675.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9555. u3675.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9556. u3675.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  9557. u3675.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9558. u36753629s     ;Electrical industrial apparatus, n.e.c.                                                   
  9559. u3676          ;Resistors for electronic applications                                                     
  9560. u3676.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9561. u3676.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9562. u3676.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9563. u3676.1        ;Fixed nonwirewound discrete resistors                                                     
  9564. u3676.131      ;Metal film                                                                                
  9565. u3676.132      ;Carbon composition                                                                        
  9566. u3676.134      ;Other nonwirewound fixed resistors                                                        
  9567. @       
  9568. u3676.2        ;Fixed wirewound discrete resistors                                                        
  9569. u3676.212      ;Precision, high temperature                                                               
  9570. u3676.213      ;Ultraprecision                                                                            
  9571. u3676.214      ;Nonprecision                                                                              
  9572. u3676.3        ;Variable nonwirewound resistors                                                           
  9573. u3676.331      ;Nonwirewound trimmers                                                                     
  9574. u3676.332      ;Precision potentiometer, single turn                                                      
  9575. u3676.334      ;Nonprecision potentiometer, carbon or other type, single turn                             
  9576. u3676.4        ;Variable wirewound resistors                                                              
  9577. u3676.411      ;Potentiometers and other variable resistors                                               
  9578. u3676.412      ;Wirewound trimmers                                                                        
  9579. u3676.5        ;Miscellaneous special type discrete resistors                                             
  9580. u3676.531      ;Multiturn potentiometers                                                                  
  9581. u3676.6        ;Fixed resistor networks                                                                   
  9582. u3676.612      ;Thick film                                                                                
  9583. u3677          ;Electronic coils, transformers, and other inductors                                       
  9584. u3677.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9585. u3677.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9586. u3677.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  9587. u3677.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9588. u3677.112      ;Radio frequency chokes                                                                    
  9589. u3677.113      ;Radio frequency coils                                                                     
  9590. u3677.132      ;Audio transformers                                                                        
  9591. u3677.133      ;Low frequency chokes                                                                      
  9592. u3677.141      ;Plate and filament (power) transformers                                                   
  9593. u3677.161      ;Pulse transformers                                                                        
  9594. u3677.171      ;Television transformers and reactors                                                      
  9595. u3677.191      ;Toroidal windings, except complete magnetic amplifiers                                    
  9596. u3677.192      ;Other inductors for electronic applications                                               
  9597. u3678          ;Connectors for electronic applications                                                    
  9598. u3678.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9599. u3678.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9600. u3678.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9601. u3678.1        ;Coaxial connector (radio frequency)                                                       
  9602. u3678.2        ;Cylindrical connectors                                                                    
  9603. u3678.225      ;Heavy duty and standard                                                                   
  9604. u3678.229      ;Miniature                                                                                 
  9605. u3678.231      ;Subminiature                                                                              
  9606. u3678.3        ;Rack and panel connector (rectangular)                                                    
  9607. u3678.335      ;Integral shell and similar types                                                          
  9608. u3678.338      ;Subminiature and other                                                                    
  9609. u3678.4        ;Printed circuit connector                                                                 
  9610. u3678.444      ;Card insertion type                                                                       
  9611. u3678.447      ;Two-piece type                                                                            
  9612. u3678.5        ;Other special types                                                                       
  9613. u3678.554      ;Miscellaneous special purpose type connectors                                             
  9614. u3678.556      ;Other special purpose types                                                               
  9615. u3678.6        ;Connector parts                                                                           
  9616. u36783679s     ;Electronic components, n.e.c.                                                             
  9617. u3679          ;Electronic components, n.e.c.                                                             
  9618. @       
  9619. u3679.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9620. u3679.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9621. u3679.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9622. u3679.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9623. u3679.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  9624. u3679.xy9____a ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  9625. u3679.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9626. u3679.1        ;Switches, mechanical (for electronic applications)                                        
  9627. u3679.107      ;Rotary switches (excluding thumbwheel type)                                               
  9628. u3679.108      ;Keyboard switches                                                                         
  9629. u3679.109      ;Pushbutton switches                                                                       
  9630. u3679.113      ;Other switches: DIP, snap action, thumbwheel and other                                    
  9631. u3679.2        ;Filters, crystals, power converters and related components                                
  9632. u3679.201      ;Filters and crystals                                                                      
  9633. u3679.2018     ;Piezoelectric devices                                                                     
  9634. u3679.20181    ;Oscillator crystals                                                                       
  9635. u3679.20182    ;Crystal oscillators                                                                       
  9636. u3679.20184    ;Crystal blanks and other piezoelectric devices                                            
  9637. u3679.2019     ;Filters, except microwave                                                                 
  9638. u3679.202      ;Static power converters and other pulse and frequency regulators and generators           
  9639. u3679.20236    ;Oscillators                                                                               
  9640. u3679.20243    ;Static power supply converters, regulated                                                 
  9641. u3679.20244    ;Static power supply converters, unreg; DC-AC inverters & other power supply devices       
  9642. u3679.203      ;Antenna systems, except structural towers sold separately                                 
  9643. u3679.4        ;Transducers                                                                               
  9644. u3679.403      ;Other transducers with electrical or electronic input or output                           
  9645. u3679.40317    ;Pressure, strain gauge, accelerometer and other mechanical transducers                    
  9646. u3679.40321    ;Other transducers (including thermal and optical except those covered under crystals)     
  9647. u3679.5        ;Complex component assemblies, packs, and modules                                          
  9648. u3679.501      ;Active complex components                                                                 
  9649. u3679.502      ;Passive complex components                                                                
  9650. u3679.503      ;Component assemblies, not solid state                                                     
  9651. u3679.6        ;Microwave components (except tubes, semiconductors, and antenna)                          
  9652. u3679.602      ;Other microwave devices (except subassemblies)                                            
  9653. u3679.60202    ;Reactive microwave devices                                                                
  9654. u3679.60206    ;Waveguides and fittings (including microwave switches)                                    
  9655. u3679.60207    ;Microwave devices, n.e.c.                                                                 
  9656. u3679.603      ;Microwave subassem. (parametric amps., frequency multipliers, harmonic generators, and ot 
  9657. u3679.7        ;Parts and hardware for electronic components                                              
  9658. u3679.701      ;Cable harness assemblies for electronic applications                                      
  9659. u3679.703      ;Enclosures, specialized                                                                   
  9660. u3679.704      ;Other, n.e.c.                                                                             
  9661. u36793678s     ;Connectors                                                                                
  9662. u369           ;Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies                               
  9663. u3691          ;Storage batteries                                                                         
  9664. u3691.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9665. u3691.3        ;Lead acid batteries, 1.5 cubic foot or less                                               
  9666. u3691.31       ;Starting, lighting and ignition (SLI) type                                                
  9667. u3691.311      ;For OEM                                                                                   
  9668. u3691.312      ;For replacement                                                                           
  9669. @       
  9670. u3691.322      ;For replacement                                                                           
  9671. u3691.4        ;Lead acid batteries, larger than 1.5 cubic foot                                           
  9672. u3691.41       ;Motive power type                                                                         
  9673. u3691.411      ;Industrial truck                                                                          
  9674. u3691.419      ;Other motive power                                                                        
  9675. u3692          ;Primary batteries, dry and wet                                                            
  9676. u3692.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9677. u3692.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9678. u3692.1        ;Le Clanche type civilian batteries                                                        
  9679. u3692.12112    ;General purpose D size                                                                    
  9680. u3692.131      ;Multiple cell batteries                                                                   
  9681. u3692.13111    ;Lantern battery                                                                           
  9682. u3692.2        ;Dry cells, except Le Clanche and military                                                 
  9683. u3692.212      ;Alkaline cells                                                                            
  9684. u3692.21213    ;AA size                                                                                   
  9685. u3692.21215    ;All other sizes                                                                           
  9686. u3692.213      ;Other dry cell batteries, except Le Clanche and military                                  
  9687. u3694          ;Electrical equipment for internal combustion engines                                      
  9688. u3694.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9689. u3694.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9690. u3694.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9691. u3694.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9692. u3694.1        ;Ignition harness and cable sets                                                           
  9693. u3694.11       ;Ignition harness sets                                                                     
  9694. u3694.111      ;Ignition harness sets, automotive type                                                    
  9695. u3694.119      ;All other ignition harness sets                                                           
  9696. u3694.13       ;Cable sets                                                                                
  9697. u3694.131      ;Cable sets, automotive type                                                               
  9698. u3694.2        ;Battery charging alternators, generators, and regulators                                  
  9699. u3694.22       ;Battery charging alternators and generators                                               
  9700. u3694.224      ;Alternators and generators, heavy-duty truck & bus type, new                              
  9701. u3694.228      ;Alternators and generators, factory rebuilt automotive type                               
  9702. u3694.24       ;Regulators for battery charging generators                                                
  9703. u3694.241      ;Regulators, passenger car & light truck type, new                                         
  9704. u3694.3        ;Starting motors                                                                           
  9705. u3694.311      ;Starting motors, passenger car & light truck type, new                                    
  9706. u3694.381      ;Rebuilt automotive starting motors                                                        
  9707. u3694.4        ;Spark plugs                                                                               
  9708. u3694.411      ;Spark plugs, automotive type                                                              
  9709. u3694.5        ;Other complete electric equipment for internal combustion engines                         
  9710. u3694.51       ;Ignition coils                                                                            
  9711. u3694.511      ;Ignition coils, motor vehicle type                                                        
  9712. u3694.53       ;Distributors                                                                              
  9713. u3694.531      ;Distributors, motor vehicle type                                                          
  9714. u3694.551      ;Engine electronic equipment, including control modules                                    
  9715. u3694.553      ;Ignition magnetos, all types                                                              
  9716. u3694.561      ;Other ignition equipment                                                                  
  9717. u3694.598      ;Other complete electrical equipment                                                       
  9718. u3694.6        ;Components and parts for engine electrical equipment                                      
  9719. u3694.611      ;Armatures, field coils and drive-end housings for cranking motors                         
  9720. @       
  9721. u3694.63       ;Parts for distributors                                                                    
  9722. u3694.632      ;Distributor heads and rotors                                                              
  9723. u3694.634      ;Breaker point sets                                                                        
  9724. u3694.698      ;Other component parts for engine electrical equipment                                     
  9725. u36943621s     ;Motors and generators                                                                     
  9726. u36943714s     ;Motor vehicle parts and accessories                                                       
  9727. u3695          ;Magnetic and optical recording media                                                      
  9728. u3695.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9729. u3695.1        ;Tape                                                                                      
  9730. u3695.101      ;Audio range tape                                                                          
  9731. u3695.102      ;Computer tape                                                                             
  9732. u3695.102____a ;Computer tape                                                                             
  9733. u3695.106      ;Video tape cassettes                                                                      
  9734. u3695.10601    ;8mm and 1/2 inch video tape cassettes                                                     
  9735. u3695.2        ;Flexible magnetic disks                                                                   
  9736. u3695.201      ;3 1/2 inch and other flexible disks less than 5 1/4 inches                                
  9737. u3695.202      ;Flexible disks 5 1/4 inches and larger                                                    
  9738. u3695.3        ;Rigid (hard) magnetic disks                                                               
  9739. u3695.302      ;5 1/4 inch and larger rigid (hard) disks less than 8 inches                               
  9740. u3695.303      ;Rigid (hard) disks, 8 inches and larger                                                   
  9741. u3699          ;Electrical equipment and supplies, not elsewhere classified                               
  9742. u3699.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9743. u3699.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9744. u3699.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9745. u3699.1        ;Electronic teaching, training, & simulation machines and aids                             
  9746. u3699.181      ;Electronic trainers and simulators                                                        
  9747. u3699.2        ;Laser systems and equipment (excl communication, medical and surveying types)             
  9748. u3699.285      ;Industrial laser welding, drilling, and cutting equipment                                 
  9749. u3699.288      ;Laser generator, power supplies, and other laser equipment & components sold separately   
  9750. u3699.4        ;Other electrical products, not elsewhere classified                                       
  9751. u3699.479      ;Automatic garage door openers and other electrical door openers                           
  9752. u3699.496      ;Other electrical products, n.e.c. (including christmas tree lighting sets)                
  9753. u3699.6        ;Appliance wire and flexible cord sets                                                     
  9754. u3699.611      ;Appliance wire and flexible cord sets                                                     
  9755. u3699.7        ;Other electronic systems and equipment, n.e.c.                                            
  9756. u3699.777      ;Particle accelerator electronics equipment and subassemblies                              
  9757. u3699.788      ;Other electronic systems, equipment, and subassemblies, n.e.c.                            
  9758. u37            ;Transportation equipment                                                                  
  9759. u371           ;Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment                                                
  9760. u3711          ;Motor vehicles and passenger car bodies                                                   
  9761. u3711.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9762. u3711.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9763. u3711.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9764. u3711.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9765. u3711.1a       ;Complete vehicles, knocked down or assembled                                              
  9766. u3711.111      ;Passenger cars                                                                            
  9767. u3711.2        ;Trucks, truck tractors and truck chassis                                                  
  9768. u3711.201      ;Trucks, truck tractors and truck chassis: 10,000 lbs. and less                            
  9769. u3711.202      ;Trucks, truck tractors and truck chassis: 10,001 to 19,500 lbs                            
  9770. u3711.20217    ;14,001 to 16,000 lbs                                                                      
  9771. @       
  9772. u3711.203      ;Trucks, truck tractors and truck chassis: over 19,500 lbs                                 
  9773. u3711.20325    ;26,001 to 33,000 lbs                                                                      
  9774. u3711.20326    ;33,001 lbs. or more                                                                       
  9775. u3711.3        ;Buses and fire department vehicles                                                        
  9776. u3711.3a       ;Buses                                                                                     
  9777. u3711.3b       ;Fire department vehicles                                                                  
  9778. u3711.315      ;Buses with integrally constructed body-chassis frame, usually rear-engine mounted         
  9779. u3713          ;Truck and bus bodies                                                                      
  9780. u3713.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9781. u3713.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9782. u3713.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9783. u3713.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9784. u3713.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9785. u3713.1        ;Truck, bus and other vehicle bodies (sold separately)                                     
  9786. u3713.1a       ;Truck bodies                                                                              
  9787. u3713.1b       ;Bus bodies                                                                                
  9788. u3713.1c       ;Other vehicle bodies                                                                      
  9789. u3713.121      ;Vans (unit/body cab)                                                                      
  9790. u3713.12111    ;Multistop                                                                                 
  9791. u3713.12114    ;All other vans, including panel                                                           
  9792. u3713.122      ;General cargo vans                                                                        
  9793. u3713.12211    ;Refrigerator (except food service)                                                        
  9794. u3713.12213    ;All other general cargo vans                                                              
  9795. u3713.125      ;Beverage trucks                                                                           
  9796. u3713.13       ;Specialized bodies                                                                        
  9797. u3713.131      ;Wrecker                                                                                   
  9798. u3713.133      ;Dump                                                                                      
  9799. u3713.134      ;Stake/platform/grain                                                                      
  9800. u3713.135      ;All other bodies for transporting goods                                                   
  9801. u3713.13602    ;Utility (line and service, repair type)                                                   
  9802. u3713.139      ;Refuse and garbage (packer type)                                                          
  9803. u3713.13901    ;Front loading                                                                             
  9804. u3713.13902    ;Rear loading                                                                              
  9805. u3713.156      ;Other bodies, including truck cabs, truck beds, truck kits                                
  9806. u3713.161      ;School buses                                                                              
  9807. u3713.2        ;Complete vehicles produced on purchased chassis                                           
  9808. u3713.2a       ;Emergency vehicles and hearses                                                            
  9809. u3713.2b       ;Buses                                                                                     
  9810. u3713.221      ;Ambulances                                                                                
  9811. u3713.223      ;Fire department vehicles                                                                  
  9812. u3713.231      ;School                                                                                    
  9813. u3713.241      ;Trucks                                                                                    
  9814. u37133714s     ;Motor vehicle parts and accessories                                                       
  9815. u37133715s     ;Truck trailers                                                                            
  9816. u3714          ;Motor vehicle parts and accessories                                                       
  9817. u3714.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9818. u3714.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9819. u3714.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9820. u3714.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9821. u3714.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  9822. @       
  9823. u3714.10       ;Rebuilt parts                                                                             
  9824. u3714.2        ;Gasoline engines and gasoline engine parts, new                                           
  9825. u3714.201      ;Gasoline engines, new                                                                     
  9826. u3714.211      ;Valve guides, seats, and tappets                                                          
  9827. u3714.217      ;Main engine bearings (halves)                                                             
  9828. u3714.218      ;Connecting rod bearings (halves)                                                          
  9829. u3714.224      ;Fuel pump assemblies, excluding kits and rebuilts                                         
  9830. u3714.228      ;Radiators, complete                                                                       
  9831. u3714.235      ;All other parts and accessories for gasoline automotive engines, new                      
  9832. u3714.323      ;Water pumps                                                                               
  9833. u3714.326      ;Clutch disc and pressure plates                                                           
  9834. u3714.331      ;Gasoline engines                                                                          
  9835. u3714.346      ;Brake shoe assemblies                                                                     
  9836. u3714.346____a ;Brake shoe assemblies                                                                     
  9837. u3714.398      ;Other rebuilt parts                                                                       
  9838. u3714.4        ;Filters, new                                                                              
  9839. u3714.401      ;Oil filters, light duty (car and light truck)                                             
  9840. u3714.405      ;Air filters, light duty (car and light truck)                                             
  9841. u3714.5        ;Exhaust system parts, new                                                                 
  9842. u3714.501      ;Mufflers, including standard, sports or glass packs & resonators                          
  9843. u3714.502      ;Pipes                                                                                     
  9844. u3714.6        ;Drive train components, new, except wheels and brakes                                     
  9845. u3714.61       ;Transmissions and transmission parts, except auxiliary                                    
  9846. u3714.611      ;Car and light truck type transmissions                                                    
  9847. u3714.61103    ;Automatic transmissions                                                                   
  9848. u3714.61201    ;Manual transmissions                                                                      
  9849. u3714.613      ;Transmission parts                                                                        
  9850. u3714.61313    ;Parts for manual transmissions                                                            
  9851. u3714.61314    ;Parts for automatic transmissions                                                         
  9852. u3714.629      ;Clutch disc and facing assemblies                                                         
  9853. u3714.631      ;Gear shifters                                                                             
  9854. u3714.632      ;Drive shafts                                                                              
  9855. u3714.633      ;Universal joints                                                                          
  9856. u3714.635      ;Axles  and axle parts                                                                     
  9857. u3714.7        ;Motor vehicle wheels, new                                                                 
  9858. u3714.71       ;Car and light truck type wheels                                                           
  9859. u3714.711      ;Steel                                                                                     
  9860. u3714.712      ;Aluminum                                                                                  
  9861. u3714.725      ;Heavy truck and bus type wheels                                                           
  9862. u3714.8        ;Brake parts and assemblies, new                                                           
  9863. u3714.801      ;Brake cylinders, wheels                                                                   
  9864. u3714.803      ;BraKe valves                                                                              
  9865. u3714.804      ;Brake assemblies (disc/caliper)                                                           
  9866. u3714.805      ;Brake assemblies (drum)                                                                   
  9867. u3714.806      ;Brake rotor/discs                                                                         
  9868. u3714.807      ;Brake drums                                                                               
  9869. u3714.812      ;Antiskid systems and other brake parts                                                    
  9870. u3714.9        ;All other motor vehicle parts and accessories, new                                        
  9871. u3714.901      ;Bumper assemblies, bumpers, and parts                                                     
  9872. u3714.902      ;Automotive frames                                                                         
  9873. @       
  9874. u3714.903      ;Fuel tanks                                                                                
  9875. u3714.904      ;Heaters, heater cores, and other heater parts                                             
  9876. u3714.905      ;Shock absorbers                                                                           
  9877. u3714.907      ;Steering idler arms, drag links, and control arms                                         
  9878. u3714.908      ;Ball joints                                                                               
  9879. u3714.914      ;Windshield wiper blades                                                                   
  9880. u3714.919      ;All other parts and accessories                                                           
  9881. u37143519s     ;Internal combustion engines, n.e.c.                                                       
  9882. u37143694s     ;Engine electrical equipment                                                               
  9883. u3715          ;Truck trailers                                                                            
  9884. u3715.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9885. u3715.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9886. u3715.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  9887. u3715.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9888. u3715.1        ;Truck trailers and chassis (10000 lbs. per axle and over)                                 
  9889. u3715.1a       ;Vans                                                                                      
  9890. u3715.1b       ;Tank trailers                                                                             
  9891. u3715.1c       ;Detachable trailers, dollies and converter gear                                           
  9892. u3715.1d       ;Complete trailer units (10000 lbs. per axle and over), except vans and tanks              
  9893. u3715.101      ;Closed top vans, insulated, semi-insulated and refrigerated                               
  9894. u3715.106      ;Drop-frame vans, except livestock vans                                                    
  9895. u3715.109      ;Closed top, dry freight vans, except insulated, drop-frame and livestock vans             
  9896. u3715.11       ;Closed top vans                                                                           
  9897. u3715.118      ;Tanks for flammable liquids, except casing head transport                                 
  9898. u3715.119      ;Aluminum closed top, dry freight vans, except insulated, drop-frame, and livestock vans   
  9899. u3715.12       ;Open top vans                                                                             
  9900. u3715.13       ;Detachable trailers and chassis                                                           
  9901. u3715.132      ;All other tanks                                                                           
  9902. u3715.133      ;Bulk commodity trailers, except vans                                                      
  9903. u3715.137      ;Platform trailers                                                                         
  9904. u3715.138      ;Low-bed heavy haulers under 40 ton capacity                                               
  9905. u3715.139      ;Low-bed heavy haulers 40 ton and over capacity                                            
  9906. u3715.141      ;Low-bed heavy haulers                                                                     
  9907. u3715.143      ;Dump trailers and chassis, highway type                                                   
  9908. u3715.149      ;Other trailer units, except detachable                                                    
  9909. u3715.2        ;Truck trailers and chassis (under 10,000 lbs. per axle)                                   
  9910. u3715.2______a ;Truck trailers and chassis (under 10,000 lbs. per axle)                                   
  9911. u37153714s     ;Motor vehicle parts and accessories                                                       
  9912. u3716          ;Motor homes built on purchased chassis                                                    
  9913. u3716.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9914. u3716.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9915. u3716.101      ;Conventional (type A)                                                                     
  9916. u3716.105      ;Chopped van or mini (type C)                                                              
  9917. u3716.121      ;Converted vans                                                                            
  9918. u37163792s     ;Travel trailers                                                                           
  9919. u372           ;Aircraft and parts                                                                        
  9920. u3721          ;Aircraft                                                                                  
  9921. u3721.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9922. u3721.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9923. u3721.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9924. @       
  9925. u3721.1        ;Complete military aircraft (U.S. and any other aircraft built to military specifications) 
  9926. u3721.121      ;Fixed wing powered (including adjustable wing and foldable wing)                          
  9927. u3721.4        ;Modifications, conversions and overhaul of previously accepted aircraft                   
  9928. u3721.411      ;For military customers                                                                    
  9929. u3721.451      ;For civilian customers                                                                    
  9930. u3721.5        ;Complete civilian aircraft                                                                
  9931. u3721.51       ;Fixed wing powered                                                                        
  9932. u3721.511      ;Single engine                                                                             
  9933. u3721.521      ;Multiengine                                                                               
  9934. u3721.5213     ;Less than 10,000 pounds (empty weight)                                                    
  9935. u3721.5215     ;10,000 pounds to 33,000 pounds (empty weight)                                             
  9936. u3721.53       ;Rotary wing (helicopters, autogiros)                                                      
  9937. u3721.533      ;2,200 pounds and over (empty weight)                                                      
  9938. u37213728s     ;Aircraft equipment, not elsewhere classified                                              
  9939. u3724          ;Aircraft engines and engine parts                                                         
  9940. u3724.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9941. u3724.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9942. u3724.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9943. u3724.1        ;Aircraft engines for military aircraft                                                    
  9944. u3724.2        ;Aircraft engines for civilian aircraft                                                    
  9945. u3724.211      ;Reciprocating, turbojet, and turbofan aircraft engines                                    
  9946. u3724.213      ;Turboshaft (turboprop) and other engines excluding missile & space engines                
  9947. u3724.3        ;Aeronautical services on aircraft engines                                                 
  9948. u3724.33       ;All other aeronautical services on aircraft engines                                       
  9949. u3724.333      ;All other aeronautical services on aircraft engines for civilian aircraft                 
  9950. u3724.4        ;Aircraft engine parts and accessories                                                     
  9951. u3724.41       ;Aircraft engines parts/accessories for military aircraft engines                          
  9952. u3724.412      ;For all other aircraft engines                                                            
  9953. u3724.42       ;Aircraft engines parts/accessories for civilian aircraft engines                          
  9954. u3724.421      ;For reciprocating or rotary internal combustion engines                                   
  9955. u3724.422      ;For all other aircraft engines                                                            
  9956. u37243511s     ;Turbines and turbine generator sets                                                       
  9957. u3728          ;Aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment, n.e.c.                                            
  9958. u3728.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9959. u3728.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9960. u3728.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9961. u3728.2        ;Aircraft parts and equipment, except propellers, rotors, and parts                        
  9962. u3728.21       ;Aircraft power transmission equipment                                                     
  9963. u3728.211      ;For military aircraft (built to military specifications)                                  
  9964. u3728.212      ;For civilian aircraft                                                                     
  9965. u3728.22       ;Aircraft hydraulic subassemblies                                                          
  9966. u3728.221      ;For military aircraft                                                                     
  9967. u3728.222      ;For civilian aircraft                                                                     
  9968. u3728.23       ;Aircraft pneumatic subassemblies                                                          
  9969. u3728.24       ;Aircraft landing gear                                                                     
  9970. u3728.242      ;For civilian aircraft                                                                     
  9971. u3728.25       ;Other aircraft subassemblies and parts, except aircraft propellers and helicopter rotors  
  9972. u3728.251      ;For military aircraft                                                                     
  9973. u3728.252      ;For civilian aircraft                                                                     
  9974. u37283724s     ;Aircraft engines and engine parts                                                         
  9975. @       
  9976. u373           ;Ship and boat building and repairing                                                      
  9977. u3731          ;Ship building and repairing                                                               
  9978. u3731.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9979. u3731.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  9980. u3731.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  9981. u3731.1        ;Nonpropelled ships, new                                                                   
  9982. u3731.102      ;Nonpropelled ships, new, nonmilitary                                                      
  9983. u3731.3        ;Self-propelled ships, new, nonmilitary                                                    
  9984. u3731.323      ;Passenger ships                                                                           
  9985. u3731.331      ;Commercial fishing vessels                                                                
  9986. u3731.331____a ;Commercial fishing vessels                                                                
  9987. u3731.339      ;Other self-propelled nonmilitary ships                                                    
  9988. u3731.4        ;Ship repair, conversion, reconversion, U.S. military                                      
  9989. u3731.421      ;Military sea transport conversion/reconversion                                            
  9990. u3731.429      ;Military sea transport repairs                                                            
  9991. u3731.439      ;U.S. military repair, except m.s.t                                                        
  9992. u3731.6        ;Ship repair, conversion, reconversion, nonmilitary                                        
  9993. u3731.619      ;Maritime administration repair                                                            
  9994. u3731.653      ;Nonmilitary conversion/reconversion, except m.a                                           
  9995. u3731.659      ;Nonmilitary repair, except m.a                                                            
  9996. u3732          ;Boat building and repairing                                                               
  9997. u3732.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  9998. u3732.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  9999. u3732.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10000. u3732.sss      ;All other secondary products                                                              
  10001. u3732.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10002. u3732.2        ;Outboard motorboats                                                                       
  10003. u3732.24       ;Wood and metal                                                                            
  10004. u3732.245      ;Other outboard motorboats                                                                 
  10005. u3732.25       ;Plastics (reinforced), fiberglass                                                         
  10006. u3732.251      ;Runabouts                                                                                 
  10007. u3732.25103    ;16 ft. to 16 ft. 11 in. LOA                                                               
  10008. u3732.25104    ;17 ft. or more LOA                                                                        
  10009. u3732.253      ;Cabin cruisers                                                                            
  10010. u3732.255      ;Other outboard motorboats                                                                 
  10011. u3732.3        ;Inboard motorboats                                                                        
  10012. u3732.311      ;Military                                                                                  
  10013. u3732.32       ;Non-military                                                                              
  10014. u3732.321      ;Runabouts                                                                                 
  10015. u3732.32101    ;Less than 26 ft. LOA                                                                      
  10016. u3732.322      ;Cabin cruisers                                                                            
  10017. u3732.32201    ;Less than 26 ft. LOA                                                                      
  10018. u3732.32202    ;26 ft. to less than 40 ft. LOA                                                            
  10019. u3732.32203    ;40 ft. to less than 65 ft. LOA                                                            
  10020. u3732.32204    ;65 ft. and over LOA                                                                       
  10021. u3732.4        ;Inboard-outdrive motorboats                                                               
  10022. u3732.421      ;Other inboard-outdrive boats                                                              
  10023. u3732.42101    ;Less than 26 ft. LOA                                                                      
  10024. u3732.42102    ;26 ft. or more LOA                                                                        
  10025. u3732.7        ;All other boats                                                                           
  10026. @       
  10027. u3732.71       ;Sailboats                                                                                 
  10028. u3732.711      ;With auxiliary power                                                                      
  10029. u3732.71103    ;16 ft. or more LOA                                                                        
  10030. u3732.712      ;Without auxiliary power                                                                   
  10031. u3732.71203    ;16 ft. or more LOA                                                                        
  10032. u3732.72       ;Other boats                                                                               
  10033. u3732.721      ;Canoes                                                                                    
  10034. u3732.723      ;All other boats, n.e.c.                                                                   
  10035. u3732.8        ;Boat repair, military and non-military                                                    
  10036. u3732.821      ;Repair of non-military boats                                                              
  10037. u37323731s     ;Ship building and repairing                                                               
  10038. u374           ;Railroad equipment                                                                        
  10039. u3743          ;Railroad equipment                                                                        
  10040. u3743.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10041. u3743.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10042. u3743.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10043. u3743.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10044. u3743.1        ;Locomotives and locomotive parts                                                          
  10045. u3743.11       ;Locomotives                                                                               
  10046. u3743.17       ;Locomotive parts                                                                          
  10047. u3743.172      ;All other, except wheels and axles                                                        
  10048. u3743.2        ;Passenger and freight train cars, new                                                     
  10049. u3743.2a       ;Freight train cars, new                                                                   
  10050. u3743.213      ;Gondola cars                                                                              
  10051. u3743.214      ;Hopper, covered                                                                           
  10052. u3743.216      ;Tank cars                                                                                 
  10053. u3743.3        ;Street, subway, trolley, and rapid transit cars, rebuilt rail cars, and rail car parts    
  10054. u3743.36       ;Street, subway, trolley and rapid transit cars, new and rebuilt                           
  10055. u3743.361      ;Self-propelled                                                                            
  10056. u3743.363      ;Other work and service vehicles, new and rebuilt, except locomotive cranes                
  10057. u3743.37       ;Parts and accessories for railroad and street cars                                        
  10058. u3743.371      ;Air brake equipment                                                                       
  10059. u3743.372      ;All other, except wheels and axles                                                        
  10060. u375           ;Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts                                                          
  10061. u3751          ;Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts                                                          
  10062. u3751.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10063. u3751.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10064. u3751.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10065. u3751.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  10066. u3751.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10067. u3751.1        ;Bicycles, adult tricycles, unicycles & parts (excl. chldrns 2-whl sdwlk cycls w/semi-pneu 
  10068. u3751.111      ;Bicycles, complete, with one or both wheels 25 inches or more                             
  10069. u3751.11103    ;Five speed or over bicycles, complete, with one or more wheels 25 inches or more          
  10070. u3751.151      ;Bicycles, complete, with both wheels less than 25 inches                                  
  10071. u3751.171      ;Parts for bicycles, including frame sets and motorbike parts interchangeable with bicycle 
  10072. u3751.2        ;Motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds, motorscooters, trail vehicles and parts                  
  10073. u3751.253      ;Parts, including sidecars, but excluding motorbike parts interchangeable with bicycle par 
  10074. u379           ;Miscellaneous transportation equipment                                                    
  10075. u3792          ;Travel trailers and campers                                                               
  10076. u3792.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10077. @       
  10078. u3792.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10079. u3792.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10080. u3792.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10081. u3792.1        ;Travel trailers (with rigid structures)                                                   
  10082. u3792.11       ;Conventional travel trailers                                                              
  10083. u3792.112      ;Less than 20 feet in length                                                               
  10084. u3792.113      ;20 feet to 24 feet 11 inches in length                                                    
  10085. u3792.114      ;25 feet to 29 feet 11 inches in length                                                    
  10086. u3792.115      ;30 feet or more, including park models                                                    
  10087. u3792.12       ;Fifth wheel travel trailers                                                               
  10088. u3792.125      ;Less than 30 feet in length                                                               
  10089. u3792.128      ;30 feet or more in length                                                                 
  10090. u3792.2        ;Camping trailers, campers, pickup covers and parts                                        
  10091. u3792.242      ;Fold down camping trailers                                                                
  10092. u3792.244      ;Truck campers (slide-on)                                                                  
  10093. u3792.247      ;Pickup truck caps or box covers                                                           
  10094. u3792.259      ;Parts and components, excluding appliances and furnishings                                
  10095. u37923716s     ;Motor homes on purchased chassis                                                          
  10096. u3799          ;Transportation equipment, not elsewhere classified                                        
  10097. u3799.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10098. u3799.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10099. u3799.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10100. u3799.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10101. u3799.3        ;Self-propelled golf carts and industrial in-plant personnel carriers and parts            
  10102. u3799.382      ;Self-propelled golf carts (electric and gas powered) and in-plant personnel carriers      
  10103. u3799.9        ;Transportation equipment, not elsewhere classified                                        
  10104. u3799.931      ;Automobile trailers, complete, excluding travel, boat and camping trailers                
  10105. u3799.991      ;Boat trailers                                                                             
  10106. u3799.992      ;All-terrain vehicles, electric or gas driven (off-road, flotation wheels or full tracks)  
  10107. u3799.994      ;Parts for all-terrain vehicles                                                            
  10108. u3799.998      ;Other miscellaneous transportation equipment andparts, including chassis for auto trailer 
  10109. u38            ;Measuring and controlling instruments; photographic, medical, optical goods; watches, clo 
  10110. u381           ;Engineering and scientific instruments                                                    
  10111. u3812          ;Search, detection, navigation, and guidance systems and aeronautical and nautical nav sys 
  10112. u3812.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10113. u3812.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10114. u3812.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10115. u3812.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  10116. u3812.1        ;Aeronautical, nautical, and navigational instruments (not sending or receiving radio sign 
  10117. u3812.12       ;Compasses, indicators, displays, and other instruments                                    
  10118. u3812.124      ;Airspeed indicators, including machmeters and air data computers                          
  10119. u3812.125      ;Acceleration indicators and system components                                             
  10120. u3812.129      ;Other aerospace and navigational instruments                                              
  10121. u3812.141      ;Airframe equipment instruments                                                            
  10122. u3812.15       ;All other nautical instruments and aeronautical, nautical, and navigational parts/compone 
  10123. u3812.153      ;Other parts/components for aeronautical and navigational instruments                      
  10124. u3812.2        ;Search, detection, navigation and guidance systems and equipment                          
  10125. u3812.21       ;Search, detection, and tracking systems                                                   
  10126. u3812.214      ;Search, detection, and aquisition radar systems and equipment                             
  10127. u3812.21411    ;Ground search, detection, and aquisition radar systems and equipment                      
  10128. @       
  10129. u3812.21415    ;Airborne and missile/space search, detection, and aquisition radar systems and equipment  
  10130. u3812.215      ;Sonar search, detection, and tracking and communications systems and equipment            
  10131. u3812.23       ;Electronic warfare and missile systems and equipment                                      
  10132. u3812.231      ;Jamming and other active countermeasures, including underwater countermeasures equip      
  10133. u3812.233      ;Missile and space vehicle systems and equipment                                           
  10134. u3812.235      ;Specialized electronic intelligence aquisition and analysis equipment                     
  10135. u3812.25       ;Navigation systems and equipment, including ground, airborne, ship, and underwater system 
  10136. u3812.251      ;Airborne navigation systems and equipment                                                 
  10137. u382           ;Measuring and controlling instruments                                                     
  10138. u3821          ;Laboratory Apparatus and Furniture                                                        
  10139. u3821.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10140. u3821.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10141. u3821.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10142. u3821.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10143. u3821.1        ;Laboratory apparatus                                                                      
  10144. u3821.11       ;Laboratory balances and scales                                                            
  10145. u3821.13       ;Other laboratory apparatus                                                                
  10146. u3821.131      ;Laboratory furnaces and ovens                                                             
  10147. u3821.136      ;Laboratory blenders, mixers, stirrers, & other liquid preparation apparatus               
  10148. u3821.138      ;Laboratory incubators                                                                     
  10149. u3821.14       ;All other laboratory apparatus not specified above, excluding analytical instruments      
  10150. u3821.15       ;Components, parts & accessories for laboratory apparatus (sold seperately)                
  10151. u3821.2        ;Lab. furniture, incl. cabinets, cases, benches, stools, tables, reagent shelves etc.      
  10152. u3822          ;Environmental controls                                                                    
  10153. u3822.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10154. u3822.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10155. u3822.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10156. u3822.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  10157. u3822.1        ;Building environment comfort controls                                                     
  10158. u3822.121      ;Temperature responsive building controls                                                  
  10159. u3822.12101    ;Temperature responsive, pneumatic                                                         
  10160. u3822.12102    ;Temperature responsive, non-pneumatic                                                     
  10161. u3822.125      ;Pressure responsive                                                                       
  10162. u3822.189      ;Miscellaneous automatic building comfort controls                                         
  10163. u3822.2        ;Appliance temperature and related controls, automatic                                     
  10164. u3822.211      ;Temperature responsive appliance controls                                                 
  10165. u3822.215      ;Other appliance regulating controls                                                       
  10166. u3823          ;Industrial process control instruments                                                    
  10167. u3823.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10168. u3823.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10169. u3823.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10170. u3823.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  10171. u3823.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10172. u3823.1        ;General purpose/receiver-type instruments and related equipment                           
  10173. u3823.103      ;Electronic systems:  unified architecture                                                 
  10174. u3823.10335    ;Controllers                                                                               
  10175. u3823.10336    ;Non-control                                                                               
  10176. u3823.104      ;Electronic systems:  non-unified architecture                                             
  10177. u3823.10445    ;Controllers                                                                               
  10178. u3823.10446    ;Non-control                                                                               
  10179. @       
  10180. u3823.105      ;Industrial multifunction process computers                                                
  10181. u3823.106      ;Pneumatic systems (3 to 15 and 3 to 27 p.s.i. standard signals)                           
  10182. u3823.10665    ;Controllers                                                                               
  10183. u3823.10667    ;Non-control                                                                               
  10184. u3823.2        ;Temperature instruments, excluding receiver type                                          
  10185. u3823.201      ;Electrical and electronic measuring types                                                 
  10186. u3823.20145    ;Controllers                                                                               
  10187. u3823.20146    ;Non-control                                                                               
  10188. u3823.202      ;Mechanical measuring types:  filled system                                                
  10189. u3823.20254    ;Non-control                                                                               
  10190. u3823.3        ;Primary temperature sensors                                                               
  10191. u3823.358      ;Thermocouples and thermocouple lead wire                                                  
  10192. u3823.359      ;Primary temperature sensors other than thermocouples                                      
  10193. u3823.4        ;Pressure and draft measuring instruments, excluding receiver-type                         
  10194. u3823.461      ;Controllers                                                                               
  10195. u3823.462      ;Non-control                                                                               
  10196. u3823.5        ;Flow and liquid level instruments                                                         
  10197. u3823.501      ;Differential pressure types                                                               
  10198. u3823.50165    ;Primary sensors                                                                           
  10199. u3823.50166    ;Controllers                                                                               
  10200. u3823.50167    ;Non-control                                                                               
  10201. u3823.502      ;Electromagnetic, capacitance, and other electric/electronic types                         
  10202. u3823.50271    ;Controllers and non-control                                                               
  10203. u3823.504      ;Float and displacement instruments and associated elements                                
  10204. u3823.505      ;Turbine, mass-flow, and other types and associated elements                               
  10205. u3823.7        ;Continuous process instruments for on-stream gas and liquid analysis                      
  10206. u3823.776      ;Infrared analyzers                                                                        
  10207. u3823.781      ;Other liquid analyzers                                                                    
  10208. u3823.8        ;Instruments for process variables n.e.c.                                                  
  10209. u3823.8______a ;Instruments for process variables n.e.c.                                                  
  10210. u3823.801      ;Electrical and electronic measuring types                                                 
  10211. u3823.801____a ;Electrical and electronic measuring types                                                 
  10212. u3823.80182    ;Controllers                                                                               
  10213. u3823.80183    ;Non-control                                                                               
  10214. u3823.80183__a ;Non-control                                                                               
  10215. u3823.9        ;Other industrial process instruments and parts for all industrial process instruments     
  10216. u3823.915      ;Valve actuators and positioners, sold separately                                          
  10217. u3823.916      ;Other electronic industrial process instruments                                           
  10218. u3823.918      ;Other non-electronic industrial process instruments                                       
  10219. u3823.999      ;Parts, supplies, accessories, and other equipment n.e.c.                                  
  10220. u3824          ;Fluid meters and counting devices                                                         
  10221. u3824.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10222. u3824.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10223. u3824.2        ;Integrating and totalizing meters for gas and liquid                                      
  10224. u3824.21       ;Gas meters, consumption registering                                                       
  10225. u3824.23       ;Liquid meters, positive displacement with registers and counters                          
  10226. u3824.234      ;Water meters, consumption registering                                                     
  10227. u3824.23433    ;Small meters, up to and including 1 inch                                                  
  10228. u3824.23435    ;Intermediate meters, over 1 inch, up to and including 2 inch                              
  10229. u3824.23437    ;Large meters, over 2 inch                                                                 
  10230. @       
  10231. u3824.241      ;Liquid fuel dispensing meters, excluding service station dispensing pumps                 
  10232. u3824.288      ;Other liquid meters; industrial bulk plants, pipeline, batching, treatment facilities     
  10233. u3824.29       ;Parts and components for gas and liquid meters (sold separately)                          
  10234. u3824.3        ;Counting devices                                                                          
  10235. u3824.36       ;Revolution counters, digital incl totalizing, measuring wheels and vehicle operation regi 
  10236. u3824.361      ;Mechanical input                                                                          
  10237. u3824.367      ;Electronic input                                                                          
  10238. u3824.4        ;Motor vehicle instruments, except electric                                                
  10239. u3824.411      ;Speedometers for motor vehicles                                                           
  10240. u3824.498      ;Other motor vehicle indicating instruments, except electric (fuel level, oil pressure, et 
  10241. u38243825s     ;Instruments to measure electricity                                                        
  10242. u3825          ;Electrical measuring and integrating instruments                                          
  10243. u3825.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10244. u3825.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10245. u3825.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10246. u3825.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10247. u3825.1        ;Integrating instruments                                                                   
  10248. u3825.112      ;Watt-hour meters, AC single phase (except combined types)                                 
  10249. u3825.115      ;Watt-hour meters, AC polyphase                                                            
  10250. u3825.135      ;Demand meters, AC and combined demand and watt-hour or watt-hour and time switch meters   
  10251. u3825.161      ;Parts for integrating meters sold separately and integrating-meter test equipment         
  10252. u3825.2        ;Test equipment for electrical and electronic components, circuits, equipment and motors   
  10253. u3825.21       ;Voltage, current, resistance, power and energy testing and measuring equipment            
  10254. u3825.21a      ;Multimeters                                                                               
  10255. u3825.21a1     ;Analog multimeters, electronic and all electrical multimeters                             
  10256. u3825.21b      ;Other voltage, current or resistance measuring equipment (except panel meters)            
  10257. u3825.21b1     ;Analog electronic and electrical, except panel                                            
  10258. u3825.21c      ;Power and energy test and measurement equipment                                           
  10259. u3825.21128    ;Digital and digital/analog electronic multimeters                                         
  10260. u3825.21129    ;Analog electronic multimeters                                                             
  10261. u3825.21139    ;Electrical multimeters                                                                    
  10262. u3825.21221    ;Analog electronic                                                                         
  10263. u3825.21222    ;Electrical                                                                                
  10264. u3825.22a      ;Frequency or time interval measuring or counting equipment                                
  10265. u3825.22b      ;Waveform measuring and analyzing equipment                                                
  10266. u3825.22c      ;Signal generating equipment                                                               
  10267. u3825.22d      ;Field strength and intensity measuring equipment                                          
  10268. u3825.2221     ;Oscilloscopes                                                                             
  10269. u3825.2222     ;Other waveform measuring equipment (including spectrum analyzers & low frequency oscillog 
  10270. u3825.22357    ;Radio frequency (20 kilohertz to 890 megahertz)                                           
  10271. u3825.22359    ;Microwave (890 megagertz and above)                                                       
  10272. u3825.24       ;Multiple function test equipment                                                          
  10273. u3825.24a      ;Component part test sets                                                                  
  10274. u3825.241      ;Other combination and group test sets                                                     
  10275. u3825.24465    ;Automatic semiconductor test equipment                                                    
  10276. u3825.245      ;Equipment and subassembly test equipment (including loaded printed circuit board testers) 
  10277. u3825.25539    ;Internal combustion engine characteristics testing and analysis equipment                 
  10278. u3825.26       ;Other test and analysis equipment and associated devices                                  
  10279. u3825.26652    ;Microwave test equipment n.e.c.                                                           
  10280. u3825.26672    ;Standards and calibration equipment for testing and measuring instruments                 
  10281. @       
  10282. u3825.26682    ;Associated devices for test and measurement equipment (probes, decade boxes, shunts)      
  10283. u3825.26692    ;Network analysers & other communication test equipment                                    
  10284. u3825.26693    ;Logic test, development & analysis equipment                                              
  10285. u3825.26698    ;Other test equipment, not elsewhere classified                                            
  10286. u3825.26699    ;Parts for test equipment                                                                  
  10287. u3825.3        ;Electrical indicating and recording instruments                                           
  10288. u3825.31       ;Panel meters                                                                              
  10289. u3825.31108    ;Digital and analog with LED, LCD or neon gas discharge readout                            
  10290. u3825.312      ;Analog, conventional indicator movement, generally + or - 2% accuracy                     
  10291. u3825.31666    ;All other panel meters including motor vehicle, ruggedized, and instrument relay types    
  10292. u3825.32       ;Other indicating instruments except panel                                                 
  10293. u3825.327      ;Other indicating instruments including switchboard and portable, cased or uncased         
  10294. u3825.36       ;Electrical recording instruments                                                          
  10295. u3825.367      ;Oscillographic, pen and stylus types                                                      
  10296. u3825.368      ;Other electrical recording instr (except potentiometer & bridge self balancing types)     
  10297. u3826          ;Laboratory analytical instruments                                                         
  10298. u3826.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10299. u3826.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10300. u3826.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10301. u3826.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10302. u3826.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  10303. u3826.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10304. u3826.1        ;Non-clinical laboratory analytical instruments, incl. parts and accessories               
  10305. u3826.11       ;Chromatography instruments, excl. amino acid analyzers and industrial process type        
  10306. u3826.111      ;Gas chromatography instruments                                                            
  10307. u3826.112      ;Liquid chromatography instruments                                                         
  10308. u3826.11201    ;HPLC instruments                                                                          
  10309. u3826.12       ;Spectrophotometry and colorimetry instruments, excl. X-ray type                           
  10310. u3826.122      ;Optical emission, incl. laser & ICP                                                       
  10311. u3826.123      ;Infrared instruments, incl. Fourier transform types                                       
  10312. u3826.124      ;UV and visible instruments, incl colorimeters                                             
  10313. u3826.131      ;Mass spectroscopy instruments, excl SIMS type                                             
  10314. u3826.14       ;Spectroscopy, microscopy, and X-ray crystallography instruments, n.e.c.                   
  10315. u3826.141      ;X-ray fluorescence and diffraction instruments                                            
  10316. u3826.15       ;Other non-clinical laboratory instruments                                                 
  10317. u3826.154      ;Thermal analysis instruments                                                              
  10318. u3826.159      ;All other non-clinical laboratory analytical instruments                                  
  10319. u3826.199      ;Parts and accessories for non-clinical instruments, n.e.c.                                
  10320. u3826.2        ;Clinical laboratory instruments                                                           
  10321. u3826.209      ;Other clinical laboratory instruments                                                     
  10322. u3826.219      ;Parts and accessories for clinical instruments                                            
  10323. u3827          ;Optical instruments and lenses                                                            
  10324. u3827.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10325. u3827.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10326. u3827.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10327. u3827.1        ;Sighting, tracking and fire-control equipment                                             
  10328. u3827.3        ;Other optical instruments                                                                 
  10329. u3827.312      ;Optical test and inspection equipment, incl. standard sources, modulators, comparators, e 
  10330. u3827.319      ;Other optical instruments (including optical alignment and display instruments)           
  10331. u3827.349      ;Parts and accessories for other optical instruments, excluding components classified else 
  10332. @       
  10333. u3827.4        ;Optical components, including lenses, filters, mirrors, etc.                              
  10334. u3827.417      ;Filters, filter parts, and accessories for filters                                        
  10335. u3827.421      ;Unmounted optical lenses                                                                  
  10336. u3827.422      ;Mounted optical lenses                                                                    
  10337. u3827.42209    ;Other mounted lenses                                                                      
  10338. u3829          ;Measuring and controlling devices, not elsewhere classified                               
  10339. u3829.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10340. u3829.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10341. u3829.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10342. u3829.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  10343. u3829.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  10344. u3829.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10345. u3829.1        ;Aircraft engine instruments, except flight                                                
  10346. u3829.145      ;Temperature sensors, transmitters, and displays                                           
  10347. u3829.148      ;Pressure ratio and pressure and vacuum sensors, transmitters, displays and controls       
  10348. u3829.149      ;Fuel & oil flow rate & quantity sensors, transmitters, displays & controls incl densitome 
  10349. u3829.198      ;All other aircraft engine instruments, parts, and components, except flight               
  10350. u3829.2        ;Physical properties testing & inspection equipment, and kinematic testing & measuring equ 
  10351. u3829.229      ;Physical properties testing equipment incl. hardness, stress, torsion, wear, strength & s 
  10352. u3829.22932    ;For testing of metals                                                                     
  10353. u3829.22934    ;Other testing equipment and parts                                                         
  10354. u3829.253      ;Physical properties inspection equipment incl. flaw detection, thickness measuring and si 
  10355. u3829.25352    ;For testing of metals                                                                     
  10356. u3829.25356    ;Other inspection equipment and parts for inspection equipment                             
  10357. u3829.291      ;Kinematic testing and measuring equipment (including components and parts sold separately 
  10358. u3829.29192    ;Vibration testing and measuring equipment                                                 
  10359. u3829.29193    ;Parts, components, and other kinematic testing equipment, including acceleration types    
  10360. u3829.4        ;Nuclear radiation detection and monitoring instruments                                    
  10361. u3829.403      ;Radiation detecting elements, incl. ion chambers and solid state detectors, sold seperate 
  10362. u3829.405      ;Personnel dosimetry, environmental monitoring, nuclear medicine and general purpose instr 
  10363. u3829.489      ;Parts, components, and other detection and monitoring instruments                         
  10364. u3829.48901    ;Pulse analyzers sold seperately, all types, including multi-channel and multi-parameter t 
  10365. u3829.48909    ;All other parts, components and monitoring and detection instruments                      
  10366. u3829.5        ;Commercial, meteorological, geophysical and general purpose instruments                   
  10367. u3829.51       ;Thermometers, all types                                                                   
  10368. u3829.513      ;Bimetal thermometers                                                                      
  10369. u3829.51309    ;Other, incl. domestic science, commercial, general test, desk, oven, and refrigerator     
  10370. u3829.54       ;Geophysical and meteorological instruments, excl. thermometers sold seperately            
  10371. u3829.541      ;Geophysical instruments                                                                   
  10372. u3829.542      ;Meteorological instruments, excluding thermometers sold seperately                        
  10373. u3829.54209    ;Other meteorological instruments                                                          
  10374. u3829.55       ;Parts/accessories, & general purpose instruments, n.e.c., incl. commercial & industrial t 
  10375. u3829.6        ;Drafting, surveying, geodesy, and photogrammetry instruments, parts and components        
  10376. u3829.612      ;Surveying, photogrammetry and geodesy instruments, parts and components                   
  10377. u3829.622      ;Drafting instruments, parts and components                                                
  10378. u38293679s     ;Electronic components, n.e.c.                                                             
  10379. u38293823s     ;Process control instruments                                                               
  10380. u384           ;Surgical, medical, and dental instruments and supplies                                    
  10381. u3841          ;Surgical and medical instruments and apparatus                                            
  10382. u3841.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10383. @       
  10384. u3841.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10385. u3841.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10386. u3841.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  10387. u3841.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10388. u3841.1        ;Surgical and medical instruments and apparatus, except furniture                          
  10389. u3841.115      ;Orthopedic instruments and apparatus, such as bone drills and bone plates                 
  10390. u3841.116      ;Surgical instruments, including suture needles, and eye, ear, nose, and throat instrument 
  10391. u3841.12       ;Diagnostic apparatus                                                                      
  10392. u3841.121      ;Metabolism and blood pressure diagnostic apparatus                                        
  10393. u3841.124      ;All other diagnostic apparatus                                                            
  10394. u3841.14       ;Syringes and needles                                                                      
  10395. u3841.146      ;All other syringes                                                                        
  10396. u3841.149      ;Hypodermic needles                                                                        
  10397. u3841.171      ;Anesthesia apparatus, including instruments and parts                                     
  10398. u3841.182      ;Blood transfusion and I.V. equipment                                                      
  10399. u3841.186      ;Catheters                                                                                 
  10400. u3841.189      ;Other surgical and medical instruments                                                    
  10401. u3841.2        ;Hospital furniture, excluding beds and chairs                                             
  10402. u3841.291      ;Operating room furniture, including tables, cases, and cabinets                           
  10403. u3842          ;Surgical, orthopedic and prosthetic appliances and supplies                               
  10404. u3842.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10405. u3842.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10406. u3842.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10407. u3842.sss      ;All other secondary products                                                              
  10408. u3842.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  10409. u3842.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10410. u3842.1        ;Surgical, orthopedic, and prosthetic appliances and supplies                              
  10411. u3842.1a       ;Surgical dressings                                                                        
  10412. u3842.1b       ;Surgical, orthopedic and prosthetic appliances and supplies except surgical dressings     
  10413. u3842.111      ;Orthopedic appliances (braces), including parts                                           
  10414. u3842.115      ;Sterilizers (hospital and surgical), excluding dental                                     
  10415. u3842.122      ;Elastic bandages                                                                          
  10416. u3842.124      ;Adhesive plaster, medicated and non-medicated, and self-adhering bandages                 
  10417. u3842.129      ;Other surgical dressings                                                                  
  10418. u3842.12902    ;Surgical sponges                                                                          
  10419. u3842.12903    ;Surgical pads                                                                             
  10420. u3842.12904    ;All other surgical dressings                                                              
  10421. u3842.131      ;Disposable surgical drapes, including O/B and O/R packs                                   
  10422. u3842.132      ;Disposable incontinent pads, bed pads, and adult diapers                                  
  10423. u3842.135      ;Artificial limbs (prosthetic), including parts                                            
  10424. u3842.141      ;Elastic braces, suspensories, stockings, and other elastic supports                       
  10425. u3842.145      ;Arch supports and other foot appliances                                                   
  10426. u3842.165      ;Breathing devices, excluding anesthetic apparatus                                         
  10427. u3842.171      ;Surgical corsets                                                                          
  10428. u3842.181      ;Crutches, canes and other walking assistance devices                                      
  10429. u3842.182      ;Splints and trusses                                                                       
  10430. u3842.183      ;Wheel chairs                                                                              
  10431. u3842.186      ;Therapeutic appliances and supplies, excl. electromedical                                 
  10432. u3842.197      ;Surgical implants                                                                         
  10433. u3842.199      ;Other surgical, orthopedic, and prosthetic appliances and supplies                        
  10434. @       
  10435. u3842.3        ;Personal industrial safety devices                                                        
  10436. u3842.311      ;Respiratory protection equipment, including gas, abrasive and canister masks              
  10437. u3842.331      ;Eye and face protection devices, excluding industrial goggles and eye protectors          
  10438. u3842.351      ;Protective clothing, except shoes                                                         
  10439. u3842.361      ;First aid, snake bite, and burn kits, household and industrial types                      
  10440. u3842.371      ;Other personal safety devices                                                             
  10441. u3842.37102    ;Safety hats                                                                               
  10442. u3842.37103    ;All other personal safety devices                                                         
  10443. u3842.4        ;Electronic hearing aids                                                                   
  10444. u3842.413      ;Electronic hearing aids                                                                   
  10445. u38423841s     ;Surgical and medical instruments and apparatus                                            
  10446. u3843          ;Dental equipment and supplies                                                             
  10447. u3843.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10448. u3843.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10449. u3843.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10450. u3843.1        ;Dental casting metals                                                                     
  10451. u3843.111      ;Precious dental casting metals                                                            
  10452. u3843.11101    ;Dental gold alloys                                                                        
  10453. u3843.11102    ;Other precious dental casting alloys                                                      
  10454. u3843.115      ;Non-precious dental casting metals                                                        
  10455. u3843.2        ;Denture materials                                                                         
  10456. u3843.201      ;Artificial teeth except dentures                                                          
  10457. u3843.20131    ;Porcelain artificial teeth                                                                
  10458. u3843.20135    ;Other artificial teeth, including plastic and acrylic                                     
  10459. u3843.241      ;Denture base materials                                                                    
  10460. u3843.3        ;Dental professional and laboratory equipment                                              
  10461. u3843.301      ;Dental professional equipment                                                             
  10462. u3843.30142    ;Dental chairs                                                                             
  10463. u3843.30143    ;Instrument delivery systems                                                               
  10464. u3843.30144    ;Dental hand pieces                                                                        
  10465. u3843.30145    ;Other dental professional equipment, including sterilizers, except X-ray                  
  10466. u3843.351      ;Dental laboratory equipment                                                               
  10467. u3843.4        ;Dental supplies                                                                           
  10468. u3843.401      ;Dental materials                                                                          
  10469. u3843.40121    ;Alloys for amalgams                                                                       
  10470. u3843.40172    ;Dental cements and other nonmetallic filling materials                                    
  10471. u3843.40173    ;Waxes, dental gypsums and other consumable supplies                                       
  10472. u3843.402      ;Dental instruments                                                                        
  10473. u3843.40257    ;Dental hand instruments                                                                   
  10474. u3843.40261    ;Burs, diamond points, and similar tools for use with hand pieces                          
  10475. u3843.498      ;Other dental supplies                                                                     
  10476. u3844          ;X-ray and other irradiation apparatus                                                     
  10477. u3844.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10478. u3844.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10479. u3844.1        ;Medical X-ray equipment                                                                   
  10480. u3844.111      ;Diagnostic medical X-ray equipment                                                        
  10481. u3844.11109    ;Other diagnostic X-ray equipment                                                          
  10482. u3844.2        ;Irradiation apparatus, except medical                                                     
  10483. u3844.212      ;Industrial and scientific X-ray equipment                                                 
  10484. u3844.213      ;X-ray equipment accessories                                                               
  10485. @       
  10486. u3844.214      ;X-ray tubes sold seperately                                                               
  10487. u3844.215      ;Parts for X-ray equipment, sold seperately                                                
  10488. u3845          ;Electromedical equipment                                                                  
  10489. u3845.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10490. u3845.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10491. u3845.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10492. u3845.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10493. u3845.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  10494. u3845.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10495. u3845.1        ;Diagnostic electromedical equipment                                                       
  10496. u3845.101      ;Electrocardiograph                                                                        
  10497. u3845.104      ;Ultrasonic scanning devices                                                               
  10498. u3845.108      ;Magnetic resonance imaging equipment                                                      
  10499. u3845.109      ;All other diagnostic electromedical equipment                                             
  10500. u3845.2        ;Electrotherapeutic equipment                                                              
  10501. u3845.201      ;Pacemakers                                                                                
  10502. u3845.209      ;All other electrotherapeutic equipment                                                    
  10503. u3845.3        ;Patient monitoring equipment                                                              
  10504. u3845.301      ;Intensive/coronary care units, including component modules                                
  10505. u3845.309      ;All other patient monitoring equipment                                                    
  10506. u3845.5        ;Parts and accessories for electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment                 
  10507. u3845.501      ;Parts and accessories for electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment                 
  10508. u385           ;Opthalmic goods                                                                           
  10509. u3851          ;Ophthalmic goods                                                                          
  10510. u3851.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10511. u3851.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10512. u3851.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10513. u3851.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10514. u3851.1        ;Eyeglass frames (without lenses inserted) and frame parts                                 
  10515. u3851.1a       ;Complete eyeglass frames without lenses inserted                                          
  10516. u3851.104      ;Metal frames                                                                              
  10517. u3851.105      ;Plastic frames                                                                            
  10518. u3851.10501    ;Men's plastic frames                                                                      
  10519. u3851.2        ;Glass ophthalmic focus lenses                                                             
  10520. u3851.231      ;Single vision glass lenses                                                                
  10521. u3851.241      ;Bifocal glass lenses                                                                      
  10522. u3851.243      ;Trifocal and double segment glass lenses                                                  
  10523. u3851.3        ;Plastic ophthalmic focus lenses                                                           
  10524. u3851.325      ;Single vision plastic lenses                                                              
  10525. u3851.327      ;Multifocal plastic lenses                                                                 
  10526. u3851.4        ;Contact lenses                                                                            
  10527. u3851.412      ;Hard contact lenses                                                                       
  10528. u3851.413      ;Soft contact lenses                                                                       
  10529. u3851.5        ;Other ophthalmic goods                                                                    
  10530. u3851.531      ;Ophthalmic spectacles, sold with corrective lenses inserted                               
  10531. u3851.541      ;Industrial eye protectors and parts thereof                                               
  10532. u3851.551      ;Sun or glare glasses or goggles, ready-made                                               
  10533. u3851.592      ;Other ophthalmic goods and accessories                                                    
  10534. u386           ;Photographic equipment and supplies                                                       
  10535. u3861          ;Photographic equipment and supplies                                                       
  10536. @       
  10537. u3861.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10538. u3861.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10539. u3861.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10540. u3861.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10541. u3861.1        ;Still picture equipment                                                                   
  10542. u3861.101      ;Still cameras                                                                             
  10543. u3861.10101    ;Hand-held                                                                                 
  10544. u3861.10102    ;Other still cameras, except photocopy, blueprint, and microfilm types                     
  10545. u3861.102      ;Projectors and rear-screen viewers                                                        
  10546. u3861.103      ;Commercial finishing and processing equipment                                             
  10547. u3861.104      ;All other still picture equipment and accessories                                         
  10548. u3861.2        ;Motion picture equipment                                                                  
  10549. u3861.201      ;8 or 16 mm cameras and projectors                                                         
  10550. u3861.202      ;35 mm or larger cameras and projectors                                                    
  10551. u3861.204      ;Other motion picture equipment and accessories, including all projection screens          
  10552. u3861.3        ;Photocopying equipment                                                                    
  10553. u3861.4        ;Microfilming, blueprinting, brownprinting, and whiteprinting equipment                    
  10554. u3861.5        ;Prepared photographic chemicals                                                           
  10555. u3861.501      ;Office copy toners                                                                        
  10556. u3861.502      ;All other prepared photographic chemicals                                                 
  10557. u3861.6        ;Sensitized silver halide materials, except x-ray                                          
  10558. u3861.601      ;Silver halide film, plates, and slides                                                    
  10559. u3861.602      ;Silver halide paper and cloth, all uses                                                   
  10560. u3861.7        ;Sensitized materials, non-silver halide type                                              
  10561. u3861.701      ;Diazo type materials                                                                      
  10562. u387           ;Watches, clocks and watchcases                                                            
  10563. u3873          ;Watches, clocks, and watchcases                                                           
  10564. u3873.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10565. u3873.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10566. u3873.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10567. u3873.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10568. u3873.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10569. u3873.1        ;Clocks, timing mechanisms, time switches, clock movements, clock cases and parts          
  10570. u3873.11       ;Clocks with mechanical movement                                                           
  10571. u3873.111      ;Alarm clocks, excluding clock timers and timing mechanisms                                
  10572. u3873.112      ;Household wall clocks, except alarm                                                       
  10573. u3873.113      ;All other household clocks, except alarm                                                  
  10574. u3873.12       ;Clocks with other time base                                                               
  10575. u3873.122      ;Household wall clocks, except alarm                                                       
  10576. u3873.123      ;All other household clocks, except alarm                                                  
  10577. u3873.125      ;All other complete clocks                                                                 
  10578. u3873.15       ;Timing mechanisms, not for timepiece use, excluding time recording and time stamping mach 
  10579. u3873.153      ;Household timing mechanisms                                                               
  10580. u3873.156      ;All other timing mechanisms                                                               
  10581. u3873.16       ;Complete clock movements                                                                  
  10582. u3873.18       ;Timers & switch clocks w/clock or watch movement or module for timepiece use, w/dial or d 
  10583. u3873.19       ;Clock cases, case parts and other clock parts, exc. timing motors                         
  10584. u3873.2        ;Watches and watch parts                                                                   
  10585. u3873.204      ;Watches with imported movements or modules                                                
  10586. u3873.206      ;Watches with domestic movements or modules                                                
  10587. @       
  10588. u3873.7        ;Watchcases and parts for watchcases                                                       
  10589. u3873.71       ;Watchcases                                                                                
  10590. u39            ;Miscellaneous manufacturing industries                                                    
  10591. u391           ;Jewelry, silverware, and plated ware                                                      
  10592. u3911          ;Jewelry, precious metal                                                                   
  10593. u3911.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10594. u3911.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10595. u3911.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10596. u3911.sss      ;All secondary products excl. Jeweler's materials & lapidary work                          
  10597. u3911.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  10598. u3911.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10599. u3911.1        ;Jewelry made of solid platinum metals and solid karat gold                                
  10600. u3911.111      ;Rings, complete                                                                           
  10601. u3911.11111    ;Fraternal, college, and school rings                                                      
  10602. u3911.11112    ;Wedding rings                                                                             
  10603. u3911.11114    ;Other rings                                                                               
  10604. u3911.115      ;Ring mountings                                                                            
  10605. u3911.131      ;Women's and children's jewelry, excl watch attachments and rings                          
  10606. u3911.198      ;Other jewelry worn or carried, religious jewelry, cigar cases and lighters, compacts, etc 
  10607. u3911.2        ;Jewelry made with precious metals, except solid platinum metals and solid karat gold      
  10608. u3911.23       ;Jewelry made of silver, including platinum metals and karat gold clad to silver           
  10609. u3911.233      ;Women's and children's jewelry, excluding watch attachments and rings                     
  10610. u3911.237      ;Rings and ring mountings                                                                  
  10611. u3911.24       ;Other jewelry, except costume jewelry                                                     
  10612. u3911.242      ;Jewelry made of base metal clad with precious metal                                       
  10613. u3911.24231    ;Women's and children's jewelry, excluding watch attachments and rings                     
  10614. u39113915s     ;Jeweler's materials and lapidary work                                                     
  10615. u3914          ;Silverware, plated ware and stainless steel ware                                          
  10616. u3914.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10617. u3914.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10618. u3914.1        ;Holloware, including ecclesiastical ware, novelties, trophies, and other plated ware      
  10619. u3914.111      ;Sterling silver                                                                           
  10620. u3914.131      ;Electrosilver plated                                                                      
  10621. u3914.153      ;Pewter                                                                                    
  10622. u3914.166      ;All other holloware, including unplated and plated with metal other than silver or pewter 
  10623. u3914.2        ;Flatware and carving sets made wholly of metal                                            
  10624. u3914.211      ;Sterling silver                                                                           
  10625. u3914.235      ;Electrosilver plated                                                                      
  10626. u3914.255      ;Stainless steel                                                                           
  10627. u3915          ;Jewelers' materials and lapidary work                                                     
  10628. u3915.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10629. u3915.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10630. u3915.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  10631. u3915.1        ;Jewelers' findings and materials                                                          
  10632. u3915.11       ;Jewelers' findings and materials made of precious metals                                  
  10633. u3915.111      ;Jewelers' findings and materials of platinum and karat gold, excluding machine chain      
  10634. u3915.112      ;Machine chain of platinum and karat gold                                                  
  10635. u3915.115      ;Jewelers' findings and materials made of silver                                           
  10636. u3915.12       ;Jewelers' findings and materials made of base metals                                      
  10637. u3915.121      ;Jewelers' findings and stock shop products made of base metal not clad with precious meta 
  10638. @       
  10639. u3915.2        ;Lapidary work and diamond cutting and polishing                                           
  10640. u3915.211      ;Diamonds for jewelry purposes                                                             
  10641. u39153911s     ;Jewelry, precious metal                                                                   
  10642. u393           ;Musical instruments                                                                       
  10643. u3931          ;Musical instruments                                                                       
  10644. u3931.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10645. u3931.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10646. u3931.1        ;Pianos                                                                                    
  10647. u3931.115      ;Verticals, uprights or consoles, over 37 inches in height                                 
  10648. u3931.2        ;Organs                                                                                    
  10649. u3931.251      ;Electronic organs                                                                         
  10650. u3931.311      ;Piano parts and materials, except benches                                                 
  10651. u3931.4        ;Other musical instruments                                                                 
  10652. u3931.415      ;Brasswinds                                                                                
  10653. u394           ;Toys and amusement, sporting, and athletic goods                                          
  10654. u3942          ;Dolls and stuffed toys                                                                    
  10655. u3942.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10656. u3942.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10657. u3942.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10658. u3942.1        ;Dolls and stuffed toy animals                                                             
  10659. u3942.111      ;Stuffed dolls                                                                             
  10660. u3942.112      ;Dolls, complete, over 13 inches, except stuffed dolls                                     
  10661. u3942.11212    ;Other                                                                                     
  10662. u3942.11212__a ;Other                                                                                     
  10663. u3942.113      ;Dolls, complete, 13 inches and under, except stuffed dolls                                
  10664. u3942.11313    ;Other, incl. collectors' miniatures, space fashion dolls & space action figures           
  10665. u3942.117      ;Other dolls clothes & accessor., incl space doll & action figute clothes                  
  10666. u3942.121      ;Stuffed toy animals                                                                       
  10667. u3944          ;Games, toys, and children's vehicles, except dolls and bicycles                           
  10668. u3944.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10669. u3944.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10670. u3944.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10671. u3944.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  10672. u3944.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10673. u3944.1        ;Games, excluding toys and hobbies                                                         
  10674. u3944.101      ;Board games                                                                               
  10675. u3944.10181    ;Children's board games (under 12 years)                                                   
  10676. u3944.10183    ;Family and other board games (12 years and older)                                         
  10677. u3944.185      ;Sports-oriented action and skill games                                                    
  10678. u3944.187      ;Nonsports-oriented action and skill games                                                 
  10679. u3944.189      ;Puzzles                                                                                   
  10680. u3944.195      ;Other games                                                                               
  10681. u3944.3        ;Baby carriages and children's vehicles, except bicycles                                   
  10682. u3944.315      ;Strollers                                                                                 
  10683. u3944.398      ;Other children's vehicles, including scooters, sidewalk cycles, wagons, sleds, etc.       
  10684. u3944.4        ;Toys, excluding games and hobbies                                                         
  10685. u3944.401      ;Non-powered trans. toys, nonriding, excl model kits, units sold without accessories       
  10686. u3944.40121    ;Plastic, over 6 inches in length                                                          
  10687. u3944.40123    ;Other, over 6 inches in length                                                            
  10688. u3944.40128    ;Sets, (sold with accessories)                                                             
  10689. @       
  10690. u3944.417      ;Mechanical power toys, excl. road racing sets, scale model railroads, cars, boats, planes 
  10691. u3944.419      ;Road racing sets, including accessories and parts                                         
  10692. u3944.431      ;Infants toys, n.e.c.                                                                      
  10693. u3944.433      ;Pre-school toys, n.e.c., excluding infant toys                                            
  10694. u3944.435      ;Pre-school playsets                                                                       
  10695. u3944.437      ;Toy guns, gun sets, and rifles                                                            
  10696. u3944.443      ;Housekeeping and cooking toys, including tea sets and play tools                          
  10697. u3944.498      ;Other toys not listed above                                                               
  10698. u3944.5        ;Hobbies, models: crafts and stru. kits, sets, & individual units; scientific equip., kit  
  10699. u3944.512      ;Operating models                                                                          
  10700. u3944.51213    ;Operating cars, boats, planes, and other models in individual units, kits, and sets       
  10701. u3944.523      ;Crafts: kits and supplies individually packaged or in bulk, excluding glass beads         
  10702. u3949          ;Sporting and athletic goods, n.e.c.                                                       
  10703. u3949.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10704. u3949.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10705. u3949.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10706. u3949.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10707. u3949.1        ;Fishing tackle and equipment                                                              
  10708. u3949.11       ;Fishing tackle                                                                            
  10709. u3949.114      ;Fishing rods                                                                              
  10710. u3949.11411    ;Glass                                                                                     
  10711. u3949.115      ;Fishing reels                                                                             
  10712. u3949.12       ;Fishing equipment                                                                         
  10713. u3949.124      ;Casting plugs, spinners, and spoons; flies, lures, and similar artificial baits           
  10714. u3949.128      ;Other fishing equipment, including creels, fish and bait buckets, floats, sinkers         
  10715. u3949.2        ;Golf equipment                                                                            
  10716. u3949.231      ;Golf balls                                                                                
  10717. u3949.242      ;Golf clubs                                                                                
  10718. u3949.24241    ;Irons                                                                                     
  10719. u3949.24245    ;Woods                                                                                     
  10720. u3949.257      ;Golf bags                                                                                 
  10721. u3949.4        ;Playground, gymnasium, and gymnastic equipment                                            
  10722. u3949.462      ;Home playground equipment, including swing sets, slides, seesaws, sandboxes               
  10723. u3949.467      ;Health, physical fitness, and exercising equipment, including barbells and dumbbells      
  10724. u3949.5        ;Other sporting and athletic goods                                                         
  10725. u3949.522      ;Bowling alleys and supplies                                                               
  10726. u3949.52228    ;Bowling balls                                                                             
  10727. u3949.52229    ;Other bowling alley playing supplies, including pins, bowling pin setters, etc.           
  10728. u3949.541      ;Footballs                                                                                 
  10729. u3949.577      ;Underwater sports and skin diving equipment, such as aqualungs, face masks, fins          
  10730. u3949.581      ;Lawn tennis equipment                                                                     
  10731. u3949.585      ;Archery equipment                                                                         
  10732. u3949.598      ;Other sporting and athletic goods, including table tennis, water skiing, skeet, badminton 
  10733. u395           ;Pens, pencils, and other office and artists' materials                                    
  10734. u3951          ;Pens, mechanical pencils, and parts                                                       
  10735. u3951.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10736. u3951.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10737. u3951.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10738. u3951.1        ;Fountain pens                                                                             
  10739. u3951.111      ;Fountain pens, complete, all types, except ball point                                     
  10740. @       
  10741. u3951.2        ;Ball point pens, complete, including roller pens                                          
  10742. u3951.212      ;Refillable                                                                                
  10743. u3951.214      ;Non-refillable                                                                            
  10744. u3951.3        ;Soft-tip pens (fine point marker)                                                         
  10745. u3951.6        ;Mechanical pencils                                                                        
  10746. u3951.616      ;Mechanical pencils                                                                        
  10747. u3951.7        ;Pen and mechanical pencil parts & refill cartridges                                       
  10748. u3951.717      ;Refill ink cartridges for ball point pens                                                 
  10749. u3952          ;Lead pencils and art goods                                                                
  10750. u3952.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10751. u3952.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10752. u3952.1        ;Wood-cased pencils, crayons, and chalk                                                    
  10753. u3952.111      ;Pencils                                                                                   
  10754. u3952.11111    ;Black graphite pencils                                                                    
  10755. u3952.113      ;Crayons and chalk, except artists'                                                        
  10756. u3952.2        ;Artists' equipment and supplies                                                           
  10757. u3952.211      ;Artists' equipment, including airbrushes, drawing tables and other equipment              
  10758. u3952.213      ;Other art materials, including modeling clay, chalk and water colors                      
  10759. u3953          ;Marking devices                                                                           
  10760. u3953.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10761. u3953.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10762. u3953.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10763. u3953.1        ;Rubber and vinyl stamps                                                                   
  10764. u3953.113      ;Hand stamps                                                                               
  10765. u3953.2        ;Mechanical hand stamps                                                                    
  10766. u3953.223      ;Self-inkers, including daters                                                             
  10767. u3953.225      ;Time and numbering stamps                                                                 
  10768. u3953.3        ;Embossing seals                                                                           
  10769. u3953.313      ;Notary                                                                                    
  10770. u3953.4        ;Metal hand stamps                                                                         
  10771. u3953.433      ;Letter and figure stamps                                                                  
  10772. u3953.435      ;Steel embossing and incising heads and dies                                               
  10773. u3953.5        ;Other marking devices                                                                     
  10774. u3953.598      ;Other marking devices, n.e.c.                                                             
  10775. u3955          ;Carbon paper and inked ribbons                                                            
  10776. u3955.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10777. u3955.1        ;Inked ribbons                                                                             
  10778. u3955.112      ;Typewriter fabric ribbons                                                                 
  10779. u3955.114      ;Typewriter film ribbons                                                                   
  10780. u3955.117      ;Computer ribbons                                                                          
  10781. u3955.119      ;Other inked ribbons                                                                       
  10782. u3955.2        ;Carbon and stencil paper                                                                  
  10783. u3955.231      ;Coated carbon paper, one time                                                             
  10784. u396           ;Costume jewelry, costume novelties, buttons, and miscellaneous notions                    
  10785. u3961          ;Costume jewelry and costume novelties, except precious metal                              
  10786. u3961.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10787. u3961.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10788. u3961.1        ;Costume jewelry and costume novelties made of base metal, whether electroplated or not    
  10789. u3961.111      ;Rings and ring mountings                                                                  
  10790. u3961.112      ;Men's jewelry, excluding watch attachments and rings                                      
  10791. @       
  10792. u3961.113      ;Women's and children's jewelry and novelties, excluding watch attachments and rings       
  10793. u3961.2        ;Other costume jewelry and costume novelties                                               
  10794. u3961.211      ;Imitation pearls, including necklaces, made of glass, plastic, or other materials         
  10795. u3965          ;Fasteners, buttons, needles, and pins                                                     
  10796. u3965.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10797. u3965.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10798. u3965.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10799. u3965.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10800. u3965.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10801. u3965.1        ;Buttons and parts, except for precious or semiprecious metals and stones                  
  10802. u3965.121      ;Metal                                                                                     
  10803. u3965.12111    ;Sew-on type                                                                               
  10804. u3965.131      ;Plastic                                                                                   
  10805. u3965.13141    ;Polyester                                                                                 
  10806. u3965.13151    ;Other plastics, including casein                                                          
  10807. u3965.198      ;Other buttons, fabric covered, wood, bone and hoof, vegetable, ivory, leather, pearl or s 
  10808. u3965.2        ;Needles, pins and fasteners                                                               
  10809. u3965.22       ;Zippers and slide fasteners                                                               
  10810. u3965.221      ;Plastic zippers and slide fasteners                                                       
  10811. u3965.22117    ;Nylon                                                                                     
  10812. u3965.22118    ;Other plastic                                                                             
  10813. u3965.222      ;Metal zippers and slide fasteners                                                         
  10814. u3965.22217    ;Aluminum                                                                                  
  10815. u3965.22218    ;Brass                                                                                     
  10816. u3965.22219    ;Other metals                                                                              
  10817. u3965.23       ;Needles, pins, fasteners, and similar notions                                             
  10818. u3965.231      ;Snap fasteners                                                                            
  10819. u3965.232      ;Buckles                                                                                   
  10820. u3965.23217    ;Metal buckles, incl. fabric covered for wearing apparel                                   
  10821. u3965.233      ;Other fasteners and apparel trimming incl. tape trim, hooks, eyes, etc.                   
  10822. u3965.235      ;Needles                                                                                   
  10823. u3965.236      ;Pins                                                                                      
  10824. u399           ;Miscellaneous manufacturing industries                                                    
  10825. u3991          ;Brooms and brushes                                                                        
  10826. u3991.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10827. u3991.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10828. u3991.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  10829. u3991.1        ;Brooms                                                                                    
  10830. u3991.111      ;Household floor brooms                                                                    
  10831. u3991.112      ;Other brooms (industrial, whisk, toy, hearth, street, stable, etc.)                       
  10832. u3991.2        ;Paint and varnish brushes and rollers                                                     
  10833. u3991.211      ;Whitewash, kalsomine, paperhanging, marking, and stenciling brushes                       
  10834. u3991.21115    ;Pure bristle                                                                              
  10835. u3991.21116    ;Synthetic bristle and other materials, including mixtures                                 
  10836. u3991.21217    ;Replacement rollers                                                                       
  10837. u3991.3        ;Other brushes                                                                             
  10838. u3991.311      ;Personal brushes                                                                          
  10839. u3991.31116    ;Hairbrushes                                                                               
  10840. u3991.31117    ;Other, including shaving brushes                                                          
  10841. u3991.312      ;Maintenance brushes (floorsweeps and brushes, scrub brushes, dusting brushes, etc.)       
  10842. @       
  10843. u3991.31215    ;Household, including any twisted-in-brushes                                               
  10844. u3991.31216    ;Industrial, including any twisted-in-wire brushes                                         
  10845. u3991.313      ;Industrial brushes, except maintenance, including power-driven rotary brushes             
  10846. u3991.314      ;Other brushes, including artists' brushes and hair pencils, excl. artists' airbrushes     
  10847. u39912392s     ;House furnishings, n.e.c.                                                                 
  10848. u3993          ;Signs and advertising displays                                                            
  10849. u3993.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10850. u3993.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10851. u3993.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10852. u3993.1        ;Electric signs                                                                            
  10853. u3993.101      ;Luminous tubing signs                                                                     
  10854. u3993.102      ;Fluorescent signs                                                                         
  10855. u3993.104      ;Other electric signs                                                                      
  10856. u3993.2        ;Non-electric signs                                                                        
  10857. u3993.201      ;Metal signs                                                                               
  10858. u3993.202      ;Wood signs                                                                                
  10859. u3993.203      ;Plastic signs, non-illuminated                                                            
  10860. u3993.204      ;Other non-electric signs                                                                  
  10861. u3993.3        ;Advertising specialties                                                                   
  10862. u3993.301      ;Advertising specialties                                                                   
  10863. u3995          ;Burial caskets                                                                            
  10864. u3995.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10865. u3995.1        ;Metal caskets and coffins, completely lined and trimmed, adult sizes only                 
  10866. u3995.113      ;Steel, excluding stainless                                                                
  10867. u3995.115      ;Other metal caskets and coffins                                                           
  10868. u3995.2        ;Wood caskets and coffins, completely lined and trimmed, adult sizes only                  
  10869. u3995.211      ;Cloth covered, softwood                                                                   
  10870. u3995.252      ;Hardwood                                                                                  
  10871. u3995.3        ;Other caskets and coffins and metal vaults                                                
  10872. u3995.331      ;Metal casket shells, KD and SU, unlined or untrimmed                                      
  10873. u3995.393      ;Burial vaults, except concrete, burial boxes, and casket shipping containers              
  10874. u3996          ;Hard surface floor coverings                                                              
  10875. u3996.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10876. u3996.1        ;Resilient floor covering                                                                  
  10877. u3996.111      ;Sheet vinyl flooring                                                                      
  10878. u3996.122      ;Floor tile                                                                                
  10879. u3999          ;Manufacturing industries, n.e.c.                                                          
  10880. u3999.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  10881. u3999.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  10882. u3999.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10883. u3999.ss       ;Secondary products                                                                        
  10884. u3999.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  10885. u3999.1        ;Chemical fire extinguishing equipment and parts                                           
  10886. u3999.113      ;Hand portable extinguishers                                                               
  10887. u3999.11311    ;Carbon dioxide                                                                            
  10888. u3999.11312    ;Dry chemical                                                                              
  10889. u3999.2        ;Coin operated amusement machines                                                          
  10890. u3999.212      ;Arcade and amusement center type electronic games                                         
  10891. u3999.298      ;Other amusement machines, inc nonelectronic arcade games and parts for all arcade games   
  10892. u3999.3        ;Matches                                                                                   
  10893. @       
  10894. u3999.361      ;Paper stem, packed in books or otherwise                                                  
  10895. u3999.4        ;Candles                                                                                   
  10896. u3999.5        ;Lampshades                                                                                
  10897. u3999.8        ;Feathers, plumes, and artificial trees and flowers                                        
  10898. u3999.813      ;Artificial Christmas trees, all types (metal, plastics, etc.)                             
  10899. u3999.815      ;Artificial flowers, fruits, and wreaths                                                   
  10900. u3999.81515    ;Plastic type                                                                              
  10901. u3999.81517    ;Other materials                                                                           
  10902. u3999.817      ;Feathers and plumes                                                                       
  10903. u3999.9        ;Miscellaneous fabricated products, n.e.c.                                                 
  10904. u3999.951      ;Christmas tree ornaments and decorations, except glass and electrical                     
  10905. u3999.998      ;Other miscellaneous fabricated products, n.e.c.                                           
  10906. u4011          ;Railroads, line haul operations                                                           
  10907. u4011.a1       ;Farm products                                                                             
  10908. u4011.a11      ;Grain                                                                                     
  10909. u4011.a2       ;Metallic ores                                                                             
  10910. u4011.a21      ;Iron ores                                                                                 
  10911. u4011.a3       ;Coal                                                                                      
  10912. u4011.a31      ;Bituminous coal                                                                           
  10913. u4011.a4       ;Non-metallic minerals                                                                     
  10914. u4011.a5       ;Food products                                                                             
  10915. u4011.a6       ;Wood or lumber products                                                                   
  10916. u4011.a61      ;Lumber or dimension stocks                                                                
  10917. u4011.a7       ;Pulp, paper, or allied products                                                           
  10918. u4011.a8       ;Chemical or allied products                                                               
  10919. u4011.a81      ;Potassium or sodium inorganic compounds                                                   
  10920. u4011.a9       ;Petroleum or coal products                                                                
  10921. u4011.b1       ;Clay, concrete, glass, or stone products                                                  
  10922. u4011.b2       ;Primary metal products                                                                    
  10923. u4011.b21      ;Primary iron or steel products                                                            
  10924. u4011.b3       ;Transportation equipment                                                                  
  10925. u4011.b31      ;Motor vehicles                                                                            
  10926. u4011.b32      ;Motor vehicle parts or accessories                                                        
  10927. u4011.b4       ;Waste or scrap materials                                                                  
  10928. u4011.b5       ;Shipper assn or similar traffic                                                           
  10929. u4011.b6       ;Miscellaneous mixed shipments                                                             
  10930. u4222          ;Refrigerated warehousing and storage                                                      
  10931. u4222.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  10932. u4222.sm       ;Other receipts                                                                            
  10933. u4222.1        ;Refrigerated warehousing                                                                  
  10934. u4222.111      ;Commodities in cold storage                                                               
  10935. u4222.11101    ;Fruits                                                                                    
  10936. u4222.11102    ;Vegetables                                                                                
  10937. u4222.11103    ;Meats                                                                                     
  10938. u4222.11104    ;Dairy                                                                                     
  10939. u4222.11105    ;Poultry                                                                                   
  10940. u4222.11106    ;Prepared foods                                                                            
  10941. u4222.11107    ;Fish and seafood                                                                          
  10942. u4222.11109    ;Other commodities in cold storage                                                         
  10943. u4222.112      ;Other storage related services                                                            
  10944. @       
  10945. u43            ;United States Postal Service                                                              
  10946. u4311          ;United States Postal Service                                                              
  10947. u4311.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  10948. u4311.1        ;First class mail                                                                          
  10949. u4311.111      ;Letter mail                                                                               
  10950. u4311.112      ;Post cards                                                                                
  10951. u4311.113      ;Priority mail                                                                             
  10952. u4311.2        ;Second class mail                                                                         
  10953. u4311.211      ;In county mail                                                                            
  10954. u4311.212      ;Regular rate mail                                                                         
  10955. u4311.213      ;Nonprofit rate mail                                                                       
  10956. u4311.214      ;Classroom rate mail                                                                       
  10957. u4311.215      ;Transient rate mail                                                                       
  10958. u4311.216      ;Controlled circulation rate mail                                                          
  10959. u4311.3        ;Third class mail                                                                          
  10960. u4311.311      ;Single piece mail                                                                         
  10961. u4311.312      ;Regular bulk mail                                                                         
  10962. u4311.313      ;Nonprofit bulk mail                                                                       
  10963. u4311.4        ;Fourth class mail                                                                         
  10964. u4311.411      ;Parcel post                                                                               
  10965. u4311.412      ;Bound printed matter                                                                      
  10966. u4311.413      ;Special rate mail                                                                         
  10967. u4311.414      ;Library rate mail                                                                         
  10968. u4311.5        ;International mail                                                                        
  10969. u4311.511      ;International air mail                                                                    
  10970. u4311.512      ;International surface mail                                                                
  10971. u4311.513      ;Terminal dues and transit fees                                                            
  10972. u4311.6        ;Special services and fees                                                                 
  10973. u4311.611      ;Special services                                                                          
  10974. u4311.612      ;Domestic mail fees                                                                        
  10975. u4311.613      ;Other services and fees                                                                   
  10976. u4311.911      ;Public service appropriation                                                              
  10977. u4311.912      ;Express mail                                                                              
  10978. u4311.913      ;Mailgram service                                                                          
  10979. u4412          ;Deep sea foreign transportation of freight                                                
  10980. u4412.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  10981. u4412.1        ;Inbound liner                                                                             
  10982. u4412.2        ;Outbound liner                                                                            
  10983. u4424          ;Domestic deep sea transportation of freight                                               
  10984. u4424.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  10985. u4424.s        ;Secondary services                                                                        
  10986. u4424.1        ;Noncontiguous area transportation                                                         
  10987. u4424.121      ;Crude petroleum                                                                           
  10988. u4424.151      ;Other noncontiguous area transportation                                                   
  10989. u4424.2        ;Coastwise transportation                                                                  
  10990. u4424.241      ;Refined petroleum products                                                                
  10991. u4424.251      ;Other coastwise transportation                                                            
  10992. u4432          ;Freight transportation on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway                             
  10993. u4432.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  10994. u4432.1        ;Transportation of freight between U.S ports                                               
  10995. @       
  10996. u4432.111      ;Self-propelled dry bulk cargo vessel service                                              
  10997. u4432.11101    ;Iron ore and concentrates                                                                 
  10998. u4432.11103    ;Limestone                                                                                 
  10999. u4449          ;Water transportation of freight, n.e.c.                                                   
  11000. u4449.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11001. u4449.s        ;Secondary services                                                                        
  11002. u4449.sss      ;Other secondary services                                                                  
  11003. u4449.1        ;Mississippi River transportation                                                          
  11004. u4449.121      ;Farm products                                                                             
  11005. u4449.131      ;Chemicals                                                                                 
  11006. u4449.141      ;Coal                                                                                      
  11007. u4449.151      ;Refined petroleum products                                                                
  11008. u4449.161      ;Non-metallic minerals                                                                     
  11009. u4449.171      ;Other Mississippi River transportation                                                    
  11010. u4449.2        ;Atlantic inland waterways transportation                                                  
  11011. u4449.3        ;Pacific inland waterways transportation                                                   
  11012. u4449.4        ;Other water transportation of freight, n.e.c.                                             
  11013. u44494424s     ;Deep sea domestic transportation                                                          
  11014. u4491          ;Marine cargo handling                                                                     
  11015. u4491.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11016. u4491.sm       ;Other receipts                                                                            
  11017. u4491.1        ;Government operations/services                                                            
  11018. u4491.102      ;Terminal charges                                                                          
  11019. u4491.2        ;Non-government operations                                                                 
  11020. u4491.201      ;Stevedoring services                                                                      
  11021. u4491.20101    ;Containers                                                                                
  11022. u4491.20102    ;Break bulk                                                                                
  11023. u4491.20103    ;Neobulk (including automobiles)                                                           
  11024. u4491.20104    ;Dry bulk                                                                                  
  11025. u4491.202      ;Terminal charges                                                                          
  11026. u4491.20201    ;Wharfage                                                                                  
  11027. u4491.20202    ;Other terminal charges                                                                    
  11028. u451           ;Air transportation, scheduled and air courier services                                    
  11029. u4512          ;Air transportation, scheduled                                                             
  11030. u4512.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11031. u4512.s        ;Transport-related receipts                                                                
  11032. u4512.sss      ;Other transport-related receipts                                                          
  11033. u4512.1        ;Scheduled air cargo transportation                                                        
  11034. u4512.111      ;Property                                                                                  
  11035. u4512.11101    ;Freight                                                                                   
  11036. u4512.11102    ;Express                                                                                   
  11037. u4512.112      ;Mail                                                                                      
  11038. u4512.11201    ;U.S. mail                                                                                 
  11039. u4512.2        ;Scheduled air passenger transportation                                                    
  11040. u4512.211      ;Domestic                                                                                  
  11041. u4512.21101    ;First class, including business                                                           
  11042. u4512.21102    ;First class discount                                                                      
  11043. u4512.21103    ;Coach                                                                                     
  11044. u4512.21104    ;Coach discount                                                                            
  11045. u45124513s     ;Air courier services                                                                      
  11046. @       
  11047. u4513          ;Air courier services                                                                      
  11048. u4513.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11049. u4513.1        ;Air courier services                                                                      
  11050. u4513.111      ;Air courier services                                                                      
  11051. u46            ;Pipe lines, except natural gas                                                            
  11052. u4612          ;Crude petroleum pipe lines                                                                
  11053. u4612.111      ;Trans Alaskan pipe lines                                                                  
  11054. u4612.121      ;Non-Trans Alaskan pipe lines                                                              
  11055. u4613          ;Refined petroleum pipe lines                                                              
  11056. u4724          ;Travel agencies                                                                           
  11057. u4724.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11058. u4724.s        ;Secondary services                                                                        
  11059. u4724.1        ;Airline arrangements                                                                      
  11060. u4724.111      ;Domestic flights                                                                          
  11061. u4724.112      ;International flights                                                                     
  11062. u4724.2        ;Other travel arrangements, except airline                                                 
  11063. u4724.211      ;Hotel bookings                                                                            
  11064. u4724.212      ;Car rental arrangements                                                                   
  11065. u4724.213      ;Cruise bookings                                                                           
  11066. u4724.214      ;Tour bookings                                                                             
  11067. u47244725s     ;Tour operation                                                                            
  11068. u4725          ;Tour operators                                                                            
  11069. u4725.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11070. u4725.s        ;Secondary services                                                                        
  11071. u4725.1        ;Tour operation                                                                            
  11072. u4725.101      ;Domestic tours, including Canada and Mexico                                               
  11073. u4725.102      ;Foreign tours                                                                             
  11074. u47254724s     ;Travel agency services                                                                    
  11075. u4832          ;Radio broadcasting                                                                        
  11076. u4832.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11077. u4832.1        ;Local station commercial advertising                                                      
  11078. u4832.101      ;Commercials sold by daypart                                                               
  11079. u4832.10111    ;Morning drive                                                                             
  11080. u4832.10112    ;Midday                                                                                    
  11081. u4832.10113    ;Afternoon drive                                                                           
  11082. u4832.10114    ;Evening                                                                                   
  11083. u4832.103      ;Commercials sold in package plans                                                         
  11084. u4832.2        ;Other local station services                                                              
  11085. u4832.3        ;Network sales                                                                             
  11086. u4981          ;Electric power and natural gas utilities                                                  
  11087. u4981.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  11088. u4981.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11089. u4981.1        ;Electric power                                                                            
  11090. u4981.1a       ;Sales to ultimate consumers                                                               
  11091. u4981.11       ;Residential                                                                               
  11092. u4981.111      ;New England                                                                               
  11093. u4981.11131    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11094. u4981.11141    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11095. u4981.112      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11096. u4981.11231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11097. @       
  11098. u4981.11241    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11099. u4981.113      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11100. u4981.11331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11101. u4981.11341    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11102. u4981.114      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11103. u4981.11431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11104. u4981.11441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11105. u4981.115      ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  11106. u4981.11531    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11107. u4981.11541    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11108. u4981.116      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11109. u4981.11631    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11110. u4981.11641    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11111. u4981.117      ;West South Central                                                                        
  11112. u4981.11731    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11113. u4981.11741    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11114. u4981.118      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11115. u4981.11831    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11116. u4981.11841    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11117. u4981.119      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11118. u4981.11931    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11119. u4981.11941    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11120. u4981.12       ;Commercial                                                                                
  11121. u4981.121      ;New England                                                                               
  11122. u4981.12131    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11123. u4981.12141    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11124. u4981.122      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11125. u4981.12231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11126. u4981.12241    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11127. u4981.123      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11128. u4981.12331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11129. u4981.12341    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11130. u4981.124      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11131. u4981.12431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11132. u4981.12441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11133. u4981.125      ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  11134. u4981.12531    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11135. u4981.12541    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11136. u4981.126      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11137. u4981.12631    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11138. u4981.12641    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11139. u4981.127      ;West South Central                                                                        
  11140. u4981.12731    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11141. u4981.12741    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11142. u4981.128      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11143. u4981.12831    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11144. u4981.12841    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11145. u4981.129      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11146. u4981.12931    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11147. u4981.12941    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11148. @       
  11149. u4981.13       ;Industrial                                                                                
  11150. u4981.131      ;New England                                                                               
  11151. u4981.13131    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11152. u4981.13141    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11153. u4981.132      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11154. u4981.13231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11155. u4981.13241    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11156. u4981.133      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11157. u4981.13331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11158. u4981.13341    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11159. u4981.134      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11160. u4981.13431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11161. u4981.13441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11162. u4981.135      ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  11163. u4981.13531    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11164. u4981.13541    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11165. u4981.136      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11166. u4981.13631    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11167. u4981.13641    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11168. u4981.137      ;West South Central                                                                        
  11169. u4981.13731    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11170. u4981.13741    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11171. u4981.138      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11172. u4981.13831    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11173. u4981.13841    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11174. u4981.139      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11175. u4981.13931    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11176. u4981.13941    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11177. u4981.14       ;Other ultimate consumers                                                                  
  11178. u4981.141      ;New England                                                                               
  11179. u4981.14131    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11180. u4981.14141    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11181. u4981.142      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11182. u4981.14231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11183. u4981.14241    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11184. u4981.143      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11185. u4981.14331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11186. u4981.14341    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11187. u4981.144      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11188. u4981.14431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11189. u4981.14441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11190. u4981.145      ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  11191. u4981.14531    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11192. u4981.14541    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11193. u4981.146      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11194. u4981.14631    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11195. u4981.14641    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11196. u4981.147      ;West South Central                                                                        
  11197. u4981.14731    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11198. u4981.14741    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11199. @       
  11200. u4981.148      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11201. u4981.14831    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11202. u4981.14841    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11203. u4981.149      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11204. u4981.14931    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11205. u4981.14941    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11206. u4981.2        ;Natural gas                                                                               
  11207. u4981.2a       ;Sales to ultimate consumers                                                               
  11208. u4981.21       ;Residential                                                                               
  11209. u4981.211      ;New England                                                                               
  11210. u4981.21131    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11211. u4981.212      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11212. u4981.21231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11213. u4981.213      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11214. u4981.21331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11215. u4981.214      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11216. u4981.21431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11217. u4981.21441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11218. u4981.215      ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  11219. u4981.21531    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11220. u4981.21541    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11221. u4981.216      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11222. u4981.21631    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11223. u4981.21641    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11224. u4981.217      ;West South Central                                                                        
  11225. u4981.21731    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11226. u4981.21741    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11227. u4981.218      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11228. u4981.21831    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11229. u4981.21841    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11230. u4981.219      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11231. u4981.21931    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11232. u4981.22       ;Commercial                                                                                
  11233. u4981.221      ;New England                                                                               
  11234. u4981.22131    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11235. u4981.222      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11236. u4981.22231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11237. u4981.223      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11238. u4981.22331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11239. u4981.22341    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11240. u4981.224      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11241. u4981.22431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11242. u4981.22441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11243. u4981.225      ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  11244. u4981.22531    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11245. u4981.22541    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11246. u4981.226      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11247. u4981.22631    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11248. u4981.22641    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11249. u4981.227      ;West South Central                                                                        
  11250. @       
  11251. u4981.22731    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11252. u4981.22741    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11253. u4981.228      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11254. u4981.22831    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11255. u4981.22841    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11256. u4981.229      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11257. u4981.22931    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11258. u4981.23       ;Industrial                                                                                
  11259. u4981.231      ;New England                                                                               
  11260. u4981.23131    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11261. u4981.232      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11262. u4981.23231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11263. u4981.233      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11264. u4981.23331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11265. u4981.234      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11266. u4981.23431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11267. u4981.23441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11268. u4981.235      ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  11269. u4981.23531    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11270. u4981.23541    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11271. u4981.236      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11272. u4981.23631    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11273. u4981.23641    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11274. u4981.237      ;West South Central                                                                        
  11275. u4981.23731    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11276. u4981.23741    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11277. u4981.238      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11278. u4981.23831    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11279. u4981.23841    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11280. u4981.239      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11281. u4981.23941    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11282. u4981.24       ;Electric utilities                                                                        
  11283. u4981.242      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11284. u4981.24231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11285. u4981.243      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11286. u4981.24331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11287. u4981.244      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11288. u4981.24431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11289. u4981.24441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11290. u4981.246      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11291. u4981.248      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11292. u4981.249      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11293. u4981.24931    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11294. u4981.25       ;Other ultimate consumers                                                                  
  11295. u4981.251      ;New England                                                                               
  11296. u4981.252      ;Middle Atlantic                                                                           
  11297. u4981.25231    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11298. u4981.253      ;East North Central                                                                        
  11299. u4981.25331    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11300. u4981.254      ;West North Central                                                                        
  11301. @       
  11302. u4981.25431    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11303. u4981.25441    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11304. u4981.255      ;South Atlantic                                                                            
  11305. u4981.25531    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11306. u4981.25541    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11307. u4981.256      ;East South Central                                                                        
  11308. u4981.25631    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11309. u4981.25641    ;Non-investor utilities                                                                    
  11310. u4981.257      ;West South Central                                                                        
  11311. u4981.25731    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11312. u4981.25741    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11313. u4981.258      ;Mountain                                                                                  
  11314. u4981.25831    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11315. u4981.25841    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11316. u4981.259      ;Pacific                                                                                   
  11317. u4981.25931    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11318. u4981.26       ;Delivered to ultimate consumers for the account of others (transportation only)           
  11319. u4981.261      ;Commercial consumer                                                                       
  11320. u4981.26111    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11321. u4981.262      ;Industrial consumer                                                                       
  11322. u4981.26211    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11323. u4981.26212    ;Non-investor owned utilities                                                              
  11324. u4981.263      ;Electric utilities                                                                        
  11325. u4981.26311    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11326. u4981.264      ;Other consumers                                                                           
  11327. u4981.26411    ;Investor owned utilities                                                                  
  11328. u4981.3        ;Utility products and services, other than distribution and transportation                 
  11329. u5093          ;Scrap and waste materials                                                                 
  11330. u5093.a        ;Metal scrap                                                                               
  11331. u5093.b        ;Waste paper                                                                               
  11332. u5093.c        ;Waste materials other than metal and paper                                                
  11333. u5093.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11334. u5093.1        ;Ferrous scrap                                                                             
  11335. u5093.11       ;Carbon steel scrap                                                                        
  11336. u5093.111      ;Heavy melting scrap                                                                       
  11337. u5093.111d     ;Heavy melting scrap - domestic shipments                                                  
  11338. u5093.11112    ;Northeast                                                                                 
  11339. u5093.11113    ;Chicago                                                                                   
  11340. u5093.11114    ;Ohio and Lake Erie                                                                        
  11341. u5093.11115    ;South                                                                                     
  11342. u5093.11116    ;West                                                                                      
  11343. u5093.112      ;Bundles                                                                                   
  11344. u5093.112d     ;Bundles - domestic shipments                                                              
  11345. u5093.11212    ;Northeast                                                                                 
  11346. u5093.11213    ;Chicago                                                                                   
  11347. u5093.11214    ;Ohio and Lake Erie                                                                        
  11348. u5093.113      ;Shredded scrap                                                                            
  11349. u5093.113d     ;Shredded scrap - domestic shipments                                                       
  11350. u5093.11315    ;South                                                                                     
  11351. u5093.114      ;Cut plate and structural scrap                                                            
  11352. @       
  11353. u5093.114d     ;Cut plate and structural scrap - domestic shipments                                       
  11354. u5093.11412    ;Northeast                                                                                 
  11355. u5093.11415    ;South                                                                                     
  11356. u5093.115      ;Other carbon steel scrap                                                                  
  11357. u5093.115d     ;Other carbon steel scrap - domestic shipments                                             
  11358. u5093.12       ;Stainless and alloy steel scrap                                                           
  11359. u5093.121d     ;Stainless and alloy steel scrap - domestic shipments                                      
  11360. u5093.13       ;Cast iron scrap                                                                           
  11361. u5093.131d     ;Cast iron scrap - domestic shipments                                                      
  11362. u5093.13112    ;Northeast                                                                                 
  11363. u5093.13113    ;Chicago                                                                                   
  11364. u5093.13114    ;Ohio and Lake Erie                                                                        
  11365. u5093.13115    ;South                                                                                     
  11366. u5093.13116    ;West                                                                                      
  11367. u5093.2        ;Nonferrous scrap                                                                          
  11368. u5093.21       ;Aluminum scrap                                                                            
  11369. u5093.21d      ;Aluminum scrap - domestic shipments                                                       
  11370. u5093.21e      ;Aluminum scrap - exports                                                                  
  11371. u5093.211      ;Aluminum scrap - new                                                                      
  11372. u5093.21111    ;Solids and clippings                                                                      
  11373. u5093.212      ;Aluminum scrap - old                                                                      
  11374. u5093.21211    ;Used cans                                                                                 
  11375. u5093.21212    ;Other old scrap                                                                           
  11376. u5093.22       ;Copper and brass scrap                                                                    
  11377. u5093.22d      ;Copper and brass scrap - domestic shipments                                               
  11378. u5093.22e      ;Copper and brass scrap - export shipments                                                 
  11379. u5093.221      ;No. 1 heavy wire                                                                          
  11380. u5093.222      ;No. 2 wire, mixed                                                                         
  11381. u5093.223      ;Yellow brass                                                                              
  11382. u5093.224      ;Other copper and brass scrap                                                              
  11383. u5093.23       ;Lead scrap                                                                                
  11384. u5093.231d     ;Lead scrap - domestic shipments                                                           
  11385. u5093.51       ;Corrugated                                                                                
  11386. u5093.511      ;Northeast                                                                                 
  11387. u5093.512      ;North Central                                                                             
  11388. u5093.513      ;South                                                                                     
  11389. u5093.514      ;West                                                                                      
  11390. u5093.52       ;News                                                                                      
  11391. u5093.521      ;Northeast                                                                                 
  11392. u5093.522      ;North central                                                                             
  11393. u5093.523      ;South                                                                                     
  11394. u5093.524      ;West                                                                                      
  11395. u5093.53       ;Mixed papers                                                                              
  11396. u5093.531      ;Northeast                                                                                 
  11397. u5093.532      ;North central                                                                             
  11398. u5093.533      ;South                                                                                     
  11399. u5093.534      ;West                                                                                      
  11400. u5093.54       ;High grades: pulp substitutes and deinking                                                
  11401. u5093.541      ;Northeast                                                                                 
  11402. u5093.542      ;North central                                                                             
  11403. @       
  11404. u5093.543      ;South                                                                                     
  11405. u5093.544      ;West                                                                                      
  11406. u5093.55       ;Waste paper exports                                                                       
  11407. u5093.551      ;Waste paper exports                                                                       
  11408. u5093.6        ;Waste rags and textile waste                                                              
  11409. u5093.611      ;Waste rags and textile waste                                                              
  11410. u5093.7        ;Wiping cloths                                                                             
  11411. u5093.711      ;Wiping cloths                                                                             
  11412. u5093.8        ;Other waste materials and scrap, including rubber scrap and oil waste                     
  11413. u5093.811      ;Other waste materials and scrap, including rubber scrap and oil waste                     
  11414. u7513          ;Truck rental and leasing, without drivers                                                 
  11415. u7513.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  11416. u7513.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11417. u7513.1        ;Truck rentals                                                                             
  11418. u7513.111      ;Trucks                                                                                    
  11419. u7513.112      ;Truck tractors                                                                            
  11420. u7513.113      ;Truck trailers and semitrailers                                                           
  11421. u7513.2        ;Truck leases                                                                              
  11422. u7513.211      ;Trucks                                                                                    
  11423. u7513.212      ;Truck tractors                                                                            
  11424. u7513.213      ;Truck trailers and semitrailers                                                           
  11425. u7514          ;Passenger car rental, without drivers                                                     
  11426. u7514.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11427. u7514.1        ;Passenger car rental, without drivers                                                     
  11428. u7514.111      ;Passenger car rental, except replacement                                                  
  11429. u7514.112      ;Replacement car rental                                                                    
  11430. ubrsm.a3324    ;Lumber and wood products                                                                  
  11431. uwine          ;Wine                                                                                      
  11432. u1011.1        ;Iron ores                                                                                 
  11433. u1011.12       ;Ores, Great Lakes area                                                                    
  11434. u1011.122      ;Pellets                                                                                   
  11435. u1011.13       ;Ores, all areas, excluding Great Lakes                                                    
  11436. u1011.134      ;Other ores                                                                                
  11437. u105           ;Bauxite and other aluminum ores                                                           
  11438. u1051          ;Bauxite and other aluminum ores                                                           
  11439. u1051.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11440. u1111.206      ;Stove                                                                                     
  11441. u1111.207      ;Chestnut                                                                                  
  11442. u1111.208      ;Pea                                                                                       
  11443. u1111.209      ;Buckwheat no. 1                                                                           
  11444. u1111.211      ;Buckwheat no. 2                                                                           
  11445. u1111.213      ;Buckwheat no. 4                                                                           
  11446. u1111.214      ;Buckwheat no. 5                                                                           
  11447. u1211.211__c1  ;Spot                                                                                      
  11448. u1211.211__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11449. u1211.212__c1  ;Spot                                                                                      
  11450. u1211.212__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11451. u1211.213__c1  ;Spot                                                                                      
  11452. u1211.213__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11453. u1211.214__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11454. @       
  11455. u1211.31       ;High volatile                                                                             
  11456. u1211.311      ;North Appalachia                                                                          
  11457. u1211.311__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11458. u1211.312      ;South Appalachia                                                                          
  11459. u1211.312__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11460. u1211.32       ;Medium volatile                                                                           
  11461. u1211.322__c1  ;Spot                                                                                      
  11462. u1211.33       ;Low volatile                                                                              
  11463. u1211.331__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11464. u1211.332      ;South Appalachia                                                                          
  11465. u1211.332__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11466. u1211.411__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11467. u1211.412__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11468. u1211.413__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11469. u1211.414__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11470. u1211.612      ;South Appalachia                                                                          
  11471. u1211.612__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11472. u1211.614      ;West                                                                                      
  11473. u1211.614__c7  ;Contract                                                                                  
  11474. u1213          ;Bituminous coal and lignite mining services                                               
  11475. u1213.p        ;Primary services                                                                          
  11476. u1213.1        ;Exploration and development work                                                          
  11477. u1213.12       ;Drilling                                                                                  
  11478. u1213.2        ;Production work, not for own account                                                      
  11479. u1213.3        ;Other bituminous coal and lignite mining services                                         
  11480. u1422.11101    ;East North Central region                                                                 
  11481. u1422.11102    ;West North Central region                                                                 
  11482. u1422.11103    ;Other regions                                                                             
  11483. u1442.311      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11484. u1442.321      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11485. u1442.325      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11486. u1442.331      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11487. u1442.333      ;Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture                               
  11488. u1442.335      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11489. u1442.341      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11490. u1442.345      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11491. u1442.351      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11492. u1442.361      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11493. u1442.371      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11494. u1442.381      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11495. u1442.391      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11496. u1442.395      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11497. u1442.511      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11498. u1442.515      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11499. u1442.521      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11500. u1442.525      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11501. u1442.531      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11502. u1442.533      ;Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture                               
  11503. u1442.535      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11504. u1442.541      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11505. @       
  11506. u1442.543      ;Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture                               
  11507. u1442.545      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11508. u1442.551      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11509. u1442.553      ;Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture                               
  11510. u1442.555      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11511. u1442.561      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11512. u1442.565      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11513. u1442.571      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11514. u1442.573      ;Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture                               
  11515. u1442.575      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11516. u1442.581      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11517. u1442.591      ;Concrete aggregate and concrete products                                                  
  11518. u1442.593      ;Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture                               
  11519. u1442.595      ;Fill, road base and other                                                                 
  11520. u1452          ;Bentonite                                                                                 
  11521. u1452.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11522. u1452.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11523. u1452.201      ;Prepared bentonite                                                                        
  11524. u1452.20111    ;Mountain region                                                                           
  11525. u1452.20113    ;Other regions                                                                             
  11526. u1453          ;Fire clay                                                                                 
  11527. u1453.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11528. u1453.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11529. u1453.101      ;Crude fire clay                                                                           
  11530. u1454          ;Fuller's earth                                                                            
  11531. u1454.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11532. u1459.b        ;Common clay and shale                                                                     
  11533. u1459.c        ;Other clay and related materials                                                          
  11534. u1459.121      ;Crude                                                                                     
  11535. u1459.211      ;Prepared                                                                                  
  11536. u1459.221      ;Prepared                                                                                  
  11537. u1459.223      ;Prepared                                                                                  
  11538. u1472          ;Barite                                                                                    
  11539. u1472.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11540. u1472.201      ;Prepared barite                                                                           
  11541. u1474.401      ;Boron compounds                                                                           
  11542. u1476          ;Rock salt                                                                                 
  11543. u1476.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11544. u1476.101      ;Rock salt                                                                                 
  11545. u1476.10101    ;Southern region rock salt                                                                 
  11546. u1476.10102    ;Northern region rock salt                                                                 
  11547. u1477          ;Sulfur                                                                                    
  11548. u1477.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11549. u1477.101      ;Frasch process sulfur                                                                     
  11550. u1492          ;Gypsum mining                                                                             
  11551. u1492.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11552. u1492.101      ;Crude gypsum                                                                              
  11553. u1492.201      ;Crushed, ground, screened, or dried gypsum                                                
  11554. u1496          ;Talc, soapstone, and pyrophyllite                                                         
  11555. u1496.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11556. @       
  11557. u1499.201      ;Native asphalt & bitumens                                                                 
  11558. u1499.501      ;Peat                                                                                      
  11559. u1499.988      ;Other nonmetallic minerals, n.e.c.                                                        
  11560. u2011.c4101    ;Edible tallow                                                                             
  11561. u2011.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  11562. u2011.11204    ;USDA utility beef carcasses                                                               
  11563. u2011.11298    ;Other USDA graded and ungraded beef carcasses                                             
  11564. u2011.21201    ;USDA Prime and choice veal carcasses                                                      
  11565. u2011.31201    ;USDA prime and choice lamb                                                                
  11566. u2011.41701    ;Boston butts                                                                              
  11567. u2011.41702    ;Pork loins                                                                                
  11568. u2011.41798    ;Other primal cuts                                                                         
  11569. u2011.63101    ;Hams                                                                                      
  11570. u2011.63102    ;Picnics                                                                                   
  11571. u2011.71101    ;Fresh pork sausage, roll, artificial casing                                               
  11572. u2011.71198    ;Other fresh sausage, breakfast links, etc.                                                
  11573. u2011.72101    ;Frankfurters, skinless, all meat                                                          
  11574. u2011.73501    ;Bologna, all meat                                                                         
  11575. u2011.73598    ;Other smoked or cooked sausages                                                           
  11576. u2011.91201    ;Packer, native cow, light                                                                 
  11577. u2011.91202    ;Packer, branded cow                                                                       
  11578. u2011.91203    ;Packer, native steer, heavy                                                               
  11579. u2011.91205    ;Packer, butt brander                                                                      
  11580. u2011.91298    ;Other cattle hides                                                                        
  11581. u20112013s     ;Prepared meats manufactured from animals slaughtered off premises                         
  11582. u2013.f        ;Other processed, frozen, or cooked meats (portion control, corned beef, etc.)             
  11583. u2013.f98      ;Other processed, frozen, or cooked meats (portion control, corned beef, etc.)             
  11584. u2013.63101    ;Hams                                                                                      
  11585. u2013.63102    ;Picnics                                                                                   
  11586. u2013.71101    ;Fresh pork sausage, roll, artificial casing                                               
  11587. u2013.71198    ;Other fresh sausage, breakfast links, etc.                                                
  11588. u2013.72101    ;Frankfurters, skinless, all meat                                                          
  11589. u2013.72198    ;Other frankfurters and weiners                                                            
  11590. u2013.73501    ;Bologna, all meat                                                                         
  11591. u2013.73598    ;Other smoked or cooked sausages                                                           
  11592. u2013.821      ;Canned luncheon meats                                                                     
  11593. u2018          ;Poultry dressing, poultry and egg processing                                              
  11594. u2018.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  11595. u2018.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11596. u2018.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11597. u2018.1        ;Young chicken                                                                             
  11598. u2018.133      ;Bulk broilers/wet ice pack                                                                
  11599. u2018.13301    ;Grade A bulk whole broilers/wet ice pack                                                  
  11600. u2018.13398    ;Other wet ice bulk broilers, including parts                                              
  11601. u2018.134      ;Dry ice pack bulk broilers                                                                
  11602. u2018.136      ;Tray pack broilers                                                                        
  11603. u2018.139      ;Other broilers including frozen                                                           
  11604. u2018.3        ;Turkeys                                                                                   
  11605. u2018.323      ;Young turkeys                                                                             
  11606. u2018.32301    ;Hens, whole, Grade A frozen                                                               
  11607. @       
  11608. u2018.32302    ;Toms, whole, Grade A frozen                                                               
  11609. u2018.32398    ;Other young turkey                                                                        
  11610. u2018.5        ;Processed poultry and small game                                                          
  11611. u2018.521      ;Turkey, cooked or smoked                                                                  
  11612. u2018.523      ;Chicken, cooked or smoked                                                                 
  11613. u2018.9        ;Liquid, dried and frozen eggs                                                             
  11614. u2018.915      ;Dried whole eggs                                                                          
  11615. u2018.953      ;Frozen or liquid egg yolks                                                                
  11616. u2018.955      ;Frozen or liquid whole eggs                                                               
  11617. u2026.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  11618. u2026.21200g1  ;Fluid whole milk, packaged, Northeast region                                              
  11619. u2026.21200g2  ;Fluid whole milk, packaged, North Central region                                          
  11620. u2026.21200g3  ;Fluid whole milk, packaged, Southern region                                               
  11621. u2026.21200g4  ;Fluid whole milk, packaged, Western region                                                
  11622. u2026.4        ;Buttermilk, chocolate drinks and other flavored milk products                             
  11623. u2026.432      ;Yogurt                                                                                    
  11624. u2026.434      ;Buttermilk and related products                                                           
  11625. u2026.435      ;Flavored milk drinks (chocolate milk, chocolate drink)                                    
  11626. u2032.386      ;Other canned dry beans, including chili con carne (13.1 oz to 18 oz)                      
  11627. u2032.391      ;Other canned dry beans, including chili con carne (other sizes)                           
  11628. u2032.468      ;Chinese foods (bean sprouts, chop suey, etc.)                                             
  11629. u2032.494      ;Ravioli                                                                                   
  11630. u20322033sss   ;Canned fruits and vegetables                                                              
  11631. u2034.x        ;Dried fruits and vegetables                                                               
  11632. u2034.311      ;Dried soups                                                                               
  11633. u2035.211      ;Dill pickles                                                                              
  11634. u2035.215      ;Sweet pickles                                                                             
  11635. u2037.163      ;Frozen blueberries                                                                        
  11636. u2037.164      ;Other frozen berries including raspberries                                                
  11637. u2037.17901    ;Frozen orange juice, over one gallon                                                      
  11638. u2037.17902    ;Frozen orange juice, 16 oz. to one gallon                                                 
  11639. u2037.17903    ;Frozen orange juice, 10.1 to 13 oz                                                        
  11640. u2037.17904    ;Frozen orange juice, 4.1 to 7 oz                                                          
  11641. u2037.243      ;Frozen succotash                                                                          
  11642. u2037.246      ;Other frozen combinations                                                                 
  11643. u2038.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  11644. u2038.1        ;Frozen pies and other baked goods                                                         
  11645. u2038.111      ;Frozen pies                                                                               
  11646. u2038.113      ;Sweet yeast goods incl. yeast raised donuts, sweet rolls,etc.                             
  11647. u2038.114      ;Soft cakes(pounds,layers,sheet, fruit,cheese,etc.)                                        
  11648. u2038.118      ;Other frozen baked goods(waffles, cookies,pastries,etc.)excl. bread and rolls             
  11649. u2038.225      ;Frozen dinners                                                                            
  11650. u2038.243      ;Frozen pizza                                                                              
  11651. u2038.245      ;Frozen nationality food                                                                   
  11652. u2038.3        ;Other frozen specialties                                                                  
  11653. u2038.313      ;Frozen entrees                                                                            
  11654. u2038.318      ;Other frozen specialties                                                                  
  11655. u20382099sss   ;Food preparations,n.e.c.                                                                  
  11656. u2047.1        ;Dog and cat food                                                                          
  11657. u2047.1a       ;Dog food                                                                                  
  11658. @       
  11659. u2047.1b       ;Cat food                                                                                  
  11660. u2047.1c       ;Fresh and frozen horsemeat                                                                
  11661. u2047.123      ;Other canned dog food                                                                     
  11662. u2047.125      ;Dry dog food (package size under 25 pounds)                                               
  11663. u2047.127      ;Dry dog food (package size 25 pounds or over)                                             
  11664. u2047.133      ;Semimoist dog food (package size over 1 pound)                                            
  11665. u2047.143      ;Canned cat food, meat base                                                                
  11666. u2047.153      ;Dry cat food (package size under 25 pounds)                                               
  11667. u2047.156      ;Semimoist cat food (package size 1 pound or less)                                         
  11668. u2047.2        ;Other pet and specialty foods                                                             
  11669. u2048.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  11670. u2048.117      ;Layer-breeder, supplements and concentrates                                               
  11671. u2048.815      ;Other poultry (duck, geese, etc.), supplements and concentrates                           
  11672. u2048.818      ;Other livestock (sheep, etc.), complete feed                                              
  11673. u2048.819      ;Other livestock (sheep, etc.), supplements and concentrates                               
  11674. u20482047s     ;Dog, cat and other pet food                                                               
  11675. u2051.z75      ;Resales of bread and related products                                                     
  11676. u2051.z7512    ;Resales of rolls, stuffing and crumbs                                                     
  11677. u2051.z7513    ;Resales of sweet yeast goods                                                              
  11678. u2051.z7514    ;Resales of soft cakes                                                                     
  11679. u2051.z7517    ;Resales of cake type doughnuts                                                            
  11680. u2065          ;Confectionery products                                                                    
  11681. u2065.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  11682. u2065.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11683. u2065.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11684. u2065.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  11685. u2065.211      ;Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products                                       
  11686. u2065.311      ;Nonchocolate-type confectionery products                                                  
  11687. u2065.8        ;Confectionery products, n.e.c.                                                            
  11688. u2065.853      ;Peanuts, shipped separately, other packaging                                              
  11689. u2065.857      ;Other nuts, packaged separately or with three or less varieties, other packaging          
  11690. u2066.211      ;Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products                                       
  11691. u2066.8        ;Other chocolate and cocoa products                                                        
  11692. u2066.821      ;Chocolate, sweetened                                                                      
  11693. u2066.871      ;Cocoa, powdered, sweetened, 2.5 lbs sizes or less                                         
  11694. u20752079s     ;Shortening and cooking oils                                                               
  11695. u2079.11303    ;Commercial sizes, over 3 lbs                                                              
  11696. u2079.11505    ;Consumer sizes, 3 lbs. or less                                                            
  11697. u2079.11507    ;Commercial sizes, over 3 lbs                                                              
  11698. u2082.421      ;Ale                                                                                       
  11699. u2082.431      ;Porter, stout and other malt beverages                                                    
  11700. u2085.3        ;Bottled liquor, except brandy                                                             
  11701. u2085.312      ;Blends of whiskey                                                                         
  11702. u2085.315      ;Whiskey blended with neutral spirits                                                      
  11703. u2085.319      ;Other rectified whiskey                                                                   
  11704. u2085.321      ;Rectified gin                                                                             
  11705. u2085.325      ;Cordials, liqueurs                                                                        
  11706. u2085.327      ;Cocktails and similar compounds                                                           
  11707. u2085.333      ;Rectified vodka                                                                           
  11708. u2085.337      ;Rectified rum                                                                             
  11709. @       
  11710. u2085.351      ;Unrectified whiskey                                                                       
  11711. u2085.355      ;Unrectified gin                                                                           
  11712. u2085.357      ;Unrectified vodka                                                                         
  11713. u2086.3        ;Carbonated soft drinks                                                                    
  11714. u2086.301      ;Cola, excluding diet cola                                                                 
  11715. u2086.30101    ;Cola, bottled, excluding diet cola                                                        
  11716. u2086.30111    ;Cola, excluding diet, returnable bottles                                                  
  11717. u2086.30112    ;Cola, excluding diet, nonreturnable bottles                                               
  11718. u2086.30121    ;Cola, excluding diet, cans (returnable and nonreturnable)                                 
  11719. u2086.30131    ;Cola, excluding diet, bulk                                                                
  11720. u2086.302      ;Other carbonated drinks, including diet cola                                              
  11721. u2086.30202    ;Carbonated orange soda                                                                    
  11722. u2086.30203    ;Carbonated lemon, lime and lemon-lime combinations                                        
  11723. u2086.30204    ;Root beer and sarsaparilla                                                                
  11724. u2086.30205    ;Ginger ale                                                                                
  11725. u2086.30206    ;Carbonated grape soda                                                                     
  11726. u2086.30207    ;Club soda                                                                                 
  11727. u2086.30209    ;Other carbonated nondiet flavors                                                          
  11728. u2086.30211    ;Diet cola                                                                                 
  11729. u2086.30219    ;Other carbonated diet flavors                                                             
  11730. u2086.5        ;Noncarbonated soft drinks                                                                 
  11731. u2086.509      ;Other noncarbonated fruit drinks and ades                                                 
  11732. u2091.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  11733. u2092.21398    ;Other fresh packaged fish                                                                 
  11734. u2092.22401    ;Shucked oysters, standards                                                                
  11735. u2092.22498    ;Other oysters                                                                             
  11736. u2092.32101    ;Cod fillets                                                                               
  11737. u2092.32198    ;Other groundfish, fillets and steaks                                                      
  11738. u2092.32201    ;Cod or Atlantic pollock fish sticks                                                       
  11739. u2092.32202    ;Cod portions                                                                              
  11740. u2092.32298    ;Other groundfish, sticks and portions                                                     
  11741. u2095.sss      ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11742. u2099.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  11743. u2099.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  11744. u2099.2        ;Chips (potato, corn, etc.)                                                                
  11745. u2099.211      ;Potato chips and sticks                                                                   
  11746. u2099.21112    ;Plain potato chips and sticks                                                             
  11747. u2099.21114    ;Flavored potato chips and sticks                                                          
  11748. u2099.261      ;Corn chips, curls, and related products                                                   
  11749. u2099.298      ;Other chips, sticks, etc.                                                                 
  11750. u2099.8        ;Chocolate and cocoa products, except confectionary (mfpm)                                 
  11751. u2099.894      ;Chocolate syrups, with chocolate powder base                                              
  11752. u2099.931      ;Spices                                                                                    
  11753. u2099.93131    ;Consumer size black and white pepper (under 1 lb.)                                        
  11754. u2099.93138    ;Consumer size spices (under 1 lb.), except pepper                                         
  11755. u2099.93139    ;Commercial size spices (1 lb. and over), except pepper                                    
  11756. u2099.94444    ;Consumer size peanut butter                                                               
  11757. u2099.961      ;Perishable prepared foods (sold in bulk or packages, not frozen)                          
  11758. u2099.96163    ;Salads (sold in bulk or packages, not frozen)                                             
  11759. u2099.96165    ;Sandwiches, made from bread (sold in bulk or packages, not frozen)                        
  11760. @       
  11761. u2099.96168    ;Other perishable prepared foods (sold in bulk or packages, not frozen)                    
  11762. u20992033s     ;Canned fruits, vegetables, preserves, jams, and jellies                                   
  11763. u20992034s     ;Dried and dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and soup mixes                                   
  11764. u20992035s     ;Pickled fruits and vegetables, vegetable sauces and seasonings, and salad dressings       
  11765. u2121.311      ;Low priced (revenue class A through C)                                                    
  11766. u2121.313      ;Popular priced (revenue class D and E)                                                    
  11767. u2121.315      ;Medium priced (revenue class F and G)                                                     
  11768. u2121.317      ;High priced (revenue class H)                                                             
  11769. u2141.111      ;Packed for sale as such                                                                   
  11770. u2141.231      ;Other stemmed tobacco, including chopped cigar filler                                     
  11771. u2211.h        ;Other fabricated textile products, n.e.c.                                                 
  11772. u2211.1        ;Cotton duck and allied fabrics, including combed duck                                     
  11773. u2211.115      ;Cotton duck and allied fabrics, including combed duck                                     
  11774. u2211.2        ;Cotton sheeting and allied coarse and medium yarn fabrics                                 
  11775. u2211.215      ;Osnaburgs                                                                                 
  11776. u2211.225      ;Sheetings                                                                                 
  11777. u2211.235      ;Drills                                                                                    
  11778. u2211.255      ;Sateens                                                                                   
  11779. u2211.3        ;Cotton print cloth yarn fabrics                                                           
  11780. u2211.315      ;Plain print cloths                                                                        
  11781. u2211.323      ;Tobacco and cheesecloths and other print cloth fabrics                                    
  11782. u2211.6        ;Other woven cotton gray fabrics and specialties                                           
  11783. u2211.615      ;Corduroys                                                                                 
  11784. u2211.625      ;Others, except corduroys                                                                  
  11785. u2211.7        ;Finished cotton broadwoven fabrics, excluding commission finishing                        
  11786. u2211.731      ;Plain dyed and finished broadwoven fabrics                                                
  11787. u2211.73115    ;Dyed corduroys                                                                            
  11788. u2211.73116    ;Denims                                                                                    
  11789. u2211.73117    ;Other plain dyed and finished fabrics                                                     
  11790. u2211.761      ;Other finished cotton fabrics                                                             
  11791. u2211.9        ;Towels and washcloths made from cotton broadwoven fabrics                                 
  11792. u2211.911      ;Terry woven towels                                                                        
  11793. u2211.928      ;Towels for industrial and institutional use                                               
  11794. u2211.953      ;Washcloths                                                                                
  11795. u2221.12233    ;Taffetas                                                                                  
  11796. u2221.132      ;Polyester/cotton blends                                                                   
  11797. u2221.13261    ;Bed sheetings                                                                             
  11798. u2221.13262    ;Broadcloths                                                                               
  11799. u2221.13263    ;Twills                                                                                    
  11800. u2221.13264    ;Plain print cloths                                                                        
  11801. u2221.13269    ;Other weaves                                                                              
  11802. u2221.133      ;Spun yarn fabrics, except chiefly cellulosic and polyester/cotton blends                  
  11803. u2221.13372    ;Polyester/rayon blends                                                                    
  11804. u2221.15       ;Specialty fabrics                                                                         
  11805. u2221.151      ;Specialty fabrics                                                                         
  11806. u2221.282      ;Plain dyed and finished fabrics                                                           
  11807. u2221.28211    ;Chiefly rayon and/or acetate                                                              
  11808. u2221.28212    ;Polyester/cotton blends                                                                   
  11809. u2221.28213    ;Other fibers                                                                              
  11810. u2221.284      ;Finished but not bleached,dyed or printed fabrics                                         
  11811. @       
  11812. u2231.31611    ;Wholly wool                                                                               
  11813. u2231.31612    ;Chiefly wool                                                                              
  11814. u2231.418      ;Other non-apparel fabrics and felts                                                       
  11815. u2231.41812    ;Chiefly wool                                                                              
  11816. u2241.12733    ;Apparel webbing                                                                           
  11817. u2251.311      ;Women's knee-high socks, knit on less than 300 needles                                    
  11818. u2252.236      ;Infants' and children's knee-high                                                         
  11819. u2252.23677    ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  11820. u2253.145      ;Other fibers                                                                              
  11821. u2254.12228    ;100% cotton and all other cotton blends                                                   
  11822. u2254.468      ;100% cotton and all other cotton blends                                                   
  11823. u2257.51231    ;100% cotton                                                                               
  11824. u2257.51232    ;Other 100% spun yarn                                                                      
  11825. u2257.71141    ;Interlock and eightlock fabrics                                                           
  11826. u2257.71232    ;Interlock and eightlock fabrics                                                           
  11827. u2258.22201    ;Chiefly acetate or triacetate                                                             
  11828. u2258.22202    ;Chiefly nylon                                                                             
  11829. u2261.951      ;Printed and finished                                                                      
  11830. u2261.95155    ;Other cotton fabric                                                                       
  11831. u2262.831      ;Plain dyed and finished                                                                   
  11832. u2262.851      ;Printed and finished                                                                      
  11833. u2262.931      ;Plain dyed and finished                                                                   
  11834. u2262.93146    ;Polyester/cotton blends                                                                   
  11835. u2262.93155    ;Other man-made fiber and silk fabric                                                      
  11836. u2262.951      ;Printed and finished                                                                      
  11837. u2262.95155    ;Other man-made fiber and silk fabric                                                      
  11838. u2262.961      ;Other commission finished                                                                 
  11839. u2269.3        ;Finished yarn other than bleached or dyed                                                 
  11840. u2271          ;Woven carpets and rugs                                                                    
  11841. u2271.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11842. u2271.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11843. u2271.1        ;Woven carpets and rugs, including mats and art squares                                    
  11844. u2271.112      ;Wilton                                                                                    
  11845. u2271.113      ;Velvet                                                                                    
  11846. u2271.114      ;Other woven carpets and rugs, including upholstery loom type carpeting                    
  11847. u2272          ;Tufted carpets and rugs                                                                   
  11848. u2272.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  11849. u2272.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11850. u2272.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11851. u2272.1        ;Bathmats and sets and scatter rugs 6 x 9 or less                                          
  11852. u2272.3        ;Tufted broadloom                                                                          
  11853. u2272.30301    ;Tufted broadloom - nylon                                                                  
  11854. u2272.30303    ;Tufted broadloom - polyester                                                              
  11855. u2272.30305    ;Tufted broadloom - acrylic/modacrylic                                                     
  11856. u2272.30309    ;Tufted broadloom - other fibers and blends                                                
  11857. u2272.505      ;Automobile and aircraft carpeting                                                         
  11858. u2272.707      ;Other tufted carpet and rugs including artificial grass                                   
  11859. u2272.8        ;Finished only                                                                             
  11860. u2279          ;Carpets and rugs, n.e.c.                                                                  
  11861. u2279.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11862. @       
  11863. u2279.1        ;Carpets and rugs, n.e.c., including mats and art squares                                  
  11864. u2279.113      ;Braided, hooked, and other carpets and rugs (except tufted or woven)                      
  11865. u2283          ;Wool yarn                                                                                 
  11866. u2283.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11867. u2283.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11868. u2283.1        ;Spun weaving yarns                                                                        
  11869. u2283.2        ;Machine knitting yarns                                                                    
  11870. u2283.234      ;Woolen system                                                                             
  11871. u2283.23451    ;Sweater yarns                                                                             
  11872. u2283.235      ;Worsted system                                                                            
  11873. u2283.3        ;Carpet and rug yarns                                                                      
  11874. u2283.369      ;100% wool                                                                                 
  11875. u2291          ;Felt goods, except woven felt and hats                                                    
  11876. u2291.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11877. u2291.1        ;Pressed wool felt                                                                         
  11878. u2291.111      ;Industrial felt                                                                           
  11879. u2291.2        ;Punched or needled felts                                                                  
  11880. u2291.247      ;Wool felts and man-made fiber felts                                                       
  11881. u2293          ;Padding and upholstery filling                                                            
  11882. u2293.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11883. u2293.11       ;Padding and pads                                                                          
  11884. u2293.119      ;All other padding                                                                         
  11885. u2293.13       ;Batting, wadding, and mattress felts                                                      
  11886. u2293.132      ;Made from cotton linters, cotton waste, and raw cotton                                    
  11887. u2293.134      ;Made from all other fibers                                                                
  11888. u2293.157      ;Upholstery filling                                                                        
  11889. u2294          ;Processed textile waste                                                                   
  11890. u2294.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11891. u2294.114      ;Fibers recovered from clips and rags (new and used)                                       
  11892. u2294.12       ;Fibers recovered from mill waste, excluding fibers recovered from clips and rags          
  11893. u2294.127      ;Manmade fibers                                                                            
  11894. u2294.12713    ;Nylon                                                                                     
  11895. u2294.12714    ;All other manmade fibers, including combinations of fiber types                           
  11896. u2294.128      ;All other fibers, including oakum and wool                                                
  11897. u2295.32232    ;Woven fabric base                                                                         
  11898. u2295.32242    ;Woven fabric base                                                                         
  11899. u2299.5        ;Other textile goods, n.e.c.                                                               
  11900. u2311.11341    ;All wool                                                                                  
  11901. u2311.11342    ;Wool blends                                                                               
  11902. u2311.32141    ;All wool                                                                                  
  11903. u2311.32142    ;Wool blends                                                                               
  11904. u2311.411      ;Boys' suits                                                                               
  11905. u2311.419      ;Boys' tailored jackets and coats                                                          
  11906. u2322.12226    ;Cotton/polyester blended fabric                                                           
  11907. u2322.213      ;Cotton/polyester blended fabric                                                           
  11908. u2322.466      ;Cotton/polyester blended fabric                                                           
  11909. u2323.y99      ;Contract work                                                                             
  11910. u2327.1121     ;All wool and wool blends                                                                  
  11911. u2327.11213    ;Woven construction                                                                        
  11912. u2327.1123     ;All cotton and cotton blends                                                              
  11913. @       
  11914. u2327.11233    ;Woven construction                                                                        
  11915. u2327.1129     ;Fabrics other than wool and wool blends or cotton and cotton blends                       
  11916. u2327.11291    ;Knit construction                                                                         
  11917. u2327.11293    ;Woven construction                                                                        
  11918. u2329.y99      ;Contract work                                                                             
  11919. u2329.123      ;Men's uniform heavy nontailored jackets and coats                                         
  11920. u2329.25501    ;Chiefly cotton                                                                            
  11921. u2329.25503    ;Other fabrics                                                                             
  11922. u2329.25803    ;Other fabrics                                                                             
  11923. u2341.21131    ;Knit                                                                                      
  11924. u2341.21361    ;Chiefly synthetic fibers                                                                  
  11925. u2341.21362    ;Chiefly other fibers                                                                      
  11926. u2341.31531    ;Knit                                                                                      
  11927. u2341.31532    ;Woven                                                                                     
  11928. u2342.221      ;Girdles without opening                                                                   
  11929. u2342.231      ;Girdles with opening                                                                      
  11930. u2351          ;Millinery                                                                                 
  11931. u2351.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11932. u2351.112      ;Fur felt and wool felt                                                                    
  11933. u2351.141      ;Fabric                                                                                    
  11934. u2351.151      ;Straw                                                                                     
  11935. u2352          ;Hats and caps, except millinery                                                           
  11936. u2352.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11937. u2352.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11938. u2352.1        ;Hats and hat bodies, except cloth and millinery                                           
  11939. u2352.115      ;Finished straw hats, except harvest hats, men's and boys'                                 
  11940. u2352.141      ;Wool felt finished hats                                                                   
  11941. u2352.183      ;Fur felt finished hats                                                                    
  11942. u2352.2        ;Cloth hats and caps                                                                       
  11943. u2352.212      ;Men's and boys' woven cloth hats, except uniform                                          
  11944. u2352.215      ;Men's and boys' woven cloth caps, except uniform                                          
  11945. u2352.298      ;All other hats and caps, inc. harvest hats, women's uniform hats and caps, etc.           
  11946. u2361.12126    ;All or chiefly manmade fiber fabric                                                       
  11947. u2361.12569    ;Other fabric                                                                              
  11948. u2361.21333    ;All or chiefly manmade fiber fabric                                                       
  11949. u2361.21753    ;All or chiefly manmade fiber fabric                                                       
  11950. u2363          ;Girls', children's, & infants' coats & suits                                              
  11951. u2363.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  11952. u2363.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  11953. u2363.1        ;Coats, snowsuits, coat-and-legging sets, suits & jackets                                  
  11954. u2363.13       ;Coats                                                                                     
  11955. u2363.135      ;Children's and infants' coats                                                             
  11956. u2363.13538    ;Fabric other than wool                                                                    
  11957. u2363.142      ;Coat-and-legging, coat-and-snowpant sets, ski & snowsuits                                 
  11958. u2363.148      ;Jackets                                                                                   
  11959. u2369.1        ;Outerwear, n.e.c., except contract work                                                   
  11960. u2369.14       ;Play garments                                                                             
  11961. u2369.142      ;Girls' play garments                                                                      
  11962. u2369.1425     ;Other girls' play garments:  shorts, halter tops, etc.                                    
  11963. u2369.145      ;Children's play garments                                                                  
  11964. @       
  11965. u2369.1456     ;Slacks and shorts                                                                         
  11966. u2369.146      ;Infants' play garments:  creepers, rompers, etc.                                          
  11967. u2369.19       ;Other outerwear:  skirts, swimsuits, headwear, neckwear, buntings, robes, etc.            
  11968. u2369.193      ;Skirts                                                                                    
  11969. u2369.1937     ;All or chiefly cotton fabric                                                              
  11970. u2369.198      ;Headwear, neckwear, buntings, robes, etc.                                                 
  11971. u2392.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  11972. u2392.1        ;Housefurnishings,except bedspreads/sets & woven: sheets, pillowcases, towels, washcloths  
  11973. u2392.119      ;Shower/bath curtains, including plastic                                                   
  11974. u2392.123      ;Comforters and wadded quilts                                                              
  11975. u2392.133      ;Quilted products, except comforters & wadded quilts                                       
  11976. u2392.13331    ;Mattress protectors                                                                       
  11977. u2392.144      ;Tablecloths, other than plastic or plastic coated or laminated                            
  11978. u2392.145      ;Napkins, excluding paper                                                                  
  11979. u2392.147      ;Place mats and place-mat sets, including plastic                                          
  11980. u2392.151      ;Bed pillows                                                                               
  11981. u2392.15153    ;Other materials                                                                           
  11982. u2392.155      ;Fancy pillows and cushions                                                                
  11983. u2392.15557    ;Foam                                                                                      
  11984. u2392.15559    ;Other materials                                                                           
  11985. u2392.177      ;Mops and dusters                                                                          
  11986. u2392.17771    ;Dry mops and dusters, excluding dusting cloths                                            
  11987. u2392.17773    ;Wet mops, except sponge                                                                   
  11988. u2392.198      ;Other housefurnishings, except bedspreads/sets & woven: sheets, pillowcases, etc.         
  11989. u2392.6        ;Bedspreads and bedsets                                                                    
  11990. u2392.622      ;Quilted bedspreads and bedsets                                                            
  11991. u2392.62239    ;Other fibers                                                                              
  11992. u2392.633      ;Jacquard woven bedspreads and bedsets                                                     
  11993. u2392.8        ;Sheets and pillowcases made from woven fabric                                             
  11994. u2392.811      ;Flat sheets, other than crib                                                              
  11995. u2392.833      ;Pillowcases                                                                               
  11996. u2392.9        ;Towels and washcloths from woven fabric                                                   
  11997. u2392.922      ;Terry woven towels, sheared and non-sheared                                               
  11998. u2392.92217    ;Other terry woven towels                                                                  
  11999. u23922391s     ;Curtains and draperies, except shower and bath curtains                                   
  12000. u2395.131      ;Stamped art goods for embroidering needlework, punching, etc. and other needlework        
  12001. u2395.141      ;Printing on purchased fabricated textile products, including silk screen                  
  12002. u2395.141____a ;Printing on purchased fabricated textile products, including silk screen                  
  12003. u2395.941      ;Contract printing for the trade                                                           
  12004. u2397.113      ;Eyelet                                                                                    
  12005. u2397.115      ;Novelties                                                                                 
  12006. u2411.111      ;Southern yellow pine                                                                      
  12007. u2411.11144    ;Sawlogs and bolts                                                                         
  12008. u2411.115      ;Spruce                                                                                    
  12009. u2411.11544    ;Sawlogs and bolts                                                                         
  12010. u2411.12       ;Softwood, except Douglas fir                                                              
  12011. u2411.121      ;Hemlock                                                                                   
  12012. u2411.123      ;Western red cedar                                                                         
  12013. u2411.12544    ;Sawlogs and bolts                                                                         
  12014. u2411.22144    ;Sawlogs and bolts                                                                         
  12015. @       
  12016. u2421.1292     ;Maple                                                                                     
  12017. u2421.1298     ;Ash                                                                                       
  12018. u2421.4214     ;Western Red Cedar                                                                         
  12019. u2426.22311    ;Kiln dried, rough dimension stock                                                         
  12020. u2426.22313    ;Kiln dried, surfaced dimension stock                                                      
  12021. u2426.611      ;Wood furniture frames for household furniture                                             
  12022. u2431.551      ;Combination screen and storm doors, wood                                                  
  12023. u2431.631      ;Other softwood species                                                                    
  12024. u2435.101      ;Veneer core-technical and type 1, water proof                                             
  12025. u2435.102      ;Veneer core-type II, moisture resistant                                                   
  12026. u2436.51121    ;Western and inland CDX                                                                    
  12027. u2436.51123    ;Western and inland underlayment, exterior                                                 
  12028. u2436.51125    ;All other western and inland sheathing, exterior                                          
  12029. u2451.14129    ;Other doublewide                                                                          
  12030. u2452.44443    ;Single family, including townhouses                                                       
  12031. u2452.44445    ;Multifamily                                                                               
  12032. u2492          ;Particleboard                                                                             
  12033. u2492.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12034. u2492.1        ;Particleboard, platen-type (mat formed)                                                   
  12035. u2492.103      ;Floor underlayment                                                                        
  12036. u2492.10303    ;5/8-inch thick                                                                            
  12037. u2492.105      ;Mobile home decking                                                                       
  12038. u2492.107      ;Shelving                                                                                  
  12039. u2492.112      ;Other industrial board                                                                    
  12040. u2492.11211    ;3/4-inch thick                                                                            
  12041. u2492.11213    ;5/8-inch thick                                                                            
  12042. u2492.11217    ;All other thicknesses                                                                     
  12043. u2492.119      ;Other platen-type, including stepping, siding, etc.                                       
  12044. u2499.6        ;Fabricated hardboard products from hardboard made at the establishment                    
  12045. u2499.611      ;Prefinished paneling, except laminated and tiled wallboard                                
  12046. u2499.61111    ;Prefinished exterior siding                                                               
  12047. u2499.623      ;Dimension and parts, including cut to size and molded products                            
  12048. u2499.643      ;Panel stock; panels and siding not face finished                                          
  12049. u2499.7        ;Medium density fiberboard                                                                 
  12050. u2499.711      ;Uncoated panel                                                                            
  12051. u2499.71103    ;Uncoated standard size panel                                                              
  12052. u2499.95151    ;Striking tool handles (axe, pick, etc.)                                                   
  12053. u2499.95153    ;Lifting and pulling tool handles (rake, spade, etc.)                                      
  12054. u2499.957      ;Broom, mop, and paint brush handles                                                       
  12055. u2499.966      ;Wooden tools, tool bodies, and backs for brooms, mops, and brushes                        
  12056. u24992421s     ;Sawmills and planing mills, general                                                       
  12057. u2511.761      ;Knockdown or unassembled wood household furniture                                         
  12058. u2512.13241    ;Coated fabric, including vinyl                                                            
  12059. u2514.49a      ;Infants' metal furniture                                                                  
  12060. u2514.492      ;Infants' high chairs                                                                      
  12061. u2514.493      ;Infants' car seats                                                                        
  12062. u2514.494      ;Other infants' and children's metal furniture (chairs, tables, playpens, etc.)            
  12063. u2515.237      ;Urethane foam core mattresses other than crib size                                        
  12064. u2515.311      ;Box springs                                                                               
  12065. u2515.379      ;Other foundations, including foam, spring cushions, and hospital bedsprings               
  12066. @       
  12067. u2515.4        ;Convertible sofas                                                                         
  12068. u2515.421      ;Made from purchased mattresses, including interplant transfers                            
  12069. u2515.431      ;Made from mattresses produced at the same establishment                                   
  12070. u2519.132      ;Reed & rattan furn., incl. willow, wicker & cane                                          
  12071. u2519.141      ;Other plastics and fibrous glass furn., exc. cabinets                                     
  12072. u2521.22       ;Desks                                                                                     
  12073. u2521.222      ;Clerical and secretarial desks                                                            
  12074. u2522.221      ;Executive desks                                                                           
  12075. u2522.231      ;Clerical and secretarial desks                                                            
  12076. u2522.314      ;Legal file cabinets                                                                       
  12077. u2522.316      ;Other vertical file cabinets                                                              
  12078. u2522.317      ;Horizontal file cabinets                                                                  
  12079. u2541.121      ;Shelving                                                                                  
  12080. u2541.33b      ;Manufacturers' standard store fixtures (retail), except food stores                       
  12081. u2542.239      ;Other shelving                                                                            
  12082. u2542.349      ;Other metal racks, including conventional pallet racks and accessories                    
  12083. u2542.48       ;Counters and bank fixtures                                                                
  12084. u2591.3a       ;Window shades                                                                             
  12085. u2591.4a       ;Complete venetian blinds, vertical and horizontal                                         
  12086. u2591.51711    ;Carbon steel and all other materials                                                      
  12087. u2599.351      ;Ship furniture                                                                            
  12088. u2611.21116    ;Bleached sulfite woodpulp                                                                 
  12089. u2611.2133     ;Bleached sulfate woodpulp                                                                 
  12090. u2611.21331    ;Bleached sulfate woodpulp, softwood                                                       
  12091. u2611.21335    ;Bleached sulfate woodpulp, hardwood                                                       
  12092. u2611.216      ;Groundwood pulp                                                                           
  12093. u2611.21664    ;Stone groundwood and refiner woodpulp                                                     
  12094. u2611.28       ;Pulp, other than woodpulp, and misc pulpmill products, n.e.c.                             
  12095. u2611.281      ;Cotton linter pulp                                                                        
  12096. u2611.285      ;Other pulp                                                                                
  12097. u2621.a1       ;Sanitary paper stock                                                                      
  12098. u2621.a51      ;Napkin stock                                                                              
  12099. u2621.a61      ;Toweling stock, excluding wiper stock, but including facial tissue stock for towels       
  12100. u2621.a81      ;Tissue paper stock, excluding sanitary and thin                                           
  12101. u2621.101      ;Newsprint                                                                                 
  12102. u2621.311      ;Coated one side, except prime-coated body stock for further coating                       
  12103. u2621.331      ;Coated two sides, except prime-coated body stock for further coating                      
  12104. u2621.33111    ;No. 3 grade                                                                               
  12105. u2621.33121    ;No. 5 grade                                                                               
  12106. u2621.33131    ;Other grades                                                                              
  12107. u2621.42122    ;Watermarked bond, No. 1 grade                                                             
  12108. u2621.42133    ;Other bond, except form bond                                                              
  12109. u2621.42144    ;Form bond, 12 pound                                                                       
  12110. u2621.42166    ;Other form bond                                                                           
  12111. u2621.42177    ;Other chemical woodpulp writing paper                                                     
  12112. u2621.451      ;Body stock for coating, for shipment to establishments without papermaking equipment      
  12113. u26212647s     ;Sanitary paper products                                                                   
  12114. u2631.262      ;Heavyweight cup and round nested food container board                                     
  12115. u2631.284      ;Other solid bleached board                                                                
  12116. u2631.481      ;Tube, can and drum paperboard                                                             
  12117. @       
  12118. u2631.487      ;Other recycled paperboard                                                                 
  12119. u2641.2        ;Oiled, waxed, and wax-laminated paper, plain or printed                                   
  12120. u2641.211      ;Oiled and similarly treated paper                                                         
  12121. u2641.216      ;Waxed and wax-laminated paper for packaging uses                                          
  12122. u2641.21632    ;Single web                                                                                
  12123. u2641.411      ;Single faced tape                                                                         
  12124. u2641.41113    ;Paper backing, excluding electrical                                                       
  12125. u2641.41153    ;Reinforced and laminated tape, all backings                                               
  12126. u2641.461      ;Double faced tape                                                                         
  12127. u2641.475      ;Pressure sensitive labels, unprinted                                                      
  12128. u2641.7        ;Laminated or coated rolls and sheets, for packaging uses, except waxed                    
  12129. u2641.8        ;Other coated and processed paper, except for packaging uses and except waxed              
  12130. u2641.821      ;Special coated paper (mica, pyroxylin, lacquer, metallic, etc.) other than foil           
  12131. u2641.898      ;Other coated and processed paper, including soap impregnated paper and plastic coated pap 
  12132. u2642          ;Envelopes                                                                                 
  12133. u2642.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12134. u2642.1        ;Envelopes, all types                                                                      
  12135. u2643          ;Bags, except textile bags                                                                 
  12136. u2643.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12137. u2643.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12138. u2643.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12139. u2643.1        ;Grocers' and variety bags (paper) and wardrobe, shopping, and other bags                  
  12140. u2643.113      ;Grocers' bags and sacks, paper                                                            
  12141. u2643.1131     ;Grocers' sacks, paper                                                                     
  12142. u2643.11311    ;1/6 barrel                                                                                
  12143. u2643.1132     ;Grocers' bags, paper                                                                      
  12144. u2643.11322    ;Greater than 5 lb. but less than 13 lb                                                    
  12145. u2643.11323    ;13 lb. or greater                                                                         
  12146. u2643.115      ;Variety bags (merchandize), paper                                                         
  12147. u2643.151      ;Shopping bags, all materials                                                              
  12148. u2643.198      ;Other paper bags, n.e.c. (mothproof, etc.), excluding specialty bags                      
  12149. u2643.2        ;Polyethylene combinations, including polyethylene and foil combinations                   
  12150. u2643.2c       ;Unsupported film                                                                          
  12151. u2643.23       ;Polyethylene combined with other films by lamination or coating                           
  12152. u2643.261      ;Polyethylene                                                                              
  12153. u2643.29       ;Resale household bags, all materials (garbage, lunch, sandwich, etc.)                     
  12154. u2643.295      ;Film                                                                                      
  12155. u2643.3        ;Shipping sacks and multiwall bags, all materials, except textile                          
  12156. u2643.311      ;Single and double wall                                                                    
  12157. u2643.351      ;Multiwall (three or more plies)                                                           
  12158. u26433079s     ;Miscellaneous plastics products                                                           
  12159. u2645          ;Die-cut paper and board                                                                   
  12160. u2645.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  12161. u2645.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12162. u2645.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12163. u2645.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  12164. u2645.1        ;Die-cut office supplies and miscellaneous products                                        
  12165. u2645.111      ;Index cards                                                                               
  12166. u2645.112      ;Expanding file folders, including wallets                                                 
  12167. u2645.114      ;Other file folders, including hanging folders                                             
  12168. @       
  12169. u2645.199      ;Other die-cut products                                                                    
  12170. u2645.2        ;Pasted, lined, laminated or surface coated paperboard                                     
  12171. u2645.211      ;Pasted, lined, laminated or surface coated paperboard                                     
  12172. u2646          ;Pressed and molded pulp goods                                                             
  12173. u2646.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12174. u2646.2        ;Other molded pulp goods                                                                   
  12175. u2646.251      ;Molded pulp plates and dishes                                                             
  12176. u2646.298      ;Other molded pulp and papier mache articles, excluding statuary and art goods             
  12177. u2647          ;Sanitary paper products                                                                   
  12178. u2647.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12179. u2647.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12180. u2647.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12181. u2647.1        ;Sanitary napkins and tampons                                                              
  12182. u2647.11       ;Sanitary napkins                                                                          
  12183. u2647.151      ;Tampons                                                                                   
  12184. u2647.2        ;Sanitary tissue health products                                                           
  12185. u2647.211      ;Facial tissues and handkerchiefs, including sputum wipes                                  
  12186. u2647.22       ;Table napkins, including plain creped, and facial tissue                                  
  12187. u2647.221      ;Industrial (bulk and dispenser type)                                                      
  12188. u2647.221a     ;Regular type, single ply                                                                  
  12189. u2647.22101    ;Bulk                                                                                      
  12190. u2647.22103    ;Facial tissue type, 2 ply or more                                                         
  12191. u2647.222      ;Retail packages (resale)                                                                  
  12192. u2647.23       ;Toilet tissue                                                                             
  12193. u2647.231      ;Rolls and ovals                                                                           
  12194. u2647.27       ;Towels (rolled, folded, or interfolded)                                                   
  12195. u2647.287      ;Disposable diapers, except diaper liners and adult diapers, paper                         
  12196. u2647.298      ;Other sanitary health products, including toilet seat covers, bibs, headrests, tray cover 
  12197. u2648          ;Stationery products                                                                       
  12198. u2648.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12199. u2648.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12200. u2648.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12201. u2648.1        ;Stationery                                                                                
  12202. u2648.111      ;Boxed stationery and portfolios                                                           
  12203. u2648.2        ;Tablets and related products                                                              
  12204. u2648.251      ;Correspondence type tablets                                                               
  12205. u2648.252      ;Legal pads                                                                                
  12206. u2648.254      ;Tablets and pads, except legal and memo                                                   
  12207. u2648.257      ;Notebooks                                                                                 
  12208. u2648.261      ;Looseleaf fillers (school and commercial types)                                           
  12209. u2648.265      ;Wrapped ream papers                                                                       
  12210. u2648.269      ;Other tablets and related products                                                        
  12211. u2649          ;Converted paper products, n.e.c.                                                          
  12212. u2649.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12213. u2649.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12214. u2649.2        ;Wrapping products (gift wrap type)                                                        
  12215. u2649.3        ;Wallcoverings                                                                             
  12216. u2649.3a       ;Paper wallcoverings                                                                       
  12217. u2649.3b       ;Other wallcoverings                                                                       
  12218. u2649.5        ;Other converted paper and board products                                                  
  12219. @       
  12220. u2649.5a       ;Business machine supplies                                                                 
  12221. u2649.5c       ;Novelties, games, displays, and similar products                                          
  12222. u2649.511      ;Rolls for business machines                                                               
  12223. u2649.547      ;Other novelties, games, displays, and similar products                                    
  12224. u2649.569      ;Other industrial paper and board products                                                 
  12225. u2649.598      ;Other miscellaneous paper & board products, including labels, draperies, shelf paper, etc 
  12226. u2651          ;Folding paperboard boxes                                                                  
  12227. u2651.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12228. u2651.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12229. u2651.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12230. u2651.1        ;Folding paperboard boxes (classified by end use)                                          
  12231. u2651.114      ;Dry food & produce, including pet & animal food (excluding trays & boards for retail pack 
  12232. u2651.121      ;Bottled and canned beverages                                                              
  12233. u2651.1211     ;Bottled beverages                                                                         
  12234. u2651.12112    ;Alcoholic beverages                                                                       
  12235. u2651.131      ;Soaps and detergents                                                                      
  12236. u2651.141      ;Tobacco                                                                                   
  12237. u2651.151      ;Hardware and household supplies                                                           
  12238. u2651.161      ;Candy                                                                                     
  12239. u2651.171      ;Cosmetics and medicinal products                                                          
  12240. u2651.17101    ;Cosmetics                                                                                 
  12241. u2651.17102    ;Medicinal products                                                                        
  12242. u2651.181      ;Paper goods or products, including book mailers                                           
  12243. u2651.198      ;All other end uses, n.e.c.                                                                
  12244. u26512654s     ;Sanitary food containers                                                                  
  12245. u2654          ;Sanitary food containers                                                                  
  12246. u2654.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12247. u2654.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12248. u2654.1        ;Milk and milk-type cartons, including juice and beverage                                  
  12249. u2654.2        ;Cups and liquid-tight containers                                                          
  12250. u2654.233      ;Liquid-tight and round nested food containers, including lids and tops                    
  12251. u2654.235      ;Drinking cups and portion serving cups                                                    
  12252. u2654.3        ;Other sanitary food containers, boards and trays                                          
  12253. u2654.3a       ;Food serving products                                                                     
  12254. u2654.3b       ;Containers for liquid, moist, oily or perishable foods, including frozen foods            
  12255. u2654.311      ;Stamped plates, dishes, spoons and similar products                                       
  12256. u2654.319      ;Other paperboard items                                                                    
  12257. u2654.343      ;Frozen foods, and fresh and frozen bakery                                                 
  12258. u2654.34317    ;Fresh and frozen bakery                                                                   
  12259. u2654.353      ;Butter and ice cream packages and food pails                                              
  12260. u2655.151      ;Paperboard fiber drums with metal, wood, plastic or paperboard ends                       
  12261. u266           ;Building paper and building board mills                                                   
  12262. u2661          ;Building paper and building board mills                                                   
  12263. u2661.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12264. u2661.1        ;Board: asphalt, hardpressed, insulation, roofing, etc.                                    
  12265. u2661.111      ;1/2 inch                                                                                  
  12266. u2731.125      ;College workbooks                                                                         
  12267. u2731.33       ;Business books                                                                            
  12268. u2731.335      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  12269. u2731.531      ;Mass market books                                                                         
  12270. @       
  12271. u2731.54       ;Adult trade books                                                                         
  12272. u2731.541      ;Hardbound                                                                                 
  12273. u2731.543      ;Paperbound                                                                                
  12274. u2731.55       ;Juvenile books                                                                            
  12275. u2731.72       ;Subscription reference books                                                              
  12276. u2731.74       ;Other reference books                                                                     
  12277. u2741.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  12278. u2741.3        ;Other miscellaneous publishing                                                            
  12279. u2741.321      ;Shopping news                                                                             
  12280. u2741.396      ;Patterns, including clothing patterns                                                     
  12281. u2741.397      ;Micropublishing in microform, including original and republished materials                
  12282. u2741.398      ;Other miscellaneous publications (almanacs, yearbooks, etc.)                              
  12283. u2751          ;Commercial printing, letterpress                                                          
  12284. u2751.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  12285. u2751.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12286. u2751.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12287. u2751.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12288. u2751.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  12289. u2751.2        ;Labels and printed rolls and sheets for packaging purposes, letterpress                   
  12290. u2751.2a       ;Labels, custom and stock, printed, including bordered, made of paper or foil, excluding c 
  12291. u2751.2b       ;Printed rolls and sheets for packaging purposes                                           
  12292. u2751.218      ;Rolls, pressure sensitive, letterpress                                                    
  12293. u2751.219      ;Flexographic pressure sensitive, flat and rolls                                           
  12294. u2751.241      ;Polyethylene, letterpress, including flexographic, single web                             
  12295. u2751.243      ;Other letterpress, including flexographic, multiweb and single web                        
  12296. u2751.4        ;Financial and legal printing, letterpress                                                 
  12297. u2751.425      ;Bank printing, excluding checkbooks                                                       
  12298. u2751.5        ;Advertising printing, letterpress                                                         
  12299. u2751.511      ;Direct mail                                                                               
  12300. u2751.598      ;Other advertising printing                                                                
  12301. u2751.6        ;Other general job printing, letterpress                                                   
  12302. u2751.644      ;Ticket and coupon printing                                                                
  12303. u2751.651      ;Decalcomanias and pressure sensitives, excluding labels                                   
  12304. u2751.675      ;Tags, printed, including embossed                                                         
  12305. u2751.698      ;All other general commercial printing, letterpress, including flexographic, n.e.c.        
  12306. u2751.9        ;Screen process printing, except textiles                                                  
  12307. u2751.911      ;Decalcomanias and pressure sensitives, excluding labels                                   
  12308. u2751.91217    ;Pressure sensitive, flat and rolls                                                        
  12309. u2751.923      ;Display advertising posters                                                               
  12310. u2751.925      ;Counter and floor displays, point of purchase, and other display material                 
  12311. u2751.981      ;Printing on metal                                                                         
  12312. u2751.998      ;All other screen process printing, n.e.c.                                                 
  12313. u27512641s     ;Paper coating and glazing                                                                 
  12314. u27512752s     ;Commercial printing, lithographic                                                         
  12315. u2752.21101    ;Flat, except pressure sensitive, sheet-fed                                                
  12316. u2752.21107    ;Pressure sensitive, flat and rolls                                                        
  12317. u2752.317      ;Telephone directories                                                                     
  12318. u2752.319      ;Other directories, including business reference services                                  
  12319. u2752.413      ;Annual reports and other corporate financial printing                                     
  12320. u2752.419      ;Other financial and legal printing                                                        
  12321. @       
  12322. u2752.425      ;Bank printing, excluding checkbooks                                                       
  12323. u2752.523      ;Display advertising posters                                                               
  12324. u2752.525      ;Counter and floor displays, point of purchase, and other printed display material         
  12325. u2752.533      ;Preprinted newspaper inserts, sections of 2 pages or more                                 
  12326. u2752.613      ;Scientific and technical recording charts and chart paper, excluding pen ruled            
  12327. u2752.643      ;Calendars and calendar pads                                                               
  12328. u2752.692      ;Business forms, excluding blank books and looseleaf forms, sheet-fed                      
  12329. u2752.697      ;All other general commercial printing, n.e.c., sheet-fed                                  
  12330. u27522751s     ;Commercial printing, letterpress                                                          
  12331. u2753          ;Engraving and plate printing                                                              
  12332. u2753.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12333. u2753.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12334. u2753.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12335. u2753.1____a1  ;Printed products                                                                          
  12336. u2753.112__a1  ;Securities                                                                                
  12337. u2753.122__a1  ;Social                                                                                    
  12338. u2753.132__a1  ;Commercial                                                                                
  12339. u2753.2        ;Plates made for others, excluding duplicates                                              
  12340. u2753.252      ;Other plates, excluding intaglio                                                          
  12341. u2754.235      ;Other, including multiweb structures                                                      
  12342. u2754.698      ;All other general commercial printing, n.e.c.                                             
  12343. u2754.7        ;Gravure plates and cylinders                                                              
  12344. u27542751s     ;Commercial printing, letterpress                                                          
  12345. u2761.311      ;Pegboard accounting systems                                                               
  12346. u2761.313      ;Sales and other manifold books                                                            
  12347. u2761.31342    ;Custom printed                                                                            
  12348. u2761.531      ;Custom fanfold                                                                            
  12349. u2761.557      ;All other custom printed continuous forms                                                 
  12350. u2761.5578     ;One part                                                                                  
  12351. u2761.5579     ;Multiple parts                                                                            
  12352. u2761.55792    ;Carbon                                                                                    
  12353. u2761.55794    ;Carbonless                                                                                
  12354. u2761.76203    ;Carbon                                                                                    
  12355. u2761.76205    ;Carbonless                                                                                
  12356. u2782.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12357. u2782.1        ;Blankbook making                                                                          
  12358. u2782.111      ;Columnar, ledger, and account books                                                       
  12359. u2782.131      ;Albums and scrapbooks                                                                     
  12360. u2782.135      ;Diaries and appointment books                                                             
  12361. u2782.141      ;Checkbooks, inserts and refills, excluding continuous forms and die cut                   
  12362. u2782.14111    ;Letterpress process                                                                       
  12363. u2782.14112    ;Lithographic process                                                                      
  12364. u2782.151      ;Miscellaneous blankbooks and paper ruling                                                 
  12365. u2782.15155    ;Other miscellaneous blankbooks                                                            
  12366. u2782.233      ;Looseleaf binders, ring and prong type, including looseleaf memo books                    
  12367. u2782.234      ;Post binders, heavy, thin, or flexible, including data binders                            
  12368. u2782.239      ;Miscellaneous looseleaf binders and devices                                               
  12369. u2782.23998    ;Other looseleaf binders and devices                                                       
  12370. u27822648s     ;Stationery products                                                                       
  12371. u2789.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12372. @       
  12373. u2789.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  12374. u2789.112      ;Technical, scientific, business and professional books, and college textbooks             
  12375. u2789.116      ;Other books n.e.c. including dictionaries                                                 
  12376. u2789.141      ;Library binding including prebinding, rebinding, and hardcover binding of periodicals     
  12377. u2789.223      ;Soft cover binding of books (49 pages or more)                                            
  12378. u2789.225      ;Pamphlet and other soft cover binding                                                     
  12379. u2789.261      ;Mechanical binding of products printed elsewhere                                          
  12380. u2789.291      ;Miscellaneous bookbinding work and related service operations on material printed elsewhe 
  12381. u2793          ;Photoengraving                                                                            
  12382. u2793.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12383. u2793.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12384. u2793.1        ;Photoengraving plates made for others                                                     
  12385. u2793.113      ;Zinc                                                                                      
  12386. u2793.117      ;Magnesium                                                                                 
  12387. u2793.119      ;Other                                                                                     
  12388. u27932795s     ;Lithographic platemaking services                                                         
  12389. u2794          ;Electrotyping and stereotyping                                                            
  12390. u2794.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12391. u2795          ;Lithographic platemaking services                                                         
  12392. u2795.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12393. u2795.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12394. u2795.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12395. u2795.1        ;Lithographic plates                                                                       
  12396. u2795.113      ;Diazo type plates prepared for printing                                                   
  12397. u2795.115      ;Wipe on plates                                                                            
  12398. u2795.129      ;All other lithographic plates                                                             
  12399. u2795.2        ;Lithographic platemaking services                                                         
  12400. u2795.231      ;Color corrected process positives or negatives on film                                    
  12401. u2795.239      ;All other film                                                                            
  12402. u2795.241      ;Assembled flats for platemaking                                                           
  12403. u27952793s     ;Photoengraving                                                                            
  12404. u2812.36711    ;Bead caustic soda                                                                         
  12405. u2816.398      ;All other color pigments, incl. iron blues, pearl essence, and copper oxides              
  12406. u2819.746      ;Other selected sodium silicates (water glass and silicoflouride)                          
  12407. u2824.7        ;Yarn and monofilament                                                                     
  12408. u2824.701      ;Nylon and aramid, excluding producer textured yarn                                        
  12409. u2824.70113    ;Tire                                                                                      
  12410. u2824.7012     ;Textile                                                                                   
  12411. u2824.70122    ;35-59 drawn equivalent denier                                                             
  12412. u2824.70124    ;All other drawn equivalent deniers                                                        
  12413. u2824.702      ;Polyester, excluding producer textured yarn                                               
  12414. u2824.7021     ;Textile, selected deniers                                                                 
  12415. u2824.70212    ;145-179 drawn equivalent denier                                                           
  12416. u2824.70221    ;All other polyester yarn and monofilament, except producer textured                       
  12417. u2824.703      ;Producer textured yarn and monofilament                                                   
  12418. u2824.70311    ;Textile, 56-89 drawn equivalent denier                                                    
  12419. u2824.70312    ;Textile, 145-179 drawn equivalent denier                                                  
  12420. u2824.70322    ;Carpet yarn                                                                               
  12421. u2824.70331    ;Other producer textured yarn and monofilament                                             
  12422. u2824.705      ;Other yarn and monofilament                                                               
  12423. @       
  12424. u2824.8        ;Staple, tow and fiberfill                                                                 
  12425. u2824.801      ;Nylon and aramid                                                                          
  12426. u2824.802      ;Acrylic and modacrylic                                                                    
  12427. u2824.80201    ;Up to 4 denier                                                                            
  12428. u2824.803      ;Polyester                                                                                 
  12429. u2824.8031     ;Staple and tow                                                                            
  12430. u2824.80312    ;Up to 2.5 denier, excluding fiberfill                                                     
  12431. u2824.804      ;Other staple, tow and fiberfill                                                           
  12432. u2831          ;Biological products                                                                       
  12433. u2831.a        ;Diagnostic substances                                                                     
  12434. u2831.a21      ;Reagents                                                                                  
  12435. u2831.a22      ;Standards & controls                                                                      
  12436. u2831.a27      ;Microbiology, virology & serology products                                                
  12437. u2831.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  12438. u2831.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12439. u2831.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12440. u2831.sm       ;Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts                                             
  12441. u2831.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12442. u2831.1        ;Blood and blood derivatives, for human use                                                
  12443. u2831.117      ;Normal human blood serum                                                                  
  12444. u2831.119      ;Other blood derivatives or fractions, except those used for passive immunization          
  12445. u2831.2        ;Vaccines, toxoids and antigens, for human use                                             
  12446. u2831.212      ;Vaccines                                                                                  
  12447. u2831.213      ;Antigens                                                                                  
  12448. u2831.4        ;Diagnostic substances and other biologics, except for industrial use                      
  12449. u2831.413      ;Allergenic extracts, including poison ivy and poison oak extracts and allergens           
  12450. u2831.415      ;Diagnostic substances, except diagnostic allergens                                        
  12451. u2831.5        ;Biological products for veterinary use                                                    
  12452. u2831.513      ;Vaccines, bacterins, toxoids and other antigens (except allergens) for active immunizatio 
  12453. u2831.7        ;Other biologicals for human use, except diagnostics                                       
  12454. u2831.725      ;Allergenic extracts & other biologics for human use                                       
  12455. u2831.8        ;Biological products for veterinary use, except diagnostics                                
  12456. u2831.814      ;Vaccines, bacterins, toxoids & other antigens for active immunization                     
  12457. u2831.9        ;Biological products for industrial & other uses                                           
  12458. u28312834s     ;Pharmaceuticals                                                                           
  12459. u2833.2        ;Other medicinals and botanicals                                                           
  12460. u2833.201      ;Botanical drugs                                                                           
  12461. u2833.202      ;Natural vitamins                                                                          
  12462. u2833.20225    ;Other natural vitamins                                                                    
  12463. u2833.204      ;Other inorganic medicinals                                                                
  12464. u2833.205      ;Mixtures of two or more substances for therapeutic or prophylactic use                    
  12465. u2833.20595    ;Other mixtures of two or more substances                                                  
  12466. u2834.10211    ;Codeine and combinations                                                                  
  12467. u2834.13604    ;I.V. solutions 50 ml. and under                                                           
  12468. u2834.20201    ;Liquids                                                                                   
  12469. u2834.20202    ;Other antacids                                                                            
  12470. u2834.301      ;Prescription                                                                              
  12471. u2834.302      ;Non-prescription                                                                          
  12472. u2834.30209    ;Other non-prescription                                                                    
  12473. u2841.12       ;Alkaline detergents, nonhousehold                                                         
  12474. @       
  12475. u2841.237      ;Heavy duty phosphate free                                                                 
  12476. u2842.3a       ;Deodorants, nonpersonal                                                                   
  12477. u2842.341      ;Wallpaper, window shade, and wallcleaners                                                 
  12478. u2842.398      ;Other specialty cleaning products, (ironing aids, sweeping compounds, waterless hand clea 
  12479. u2851.1aaa     ;Solvent paints, enamels and varnishes in ready-mixed form                                 
  12480. u2851.1aba     ;Water-emulsion paints and tinting bases                                                   
  12481. u2851.121      ;Solvent and alkyd vehicle house paints and tinting bases                                  
  12482. u2851.143      ;House                                                                                     
  12483. u2851.157      ;All-purpose, excluding exterior-interior                                                  
  12484. u2851.159      ;Other exterior water-thinned paints, including barn and roof                              
  12485. u2851.16       ;Paints, enamels and varnishes in ready-mixed form                                         
  12486. u2851.164      ;Semigloss paints and tinting bases                                                        
  12487. u2851.18101    ;Vinyl and vinyl acetate binder                                                            
  12488. u2851.18102    ;Acrylic binder                                                                            
  12489. u2851.18103    ;Other type binders                                                                        
  12490. u2851.189      ;Other interior water-thinned paints, including paste and semi-paste                       
  12491. u2851.22       ;Automobile finishes                                                                       
  12492. u2851.221      ;Automobile finishes, except lacquers                                                      
  12493. u2851.234      ;Other transportation equipment finishes, including aircraft, rockets and missiles         
  12494. u2851.24       ;Metal finishes                                                                            
  12495. u2851.24a      ;Metal decorating                                                                          
  12496. u2851.252      ;Machinery and equipment finishes, including road building equipment and farm implements   
  12497. u2851.257      ;Other product finishes, except semimanufactured (pigment dispersions, etc.)               
  12498. u2851.26       ;Industrial lacquers                                                                       
  12499. u2851.262      ;Wood                                                                                      
  12500. u2851.269      ;Industrial lacquers for other uses                                                        
  12501. u2851.3b       ;Trade sales                                                                               
  12502. u2851.307      ;Metallic paints (aluminum, bronze, zinc, etc.)                                            
  12503. u2851.313      ;Paints and enamels, except lacquers                                                       
  12504. u2851.331      ;Made from paint produced in the same establishment or packaged on contract                
  12505. u2851.7        ;Allied paint products                                                                     
  12506. u2851.763      ;Paint and varnish removers                                                                
  12507. u2851.8        ;Putty and putty products                                                                  
  12508. u2851.853      ;Putty and glazing compounds                                                               
  12509. u2851.9        ;Miscellaneous paint products                                                              
  12510. u2851.911      ;Thinners for dopes, lacquers, and oleoresinous thinners, inc. mixtures, proprietary thinn 
  12511. u2851.979      ;Miscellaneous related products, e.g pigment dispersions, ink vehicles, bleached shellac,  
  12512. u2861.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12513. u2874.151      ;Wet process phosphoric acid                                                               
  12514. u2874.3        ;Mixed fertilizers, produced from one or more materials made in the same plant             
  12515. u2874.3a       ;Incomplete mixed fertilizer                                                               
  12516. u2874.31       ;Complete mixed fertilizer                                                                 
  12517. u2874.313      ;Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form                                                       
  12518. u2874.31306    ;Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, other N-P-K                                          
  12519. u2874.378      ;Incomplete mixed fertilizer, grades cuaranteeing N,P2O or K2O only                        
  12520. u2875.2a       ;Complete mixed fertilizers (guarantees N, P205 and K20)                                   
  12521. u2875.2b       ;Incomplete mixed fertilizers                                                              
  12522. u2875.213      ;Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form                                                       
  12523. u2875.21301    ;Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, 5-10-15 N-P-K                                        
  12524. u2875.21302    ;Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, 6-24-24 N-P-K                                        
  12525. @       
  12526. u2875.21303    ;Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, 10-10-10 N-P-K                                       
  12527. u2875.21304    ;Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, 12-12-12 n-p-k                                       
  12528. u2875.21306    ;Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, miscellaneous N-P-K                                  
  12529. u2875.225      ;Incomplete mixed fertilizer, grades guaranteeing N and P205 only                          
  12530. u2875.227      ;Complete mixed fertilizers, liquid form                                                   
  12531. u2875.231      ;Incomplete mixed fertilizers, grades guaranteeing P205 and K20 only                       
  12532. u2892.1____a1  ;Explosives manufactured in privately owned and operated establishments                    
  12533. u2892.11___a1  ;High explosives                                                                           
  12534. u2892.113__a1  ;Permissables                                                                              
  12535. u2892.117__a1  ;ANFO, except slurry                                                                       
  12536. u2892.118__a1  ;Water gel and slurries                                                                    
  12537. u2892.122__a1  ;Other high explosives                                                                     
  12538. u2892.16___a1  ;Blasting accessories                                                                      
  12539. u2892.169__a1  ;Other blasting accessories                                                                
  12540. u2893.239      ;Other lithographic and offset ink                                                         
  12541. u2895.11101    ;West south central region                                                                 
  12542. u2899.598      ;Other industrial chemical specialties, including fluxes and plastic wood preparations     
  12543. u2951.11311    ;Northern tier                                                                             
  12544. u2951.11312    ;Central tier                                                                              
  12545. u2951.11313    ;Southern tier                                                                             
  12546. u2952.131      ;Asphalt and tar products; except felts, coatings, and cements; non-building               
  12547. u2952.212      ;Roofing asphalts                                                                          
  12548. u2952.251      ;Fibrated asphaltic roofing coatings                                                       
  12549. u2952.255      ;Nonfibrated asphaltic roofing coatings                                                    
  12550. u2952.261      ;Asphaltic roofing cements                                                                 
  12551. u2952.298      ;Other roofing asphalts and pitches, coatings, and cements                                 
  12552. u2952.311      ;Smooth surface roll roofing including talc, mica, and other fine materials                
  12553. u2952.31101    ;Smooth asphalt roll roofing, organic base                                                 
  12554. u2952.314      ;Self-sealing strip shingles; 244lbs. or less, organic base                                
  12555. u2952.318      ;Individual shingles                                                                       
  12556. u2952.325      ;Self sealing and regular strip asphalt shingles, fiberglass base                          
  12557. u2952.353      ;Saturated felts for built-up roofing systems                                              
  12558. u3021.131      ;Lumberman and pacs                                                                        
  12559. u3021.2        ;Footwear with rubber or plastic sole vulcanized or molded to fabric uppers                
  12560. u3021.201      ;Men's footwear                                                                            
  12561. u3021.203      ;Youths' and boys' footwear                                                                
  12562. u3021.205      ;Women's and misses' footwear                                                              
  12563. u3031          ;Reclaimed rubber                                                                          
  12564. u3031.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12565. u3031.111      ;Reclaimed rubber                                                                          
  12566. u3031.11102    ;Other devulcanized rubber                                                                 
  12567. u3069.a        ;Molded rubber mechanical goods                                                            
  12568. u3069.a11      ;Automotive                                                                                
  12569. u3069.a12      ;Transportation, other than automotive                                                     
  12570. u3069.a13      ;Appliances, household and commercial                                                      
  12571. u3069.a14      ;Oil and gas field machinery and equipment                                                 
  12572. u3069.a16      ;Other molded goods                                                                        
  12573. u3069.b        ;Extruded and lathe cut rubber mechanical goods                                            
  12574. u3069.ba       ;Extrusions                                                                                
  12575. u3069.b11      ;Automotive, except tubing                                                                 
  12576. @       
  12577. u3069.b12      ;Appliances, household and commercial                                                      
  12578. u3069.b19      ;Other extrusions                                                                          
  12579. u3079.a23      ;Other plastics resins and materials                                                       
  12580. u3079.b        ;Plastics furniture components and furnishings                                             
  12581. u3079.ba       ;Selected plastic furniture components and furnishings                                     
  12582. u3079.bb       ;Foam plastics for furniture                                                               
  12583. u3079.b36      ;Furniture components, accessories, and parts, except foam                                 
  12584. u3079.b48      ;Other (including fixtures, lampshades, frames, etc.)                                      
  12585. u3079.c        ;Plastic packaging                                                                         
  12586. u3079.cb       ;Plastic bottles                                                                           
  12587. u3079.cc       ;Plastic containers                                                                        
  12588. u3079.cd       ;Plastic caps and closures                                                                 
  12589. u3079.ce       ;Food trays                                                                                
  12590. u3079.cf       ;Other plastics packaging                                                                  
  12591. u3079.c19      ;Foamed protective shipping pads and shaped packaging                                      
  12592. u3079.c31      ;Bottles, 2 gallons and less                                                               
  12593. u3079.c51      ;Jars                                                                                      
  12594. u3079.c79      ;Caps and closures                                                                         
  12595. u3079.c81      ;Food trays (baskets, shipping boxes, and cases)                                           
  12596. u3079.c89      ;Other plastics packaging                                                                  
  12597. u3079.d        ;Transportation fabricated plastics products                                               
  12598. u3079.da       ;Components, housing, accessories and parts for transportation equipment                   
  12599. u3079.db       ;Foam plastics for automobiles                                                             
  12600. u3079.d32      ;Motor vehicles                                                                            
  12601. u3079.d34      ;Aircraft, space and missile                                                               
  12602. u3079.d36      ;Other transportation equipment                                                            
  12603. u3079.e        ;Electrical and electronic fabricated plastics products                                    
  12604. u3079.ea       ;Office, computing & accounting machines, cash registers & data processing machines        
  12605. u3079.eb       ;Household and commercial appliances                                                       
  12606. u3079.ed       ;Battery cases and parts                                                                   
  12607. u3079.ef       ;Other electrical and electronic equipment                                                 
  12608. u3079.e11      ;Office, computing & accounting machines, cash registers, and data processing machines     
  12609. u3079.e23      ;Household and commercial appliances                                                       
  12610. u3079.e71      ;Battery cases and parts                                                                   
  12611. u3079.e83      ;Other electrical and electronic equipment                                                 
  12612. u3079.f        ;Plastic industrial machinery parts                                                        
  12613. u3079.fa       ;Selected plastic industrial machinery products                                            
  12614. u3079.fb       ;Other industrial plastics products                                                        
  12615. u3079.f21      ;Gears, bearings, bushings and cams                                                        
  12616. u3079.f25      ;Other components, housings, accessories and parts                                         
  12617. u3079.f41      ;Other industrial plastics products                                                        
  12618. u3079.g        ;Dinnerware, tableware, and kitchenware, except cups                                       
  12619. u3079.g11      ;Dinnerware, tableware, and kitchenware, except cups                                       
  12620. u3079.h        ;Consumer, institutional & commercial fabricated plastics products, n.e.c.                 
  12621. u3079.ha       ;Foamed plastics products                                                                  
  12622. u3079.hb       ;Selected consumer, institutional and commercial plastics products                         
  12623. u3079.hc       ;Consumer, institutional and commercial plastic containers                                 
  12624. u3079.he       ;Other consumer, commercial and industrial products                                        
  12625. u3079.h31      ;Foam plastics (including sponges, holiday decorations, etc.)                              
  12626. u3079.h37      ;Nonfoam cups                                                                              
  12627. @       
  12628. u3079.h43      ;Shoe products                                                                             
  12629. u3079.h53      ;Flower pots and plant containers                                                          
  12630. u3079.h63      ;Hospitalware                                                                              
  12631. u3079.h73      ;Other consumer, commercial and industrial products                                        
  12632. u3079.1        ;Unsupported plastics film, sheetings, rods and tubes                                      
  12633. u3079.1a       ;Film, sheets, and sheetings (excluding foam and floor and wall coverings)                 
  12634. u3079.1b       ;Rods, tubes and other shapes                                                              
  12635. u3079.127      ;Polyethylene                                                                              
  12636. u3079.147      ;Polystyrene                                                                               
  12637. u3079.167      ;Vinyl and vinyl copolymer                                                                 
  12638. u3079.177      ;Other unsupported plastics film, sheets and sheeting                                      
  12639. u3079.185      ;Rods, tubes and other stock shapes (excluding foam)                                       
  12640. u3079.3        ;Laminated plastics sheets, rods and tubes                                                 
  12641. u3079.301      ;Thermosetting                                                                             
  12642. u3079.381      ;Thermoplastic                                                                             
  12643. u3079.6        ;Building and construction plastics products                                               
  12644. u3079.6b       ;Selected finished plastic construction products                                           
  12645. u3079.6c       ;Supported and unsupported floor, wall and counter coverings                               
  12646. u3079.6d       ;Plastic plumbing products                                                                 
  12647. u3079.6e       ;Plastic pipes and fittings                                                                
  12648. u3079.6f       ;Insulation (foam) including pipe and block                                                
  12649. u3079.612      ;Corrugated and flat panels                                                                
  12650. u3079.623      ;Doors, partitions, moldings, windows and frames, and decorative trim                      
  12651. u3079.632      ;Supported floor, wall, and counter coverings                                              
  12652. u3079.639      ;Other unsupported floor, wall, and counter coverings                                      
  12653. u3079.654      ;Plumbing fixtures                                                                         
  12654. u3079.657      ;Pipes                                                                                     
  12655. u3079.658      ;Fittings and unions                                                                       
  12656. u3079.8        ;Regenerated cellulosic products, except rayon                                             
  12657. u3079.827      ;Regenerated cellulosic products, except rayon                                             
  12658. u3079.9        ;Custom compounded purchased resins                                                        
  12659. u3079.911      ;Custom compounded purchased resins                                                        
  12660. u3111.11512    ;Heavy bends                                                                               
  12661. u3111.211      ;Finished calf and whole kip leather                                                       
  12662. u3142.12233    ;Men's                                                                                     
  12663. u3142.12244    ;Women's                                                                                   
  12664. u3142.12255    ;Children's                                                                                
  12665. u3143.114      ;Men's leather upper other footwear                                                        
  12666. u3144.115      ;Women's leather upper other footwear                                                      
  12667. u3151.211      ;Block cut                                                                                 
  12668. u3151.21114    ;Men's and boys'                                                                           
  12669. u3151.213      ;Other than block cut                                                                      
  12670. u3151.21317    ;Men's and boys'                                                                           
  12671. u3151.21357    ;Women's and children's                                                                    
  12672. u3161.112      ;Women's hand luggage, all types except zippered                                           
  12673. u3199.19111    ;Industrial leather belting                                                                
  12674. u3199.19112    ;Industrial leather products                                                               
  12675. u3211.425      ;Tempered glass for automobile, architectural, construction and other uses, e.g. appliance 
  12676. u3211.498      ;Other flat glass                                                                          
  12677. u3221.11552    ;10 to 11.9 oz                                                                             
  12678. @       
  12679. u3221.11554    ;16 to 16.9 oz                                                                             
  12680. u3221.11555    ;17 to 33.9 oz                                                                             
  12681. u3221.11661    ;Under 11 oz                                                                               
  12682. u3221.11663    ;12 to 15.9 oz                                                                             
  12683. u3229.12101    ;Pressed tumblers                                                                          
  12684. u3229.132      ;Stemware                                                                                  
  12685. u3229.133      ;Tableware                                                                                 
  12686. u3229.138      ;Other handmade, including ornamental, decorative, novelty and smokers' accessories        
  12687. u3229.237      ;Bowls and enclosing globes and other glass parts for interior lighting                    
  12688. u3229.325      ;Mat                                                                                       
  12689. u3229.425      ;Industrial and technical glassware                                                        
  12690. u3229.429      ;Other glassware                                                                           
  12691. u3231.311      ;Laminated plate and float, 1/4 inch and under                                             
  12692. u3231.31121    ;Automotive                                                                                
  12693. u3231.31123    ;Non-automotive                                                                            
  12694. u3231.331      ;Laminated plate and float, over 1/4 inch                                                  
  12695. u3231.5a       ;Framed mirrors (decorated or undecorated)                                                 
  12696. u3231.5b       ;Unframed mirrors (decorated or undecorated)                                               
  12697. u3231.511      ;Plate and float glass                                                                     
  12698. u3231.561      ;Plate and float glass                                                                     
  12699. u3241.1        ;Portland cement                                                                           
  12700. u3241.111      ;Normal portland cement, ASTM Type I                                                       
  12701. u3241.11112    ;Middle Atlantic division                                                                  
  12702. u3241.1112     ;North Central region                                                                      
  12703. u3241.11121    ;East North Central division                                                               
  12704. u3241.11122    ;West North Central division                                                               
  12705. u3241.1113     ;South region                                                                              
  12706. u3241.11131    ;South Atlantic division                                                                   
  12707. u3241.11132    ;East South Central division                                                               
  12708. u3241.11133    ;West South Central division                                                               
  12709. u3241.1114     ;West region                                                                               
  12710. u3241.11142    ;Pacific division                                                                          
  12711. u3241.112      ;Moderate heat of hydration (moderate sulfate resistance), ASTM Type II                    
  12712. u3241.1121     ;Northeast region                                                                          
  12713. u3241.11212    ;Middle Atlantic division                                                                  
  12714. u3241.1124     ;West region                                                                               
  12715. u3241.11242    ;Pacific division                                                                          
  12716. u3241.113      ;High early strength, ASTM Type III                                                        
  12717. u3241.117      ;Other portland cements                                                                    
  12718. u3241.2        ;Other cements                                                                             
  12719. u3253.112      ;Unglazed                                                                                  
  12720. u3253.122      ;Unglazed                                                                                  
  12721. u3253.131      ;Glazed wall tile                                                                          
  12722. u3253.141      ;Glazed                                                                                    
  12723. u3255.112      ;Superduty fireclay brick and shapes                                                       
  12724. u3255.11612    ;2300 degrees F to 2799 degrees F                                                          
  12725. u3261.12101    ;Siphon jet                                                                                
  12726. u3262.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12727. u3262.11       ;Tableware (for serving food and drink)                                                    
  12728. u3262.114      ;Household tableware                                                                       
  12729. @       
  12730. u3262.118      ;Hotel or commercial tableware                                                             
  12731. u3264.1        ;Porcelain, steatite and other ceramic electrical products                                 
  12732. u3264.113      ;High-voltage pin-type insulators and line posts                                           
  12733. u3264.114      ;Suspension type insulators: 7 1/2 inch disc and smaller                                   
  12734. u3264.116      ;Switch and bus insulators, including cap and pin and post types                           
  12735. u3264.117      ;All other, including guy strain insulators and spools                                     
  12736. u3264.118      ;High-voltage porcelain (wet process) shipped as components for elect equipment            
  12737. u3264.129      ;Dry process electrical porcelain incl parts for radio sets, spark plugs, cleats, etc.     
  12738. u3264.141      ;Steatite electrical products                                                              
  12739. u3264.151      ;Ceramic permanent magnets                                                                 
  12740. u3264.198      ;Beryllia, titanate, and other ceramic electrical products n.e.c.                          
  12741. u3268.211      ;Tableware                                                                                 
  12742. u3268.212      ;Kitchenware                                                                               
  12743. u3271.1111     ;Stretcher units, aggregate                                                                
  12744. u3271.11111    ;Stretcher units: 8 inch x 8 inch x 16 inch                                                
  12745. u3271.11112    ;Stretcher units, other sizes n.e.c.                                                       
  12746. u3271.1112     ;Other lightweight units, any size, n.e.c.                                                 
  12747. u3271.1151     ;Stretcher units, aggregate                                                                
  12748. u3271.11511    ;Stretcher units: 8 inch x 8 inch x 16 inch                                                
  12749. u3271.1171     ;Stretcher units, aggregate                                                                
  12750. u3271.11711    ;Stretcher units: 8 inch x 8 inch x 16 inch                                                
  12751. u3271.11712    ;Stretcher units, other sizes n.e.c.                                                       
  12752. u3271.1172     ;Other normal weight units, any size, n.e.c.                                               
  12753. u3275.2        ;Regular gypsumboard, common sizes                                                         
  12754. u3275.3        ;Other gypsum products                                                                     
  12755. u3275.335      ;Other gypsum products, n.e.c. (incl sheathing, coreboard, & other sizes of regular gypsum 
  12756. u3291.1        ;Nonmetallic synthetic sized grain and flour abrasives                                     
  12757. u3291.117      ;Silicon carbide                                                                           
  12758. u3291.119      ;Aluminum oxide                                                                            
  12759. u3291.129      ;Other, including alumina zirconia                                                         
  12760. u3291.2        ;Nonmetallic bonded abrasive products, including diamond abrasives                         
  12761. u3291.2a       ;Synthetic and natural bonded abrasives, all grinding shapes, resinoid and shellac bond    
  12762. u3291.2b       ;Synthetic and natural bonded abrasives, all grinding shapes, rubber and other bond        
  12763. u3291.2c       ;Diamond and cubic boron nitrite wheel                                                     
  12764. u3291.231      ;Synthetic and natural bonded abrasives, all grinding shapes, vitrified bond               
  12765. u3291.237      ;Reinforced                                                                                
  12766. u3291.242      ;Nonreinforced                                                                             
  12767. u3291.244      ;Rubber bond                                                                               
  12768. u3291.262      ;Metal bond                                                                                
  12769. u3291.264      ;Other bond                                                                                
  12770. u3291.265      ;Other bond                                                                                
  12771. u3291.298      ;Other synthetic & natural nonmetallic abrasives & abrasive products, except coated abrasi 
  12772. u3291.3        ;Nonmetallic coated abrasive products and buffing wheels, polishing wheels and laps        
  12773. u3291.3d       ;Cloth belts, any abrasive                                                                 
  12774. u3291.3e       ;Other cloth shapes, any abrasive                                                          
  12775. u3291.312      ;Glue bond                                                                                 
  12776. u3291.314      ;Glue bond                                                                                 
  12777. u3291.316      ;Resin and waterproof bond                                                                 
  12778. u3291.318      ;Resin and waterproof bond                                                                 
  12779. u3291.324      ;Glue bond                                                                                 
  12780. @       
  12781. u3291.339      ;Other, incl. paper-cloth comb., vulcanized fibercloth comb., vulcanized fibers, etc.      
  12782. u3291.371      ;Buffing and polishing wheels and laps, any material, containing no abrasives              
  12783. u3291.4        ;Metal abrasives, including scouring pads                                                  
  12784. u3291.411      ;Steel and iron grit, shot and sand                                                        
  12785. u3291.431      ;Steel wool                                                                                
  12786. u3291.459      ;Metal soap pads, scouring pads, and other metal abrasives                                 
  12787. u3293          ;Gaskets, packing, and sealing devices                                                     
  12788. u3293.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  12789. u3293.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12790. u3293.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12791. u3293.2        ;Gaskets and gasketing materials                                                           
  12792. u3293.213      ;Asbestos, compressed (all types of binders)                                               
  12793. u3293.221      ;Cork and cork rubber                                                                      
  12794. u3293.231      ;Rubber (elastomeric)                                                                      
  12795. u3293.251      ;Metallic                                                                                  
  12796. u3293.298      ;Other nonmetallic gaskets, including fluorocarbon gaskets and sheets                      
  12797. u3293.3        ;Packing and sealing devices                                                               
  12798. u3293.311      ;Packing and seals, rubber                                                                 
  12799. u3293.31121    ;Oil and grease seals, radial lip type                                                     
  12800. u3293.31131    ;Lip-type molded packing, single and multiple units (flange, cup, U-ring, V-ring, etc.)    
  12801. u3293.31139    ;All other molded packing and seals                                                        
  12802. u3293.341      ;Plastics packing and seals, including o-rings                                             
  12803. u3293.362      ;Packing, except leather, rubber, metal, and plastics                                      
  12804. u3293.36261    ;Compression packing for sealing, moving and nonmoving parts                               
  12805. u3293.36269    ;All other packing and seals                                                               
  12806. u3293.371      ;Axial mechanical seals                                                                    
  12807. u3312.b63      ;Alloy steel, excluding stainless and hi-temp                                              
  12808. u3312.11112    ;Foundry coke                                                                              
  12809. u3312.112      ;Screenings and breeze                                                                     
  12810. u3312.151      ;Crude tar                                                                                 
  12811. u3312.19111    ;Pig iron, basic                                                                           
  12812. u3312.19115    ;Pig iron, malleable                                                                       
  12813. u3312.413      ;Plates (other than floor plates), carbon                                                  
  12814. u3312.46111    ;Bars, h.r., stainless, 300 series                                                         
  12815. u3312.46112    ;Bars, h.r., stainless, 400 series                                                         
  12816. u3312.85111    ;Bars, c.f., stainless, 300 series                                                         
  12817. u3312.85112    ;Bars, c.f., stainless, 400 series                                                         
  12818. u3313.489      ;Other ferroalloys including silvery iron and spiegeleisen made in electric furnaces       
  12819. u3315.998      ;Other wire products                                                                       
  12820. u3316.85111    ;Bars, c.f., stainless, 300 series                                                         
  12821. u3316.85112    ;Bars, c.f., stainless, 400 series                                                         
  12822. u3321.3        ;Motor vehicle castings, gray and ductile iron                                             
  12823. u3321.311      ;Castings for passenger cars, gray iron                                                    
  12824. u3321.312      ;Castings for other motor vehicles, gray iron                                              
  12825. u3321.321      ;Castings for passenger cars, ductile iron                                                 
  12826. u3321.322      ;Castings for other motor vehicles, ductile iron                                           
  12827. u3321.9        ;Gray and ductile iron castings, other                                                     
  12828. u3321.951      ;Castings for construction and utility uses, gray and ductile iron                         
  12829. u3321.961      ;Molds and stools for heavy steel ingots                                                   
  12830. u3321.971      ;Ductile iron castings, other                                                              
  12831. @       
  12832. u3321.981      ;Gray iron castings, other                                                                 
  12833. u3331.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  12834. u3331.213      ;Refined copper                                                                            
  12835. u3331.21311    ;Copper cathode                                                                            
  12836. u3332          ;Primary smelted and refined lead                                                          
  12837. u3332.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12838. u3332.3        ;Refined lead                                                                              
  12839. u3332.331      ;Lead, unalloyed                                                                           
  12840. u3332.33111    ;Lead, common                                                                              
  12841. u3333          ;Primary zinc                                                                              
  12842. u3333.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12843. u3333.4        ;Refined zinc                                                                              
  12844. u3333.421      ;Zinc slab, excluding remelt                                                               
  12845. u3333.42111    ;Zinc, special high grade                                                                  
  12846. u3333.42112    ;Zinc, prime western                                                                       
  12847. u3339.763      ;Refined tin, unalloyed                                                                    
  12848. u3341.511      ;Gold, unalloyed                                                                           
  12849. u3341.531      ;Silver, unalloyed                                                                         
  12850. u3341.711      ;Aluminum, except extrusion billet                                                         
  12851. u3341.71111    ;Aluminum ingot                                                                            
  12852. u3341.71112    ;Aluminum, other types except extrusion billet                                             
  12853. u3351.41323    ;Sheet                                                                                     
  12854. u3351.51631    ;Tube                                                                                      
  12855. u3351.51833    ;Tube                                                                                      
  12856. u3351.53839    ;Tube                                                                                      
  12857. u3354.12511    ;Extruded pipe                                                                             
  12858. u3355.22511    ;Rod, continuous cast                                                                      
  12859. u3356.279      ;Other titanium mill shapes, except wire                                                   
  12860. u3356.959      ;Other lead mill shapes, except powder and wire                                            
  12861. u3356.998      ;Other nonferrous metal mill shapes                                                        
  12862. u3357.253      ;Polyethylene covered telephone, telegraph cable, thermoplas. insul., except coax., copper 
  12863. u3357.398      ;Other control and signal wire and cable                                                   
  12864. u3357.436      ;Thermoset insulated building wire and cable, aluminum                                     
  12865. u3357.442      ;Thermoplastic insulated building wire and cable, flame retardent nylon (THHN,THWN), coppe 
  12866. u3357.444      ;Thermoplastic insulated building wire and cable, moisture and heat resistant (THW), coppe 
  12867. u3357.449      ;Other building wire and cable                                                             
  12868. u3357.613      ;Flexible cordage, thermoset insulated, copper                                             
  12869. u3357.615      ;Flexible cordage, thermoplastic insulated, copper                                         
  12870. u3357.70203    ;32 AWG and larger round (also all square and rectangle), copper                           
  12871. u3357.70307    ;33 to 44 AWG, inclusive, copper                                                           
  12872. u3357.70501    ;44 AWG and larger round (also all square and rectangle), copper                           
  12873. u3357.70601    ;21 AWG and larger round (also all square and rectangle), copper                           
  12874. u3357.851      ;Plastic and rubber insulated portable and underground dist. cable, under 601 volts, coppe 
  12875. u3357.855      ;Plastic and rubber insulated portable and underground dist. cable, 601 volts and higher,  
  12876. u3357.858      ;Thermoplastic and thermoset insulated power wire and cable, 601 volts and higher, aluminu 
  12877. u3361          ;Aluminum foundries                                                                        
  12878. u3361.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12879. u3361.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12880. u3361.1        ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy die castings                                             
  12881. u3361.111      ;Motor vehicle die castings                                                                
  12882. @       
  12883. u3361.11111    ;Die castings for passenger cars                                                           
  12884. u3361.11112    ;Die castings for other motor vehicles                                                     
  12885. u3361.115      ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy die castings, other                                      
  12886. u3361.11511    ;Die castings for building and construction uses                                           
  12887. u3361.11512    ;Die castings for industrial machinery uses                                                
  12888. u3361.11513    ;Die castings for electrical uses                                                          
  12889. u3361.11514    ;Other die castings, n.e.c.                                                                
  12890. u3361.2        ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy sand castings                                            
  12891. u3361.211      ;Motor vehicle sand castings                                                               
  12892. u3361.213      ;Aircraft sand castings                                                                    
  12893. u3361.215      ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy sand castings, other                                     
  12894. u3361.21512    ;Sand castings for industrial machinery uses                                               
  12895. u3361.21514    ;Other sand castings, n.e.c.                                                               
  12896. u3361.3        ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy permanent and semi-permanent mold castings               
  12897. u3361.311      ;Motor vehicle permanent and semi-permanent mold castings                                  
  12898. u3361.315      ;Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy permanent and semi-permanent mold castings, other        
  12899. u3361.31512    ;Permanent and semi-permanent mold castings for industrial machinery uses                  
  12900. u3361.31514    ;Other permanent and semi-permanent mold castings, n.e.c.                                  
  12901. u3361.4        ;Other aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings and cast products                         
  12902. u3362          ;Brass, bronze and copper foundries                                                        
  12903. u3362.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  12904. u3362.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  12905. u3362.1        ;Copper and copper-base alloy sand castings                                                
  12906. u3362.111      ;Copper and copper-base alloy sand castings                                                
  12907. u3362.2        ;Other copper and copper-base alloy castings                                               
  12908. u3362.214      ;Other copper and copper-base alloy castings, n.e.c.                                       
  12909. u3362.3        ;Copper-base alloy bearings and bushings, nonmachined                                      
  12910. u3362.311      ;Copper-base alloy bearings and bushings, nonmachined                                      
  12911. u3369.151      ;Zinc and zinc-base alloy die castings                                                     
  12912. u3369.15111    ;Motor vehicle die castings                                                                
  12913. u3369.15112    ;Other die castings, n.e.c.                                                                
  12914. u3369.391      ;Other nonferrous castings and cast products, n.e.c.                                       
  12915. u3429.315      ;Vacuum (air-evacuated) products                                                           
  12916. u3429.427      ;Exit devices (anti-panic devices)                                                         
  12917. u3429.651      ;Locking units                                                                             
  12918. u3429.655      ;Hinges                                                                                    
  12919. u3431.425      ;Stainless steel sinks and sink/laundry tray combinations                                  
  12920. u3433.412      ;Gas-fired domestic heating stoves                                                         
  12921. u3433.62113    ;Gas-fired unit heaters, under 400 MBH, propeller fan                                      
  12922. u3433.62133    ;Steam-fired unit heaters, propeller fan                                                   
  12923. u3433.66191    ;Other heating systems, n.e.c.                                                             
  12924. u3433.851      ;Heat transfer coils                                                                       
  12925. u3433.861      ;Other parts, n.e.c.                                                                       
  12926. u3441.12205    ;Other (low-rise)                                                                          
  12927. u3441.126      ;Iron and steel for sale to other companies, public (except utilities) and educational     
  12928. u3441.12602    ;Educational                                                                               
  12929. u3441.12701    ;Power plants (fossil and nuclear)                                                         
  12930. u3441.161      ;Iron and steel for field erection by own company, industrial                              
  12931. u3441.16101    ;Industrial buildings and plants                                                           
  12932. u3441.162      ;Iron and steel for field erection by own company, commercial, residential, institutional, 
  12933. @       
  12934. u3441.16202    ;Commercial, residential, institutional, medical, religious (low-rise)                     
  12935. u3441.166      ;Iron and steel for field erection by own company, public, educational                     
  12936. u3441.358      ;Other iron and steel for sale to other companies (excluding re-bars, bar joists, etc.)    
  12937. u3443.298      ;Other fabricated steel plate                                                              
  12938. u3443.419      ;Other gas cylinders                                                                       
  12939. u3443.72       ;Other storage tanks                                                                       
  12940. u3443.806      ;Alloyed (except aluminum) vessels and tanks, non-LPG                                      
  12941. u3446.15111    ;Welded grating                                                                            
  12942. u3446.15115    ;Other grating                                                                             
  12943. u3446.18111    ;Iron and steel                                                                            
  12944. u3446.19211    ;Iron and steel                                                                            
  12945. u3446.19915    ;Stainless steel                                                                           
  12946. u3446.19917    ;Aluminum                                                                                  
  12947. u3452.432      ;Flanged, self-locking, set, and wood screws                                               
  12948. u3452.434      ;Cap screws, 1/4 in. diameter and above                                                    
  12949. u3452.711      ;Screws, all types                                                                         
  12950. u3471.106      ;Other plating                                                                             
  12951. u3494.2        ;Fluid power valves                                                                        
  12952. u3494.212      ;Hydraulic valves                                                                          
  12953. u3494.21201    ;Manually operated directional control valves                                              
  12954. u3494.21202    ;Solenoid operated directional control valves                                              
  12955. u3494.21203    ;Other directional control valves                                                          
  12956. u3494.21205    ;Flow control valves (including check valves)                                              
  12957. u3494.21206    ;Servovalves and combination valves                                                        
  12958. u3494.21207    ;Other hydraulic valves                                                                    
  12959. u3494.224      ;Pneumatic valves                                                                          
  12960. u3494.22403    ;Pressure control valves                                                                   
  12961. u3494.22405    ;Other pneumatic valves                                                                    
  12962. u3494.3        ;Metal valves for piping systems and equipment, except plumbing and heating valves         
  12963. u3494.312      ;Gates, globes, angles, checks, etc.                                                       
  12964. u3494.31201    ;Water works or municipal valves (IBBM, AWWA, UL)                                          
  12965. u3494.31202    ;Fire hydrants                                                                             
  12966. u3494.31203    ;Iron valves (excluding IBBM, AwwA, UL)                                                    
  12967. u3494.31204    ;Cast carbon steel valves (all pressures)                                                  
  12968. u3494.31205    ;Forged carbon steel valves (all pressures)                                                
  12969. u3494.31207    ;Brass and bronze valves (125 lb w.s.p and over)                                           
  12970. u3494.31208    ;Cast alloy steel valves, including stainless                                              
  12971. u3494.337      ;Cocks and stops, all metals, pressures, and types                                         
  12972. u3494.349      ;Pop safety valves and relief valves (over 15 lb w.s.p.)                                   
  12973. u3494.363      ;Ball valves, all metals, pressures, and types                                             
  12974. u3494.36301    ;Iron and steel ball valves                                                                
  12975. u3494.36302    ;Brass and bronze ball valves                                                              
  12976. u3494.367      ;Butterfly valves, all metals, pressures, and types                                        
  12977. u3494.36701    ;Iron butterfly valves, including ductile                                                  
  12978. u3494.36702    ;Steel (cast and fabricated) butterfly valves                                              
  12979. u3494.375      ;Plug valves, all metals, pressures, and types                                             
  12980. u3494.37501    ;Iron plug valves, including ductile                                                       
  12981. u3494.37502    ;Carbon steel plug valves                                                                  
  12982. u3494.37503    ;Other alloy plug valves, including alloy steel                                            
  12983. u3494.398      ;Other metal valves and specialties                                                        
  12984. @       
  12985. u3494.419      ;Other plumbing and heating valves 15 lb w.s.p. and under                                  
  12986. u3494.5        ;Automatic regulating and control valves                                                   
  12987. u3494.505      ;Pneumatic actuated control valves                                                         
  12988. u3494.531      ;Self-contained direct actuated pressure regulator valves                                  
  12989. u3494.545      ;Flow regulator valves for gas, vapors, or liquids                                         
  12990. u3494.548      ;Other regulator valves                                                                    
  12991. u3494.6        ;Solenoid valves                                                                           
  12992. u3494.655      ;Solenoid valves                                                                           
  12993. u3494.723      ;Forged carbon steel fittings, flanges, and unions                                         
  12994. u3494.72301    ;Socket-weld type                                                                          
  12995. u3494.72302    ;Threaded type                                                                             
  12996. u3494.72303    ;Butt-welding type (flanges only)                                                          
  12997. u3494.72304    ;Butt-welding type (fittings only)                                                         
  12998. u3494.725      ;Stainless and alloy steel fittings, flanges, and unions                                   
  12999. u3494.72501    ;Socket-weld and threaded type                                                             
  13000. u3494.72502    ;Butt-welding type                                                                         
  13001. u3494.731      ;Pipe hangars and supports, excluding metal framing                                        
  13002. u3494.8        ;Fluid power hose and tube fittings                                                        
  13003. u3494.815      ;Fittings for metal and plastic tubing                                                     
  13004. u3494.841      ;Hose end fittings and hose assemblies for fluid power systems                             
  13005. u3494.84104    ;Other hose connectors                                                                     
  13006. u3494.9        ;Parts and components for valves and pipe fittings (sold separately)                       
  13007. u3497.13311    ;Bakery goods                                                                              
  13008. u3497.215      ;Polyethylene coated or laminated, foil and paper combination                              
  13009. u3497.216      ;Other foil and paper combinations                                                         
  13010. u3497.21614    ;Non-food products                                                                         
  13011. u3497.4        ;Other metal foil and leaf                                                                 
  13012. u3497.411      ;Other metal foil and leaf including composition ( combination of two or more metals)      
  13013. u3498.10102    ;Fossil fuel power plant                                                                   
  13014. u3498.10106    ;Nonpressure pipe: heating, ventilation, air conditioning                                  
  13015. u3498.2        ;Aluminum and aluminum base alloy pipe, tube, and fittings                                 
  13016. u3498.201      ;Aluminum and aluminum base alloy pipe, tube, and fittings                                 
  13017. u3498.3        ;Copper and copper base alloy pipe, tube, and fittings                                     
  13018. u3498.301      ;Copper and copper base alloy pipe, tube, and fittings                                     
  13019. u3498.4        ;Other nonferrous pipe, tube, and fittings                                                 
  13020. u3498.401      ;Other nonferrous pipe, tube, and fittings                                                 
  13021. u3499.4        ;All other fabricated metal products                                                       
  13022. u3499.401      ;Metal ladders                                                                             
  13023. u3499.40147    ;All other metal ladders                                                                   
  13024. u3499.455      ;Permanent magnets, except ceramic                                                         
  13025. u3499.475      ;Metal spools and reels                                                                    
  13026. u3499.498      ;Other fabricated metal products                                                           
  13027. u3511.21121    ;Mechanical drive steam turbines less than 1,000 horsepower                                
  13028. u3511.21141    ;Mechanical drive steam turbines 1,000 horsepower and over                                 
  13029. u3511.215      ;Parts and accessories for steam engines and steam turbines, and complete steam engines    
  13030. u3519.102      ;Gasoline engines, 3.0 - 5.9 h.p                                                           
  13031. u3519.103      ;Gasoline engines, 6.0 - 10.9 h.p                                                          
  13032. u3519.211      ;Gasoline engines, 11 - 14.9 h.p                                                           
  13033. u3519.411      ;Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel - auto., 276 h.p. and over                               
  13034. u3519.919      ;Other parts and accessories                                                               
  13035. @       
  13036. u3523.382      ;Other planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery                                        
  13037. u3523.618      ;Mower conditioners (combination type), self-propelled and pull type                       
  13038. u3524.413      ;10.0 hp to 13.9 hp                                                                        
  13039. u3531.209      ;Tracklaying tractors, 130 net engine hp and over                                          
  13040. u3531.311      ;For tracklaying shovel loaders, replacement and repair                                    
  13041. u3531.321      ;Tractor parts sold to o.e.m.                                                              
  13042. u3531.365      ;For off highway wheel tractors, replacement and repair                                    
  13043. u3531.367      ;For wheel tractor loaders, replacement and repair                                         
  13044. u3531.62111    ;Portable mixers, 3 1/2 cu. ft. capacity and over                                          
  13045. u3531.63411    ;Pavers, finishers, spreaders, bituminous distributors                                     
  13046. u3531.63711    ;Concrete batching plants                                                                  
  13047. u3531.63911    ;Other equipment, incl. portable mixers under 3 1/2 cu. ft. capacity                       
  13048. u3531.64511    ;Asphalt plants                                                                            
  13049. u3531.81211    ;Scraper bowls                                                                             
  13050. u3531.83111    ;Rollers, all types including self-propelled vibratory compactors                          
  13051. u3531.85511    ;Off highway rear dump trucks                                                              
  13052. u3531.86111    ;Truck-tractor hauler                                                                      
  13053. u3531.87811    ;Winches (towing, logging, oilfield), other attachments, incl. logging arches and trencher 
  13054. u3531.87911    ;Backhoe attachments                                                                       
  13055. u3531.88211    ;Front end loader attachment                                                               
  13056. u3531.92811    ;Portable water well and blast hole drills                                                 
  13057. u3531.95211    ;Winches, including marine                                                                 
  13058. u3531.97311    ;Portable crushing plants                                                                  
  13059. u3531.98111    ;Snow clearing attachments                                                                 
  13060. u3531.98311    ;Other excavating and road construction machinery                                          
  13061. u3531.99811    ;All other construction machinery and equipment                                            
  13062. u3532.56236    ;Shovel type, including scoops, shovels, buckets, slusher types and all others             
  13063. u3532.565      ;Shuttle cars, rubber tired, self-propelled                                                
  13064. u3532.572      ;Tractors and trucks, battery powered, rubber tired, 2 and 4 wheel                         
  13065. u3532.72711    ;Gyratory crushers, all types                                                              
  13066. u3532.728      ;Grinding mills, ball and rod                                                              
  13067. u3532.863      ;Other drills, tools and supplies for drills (sold separately)                             
  13068. u3533.312      ;Christmas-tree assemblies with tubing heads and casing heads                              
  13069. u3533.315      ;Valves, chokes, and manifolds                                                             
  13070. u3533.389      ;Other production equipment and parts                                                      
  13071. u3533.6        ;Oilfield and gasfield drilling machinery and equipment                                    
  13072. u3533.61       ;Surface oil and gasfield drilling machinery and equipment                                 
  13073. u3533.613      ;Wheel-mounted drilling and well-servicing rigs                                            
  13074. u3533.615      ;Elevators, spiders, slips, hooks, links, connectors                                       
  13075. u3533.617      ;Blowout preventers and accessories                                                        
  13076. u3533.619      ;Other surface drilling equipment and parts                                                
  13077. u3533.641      ;Bits                                                                                      
  13078. u3533.64101    ;Tungsten-carbide insert bits                                                              
  13079. u3533.64102    ;Steel-toothed bits                                                                        
  13080. u3533.64103    ;Other bits, including diamond bits                                                        
  13081. u3533.644      ;Tool joints, subs and connectors                                                          
  13082. u3533.646      ;Subsurface drilling equipment specific to offshore drilling from floating platforms       
  13083. u3533.649      ;Other subsurface drilling equipment and parts                                             
  13084. u3533.64903    ;Other subsurface drilling equipment and parts, n.e.c.                                     
  13085. u3533.671      ;Cementing equipment                                                                       
  13086. @       
  13087. u3533.681      ;Well surveying equipment                                                                  
  13088. u3536.258      ;Powered systems                                                                           
  13089. u3536.25853    ;All other powered, including electric                                                     
  13090. u3537.sss      ;All other secondary products                                                              
  13091. u3537.2        ;Parts, attachments and miscellaneous equipment                                            
  13092. u35373531s     ;Construction machinery                                                                    
  13093. u3541.1b       ;All boring machines valued at $2500 each or more                                          
  13094. u3541.111      ;Horizontal boring, drilling and milling machines, table type                              
  13095. u3541.172      ;Jig boring machines, horizontal and vertical                                              
  13096. u3541.312      ;Gear hobbers, horizontal and vertical                                                     
  13097. u3541.371      ;Gear tooth finishing machines                                                             
  13098. u3541.40916    ;Centerless grinders including shoe type                                                   
  13099. u3541.40919    ;All other external cylindrical grinding machines                                          
  13100. u3541.433      ;Surface grinding machines, rotary table type, horizontal and vertical                     
  13101. u3541.59426    ;Chucking machines                                                                         
  13102. u3541.59428    ;Bar (screw) machines                                                                      
  13103. u3542.13116    ;Other bending and forming machinery                                                       
  13104. u3542.31213    ;All other metal forming machine tools                                                     
  13105. u3544.1a       ;Jigs and fixtures, all types                                                              
  13106. u3544.1b       ;Dies                                                                                      
  13107. u3544.11702    ;Other jigs and fixtures                                                                   
  13108. u3544.11802    ;Other jigs and fixtures                                                                   
  13109. u3544.12901    ;Progressive stamping dies, except high-speed steel and carbide                            
  13110. u3544.12903    ;Blanking type dies                                                                        
  13111. u3544.12905    ;Other types                                                                               
  13112. u3544.14907    ;Other dies                                                                                
  13113. u3544.17902    ;Other components and parts                                                                
  13114. u3544.2m       ;Industrial molds for casting metals                                                       
  13115. u3544.2q       ;Industrial molds for plastic products                                                     
  13116. u3544.25101    ;For 1,000,000 or more cycles                                                              
  13117. u3544.25102    ;For 50,000-999,999 cycles                                                                 
  13118. u3544.25105    ;For fewer than 500 cycles                                                                 
  13119. u3544.25905    ;Other molds                                                                               
  13120. u3544.26104    ;Other molds                                                                               
  13121. u3545.298      ;Other machinists' precision tools, including dividers                                     
  13122. u3545.398      ;Other attachments and accessories for machine tools and metalworking machinery            
  13123. u3546.127      ;Planers and routers                                                                       
  13124. u3546.251      ;Parts, attachments, and accessories for pneumatic, hydraulic and powder actuated tools    
  13125. u3546.261      ;Powder actuated hand tools                                                                
  13126. u3549.3        ;Welding and cutting apparatus, except electric                                            
  13127. u3549.36       ;Gas welding and cutting equipment                                                         
  13128. u3549.361      ;Torches, including welding torches and gas air torches                                    
  13129. u3549.369      ;Other gas welding and cutting equipment, exclude pressure containers, include kits        
  13130. u3549.37       ;Spare parts, accessories, attachments, adaptors, etc., n.e.c., sold separately            
  13131. u3549.371      ;Tips                                                                                      
  13132. u3549.37156    ;Cutting tip                                                                               
  13133. u3549.377      ;Regulators, gas pressure                                                                  
  13134. u3549.378      ;All others                                                                                
  13135. u3549.391      ;Spare parts, accessories, attachments, adaptors, except for gas equip., sold separately   
  13136. u3549.4        ;Automotive maintenance equipment                                                          
  13137. @       
  13138. u3549.422      ;Wheel balancers                                                                           
  13139. u3549.428      ;Parts for automotive maintenance equipment                                                
  13140. u3549.429      ;All other automotive maintenance equipment                                                
  13141. u3551          ;Food products machinery                                                                   
  13142. u3551.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  13143. u3551.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13144. u3551.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13145. u3551.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  13146. u3551.1        ;Dairy and milk products machinery                                                         
  13147. u3551.144      ;Pasturizers and homogenizers                                                              
  13148. u3551.173      ;Ice cream freezers                                                                        
  13149. u3551.198      ;Other dairy and milk machinery, includes separators and sterilizing equipment             
  13150. u3551.2        ;Commercial food products machinery                                                        
  13151. u3551.241      ;Other commercial food preparation machinery                                               
  13152. u3551.251      ;Parts and attachments for food preparation machinery                                      
  13153. u3551.261      ;Dough mixers                                                                              
  13154. u3551.273      ;Commercial ovens, traveling tray, and other                                               
  13155. u3551.3        ;Industrial food products machinery                                                        
  13156. u3551.313      ;Meat and poultry processing machinery                                                     
  13157. u3551.323      ;Canning machinery, preparation                                                            
  13158. u3551.329      ;All other fruit and vegetable canning machinery                                           
  13159. u3551.358      ;Other industrial food products machinery, includes fish and shellfish machinery           
  13160. u3551.383      ;Parts and attachments for industrial food products machinery                              
  13161. u3551.4        ;Packing, packaging and bottling machinery                                                 
  13162. u3551.415      ;Cartoning machinery                                                                       
  13163. u3551.428      ;Form fill and seal machinery                                                              
  13164. u3551.431      ;Wrapping, bundling and fastening machinery                                                
  13165. u3551.451      ;Filling machinery                                                                         
  13166. u3551.463      ;Labeling and code marking machinery                                                       
  13167. u3551.471      ;Casing machinery                                                                          
  13168. u3551.481      ;Capping, sealing and lidding machinery                                                    
  13169. u3551.488      ;Other machinery, includes thermoforming and vacuum and gas packaging machinery            
  13170. u3551.491      ;Parts for bottling and packaging machinery                                                
  13171. u3554.229      ;Other pulp mill machinery and recovery room equipment                                     
  13172. u3554.675      ;Other rebuilt pulp and paper industries machinery                                         
  13173. u3555.126      ;Multi-color, 2 and 3 color, sheet-fed                                                     
  13174. u3555.4        ;Binding machinery and equipment                                                           
  13175. u3555.5        ;Other printing trades machinery                                                           
  13176. u3555.572      ;Roll covering, rubber and plastics, graphic arts                                          
  13177. u3555.577      ;Lithographic plates                                                                       
  13178. u3555.583      ;Parts, attachments and accessories for printing presses, sold separately                  
  13179. u3555.589      ;Parts, attachments and accessories for other machinery and equipment, sold separately     
  13180. u3555.598      ;Other printing machinery and equipment, including platens                                 
  13181. u3559.299      ;Other foundry machinery, parts and flasks                                                 
  13182. u3559.399      ;Other plastic machinery and parts                                                         
  13183. u3559.498      ;Other rubber working machinery (includes mixers) and parts                                
  13184. u3559.589      ;Other machinery, parts                                                                    
  13185. u3559.58913    ;Stoneworking machinery, parts                                                             
  13186. u3559.58918    ;Other machinery, parts (includes optical lens machinery)                                  
  13187. u3561.2        ;Hydraulic fluid power pumps                                                               
  13188. @       
  13189. u3561.281      ;Gear type                                                                                 
  13190. u3561.28102    ;Internal                                                                                  
  13191. u3561.28103    ;External                                                                                  
  13192. u3561.28305    ;Fixed                                                                                     
  13193. u3561.28512    ;Variable                                                                                  
  13194. u3562.124      ;All other ground or precision bearings (ABEC 1 and up)                                    
  13195. u3562.231      ;Taper roller bearings, complete, including finished cups and cones shipped separately     
  13196. u3563.115      ;Portable air compressors                                                                  
  13197. u3563.11501    ;Under 75 c.f.m.                                                                           
  13198. u3563.11503    ;125 to 249 c.f.m.                                                                         
  13199. u3563.13112    ;Other compressors                                                                         
  13200. u3563.13113    ;Vacuum pumps, moderate vacuum                                                             
  13201. u3564.66216    ;Other equipment                                                                           
  13202. u3566.235      ;Hollow shaft diameter, 2-1/2 inches and below                                             
  13203. u3567.1a       ;Electric metal processing industrial furnaces and ovens                                   
  13204. u3567.121      ;Electric metal heat-treating furnaces                                                     
  13205. u3567.143      ;Other electric metal processing furnaces and ovens                                        
  13206. u3567.171      ;Excluding wood, cement and chemical processing kilns, but including other kilns and lehrs 
  13207. u3567.17102    ;Electric nonmetallic processing ovens                                                     
  13208. u3567.2a       ;Fuel-fired metal processing industrial furnaces and ovens                                 
  13209. u3567.2b       ;Fuel-fired nonmetallic processing industrial furnaces and ovens                           
  13210. u3567.221      ;Fuel-fired metal heat-treating furnaces                                                   
  13211. u3567.22101    ;Open-fired heat-treating furnaces                                                         
  13212. u3567.22102    ;Atmosphere controlled heat-treating furnaces                                              
  13213. u3567.241      ;Fuel-fired industrial ovens for metal processing                                          
  13214. u3567.24102    ;Continuous fuel-fired ovens for metal processing                                          
  13215. u3567.271      ;Excluding wood, cement and chemical processing kilns, but including other kilns and lehrs 
  13216. u3567.27102    ;Fuel-fired nonmetallic processing ovens                                                   
  13217. u3567.41701    ;Metal melting line type induction furnaces, ferrous                                       
  13218. u3568.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13219. u3568.31       ;Clutches                                                                                  
  13220. u3568.32       ;Flexible couplings                                                                        
  13221. u3568.33       ;Chains for sprocket drives                                                                
  13222. u3568.34       ;Sprockets                                                                                 
  13223. u3568.35       ;Pulleys                                                                                   
  13224. u3568.37       ;Packaged hydraulic drives, universal joints, and flexible shafts                          
  13225. u3568.375      ;Universal joints                                                                          
  13226. u3568.398      ;All other mechanical power transmission equipment                                         
  13227. u35683562s     ;Ball and roller bearings                                                                  
  13228. u3569.1        ;Packing and packaging machinery, except for food products                                 
  13229. u3569.106      ;Wrapping, banding, bundling, and fastening machines, including shrink wrappers            
  13230. u3569.109      ;Labeling and code-making machines                                                         
  13231. u3569.118      ;Other, including combination machinery                                                    
  13232. u3569.2        ;Filters and strainers                                                                     
  13233. u3569.21       ;Containment devices                                                                       
  13234. u3569.211      ;Pressurized, excluding vacuum                                                             
  13235. u3569.216      ;Gravity                                                                                   
  13236. u3569.22       ;Media                                                                                     
  13237. u3569.221      ;Reuseable                                                                                 
  13238. u3569.229      ;Non-reuseable                                                                             
  13239. @       
  13240. u3574          ;Calculating and accounting machines                                                       
  13241. u3574.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  13242. u3574.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13243. u3574.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13244. u3574.2        ;Electronic calculating machines, except rebuilt types                                     
  13245. u3574.3        ;Accounting machines and cash registers                                                    
  13246. u3574.341      ;Coin and currency handling machines                                                       
  13247. u3574.353      ;Electronic cash register type point of sale retail devices                                
  13248. u3574.398      ;Other calculating and accounting machines                                                 
  13249. u3574.5        ;Parts and attachments for adding, calculating and accounting machines and cash registers  
  13250. u3574.511      ;Produced by complete machine manufacturers                                                
  13251. u3576          ;Scales and balances, except laboratory                                                    
  13252. u3576.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  13253. u3576.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13254. u3576.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13255. u3576.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  13256. u3576.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  13257. u3576.1        ;Motor truck scales                                                                        
  13258. u3576.113      ;Motor truck scales                                                                        
  13259. u3576.3        ;Industrial scales                                                                         
  13260. u3576.321      ;Bench and portable scales                                                                 
  13261. u3576.323      ;Floor scales                                                                              
  13262. u3576.329      ;Miscellaneous industrial scales, incl crane, tank, hopper, conveyor, counting & over-unde 
  13263. u3576.4        ;Commercial and retail scales                                                              
  13264. u3576.435      ;Miscellaneous retail - commercial scales including non-computing counter, egg-grading & h 
  13265. u3576.5        ;Household and person-weighing scales                                                      
  13266. u3576.541      ;Bathroom scales                                                                           
  13267. u3576.545      ;Person-weighing scales and miscellaneous household scales                                 
  13268. u3576.6        ;Mailing and parcel post scales                                                            
  13269. u3576.7        ;Accessories and attachments for scales and balances                                       
  13270. u3576.8        ;Parts for scales and balances                                                             
  13271. u3579.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13272. u3579.30912    ;Electric                                                                                  
  13273. u3579.316      ;Offset                                                                                    
  13274. u3581.25102    ;Coin acceptors/rejectors                                                                  
  13275. u3585.15401    ;Hermetic type                                                                             
  13276. u3585.1611     ;For passenger automobiles and light trucks and vans                                       
  13277. u3585.16111    ;Sub-compact to compact automobiles                                                        
  13278. u3585.16112    ;Pick-ups and vans                                                                         
  13279. u3585.16113    ;Mid-size to full-size automobiles                                                         
  13280. u3585.16121    ;Truck and agriculture and construction machinery                                          
  13281. u3585.21       ;Air conditioners, except window and wall types                                            
  13282. u3585.211      ;Single package (with or without evaporator fan)                                           
  13283. u3585.2111     ;Horizontal                                                                                
  13284. u3585.21114    ;Under 54,000 btu/hr                                                                       
  13285. u3585.21115    ;54,000 btu/hr and over                                                                    
  13286. u3585.26       ;Heat pumps, except room air conditioners                                                  
  13287. u3585.265      ;Single package                                                                            
  13288. u3585.266      ;Split system                                                                              
  13289. u3585.41859    ;Open type, with or without motor                                                          
  13290. @       
  13291. u3585.7        ;Refrigeration and a/c equip. n.e.c., including soda fountain and beer dispensing equip    
  13292. u3585.711      ;Soda fountain equipment                                                                   
  13293. u3585.751      ;Beer-dispensing equipment                                                                 
  13294. u3585.794      ;Evaporative air coolers                                                                   
  13295. u3585.796      ;Other refrigeration machinery and air conditioning equipment                              
  13296. u3585.798      ;Other components and accessories for air conditioning and refrigeration equipment         
  13297. u3585.8        ;Warm air furnaces, except floor and wall; and parts and attachments                       
  13298. u3585.811      ;Forced-air type furnaces (cast iron and steel)                                            
  13299. u3585.81104    ;Oil                                                                                       
  13300. u3585.81107    ;Gas                                                                                       
  13301. u35853714s     ;Mobile vehicle parts and accessories                                                      
  13302. u3586.112      ;Dual dispensing units                                                                     
  13303. u3586.11211    ;With suction pumping units                                                                
  13304. u3586.11212    ;Without suction pumping units                                                             
  13305. u3589.119      ;Other commercial cooking equipment (except electric)                                      
  13306. u3589.16721    ;Coffee makers, coffee urns                                                                
  13307. u3589.22       ;Water softeners and conditioners                                                          
  13308. u3589.227      ;Water conditioners other than water softeners                                             
  13309. u3589.23       ;Floor maintenance machinery, commercial and industrial                                    
  13310. u3589.232      ;Floor scrubbing and sanding machines, commercial type                                     
  13311. u3589.235      ;Floor waxing and polishing machines, commercial and industrial type                       
  13312. u3589.237      ;Commercial carpet cleaners and shampooers                                                 
  13313. u3589.292      ;Other industrial and commercial service machines                                          
  13314. u3589.29225    ;Janitorial equipment                                                                      
  13315. u3589.29229    ;All other industrial and commercial service machines                                      
  13316. u3592.11101    ;Carburetors for motor vehicles-replacement                                                
  13317. u3592.11102    ;Carburetors for motor vehicles-OEM                                                        
  13318. u3592.17101    ;Rebuilt carburetors for motor vehicles                                                    
  13319. u3592.248      ;Piston rings, oil type                                                                    
  13320. u3592.249      ;Piston rings, compression type                                                            
  13321. u3592.25102    ;Piston rings, oil type for motor vehicle use-OEM                                          
  13322. u3592.25502    ;Piston rings, compression type for motor vehicle use-OEM                                  
  13323. u3592.36102    ;Valves, intake and exhaust for motor vehicle use-OEM                                      
  13324. u3599.2        ;Pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders, accumulators, cushions, and shock absorbers            
  13325. u3599.219      ;Hydraulic cylinders                                                                       
  13326. u3599.21911    ;Tie-rod types                                                                             
  13327. u3599.21913    ;Telescoping                                                                               
  13328. u3599.229      ;Pneumatic cylinders                                                                       
  13329. u3599.22921    ;Tie-rod type                                                                              
  13330. u3599.237      ;Shock absorbers, not for vehicle suspension, hydraulic and pneumatic                      
  13331. u3612.406      ;All other transformers including luminous tube and ignition, and saturable core reactors  
  13332. u3613.114      ;Metal-enclosed air circuit breaker switchgear assemblies                                  
  13333. u3613.7        ;Relays, control circuit                                                                   
  13334. u3613.711      ;A.c. and d.c. magnetic control circuit relays, excluding overload relays                  
  13335. u36133622s     ;Industrial controls                                                                       
  13336. u3622          ;Industrial controls                                                                       
  13337. u3622.a        ;General industrial controls                                                               
  13338. u3622.b        ;Specific application industrial controls                                                  
  13339. u3622.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13340. u3622.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13341. @       
  13342. u3622.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13343. u3622.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  13344. u3622.1        ;Starters, contactors and motor control centers                                            
  13345. u3622.112      ;Full voltage starters, AC, 1000 volts or less                                             
  13346. u3622.11201    ;Non-combination full voltage starter                                                      
  13347. u3622.11202    ;Combination full voltage AC starter                                                       
  13348. u3622.113      ;Contactor, AC, 1000 volts or less                                                         
  13349. u3622.116      ;Motor control center, 1000 volts or less                                                  
  13350. u3622.119      ;Other starters, contactors and controls                                                   
  13351. u3622.11911    ;Reduced voltage control, AC, 1000 volts or less                                           
  13352. u3622.11918    ;Medium voltage starter or contactor, 1001-7200 volts                                      
  13353. u3622.2        ;Pilot or control circuit device                                                           
  13354. u3622.231      ;Limit switch or other position sensor, solid state or mechanical                          
  13355. u3622.23101    ;Mechanical                                                                                
  13356. u3622.242      ;Interval timers, and other industrial pilot circuit devices                               
  13357. u3622.244      ;Industrial pushbuttons, selector switches, pilot lights, foot switches and push button st 
  13358. u3622.321      ;Brake, clutch or related electrically operated device (excluding dynamic braking controls 
  13359. u3622.381      ;Rheostat or resistor for use in motor field circuit, sold separately                      
  13360. u3622.497      ;Other general purpose controls and accessories                                            
  13361. u3622.648      ;Crane and hoist controls                                                                  
  13362. u3622.696      ;Control for packaged adjustable speed drive                                               
  13363. u3622.7        ;Machine tool controls                                                                     
  13364. u3622.759      ;Digital readout numerical control (including dial and plugboard type)                     
  13365. u3622.8        ;Other specific, special or definite purpose controls and devices                          
  13366. u3622.849      ;Definite purpose contactor or starter, 600 volts or less                                  
  13367. u3622.871      ;Programmable controller, sold separately                                                  
  13368. u3622.876      ;Other special controls except programmable controllers                                    
  13369. u3622.87601    ;Resistance welding control                                                                
  13370. u3622.87602    ;AC or DC control panel or other specific purpose control                                  
  13371. u3622.999      ;Renewal parts                                                                             
  13372. u36223613s     ;Switchgear, switchboards, control circuit relays and related devices                      
  13373. u3623          ;Welding apparatus, electric                                                               
  13374. u3623.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  13375. u3623.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13376. u3623.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13377. u3623.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  13378. u3623.1        ;Arc welding machines, components, and accessories, excluding electrodes                   
  13379. u3623.11       ;Arc welding machines                                                                      
  13380. u3623.114      ;Transformer type, A.C., 300 amps and under                                                
  13381. u3623.12       ;Components and accessories for arc welding apparatus, excluding electrodes                
  13382. u3623.132      ;Rectifier types, incl. A.C.-D.C.                                                          
  13383. u3623.133      ;D.C. arc welders, complete, engine driven                                                 
  13384. u3623.154      ;Automotive and semiautomotive welding torches, guns, cables, and related accessories      
  13385. u3623.156      ;Circuit welding accessories, incl cables and ground clamps                                
  13386. u3623.159      ;All other accessories for arc welding machines, excluding electrodes and welding rods     
  13387. u3623.2        ;Arc welding electrodes                                                                    
  13388. u3623.21       ;Stick electrodes, straightened and cut lengths, including solid, cored, covered and bare  
  13389. u3623.211      ;Mild steel                                                                                
  13390. u3623.22       ;Coiled/spooled continous wire electrodes for including arc weld and inert gas shielded    
  13391. u3623.221      ;Solid wire                                                                                
  13392. @       
  13393. u3623.22152    ;Mild steel                                                                                
  13394. u3623.22154    ;Low alloy steel, hard surfacing                                                           
  13395. u3623.22261    ;Mild steel                                                                                
  13396. u3623.3        ;Resistance welders, components, accessories, and electrodes                               
  13397. u3623.352      ;Flash, upset, butt and all other resistance type welders                                  
  13398. u3623.371      ;Resistance welder electrodes                                                              
  13399. u3623.381      ;Resistance welder accessories, including electrode holders                                
  13400. u3624.989      ;Products with other applications including chemical, metallurgical, & refractory usages   
  13401. u3634.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13402. u3636          ;Sewing machines                                                                           
  13403. u3636.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13404. u3636.2        ;Industrial sewing machines, including parts and attachments                               
  13405. u3636.274      ;Industrial sewing machine heads                                                           
  13406. u3636.27403    ;Overedge stitch                                                                           
  13407. u3636.285      ;Parts & attachments for industrial sewing machinery                                       
  13408. u3636.28503    ;All other parts and attachments                                                           
  13409. u3641.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13410. u3644.222      ;Rigid conduit                                                                             
  13411. u3644.227      ;Electrical metal tubing                                                                   
  13412. u3644.235      ;Metal raceways and wireways, including fittings:  surface and underfloor                  
  13413. u3644.251      ;Rigid conduit fittings:  cast conduit bodies, covers and gaskets                          
  13414. u3644.261      ;EMT fittings (couplings and connectors), all types                                        
  13415. u3644.3a       ;Stamped metal boxes, covers, and accessories, including stamped conduit boxes             
  13416. u3644.3b       ;Cast metal boxes, covers, gaskets, and accessories                                        
  13417. u3645.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13418. u3645.113      ;Wall or bracket                                                                           
  13419. u3645.115      ;Fixture attached to house                                                                 
  13420. u3645.117      ;Fixture not attached to house                                                             
  13421. u3645.161      ;Fluorescent                                                                               
  13422. u3645.732      ;Lamps sold without shades including floor, bridge, and table lamps                        
  13423. u36453646s     ;Commercial lighting fixtures                                                              
  13424. u3651.1d       ;Table and clock radios                                                                    
  13425. u3651.105      ;Clock radio am/fm and fm                                                                  
  13426. u3651.112      ;Table and portable radio combinations, stereo and quadraphonic                            
  13427. u3651.119      ;Console radio combination, stereo and quadraphonic                                        
  13428. u3651.2a       ;Console and consolette tv receivers                                                       
  13429. u3651.2b       ;TV combination                                                                            
  13430. u3651.212      ;Monochrome, over 10 inches through 17 inches                                              
  13431. u3651.4c       ;Consumer audio and video recorders                                                        
  13432. u3651.4d       ;Power amplifiers                                                                          
  13433. u3651.414      ;Phonograph cartridges and pickups                                                         
  13434. u3651.437      ;Audio tape recorders and players, cassette                                                
  13435. u3661.c2       ;Terminals                                                                                 
  13436. u3661.c23      ;Teleprinters, with or without keyboard                                                    
  13437. u3661.c25      ;Display terminal, with or without printer                                                 
  13438. u3662          ;Radio & television communication equipment                                                
  13439. u3662.a        ;Broadcast, studio, and related electronic equipment                                       
  13440. u3662.a11      ;Studio equipment, audio and video including amplifiers, consoles, cameras, power supplies 
  13441. u3662.a21      ;Broadcast transmitters and related transmission equipment                                 
  13442. u3662.a31      ;Cable TV and CCTV equipment, and theater or commercial sound equipment                    
  13443. @       
  13444. u3662.b        ;Communication equipment, except broadcast and wired telephone or telegraph                
  13445. u3662.b33      ;Point-to-point transmitters, receivers and power amplifiers, ex. satellite, amateur       
  13446. u3662.b43      ;Space satellite communications and telemetering systems and equipment, sold sep           
  13447. u3662.b45      ;Mobile radio, airborne, marine, and ground, (except amateur, CB and portable.)            
  13448. u3662.b48      ;Portable, amateur and citizens' band (CB) radio equipment                                 
  13449. u3662.b52      ;Other communications systems, equipment and devices sold separately                       
  13450. u3662.c        ;Intercommunications, alarm, and traffic control systems and equipment                     
  13451. u3662.c14      ;Alarm systems, including intrusion, smoke, and heat detecting types                       
  13452. u3662.c26      ;Vehicular and pedestrian traffic control equipment, including railway, excl airborne      
  13453. u3662.d        ;Search, detection, and tracking systems and equipment                                     
  13454. u3662.d21      ;Radar systems and equipment                                                               
  13455. u3662.d22      ;Sonar search, detection, tracking and communications systems and equipment                
  13456. u3662.d31      ;Meteorological, geophysical, CCDP sold separately, and other electronic sys. & eqpt       
  13457. u3662.e        ;Electronic warfare and missile systems and equipment                                      
  13458. u3662.e11      ;Jamming and other active countermeasures equipment                                        
  13459. u3662.e13      ;Missile and space vehicle systems and equipment                                           
  13460. u3662.e15      ;Specialized electronic intelligence acquisition and analysis equipment                    
  13461. u3662.f        ;Navigation systems and equip., incl ground, airborne, ship and underwater                 
  13462. u3662.f22      ;Airborne navigation systems and equipment                                                 
  13463. u3662.f34      ;Surface and underwater marine, and ground                                                 
  13464. u3662.h        ;Other electronic equipment and devices related to radio technology, n.e.c.                
  13465. u3662.h63      ;Laser systems and equipment, except light communication types                             
  13466. u3662.h99      ;Other electronic equipment n.e.c., including  scientific, and consumer                    
  13467. u3662.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  13468. u3662.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13469. u3662.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13470. u3674.12105    ;Other                                                                                     
  13471. u3674.12216    ;TTL (transistor transistor logic)                                                         
  13472. u3674.12226    ;Other logic types                                                                         
  13473. u3674.13128    ;Microprocessor                                                                            
  13474. u3674.132      ;MOS, except microprocessors                                                               
  13475. u3674.13231    ;MOS memory                                                                                
  13476. u3674.13232    ;Other MOS digital devices                                                                 
  13477. u3674.14c      ;Regulator, reference, conversion and other miscellaneous types                            
  13478. u3674.14116    ;Amplifier                                                                                 
  13479. u3674.14117    ;Voltage regulator or reference                                                            
  13480. u3674.14218    ;Data conversion                                                                           
  13481. u3674.14219    ;Interface                                                                                 
  13482. u3674.14321    ;Special consumer and other analog integrated circuits                                     
  13483. u3674.21       ;Signal                                                                                    
  13484. u3674.21163    ;Signal                                                                                    
  13485. u3674.22       ;Power                                                                                     
  13486. u3674.222a     ;Regular power transistors                                                                 
  13487. u3674.22266    ;0-9 watts, regular                                                                        
  13488. u3674.22267    ;10 watts and over, regular                                                                
  13489. u3674.91193    ;Other optoelectronic devices                                                              
  13490. u3674.92192    ;Thyristors (SCR's, triacs, PNPN diodes)                                                   
  13491. u3674.92595    ;Semi-finished dice and wafers                                                             
  13492. u3675.1        ;Paper dielectric capacitors                                                               
  13493. u3675.123      ;Film dielectric capacitors                                                                
  13494. @       
  13495. u3675.162      ;Tantalum slug and wire metal case hermetic                                                
  13496. u3675.167      ;Tantalum slug and wire solid dry electrolytic capacitors w/non-metal case                 
  13497. u3675.173      ;Standard (5/8 inch diameter)                                                              
  13498. u3675.177      ;All other aluminum electrolytic                                                           
  13499. u3675.181      ;Ceramic tubular, disc, plate, and all two terminal ceramic devices                        
  13500. u3675.182      ;Ceramic monolithic chips                                                                  
  13501. u3675.183      ;Ceramic monolithic leaded radial                                                          
  13502. u3675.184      ;Ceramic monolithic leaded axial                                                           
  13503. u3675.189      ;Variable dielectric capacitors                                                            
  13504. u3675.3        ;Tantalum slug and wire solid dry electrolytic-capacitors with metal case                  
  13505. u3675.4        ;Aluminum electrolytic capacitors                                                          
  13506. u3675.5        ;Ceramic dielectric capacitors                                                             
  13507. u3675.6        ;Mica and all other fixed capacitors                                                       
  13508. u3676.1a       ;Metal film                                                                                
  13509. u3676.1b       ;Other nonwirewound resistors (except carbon film and carbon composition)                  
  13510. u3676.115      ;Metal film, standard                                                                      
  13511. u3676.121      ;Other,standard                                                                            
  13512. u3676.231      ;Nonprecision, without taps                                                                
  13513. u3676.245      ;Standard type                                                                             
  13514. u3676.251      ;Standard type                                                                             
  13515. u3676.3a       ;Nonwirewound trimmers                                                                     
  13516. u3676.302      ;Precision potentiometer, single turn                                                      
  13517. u3676.305      ;Nonprecision potentiometer, carbon or other noncermet, single turn                        
  13518. u3676.311      ;Trimmer, single turn                                                                      
  13519. u3676.4a       ;Potentiometers and other variable resistors, except trimmers, single turn                 
  13520. u3676.4b       ;Wirewound trimmers                                                                        
  13521. u3676.422      ;Precision potentiometer                                                                   
  13522. u3676.423      ;Power type (3 watts and over)                                                             
  13523. u3676.433      ;Trimmer, multiturn                                                                        
  13524. u3676.5a       ;Multiturn potentiometers                                                                  
  13525. u3676.512      ;Multiturn potentiometers, wirewound                                                       
  13526. u3676.602      ;Thick film                                                                                
  13527. u3678.12101    ;Coaxial connector (complete, assembled)                                                   
  13528. u3678.22501    ;Heavy duty and standard (complete, assembled)                                             
  13529. u3678.22502    ;Heavy duty and standard (partially assembled or unassembled)                              
  13530. u3678.22901    ;Miniature (complete, assembled)                                                           
  13531. u3678.22902    ;Miniature (partially assembled or unassembled)                                            
  13532. u3678.23102    ;Subminiature (partially assembled or unassembled)                                         
  13533. u3678.33502    ;Integral shell and similar types (partially assembled or unassembled)                     
  13534. u3678.33801    ;Subminiature and other (complete, assembled)                                              
  13535. u3678.33802    ;Subminiature and other (partially assembled or unassembled)                               
  13536. u3678.44401    ;Card insertion type (complete, assembled)                                                 
  13537. u3678.44701    ;Two-piece type (complete, assembled)                                                      
  13538. u3678.44702    ;Two-piece type (partially assembled or unassembled)                                       
  13539. u3678.55601    ;Other special types (complete, assembled)                                                 
  13540. u3679.a        ;Relays for electronic (low current) applications                                          
  13541. u3679.a03      ;Crystal can type relays                                                                   
  13542. u3679.a0411    ;Dry                                                                                       
  13543. u3679.b        ;Switches, mechanical (for electronic applications)                                        
  13544. u3679.b07      ;Rotary switches (excluding thumbwheel type)                                               
  13545. @       
  13546. u3679.b08      ;Keyboard switches                                                                         
  13547. u3679.b09      ;Pushbutton switches                                                                       
  13548. u3679.b12      ;Other switches                                                                            
  13549. u3679.b13      ;Other switches:  DIP, snap action, thumbwheel and other                                   
  13550. u3679.c        ;Filters, crystals, power converters and related  components                               
  13551. u3679.c01      ;Filters and crystals                                                                      
  13552. u3679.c018     ;Piezoelectric devices                                                                     
  13553. u3679.c0181    ;Oscillator crystals                                                                       
  13554. u3679.c0184    ;Crystal blanks                                                                            
  13555. u3679.c019     ;Filters, except microwave                                                                 
  13556. u3679.c0194    ;Quartz and other piezoelectric type filters                                               
  13557. u3679.c0199    ;Quartz and other crystals for frequency control                                           
  13558. u3679.c02      ;Static power converters and other pulse and frequency regulators or generators            
  13559. u3679.c0236    ;Oscillators                                                                               
  13560. u3679.c0243    ;Static power supply converters, regulated                                                 
  13561. u3679.c0244    ;Static power supply converters, unreg; DC-AC inverters & other power supply devices       
  13562. u3679.f        ;Magnetic recording media (unrecorded)                                                     
  13563. u3679.f01      ;Audio range tape                                                                          
  13564. u3679.f02      ;Computer tape                                                                             
  13565. u3679.f03      ;Video tape                                                                                
  13566. u3679.f04      ;Instrumentation tape, floppy discs and other n.e.c.                                       
  13567. u3679.f05      ;Video tape, instrumentation tape, floppy disc and other                                   
  13568. u3679.g        ;Transducers                                                                               
  13569. u3679.g03      ;Other transducers with electrical or electronic input or output                           
  13570. u3679.g0321    ;Other transducers (including thermal and optical except those covered under crystals)     
  13571. u3679.h        ;Printed circuits and cable assemblies                                                     
  13572. u3679.h01      ;Cable harness assemblies for electronic applications                                      
  13573. u3679.h02      ;Printed circuit boards and related circuitry on passive substrates                        
  13574. u3679.h0201    ;Single sided PC board                                                                     
  13575. u3679.h0202    ;Double sided PC board                                                                     
  13576. u3679.h0203    ;Multilayer PC board                                                                       
  13577. u3679.h0204    ;Flexible form or cable, printed                                                           
  13578. u3679.j        ;Complex component assemblies, packs and modules                                           
  13579. u3679.j01      ;Active complex components                                                                 
  13580. u3679.j03      ;Component assemblies, not solid state                                                     
  13581. u3679.k        ;Microwave components (except tubes, semiconductors and antenna)                           
  13582. u3679.k02      ;Other microwave devices (except subassemblies)                                            
  13583. u3679.q        ;Parts and hardware for electronic components                                              
  13584. u3679.q01      ;Tube parts (except glass blanks)                                                          
  13585. u3679.q03      ;Enclosures, specialized                                                                   
  13586. u3679.q04      ;Other n.e.c.                                                                              
  13587. u3693          ;X-ray and electromedical equipment                                                        
  13588. u3693.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  13589. u3693.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13590. u3693.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13591. u3693.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  13592. u3693.z89      ;Resales                                                                                   
  13593. u3693.1        ;Irradiation equipment, including X-ray, beta-ray, gamma-ray, and nuclear                  
  13594. u3693.111      ;Diagnostic medical X-ray equipment                                                        
  13595. u3693.151      ;X-ray equipment accessories                                                               
  13596. @       
  13597. u3693.2        ;Electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment, except irradiation equipment             
  13598. u3693.21       ;Diagnostic electromedical equipment                                                       
  13599. u3693.211      ;Electrocardiograph                                                                        
  13600. u3693.214      ;Ultrasonic scanning devices                                                               
  13601. u3693.219      ;All other diagnostic electromedical equipment                                             
  13602. u3693.22       ;Electrotherapeutic equipment                                                              
  13603. u3693.221      ;Pacemakers                                                                                
  13604. u3693.23       ;Patient monitoring equipment                                                              
  13605. u3693.234      ;All other patient monitoring equipment                                                    
  13606. u3693.251      ;Parts and accessories for electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment                 
  13607. u3694.1a       ;Ignition harness sets                                                                     
  13608. u3694.1b       ;Cable sets                                                                                
  13609. u3694.13102    ;Cable sets, automotive type-replacement                                                   
  13610. u3694.2b       ;Regulators for battery charging generators                                                
  13611. u3694.221      ;Alternators and generators, heavy-duty truck & bus type, new                              
  13612. u3694.237      ;Alternators and generators, factory rebuilt automotive type                               
  13613. u3694.24102    ;Regulators, passenger car & light truck type-replacement                                  
  13614. u3694.41102    ;Spark plugs, automotive type-replacement                                                  
  13615. u3694.5a       ;Ignition coils                                                                            
  13616. u3694.5b       ;Distributors                                                                              
  13617. u3694.5c       ;Switches for use in vehicles and aircraft                                                 
  13618. u3694.51101    ;Ignition coils, motor vehicle type-OEM                                                    
  13619. u3694.51102    ;Ignition coils, motor vehicle type-replacement                                            
  13620. u3694.53101    ;Distributors, motor vehicle type-OEM                                                      
  13621. u3694.581      ;Switches, motor vehicle type                                                              
  13622. u3694.6a       ;Parts for distributors                                                                    
  13623. u3694.65201    ;Breaker point sets, motor vehicle type                                                    
  13624. u3699.421      ;Other electric lamp components                                                            
  13625. u3699.495      ;Other electrical equipment and supplies, not elsewhere classified                         
  13626. u3711.2a       ;Trucks                                                                                    
  13627. u3711.2b       ;Truck tractors                                                                            
  13628. u3711.2c       ;Truck chassis                                                                             
  13629. u3711.211      ;Light trucks, under 10,000 lbs. GVW                                                       
  13630. u3711.21131    ;Pickup                                                                                    
  13631. u3711.213      ;Heavy trucks, 19,501 lbs. GVW and over                                                    
  13632. u3711.21301    ;Light-heavy trucks, 19,501 to 26,000 lbs. GVW                                             
  13633. u3711.223      ;Heavy truck tractors, 19,501 lbs. GVW and over                                            
  13634. u3711.233      ;Heavy truck chassis, 19,501 lbs. GVW and over                                             
  13635. u3711.312      ;Common carriers                                                                           
  13636. u3713.136      ;Utility and service                                                                       
  13637. u3714.1        ;Motor vehicle parts and accessories, new                                                  
  13638. u3714.1a       ;Filters                                                                                   
  13639. u3714.1b       ;Exhaust system components                                                                 
  13640. u3714.1c       ;Brake parts and assemblies                                                                
  13641. u3714.1d       ;Wheels                                                                                    
  13642. u3714.1e       ;Transmissions and transmission parts, except auxiliary                                    
  13643. u3714.1f       ;Engine bearings                                                                           
  13644. u3714.111      ;Gasoline engines, new                                                                     
  13645. u3714.11102    ;Gasoline engines, new-OEM                                                                 
  13646. u3714.117      ;Hub and drum assemblies                                                                   
  13647. @       
  13648. u3714.11702    ;Hub and drum assemblies-OEM                                                               
  13649. u3714.121      ;Fuel pump assemblies                                                                      
  13650. u3714.124      ;Fuel filters                                                                              
  13651. u3714.12401    ;Fuel filters-replacement                                                                  
  13652. u3714.12501    ;Oil filters-replacement                                                                   
  13653. u3714.12601    ;Air filters-replacement                                                                   
  13654. u3714.127      ;Mufflers                                                                                  
  13655. u3714.12701    ;Mufflers-replacement                                                                      
  13656. u3714.129      ;Pipes                                                                                     
  13657. u3714.12901    ;Pipes-replacement                                                                         
  13658. u3714.131      ;Radiators, complete                                                                       
  13659. u3714.13101    ;Radiators, complete-replacement                                                           
  13660. u3714.13102    ;Radiators, complete-OEM                                                                   
  13661. u3714.132      ;Brake cylinders, wheel                                                                    
  13662. u3714.13202    ;Brake cylinders, wheel-OEM                                                                
  13663. u3714.133      ;Brake valves                                                                              
  13664. u3714.13302    ;Brake valves-OEM                                                                          
  13665. u3714.135      ;Wheels, passenger car type                                                                
  13666. u3714.13501    ;Wheels, passenger car type-replacement                                                    
  13667. u3714.13502    ;Wheels, passenger car type-OEM                                                            
  13668. u3714.136      ;Brake shoe assemblies                                                                     
  13669. u3714.139      ;Brake cylinders                                                                           
  13670. u3714.142      ;Manual transmissions and parts                                                            
  13671. u3714.143      ;Automatic transmissions, passenger car                                                    
  13672. u3714.14302    ;Automatic transmissions, passenger car-OEM                                                
  13673. u3714.144      ;Automatic transmissions and parts                                                         
  13674. u3714.145      ;Manual transmissions, truck and bus                                                       
  13675. u3714.14502    ;Manual transmissions, truck and bus-OEM                                                   
  13676. u3714.148      ;Parts for manual transmissions                                                            
  13677. u3714.14802    ;Parts for manual transmissions-OEM                                                        
  13678. u3714.149      ;Parts for automatic transmissions                                                         
  13679. u3714.14901    ;Parts for automatic transmissions-replacement                                             
  13680. u3714.14902    ;Parts for automatic transmissions-OEM                                                     
  13681. u3714.151      ;Universal joints                                                                          
  13682. u3714.15101    ;Universal joints-replacement                                                              
  13683. u3714.15501    ;Ball joints-replacement                                                                   
  13684. u3714.156      ;Engine bearings, main                                                                     
  13685. u3714.157      ;Connecting rod bearings                                                                   
  13686. u3714.15702    ;Connecting rod bearings-OEM                                                               
  13687. u3714.161      ;Shock absorbers                                                                           
  13688. u3714.16101    ;Shock absorbers-replacement                                                               
  13689. u3714.168      ;Steering idler arms, drag links & control arms                                            
  13690. u3714.178      ;Valve guides, seats and tappets                                                           
  13691. u3714.17801    ;Valve guides, seats and tappets-replacement                                               
  13692. u3714.181      ;Clutch disc and facing assemblies                                                         
  13693. u3714.18101    ;Clutch disc and facing assemblies-replacement                                             
  13694. u3714.18102    ;Clutch disc and facing assemblies-OEM                                                     
  13695. u3714.198      ;All other parts and accessories                                                           
  13696. u3714.3        ;Rebuilt automotive components                                                             
  13697. u37143465s     ;Automotive stampings                                                                      
  13698. @       
  13699. u3724.201      ;Aircraft engines for other than U.S military customers                                    
  13700. u3724.413      ;Aircraft engine parts and accessories for U.S. military customers                         
  13701. u3724.453      ;Aircraft engine parts and accessories for other than U.S. military customers              
  13702. u37243728s     ;Aircraft equipment, not elsewhere classified                                              
  13703. u3728.1        ;Aircraft parts and equipment, including helicopter rotors and parts                       
  13704. u3728.11       ;Aircraft mechanical power transmission equipment                                          
  13705. u3728.1136     ;For military aircraft (built to military specifications)                                  
  13706. u3728.1151     ;For civilian aircraft                                                                     
  13707. u3728.12       ;Aircraft hydraulic subassemblies                                                          
  13708. u3728.13       ;Aircraft pneumatic subassemblies                                                          
  13709. u3728.15       ;Other aircraft subassemblies and parts                                                    
  13710. u3728.1731     ;For military aircraft (built to military specifications)                                  
  13711. u3728.1755     ;For civilian aircraft                                                                     
  13712. u3728.1987     ;For military aircraft (built to military specifications)                                  
  13713. u3728.1995     ;For civilian aircraft                                                                     
  13714. u37283662s     ;Radio and TV communication equipment                                                      
  13715. u3732.21       ;Runabouts                                                                                 
  13716. u3732.214      ;13 ft. 6 in. to 15 ft. 5 in. LOA, plastic                                                 
  13717. u3732.215      ;15 ft. 6 in. to 17 ft. 5 in. LOA, wood and metal                                          
  13718. u3732.216      ;15 ft. 6 in. to 17 ft. 5 in. LOA, plastic                                                 
  13719. u3732.219      ;17 ft. 6 in. and over LOA, plastic                                                        
  13720. u3732.22       ;Utility                                                                                   
  13721. u3732.5        ;Inboard motorboats, including inboard-outdrive houseboats                                 
  13722. u3732.531      ;Runabouts, all materials, non-military                                                    
  13723. u3732.54       ;Cabin cruisers, non-military                                                              
  13724. u3732.546      ;Plastic, under 26 ft. LOA                                                                 
  13725. u3732.547      ;Plastic, 26 to 40 ft. LOA                                                                 
  13726. u3732.548      ;Plastic, 40 ft. and over LOA                                                              
  13727. u3732.6        ;Inboard-outdrive boats, except houseboats                                                 
  13728. u3732.673      ;Under 20 ft. LOA                                                                          
  13729. u3732.675      ;20 ft. and over LOA                                                                       
  13730. u3732.714      ;With auxiliary power                                                                      
  13731. u3732.715      ;Without auxiliary power                                                                   
  13732. u3732.725      ;Aluminum                                                                                  
  13733. u3743.1a       ;Locomotives                                                                               
  13734. u3743.1b       ;Locomotive parts                                                                          
  13735. u3743.21302    ;General service equipped                                                                  
  13736. u3743.3d       ;Parts and accessories for railroad and street cars                                        
  13737. u3792.133      ;16 to 24 feet, 11 inches in length                                                        
  13738. u3792.135      ;25 feet and over in length, including park models                                         
  13739. u3811          ;Engineering and scientific instruments                                                    
  13740. u3811.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  13741. u3811.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13742. u3811.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13743. u3811.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13744. u3811.1        ;Aeronautical, nautical, and navigational instruments, excl. aircraft eng. instr and syste 
  13745. u3811.12       ;Flight and navigational sensors, transmitters, and displays                               
  13746. u3811.124      ;Air speed indicators, including machmeters and  air data computers                        
  13747. u3811.125      ;Acceleration indicators and systems components                                            
  13748. u3811.1291     ;Other aerospace and navigational instruments                                              
  13749. @       
  13750. u3811.14       ;Airframe equipment instruments                                                            
  13751. u3811.15       ;All other aeronautical, nautical, and navigational instruments                            
  13752. u3811.152      ;Nautical instruments, all types, including temperature, speed, pitch, etc.                
  13753. u3811.153      ;Other aerospace flight instruments                                                        
  13754. u3811.2        ;Laboratory and scientific apparatus                                                       
  13755. u3811.231      ;Laboratory furnaces and ovens                                                             
  13756. u3811.2911     ;All other laboratory and scientific apparatus                                             
  13757. u3811.29112    ;Components, parts, and accessories for laboratory and scientific apparatus (sold sep.)    
  13758. u3811.3        ;Surveying and drafting instruments, and associated equip. and laboratory furniture        
  13759. u3811.332      ;Surveying instruments, incl. alidades, transits, etc., incl. parts/accessor sold sep      
  13760. u3811.334      ;Drafting instrum. and machines, manual and auto., slide rules, etc., incl parts sold sep  
  13761. u3811.338      ;Laboratory furniture, incl. cabinets, cases, benches, tables, stools, and reagent shelves 
  13762. u38113829s     ;Measuring and controlling devices, n.e.c.                                                 
  13763. u38113832s     ;Optical instruments and lenses                                                            
  13764. u3822.18       ;Other automatic controls                                                                  
  13765. u3823.101      ;Electrical and electronic types (A.C. or D.C.)                                            
  13766. u3823.10135    ;Controllers                                                                               
  13767. u3823.10136    ;Non-control                                                                               
  13768. u3823.102      ;Pneumatic types (3 to 15 and 3 to 27 p.s.i. standard signals)                             
  13769. u3823.10239    ;Controllers                                                                               
  13770. u3823.912      ;Industrial process computers                                                              
  13771. u3825.213      ;Power and energy testing eqpt. (except integrating meters)                                
  13772. u3825.22169    ;Frequency meters under 890 megahertz                                                      
  13773. u3825.22481    ;Electronic                                                                                
  13774. u3825.31212    ;AC types                                                                                  
  13775. u3825.31213    ;DC types (including rectifier anad self-contained thermocouple types)                     
  13776. u3825.37       ;Miscellaneous electrical measuring instruments and parts                                  
  13777. u3829.22933    ;Electrical and electronic types (including components and parts sold separately)          
  13778. u3829.22935    ;Other types (including components and parts sold separately)                              
  13779. u3829.25357    ;Electrical and electronic types (including components and parts sold separately)          
  13780. u3829.25359    ;Other types (including components and parts sold separately)                              
  13781. u3829.3        ;Commercial, meteorological, and general purpose instruments                               
  13782. u3829.333      ;Other commercial & industrial instruments, except aircraft, incl compasses, altimeters &  
  13783. u3829.402      ;Radiation detecting elements, including ion chambers and solid state detectors, sold sepa 
  13784. u3829.422      ;Pulse analyzers, single and multichannel, including nuclear spectrometers                 
  13785. u3829.439      ;Other nuclear radiation detection & monitoring instruments & parts & components sold sepa 
  13786. u38293811s     ;Engineering and scientific devices                                                        
  13787. u383           ;Optical and analytical instruments                                                        
  13788. u3832          ;Optical and analytical instruments                                                        
  13789. u3832.m        ;Miscellaneous receipts                                                                    
  13790. u3832.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13791. u3832.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13792. u3832.xy9      ;Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts                                            
  13793. u3832.4        ;Sighting, tracking, and fire-control equipment, optical type                              
  13794. u3832.5        ;Optical instruments, components, and lenses, except opthalmic                             
  13795. u3832.514      ;Optical components, incl. mirrors, filters, gratings, coatings, prisms, etc.              
  13796. u3832.515      ;Unmounted lenses, except opthalmic focus lenses                                           
  13797. u3832.517      ;Other optical instruments                                                                 
  13798. u3832.6        ;Analytical and scientific instruments (except optical)                                    
  13799. u3832.63       ;Chromatographic instruments                                                               
  13800. @       
  13801. u3832.631      ;Gas                                                                                       
  13802. u3832.632      ;Liquid                                                                                    
  13803. u3832.64       ;Spectrophotometric instruments                                                            
  13804. u3832.643      ;Infrared                                                                                  
  13805. u3832.644      ;Ultraviolet, visible and colorimeters                                                     
  13806. u3832.647      ;Other, including near ultraviolet and Raman                                               
  13807. u3832.651      ;Thermal analysis instrum., incl thermogravimetric analyzers, quantitative thermal analyze 
  13808. u3832.671      ;Mass spectroscopy instrumentation                                                         
  13809. u3832.68       ;Clinical laboratory instrumentation                                                       
  13810. u3832.696      ;Parts, components, and accessories for analytical and scientific instruments sold separat 
  13811. u3841.112      ;Surgical instruments, incl. suture needle, excl. eye, ear, nose & throat instr. & surg. c 
  13812. u3841.114      ;Eye, ear, nose and throat instruments                                                     
  13813. u3841.18901    ;Catheters                                                                                 
  13814. u3841.18908    ;All other surgical and medical instruments                                                
  13815. u3842.198      ;Other surgical, orthopedic, and prosthetic appliances and supplies                        
  13816. u3842.19801    ;Surgical implants                                                                         
  13817. u3842.19803    ;All other surgical, orthopedic and prosthetic appliances and supplies                     
  13818. u3851.sss      ;Other secondary products                                                                  
  13819. u3851.118      ;Complete frames, all types                                                                
  13820. u3873.sss      ;All other secondary products                                                              
  13821. u3873.1a       ;Clocks w/balance wheel & hairspring or other oscillatory device w/built-in frequency time 
  13822. u3873.1b       ;Clocks with other time base                                                               
  13823. u3873.1c       ;Timing mechanisms, not for timepiece use, excluding time recording and time stamping mach 
  13824. u3873.131      ;Clocks w/watch movements/modules or w/clock movements/modules less than 1.77 inches wide  
  13825. u3873.134      ;Clocks ex. those w/watch movements or modules & clock movements/modules less than 1.77 in 
  13826. u3873.13432    ;Alarm clocks, excluding clock timers and timing mechanisms                                
  13827. u3873.13433    ;Household wall clocks, except alarm and chime & strike                                    
  13828. u3873.13435    ;All other household clocks, except alarm but including chime & strike, desk, mantel, etc. 
  13829. u3873.141      ;Clocks w/watch movements/modules or w/clock movements/modules less than 1.77 inches wide  
  13830. u3873.144      ;Clocks ex. those w/watch movements or modules & clock movements/modules less than 1.77 in 
  13831. u3873.14443    ;Household wall clocks, except alarm and chime & strike                                    
  13832. u3873.14445    ;All other household clocks, except alarm but including chime & strike, desk, mantel,etc.  
  13833. u3873.4        ;Watches with imported movements or modules                                                
  13834. u3873.4a       ;Watches with balance wheel and hairspring                                                 
  13835. u3873.4b       ;Watches without balance wheel and hairspring                                              
  13836. u3873.412      ;Watches with balance wheel and hairspring:  over one jewel                                
  13837. u3873.421      ;Watches with solid state (electronic) modules                                             
  13838. u3873.422      ;Watches with movements other than solid state                                             
  13839. u3873.5        ;Watches w/domestic movement or module, watch movements, clockcases & parts for clocks & w 
  13840. u3873.5a       ;Watches with domestic movements or modules                                                
  13841. u3873.5b       ;Watch movements, clock cases, and parts for all clocks and watches                        
  13842. u3873.511      ;Watches with balance wheel and hairspring                                                 
  13843. u3873.7a       ;Watchcases                                                                                
  13844. u3911.211      ;Rings and mountings                                                                       
  13845. u3911.221      ;Men's jewelry, excl. watch attachments and rings                                          
  13846. u3911.231      ;Women's and children's jewelry, excl watch attachments and rings                          
  13847. u3915.113      ;Jewelers' findings, such as joints, pins, clasps and other unassembled products           
  13848. u3915.131      ;Machine chain                                                                             
  13849. u3915.151      ;Stock shop products, such as flat stock, wire and tubing                                  
  13850. u3962          ;Artificial flowers                                                                        
  13851. @       
  13852. u3962.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13853. u3962.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13854. u3962.2        ;Artificial flowers, feathers and plumes                                                   
  13855. u3962.221      ;Artificial and preserved flowers and plants                                               
  13856. u3962.22115    ;Plastic type                                                                              
  13857. u3962.22117    ;Other materials                                                                           
  13858. u3962.222      ;Feathers                                                                                  
  13859. u3963          ;Buttons                                                                                   
  13860. u3963.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13861. u3963.1        ;Buttons and parts, except for precious or semiprecious metals and stones                  
  13862. u3963.121      ;Metal                                                                                     
  13863. u3963.12111    ;Sew-on type                                                                               
  13864. u3963.131      ;Plastic                                                                                   
  13865. u3963.13141    ;Polyester                                                                                 
  13866. u3963.13151    ;Other plastics, including casein                                                          
  13867. u3963.198      ;Other buttons, fabric covered, wood, bone and hoof, vegetable, ivory, leather, pearl or s 
  13868. u3964          ;Needles, pins, and fasteners                                                              
  13869. u3964.p        ;Primary products                                                                          
  13870. u3964.s        ;Secondary products                                                                        
  13871. u3964.1        ;Zippers and slide fasteners                                                               
  13872. u3964.111      ;Plastic zippers and slide fasteners                                                       
  13873. u3964.11118    ;Other plastics                                                                            
  13874. u3964.121      ;Metal zippers and slide fasteners                                                         
  13875. u3964.12118    ;Brass                                                                                     
  13876. u3964.2        ;Needles, pins, fasteners, and similar notions                                             
  13877. u3964.211      ;Snap fasteners                                                                            
  13878. u3964.21118    ;Other snap fasteners: 4-part, riveted, etc.                                               
  13879. u3964.221      ;Buckles                                                                                   
  13880. u3964.22117    ;Metal buckles for wearing apparel, incl fabric covered                                    
  13881. u3964.231      ;Other fasteners and apparel trimming, incl. tape fasteners                                
  13882. u4511.1        ;Scheduled air cargo transportation                                                        
  13883. u4511.111      ;Property                                                                                  
  13884. u4511.11101    ;Freight                                                                                   
  13885. u4511.11102    ;Express                                                                                   
  13886. u4511.112      ;Mail                                                                                      
  13887. u4511.311      ;Air courier services                                                                      
  13888. u4511.411      ;Chartered air transportation